comment { Carr3500.ufm Version 1.4 Ultra Fractal conversions of Robert Carr's formulas Carr3500 - Carr3535 by Erik Reckase, February 23rd, 2000 History: Version 1.4 - Minor optimization tweaks, code cleanup Version 1.3 - Global optimization effort Version 1.2 - Removed redundant code : Carr3532-3535 : flip(flip) redundancy Carr3503-3504,3513-3531 : conj(conj) redundancy Carr3504,3506-3510,3516 3517-3526,3530-3531 : abs(conj()) -> abs() Version 1.1 - All formulas newly optimized w/ hints Version 1.0 - Initial Release Original formulas pulled from 43jCarr.frm 43kCarr.frm Carr3500-3535 : pixel fix Carr3500-3535 : removed unnecessary code also : whitesq code revised to eliminate warnings } Carr3500 (YAXIS) {; Updated for UF2 by Erik Reckase, February 2000 ; Modified Sylvie Gallet frm. init: pixel2=-abs(real(pixel))+flip(imag(pixel)), op=pixel2^2 b3b=conj(abs(op))-|.166/pixel2|^3 b2=conj(pixel2-.01/pixel2)*flip(pixel2+.1/pixel2) b3c=flip(conj(op^4)*b3b)/conj(.3/pixel2)*b2^2 b3=flip(b3c^2.35)*cabs(op)*op-flip(.028/pixel2)^3.3 b3a=conj(b3^3.5)*abs(b3)+.029/pixel2+abs(.01/pixel2) z=b3a^2.5*flip(conj(pixel2^3.47))/conj(pixel2^2.5) \ -flip(.0445/pixel2)^2.99+.15846 zmod = (-.748804989672,-.1350036189) l1 = round(real(p1)),l2 = round(imag(p1)) l3 = round(real(p2)),l4 = round(imag(p2)) float bailout=16,int iter=0, float zro=0 loop: IF ((iter == l1) || (iter==l2) || (iter==l3) || (iter==l4)) z = z*zro ENDIF z=z^2+zmod iter=iter+1 bailout: |z|<=bailout default: title = "Carr 3500" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 700 magn = 1.5 center = (0,0) method = multipass param p1 caption = "Iter Limits 1,2" default = (200,300) hint = "0< Re(P1) < Im(P1) < Re(P2) < Im(P2)