interactions { ; created by Bert van den Bosch ; note: put the bailout of the fractal at the most large value ; something like 10e80 will do ; please email me at for questions or comments init: float t = 0.0 float tmpf = 0.0 float tmax=0 float s1 = 0.0 float s2 = 0.0 float s3 = 0.0 int iter = 0 int i = 0 complex tmp[8] complex zhist[8] while(i<@numhist) zhist[i] = #z i=i+1 endwhile complex zz loop: zz = #z tmp[0] = (zz - zhist[0]) i = 1 while(i<@numhist) tmp[i] = (zhist[i] - zhist[i-1]) i=i+1 endwhile i = 0 s1 = 1.0 s2 = 1.0 s3 = 0.0 while(i<@numhist) s1 = s1*real(tmp[i]) s2 = s2*imag(tmp[i]) s3 = s3 + |tmp[i]| i = i+1 endwhile tmpf = (@mix*s1+(1-@mix)*s2)/s3 if tmpf >tmax tmax = tmpf endif t = t + tmpf iter = iter + 1 i = @numhist while(i>0) zhist[i] = zhist[i-1] i=i-1 endwhile zhist[0] = zz final: if(@colorby == "average") #index = t/(iter + 1 - log (log (|#z|)) / log(2)) ;#index = (iter + 1 - log (log (|#z|)) / log(2)) elseif(@colorby == "maximum") #index = tmax endif default: title="interactions" param colorby caption="coloring" enum = "average" "maximum" default=0 hint="color by" endparam param mix caption="mix" default=0.8 hint="the weight on real or imaginary part of the generalized inner product" endparam param numhist enum = "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" caption="history" default=3 hint="dimension of the generalized inner product" endparam }