comment { Carr2200.ufm Version 1.3 Ultra Fractal conversions of Robert Carr's formulas Carr2200 - Carr2299 by Erik Reckase / Lale Erguner, 12 December 2002 History: Version 1.4 - Fixes for UF3 compatibility by Lale Erguner Version 1.3 - minor fixes, eliminated divide by zeros Version 1.2 - Global optimization effort (including 2223-2230!) hints, cleanup Version 1.1 - Fixed bug in Carr2289 Version 1.0 - Initial Release Original formulas pulled from _rc2.frm Carr2217 : adjusted cabs Carr2223-2230 : extreme difficulty in conversion resulted in somewhat inefficient implementation Carr2243,2247,2249 : pixel fix Carr2255-2299 } Carr2200 {; Updated for UF by Erik Reckase, March 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. [101324,3444],1996 init: z=c=pixel-tanh(pixel) \ /sqrt(log(tan(pixel)+sin(pixel-1)-2.75/pixel)) d1=conj(.0002550/pixel), d4=4*d1 z1=1.5*z+d1, z2=2.25*z+d1, z3=3.375*z+d1, z4=5.0625*z+d1 l1=round(real(p1)), l2=round(imag(p1)) l3=round(real(p2)), l4=round(imag(p2)) float bailout=16, int iter=0 loop: IF (iter==l1) z=c=z1 ELSEIF (iter==l2) z=c=z2 ELSEIF (iter==l3) z=c=z3 ELSEIF (iter==l4) z=c=z4 ELSE z = z + c/8 ENDIF c = c + d4 z = (z+d4)^2 + c iter = iter + 1 bailout: |real(z)| <= bailout default: title = "Carr 2200" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = .9 center = (-.5,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limits 1,2" default = (100,150) hint = "0< Re(P1) < Im(P1) < Re(P2) < Im(P2) =limit) c = (-.743380900000982,-.131850030300002) ENDIF z=z*z+c compt=compt+1 bailout: |z|<=bailout default: title = "Carr 2221" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 1.2 center = (-.6,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limit" default = (100,0) hint = "This iteration limit is scaled by the cosine of \ the current pixel divided by 5. The real part of \ this scaled iteration limit signals a change in the \ value of c." endparam } Carr2222 {; Updated for UF by Erik Reckase, March 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. init: z=-flip(imag(pixel))*sqr(pixel)-conj(.1/pixel)-flip(.01/pixel) c=pixel-conj(.1/pixel-flip(.01/pixel)) float compt=0, float limit=real(p1*cos(pixel/5)) float bailout=4 loop: IF (compt>=limit) c = (-0.3009,-0.63555) ENDIF z=z*z+c compt=compt+1 bailout: |z|<=bailout default: title = "Carr 2222" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 1.2 center = (-.6,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limit" default = (100,0) hint = "This iteration limit is scaled by the cosine of \ the current pixel divided by 5. The real part of \ this scaled iteration limit signals a change in the \ value of c." endparam } Carr2223 {; Updated for UF by Erik Reckase, March 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. init: z=pixel-conj(.1/pixel)-flip(conj(.01/pixel)) c=|pixel|*pixel-sinh(.1/pixel)-sqr(flip(.0051/pixel)) float iter=1, float rad=6, center=(-7.6,-3.0) pix=(10*pixel^2+(5,-3.5))*(-.1,-.95) zn=center+rad/(pix-center), float limit=real(p1) float b1=16, float b2=0.0001 bool test0 = TRUE, bool test3 = FALSE loop: test0 = !(test0) IF (iter==limit) z = zn ENDIF IF (iterb1) ENDIF IF test3 && test0 z = 0 ELSE z = z*1.0112 ENDIF float zfinal = |z| float bfinal = b1 ELSE IF z==0 z1 = 0 ELSE z1 = (z^7-1)/(imag(p1)*z^6) ENDIF z = z - z1 z = z*1.0112 float bfinal = |z1| float zfinal = b2 ENDIF iter = iter+2.099 bailout: zfinal <= bfinal default: title = "Carr 2223" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 0.9 center = (-.4,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limit/Scalar" default = (100,5) endparam } Carr2224 {; Updated for UF by Erik Reckase, March 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. init: c=|pixel|*pixel-sinh(.1/pixel)-sqr(flip(.0051/pixel)) z=pixel, c=.875*c+(-.7456,-.132) float iter=1, float rad=6, center=(-7.6,-3.0) pix=(10*pixel^2+(5,-3.5))*(-.1,-.95) zn=center+rad/(pix-center), float limit=real(p1) float b1=16, float b2=0.0001 bool test0 = TRUE, bool test3 = FALSE loop: test0 = !