comment { These are Modified Carr formulas based on the original with the gracious permission of Dr. Robert Carr. Utmost care has been taken to preserve the original formulation fully intact. Several "User Friendly" additions have been made which allow the user to alter the fractal through the following parameters: Scale: Use this parameter to reduce or enlarge the image without having to zoom the entire image.Depending on the complexity of Z, larger numbers may be needed to produce desired scale.Begin with 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. Bailout: The user may now change this parameter as desired. In a few cases, more than one bailout may be chosen. Functions(3-4): In most cases, extreme changes in form may be achieved by varying one or more of these formula functions. NOTE: In the interest of faster calculation speeds, the original "Maxiter" (maximum iterations) default has been lowered from 500 to 100. I found that, in 99.99% of instances there was no detectable difference, and in the 0.01% of instances with a difference, these were very small. My gratefull thanks go to Dr. Robert Carr, both for writing such great formulations and for graciously permitting me to add what little functionality my small knowledge allows. I hope that you will find these modifications helpful. } =================================================================== Carr1000S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (((1/pixel)/0.71)/(0.85/pixel+2.324))/@scale c = ((1/pixel)/2)/z-2.5^(pixel+2.324)/(0.5/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/sqr(cotanh(1/c)))))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1000S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 magn = 9.5 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1001S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (((1/pixel)/0.71)/(0.85/pixel+2.324))/@scale c = ((1/pixel)/2)/z-2.5^(pixel+2.324)/(0.5/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/fn4(cotanh(1/c)))))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1001S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1002S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (((1/pixel)/0.71)/(0.85/pixel+2.324))/@scale c = ((1/pixel)/2)/z-2.5^(pixel+2.324)/(0.5/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*sinh(1/(-c)))))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1002S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1003S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (((1/pixel)/0.71)/(0.85/pixel+2.324))/@scale c = ((1/pixel)/2)/z-2.5^(pixel+2.324)/(0.5/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*sinh(4/(-c)))))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1003S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1004 { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (imag(1/(pixel*pixel)))/@scale c = ((1/pixel)/2)/z-2.5^(pixel+2.324)/(0.5/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*z/c*c))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1004S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1005S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = ((1/pixel^pixel+2.3))/@scale c = conj(imag(pixel))/z-2.5^(pixel+2.324)/(5/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1005S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1006S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = ((1/pixel^pixel+2.3))/@scale c = (imag(1/(pixel*pixel)))/z-2.5^(pixel+2.324)/(5/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(conj(z*1/c)/conj(pixel^pixel-c*c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1006S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1007S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (sqr(sqr(sqr(1/pixel^pixel+2.3)))) c = (imag(1/(pixel*pixel)))/z-2.5^(pixel+2.324)/(5/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(conj(z*1/c)/conj(pixel^pixel/c*c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1007S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1008S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (pixel*pixel+5.3)*(1.099,0) c = z-2.5^(pixel*pixel)/(1.099,0) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*1/c))) z = (z*1/c)/(1.099,0) bailout: |real(z)| <=100 default: title = "Carr-1008S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1009S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Piece of Barnsley thrown in here ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = ((0.6,1.1)*(|3.324|<=0)+3.324) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*z+1/c))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1009S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1010S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Piece of Barnsley thrown in here ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel+2))/@scale c = ((0.1,0.36)*(|3.324|<=0)+3.324) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*z+1/c))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1010S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1010Sa { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Piece of Barnsley thrown in here ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel+2))/@scale if (|3.324| <= 0) z = 1 else z = 0 endif c = ((0.1,0.36)*z+3.324) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*z+1/c))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1010Sa" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1011Sa { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/((imag(pixel-2))+flip(real(pixel-2))))/@scale c2 = 1.048576 loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel-z*z)/(pixel-c2)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1011Sa" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1011Sb { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/((imag(pixel-2))+flip(real(pixel-2))))/@scale c=((4.299,-1.2)*cotanh(|1.024|<=0)+(1.024)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel-z*z)/(pixel-c2)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1011Sb" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1012S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; SJMand variant ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = ((real(pixel))+1.224*(flip(imag(pixel))))/@scale c = 2.224+(1.099,0)*(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*1/c))) z = z*1/c bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1012S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1013S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; SJMand variant ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = ((real(pixel))+1.224*(flip(imag(pixel))))/@scale c = 2.224+(1.224)*(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel)) loop: z = Fn1(fn2(fn3((1/pixel*(z*2.234))*1/c))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1013S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1014S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; SJMand variant ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = ((real(pixel))+1.224*(flip(imag(pixel))))/@scale c = 2.224+(1.224)*(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((1/pixel*(z*(1.099,0)))*1/c)/((1.0,0.4)/(pixel-c*c))))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1014S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1015S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = 2.224+(2.224)*(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel))-1/pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((1/z^z*z+z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1015S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1016S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = 2.224+(2.224)*(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel))-1/pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel-(1/z^z*z+z))/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1016S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1017S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = 2.224+(2.224)*(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel))-1/pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel-(z*1/c))/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1017S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1018S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = 2.224+(2.224)*(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel))-1/pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel-conj(z*z+c)+(1.099,0))/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1018S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1019S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel*pixel))/@scale c = 2.224+(2.224)*(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel))-1/pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((pixel-sqr(z+c))/(pixel-c*c))/1.3))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1019S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 12 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1020S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/flip(pixel))/@scale c = 1/cos(z*z) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z/c/pixel)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1020S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1021S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = #pixel/@scale c = 1/(pixel^3) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel-z*z)/(pixel-(z*1/c/pixel))))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1021S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1022S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = #pixel/@scale c = 1/(pixel^fn1(z/(1/pixel))) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel-(z*1/c))/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1022S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1023S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = 1/(pixel^real(z/conj(cos(1/pixel)))) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((pixel-sqr(z/c))/(pixel-c*c))/1.3))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1023S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1024S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel+2))/@scale c = 1/(pixel^real(z/conj(cos(1/pixel+1)))) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((pixel-sqr(z/c))/(pixel-c*c))/1.3))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1024S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1025S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (imag(1/(abs(pixel*pixel)/real(pixel))))/@scale c = 1/(pixel^real(z/conj(cos(1/pixel+1)))) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((1/z^z*z+z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1025S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1026S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (imag(1/(abs(pixel*pixel)/real(pixel))))/@scale c = 1/(pixel^real(1/z^z/conj(cos(1/pixel+1)))) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z/c/pixel)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1026S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1027S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (imag(1/(abs(pixel*pixel)/real(pixel))))/@scale c = 1/(pixel^real(1/z^z/conj(cos(1/pixel+3)))) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel-z*z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1027S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1028S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (imag(1/(abs(pixel*pixel)/real(pixel))))/@scale c = 1/(pixel^real(1/z^z/conj(cos(1/pixel+3)))) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel-z*z*z)/(pixel-c*c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1028S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1029S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (imag(1/(abs(pixel*pixel)/real(pixel))))/@scale c = 1/(pixel^real(1/z^z/conj(cos(1/pixel+3)))) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z^z*z+z)/(pixel-c*c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1029S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1030S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (imag(1/(abs(pixel*pixel)/real(pixel))))/@scale c = 1/(pixel^real(1/z^z/cos(1/pixel+3))) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z^z*z+z)/(pixel-c*c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1030S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1031S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; For Fractint 19.2 and above ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel-1)/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z)-2)*(pixel^(z-2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(sqrt(z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1031S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1032S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; For Fractint 19.2 and above ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel-1)/@scale c = 1/atanh((pixel^z)+2)*(pixel^(z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(sqrt(z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1032S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1033S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; 19.2 or above ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel-1)/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z)+2)*conj(pixel^(z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(acosh(1/z^z*z+z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1033S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1034S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z)+2)*(pixel^(z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1034S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1035S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z*z)+2)*(pixel^(z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(sqrt(z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1035S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1036S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z*z)+3)*(pixel^(z*z+3)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1036S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1037S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z*z*z)+3)*(pixel^(z*z*z+3)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1037S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1038S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z*z*z)+3)*(pixel^(z*z*z+3)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((1/z^z*z+z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1038S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1039S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z)+3)*(pixel^(z+3)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*z+c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1039S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1040S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z)+3)*(pixel^(z+3)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*z*z+c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1040S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1041S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z)+3)*(pixel^(z+3)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z^1/z+2*z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1041S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1042S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z*z)-1)*(pixel^(z*z-1)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z^1/z+2*z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1043S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1043S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel+2))/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z*z)+2)*(pixel^(z*z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z^1/z+2*z*z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1043S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1044S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel+2))/@scale c = 1/((pixel^z*z)+2)*(pixel^(z*z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((1/z*1/pixel*z*z+z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1044S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1045S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel+2))/@scale