comment{ ;These ere my first try with ;coloring formulas. ;I hope you enjoy these!!! } 1(BOTH) { init: zold = @seed i = 0 loop: zold = #z*@Func1(zold) + @c i = i + 1 final: #index = (|zold|+ #maxiter)^@power default: title = "1" Param seed Caption = "seed" Default = (0.0,4.0) Endparam Param c Caption = "c" Default = (2.0,0.0) Endparam Param power Caption = "power" Default = .03 Endparam Func Func1 Caption = "Function 1" Default = cos() Endfunc } 2(BOTH) { init: a = @para b = @parb float p = @power float s = 0 loop: If @scelta == 0 zold = #z + #angle Elseif @scelta == 1 zold = |#z| Elseif @scelta == 2 zold = #angle / #y Elseif @scelta == 3 zold = #x / #z Endif q = a * @Func1 (zold)/@Func2(b * #z) If @iterazione == 0 s = 0 Else s = 1 Endif final: #index = s*#maxiter^p + |q| default: title = "2" Param para caption = "a" Default = (1.0,0.0) Endparam Param parb caption = "b" Default = (1.0,0.0) Endparam Param scelta Caption = "Type" enum = "z + angle" "|z|" "angle/y" "x/z" Default = 1 Endparam Param iterazione Caption = "Iteration?" enum = "no" "yes" Default = 0 Endparam Param power Caption = "power" Default = .03 Endparam Func Func1 Caption = "Function 1" Default = log() Endfunc Func Func2 Caption = "Function 2" Default = asin() Endfunc } 3(BOTH) { init: a = @para b = @parb c = @parc d = @pard If @scelta == 0 iterazione = #z Elseif @scelta == 1 iterazione = #pixel Elseif @scelta == 2 iterazione = #angle Elseif @scelta == 3 iterazione = #z + #random*@quanto Elseif @scelta == 4 iterazione = #x Elseif @scelta == 5 iterazione = #y Elseif @scelta == 6 iterazione = |#z| Elseif @scelta == 7 iterazione = #z/#angle Endif loop: z_old = iterazione + #z medio = a * @Func1(b * iterazione) + c * @Func2(d * z_old) float fine = |@Func3(medio - z_old)| final: #index = |@Func4(fine)|^@pow default: title = "3" Param scelta Caption = "Type?" enum = "z" "pixel" "angle" "z + random" "real" "imag" "|z|" "z / angle" Default = 0 Endparam Param para Caption = "a" Default = (1.0,0.0) Endparam Param parb Caption = "b" Default = (1.0,0.0) Endparam Param parc Caption = "c" Default = (1.0,0.0) Endparam Param pard Caption = "d" Default = (1.0,0.0) Endparam Param pow Caption = "power" Default = 0.5 Endparam Param quanto Caption = "How many rand?" Hint = "This works only with the choice of random" Default = .52 Endparam Func Func1 Caption = "Function 1" Default = asin() Endfunc Func Func2 Caption = "Function 2" Default = round() Endfunc Func Func3 Caption = "Function 3" Default = atanh() Endfunc Func Func4 Caption = "Function 4" Default = sinh() Endfunc } 4(BOTH) { init: a = @para b = @parb c = @parc d = @pard z_old = 0 If @scelta == 0 iterazione = #z Elseif @scelta == 1 iterazione = #pixel Elseif @scelta == 2 iterazione = #angle Elseif @scelta == 3 iterazione = #z + #random*@quanto Elseif @scelta == 4 iterazione = #x Elseif @scelta == 5 iterazione = #y Elseif @scelta == 6 iterazione = |#z| Elseif @scelta == 7 iterazione = #z/#angle Endif loop: z_old = iterazione + #z medio = a * @Func1(b * iterazione) + c * @Func2(d * z_old) fine = @Func3(medio - z_old) final: magma = z_old * medio fine = fine/magma #index = |@Func4(fine)|^@pow default: title = "4" Param scelta Caption = "Type?" enum = "z" "pixel" "angle" "z + random" "real" "imag" "|z|" "z / angle" Default = 0 Endparam Param para Caption = "a" Default = (1.0,0.0) Endparam Param parb Caption = "b" Default = (1.0,0.0) Endparam Param parc Caption = "c" Default = (1.0,0.0) Endparam Param pard Caption = "d" Default = (1.0,0.0) Endparam Param pow Caption = "power" Default = 0.5 Endparam Param quanto Caption = "How many rand?" Hint = "This works only with the choice of random" Default = .52 Endparam Func Func1 Caption = "Function 1" Default = cos() Endfunc Func Func2 Caption = "Function 2" Default = exp() Endfunc Func Func3 Caption = "Function 3" Default = atanh() Endfunc Func Func4 Caption = "Function 4" Default = sinh() Endfunc } FunctionsTrap(BOTH) { ;Daniele Lupo ; ; ;A very special thank to Mark Townsend ;for his basic explanation about traps. ; ;This formula create traps based on shapes ;of many function, as parabola, lines etc. ;you can define the function, how many function, ;his position, rotation and others. ; ;Useful with sqrt or cuberoot transfer functions, ;but others work well, too. ;Sorry, but it's a little slow with many functions. :-( init: ;Basic variables of the formula. With these variables ;you can describe the formula float closest = 1e15 ; starting of calculation to min dist float farthest = 0 ; starting of calculation of max dist float a = @para ; a parameter