Gielis_plus { ; ; based on the 'super formula' of Johan Gielis, ; Kerry Mitchell's 'polar-curves' 15nov98, ; and some curves from the web and from textbooks on analytic geometry. ; ; The use of those three sources (gielis, single and extra) is ; optional and there are several ways of combining them available. ; ; Acknowledgements ; ; Thanks to Mr. Gielis for his consent to use his patented ; 'super formula' for non-commercial use in Ultra Fractal, and ; also to Kerry Mitchell, who allowed me to use his routines as found ; in 'Polar Curves' in his lkm.ucl, ; and thanks for Kerry's valuable lessons in the courses of ; 'Writing UF Calculation Formualas', and ; 'Writing UF Coloring and Transformation Formulas' ; ; ; Copyright Ed Algra - july 22 2007 ; ; ; global: float twopi=2.0*pi float halfpi=0.5*pi ; init: bool flag=true int iter=0 int itermin=0 int incount=0 float err=0.0 float errmin=1.0e12 float r=0.0 ; radius of composition float rs=0.0 ; single float rg=0.0 ; gielis float re=0.0 ; extra float t=0.0 float term1=0.0 float term2=0.0 float temp=0.0 float hk=0.0 complex z1=(0,0) complex z2=(0,0) complex zmin=(0,0) complex first_in=(0,0) complex last_in=(0,0) complex tmp=(0,0) ; loop: iter=iter+1 if (iter%@skip==0) && (iter>@threshold) && (iter<@end) z1=#z-@r_center ; ; calculation angle t from z1 with Euler formula t=imag(log(z1))+@rot ; total pre-rotation while t>twopi t=t-twopi endwhile while t<0.0 t=t+twopi endwhile ; ; Gielis (based on the 'superformula' of Johan Gielis) if @gielis==true hk=0.25*@m*(t+@rot_g) while hk>twopi hk=hk-twopi endwhile while hk<0.0 hk=hk+twopi endwhile if @hf==false term1=abs(cos(hk)/real(@g))^real(@ng) term2=abs(sin(hk)/imag(@g))^imag(@ng) else term1=abs(cosh(hk)/real(@g))^real(@ng) term2=abs(sinh(hk)/imag(@g))^imag(@ng) endif if @hyper==false temp=term1+term2 else temp=term1-term2 endif if temp==0 temp=1e-30 endif if @ge==true ; enhanced rg=@rg0+real(@fg_sub(@fg_main(@gc*hk)*@gs/(temp^(1/@n1)))) else ; gielis 'original' rg=@rg0+real(@fg_sub(@gs/(temp^(1/@n1)))) endif endif ; ; single functions (based on 'polar curves' of Kerry Mitchell) if @single==true hk=@b*(t+@rot_s) while hk>twopi hk=hk-twopi endwhile while hk<0.0 hk=hk+twopi endwhile rs=@a*real(@fs_main(hk)) if rs>=0.0 rs=rs^@n else rs=-((-rs)^@n) endif rs=@rs0+real(@fs_sub(rs)) endif ; ; extra functions (standard polar functions, mostly composed) if @extra==true hk=@be*(t+@rot_e) ; be=freq. rot_e=pre-rotation extra while hk>twopi hk=hk-twopi endwhile while hk<0.0 hk=hk+twopi endwhile if @functiontype==0 ; lemniscate re=real(@p)*sqr(2*cos(2*hk))+imag(@p)*sqr(2*sin(2*hk)) elseif @functiontype==1 ; rose re=real(@p)*cos(real(@q)*hk)+imag(@p)*sin(imag(@q)*hk) elseif @functiontype==2 ; conchoid re=real(@p)/cos((hk)+imag(@p)) elseif @functiontype==3 ; limaçon re=real(@p)*cos(hk)+imag(@p) elseif @functiontype==4 ; cissoid re=@pp*cos(2*hk)/cos(hk) elseif @functiontype==5 ; trifolium re=real(@p)*cos(hk)*cos(2*hk)+imag(@p) elseif @functiontype==6 ; cassinoid 1 re=sqr(real(@p))*(cos(2*hk)+sqrt((imag(@p)/real(@p))^4-sqr(sin(2*hk)))) elseif @functiontype==7 ; cassinoid 2 re=sqr(real(@p))*(cos(2*hk)-sqrt((imag(@p)/real(@p))^4-sqr(sin(2*hk)))) elseif @functiontype==8 ; ellips re=real(@p)+imag(@p)*cos(hk) elseif @functiontype==9 ; astroid generalized re=sqrt(real(@p)*(cos(hk)^(real(@q)))+imag(@p)*(sin(hk)^(imag(@q)))) elseif @functiontype==10 ; rectangle if hk==halfpi || hk==3*halfpi re=imag(@p) ; vertical elseif hk==0 || hk==pi || hk==twopi re=real(@p) ; horizontal else if hk>halfpi && hkpi && hk<3*halfpi ; SW temp=hk-pi elseif hk>3*halfpi && hk@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi1=="s/g" if rg==0 r=1e30 else r=rs/rg if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi1=="harm.mean g,s" r=2*(rg*rs)/(rg+rs) elseif @combi1=="contraharm.mean g,s" r=(sqr(rg)+sqr(rs))/(rg+rs) elseif @combi1=="quadratic mean g,s" r=sqrt(0.5*sqr(rg)+sqr(rs)) elseif @combi1=="root mean g,s" r=sqr(0.5*(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(rs))) elseif @combi1=="fantasy g,s" r=(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(rs))/(rg+rs) elseif @combi1=="recipr.fantasy g,s" r=(rg+rs)/(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(rs)) endif elseif @gielis==true && @single==false && @extra==true if @combi2=="g+e" r=rg+re elseif @combi2=="g-e" r=rg-re elseif @combi2=="g*e" r=rg*re elseif @combi2=="g/e" if re==0 r=1e30 else r=rg/re if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi2=="e/g" if rg==0 r=1e30 else r=re/rg if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi2=="harm.mean g,e" r=2*(rg*re)/(rg+re) elseif @combi2=="contraharm.mean g,e" r=(sqr(rg)+sqr(re))/(rg+re) elseif @combi2=="quadratic mean g,e" r=sqrt(0.5*sqr(rg)+sqr(re)) elseif @combi2=="root mean g,e" r=sqr(0.5*(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(re))) elseif @combi2=="fantasy g,e" r=(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(re))/(rg+re) elseif @combi2=="recipr.fantasy g,e" r=(rg+re)/(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(re)) endif elseif @gielis==false && @single==true && @extra==true if @combi3=="s+e" r=rs+re elseif @combi3=="s-e" r=rs-re elseif @combi3=="s*e" r=rs*re elseif @combi3=="s/e" if re==0 r=1e30 else r=rs/re if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi3=="e/s" if rs==0 r=1e30 else r=re/rs if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi3=="harm.mean s,e" r=2*(rs*re)/(rs+re) elseif @combi3=="contraharm.mean s,e" r=(sqr(rs)+sqr(re))/(rs+re) elseif @combi3=="quadratic mean s,e" r=sqrt(0.5*sqr(rs)+sqr(re)) elseif @combi3=="root mean s,e" r=sqr(0.5*(sqrt(rs)+sqrt(re))) elseif @combi3=="fantasy s,e" r=(sqrt(rs)+sqrt(re))/(rs+re) elseif @combi3=="recipr.fantasy s,e" r=(rs+re)/(sqrt(rs)+sqrt(re)) endif elseif @gielis==true && @single==true && @extra==true if @combi4=="g+s+e" ; 0 r=rg+rs+re elseif @combi4=="g+s-e" ; 1 r=rg+rs-re elseif @combi4=="g-s+e" ; 2 r=rg-rs+re elseif @combi4=="g-s-e" ; 3 r=rg-rs-re elseif @combi4=="g*s+e" ; 4 r=rg*rs+re elseif @combi4=="g*e+s" ; 5 r=rg*re+rs elseif @combi4=="s*e+g" ; 6 r=rs*re+rg elseif @combi4=="g*s-e" ; 7 r=rg*rs-re elseif @combi4=="g*e-s" ; 8 r=rg*re-rs elseif @combi4=="s*e-g" ; 9 r=rs*re-rg elseif @combi4=="(g+s)e" ; 10 r=(rg+rs)*re elseif @combi4=="(g+e)s" ; 11 r=(rg+re)*rs elseif @combi4=="(s+e)g" ; 12 r=(rs+re)*rg elseif @combi4=="(g-s)e" ; 13 r=(rg-rs)*re elseif @combi4=="(g-e)s" ; 14 r=(rg-re)*rs elseif @combi4=="(s-e)g" ; 15 r=(rs-re)*rg elseif @combi4=="g*s*e" ; 16 r=rg*rs*re elseif @combi4=="g*s/e" ; 17 if re==0 r=1e30 else r=rg*rs/re if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="g*e/s" ; 18 if rs==0 r=1e30 else r=rg*re/rs if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="s*e/g" ; 19 if rg==0 r=1e30 else r=rs*re/rg if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="e/(g*s)" ; 20 if rg+rs==0 r=1e30 else r=re/(rg*rs) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="s/(g*e)" ; 21 if rg+re==0 r=1e30 else r=rs/(rg*re) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="g/(s*e)" ; 22 if rs*re==0 r=1e30 else r=rg/(rs*re) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="(g+s)/e" ; 23 if re==0 r=1e30 else r=(rg+rs)/re if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="(g+e)/s" ; 24 if rs==0 r=1e30 else r=(rg+re)/rs if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="(s+e)/g" ; 25 if rg==0 r=1e30 else r=(rs+re)/rg if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="e/(g+s)" ; 26 if rg+rs==0 r=1e30 else r=re/(rg+rs) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="s/(g+e)" ; 27 if