comment { All transformations (c) by Andras Szolek } perpecrive-skew-stretch-rotate{ transform: #pixel = @var1*@function1(#pixel*@var2)\ -real(#pixel/(@var1/@var2))+imag(#pixel-@var3) default: title = "Perpsective-Skew-Stretch-n-Rotate" param var1 caption = "Parameter #1" default = (1,0.1) endparam param var2 caption = "Parameter #2" default = (1,1) endparam param var3 caption = "Parameter #3" default = (1,0.1) endparam func function1 caption = "Function #1" default = flip() endfunc } slide{ transform: #pixel = @function(@var1/(1/@var2)*@var3)\ /real(#pixel/0.33-(@var1+(1/@var2)))\ +imag(#pixel-@var3/(1/@var2)) default: title = "Slide" param var1 caption = "Smoothness" default = (0.5,1) endparam param var2 caption = "Extension" hint = "Size of the extension" default = 0.5 endparam param var3 caption = "Distance" hint = "Distance between the slides" default = 3 endparam func function caption = "Function" default = flip() endfunc } inverse-kaleidoscope{ transform: preset1 = 2+(0.2875,0.175)+\ (@seed*(0.6/@pstrength)) preset2 = 2+(-0.15,0.7)+\ (@seed*(0.6/@pstrength)) preset3 = 2+(-1,0)+\ (@seed*(0.6/@pstrength)) preset4 = 2+(-0.25,0.6)+\ (@seed*(0.6/@pstrength)) z = 2+@seed c = #pixel if @preset == 1 #pixel = @function1(preset1*c/#pixel^(@var1+1)) c = #pixel #pixel = #pixel+(preset1-2) elseif @preset == 2 #pixel = @function1(preset2*c/#pixel^(@var1+1)) c = #pixel #pixel = #pixel+(preset2-2) elseif @preset == 3 #pixel = @function1(preset3*c/#pixel^(@var1+1)) c = #pixel #pixel = #pixel+(preset3-2) elseif @preset == 4 #pixel = @function1(preset4*c/#pixel^(@var1+1)) c = #pixel #pixel = #pixel+(preset4-2) else #pixel = @function1(z*c/#pixel^(@var1+1)) c = #pixel #pixel = #pixel+@seed endif default: title = "Inverse-Kaleidoscope" param preset caption = "Presets" hint = "Preset values /Seed/: #1: (0.2875,0.175), \ #2: (-1.5,0.7) #3: (-1,0) #4: (-0.25,0.6)." enum = "None" "Preset #1" "Preset #2" "Preset #3"\ "Preset #4" endparam param pstrength caption = "Preset strength" default = 10.0 endparam param var1 caption = "Number of sides" hint = "1 inverses the fractal" default = 5 endparam param seed caption = "Seed" default = (0,0) endparam func function1 caption = "Function #1" default = ident() endfunc } andreskaya { ;(c) by Andras Szolek transform: z = #pixel c = z - #pixel^2/2 x = (z+c)/2 complex s = #pixel #pixel = @function(z^c/(@base/10))/@power-c^(@arms/2) z = (z-x+1) c = (c-x+1) x = x/1.0001 if @mandelbrot == true z = @mandelbrot_start+(z/5) z = #pixel^z/#pixel endif if @julia == true z = #pixel+(z/5) z = z^@julia_power+@julia_seed endif if @sierpinsky == true s = @sierpinsky_strength*s s = s/@sierpinsky_strength if (imag(s)>0.5) s = (@sierpinsky_s2/10)*real(s)+\ @sf2((@sierpinsky_s2/10)*imag(s)-1) elseif (real(s)>0.5) s = (@sierpinsky_s2/10)*real(s)-\ 1+@sf2((@sierpinsky_s2/10)*imag(s)) else s = (@sierpinsky_s2/10)*real(s)+\ @sf2((@sierpinsky_s2/10)*imag(s)) endif endif if @transform_mode == 1 b = z*c elseif @transform_mode == 2 b = |z*c| elseif @transform_mode == 3 b = z/c elseif @transform_mode == 4 b = |z/c| elseif @transform_mode == 5 b = z+c elseif @transform_mode == 6 b = |z*c| elseif @transform_mode == 7 b = z-c elseif @transform_mode == 8 b = |z-c| elseif @transform_mode == 9 b = z elseif @transform_mode == 10 b = |z| elseif @transform_mode == 11 b = c elseif @transform_mode == 12 b = |c| else b = z*c endif if @sierpinsky == true z = #pixel-z b = @sf(((|@sierpinsky_strength*s|+z)/\ @sierpinsky_strength)-@bailout)+(b/3) endif #pixel=#pixel*b default: title = "Andreskaya" param base caption = "Base, ''Seed''" default = (7.5, 1.5) endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 2.5 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 endparam param transform_mode caption = "transform Mode" hint = "The transform-process : ''this value'' < \ ''transform parameter /variant/''" enum = "z*c" "|z*c|" "z/c" "|z/c|" "z+c" "|z+c|"\ "z-c" "|z-c|" "z" "|z|" "c" "|c|" endparam param arms caption = "Number of arms" default = 2 endparam param mandelbrot caption = "Mandelbrot Import" default = false endparam param mandelbrot_start caption = "Mandelbrot Starting Point" hint = "This function is working when the ''Mandelbrot \ import'' parameter is ticked" default = (2,0) endparam param julia caption = "Julia Import" default = false endparam param julia_seed caption = "Julia Seed" hint = "This function is working when the ''Julia import''\ parameter is ticked" default = (-1.25,0) endparam param julia_power caption = "Julia Power" hint = "This function is working when the ''Julia import''\ parameter is ticked" default = 2.0 endparam param sierpinsky caption = "Sierpinsky Import" default = false endparam param sierpinsky_strength caption = "Sierpinsky Strength" hint = "This function is working when ''Sierpinsky \ Import is ticked" default = 20.0 endparam param sierpinsky_s2 caption = "Sierpinsky Factor" hint = "This function is working when ''Sierpinsky \ Import is ticked" default = 20.0 endparam func function caption = "New ''z'' function" default = conj() endfunc func sf caption = "Sierpinksy function #1" hint = "Sierpinsky ''transform'' in the ''transform'' section" default = conj() endfunc func sf2 caption = "Sierpinksy function #2" hint = "Sierpinsky ''shape'' in the ''loop'' section" default = flip() endfunc } smooth { ;(c) by Andras Szolek transform: p = @seed z = #pixel c = #pixel*(@function1(@seed)) if #pixel / (@function1(p*@seed)) >\ @smoothness*(#random/10)*@seed #pixel = z * @function1(c+@seed) elseif #pixel*c > 2*@seed\ (@smoothness*(#random/10)*@seed) #pixel = z * @function1(real(@seed)) else #pixel = @function1(#pixel) endif default: title = "Smooth Sets" param seed caption = "Seed" default = (-0.75,-0.725) endparam param smoothness caption = "Smoothness" default = 10 endparam func function1 caption = "Function #1" default = sin() endfunc } symmugo{ transform: z = 0 c = 0 int fwidth = 0 int fheight = 0 complex fscreenmax = (0,0) if @fix == true fscreenmax = @fixhw fwidth = round(real(@fixhw)) fheight = round(imag(@fixhw)) else fscreenmax = #screenmax fwidth = #width fheight = #height endif if @change1 == 0 z = (#pixel/fscreenmax)-(fwidth/fheight) elseif @change1 == 1 z = (#pixel/fscreenmax)-(fwidth*fheight) elseif @change1 == 2 z = (#pixel/fscreenmax)-(fwidth+fheight) elseif @change1 == 3 z = (#pixel/fscreenmax)-(fwidth-fheight) elseif @change1 == 0 && @swap == true z = (#pixel/fscreenmax)-(fheight/fwidth) elseif @change1 == 3 && @swap == true z = (#pixel/fscreenmax)-(fheight-fwidth) endif if @change2 == 0 c = @function1(#pixel)/z elseif @change2 == 1 c = @function1(#pixel)*z elseif @change2 == 2 c = @function1(#pixel)+z elseif @change2 == 3 c = @function1(#pixel)-z endif if @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z/c/2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z/c/2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z/c/2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z/c/2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z/c/2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z/c*2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z/c*2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z/c*2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z/c*2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z/c*2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z/c+2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z/c+2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z/c+2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z/c+2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z/c+2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z/c-2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z/c-2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z/c-2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z/c-2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z/c-2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z/c^2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z/c^2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z/c^2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z/c^2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z/c^2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z*c/2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z*c/2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z*c/2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z*c/2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z*c/2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z*c*2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z*c*2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z*c*2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z*c*2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z*c*2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z*c+2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z*c+2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z*c+2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z*c+2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z*c+2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z*c-2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z*c-2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z*c-2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z*c-2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z*c-2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z*c^2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z*c^2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z*c^2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z*c^2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z*c^2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z+c/2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z+c/2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z+c/2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z+c/2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z+c/2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z+c*2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z+c*2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z+c*2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z+c*2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z+c*2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z+c+2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z+c+2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z+c+2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z+c+2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z+c+2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z+c-2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z+c-2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z+c-2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z+c-2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z+c-2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z+c^2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