of functions float b = @parb ; b parameter of functions float c = @parc ; c parameter of functions float d = @pard ; Try to discover his function!!! :-) float f = @parf ; This too!!! float g = @parg ; The last parameter!!! float rotation = @rot ; rotation angle of functions float distance = 1e15 ; distance from z to the shape float temp_distance = 0 float tolerance = @tol ; tolerance to numeric algorithm to find ; the minimun distance float q = 0 ; the variable to plot the function. ; I prefer use it, instead of x, ; to solve problems with the builtin #x complex origin = @center_of_axis ; translation of origin of ; axis ;These variables describe the ripetition of formula pattern: ;number of function and the position in the complex plane. int functions = @num_func ; the number of functions that create the trap float x_translation = @x_tran ; x translation of every function in the formula float y_translation = @y_tran ; y translation of every function in the formula float group_rotation = @g_rot ; rotations of other functions added to the original ; rotation of original function ;others variables float qold = 0 ; newton algorithm use it float diff = 1e10 ; |q - qold| in newton algorithm float z_x = 0.0 ; x value of z float z_y = 0.0 ; y value of z float fq = 0.0 ; value of f(q) float der1fq = 0.0 ; value of the first derivate of f(q) float der2fq = 0.0 ; value of the second derivate of f(q) int max_ite = @maxite ; max iteration of newton algorithms float ang = 0 ; I use it to rotate the function float length = 0 int cont = 0 int iter_closest = 0 int iter_farthest = 0 float sum = 0 float difference = 0 float multiplication = 1 int num_ite = 0 loop: ;initialization of q If (@type_q == 0) q = real(#z) Elseif (@type_q == 1) q = imag(#z) Elseif (@type_q == 2) q = real(#z)+imag(#z) Elseif (@type_q == 3) q = real(#z)-imag(#z) Elseif (@type_q == 4) q = imag(#z)-real(#z) Elseif (@type_q == 5) q = real(#z)*imag(#z) Elseif (@type_q == 6) q = real(#z)/imag(#z) Elseif (@type_q == 7) q = imag(#z)/real(#z) Elseif (@type_q == 8) q = real(#z)^imag(#z) Elseif (@type_q == 9) q = imag(#z)^real(#z) Elseif (@type_q == 10) q = real(@init_func(real(#z))) Elseif (@type_q == 11) q = real(@init_func(imag(#z))) Elseif (@type_q == 12) q = real(@init_func(real(#z)+imag(#z))) Elseif (@type_q == 13) q = real(@init_func(real(#z)-imag(#z))) Elseif (@type_q == 14) q = real(@init_func(imag(#z)-real(#z))) Elseif (@type_q == 15) q = real(@init_func(real(#z)*imag(#z))) Elseif (@type_q == 16) q = real(@init_func(real(#z)/imag(#z))) Elseif (@type_q == 17) q = real(@init_func(imag(#z)/real(#z))) Elseif (@type_q == 18) q = real(@init_func(real(#z)^imag(#z))) Elseif (@type_q == 19) q = real(@init_func(imag(#z)^real(#z))) Elseif (@type_q == 20) q = real(#pixel) Elseif (@type_q == 21) q = imag(#pixel) Elseif (@type_q == 22) q = real(#pixel)+imag(#pixel) Elseif (@type_q == 23) q = real(#pixel)-imag(#pixel) Elseif (@type_q == 24) q = imag(#pixel)-real(#pixel) Elseif (@type_q == 25) q = real(#pixel)*imag(#pixel) Elseif (@type_q == 26) q = real(#pixel)/imag(#pixel) Elseif (@type_q == 27) q = imag(#pixel)/real(#pixel) Elseif (@type_q == 28) q = real(#pixel)^imag(#pixel) Elseif (@type_q == 29) q = imag(#pixel)^real(#pixel) Elseif (@type_q == 30) q = @seed Endif ; I use tranformation values, like rotation etc. ; in z calculation, instead of in the function. ; This simplifies calculus z_x = real(#z)-real(origin) z_y = imag(#z)-imag(origin) ang = atan2(z_x+z_y*1i) length = cabs(z_x+z_y*1i) z_x = length * cos(ang + rotation*#pi/180) z_y = length * sin(ang + rotation*#pi/180) ;Now, I must calculate the distance from every function cont = 0 While (cont < functions) cont = cont+1 diff = 1e10 ; calculation of q point that gives the minimun distance ; formula obtained derivating the distance from the function formula. ; dist = (x-q)^2 + (y-f(q)^2, and appliyng newton ; formula to this. When derivate is equal to 0, then I've found ; the q value that minimize the distance. ; Then I calculate the distance from z to the point (q, f(q)) num_ite = max_ite While (diff > tolerance && num_ite > 0) num_ite = num_ite-1 qold = q ;The type of function If (@type_f == 0) fq = a*q+b der1fq = a der2fq = 0 Elseif (@type_f == 1) fq = a*q^2+b*q+c der1fq = 2*a*q+b der2fq = 2*a Elseif (@type_f == 2) fq = a*q^3+b*q^2+c*q+d der1fq = 3*a*q^2+2*b*q+c der2fq = 6*a*q+2*b Elseif (@type_f == 3) fq = a*q^b+c*q^d der1fq = a*b*q^(b-1)+c*d*q^(d-1) der2fq = a*b*(b-1)*q^(b-2)+c*d*(d-1)*q^(d-2) Elseif (@type_f == 4) fq = a*sin(b*q+c)+d*cos(f*q+g) der1fq = a*b*cos(c+b*q)-d*f*sin(g+f*q) der2fq = -d*f*f*cos(g+f*q)-a*b*b*sin(c+b*q) Elseif (@type_f == 5) fq = a*q*sin(b*q+c) der1fq = a*b*q*cos(b*q+c)+a*sin(b*q+c) der2fq = 2*a*b*cos(b*q+c)-a*b*b*q*sin(b*q+c) Elseif (@type_f == 6) fq = a*sin(b*q+c)/q der1fq = a*(b*q*cos(c+b*q)-sin(c+b*q))/q^2 der2fq = -a*(2*b*q*cos(c+b*q)+(-2+b^2*q^2)*sin(c+b*q))/q^3 Elseif (@type_f == 7) fq = a*q^2+b*q+d*sin(f*q+g) der1fq = 2*a*q+b+d*f*cos(f*q+g) der2fq = 2*a-d*f*f*sin(f*q+g) Elseif (@type_f == 8) fq = a*tan(b*q+c)*exp(d*q+f) der1fq = a*exp(f+d*q)*(2*b+d*sin(2*c+2*b*q))/(1+cos(2*c+2*b*q)) der2fq = 0.25*a*exp(f+d*q)*(8*b*d*cos(c+b*q)+2*(4*b^2+d^2+d^2*cos(2*(c+b*q)))*sin(c+b*q))/(cos(c+b*q)^3) Elseif (@type_f == 9) fq = a*cosh(b*q+c)+d*sinh(f*q+g) der1fq = d*f*cosh(g+f*q)+a*b*sinh(c+b*q) der2fq = a*b*b*cosh(c+b*q)+d*f*f*sinh(g+f*q) Endif ;Newton formula q = q - (((z_y-fq+(q-z_x)*der1fq)^2-(z_y-fq)*((q-z_x)^2+z_y^2+fq^2-2*z_y*fq)*der2fq)/(((q-z_x)^2+z_y^2+fq^2-2*z_y*fq)^(3/2))) diff = |q-qold| Endwhile ;newton loop temp_distance = real(sqr(z_x-q)+sqr(z_y-fq)) ;calculation of variables for the new function, with his trantaltion and rotazion z_x = z_x-x_translation z_y = z_y-y_translation ang = atan2(z_x+z_y*1i) length = cabs(z_x+z_y*1i) z_x = length * cos(ang + group_rotation*#pi/180) z_y = length * sin(ang + group_rotation*#pi/180) If (distance > temp_distance) distance = temp_distance Endif Endwhile ;number of functions loop ;Now I've the distance. Now I verify the trap If (distance < closest) closest = distance iter_closest = iter_closest+1 Endif If (distance > farthest) farthest = distance iter_farthest = iter_farthest+1 Endif sum = sum + distance difference = difference - distance multiplication = multiplication * distance final: If (@type_trap == 0) #index = sqrt(closest) Elseif (@type_trap == 1) #index = sqrt(farthest) Elseif (@type_trap == 2) #index = iter_closest*.1 Elseif (@type_trap == 3) #index = iter_farthest*1 Elseif (@type_trap == 4) #index = sum Elseif (@type_trap == 5) #index = sum/#numiter Elseif (@type_trap == 6) #index = difference Elseif (@type_trap == 7) #index = multiplication Endif default: title = "Functions Trap" Param type_q Caption = "seed" Enum = "x" "y" "x+y" "x-y" "y-x" "x*y" "x/y" "y/x" "x^y" "y^x" "Q(x)" "Q(y)" \ "Q(x+y)" "Q(x-y)" "Q(y-x)" "Q(x*y)" "Q(x/y)" "Q(y/x)" "Q(x^y)" "Q(y^x)" \ "pix_x" "pix_y" "pix_x+pix_y" "pix_x-pix_y" "pix_y-pix_x" "pix_x*pix_y" \ "pix_x/pix_y" "pix_y/pix_x" "pix_x^pix_y" "pix_y^pix_x" "manual" Default = 0 Hint = "This is the initial point to start the algorithm to find the minimum \ distance. Cause of this, many points can give the same solution, and work \ in the same way, depend of the formula." Endparam Param type_f Caption = "Function" Enum = "ax+b" "ax^2+bx+c" "ax^3+bx^2+cx+d" "ax^b+cx^d" "a*sin(bx+c)+d*cos(fx+g)" \ "ax*sin(bx+c)" "asin(bx+c)/x)" "ax^2+bx+c+d*sin(fx+g)" "a*tan(b*cx)*exp(dx+f)" \ "a*cosh(bx+c)+d*sinh(fx+g)" Hint = "There are all the functions used as trap. Try, try and try!" Default = 0 Endparam Param type_trap Caption = "Trap" Enum = "Closest" "Farthest" "iter cl." "iter far." "sum" "average" "difference" "multiplication" Default = 0 Hint = "This specifies the type of trap of function." Endparam Param center_of_axis Caption = "Center" Default = (0.0,0.0) Hint = "This is the centre of xy axes of function" Endparam Param rot Caption = "Rotation" Default = 0.0 Hint = "This is the rotation of xy axes respect to imaginary plane." Endparam Param num_func Caption = "N° of funcs" Default = 1 Min = 1 Hint = "This number is number of functions that must be used as trap. \ You must use traslations values, or you can't use others, because \ They're one on top of the other." Endparam Param x_tran Caption = "x translation" Default = 0.5 Hint = "This is the x translation of every function from the previosus. It doesn't \ work with only one function" Endparam Param y_tran Caption = "y translation" Default = 0.5 Hint = "This is the y translation of every function from the previosus. It doesn't \ work with only one function" Endparam Param g_rot Caption = "Group rot." Default = 0.0 Hint = "This is the angle of every function respect to the previous plotted function" Endparam Param maxite Caption = "Max. Iter." Default = 30 Hint = "This is the max number of iteration of newton algorithm. It's useful \ when the the formnula can0t find a minimun, and exit from a probable \ infinite loop." Min = 1 Endparam Param para Caption = "a" Default = 1.0 Hint = "a parameter of functions" Endparam Param parb Caption = "b" Default = 0.0 Hint = "b parameter of funcions" Endparam Param parc Caption = "c" Default = 1.0 Hint = "c parameter of functions" Endparam Param pard Caption = "d" Default = 1.0 Hint = "d parameter of functions" Endparam Param parf Caption = "f" Default = 1.0 Hint = "f parameter of funcions" Endparam Param parg Caption = "g" Default = 1.0 Hint = "g parameter of functions" Endparam Param tol Caption = "Tolerance" Default = 1e-2 Hint = "This is the tolerance of numerical newton algorithm" Endparam Param seed Caption = "manual" Default = 0.0 Hint = "This works only if it's selected in seed selection; with this, you can \ manually add the seed of the newton iteration." Endparam Func init_func Caption = "Q()" Hint = "This is the function that appear in options of seed. If this does not \ appear in the seed, doesn't work" Default = cos() Endfunc } dan-ucl-Waves(BOTH) { ; ; Polar trap based on polar functions. ; Functions are customizable in many aspects. ; You can choose different types of polar ; functions, but they are very flexible. ; you can change aspect ration and center ; of this trap. ; there's commented code. It correspond ; to another trap that I'm working on. It's ; not avaiable at the monent, because ; it doesn not work like I want. ; I'd like to improve this in future, but for ; now, this is the result! :-) ; ; Any suggestion for improvement of this formula ; is accepted, of course! Let me know what and how ; I can add something. ; ; 18 Sep 2003 ; ; Morph Parameters added by Toby Marshall ; Thanks Toby. These parameters are wonderful! ; ; Created by Daniele Lupo ; ; global: ; From parameters to normal names float ray_of_shape = @r float amplitude = @am float frequency = @fr int type_trap = @t_t float iterations_control = @i_c float thickness = 1/@th float aspect_ratio = @a_r int trapped_value_type = @t_v_t complex _center = @cn float scale = @sc bool ray_distance = @r_d If ray_distance == true bool solid_type = @s_t Else bool solid_type = false Endif ; float slice_angle = 2*#pi/@s_a ; float n_of_slices = @s_a int wave_function = @w_f float amplitude_1_1 = @am_1_1 float amplitude_1_2 = @am_1_2 float frequency_1_1 = @fr_1_1 float frequency_1_2 = @fr_1_2 float phase_1_1 = @ph_1_1*#pi/180 float amplitude_2_1 = @am_2_1 float amplitude_2_2 = @am_2_2 float frequency_2_1 = @fr_2_1 float frequency_2_2 = @fr_2_2 float phase_2_1 = @ph_2_1*#pi/180 float amplitude_3_1 = @am_3_1 float amplitude_3_2 = @am_3_2 float frequency_3_1 = @fr_3_1 float phase_3_1 = @ph_3_1*#pi/180 float rotation = @rot*#pi/180 float amplitude_4_1 = @am_4_1 float amplitude_4_2 = @am_4_2 float frequency_4_1 = @fr_4_1 float frequency_4_2 = @fr_4_2 float phase_4_1 = @ph_4_1*#pi/180 ; float ray_1 = @r_1 ; float ray_2 = @r_2 init: float minimum = 1e20 float maximum = 0.0 float sum = 0.0 float product = 1.0 float first = 0.0 float last = 0.0 float _angle = 0.0 complex real_imag = (0.0,0.0) int control = 0 int iterations = 0 float t = 0.0 float error_value = 0.0 ;This contains error_value that it's calculated in trap complex trapped_value = (0.0,0.0) ;this contains changes of the z value complex ray = 0 int iter = 0 ; float slice = 0.0 ; float temp_angle = 0.0 ; int angle_iter = 0 ; float distance_from_border = 0.0 loop: complex z1 = #z if @change == "1" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)^@exp1m elseif @change == "2" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)+@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m) elseif @change == "3" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)-@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m) elseif @change == "4" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)*@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m) elseif @change == "5" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)/@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m) elseif @change == "6" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)^@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m) elseif @change == "7" if @opm == "+" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)+(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)+@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "-" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)+(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)-@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "*" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)+(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)*@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "/" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)+(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)/@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "^" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)+(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)^@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) endif