rg+re==0 r=1e30 else r=rs/(rg+re) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="g/(s+e)" ; 28 if rs+re==0 r=1e30 else r=rg/(rs+re) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="(g-s)/e" ; 29 if re==0 r=1e30 else r=(rg-rs)/re if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="(g-e)/s" ; 30 if rs==0 r=1e30 else r=(rg-re)/rs if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="(s-e)/g" ; 31 if rg==0 r=1e30 else r=(rs-re)/rg if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="e/(g-s)" ; 32 if rg-rs==0 r=1e30 else r=re/(rg-rs) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="s/(g-e)" ; 33 if rg-re==0 r=1e30 else r=rs/(rg-re) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="g/(s-e)" ; 34 if rs-re==0 r=1e30 else r=rg/(rs-re) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="harm.mean g,s,e" ; 35 r=3*rg*rs*re/(rg*rs+rg*re+rs*re) elseif @combi4=="contraharm.mean g,s,e" ; 36 r=(sqr(rg)+sqr(rs)+sqr(re))/(rg+rs+re) elseif @combi4=="quadratic mean g,s,e" ;37 r=sqrt(0.5*(sqr(rg)+sqr(rs)+sqr(re))) elseif @combi4=="root mean g,s,e" ;38 r=sqr(0.5*(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(rs)+sqrt(re))) elseif @combi4=="fantasy g,s,e" ; 39 r=(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(rs)+sqrt(re))/(rg+rs+re) elseif @combi4=="recipr.fantasy g,s,e" ;40 r=(rg+rs+re)/(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(rs)+sqrt(re)) endif endif ; calculation of r ; totaal 3+10+10+10+40=73 stuks ; ; overall parameters (scale & baseline) applied to r ; r=@scale*(@r0+r) ; if @rneg==true err=r-cabs(z1) ; ignore r<0 else ; @rneg=false, err=|r|-|z1| ; treat as positive endif if err<0.0 incount=incount+1 err=-err ; positive again last_in=z1 if flag==true first_in=z1 flag=false endif ; tmp will be used in 'final' if @coloring_mode=="mean1" tmp=tmp+z1 elseif @coloring_mode=="mean2" tmp=tmp+abs(real(z1))+abs(imag(z1)) elseif @coloring_mode=="mean3" tmp=tmp+abs(real(z1)) elseif @coloring_mode=="mean4" tmp=tmp+abs(imag(z1)) endif endif if(err@width #solid=true else #index=abs(log(errmin)) ; original cabs (why? log(errmin) is a float) endif elseif(@colorby_1==1) ; iteration @ min if err>@width #solid=true else #index=0.01*itermin endif elseif(@colorby_1==2) ; angle @ min if err>@width #solid=true else t=atan2(zmin) t=t/pi if(t<0.0) t=t+2.0 endif #index=0.5*t endif elseif(@colorby_1==3) ; in fraction if incount==0 #solid=true else #index=incount/iter endif elseif(@colorby_1==4) ; draw curves if err>@width #solid=true else z2=#pixel-@r_center t=imag(log(z2))+@rot while t>twopi t=t-twopi endwhile while t<0.0 t=t+twopi endwhile ; Gielis if @gielis==true hk=0.25*@m*(t+@rot_g) ; m=freq. rot_g=pre-rotation Gielis term1=abs(cos(hk)/real(@g))^real(@ng) term2=abs(sin(hk)/imag(@g))^imag(@ng) while hk>twopi hk=hk-twopi endwhile while hk<0.0 hk=hk+twopi endwhile if @hf==false term1=abs(cos(hk)/real(@g))^real(@ng) term2=abs(sin(hk)/imag(@g))^imag(@ng) else term1=abs(cosh(hk)/real(@g))^real(@ng) term2=abs(sinh(hk)/imag(@g))^imag(@ng) endif if @hyper==false temp=term1+term2 else temp=term1-term2 endif if temp==0 temp=1e-30 endif if @ge==true ; enhanced rg=@rg0+real(@fg_sub(@fg_main(@gc*hk)*@gs/(temp^(1/@n1)))) else ; gielis 'original' rg=@rg0+real(@fg_sub(@gs/(temp^(1/@n1)))) endif endif ; ; single functions if @single==true hk=@b*(t+@rot_s) ; b=freq. rot_s=pre-rotation single while hk>twopi hk=hk-twopi endwhile while hk<0.0 hk=hk+twopi endwhile rs=@a*real(@fs_main(hk)) if rs>=0.0 rs=rs^@n else rs=-((-rs)^@n) endif rs=@rs0+real(@fs_sub(rs)) ; a=scale single rs0=preset single endif ; ; extra functions if @extra==true hk=@be*(t+@rot_e) ; be=freq. rot_e=pre-rotation extra while hk>twopi hk=hk-twopi endwhile while hk<0 hk=hk+twopi endwhile if @functiontype==0 ; lemniscate