comment { Carr3200.ufm Version 1.4 Ultra Fractal conversions of Robert Carr's formulas Carr3200 - Carr3299 by Erik Reckase, February 28, 2000 History: Version 1.4 - Minor optimization tweaks + cleanup Version 1.3 - Major optimization overhaul Version 1.2 - Modified whitesq code to eliminate warnings Version 1.1 - fixed exact Fractint functionality in order and variable fixes below Version 1.0 - Initial Release Original formulas pulled from 43cCarr.frm 43dCarr.frm 43eCarr.frm Carr3200-3299 : pixel fix Carr3265-3269,3296-3297 : |z| fix Carr3281,3285,3292,3293 : statements out of order Carr3282 : Undefined variable Carr3214,3284 : missing parentheses } Carr3200 (YAXIS) {; Updated for UF2 by Erik Reckase, February 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. init: pixel2=-abs(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel)) d=log(1/pixel2-conj(cos(1/pixel2))) c=pixel2^3-1/(atan(.1/pixel2)-cabs(acos(.2/pixel2))) z=conj(c)-.54, zmod = (-.7456,-.132)+ flip(|d/80*pixel2|) cmod = |c/7.5| + zmod c1=1.5*z^1.2,c2=2.25*conj(z) c3=3.375*flip(z),c4=5.0625*flip(z) l1=round(real(p1)),l2=round(imag(p1)) l3=round(real(p2)),l4=round(imag(p2)) float bailout=16,int iter=0 loop: IF (iter==l1) cmod = |c1/7.5| + zmod, z = 0 ELSEIF (iter==l2) cmod = |c2/7.5| + zmod, z = 0 ELSEIF (iter==l3) cmod = |c3/7.5| + zmod, z = 0 ELSEIF (iter==l4) cmod = |c4/7.5| + zmod, z = 0 ENDIF z = z^2 + cmod iter=iter+1 bailout: |z|<=bailout default: title = "Carr 3200" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 700 magn = 1.4 center = (0,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limits 1,2" default = (200,300) hint = "0< Re(P1) < Im(P1) < Re(P2) < Im(P2)