(test0) IF (iter==limit) z = zn ENDIF IF (iterb1) ENDIF IF test3 && test0 z = 0 ELSE z = z*1.0111 ENDIF float zfinal = |z| float bfinal = b1 ELSE IF z==0 z1 = 0 ELSE z1 = (z^7-1)/(imag(p1)*z^6) ENDIF z = z - z1 z = z*1.0111 float bfinal = |z1| float zfinal = b2 ENDIF iter = iter+2.099 bailout: zfinal <= bfinal default: title = "Carr 2224" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 1.2 center = (-.3,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limit/Scalar" default = (100,5) endparam } Carr2225 {; Updated for UF by Erik Reckase, March 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. init: z=pixel, c=.875*(pixel^2+.25)-(.3,.65) float iter=1, float rad=6, center=(-7.6,-3.0) pix=(10*pixel^2+(5,-3.5))*(-.1,-.95) zn=center+rad/(pix-center), float limit=real(p1) float b1=16, float b2=0.0001 bool test0 = TRUE, bool test3 = FALSE loop: test0 = !(test0) IF (iter==limit) z = zn ENDIF IF (iterb1) ENDIF IF test3 && test0 z = 0 ELSE z = z*1.01105 ENDIF float zfinal = |z| float bfinal = b1 ELSE IF (z==0) z1 = 0 ELSE z1 = (z^7-1)/(imag(p1)*z^6) ENDIF z = z - z1 z = z*1.01105 float bfinal = |z1| float zfinal = b2 ENDIF iter = iter + 1.099 bailout: zfinal <= bfinal default: title = "Carr 2225" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limit/Scalar" default = (100,5) endparam } Carr2226 {; Updated for UF by Erik Reckase, March 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. init: z=|pixel|*pixel-sinh(.1/pixel)-sqr(flip(.0051/pixel)) c=.875*(pixel^2+.19)+(-.8656,.2) float iter=1, float rad=6, center=(-7.6,-3.0) pix=(10*pixel^2+(5,-3.5))*(-.1,-.95) zn=center+rad/(pix-center), float limit=real(p1) float b1=16, float b2=0.0001 bool test0 = TRUE, bool test3 = FALSE loop: test0 = !(test0) IF (iter==limit) z = zn ENDIF IF (iterb1) ENDIF IF test3 && test0 z = 0 ELSE z = z*1.01105 ENDIF float zfinal = |z| float bfinal = b1 ELSE IF z==0 z1 = 0 ELSE z1 = (z^7-1)/(imag(p1)*z^6) ENDIF z = z - z1 z = z*1.01105 float bfinal = |z1| float zfinal = b2 ENDIF iter = iter+3.099 bailout: zfinal <= bfinal default: title = "Carr 2226" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 1.3 center = (0,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limit/Scalar" default = (100,5) endparam } Carr2227 {; Updated for UF by Erik Reckase, March 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. init: z=|pixel|*pixel-sinh(.1/pixel)-sqr(flip(.0051/pixel)) c=.875*(pixel^6+.196)+(-.8656,.2) float iter=1, float rad=6, center=(-7.6,-3.0) pix=(10*pixel^2+(5,-3.5))*(-.1,-.95) zn=center+rad/(pix-center), float limit=real(p1) float b1=16, float b2=0.0001 bool test0 = TRUE, bool test3 = FALSE loop: test0 = !(test0) IF (iter==limit) z = zn ENDIF IF (iterb1) ENDIF IF test3 && test0 z = 0 ELSE z = z*1.010255 ENDIF float zfinal = |z| float bfinal = b1 ELSE IF z==0 z1 = 0 ELSE z1 = (z^7-1)/(imag(p1)*z^6) ENDIF z = z - z1 z = z*1.010255 float bfinal = |z1| float zfinal = b2 ENDIF iter = iter+3.099 bailout: zfinal <= bfinal default: title = "Carr 2227" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 1.3 center = (0,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limit/Scalar" default = (100,5) endparam } Carr2228 {; Updated for UF by Erik Reckase, March 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. init: z=|pixel|*pixel-sinh(.1/pixel)-sqr(flip(.0051/pixel)) c =.875*(pixel^8+.196)+(-.8656,.2) float iter=1, float rad=6, center=(-7.6,-3.0) pix=(10*pixel^2+(5,-3.5))*(-.1,-.95) zn=center+rad/(pix-center), float limit=real(p1) float b1=16, float b2=.0001 bool test0 = TRUE, bool test3 = FALSE loop: test0 = !