re=real(@p)*sqr(2*cos(2*hk))+imag(@p)*sqr(2*sin(2*hk)) elseif @functiontype==1 ; rose re=real(@p)*cos(real(@q)*hk)+imag(@p)*sin(imag(@q)*hk) elseif @functiontype==2 ; conchoid re=real(@p)/cos((hk)+imag(@p)) elseif @functiontype==3 ; limaçon re=real(@p)*cos(hk)+imag(@p) elseif @functiontype==4 ; cissoid re=@pp*cos(2*hk)/cos(hk) elseif @functiontype==5 ; trifolium re=real(@p)*cos(hk)*cos(2*hk)+imag(@p) elseif @functiontype==6 ; cassinoid 1 re=sqr(real(@p))*(cos(2*hk)+sqrt((imag(@p)/real(@p))^4-sqr(sin(2*hk)))) elseif @functiontype==7 ; cassinoid 2 re=sqr(real(@p))*(cos(2*hk)-sqrt((imag(@p)/real(@p))^4-sqr(sin(2*hk)))) elseif @functiontype==8 ; ellips re=real(@p)+imag(@p)*cos(hk) elseif @functiontype==9 ; astroid generalized re=sqrt(real(@p)*(cos(hk)^(real(@q)))+imag(@p)*(sin(hk)^(imag(@q)))) elseif @functiontype==10 ; rectangle if hk==halfpi || hk==3*halfpi re=imag(@p) ; vertical elseif hk==0 || hk==pi || hk==twopi re=real(@p) ; horizontal else if hk>halfpi && hkpi && hk<3*halfpi ; SW temp=hk-pi elseif hk>3*halfpi && hk@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi1=="s/g" if rg==0 r=1e30 else r=rs/rg if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi1=="harm.mean g,s" r=2*(rg*rs)/(rg+rs) elseif @combi1=="contraharm.mean g,s" r=(sqr(rg)+sqr(rs))/(rg+rs) elseif @combi1=="quadratic mean g,s" r=sqrt(0.5*sqr(rg)+sqr(rs)) elseif @combi1=="root mean g,s" r=sqr(0.5*(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(rs))) elseif @combi1=="fantasy g,s" r=(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(rs))/(rg+rs) elseif @combi1=="recipr.fantasy g,s" r=(rg+rs)/(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(rs)) endif elseif @gielis==true && @single==false && @extra==true if @combi2=="g+e" r=rg+re elseif @combi2=="g-e" r=rg-re elseif @combi2=="g*e" r=rg*re elseif @combi2=="g/e" if re==0 r=1e30 else r=rg/re if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi2=="e/g" if rg==0 r=1e30 else r=re/rg if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi2=="harm.mean g,e" r=2*(rg*re)/(rg+re) elseif @combi2=="contraharm.mean g,e" r=(sqr(rg)+sqr(re))/(rg+re) elseif @combi2=="quadratic mean g,e" r=sqrt(0.5*sqr(rg)+sqr(re)) elseif @combi2=="root mean g,e" r=sqr(0.5*(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(re))) elseif @combi2=="fantasy g,e" r=(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(re))/(rg+re) elseif @combi2=="recipr.fantasy g,e" r=(rg+re)/(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(re)) endif elseif @gielis==false && @single==true && @extra==true if @combi3=="s+e" r=rs+re elseif @combi3=="s-e" r=rs-re elseif @combi3=="s*e" r=rs*re elseif @combi3=="s/e" if re==0 r=1e30 else r=rs/re if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi3=="e/s" if rs==0 r=1e30 else r=re/rs if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi3=="harm.mean s,e" r=2*(rs*re)/(rs+re) elseif @combi3=="contraharm.mean s,e" r=(sqr(rs)+sqr(re))/(rs+re) elseif @combi3=="quadratic mean s,e" r=sqrt(0.5*sqr(rs)+sqr(re)) elseif @combi3=="root mean s,e" r=sqr(0.5*(sqrt(rs)+sqrt(re))) elseif @combi3=="fantasy s,e" r=(sqrt(rs)+sqrt(re))/(rs+re) elseif @combi3=="recipr.fantasy s,e" r=(rs+re)/(sqrt(rs)+sqrt(re)) endif elseif @gielis==true && @single==true && @extra==true if @combi4=="g+s+e" ; 0 r=rg+rs+re elseif @combi4=="g+s-e" ; 1 r=rg+rs-re elseif @combi4=="g-s+e" ; 2 r=rg-rs+re elseif @combi4=="g-s-e" ; 3 r=rg-rs-re elseif @combi4=="g*s+e" ; 4 r=rg*rs+re elseif @combi4=="g*e+s" ; 5 r=rg*re+rs elseif @combi4=="s*e+g" ; 6 r=rs*re+rg elseif @combi4=="g*s-e" ; 7 r=rg*rs-re elseif @combi4=="g*e-s" ; 8 r=rg*re-rs elseif @combi4=="s*e-g" ; 9 r=rs*re-rg elseif @combi4=="(g+s)e" ; 10 r=(rg+rs)*re elseif @combi4=="(g+e)s" ; 11 r=(rg+re)*rs elseif @combi4=="(s+e)g" ; 12 r=(rs+re)*rg elseif @combi4=="(g-s)e" ; 13 