comment { dmj5.ucl 1.0 Coloring formulas for Ultra Fractal 5 by Damien M. Jones June 21, 2008 This is my public collection. As much as possible, I will try to keep these backwards-compatible, so that all of your parameters will always render correctly in the future. Note that the bulk of the code for these formulas is in dmj5.ulb, the class library. Editing note: tabs are set to 4 for my code. } dmj5-OrbitTraps { ; ; This is the new Orbit Traps coloring for UF5. It ; replaces the UF3 version of Orbit Traps and has been ; completely rewritten for UF5's new object framework. ; ; This is really not just one formula. Rather, it is a ; scaffolding on which to assemble as little or as much ; complexity as you want. It is also designed to be ; extensible, so that other formula authors can add bits ; to it without requiring modification of this base code. ; ; More descriptions and credits should probably accompany ; this. ; ; See documentation on DCOrbitTraps. This is just a wrapper ; around that class. ; global: import "common.ulb" import "dmj5.ulb" DMJ_OrbitTrapsColoring f = new @f_class(0) init: f.Init(#z, #pixel) loop: f.Iterate(#z) final: #index = f.ResultIndex(#z) if (f.IsSolid()) #solid = true endif default: title = "Orbit Traps Gradient (UF5)" helpfile = "dmj5\dmj5-ot.htm" DMJ_OrbitTrapsColoring param f_class caption = "Object" selectable = false endparam } dmj5-OrbitTrapsDirect { ; ; This is the new Orbit Traps Direct coloring for UF5. It ; replaces the UF3 version of Orbit Traps and has been ; completely rewritten for UF5's new object framework. ; ; This is really not just one formula. Rather, it is a ; scaffolding on which to assemble as little or as much ; complexity as you want. It is also designed to be ; extensible, so that other formula authors can add bits ; to it without requiring modification of this base code. ; ; More descriptions and credits should probably accompany ; this. ; ; See documentation on DCOrbitTraps. This is just a wrapper ; around that class. ; global: import "common.ulb" import "dmj5.ulb" DMJ_OrbitTrapsDirect f = new @f_class(0) init: f.Init(#z, #pixel) loop: f.Iterate(#z) final: #color = f.Result(#z) if (f.IsSolid()) #solid = true endif default: title = "Orbit Traps Direct (UF5)" helpfile = "dmj5\dmj5-ot.htm" DMJ_OrbitTrapsDirect param f_class caption = "Object" selectable = false endparam }