c = 1/(sqrt(pixel^z*z)+2)*sqrt(pixel^(z*z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((1/z*1/pixel*z*z+z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1045S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1046S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel+2))/@scale c = 1/(sqrt(pixel^z*z*1/z)+2)*sqrt(pixel^(z*z*1/z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((1/z*1/pixel*z*z+z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1046S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1047S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/((pixel*pixel)+3))/@scale c = 1/(sqrt(pixel^z*z)+2)*sqrt(pixel^(z*z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((1/z*1/pixel*z*z+z)/sqrt(pixel-c*c))/1.4))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1047S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1048S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/((pixel*pixel)+3))/@scale c = 1/(sqrt(pixel^z*z)+2)*sqrt(pixel^(z*z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((z*1/c)/sqrt(pixel-c*c))/1.4))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1048S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1049S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*2.924)))/@scale c = 1/(sqrt(pixel^z*z)+2)*sqrt(pixel^(z*z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1049S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1050S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (sqrt(1/pixel*4/pixel))/@scale c = 1/(sqrt(pixel^z*z)+2)*sqrt(pixel^(z*z+2)) loop: z = (z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1050S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1051S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init; z = (sqrt(1/pixel*4/pixel))/@scale c = 1/(sqrt(pixel^z*z)+2)*sqrt(pixel^(z*z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c+1/pixel)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1051S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1052S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (sqrt(1/pixel*4/pixel))/@scale c = 1/(sqrt(pixel^z*z)+2)*sqrt(pixel^(z*z+2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((z*2/c+4/pixel)/(pixel-c*c))/1.6))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1052S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1053S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = 1/(sqrt(pixel^z*z)+3)*1/sqrt(pixel^(z*z+3)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1053S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1054S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = pixel^z+pixel^1/z loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1054S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1055S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = pixel^z+pixel^1/z loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*z+flip(c*c))/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1055S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1056S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = z^pixel+1/z^pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*z+flip(c*c))/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1056S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1057S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = pixel^z+pixel^1/z loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1057S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1058S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = sqrt(pixel^z+pixel^1/z) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1058S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1059S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = fn1(pixel^z+pixel^1/z) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1059S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1060S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = 91/(pixel*pixel)/@scale c = pixel^z+pixel^1/z loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((1/z^z*z+z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1060S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1061S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = sqr(pixel^real(z)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1061S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1062S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = sqr(pixel^(1/z)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1062S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1063S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = pixel^z/pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1063S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1064S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/(pixel*pixel))/@scale c = pixel^z/pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((2+(z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c))/1.67))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1064S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1065S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (real(1/(pixel*pixel)))/@scale c = pixel^z/pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((pixel-(z*1/c))/(pixel-c*c))/1.6))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1065S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1066S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (conj(1/(pixel*pixel*pixel))) c = pixel^(z*z+z) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(pixel*(z^1/c)/(pixel-conj(c^c))))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1066S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1067S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (conj(1/(pixel*pixel*pixel)))/@scale c = pixel^(1/z^z*z+z) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel*(z^1/c)/(pixel-conj(c^c)))/1.8))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1067S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1068S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = z*z^z loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((pixel-z*z)/(pixel-c*c))/1.3))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1068S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1069S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = pixel^(z^(1/z^z*z+z)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((2*z)*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) z = ((2*z*z)+c)/(pixel-c*c) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1069S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1070S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = 1/cabs(1/pixel*1/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*z*1/abs(c))/(pixel-c*c*c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1070S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1071S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = 1/cabs(1/pixel*1/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*z*z*z+c)/(pixel-c*c*c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1071S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1072S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = 1/cabs(1/pixel*1/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((1/z^z*z+z)/(pixel-c*c*c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1072S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1073S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel*1/pixel)/@scale c = (z-2)^pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((1/z^z*z*z+z+2)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1073S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1074S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = ((1/pixel*0.91/pixel))/@scale c = ((z-3)^pixel)+1/pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1074S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1075S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = ((1/pixel*0.91/pixel))/@scale c = ((z-3)^pixel)+0.85/pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1075S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1076S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = ((pixel*0.91/pixel))/@scale c = ((1.8*(z-3)^pixel)+0.65/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel-z*z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1076S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1077S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (sqrt(0.91/pixel))/@scale c = (z-3)-pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(1/z^z*z+z))) z = z*1/c bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1077S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1078S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Modified Brad Beacham formula ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = 1/z^z*z+z f = 0 loop: z = fn3(((f)*fn1(z))+((1-f)*fn2(c))+c) f = (z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c) bailout: f < 1.0*@bailout default: title = "Carr-1078S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1079S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = 1/pixel*0.91/pixel loop: z = z*1/sin(c) z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z+(1/pixel-sin(c)))/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1079S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1080S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = conj(cos(z/pixel))*sqr(1/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((2*z+(4/pixel-sqrt(c)))/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1080S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1081S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = cotanh(z/pixel)*sqr(1/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((2*z+(4/pixel-sqrt(c)))/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1081S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1082S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = conj(cos(z^z/pixel-2)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((z*1/(c^c))/(pixel-c*c))/1.45))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1082S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1083S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = #pixel/@scale c = z^(conj(cos(2.524))/pixel) loop: z = z/c z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1083S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1084S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = 1/z^(z/pixel) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1084S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1085S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (4/pixel)/@scale c = (z/pixel)/(z^(-z/pixel)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z*1/c)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1085S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1086S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; DISECTED MANDELBROT ; TO GENERATE "STANDARD" MANDELBROT, SET P1 = 0,0 & ALL FN = IDENT ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale cx = flip(real(1/pixel)) cy = flip(imag(z)) k = 2+p1 loop: zx = real(z) zy = imag(z) x = z*(zx*zx-zy*zy)+cx y = cx*(k*zx*zy)+cy z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((1/z^z*z+z)/(pixel-cx*cx))/1.32))) bailout: |z| < (@bailout+p2) default: title = "Carr-1086S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 10 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1087S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel)/@scale c = abs(real(1/pixel)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((sqr(z/pixel))/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1087S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1088S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init; z = (1/pixel*0.91/pixel)/@scale c = abs(real(1/pixel)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(pixel-(1/z^2.224+1/pixel)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1088S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1089S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (1/pixel*0.91/pixel)/@scale c = 1.75/pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(((1.099,0)-z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1089S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1090S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Use a counter to gradually change proportions of algorithms ; Bradley Beacham [74223,2745] ; Modified Brad Beacham formula ; P1 sets starting value for k ; P2 varies step scale for incrementing k ; P3 varies bailout value ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = #pixel/@scale c = #pixel k = p1 kstep = .01+p2 limit = 4+p3 loop: k = k + kstep z = fn1(fn2(fn3(k*(1/z^z*z+z)+(1-k)*(z*z)+c))) bailout: |z| < (limit*@bailout) default: title = "Carr-1090S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1091S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Use a counter to gradually change proportions of algorithms ; Bradley Beacham [74223,2745] ; Modified Brad Beacham formula ; P1 sets starting value for k ; P2 varies step scale for incrementing k ; P3 varies bailout value ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = #pixel/@scale c = #pixel k = p1 kstep = .01+p2 limit = 4+p3 loop: k = k+kstep z = fn1(fn2(fn3(k*(1/z^z*z+z)+(1-k)*(z*1/c)+c))) bailout: |z| < (limit*@bailout) default: title = "Carr-1091S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1092S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (pixel+4/pixel)/@scale c = z+1/pixel loop: z = z/c z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*z+c))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1092S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1093S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (sin(1/pixel)/(1.099,0))/@scale c = conj(cos(1/pixel))/(1.099,0) loop: z = z/c z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*z+c))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1093S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1094 { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (sin(1/pixel)/(1.099,0))/@scale c = conj(cos(1/pixel))/(1.099,0) loop: z = z*1/c z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*z+c))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1094S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1095S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (sin(1/pixel)/(0.3,0)) c = conj(cos(1/pixel))/(0.3,0) loop: z = z*1/c z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*z+c))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1095S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1096S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (sinh(1/pixel)/(0.3,0))/@scale c = cosh(1/pixel)/(0.3,0) loop: z = z*1/c z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*z+c))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1096S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1097S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = ((sinh(1/pixel)/(0.45,0)))/@scale c = cosh(1/pixel)/(0.45,0) loop: z = z*1/c z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*z+c))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1097S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1098S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (sinh((1/pixel)/(0.95,0)))/@scale c = conj(cos((1/pixel)/(0.95,0))) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel-z*z)/(pixel-c*c)))) bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1098S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } =============================================================== Carr1099S { ; A "Modified Carr" formula, based on the original with permission. ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, May, 2003. ; Converted for UF by Erik Reckase, February 22, 2000 ; SOURCE: 24Carr.frm init: z = (sinh((1/pixel)/(2.95,0)))/@scale c = conj(cos((1/pixel)/(2.95,0))) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((pixel-sqr(z/c)-1/pixel)/(pixel-c*c)))) z = z*1/c bailout: |real(z)| <= @bailout default: title = "Carr-1099S" method = multipass periodicity = 0 center = (0,0) maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 hint = "Select a value to scale the image." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc } ===============================================================