r=(rg-rs)*re elseif @combi4=="(g-e)s" ; 14 r=(rg-re)*rs elseif @combi4=="(s-e)g" ; 15 r=(rs-re)*rg elseif @combi4=="g*s*e" ; 16 r=rg*rs*re elseif @combi4=="g*s/e" ; 17 if re==0 r=1e30 else r=rg*rs/re if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="g*e/s" ; 18 if rs==0 r=1e30 else r=rg*re/rs if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="s*e/g" ; 19 if rg==0 r=1e30 else r=rs*re/rg if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="e/(g*s)" ; 20 if rg+rs==0 r=1e30 else r=re/(rg*rs) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="s/(g*e)" ; 21 if rg+re==0 r=1e30 else r=rs/(rg*re) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="g/(s*e)" ; 22 if rs*re==0 r=1e30 else r=rg/(rs*re) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="(g+s)/e" ; 23 if re==0 r=1e30 else r=(rg+rs)/re if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="(g+e)/s" ; 24 if rs==0 r=1e30 else r=(rg+re)/rs if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="(s+e)/g" ; 25 if rg==0 r=1e30 else r=(rs+re)/rg if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="e/(g+s)" ; 26 if rg+rs==0 r=1e30 else r=re/(rg+rs) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="s/(g+e)" ; 27 if rg+re==0 r=1e30 else r=rs/(rg+re) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="g/(s+e)" ; 28 if rs+re==0 r=1e30 else r=rg/(rs+re) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="(g-s)/e" ; 29 if re==0 r=1e30 else r=(rg-rs)/re if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="(g-e)/s" ; 30 if rs==0 r=1e30 else r=(rg-re)/rs if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="(s-e)/g" ; 31 if rg==0 r=1e30 else r=(rs-re)/rg if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="e/(g-s)" ; 32 if rg-rs==0 r=1e30 else r=re/(rg-rs) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="s/(g-e)" ; 33 if rg-re==0 r=1e30 else r=rs/(rg-re) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="g/(s-e)" ; 34 if rs-re==0 r=1e30 else r=rg/(rs-re) if (@rf=="b" && r<@rc) || (@rf=="c" && r>@rc) r=@rc/r endif endif elseif @combi4=="harm.mean g,s,e" ; 35 r=3*rg*rs*re/(rg*rs+rg*re+rs*re) elseif @combi4=="contraharm.mean g,s,e" ; 36 r=(sqr(rg)+sqr(rs)+sqr(re))/(rg+rs+re) elseif @combi4=="quadratic mean g,s,e" ;37 r=sqrt(0.5*(sqr(rg)+sqr(rs)+sqr(re))) elseif @combi4=="root mean g,s,e" ;38 r=sqr(0.5*(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(rs)+sqrt(re))) elseif @combi4=="fantasy g,s,e" ; 39 r=(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(rs)+sqrt(re))/(rg+rs+re) elseif @combi4=="recipr.fantasy g,s,e" ;40 r=(rg+rs+re)/(sqrt(rg)+sqrt(rs)+sqrt(re)) endif endif endif ; end err <>width ; r=@scale*(@r0+r) if @rneg==true err=r-cabs(z2) ; ignore r<0 else ; @rneg=false, err=|r|-|z2| ; treat as positive endif #index=abs(log(abs(err))) endif ; end colorby_1=4 (draw) ; else ; @coloring_mode!=0, no curve if incount==0 #solid=true else if @coloring_mode==1 ; first in tmp=first_in elseif @coloring_mode==2 ; last in tmp=last_in elseif (@coloring_mode==3 || @coloring_mode>4) ; mean1, -3 en -4 tmp=tmp/incount elseif @coloring_mode==4 ; "mean2" tmp=0.5*tmp/incount endif if @colorby_2=="magnitude" #index = cabs(tmp) elseif @colorby_2=="angle" #index=(atan2(tmp)/#pi+1)/2 ; scale the angle elseif @colorby_2=="angle extra" #index=real(atan(tmp)) ; scale the angle elseif @colorby_2=="real" #index=real(tmp) elseif @colorby_2=="imag" #index=imag(tmp) endif endif endif ; default: title="Gielis plus 1.3." heading caption="general" endheading complex param r_center caption = "circle center" default = (0,0) endparam float param scale caption="overall scale" default=1.0 endparam float param r0 caption="overall baseline" default=0.0 endparam float param rot caption="overall rotation" default=0.0 endparam int param skip caption="skip