z+c^2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z+c^2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z+c^2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z+c^2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z-c/2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z-c/2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z-c/2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z-c/2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z-c/2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z-c*2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z-c*2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z-c*2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z-c*2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z-c*2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z-c+2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z-c+2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z-c+2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z-c+2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z-c+2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z-c-2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z-c-2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z-c-2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z-c-2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z-c-2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z-c^2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z-c^2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z-c^2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z-c^2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z-c^2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z^c/2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z^c/2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z^c/2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z^c/2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 0 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z^c/2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z^c*2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z^c*2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z^c*2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z^c*2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 1 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z^c*2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z^c+2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z^c+2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z^c+2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z^c+2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 2 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z^c+2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z^c-2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z^c-2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z^c-2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z^c-2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 3 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z^c-2)^(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 0 #pixel = sqrt(z^c^2)/(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 1 #pixel = sqrt(z^c^2)*(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 2 #pixel = sqrt(z^c^2)+(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 3 #pixel = sqrt(z^c^2)-(cos(tan(c))) elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 4 && @change33 == 4 #pixel = sqrt(z^c^2)^(cos(tan(c))) endif default: title = "Symmugo" param change1 caption = "Change #1" enum = "Divide" "Multiply" "Add" "Subtract" default = 0 endparam param swap caption = "Swap" default = false endparam param change2 caption = "Change #2" enum = "Divide" "Multiply" "Add" "Subtract" default = 3 endparam param change31 caption = "Change #3 - 1" enum = "Divide" "Multiply" "Add" "Subtract" "Raise" default = 0 endparam param change32 caption = "Change #3 - 2" enum = "Divide" "Multiply" "Add" "Subtract" "Raise" default = 4 endparam param change33 caption = "Change #3 - 3" enum = "Divide" "Multiply" "Add" "Subtract" "Raise" default = 3 endparam param fix caption = "Fix W/H" default = false endparam param fixhw caption = "Width, Height" hint = "If you want to render the image, set this to the current W/H" default = (320,240) ; visible = @fix == true endparam func function1 caption = "Function #1" default = cos() endfunc } chavalcad{ transform: z = 1/@var1 c = 0 x = 0 if @change11 == 0 && @change12 == 0 c = @function1(z/#pixel)/#pixel elseif @change11 == 0 && @change12 == 1 c = @function1(z/#pixel)*#pixel elseif @change11 == 0 && @change12 == 2 c = @function1(z/#pixel)+#pixel elseif @change11 == 0 && @change12 == 3 c = @function1(z/#pixel)-#pixel elseif @change11 == 0 && @change12 == 4 c = @function1(z/#pixel)^#pixel elseif @change11 == 1 && @change12 == 0 c = @function1(z*#pixel)/#pixel elseif @change11 == 1 && @change12 == 1 c = @function1(z*#pixel)*#pixel elseif @change11 == 1 && @change12 == 2 c = @function1(z*#pixel)+#pixel elseif @change11 == 1 && @change12 == 3 c = @function1(z*#pixel)-#pixel elseif @change11 == 1 && @change12 == 4 c = @function1(z*#pixel)^#pixel elseif @change11 == 2 && @change12 == 0 c = @function1(z+#pixel)/#pixel elseif @change11 == 2 && @change12 == 1 c = @function1(z+#pixel)*#pixel elseif @change11 == 2 && @change12 == 2 c = @function1(z+#pixel)+#pixel elseif @change11 == 2 && @change12 == 3 c = @function1(z+#pixel)-#pixel