class TrapShapeSuperShape(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; Super Shape UF5 Implementation ; c.kleinhuis 2008 ; ; Formula Taken from Paul Bourke's Website: ; ; ; visit or ; for example usage of this formula ; public: func TrapShapeSuperShape(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) float theta = atan2(pz); float res = TrapShapeSuperShape.super(theta, @a, @b, @n1, @n2, @n3, @m); float r = cabs(pz); float real=res*cos(theta)*r float imag=res*sin(theta)*r return sqrt(real*real+imag*imag) endfunc float func super(float theta, float a, float b, float n1, float n2, float n3, float m) float one = abs(cabs(cos(m * theta / 4.0) / a)^ n2) float two = abs(cabs(sin(m * theta / 4.0) / b)^ n3) return ((one + two)^ -1.0 / n1); endfunc default: title = "Super Shape" param n1 ; Overrides p_power from Formula caption = "n1" default = 3.0 hint = "n1 Variable from the SuperShape Formula." endparam param n2 ; Overrides p_power from Formula caption = "n2" default = 2.0 hint = "n1 Variable from the SuperShape Formula." endparam param n3 ; Overrides p_power from Formula caption = "n3" default = 0.1 hint = "n1 Variable from the SuperShape Formula." endparam param a ; Overrides p_power from Formula caption = "a" default = 1.0 hint = "a Variable from the SuperShape Formula." visible = false endparam param b ; Overrides p_power from Formula caption = "b" default = 1.0 hint = "b Variable from the SuperShape Formula." visible = false endparam param m ; Overrides p_power from Formula caption = "Number of Turns" default = 6.0 hint = "Number of Turns \n Even Numbers generate Closed Shapes\n " endparam } class ckFormulaObject(common.ulb:Formula) { public: default: complex param p_power caption = "Exponent" default = (2,0) hint = "Defines the primary exponent for the fractal." visible=false endparam } class AlternatingFormulaObject(ckFormulaObject) { ; ; Object version of the 2 Alternating Formula ; now everything is possible :D ; the 3 alternating formula is no longer needed. ; christian kleinhuis 2008 ; visit: ; ; ; ; 2 Alternations is all you need ! ; public: import "Common.ulb" import "Standard.ulb" complex func Init(complex pz) count=0 fPixel = pz f[0]=new @formulaClass1(0) f[1]=new @formulaClass2(0) f[1].Init(pz); return f[0].Init(pz); endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) count=count+1 return f[count%2].Iterate(#z) endfunc complex func lerp(float t,complex a,complex b) return a + t * (b - a) endfunc bool func IsBailedOut(complex pz) return f[count%2].IsBailedOut(#z) endfunc complex func GetPrimaryExponent() if cabs(f[0].GetPrimaryExponent())>cabs(f[1].GetPrimaryExponent()) return f[0].GetPrimaryExponent() else return f[1].GetPrimaryExponent() endif endfunc private: complex fPixel int count; Formula f[2]; default: title = "Alternating Formula" rating = recommended helpfile = "Uf*.chm" helptopic = "Html/formulas/standard/mandelbrot.html" Formula param formulaClass1 caption = "Formula #1" default = Standard_Mandelbrot endparam Formula param formulaClass2 caption = "Formula #2" default = Standard_Mandelbrot endparam } class ChangeFormula_AfterNIterations(ckFormulaObject) { ; ; This Formula allows you to choose a second formula to be taken at a certain iteration deepness ; christian kleinhuis 2008 ; visit: ; ; ; public: import "Common.ulb" import "Standard.ulb" complex func Init(complex pz) count=0 f[0]=new @formulaClass1(0) f[1]=new @formulaClass2(0) f[1].Init(pz); atIteration=@atIteration; return f[0].Init(pz); endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) count=count+1 return getCurrentFormula().Iterate(#z) endfunc complex func GetPrimaryExponent() if cabs(f[0].GetPrimaryExponent())>cabs(f[1].GetPrimaryExponent()) return f[0].GetPrimaryExponent() else return f[1].GetPrimaryExponent() endif endfunc bool func IsBailedOut(complex pz) return f[count%2].IsBailedOut(#z) endfunc private: int count; Formula f[2]; Formula func getCurrentFormula() if(count< @atIteration) return f[0]; endif return f[1]; endfunc default: title = "Change Formula" rating = recommended Formula param formulaClass1 caption = "First Formula" default = Standard_Mandelbrot endparam Formula param formulaClass2 caption = "Second Formula" default = Standard_Mandelbrot endparam int param atIteration caption = "At Iteration" default = 0 endparam } class BlendFormula(ckFormulaObject) { ; ; This Formula let you choose 2 Fractal Formulas, ; and blend them with this formula you can transform any fractal into any other ; the only thing you should be aware is that mixing Divergent and Convergent ; can lead to problems ... ; christian kleinhuis 2008 ; visit: ; ; ; public: import "Common.ulb" import "Standard.ulb" complex func Init(complex pz) count=0 interpolator=new @Interpolator(this); f[0]=new @formulaClass1(0) f[1]=new @formulaClass2(0) z1=f[1].Init(pz); z0= f[0].Init(pz); return