iterations" default=1 endparam int param threshold caption="iter threshold" default=0 endparam int param end caption="iter end" default=10000000 endparam float param width caption="width" default=150 visible=@coloring_mode=="curve" endparam bool param rneg caption="ignore neg.r" default=false hint="disabled: ignore negative r values, enabled: treat as positive" endparam bool param gielis caption="gielis formula" default=false endparam bool param single caption="single formula" default=false endparam bool param extra caption="extra functions" default=false endparam param combi1 caption="combinations" default=2 ; g*s enum="g+s" "g-s" "g*s" "g/s" "s/g" "harm.mean g,s" "contraharm.mean g,s" \ "quadratic mean g,s" "root mean g,s" "fantasy g,s" "recipr.fantasy g,s" visible=(@gielis==true && @single==true && @extra==false) endparam param combi2 caption="combinations" default=2 ; g*e enum="g+e" "g-e" "g*e" "g/e" "e/g" "harm.mean g,e" "contraharm.mean g,e" \ "quadratic mean g,e" "root mean g,e" "fantasy g,e" "recipr.fantasy g,e" visible=(@gielis==true && @single==false && @extra==true) endparam param combi3 caption="combinations" default=2 ; s*e enum="s+e" "s-e" "s*e" "s/e" "e/s" "harm.mean s,e" "contraharm.mean s,e" \ "quadratic mean s,e" "root mean s,e" "fantasy s,e" "recipr.fantasy s,e" visible=(@gielis==false && @single==true && @extra==true) endparam param combi4 caption="combinations" default=16 ; g*s*e enum="g+s+e" "g+s-e" "g-s+e" "g-s-e" "g*s+e" "g*e+s" "s*e+g" "g*s-e" "g*e-s" "s*e-g" \ "(g+s)e" "(g+e)s" "(s+e)g" "(g-s)e" "(g-e)s" "(s-e)g" "g*s*e" "g*s/e" \ "g*e/s" "s*e/g" "e/(g*s)" "s/(g*e)" "g/(s*e)" "(g+s)/e" "(g+e)/s" "(s+e)/g" \ "e/(g+s)" "s/(g+e)" "g/(s+e)" "(g-s)/e" "(g-e)/s" "(s-e)/g" "e/(g-s)" \ "s/(g-e)" "g/(s-e)" "harm.mean g,s,e" "contraharm.mean g,s,e" \ "quadratic mean g,s,e" "root mean g,s,e" "fantasy g,s,e" "recipr.fantasy g,s,e" visible=(@gielis==true && @single==true && @extra==true) endparam param rf caption="ratio option" default=0 enum="a" "b" "c" visible=(@combi1=="g/s" || @combi1=="s/g" || \ @combi2=="g/e" || @combi2=="e/g" || \ @combi3=="s/e" || @combi3=="e/s" || \ @combi4=="g*s/e" || @combi4=="g*e/s" || @combi4=="s*e/g" || \ @combi4=="e/(g*s)" || @combi4=="s/(g*e)" || @combi4=="g/(s*e)" || \ @combi4=="(g+s)/e" || @combi4=="(g+e)/s" || @combi4=="(s+e)/g" || \ @combi4=="e/(g+s)" || @combi4=="s/(g+e)" || @combi4=="g/(s+e)" || \ @combi4=="(g-s)/e" || @combi4=="(g-e)/s" || @combi4=="(s-e)/g" || \ @combi4=="e/(g-s)" || @combi4=="s/(g-e)" || @combi4=="g/(s-e)") hint="inverting options, try both b and c" endparam float param rc caption="ratio constant" default=1.0 visible=(@combi1=="g/s" || @combi1=="s/g" || \ @combi2=="g/e" || @combi2=="e/g" || \ @combi3=="s/e" || @combi3=="e/s" || \ @combi4=="g*s/e" || @combi4=="g*e/s" || @combi4=="s*e/g" || \ @combi4=="e/(g*s)" || @combi4=="s/(g*e)" || @combi4=="g/(s*e)" || \ @combi4=="(g+s)/e" || @combi4=="(g+e)/s" || @combi4=="(s+e)/g" || \ @combi4=="e/(g+s)" || @combi4=="s/(g+e)" || @combi4=="g/(s+e)" || \ @combi4=="(g-s)/e" || @combi4=="(g-e)/s" || @combi4=="(s-e)/g" || \ @combi4=="e/(g-s)" || @combi4=="s/(g-e)" || @combi4=="g/(s-e)") hint="parameter to be use in connection with 'ratio option'" endparam param coloring_mode caption="coloring mode" default=0 enum="curve" "first_in" "last_in" "mean1" "mean2" "mean3" "mean4" endparam param colorby_1 caption="color by" default=0 enum="minimum distance" "iteration @ min" "angle @ min" \ "in fraction" "draw curves" visible=@coloring_mode=="curve" endparam param colorby_2 caption="color by" default=0 enum="magnitude" "angle" "angle extra" "real" "imag" visible=@coloring_mode!