comment { Carr2500.ufm Version 1.3 Ultra Fractal conversions of Robert Carr's formulas Carr2500 - Carr2599 by Erik Reckase, March 1, 2000 These formulas (and the parameters that go with them) are intended to provide a reasonable approximation to the behavior of the original Fractint formulas. The images will not be exactly the same! Roundoff error surely contributes to this inequality. History: Version 1.3 - Fixed c1/c2/c3/c4 translation mistakes Version 1.2 - Minor optimization tweaks and cleanup Version 1.1 - Major optimization overhaul + hints Version 1.0 - Initial Release Original formulas pulled from _rc2.frm Carr2500-2599 : pixel fix Carr2504,2509,2525,2527, 2529,2532,2534,2544, 2562,2574,2576-2579, 2595 : cosxx fix Carr2533-2599 : |z| workaround } Carr2500 (YAXIS) {; Updated for UF by Erik Reckase, February 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. init: pixel2=-abs(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel)) m3=cabs(pixel2^-(1/pixel2)) z=conj(pixel2)*m3-conj(.1/pixel2)-sqr(flip(.01/pixel2))-.1 c=(-.9359,-.09659)/2.1 c1=1.5*z, c2=2.25*z, c3=3.375*z, c4=5.0625*z k = pixel2/imag(p2) - .0051 l1=round(real(p1)), l2=round(imag(p1)) l3=round(real(p2)), l4=round(imag(p2)) float bailout=16, int iter=0 loop: IF (iter==l1) c = c1, z=0 ELSEIF (iter==l2) c = c2, z=0 ELSEIF (iter==l3) c = c3, z=0 ELSEIF (iter==l4) c = c4, z=0 ENDIF c = c + k z = z*z + c iter=iter+1 bailout: |real(z)| <= bailout default: title = "Carr 2500" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = .7 center = (0,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limits 1,2" default = (100,150) hint = "0< Re(P1) < Im(P1) < Re(P2) < Im(P2)