;Barry Etheridge 2004 ;Formulae updated from Fractint (bje.frm) Ski-Path { init: z=0 int i=0 loop: i=i-1 z=z*(z^i)+#pixel bailout: |z|<=4 default: center = (-0.0068,-0.0489) magn = 0.7179 title = "Ski-Path" switch: } Downhill { init: z=#pixel int i=0 loop: i=i-1 z=z*(z^i)+z bailout: |z|<=4 default: center = (-0.80171,-0.01207) magn = 0.6991 title = "Downhill" switch: } Planetex { init: z=@seed loop: z=z+#pixel/z+z/z^@power bailout: |z|<=4 default: param power default = 1.5 endparam param seed default = (0.25,-0.25) endparam center = (-0.665,0.37) magn = 2 title = "Planetex" switch: } Multicon { init: z=#pixel loop: z=@function(z^(z^(z^(z^(z))))/(z^z)) bailout: |z|<=4 default: center = (0.9415,0.98368) magn = 0.1795 method = onepass title = "Multicon" switch: } Powers { init: z=#pixel loop: z=z^(z^(z^(z^(z))))/(z^z)+z bailout: |z|<=4 default: center = (0.9415,0.98368) magn = 0.1795 method = onepass title = "Powers" switch: } Lobsters { ;Recommended initial coloring Smooth Mandelbrot init: z=#pixel loop: z=z^(tan(z))+z bailout: |z|<=4 default: center = (-0.36778,-0.13061) magn = 0.33445 method=onepass title = "Lobsters" switch: } Warbird { init: z=0 loop: z=#pixel^z bailout: |z|<=@bailout default: center = (-0.07256,-0.03313) magn = 0.67793 title = "Warbird" float param bailout default=4 endparam switch: } Warbird2 { init: z=0 loop: z=#pixel^z bailout: real(z)<=real(#pixel) default: angle = 90 center = (8.91068,0.41676) magn = 0.16948 title = "Warbird2" switch: } Warbird3 { init: z=0 loop: z=#pixel^z+z bailout: abs(tan(|z|))<=4 default: center = (-1.21626,-0.08795) magn = 1.3054 title = "Warbird3" switch: } Wings { init: z=#pixel loop: z=1/((@multiplier*z)^@power)+z bailout: |z|<=4 default: param multiplier default = (2,0) endparam param power default = (2,0) endparam center =(0.20549,-0.05629) magn = 0.69933 title = "Wings" switch: } Bullet { init: z=#pixel loop: z=(z^2/#pixel)+0.123 bailout: |z|<=4 default: center = (0.02071,-0.01207) magn = 8.389 title = "Bullet" switch: } Impact { init: z=#pixel loop: z=(z^2/#pixel)+0.123 bailout: conj(z)<=4 default: title = "Impact" switch: } Shatter { init: z=#pixel loop: z=(z^2/#pixel)+@seed bailout: abs(imag(z))<=abs(real(#pixel)) default: param seed default = 1.5 endparam center = (-1.21626,-0.08795) magn = 1.3054 title = "Shatter" switch: } Well { init: z=#pixel loop: z=sin(tan(cos(z^@power))) bailout: |z|<=4 default: param power default = (5,0) endparam method = onepass center = (-0.26638,-0.149240) magn = 0.6993 title = "Well" switch: } Well2 { init: z=#pixel loop: z=sin(tan(cos(z^@power))) bailout: sin(|z|)<=0 default: param power default = (5,0) endparam method = onepass center = (-0.26638,-0.149240) magn = 0.6993 title = "Well2" switch: } Well3 { init: z=#pixel loop: z=sin(tan(cos(z^@power))) bailout: abs(cotan(|z|))<=4 default: param power default = (5,0) endparam method = onepass center = (-0.26638,-0.149240) magn = 0.6993 title = "Well3" switch: } Well4 { init: z=#pixel loop: z=sin(tan(cos(z^@power))) bailout: cos(|z|)<= sin(|z|) default: param power default = (5,0) endparam method = onepass center = (-0.26638,-0.149240) magn = 0.6993 title = "Well4" switch: } Well5 { init: z=#pixel loop: z=sin(tan(cos(z^@power))) bailout: real(z)<=0 default: param power default = (5,0) endparam method = onepass center = (-0.26638,-0.149240) magn = 0.6993 title = "Well5" switch: } LogOn { init: z=0 loop: z=log(sin(z)+cos(#pixel)) bailout: abs(@function(|z|))<=4 default: func function default = tan() endfunc center = (0.8581,-0.31) magn = 0.1672 title = "LogOn" switch: } MandelbrotVariation { ;switch programming by Toby init: if @mode == "Mandelbrot" z = @startseed c = #pixel else z = #pixel c = @startseed endif if @scale != 1.0 z = z / @scale endif if @center != (0.0,0.0) z = z + @center endif loop: z = @function1(z-@p1) * @function2(z-@p2) + @function3(c-@p3) bailout: |z|<=@bailout default: title = "Mandelbrot Variation" heading caption = "Switch Parameters" visible = @show endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 enabled = false endparam param SwitchMode caption = "Switch to" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 visible = false endparam param show caption = "Switch Parameters" default = false endparam float param swscale caption = "Scale" default = 1 visible = @show endparam complex param swcenter caption = "Switch Center" default = (0,0) visible = @show endparam float param scale caption = "Scale Reset" default = 1 visible = @show endparam complex param center caption = "Center Reset" default = (0,0) visible = @show endparam float param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 endparam complex param startseed caption = "Start/Seed" default = (0,0) hint = "Defines the init z value in the Mandelbrot, \ the seed value in the Julia" endparam complex param p1 caption = "Param 1" default = (0,0) endparam complex param p2 caption = "Param 2" default = (0,0) endparam complex param p3 caption = "Param 3" default = (0,0) endparam func function1 caption = "Function 1" default = sin() endfunc func function2 caption = "Function 2" default = sqrt() endfunc func function3 caption = "Function 3" default = tan() endfunc switch: type = "MandelbrotVariation" startSeed = #pixel mode = switchMode switchMode =@mode center=@swcenter scale=@swscale bailout = @bailout p1 = @p1 p2 = @p2 p3 = @p3 function1 = @function1 function2 = @function2 function3 = @function3 } A4 { init: if @mode == "M1" z = @startseed c = #pixel else z = #pixel c = @startseed endif if @scale != 1.0 z = z / @scale endif if @center != (0.0,0.0) z = z + @center endif loop: z = z^@power + @f1(c) bailout: |z|<@bailout default: heading caption = "Switch Parameters" visible = @show endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "M1""M2" default = 0 enabled = false endparam param SwitchMode caption = "Switch to" enum = "M1""M2" default = 1 visible = false endparam param show caption = "Switch Parameters" default = false endparam float param swscale caption = "Scale" default = 1 visible = @show endparam complex param swcenter caption = "Switch Center" default = (0,0) visible = @show endparam float param scale caption = "Scale Reset" default = 1 visible = @show endparam complex param center caption = "Center Reset" default = (0,0) visible = @show endparam complex param startseed caption = "Start/Seed" default = (0,0) hint = "Defines the init z value in the Mandelbrot, \ the seed value in the Julia" endparam float param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 endparam param power default = (2,0) endparam func f1 caption = "Pixel Function" default = sin() endfunc title = "A4" switch: type = "A4" startSeed = #pixel mode = switchMode switchMode =@mode center=@swcenter scale=@swscale power = @power f1 = @f1 } A2 { init: if @mode == "M1" z = @startseed c = #pixel else z = #pixel c = @startseed endif if @scale != 1.0 z = z / @scale endif if @center != (0.0,0.0) z = z + @center endif a = 0 i = 0 loop: i=i+@step if @power == 0 a = z elseif @power == 1 a = #pixel else a = i endif z=(z*i)^a+c bailout: |z| < @bailout default: heading caption = "Switch Parameters" visible = @show endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "M1""M2" default = 0 enabled = false endparam param SwitchMode caption = "Switch to" enum = "M1""M2" default = 1 visible = false endparam param show caption = "Switch Parameters" default = false endparam float param swscale caption = "Scale" default = 1 visible = @show endparam complex param swcenter caption = "Switch Center" default = (0,0) visible = @show endparam float param scale caption = "Scale Reset" default = 1 visible = @show endparam complex param center caption = "Center Reset" default = (0,0) visible = @show endparam float param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 10 endparam complex param startseed caption = "Start/Seed" default = (0,0) hint = "Defines the init z value in the Mandelbrot, \ the seed value in the Julia" endparam param power enum = "z""pixel""iterations" default = 0 endparam param step caption = "Step" default = (1,0) endparam title = "A2" switch: type = "A2" startSeed = #pixel mode = switchMode switchMode =@mode center=@swcenter scale=@swscale bailout = @bailout } Scrunch{ init: z=flip(#pixel)^2/#pixel^2 loop: z=@f(z^@power+#pixel) bailout: |z|<=@bailout default: func f caption = "Function" default=recip() endfunc param power default=(3,0) endparam param bailout default = 4 endparam title = "Scrunch" switch: } A7 { init: if @mode == "M1" z = @startseed c = #pixel else z = #pixel c = @startseed endif if @scale != 1.0 z = z / @scale endif if @center != (0.0,0.0) z = z + @center endif x=0 a=0 loop: x=z z=@f1(z)*@f2(z)*@f3(z)*@f4(z)*@f5(z)+c a=@f6(z)-@f7(x) bailout: |a|<=@bailout default: func f1 default = sin() endfunc func f2 default = sin() endfunc func f3 default = sin() endfunc func f4 default = sin() endfunc func f5 default = sin() endfunc func f6 default=ident() endfunc func f7 default=ident() endfunc heading caption = "Switch Parameters" visible = @show endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "M1""M2" default = 0 enabled = false endparam param SwitchMode caption = "Switch to" enum = "M1""M2" default = 1 visible = false endparam param show caption = "Switch Parameters" default = false endparam float param swscale caption = "Scale" default = 1 visible = @show endparam complex param swcenter caption = "Switch Center" default = (0,0) visible = @show endparam float param scale caption = "Scale Reset" default = 1 visible = @show endparam complex param center caption = "Center Reset" default = (0,0) visible = @show endparam float param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 endparam complex param startseed caption = "Start/Seed" default = (0,0) hint = "Defines the init z value in the Mandelbrot, \ the seed value in the Julia" endparam title = "A7" switch: type = "A7" startSeed = #pixel mode = switchMode switchMode =@mode center=@swcenter scale=@swscale bailout = @bailout f1=@f1 f2=@f2 f3=@f3 f4=@f4 f5=@f5 f6=@f6 f7=@f7 }