(test0) IF (iter==limit) z = zn ENDIF IF (iterb1) ENDIF IF test0 && test3 z = 0 ELSE z=z*1.010555 ENDIF zfinal = |z| bfinal = b1 ELSE IF (z==0) z1 = 0 ELSE z1 = (1.53*z^7-1)/(imag(p1)*1.53*z^6) ENDIF z = z - z1 z=z*1.010555 zfinal = b2 bfinal = |z1| ENDIF iter=iter + 1.099 bailout: zfinal <= bfinal default: title = "Carr 2228" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 1.3 center = (0,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limit/Scalar" default = (100,5) endparam } Carr2229 {; Updated for UF by Erik Reckase, March 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. init: z=(|pixel|*pixel-sinh(.1/pixel)-sqr(flip(.0051/pixel)))^1.2 c=.875*(pixel^12+.196)+(-.8856,.2) float iter=1, float rad=6, center=(-7.6,-3.0) pix=(10*pixel^2+(5,-3.5))*(-.1,-.95) zn=center+rad/(pix-center), float limit=real(p1) float b1=16, float b2=.0001 bool test0 = TRUE, bool test3 = FALSE loop: test0 = !(test0) IF (iter==limit) z = zn ENDIF IF (iterb1) ENDIF IF test0 && test3 z = 0 ELSE z=z*1.011555 ENDIF zfinal = |z| bfinal = b1 ELSE IF (z==0) z1 = 0 ELSE z1 = (1.53*z^7-1)/(imag(p1)*1.53*z^6) ENDIF z = z - z1 z=z*1.011555 zfinal = b2 bfinal = |z1| ENDIF iter=iter + 1.099 bailout: zfinal <= bfinal default: title = "Carr 2229" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 1.3 center = (0,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limit/Scalar" default = (100,5) endparam } Carr2230 {; Updated for UF by Erik Reckase, March 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. init: z=flip(pixel), c=.875*(pixel^10+.196)+(-.8856,.2) float iter=1, float rad=6, center=(.6,.3) pix=(10*pixel^2+(5,-3.5))*(-.1,-.95) zn=center+rad/(pix-center), float limit=real(p1) float b1=16, float b2=.0001 bool test0 = TRUE, bool test3 = FALSE loop: test0 = !(test0) IF (iter==limit) z = zn ENDIF IF (iterb1) ENDIF IF test3 && test0 z = 0 ELSE z = z*1.011555 ENDIF float zfinal = |z| float bfinal = b1 ELSE IF (z==0) z1 = 0 ELSE z1 = (z^7-1)/(imag(p1)*z^6) ENDIF z = z - z1 z = z*1.011555 float bfinal = |z1| float zfinal = b2 ENDIF iter = iter + 1.099 bailout: zfinal <= bfinal default: title = "Carr 2230" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 1.2 center = (0,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limit/Scalar" default = (100,5) endparam } Carr2231 {; Updated for UF by Erik Reckase, March 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. [101324,3444],1996 init: z=pixel^3-conj(.1/pixel)-flip(.01/pixel) c=pixel/5+pixel/3+(pixel/2)^4 d1=conj(.0001455/pixel), d4 = 4*d1 z1 = 1.5*z+d1, z2= 2.25*z+d1, z3 = 3.375*z+d1, z4 = 6.0625*z+d1 l1=round(real(p1)), l2=round(imag(p1)) l3=round(real(p2)), l4=round(imag(p2)) float bailout=16, int iter=0 loop: IF (iter==l1) z=c=z1 ELSEIF (iter==l2) z=c=z2 ELSEIF (iter==l3) z=c=z3 ELSEIF (iter==l4) z=c=z4 ENDIF c = c + d4 z = (z+d4)^2 + c iter=iter+1 bailout: |real(z)| <= bailout default: title = "Carr 2231" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 1.3 center = (0,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limits 1,2" default = (100,150) hint = "0< Re(P1) < Im(P1) < Re(P2) < Im(P2)