comment { Carr2800.ufm Version 1.6 Ultra Fractal conversions of Robert Carr's formulas Carr2800 - Carr2899 by Erik Reckase, 29 February 2000 These formulas (and the parameters that go with them) are intended to provide a reasonable approximation to the behavior of the original Fractint formulas. The images will not be exactly the same! Roundoff error surely contributes to this inequality. History: Version 1.6 - minor optimization tweaks, clean-up Version 1.5 - z=z*t workaround implemented for 2801,2884,2890,2891 Version 1.4 - Global optimization effort + hints Version 1.3 - Modified whitesq code to eliminate warnings Version 1.2 - fixed bug in Carr2821,2884,2894 Version 1.1 - Added 'Original' functionality to 'Layer Option' to reproduce original fractal exactly Version 1.0 - Initial Release Original formulas pulled from _rc2.frm Carr2805,2824,2826,2838 : missing from _rc2 Carr2829-2837 : flip error Carr2828-2830,2844 : pixel fix Carr2820,2844-2846,2868 : cosxx fix } Carr2800 {; Updated for UF2 by Erik Reckase, Feb 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. [101324,3444],1996 init: c=.8*pixel^5/sqr(.33-pixel)+.4-conj(.1/pixel) z=.8*pixel^5/pixel^2+.4-flip(.1/pixel) IF (@p3==0) c = -c, z = -z ELSEIF (@p3==2) IF (whitesq) c = -c, z = -z ENDIF ENDIF k = pixel/imag(p2) - .00015 c1=1.5*z, c2=2.25*z, c3=3.375*z, c4=5.0625*z l1=round(real(p1)),l2=round(imag(p1)) l3=round(real(p2)),l4=round(imag(p2)) float bailout=16,int iter=0 loop: IF (iter==l1) c = c1, z = 0 ELSEIF (iter==l2) c = c2, z = 0 ELSEIF (iter==l3) c = c3, z = 0 ELSEIF (iter==l4) c = c4, z = 0 ENDIF c = c + k z = z*z + c iter=iter+1 bailout: |z|<=bailout default: title = "Carr 2800" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 1.2 center = (-.1,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limits 1,2" default = (100,150) hint = "0< Re(P1) < Im(P1) < Re(P2) < Im(P2) 0 z = -pixel ELSE z = pixel ENDIF c=(-.28,.42) k = .13/pixel ct = c - k int nextzoom = round(real(p1)) int iterspace = nextzoom int iter=0 loop: IF (iter==nextzoom) nextzoom = nextzoom + iterspace z = 0 IF ((@p4==1) || (@p4==2 && whitesq)) c = p2*c + p3, ct = c - k ELSE c = 0, ct = c - k ENDIF ELSE IF ((@p4==0) || (@p4==2 && !whitesq)) c = z, ct = c - k ENDIF ENDIF z = .2*|z| + z*z + ct iter=iter+1 bailout: |z|<=16 default: title = "Carr 2837" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 2000 magn = 1.1 center = (0,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Nextzoom" default = (128,0) hint = "The real part of this parameter is the number of \ iteration steps between value resets. The imag \ part is not used, but remains for Fractint compat." endparam param p2 caption = "C-Mult" default = (1.2,.1) hint = "C is mutliplied by this value when the number of \ iterations equals nextzoom (p1)" endparam param p3 caption = "C-Add" default = (-.05,-.06) hint = "This value is added to C when the number of \ iterations equals nextzoom (p1)" endparam param p4 caption = "Layer Option" enum = "Option 1" "Option 2" "Original" default = 2 hint = "Options 1 and 2 are the two separate layers of this \ formula. The 'Original' option uses the original \ PHC formula." endparam } Carr2839 {; Updated for UF2 by Erik Reckase, Feb 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. [101324,3444],1996 init: c=(-.7456,-.132) z=abs(flip(conj(2*pixel^12)))+flip(.1/pixel)+conj(.1/pixel)+.35 IF (@p3==0) c = -c, z = -z ELSEIF (@p3==2) IF (whitesq) c = -c, z = -z ENDIF ENDIF c1=1.5*z^1.2, c2=2.25*conj(z) c3=3.375*flip(z), c4=5.0625*flip(z) l1=round(real(p1)),l2=round(imag(p1)) l3=round(real(p2)),l4=round(imag(p2)) float bailout=16,int iter=0 loop: IF (iter==l1) c = c1, z = 0 ELSEIF (iter==l2) c = c2, z = 0 ELSEIF (iter==l3) c = c3, z = 0 ELSEIF (iter==l4) c = c4, z = 0 ENDIF z = z*z + c iter=iter+1 bailout: |z|<=bailout default: title = "Carr 2839" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 magn = 1.5 center = (0,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limits 1,2" default = (100,150) hint = "0< Re(P1) < Im(P1) < Re(P2) < Im(P2)