elseif @change11 == 2 && @change12 == 4 c = @function1(z+#pixel)^#pixel elseif @change11 == 3 && @change12 == 0 c = @function1(z-#pixel)/#pixel elseif @change11 == 3 && @change12 == 1 c = @function1(z-#pixel)*#pixel elseif @change11 == 3 && @change12 == 2 c = @function1(z-#pixel)+#pixel elseif @change11 == 3 && @change12 == 3 c = @function1(z-#pixel)-#pixel elseif @change11 == 3 && @change12 == 4 c = @function1(z-#pixel)^#pixel elseif @change11 == 4 && @change12 == 0 c = @function1(z^#pixel)/#pixel elseif @change11 == 4 && @change12 == 1 c = @function1(z^#pixel)*#pixel elseif @change11 == 4 && @change12 == 2 c = @function1(z^#pixel)+#pixel elseif @change11 == 4 && @change12 == 3 c = @function1(z^#pixel)-#pixel elseif @change11 == 4 && @change12 == 4 c = @function1(z^#pixel)^#pixel endif if @change21 == 0 && @change22 == 0 #pixel = @function2(c/(#pixel/z)) elseif @change21 == 0 && @change22 == 1 #pixel = @function2(c/(#pixel*z)) elseif @change21 == 0 && @change22 == 2 #pixel = @function2(c/(#pixel+z)) elseif @change21 == 0 && @change22 == 3 #pixel = @function2(c/(#pixel-z)) elseif @change21 == 0 && @change22 == 4 #pixel = @function2(c/(#pixel^z)) elseif @change21 == 1 && @change22 == 0 #pixel = @function2(c*(#pixel/z)) elseif @change21 == 1 && @change22 == 1 #pixel = @function2(c*(#pixel*z)) elseif @change21 == 1 && @change22 == 2 #pixel = @function2(c*(#pixel+z)) elseif @change21 == 1 && @change22 == 3 #pixel = @function2(c*(#pixel-z)) elseif @change21 == 1 && @change22 == 4 #pixel = @function2(c*(#pixel^z)) elseif @change21 == 2 && @change22 == 0 #pixel = @function2(c+(#pixel/z)) elseif @change21 == 2 && @change22 == 1 #pixel = @function2(c+(#pixel*z)) elseif @change21 == 2 && @change22 == 2 #pixel = @function2(c+(#pixel+z)) elseif @change21 == 2 && @change22 == 3 #pixel = @function2(c+(#pixel-z)) elseif @change21 == 2 && @change22 == 4 #pixel = @function2(c+(#pixel^z)) elseif @change21 == 3 && @change22 == 0 #pixel = @function2(c-(#pixel/z)) elseif @change21 == 3 && @change22 == 1 #pixel = @function2(c-(#pixel*z)) elseif @change21 == 3 && @change22 == 2 #pixel = @function2(c-(#pixel+z)) elseif @change21 == 3 && @change22 == 3 #pixel = @function2(c-(#pixel-z)) elseif @change21 == 3 && @change22 == 4 #pixel = @function2(c-(#pixel^z)) elseif @change21 == 4 && @change22 == 0 #pixel = @function2(c^(#pixel/z)) elseif @change21 == 4 && @change22 == 1 #pixel = @function2(c^(#pixel*z)) elseif @change21 == 4 && @change22 == 2 #pixel = @function2(c^(#pixel+z)) elseif @change21 == 4 && @change22 == 3 #pixel = @function2(c^(#pixel-z)) elseif @change21 == 4 && @change22 == 4 #pixel = @function2(c^(#pixel^z)) endif if @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 0 x = z/c/#pixel elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 1 x = z/c*#pixel elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 2 x = z/c+#pixel elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 3 x = z/c-#pixel elseif @change31 == 0 && @change32 == 4 x = z/c^#pixel elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 0 x = z*c/#pixel elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 1 x = z*c*#pixel elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 2 x = z*c+#pixel elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 3 x = z*c-#pixel elseif @change31 == 1 && @change32 == 4 x = z*c^#pixel elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 0 x = z+c/#pixel elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 1 x = z+c*#pixel elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 2 x = z+c+#pixel elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 3 x = z+c-#pixel elseif @change31 == 2 && @change32 == 4 x = z+c^#pixel elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 0 x = z-c/#pixel elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 1 x = z-c*#pixel elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 2 x = z-c+#pixel elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 3 x = z-c-#pixel elseif @change31 == 3 && @change32 == 4 x = z-c^#pixel elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 0 x = z^c/#pixel elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 1 x = z^c*#pixel elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 2 x = z^c+#pixel elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 3 x = z^c-#pixel elseif @change31 == 4 && @change32 == 4 x = z^c^#pixel endif #pixel = x-(@function3(#pixel)/(@function3(c)))*@function3(z^2) default: title="Chavalcad" param var1 caption = "''Chavalcadiness''" default = 2 endparam param change11 caption = "Change #1 - 1" enum = "Divide" "Multiply" "Add" "Subtract" "Raise" default = 1 endparam param change12 caption = "Change #1 - 2" enum = "Divide" "Multiply" "Add" "Subtract" "Raise" default = 1 endparam param change21 caption = "Change #2 - 1" enum = "Divide" "Multiply" "Add" "Subtract" "Raise" default = 1 endparam param change22 caption = "Change #2 - 2" enum = "Divide" "Multiply" "Add" "Subtract" "Raise" default = 0 endparam param change31 caption = "Change #3 - 1" enum = "Divide" "Multiply" "Add" "Subtract" "Raise" default = 1 endparam param change32 caption = "Change #3 - 2" enum = "Divide" "Multiply" "Add" "Subtract" "Raise" default = 0 endparam func function1 caption = "Function #1" default = cos() endfunc func function2 caption = "Function #2" default = abs() endfunc func function3 caption = "Function #3" default = sqrt() endfunc }