interpolator.Interpolate(@blend,z0,z1) endfunc ; @return the primary exponent parameter complex func GetPrimaryExponent() if cabs(f[0].GetPrimaryExponent())>cabs(f[1].GetPrimaryExponent()) return f[0].GetPrimaryExponent() else return f[1].GetPrimaryExponent() endif endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) count=count+1 return interpolator.Interpolate(@blend,f[0].Iterate(#z),f[1].Iterate(#z)) endfunc bool func IsBailedOut(complex pz) return f[0].IsBailedOut(#z) ||f[1].IsBailedOut(#z) endfunc private: int count; Formula f[2]; ComplexInterpolator interpolator; default: title = "Blend Formula" rating = recommended Formula param formulaClass1 caption = "First Formula" default = Standard_Mandelbrot endparam Formula param formulaClass2 caption = "Second Formula" default = Standard_Mandelbrot endparam ComplexInterpolator param interpolator caption="Interpolator" default= ComplexInterpolator endparam float param blend caption = "Blend" default = 0.5 endparam } class InterpolateBase(common.ulb:Generic) { ; This is the base class for interpolation of Complex Numbers public: import "Common.ulb" func InterpolateBase(Generic pparent) Generic.Generic(pparent) endfunc complex func Interpolate(float t,complex a,complex b) return this.doInterpolate(t,a,b) endfunc protected: complex func doInterpolate(float t,complex a,complex b) ; Template function doing the work... ; should be overriden from sub classes return 0; endfunc } class Linear(InterpolateBase) { ; Plain Linear Interpolation between two complex numbers public: import "Common.ulb" func Linear(Generic pparent) InterpolateBase.InterpolateBase(pparent) endfunc protected: complex func doInterpolate(float t,complex a,complex b) return a + t * (b - a) endfunc default: title = "Linear" rating = recommended } c class SphericalLinear(InterpolateBase) { ; Spherical Linear Interpolation between two Complex numbers public: import "Common.ulb" func SphericalLinear (Generic pparent) InterpolateBase.InterpolateBase(pparent) endfunc protected: complex func doInterpolate(float t,complex a,complex b) complex _a=(0,0) complex _b=(0,0); float absa=cabs(a); float absb=cabs(b); if(absa>0) _a=a/absa endif if(absb>0) _b=b/absb endif float omega=(real(_a)*real(_b)+imag(_a)*imag(_b)); float sinomega=sin(omega) if(sinomega==0) sinomega=0.00000000001 endif complex res=lerp(t,absa,absb)* ((sin((1-t)*omega)*_a+sin(t*omega)*_b)/sinomega) return res; endfunc private: float func lerp(float t,float a,float b) return a + t * (b - a) endfunc default: title = "SphericalLinear" rating = recommended } class Image(common.ulb:UserTransform) { public: ; @param pparent a reference to the object creating the new object; typically, 'this' func Image(Generic pparent) UserTransform.UserTransform(pparent) i=new @imageParam(); endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) ;ratio=1; complex pix = (real(#screenpixel)/#width,imag(#screenpixel)/#height) color col=i.getColor(pix) float l=sqrt(red(col)*red(col)+green(col)*green(col)+blue(col)*blue(col)) return pz+ l*@scale endfunc private: Image i default: title = "Image" Image param imageParam caption = "Image" endparam float param scale caption = "Scale" default=1 endparam } class ComplexInterpolator(common.ulb:Generic) { ; This is the base class for interpolation of Complex Numbers public: import "Common.ulb" func ComplexInterpolator(Generic pparent) Generic.Generic(pparent) interpol=new @interpolation(this) easing=new @easing(this) endfunc complex func Interpolate(float t,complex a,complex b) return interpol.Interpolate(easing.Ease(t),a,b) endfunc private: InterpolateBase interpol; Easing easing; default: title="ComplexInterpolator" InterpolateBase param interpolation default= Linear endparam Easing param easing default= Easing endparam } class Easing (common.ulb:Generic){ ; This class defines an easing function, ; This Class Has only one function ; Ease(x) where x is in the range of 0..1 ; The return value is the eased version of the input value public: func Easing(Generic pparent) Generic.Generic(pparent) endfunc float func Ease(float x) return doEase(x); endfunc protected: float func doEase(float t) return t; endfunc default: title = "Ease None" } class EasingSineInOut (Easing){ protected: float func doEase(float t) float _t=t*#PI-(#PI/2) return sin(_t)*0.5+0.5; endfunc default: title = "Sine In Out" } class EasingSineOut (Easing){ protected: float func doEase(float t) float _t=t*(#PI/2) return sin(_t); endfunc default: title = "Sine Out" } class EasingSineIn (Easing){ protected: float func doEase(float t) float _t=t*(#PI/2) -#PI/2 return sin(_t)+1; endfunc default: title = "Sine In" } class EasingBounceOut (Easing){ protected: float func doEase(float t) float x=t*(#PI*@turns+#PI/2); int segment=round(x/#PI); return 1-exp(-segment/2)*abs(cos(x)); endfunc default: title = "Bounce Out" float param turns caption = "# Bounces" default=2 endparam }