comment { ; Coloring methods by Andreas Lober Last update on March 02, 2000 Status: experimental For the latest version of this file go to: About some of the metrics: * Dazzle is taken from daz.ucl. * Lucille is taken from AKLucille (kpk.ucl) which was written by K-Peter Kubik and enlarged by Andreas K Lober About some of the transformations: * Joukowskij and Elliptic are taken from akl.ucl * Harlequin 1+2 are derived from Mark Townsend's Harlequin * Hevia 1-4 are taken from akl.ucl as fixed versions * MT-Sine is taken from Mark Townsend's Sine * MT-*Sine* are derived from MT-Sine by replacing sin,cos by [a,]sin,cos[,h]. * MT-Cardioid is taken from Mark Townsend's Cardioid * ArcDroid, CardioHype, ArDioidHype are derived from MT-Cardioid by replacing sin,cos by [a,]sin,cos[,h]. "Metrics and Watches" serves as a template for a modernisation of all the AKL distance method colourings. } metrics { ; Metrics and Watches ; ; Fully combinational parameters: ; # metrics: 14 --------------> 14 ; # watches: 16 -------------> 224 ; # trap modes: 7 -----------> 1,568 ; # skip modes: 4 -----------> 6,272 ; # start types: 3 ----------> 18,816 ; # transformations + fcts: 18*29+1=523 -------> 9,840,768 ; # lattices: 21 ------> 206,656,126 ; Pixel Addition Y/N: 2 -----> 413,312,256 ; Pure Method Y/N: 2 -----> 826,624,512 ; # Add. Functions: 29 --> 23,972,110,848 ; # constants ignored! ; ; The problem is: what are the good combinations? ; ; About some of the metrics: ; * Dazzle is taken from daz.ucl. ; * Lucille is taken from AKLucille (kpk.ucl) ; which was written by K-Peter Kubik and ; enlarged by Andreas K Lober. ; AKLucille was inspired by daz.ucl. ; init: complex zStart = 0 complex _zz = 0 complex ctest = 0 complex compare = 0 float rtest = 0 float itest = 0 float dist = 0 float cdist = 0 float rdist = 0 float idist = 0 float dist1 = 0 float dist2 = 0 float temp = 0 int iter = 0 float logp = 1/log(2) float logb = log(log(1e20)) if (@watch == 1) ; Min temp = 1e20 elseif (@watch == 2) ; Max temp = 0 endif float dmin = 1e20 float dmax = -1 if (@startType == 0) ; Zero _zz = 0 elseif (@startType == 1) ; pixel _zz = #pixel elseif (@startType == 2) ; z _zz = @startValue endif if (@i_randomness != 0) _zz = _zz + @i_randomness * #random endif bool do_loop = TRUE bool no_trap = TRUE loop: iter = iter + 1 if (no_trap) if (@skipMode > 0) if (@skipMode == 1) ; skip first n if (iter > @skipConst) do_loop = TRUE else do_loop = FALSE endif elseif (@skipMode == 2) ; skip after n if (iter > @skipConst) do_loop = FALSE else do_loop = TRUE endif elseif (@skipMode == 3) ; skip every nth if (iter%@skipConst == 0) do_loop = FALSE else do_loop = TRUE endif elseif (@skipMode == 4) ; skip but the nth if (iter%@skipConst == 0) do_loop = TRUE else do_loop = FALSE endif endif endif ; skipMode > 0 else do_loop = FALSE endif ; no_trap if (do_loop) if (@trapMode > 0) if (@trapMode == 1) if (dist > @lowerTrap && dist < @upperTrap) no_trap = FALSE endif elseif (@trapMode == 2) if (cabs(compare) > @lowerTrap && cabs(compare) < @upperTrap) no_trap = FALSE endif elseif (@trapMode == 3) if (real(compare) > @lowerTrap && real(compare) < @upperTrap) no_trap = FALSE endif elseif (@trapMode == 4) if (imag(compare) > @lowerTrap && imag(compare) < @upperTrap) no_trap = FALSE endif elseif (@trapMode == 5) if (|real(compare)| > @lowerTrap && |real(compare)| < @upperTrap) no_trap = FALSE endif elseif (@trapMode == 6) if (|imag(compare)| > @lowerTrap && |imag(compare)| < @upperTrap) no_trap = FALSE endif endif endif zStart = #z ; ; Start with the lattices ; if (@lattice == 1) zStart = round(@lattFac1*zStart) - @lattFac2*zStart elseif (@lattice == 2) zStart = trunc(@lattFac1*zStart) - @lattFac2*zStart elseif (@lattice == 3) zStart = floor(@lattFac1*zStart) - @lattFac2*zStart elseif (@lattice == 4) zStart = ceil(@lattFac1*zStart) - @lattFac2*zStart elseif (@lattice == 5) zStart = abs(@lattFac1*zStart) - @lattFac2*zStart^2 elseif (@lattice == 6) zStart = round(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac2*sqrt(real(zStart)*imag(zStart)) elseif (@lattice == 7) zStart = trunc(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac2*sqrt(real(zStart)*imag(zStart)) elseif (@lattice == 8) zStart = floor(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac2*sqrt(real(zStart)*imag(zStart)) elseif (@lattice == 9) zStart = ceil(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac2*sqrt(real(zStart)*imag(zStart)) elseif (@lattice == 10) zStart = abs(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac2*sqrt(real(zStart)*imag(zStart)) elseif (@lattice == 11) zStart = round((round(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac1*zStart)^2) \ - @lattFac2*zStart^2 elseif (@lattice == 12) zStart = trunc((trunc(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac1*zStart)^2) \ - @lattFac2*zStart^2 elseif (@lattice == 13) zStart = floor((floor(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac1*zStart)^2) \ - @lattFac2*zStart^2 elseif (@lattice == 14) zStart = ceil((ceil(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac1*zStart)^2) \ - @lattFac2*zStart^2 elseif (@lattice == 15) zStart = abs((abs(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac1*zStart^2)^2) \ - @lattFac2*zStart^2 elseif (@lattice == 16) zStart = round((round(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac1*sqrt(real(zStart)*imag(zStart)))^2) \ - @lattFac2*zStart^2 elseif (@lattice == 17) zStart = trunc((trunc(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac1*sqrt(real(zStart)*imag(zStart)))^2) \ - @lattFac2*zStart^2 elseif (@lattice == 18) zStart = floor((floor(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac1*sqrt(real(zStart)*imag(zStart)))^2) \ - @lattFac2*zStart^2 elseif (@lattice == 19) zStart = ceil((ceil(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac1*sqrt(real(zStart)*imag(zStart)))^2) \ - @lattFac2*zStart^2 elseif (@lattice == 20) zStart = abs((abs(@lattFac1*zStart) \ - @lattFac1*sqrt(real(zStart)*imag(zStart)))^2) \ - @lattFac2*zStart^2 endif if (@pureMethod) compare = zStart else compare = (#z+zStart)/2 endif ; @pureMethod if (compare != 0) if (@transformation == 0) ; None compare = compare ; Never ask why these lines are necessary... ; If I delete them, ; Transformation "None" does not work!!! elseif (@transformation == 1) ; Joukowskij compare = @HarlFkt(compare + @transfConst/compare) elseif (@transformation == 2) ; Elliptic compare = -(compare+@transfConst)/@HarlFkt(compare) elseif (@transformation == 3 || @transformation == 4) ; Harlequin1+2 if (@transformation == 3) ; Harlequin1 if (@townsend == 0) compare = 2*atan(imag(compare)/real(compare)) else compare = 2*atan2(imag(compare)/real(compare)) endif else ; Harlequin2 if (@townsend == 0) compare = 2*atan(compare) else compare = 2*atan2(compare) endif endif compare = @HarlFkt(1-compare^(@transfConst*4)) elseif (@transformation >= 5 && @transformation <= 8) ; Hevia1-4 compare = @HarlFkt(compare) x = real(compare) y = imag(compare) xf = @transfConst*round(x) yf = @transfConst*round(y) xc = xf+@transfConst yc = yf+@transfConst a = xf + 1i*yc b = xc + 1i*yc c = xf + 1i*yf d = xc + 1i*yf if (@transformation == 5) compare = a*x + b*y + 1i*(c*x+d*y) elseif (@transformation == 6) compare = a*compare^2 + (b+c)*compare*conj(compare) + d*conj(compare)^2 elseif (@transformation == 7) compare = a*x^2 + (b+c)*x*y + d*y^2 elseif (@transformation == 8) compare = a*x^2 + b*x*y + 1i*(c*x*y + d*y^2) endif elseif (@transformation == 9 || @transformation == 10) ; Lissajous a = sin (2*compare) b = cos (3*compare) c = @HarlFkt(a+1i*b) if (c == 0) c = compare endif if (@transformation == 9) compare = c^@transfConst else compare = @HarlFkt(compare^@transfConst) + c endif ; compare = 1/c^@transfConst elseif (@transformation >= 11 && @transformation <= 14) ; MT-Sine* x = |compare| ; MT: r if (@townsend == 0) y = atan(compare) ; MT: theta else y = atan2(compare) ; MT: theta endif if (y > 0) y = y + 2*#pi endif if (@transformation == 11) ; MT-Sine compare = x*( cos(y) + 1i* sin(y)) elseif (@transformation == 12) ; MT-ArcSine compare = x*(acos(y) + 1i*asin(y)) elseif (@transformation == 13) ; MT-SineHyp compare = x*( cosh(y) + 1i* sinh(y)) elseif (@transformation == 14) ; MT-ArSineHyp compare = x*(acosh(y) + 1i*asinh(y)) endif compare = @HarlFkt(compare) elseif (@transformation >= 15 && @transformation <= 18) ; Cardioid if (@townsend == 0) y = atan(compare) ; MT: theta and atan2 else y = atan2(compare) ; MT: theta and atan2 endif x = 1-cos(y) ; MT: radius if (@transformation == 15) ; MT-Cardioid compare = x*( cos(y) + 1i* sin(y)) elseif (@transformation == 16) ; ArcDroid compare = x*(acos(y) + 1i*asin(y)) elseif (@transformation == 17) ; CardioHype compare = x*( cosh(y) + 1i* sinh(y)) elseif (@transformation == 18) ; ArDioidHype compare = x*(acosh(y) + 1i*asinh(y)) endif ; @transformation == 15,16,17,18 compare = @HarlFkt(compare) elseif (@transformation >= 19 || @transformation <= 21) ; Sam's Julia complex zz = (compare+#z+#pixel)/4 compare = exp(-1i*#pi/180)*compare float samsBail = 1000 if (@transformation == 20) samsBail = samsBail + iter*100000 elseif(@transformation == 21) samsBail = 1e20 endif ; @transformation == 20 x = 1/sqrt(2)*real(compare) y = sqrt(2)*imag(compare) complex start = x+1i*y ; compare ; (-1.745,.01) int i = 0 while (i < 10 && |zz| < samsBail) i=i+1 zz = zz^2/@transfConst + start endwhile compare = @HarlFkt(zz) endif ; @transformation == xx endif ; compare != 0 if (@withPixelAdd) _zz = _zz + #pixel endif ctest = _zz - compare rtest = real(ctest) itest = imag(ctest) cdist = |ctest| rdist = |rtest| idist = |itest| dist1 = |_zz| dist2 = |compare| if (@metric == 0) ; Euklid dist = cdist elseif (@metric == 1) ; Fuzz Diff dist = |dist1 - dist2|*iter elseif (@metric == 2) ; Subway in Paris int r1 = round(real(_zz)) int r2 = round(real(compare)) int i1 = round(imag(_zz)) int i2 = round(imag(compare)) if ((i1==0&&i2!