elseif @change == "8" if @opm == "+" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)-(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)+@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "-" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)-(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)-@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "*" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)-(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)*@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "/" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)-(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)/@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "^" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)-(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)^@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) endif elseif @change == "9" if @opm == "+" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)*(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)+@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "-" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)*(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)-@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "*" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)*(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)*@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "/" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)*(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)/@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "^" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)*(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)^@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) endif elseif @change == "10" if @opm == "+" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)/(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)+@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "-" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)/(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)-@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "*" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)/(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)*@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "/" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)/(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)/@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "^" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)/(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)^@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) endif elseif @change == "11" if @opm == "+" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)^(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)+@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "-" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)^(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)-@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "*" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)^(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)*@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "/" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)^(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)/@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) elseif @opm == "^" z1 = @nufunc(z1-@tw)^(@nufunc2((z1-@tw2)^@exp1m)^@nufunc3((z1-@tw3)^@exp2m)) endif endif iter = iter + 1 ; These code is used to change z properties If trapped_value_type == 0 ;z trapped_value = real(aspect_ratio*z1)+flip(imag(z1)) Elseif trapped_value_type == 1 ;|z| trapped_value = |real(aspect_ratio*z1)+flip(imag(z1))| Elseif trapped_value_type == 2 ;real(z) trapped_value = real(aspect_ratio*z1) Elseif trapped_value_type == 3 ;imag(z) trapped_value = imag(z1) Elseif trapped_value_type == 4 ;angle(z) trapped_value = atan2(real(aspect_ratio*z1)+flip(imag(z1))) Elseif trapped_value_type == 5 ;f1(f2(z)) trapped_value = @value_func_1(@value_func_2(real(aspect_ratio*z1)+flip(imag(z1)))) Elseif trapped_value_type == 6 ;f1(real)+f2(imag) trapped_value = @value_func_1(aspect_ratio*real(z1))+@value_func_2(imag(z1)) Elseif trapped_value_type == 7 ;f1(real)-f2(imag) trapped_value = @value_func_1(aspect_ratio*real(z1))-@value_func_2(imag(z1)) Elseif trapped_value_type == 8 ;f1(imag)-f2(real) trapped_value = @value_func_1(imag(z1))-@value_func_2(aspect_ratio*real(z1)) Elseif trapped_value_type == 9 ;f2(imag)*f1(real) trapped_value = @value_func_1(aspect_ratio*real(z1))*@value_func_2(imag(z1)) Elseif trapped_value_type == 10 ;f1(real)/f2(imag) trapped_value = @value_func_1(aspect_ratio*real(z1))/@value_func_2(imag(z1)) Elseif trapped_value_type == 11 ;f1(imag)/f2(real) trapped_value = @value_func_1(imag(z1))/@value_func_2(real(z1)*aspect_ratio) Elseif trapped_value_type == 12 ;f1(real)^f2(imag) trapped_value = @value_func_1(aspect_ratio*real(z1))^@value_func_2(imag(z1)) Elseif trapped_value_type == 13 ;f1(imag)^f2(real) trapped_value = @value_func_1(imag(z1))^@value_func_2(aspect_ratio*real(z1)) Endif ;Now we change center and rotation of our shape trapped_value = trapped_value - _center trapped_value = cabs(trapped_value)*exp(flip(rotation+atan2(trapped_value))) ; These lines determine amplitude of the ; polar function with the z angle t = atan2(trapped_value) If wave_function == 0 ray = ray_of_shape+amplitude*@wave(frequency*t) Elseif wave_function == 1 ray = amplitude_1_1*@wave_1_1(frequency_1_1*t)+amplitude_1_2*@wave_1_2(frequency_1_2*t+phase_1_1) Elseif wave_function == 2 ray = amplitude_2_1*@wave_2_1(frequency_2_1*t)*amplitude_2_2*@wave_2_2(frequency_2_2*t+phase_2_1) Elseif wave_function == 3 ray = amplitude_3_1*@wave_3_1(amplitude_3_2*@wave_3_2(frequency_3_1*t+phase_3_1)) Elseif wave_function == 4 ray = amplitude_4_1*@wave_4_1(frequency_4_1*t)*amplitude_4_2*@wave_4_2(frequency_4_2*t+phase_4_1) ; Elseif wave_function == 5 ; temp_angle = atan2(trapped_value - _center) ; If (temp_angle < 0) ; temp_angle = temp_angle + #pi * 2 ; Endif ; While temp_angle > slice_angle ; temp_angle = temp_angle - slice_angle ; angle_iter = angle_iter + 1 ; Endwhile ; If ((angle_iter%2) == 0) ; ray = ray_1 ; Else ; ray = ray_2 ; Endif ; ; distance_from_border = atan2 (slice_angle - temp_angle) ; If distance_from_border > (-atan2(temp_angle-slice_angle)) ; distance_from_border = -atan2(temp_angle-slice_angle) ; Endif ; If (cabs(ray_1-ray_2) > distance_from_border) ; ray = distance_from_border ; Endif Endif actual = cabs(trapped_value)*scale ; Use ray Option for first trap shape If wave_function == 0 If ray_distance == true error_value = cabs(actual - ray) * thickness Else error_value = cabs(ray)*thickness*cabs(trapped_value) Endif Else error_value = cabs(actual - ray) * thickness Endif ; Type of Trap If ((type_trap == 0) || (type_trap == 9) || (type_trap == 8) || (type_trap == 10) || (type_trap == 7)) ;minimum & iterations & real min & max min & angle If error_value < minimum minimum = real(@trap_func(error_value)) real_imag = @trap_func(trapped_value) iterations = iter _angle = real(@trap_func(atan2(trapped_value))) If (_angle < 0) _angle = real(@trap_func(_angle + #pi * 2)) Endif Endif Elseif type_trap == 1 ;maximum If error_value > maximum maximum = real(@trap_func(error_value)) Endif Elseif ((type_trap == 2) || (type_trap == 3)) ;maximum & average sum = sum + real(@trap_func(error_value)) Elseif type_trap == 4 ;product product = product * real(@trap_func(error_value)) Elseif type_trap == 5 ;first If control == 0 first = real(@trap_func(error_value)) control = 1 Endif Elseif type_trap == 6 ;last last = real(@trap_func(error_value)) Endif final: ;Case of average If type_trap == 3 sum = sum/#numiter Endif If solid_type == true If minimum*thickness > 1 #solid = true Endif Endif If type_trap == 0 ;minimum #index = minimum * thickness Elseif type_trap == 1 ;maximum #index = maximum * thickness Elseif ((type_trap == 2) || (type_trap == 3)) ;sum & average #index = sum Elseif type_trap == 4 ;product #index = product Elseif type_trap == 5 ;first #index = first * thickness Elseif type_trap == 6 ;last #index = last * thickness Elseif type_trap == 7 ;iterations #index = iterations/iterations_control Elseif type_trap == 8 ;real minimum #index = abs(real(real_imag)) Elseif type_trap == 9 ;imag minimum #index = abs(imag(real_imag)) Elseif type_trap == 10 ;angle #index = _angle Endif default: title = "Waves" Param w_f Caption = "Wave Funcion" Default = 0 Enum = "Radial Func" "Sum of 2 Func" "Product of 2 Func" "Func of Func" \ "Division of Two Func" Hint = "This parameter choose the type of polar function that you want \ to use. Parameters are all editable" Endparam Param t_t Caption = "Type of Trap" Default = 0 Enum = "Minimum" "Maximum" "Average" "Sum" "Product" \ "First value" "Last value" "Iterations" "Real" \ "Imaginary" "Angle" Hint = "These are the kinds of trap of this