="curve" endparam ; heading caption="gielis formla" visible=@gielis==true endheading bool param ge caption="gielis enhanced" default=false visible=@gielis==true hint="enabled = a variation on the original gielis formula" endparam bool param hyper caption="hyperbolic" default=false visible=@gielis==true hint="normal case = elliptic" endparam bool param hf caption="h function" default=false visible=@gielis==true hint="sinh and cosh in Gielis formula in stead of sin and cos" endparam float param gs caption="g-scale total" default=1.0 visible=@gielis==true endparam complex param g caption="scale R=a I=b" default=(2,2) visible=@gielis==true hint="Gielis parameters a and b, combined into one complex number" endparam float param rg0 caption="g-baseline" default=0.0 visible=@gielis==true endparam float param rot_g caption="g-rotation" default=0.0 visible=@gielis==true endparam float param m caption="G frequency (m)" default=3.0 visible=@gielis==true endparam float param n1 caption="g exponent n1" default=2.0 visible=@gielis==true hint="n1, one of the Gielis parameters" endparam complex param ng caption="g exp. R=n2 I=n3" default=(2,2) visible=@gielis==true hint="Gielis parameters n1 and n2, combined into one complex number" endparam float param gc caption="wave" default=1.0 visible=(@gielis==true && @ge==true) hint="variable to be used for the option enhanced " endparam func fg_main caption="gielis main function" default=ident() visible=(@gielis==true && @ge==true) hint="additional function to enhanced formula" endfunc func fg_sub caption="gielis sub function" default=ident() visible=@gielis==true hint="additional function" endfunc ; heading caption="single functions" visible=@single==true endheading float param a caption="amplitude (s-scale)" default=1.0 visible=@single==true endparam float param rs0 caption="s-baseline" default=0.0 visible=@single==true endparam float param rot_s caption="s-rotation" default=0.0 visible=@single==true endparam float param b caption="frequency" default=1.0 visible=@single==true endparam float param n caption="exponent" default=1.0 visible=@single==true endparam func fs_main caption="main function" default=sin() visible=@single==true endfunc func fs_sub caption="sub function" default=ident() visible=@single==true endfunc ; heading caption="extra functions" visible=@extra==true endheading float param es caption="e-scale" default=1.0 visible=@extra==true endparam float param re0 caption="e-baseline" default=0.0 visible=@extra==true endparam float param rot_e caption="e-rotation" default=0.0 visible=@extra==true endparam float param be caption="frequency" default=1.0 visible=@single==true endparam param functiontype caption="extra functie" default=0 enum="lemniscate" "rose" "conchoid" "limaçon" "cissoid" "trifolium" \ "cassinoid 1" "cassinoid 2" "ellips" "astroid" "rectangle" "flower" visible=@extra==true endparam float param pp caption="function parameter 1" default=1 visible=@extra==true && (@functiontype=="cissoid" || @functiontype=="flower") endparam complex param p caption="function parameter 1" default=1 visible=(@extra==true && @functiontype=="lemniscate") || (@extra==true && @functiontype=="rose") || \ (@extra==true && @functiontype=="conchoid") || (@extra==true && @functiontype=="limaçon") || \ (@extra==true && @functiontype=="trifolium") || (@extra==true && @functiontype=="cassinoid 1") || \ (@extra==true && @functiontype=="cassinoid 2") || (@extra==true && @functiontype=="ellips") || \ (@extra==true && @functiontype=="astroid") || (@extra==true && @functiontype=="rectangle") endparam complex param q caption="function parameter 2" default=(1,1) visible=(@extra==true && @functiontype=="rose") || (@extra==true && @functiontype=="astroid") endparam func fe_sub caption="sub function" default=ident() visible=@extra==true endfunc } Image { ; ; Image just displays an image from disk. It's best used on the Outside tab, ; together