=0) || (i1!=0&&i2==0) || \ (r1*i2==r2*i1 && i1+i2+r1+r2>0 && i1+i2+r1+r2 < 2)) dist = |dist1 - dist2|*iter else dist = cdist endif elseif (@metric == 3) ; Min if rdist < idist dist = rdist else dist = idist endif elseif (@metric == 4) ; Max if rdist > idist dist = rdist else dist = idist endif elseif (@metric == 5) ; Real dist = rdist elseif (@metric == 6) ; Imag dist = idist elseif (@metric == 7) ; Fuzz Diff 2 dist = |rdist - idist|/iter elseif (@metric == 8) ; Area dist = rdist*idist elseif (@metric == 9) ; Angle if (rdist != 0) dist = atan(idist/rdist) else dist = atan(idist) endif elseif (@metric == 10) ; MinQuot if (rdist < idist) if (idist == 0) dist = rdist else dist = rdist/idist endif else if (rdist == 0) dist = idist else dist = idist/rdist endif endif dist = 400*dist ; range of dist: 0...400 elseif (@metric == 11) ; MaxQuot if (rdist > idist) if (idist == 0) dist = rdist else dist = rdist/idist endif else if (rdist == 0) dist = idist else dist = idist/rdist endif endif elseif (@metric == 12) ; Dazzle if (dist == 0) dist = 1 endif zp = @luciFkt(compare/dist) if (real(zp) < 0) zp = zp + 1 endif if (real(zp) > 5) zp = zp - 1 endif if (imag(zp) < 0) zp = zp + 1i endif if (imag(zp) > 5) zp = zp - 1i endif zc = compare-(zp*dist) dist = |zc|/|dist| elseif (@metric == 13) ; Lucille if (dist == 0) dist = 1 endif zp = @luciFkt(compare/dist) if (real(zp) < 0) zp = -real(zp) + 1i*imag(zp) endif if (imag(zp) < 0) zp = real(zp) - 1i*imag(zp) endif if (real(zp) > 5 || imag(zp) > 5) zp = flip(zp) endif zc = compare-(zp*dist) dist = |zc|/|dist| endif ; End of the Metrics ; Begin of the Watching if (@watch == 0) ; Last temp = dist elseif (@watch == 1) ; Min if (temp > dist) temp = dist endif elseif (@watch == 2) ; Max if (temp < dist) temp = dist endif elseif (@watch == 3) ; Sum temp = temp + dist elseif (@watch == 4) ; W1 Sum temp = temp + dist/iter elseif (@watch == 5) ; W2 Sum temp = temp/iter + dist elseif (@watch == 6) ; W+- Sum temp = temp + ((-1)^iter)*dist/iter elseif (@watch == 7) ; W^2 Sum temp = temp + dist/iter^2 elseif (@watch == 8) ; Mod Sum temp = temp + dist%iter elseif (@watch == 9) ; MiniMax if (temp < dist) temp = temp + dist + iter/dist else temp = temp + dist/iter endif elseif (@watch == 10) ; z Sum temp = temp + |zStart|/dist elseif (@watch == 11) ; 1/z Sum temp = temp + dist/|zStart| elseif (@watch == 12) ; z temp = |zStart|/dist elseif (@watch == 13) ; Pixel Sum temp = temp + |#pixel|/dist elseif (@watch == 14) ; 1/Pixel Sum temp = temp + dist/|#pixel| elseif (@watch == 15) ; Pixel temp = |#pixel|/dist elseif (@watch >= 16 || @watch <= 20) ; Sam1 dist = real(iter + logp*logb - logp*log(log(dist))) if (@watch == 16) ; Sam1 temp = dist elseif (@watch == 17) ; Sam2 if (iter == 1 || dist > temp) temp = dist endif elseif (@watch == 18) ; Sam Sum temp = temp + dist*iter/|#pixel| elseif (@watch == 19) ; Sam+-Sum temp = temp + ((-1)^iter)*exp(|#z|)/dist elseif (@watch == 20) ; Sam Sum 1/z temp = temp + dist/|#z| endif elseif (@watch == 21) if (dist < dmin) dmin = dist endif if (dist > dmax) dmax = dist endif temp = |dmax-dmin|*4000 endif endif ; do_loop final: #index = real(@fkt(temp)) + real(@f_randomness * #random) default: title = "Metrics and Watches" param metric caption = "Metric" enum = "Euklid" "Fuzz Diff" "Subway in Paris" \ "Min" "Max" "Real" "Imag" \ "Diff Use" "Area" "Angle" \ "MinQuot" "MaxQuot" "Dazzle" "Lucille" endparam param watch caption = "Watch" enum = "Last" "Min" "Max" "Sum" \ "W1 Sum" "W2 Sum" "W+- Sum" "W^2 Sum" "Mod Sum" \ "MiniMax" \ "z Sum" "1/z Sum" "z" \ "Pixel Sum" "1/Pixel Sum" "Pixel" \ "Sam Direct" "Sam Closest" "Sam Sum" "Sam+-Sum" "Sam Sum 1/z" \ "Max-Min" endparam param trapMode caption = "Trap Mode" enum = "None" "Distance" "Cabs" "Real" "Imag" "|Real|" "|Imag|" endparam param lowerTrap caption = "lower border for trap" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 hint = "Only usefull with Traps" endparam param upperTrap caption = "upper border for trap" default = 2.0 min = 0.0 hint = "Only usefull with Traps" endparam param skipMode caption = "Skip Mode: Skip..." enum = "None" \ "...first n" "...after n" \ "...every nth" "...but the nth" endparam param skipConst caption = "Skip Constant" default = 3 min = 2 endparam param startType caption = "Start Type" enum = "Zero" "Pixel" "StartValue" endparam param startValue caption = "Start Value" default = (-1.0,33.0) endparam param transformation caption = "Transformation" enum = "None" \ "Joukowskij" "Elliptic" \ "Harlequin 1" "Harlequin 2" \ "Hevia 1" "Hevia 2" "Hevia 3" "Hevia 4" \ "Lissajous" "Lissajous+" \ "MT-Sine" "MT-ArcSine" "MT-SineHyp" "MT-ArSineHyp" \ "MT-Cardioid" "ArcDroid" "CardioHype" "ArDioidHype" \ "Sam's Julia small" "Sam's Julia grow" "Sam's Julia big" endparam param transfConst caption = "Transf. Constant" default = 1.0 min = 0.01 endparam param lattice caption = "Lattice Type" enum = "None" \ "round" "trunc" "floor" "ceil" "abs" \ "r-round" "r-trunc" "r-floor" "r-ceil" "r-abs" \ "round^2" "trunc^2" "floor^2" "ceil^2" "abs^2" \ "r-round^2" "r-trunc^2" "r-floor^2" "r-ceil^2" "r-abs^2" default = 0 endparam param lattFac1 caption = "Lattice Factor 1" default = (0.1,0.0) endparam param lattFac2 caption = "Lattice Factor 2" default = (0.1,0.0) endparam param withPixelAdd caption = "With Pixel Add. Y/N" default = false endparam param pureMethod caption = "Pure Method Y/N" default = TRUE endparam param townsend caption = "For MT-Transforms" enum = "atan" "atan2" default = 0 endparam param i_randomness caption = "i: Randomness" hint = "This adds a random texture the the coloring." default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param f_randomness caption = "f: Randomness" hint = "This adds a random texture the the coloring." default = (0.0,0.0) endparam func fkt caption = "Additional Function" default = ident() endfunc func luciFkt caption = "Lucille Function" default = cos() endfunc func HarlFkt caption = "Transform. Function" default = log() endfunc } ; metrics