formula" Endparam Func trap_func Caption = "Funciton Trap" Default = ident() Hint = "This function is applied to the trap value at every iteration." Endfunc Param t_v_t Caption = "Trapped Value" Default = 0 Enum = "z" "|z|" "Real" "Imag" "Angle" "f1(f2(z))" "f1(Real)+f2(Imag)" \ "f1(Real)-f2(Imag)" "f1(Imag)-f2(Real)" "f1(Real)*f2(Imag)" "f1(Real)/f2(Imag)" "f1(Imag)/f2(Real)" \ "f1(Real)^f2(Imag)" "f1(Imag)^f2(Real)" Hint = "This is the value that it's trapped in interations." Endparam Func value_func_1 Caption = "f1" Default = ident() Visible = (@t_v_t >= 5) Hint = "First function selected for the Trapped Value" Endfunc Func value_func_2 Caption = "f2" Default = ident() Hint = "Second function selected for the Trapped Value" Visible = (@t_v_t >= 5) Endfunc Heading Caption = "---Parameters for Radial Func---" Visible = (@w_f == 0) Endheading Func wave Caption = "Wave Function" Default = cos() Hint = "This is the function that you use as wave function." Visible = (@w_f == 0) Endfunc Param r Caption = "Ray" Default = 1.3 Min = 0.0 Hint = "This is the ray of the function, without considering amplitude." Visible = (@w_f == 0) Endparam Param am Caption = "Amplitude" Default = 0.2 Min = 0.0 Hint = "This is the amplitude of waves of the function" Visible = (@w_f == 0) Endparam Param fr Caption = "Frequency" Default = 10.0 Hint = "This is frequency of waves of the function." Visible = (@w_f == 0) Endparam Param r_d Caption = "Use shape ray?" Default = True Hint = "Click on in tif you want to create a shape with a determined \ ray. Don't click to have a central shape trap." Visible = (@w_f == 0) Endparam Heading Caption = "-------------------------------------" Visible = (@w_f == 0) Endheading Heading Caption = "--- Parameters for Sum of 2 Func ---" Visible = (@w_f == 1) Endheading Param am_1_1 Caption = "Amplitude 1" Default = 1.0 Hint = "First amplitude value of this polar function." Visible = (@w_f == 1) Endparam Param fr_1_1 Caption = "Frequency 1" Default = 1.0 Hint = "This is the first frequency value of this polar function." Visible = (@w_f == 1) Endparam Param am_1_2 Caption = "Amplitude 2" Default = 0.2 Hint = "This is the second amplitude value of this polar function." Visible = (@w_f == 1) Endparam Param fr_1_2 Caption = "Frequency 2" Default = 5 Hint = "I'd like to know if you can find the meaning of this parameter :-)" Visible = (@w_f == 1) Endparam Param ph_1_1 Caption = "Phase" Default = 0.0 Hint = "This parameter specifies phase between two function of this shape." Visible = (@w_f == 1) Endparam Func wave_1_1 Caption = "Wave Function 1" Default = sin() Hint = "This is the first function of this wave trap" Visible = (@w_f == 1) Endfunc Func wave_1_2 Caption = "Wave Function 2" Default = sin() Hint = "This is the second function of this polar function." Visible = (@w_f == 1) Endfunc Heading Caption = "----------------------------------------" Visible = (@w_f == 1) Endheading Heading Caption = "--- Parameter for Product of 2 Func ---" Visible = (@w_f == 2) Endheading Param am_2_1 Caption = "Amplitude 1" Default = 1.0 Hint = "First amplitude value of this polar function." Visible = (@w_f == 2) Endparam Param fr_2_1 Caption = "Frequency 1" Default = 4.0 Hint = "This is the first frequency value of this polar function." Visible = (@w_f == 2) Endparam Param am_2_2 Caption = "Amplitude 2" Default = 1.0 Hint = "This is the second amplitude value of this polar function." Visible = (@w_f == 2) Endparam Param fr_2_2 Caption = "Frequency 2" Default = 10.0 Hint = "I'd like to know if you can find the meaning of this parameter :-)" Visible = (@w_f == 2) Endparam Param ph_2_1 Caption = "Phase" Default = 0.0 Hint = "This parameter specifies phase between two function of this shape." Visible = (@w_f == 2) Endparam Func wave_2_1 Caption = "Wave Function 1" Default = sin() Hint = "This is the first function of this wave trap" Visible = (@w_f == 2) Endfunc Func wave_2_2 Caption = "Wave Function 2" Default = cos() Hint = "This is the second function of this polar function." Visible = (@w_f == 2) Endfunc Heading Caption = "-------------------------------------------" Visible = (@w_f == 2) Endheading Heading Caption = "---Parameters for Func of Func---" Visible = (@w_f == 3) Endheading Param am_3_1 Caption = "Amplitude 1" Default = 0.5 Hint = "Amplitude of the external function of this polar shape." Visible = (@w_f == 3) Endparam Param am_3_2 Caption = "Amplitude 2" Default = 2.0 Hint = "Amplitude of the internal function of this polar shape." Visible = (@w_f == 3) Endparam Param fr_3_1 Caption = "Frequency 