with the Pixel formula from Standard.ufm. ; ; The core of this coloring formula is the same as image.ucl in the Standard file. ; To use it in combination with some mapping formulas (e.g. foxtrot.uxf) ; there are in this version of image.ucl some new facilities. ; In particular when the images are abstracts, textures or fractal images ; from UF or other sources, a lot of interesting 'horizontal kaleido' effects ; are possible. global: Image i = new @imageParam float pir=#pi/180 float rota=@rot*pir float hshfa=@hshf float vshfa=@vshf float sca1=@sc1 float sca2=@sc2 float ccr=real(#center) float skangle=@skew float hsta=@hst float vsta=@vst final: complex shfa = (0.0,0.0) complex c = 0.5 * #pixel float ratio if !i.getEmpty() ratio = i.getWidth() / i.getHeight() else ratio = 1 endif c = sca1*c ; scaling before rotating if @mir1 cr=real(c), ci=imag(c) cr = 2*ccr-cr c = cr + flip(ci) endif shfa = hshfa + flip(vshfa) ; with scaling after rotating c = sca2*exp(1i*rota)*(c+shfa) cr=real(c)/hsta ci=imag(c)/vsta cr=cr+ci*tan(skangle) if @mir2 cr = 2*ccr-cr endif #color = i.getColor(cr + flip(ci) * ratio) default: title = "Image" int param version, caption="version", default=100, visible=false, endparam heading text = "Tip: the Image coloring algorithm works best with the standard \ Pixel fractal formula." endheading Image param imageParam caption = "Image" hint = "The image selected here will fill the entire layer, if combined \ with the Pixel fractal formula and if the location is set to the \ default. To do this, click the Reset button on the Location tab." endparam bool param mir1 caption = "mirror of original image" default = false endparam float param sc1 caption = "scaling original image" default = 1.0 endparam float param hshf caption = "horizontal shift" default = 0.0 endparam float param vshf caption = "vertical shift" default = 0.0 endparam float param rot caption = "rotation (°)" default = 0.0 endparam float param hst caption = "horizontal stretch" default = 1.0 endparam float param vst caption = "vertical stretch" default = 1.0 endparam float param skew caption = "skew angle" default = 0.0 endparam float param sc2 caption = "scaling processed image" default = 1.0 endparam bool param mir2 caption = "mirror of processed image" default = false endparam } Sphere Shadow { ; Sept.22, 2015 ; ; Based on 'smooth' formula of D.M.Jones ; To be used as an outside coloring. ; When used as a "shadow layer: no mapping, formula = pixel ; init: complex q = (0.0,0.0) float s = 0.0 float noise = 0.0 final: #solid = false if cabs(#z) >= @rd #solid = true endif q = #z-@vct s = cabs(q) if (@userandom==true) noise = 0.01*@noiseamount*real(#random) endif #index = @p-0.1*log(log(s/@corr)) + noise default: title = "Sphere Shadow" int param version caption = "version" default = 100 visible = false endparam float param p caption = "general light tuning" default = 0.22 hint = "Higher values: lamp closer to sphere" endparam complex param vct caption = "light center" default = (0.0,0.0) hint = "Position of point with highest light inensity, to be adjusted by manipulating \ gradient points. Proposed gradient to start: 2 points: point 1: rot. = 0, \ pos. = 31, HSL = 0/0/255; point 2: rot.=0, pos. = 236, HSL= 0/0/0." endparam float param rd caption = "radius sphere" default = 0.99 endparam float param corr caption = "radius correction" default = 1.0 min = 0.0001 hint = "If light center differs from circle center the disturbing crescent \ can be removed by using this correction to enhance the radius of the light circle." endparam bool param userandom caption = "add random noise" default = false endparam float param noiseamount caption = "noise amount" hint = "Best results between 1 and 6" default = 2 visible = @userandom==true endparam }