1" Default = 4.0 Hint = "This is the frequancy of the polar shape." Visible = (@w_f == 3) Endparam Param ph_3_1 Caption = "Phase" Default = 0.0 Hint = "Phase of this polar shape" Visible = (@w_f == 3) Endparam Func @wave_3_1 Caption = "External Function" Default = sqrt() Hint = "External function of this shape" Visible = (@w_f == 3) Endfunc Func @wave_3_2 Caption = "Internal Function" Default = cabs() Hint = "Internal fucntion of this shape" Visible = (@w_f == 3) Endfunc Heading Caption = "--------------------------------------" Visible = (@w_f == 3) Endheading Heading Caption = "--- Parameter for Division of 2 Func ---" Visible = (@w_f == 4) Endheading Param am_4_1 Caption = "Amplitude 1" Default = 1.0 Hint = "First amplitude value of this polar function." Visible = (@w_f == 4) Endparam Param fr_4_1 Caption = "Frequency 1" Default = 4.0 Hint = "This is the first frequency value of this polar function." Visible = (@w_f == 4) Endparam Param am_4_2 Caption = "Amplitude 2" Default = 1.0 Hint = "This is the second amplitude value of this polar function." Visible = (@w_f == 4) Endparam Param fr_4_2 Caption = "Frequency 2" Default = 10.0 Hint = "I'd like to know if you can find the meaning of this parameter :-)" Visible = (@w_f == 4) Endparam Param ph_4_1 Caption = "Phase" Default = 0.0 Hint = "This parameter specifies phase between two function of this shape." Visible = (@w_f == 4) Endparam Func wave_4_1 Caption = "Wave Function 1" Default = recip() Hint = "This is the first function of this wave trap" Visible = (@w_f == 4) Endfunc Func wave_4_2 Caption = "Wave Function 2" Default = sin() Hint = "This is the second function of this polar function." Visible = (@w_f == 4) Endfunc Heading Caption = "-------------------------------------------" Visible = (@w_f == 4) Endheading Heading Caption = "---Slices---" Visible = (@w_f == 5) Endheading Param s_a Caption = "N° of slices" Default = 8.0 Hint = "N° of the slices of this shape." Visible = (@w_f == 5) Endparam Param r_1 Caption = "Ray 1" Default = 1.0 Hint = "First ray of the shape" Visible = (@w_f == 5) Endparam Param r_2 Caption = "Ray 2" Default = 0.5 Hint = "Second ray of the shape" Visible = (@w_f == 5) Endparam Heading Caption = "---------------" Visible = (@w_f == 5) Endheading Param cn Caption = "Center" Default = (0.0,0.0) Hint = "This is the center of the Trap Shape" Endparam Param sc Caption = "Scale" Default = 1.0 Hint = "Scale of the polar function" Endparam Param rot Caption = "Rotation" Default = 0.0 Hint = "This is the angle rotation (in degrees) of the trap shape." Endparam Param a_r Caption = "Aspect Ratio" Default = 1.0 Hint = "This parameter streches your trap shape" Endparam Param th Caption = "Thickness" Default = 1.0 Hint = "Changing it you can change thickness if this shape" Endparam Param i_c Caption = "Iter. Control" Default = 21.5 Hint = "This is the control of iterations. Use it to change \ the range of values in which iterations work to change colors." Visible = (@t_t == 7) Endparam Param s_t Caption = "Solid?" Default = False Hint = "This value specifies what kind of solid color coloring \ methid you want. In this way you can easily create frames \ or other things." Visible = (@r_d == True) Endparam ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Advanced option Parameters ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- param adv caption = "Advanced options" hint = "Additional shaping parameters and functions." default = false endparam param change caption = "Morph" enum = "1""2""3""4""5""6""7""8""9""10""11" default = 0 visible = @adv endparam complex param exp1m caption = "Bias 1" default = (1,0) visible = @adv endparam complex param exp3m caption = "Bias 2" default = (1,0) visible = @adv && @change > 0 endparam complex param exp2m caption = "Bias 3" default = (1,0) visible = @adv && @change > 5 endparam complex param tw caption = "Twist 1" default = (0,0) visible = @adv endparam complex param tw2 caption = "Twist 2" default = (0,0) visible = @adv && @change > 0 endparam complex param tw3 caption = "Twist 3" default = (0,0) visible = @adv && @change > 5 endparam param opm caption = "Operator" enum = "+""-""*""/""^" default = 0 visible = @adv && @change > 5 endparam heading caption = "Trap Functions" visible = @adv endheading func nufunc caption = "Morph function 1" default = ident() visible = @adv endfunc func nufunc2 caption = "Morph function 2" default = ident () visible = @adv && @change > 0 endfunc func nufunc3 caption = "Morph function 3" default = ident () visible = @adv && @change > 5 endfunc }