comment{ Erik E Wahl These 29 formulas represent a labor of love. I have taken time-honored favorites by original authors KPK, Ed Algra, Mark Townsend, and Marco Annelli, and others and added my own bells and whistles. Specifically, I have implemented Toby Marshall's AutoSwitch capability, when feasible, which effectively halves the number of formula files! I've also provided an Initial Function to each formula. This provides Point, 4-way, and Vertical and Horizontal Strip symmetries to each fractal as desired. Whenever possible, functions and user parameters have been added to increase the formula's flexibility and usefulness. I recommend using either Lyapunov( in dmj.ucl) or Exponential Smoothing ( in standard.ucl) for both Inside and Outside coloring to start with. My plan in the upcoming months is to convert these formulas into corresponding plugins which will provide even more flexibility and enjoyment for interested fractal artists. Stay tuned and update your weekly collections often! If you have any questions or issues with these formulas, please feel free to leave me a note at or email me at If you enjoy using these, please tell your friends about my work and feel free to share any parameters using these formulas. Last upload Aug 20 2014 Formulas for UF 5.04 ( might not be backwards-compatible with version 2.0 or earlier) } eew_barnsley2 { ;; init: float d = 0.0 float bshift = 0.0 c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ; if (@barn_shift == 0) bshift = @shval elseif (@barn_shift == 1) bshift = cabs(0.5 + 0.25*sqr(c)) elseif (@barn_shift == 2) bshift = cabs(0.5 + 0.25*exp(-sqr(c))) elseif (@barn_shift == 3) bshift = cabs(0.5 + 0.5*sin(c)) endif ;; loop: if @av == true #z = abs(#z) endif #z = @f(#z) if @flv == 0 d = real(#z) elseif @flv == 1 d = imag(#z) elseif @flv == 2 d = real(#z)*imag(c) + real(c)*imag(#z) elseif @flv == 3 d = real(#z)*imag(c) - real(c)*imag(#z) endif ; if d >= 0 #z = @bfn(#z - bshift)*c + @px*c else #z = @bfn(#z + bshift)*c + @px*c endif ;; bailout: |z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "MindPoet's Barnsley Too" rating = recommended maxiter = 15 ; heading caption = " " text = "This is a simplified version of Olivier Steiger's 'Barnsley(**)' \ formulas (in ost.ufm). Lyapunov (in dmj.ucl) or Exponential Smoothing \ (in standard.ucl) is recommended for both Inside and Outside Coloring." endheading heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0.6,1.1) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 0.0 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 1e12 min = 1.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading func bfn caption = "Barnsley function" default = ident() endfunc param barn_shift caption = "Barnsley Shift" enum = "Classic" "Parabola" "Gaussian" "Sine" default = 0 endparam param shval caption = "Shift Value" visible = (@barn_shift == 0) default = 0.4 min = 0.0 endparam param flv caption = "Flavor" enum = "A" "B" "C" "D" default = 0 endparam func f caption = "Loop Function" default = ident() endfunc ;; switch: type = "eew_barnsley2" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px bailout = bailout av = av ; flv = flv bfn = bfn barn_shift = barn_shift shval = shval f = f } Separated_Divergent{ ;; init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif z = (@f(real(z)) + flip(@g(imag(z))))^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |z| < @bailout ;; default: title = "Separated Divergent" method = onepass periodicity = 0 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (2,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1e12 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading func f caption = "Real Function" default = sin() endfunc ; func g caption = "Imaginary Function" default = ident() endfunc ;; switch: type = "Separated_Divergent" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; f = f g = g } Apophymator{ ;; init: c = (0,0) float EPS = 1e-20 if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ; int jseed = 0 ; if @var == 13 jseed = @JuliaNRndSeed endif ; float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 float xt = 0.0 float yt = 0.0 float r = 0.0 float rr = 0.0 float rh = 0.0 float rp = 0.0 float rl = 0.0 float th = 0.0 float th2 = 0.0 float thdpi = 0.0 float thdpi2 = 0.0 float s = 0.0 float cc = 0.0 float d = 0.0 float t = 0.0 float dx = 0.0 float dy = 0.0 float dr = 0.0 ;; loop: r = cabs(z) rr = r*r rh = sqrt(r) rl = log(r) th = atan2(z) th2 = atan2(flip(z)) thdpi = th/#PI thdpi2 = th2/#PI x = real(z) y = imag(z) ; if @var == 0 ;Linear xt = x yt = y elseif @var == 1 ;Sinusoidal xt = sin(x) yt = sin(y) elseif @var == 2 ;Spherical; xt = x / (rr + EPS) yt = y / (rr + EPS) elseif @var == 3 ;Swirl xt = sin(rr)*x - cos(rr)*y yt = cos(rr)*x + sin(rr)*y elseif @var == 4 ;Horseshoe xt = (x^2 - y^2) /(r + EPS) yt = 2*x*y /(r + EPS) elseif @var == 5 ;Polar xt = thdpi yt = r - 1 elseif @var == 6 ;Handkerchief xt = sin(th + r) * r yt = cos(th - r) * r elseif @var == 7 ;Heart...does not look heartlike :( d = r*th xt = r * sin(d) yt = -r * cos(d) elseif @var == 8 ;Disc xt = sin(#pi*r) * thdpi2 yt = cos(#pi*r) * thdpi2 elseif @var == 9 ;Spiral xt = (x + r*sin(r)) / (rr + EPS) yt = (y - r*cos(r)) / (rr + EPS) elseif @var == 10 ;Hyperbolic xt = y/(rr + EPS) yt = x elseif @var == 11 ;Diamond xt = sin(th) * cos(r) yt = cos(th) * sin(r) elseif @var == 12 ;Ex s = sin(th + r)^3 cc = cos(th - r)^3 xt = r * (s + cc); yt = r * (s - cc); elseif @var == 13 ;JuliaN if jseed > 0 d = (th/2 + #pi)/@N else d = th/2/@N endif xt = x + rh^@N*cos(d) yt = y + rh^@N*sin(d) jseed = random(jseed) elseif @var == 14 ;Bent if x < 0 xt = 2*x else xt = x endif if y < 0 yt = y/2 else yt = y endif elseif @var == 15 ;Waves xt = x + @WaveA*sin(y/(@waveB + EPS)) yt = y + @WaveC*sin(x/(@waveD + EPS)) elseif @var == 16 ;Fisheye t = 2 / (r + 1) xt = t * y yt = t * x elseif @var == 17 ;Popcorn dx = tan(3 * y) dy = tan(3 * x) xt = x + real(@PopcornStep) * sin(dy) yt = y + imag(@PopcornStep) * sin(dx) elseif @var == 18 ;Exponential d = exp(x - 1) xt = cos(#pi*y) * d yt = sin(#pi*y) * d elseif @var == 19 ;Power rp = r^sin(th) xt = rp * cos(th) yt = rp * sin(th) elseif @var == 20 ;Cosine xt = cos(#pi*x) * cosh(y) yt = -sin(x) * sinh(y) elseif @var == 21 ;Rings dr = 2*r - @RingPar*trunc(r/(2*@RingPar))*2-r xt = dr * cos(th) yt = dr * sin(th) elseif @var == 22 ;Fan d = @FanA*#pi if ((th+@FanB)%(d)) > d/2 t = th - d/2 else t = th + d/2 endif xt = r * cos(t) yt = r * sin(t) elseif @var == 23 ;Eyefish t = 2 / (r + 1) xt = r*x yt = r*y elseif @var == 24 ;Bubble d = 4 / (rr+ 4) xt = d*x yt = d*y elseif @var == 25 ;Cylinder xt = sin(x) yt = y elseif @var == 26 ;Perspective d = 1/(@foc-sin(th/2)*y) xt = d*@foc*x yt = d*@foc*cos(th/2)*y elseif @var == 27 ;Tangent xt = sin(x)/cos(y) yt = sin(y)/cos(x) elseif @var == 28 ;Galaxy xt = r*cos(th+rl) yt = r*sin(th+rl) endif z = xt + flip(yt) z = z^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "Apophymator" method = onepass periodicity = 0 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-0.3,-0.78) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (2,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1e12 endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading ; param var caption = "Variation" enum = "Linear" "Sinusoidal" "Spherical" "Swirl" "Horseshoe" "Polar" "Handkerchief" "Heart" "Disc" \ "Spiral" "Hyperbolic" "Diamond" "Ex" "JuliaN" "Bent" "Waves" "Fisheye" "Popcorn" "Exponential" "Power" \ "Cosine" "Rings" "Fan" "Eyefish" "Bubble" "Cylinder" "Perspective" "Tangent" "Galaxy" default = 1 endparam ; param JuliaNRndSeed caption = "Random Seed" visible = (@var == 13) default = 0 endparam param N caption = "JuliaN Power" visible = (@var == 13) default = 1 min = 1 endparam ; param PopcornStep caption = "Step" visible = (@var == 17) min = 1E-20 default = (0.05,0.05) endparam ; param RingPar caption = "Parameter" visible = (@var == 21) default = 1.0 endparam ; param FanA caption = "A" visible = (@var == 22) min = 1E-20 default = 0.5 endparam param FanB caption = "B" visible = (@var == 22) default = 0.5 endparam ; param WaveA caption = "A" visible = (@var == 15) default = 0.5 endparam param WaveB caption = "B" visible = (@var == 15) default = 0.5 endparam param WaveC caption = "C" visible = (@var == 15) default = 0.5 endparam param WaveD caption = "D" visible = (@var == 15) default = 0.5 endparam ; param foc caption = "Focus" visible = (@var == 26) default = 1.0 endparam ;; switch: type = "Apophymator" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout ; var = var JuliaNRndseed = JuliaNRndseed N = N PopcornStep =PopcornStep RingPar = RingPar FanA = FanA FanB =FanB WaveA =WaveA WaveB =WaveB WaveC =WaveC WaveD =WaveD foc = foc } Random_Divergent { ;; global: float values[#maxiter] int i = 0 ; int seed = @rseed while i< #maxiter seed = random(seed) values[i] = seed / #randomrange i = i + 1 endwhile ;; init: int iter = 0 c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true #z = abs(#z) endif float r = @k*values[iter] #z = @f((#z+r+flip(r))^@power) + @px*c iter = iter + 1 ;; bailout: |z|< @bailout ;; default: title = "Random Divergent" method = onepass periodicity =0 maxiter = 15 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-1.25,0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (2.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1e12 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = false hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading func f caption = "Divergent Function" default = ident() endfunc param k caption = "Strength" default = 0.5 endparam param rseed caption = "Random Seed" default = 123456 endparam ;; switch: type = "Random_Divergent" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; rseed = rseed f = f k = k } Sliced_Divergent { ; Sliced Divergent fractal. ;; init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif ; if (real(z) < @cut ) z = z+@offset elseif (real(z) >= @cut) z = z-@offset endif ; z = @f(z)^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "Sliced Divergent" center = (0.0, 0.0) method = onepass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 15 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint ="Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0.0,0.0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-1.25,0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (2,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 1e12 min = 1.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading ; param cut caption ="Margin" default = 0.25 endparam param offset caption ="Offset" default = 0.25 endparam func f caption = "Divergent Function" default = cotan() endfunc ;; switch: type = "Sliced_Divergent" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av cut = cut offset = offset f = f } Generic_Convergent { ; Generic Convergent fractal. ; z => z - (f(z) - startroot)/f'(z) ;; init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Maria" if @mflav == "Regular" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Newton" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@root) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif zold = z if @op == 0 h0 = @f(z)+ @g(z) h1 = @f(z+@d)+ @g(z+@d) elseif @op == 1 h0 = @f(z)- @g(z) h1 = @f(z+@d)- @g(z+@d) elseif @op == 2 h0 = @f(z)*@g(z) h1 = @f(z+@d)*@g(z+@d) elseif @op == 3 h0 = @f(z)/@g(z) h1 = @f(z+@d)/@g(z+@d) elseif @op == 4 h0 = @f(z)^@g(z) h1 = @f(z+@d)^@g(z+@d) else h0 = @f(@g(z)) h1 = @f(@g(z+@d)+@d) endif z = z - @d*(h0 - c)/(h1 - h0) ;; bailout: |z - zold| >= @bailout ;; default: title = "Generic Convergent" periodicity = 0 method = onepass maxiter = 100 ; heading caption = "Convergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Maria""Newton" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Maria""Newton" default = 0 endparam param mflav caption = "Maria Flavor" enum = "Regular" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Maria" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0.01,0) visible = ( @mode == "Maria" && @mflav == "Regular" ) endparam param root caption = "Newton root" default = (1,0) visible = ( @mode == "Newton" ) endparam param bailout caption = "Convergent Bailout" default = 1e-20 min = 1e-20 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading func f caption ="F" default = sqr() endfunc param op caption = "operator" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" "^" "o" default = 2 endparam func g caption ="G" default = ident() endfunc param d caption = "Differential" default = 1e-10 min = 1e-10 endparam ;; switch: type = "Generic_Convergent" mode = switchto switchto = mode root = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf bailout = bailout av = av ; f = f g = g op = op d = d } Tessarine { ;; init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif z = @f(z^2 + 2*sqr(imag(z))) + @px*c ;; bailout: |z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "Tessarine" ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-1.43,-0.33) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading func f caption = "Tessarine Function" default = conj() endfunc ;; switch: type = "Tessarine" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px bailout = bailout av = av ; f = f } Affine_Orbit_Trap { ; Written by Erik Wahl ; http:/ ; ; Julia fractal for generalized affinity function ; aConj(z) + bz +c ; Inspired by the fractals of Marco Anelli which were originally written for ; use with Ramiro Perez's InvIFS program. ; This formula generates some pretty cool TechnoArt images. ;I recommend Expo Smoothing for both INSIDE and OUTSIDE ;coloring to start with. When you have the fractal set, experiment with ; Orbit Traps. global: a1 = 0.5*((@A1 - @D1) + flip(@B1 + @C1)) b1 = 0.5*((@A1 + @D1) - flip(@B1 - @C1)) c1 = @E1 + flip(@F1) a2 = 0.5*((@A2 - @D2) + flip(@B2 + @C2)) b2 = 0.5*((@A2 + @D2) - flip(@B2 - @C2)) c2 = @E2 + flip(@F2) a3 = 0.5*((@A3 - @D3) + flip(@B3 + @C3)) b3 = 0.5*((@A3 + @D3) - flip(@B3 - @C3)) c3 = @E3 + flip(@F3) a4 = 0.5*((@A4 - @D4) + flip(@B4 + @C4)) b4 = 0.5*((@A4 + @D4) - flip(@B4 - @C4)) c4 = @E4 + flip(@F4) a5 = 0.5*((@A5 - @D5) + flip(@B5 + @C5)) b5 = 0.5*((@A5 + @D5) - flip(@B5 - @C5)) c5 = @E5 + flip(@F5) ; float u1 = @w1/(@w1 + @w2 + @w3 + @w4 + @w5) float u2 = @w2/(@w1 + @w2 + @w3 + @w4 + @w5) float u3 = @w3/(@w1 + @w2 + @w3 + @w4 + @w5) float u4 = @w4/(@w1 + @w2 + @w3 + @w4 + @w5) float u5 = @w5/(@w1 + @w2 + @w3 + @w4 + @w5) ; complex d1 = a1*conj(c1) - conj(b1)*c1 float e1 = |b1| - |a1| complex d2 = a2*conj(c2) - conj(b2)*c2 float e2 = |b2| - |a2| complex d3 = a3*conj(c3) - conj(b3)*c3 float e3 = |b3| - |a3| complex d4 = a4*conj(c4) - conj(b4)*c4 float e4 = |b4| - |a4| complex d5 = a5*conj(c5) - conj(b5)*c5 float e5 = |b5| - |a5| ; complex g1 = 0.5*@k*(0,1)^(@a/90)*(a1+b1+2*c1 - flip(a1-b1)) complex g2 = 0.5*@k*(0,1)^(@a/90)*(a2+b2+2*c2 - flip(a2-b2)) complex g3 = 0.5*@k*(0,1)^(@a/90)*(a3+b3+2*c3 - flip(a3-b3)) complex g4 = 0.5*@k*(0,1)^(@a/90)*(a4+b4+2*c4 - flip(a4-b4)) complex g5 = 0.5*@k*(0,1)^(@a/90)*(a5+b5+2*c5 - flip(a5-b5)) ;; init: float o1 = 0 float o2 = 0 float o3 = 0 float o4 = 0 float o5 = 0 ; c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: ;; ; These are the inverted Affine Traps if @av == true z = abs(z) endif t1 = (-a1*conj(z) + conj(b1)*z + d1)/e1 t2 = (-a2*conj(z) + conj(b2)*z + d2)/e2 t3 = (-a3*conj(z) + conj(b3)*z + d3)/e3 t4 = (-a4*conj(z) + conj(b4)*z + d4)/e4 t5 = (-a5*conj(z) + conj(b5)*z + d5)/e5 ; o1 = |t1 - g1|/u1 o2 = |t2 - g2|/u2 o3 = |t3 - g3|/u3 o4 = |t4 - g4|/u4 o5 = |t5 - g5|/u5 if (o1 <= o2 && o1 <= o3 && o1 <= o4 && o1 <= o5) z = t1 elseif (o2 <= o1 && o2 <= o3 && o2 <= o4 && o2 <= o5) z = t2 elseif (o3 <= o1 && o3 <= o2 && o3 <= o4 && o3 <= o5) z = t3 elseif (o4 <= o1 && o4 <= o2 && o4 <= o3 && o4 <= o5) z = t4 else z = t5 endif z = z^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "Affine Orbit Trap" method = onepass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 15 magn = 0.3 center = (0,4.5) ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = 1.0 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam ; heading caption = "------------Fractal Parameters" endheading heading caption = "Transform 1" $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif endheading param w1, caption = "Weight", default = 1.0, min = 1e-10, endparam param A1, caption = "A", default = 0.05, endparam param B1, caption = "B", default = 0.0, endparam param C1, caption = "C", default = 0.0, endparam param D1, caption = "D", default = 0.38, endparam param E1, caption = "E", default = 0.0, endparam param F1, caption = "F", default = 0.0, endparam ; heading caption = "Transform 2" $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif endheading param w2, caption = "Weight", default = 0.85, min = 1e-10, endparam param A2, caption = "A", default = 0.85, endparam param B2, caption = "B", default = 0.04, endparam param C2, caption = "C", default = -0.04, endparam param D2, caption = "D", default = 0.85, endparam param E2, caption = "E", default = 0.0, endparam param F2, caption = "F", default = 1.6, endparam ; heading caption = "Transform 3" $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif endheading param w3, caption = "Weight", default = 0.7, min = 1e-10, endparam param A3, caption = "A", default = 0.2, endparam param B3, caption = "B", default = -0.26, endparam param C3, caption = "C", default = 0.23, endparam param D3, caption = "D", default = 0.22, endparam param E3, caption = "E", default = 0.0, endparam param F3, caption = "F", default = 1.6, endparam ; heading caption = "Transform 4" $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif endheading param w4, caption = "Weight", default = 0.7, min = 1e-10, endparam param A4, caption = "A", default = -0.15, endparam param B4, caption = "B", default = 0.28, endparam param C4, caption = "C", default = 0.26, endparam param D4, caption = "D", default = 0.24, endparam param E4, caption = "E", default = 0.0, endparam param F4, caption = "F", default = 0.44, endparam ; heading caption = "Transform 5" $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif endheading param w5, caption = "Weight", default = 1e-10, min = 1e-10, endparam param A5, caption = "A", default = 0.5, endparam param B5, caption = "B", default = 0.0, endparam param C5, caption = "C", default = 0.0, endparam param D5, caption = "D", default = 0.5, endparam param E5, caption = "E", default = 0.0, endparam param F5, caption = "F", default = -0.5, endparam ; heading caption = "Adjustment Parameters" endheading param k caption = "Cell Size" default = 2.1 endparam param a caption = "Cell Angle" default = 0.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = false hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ;; switch: type = "Affine_Orbit_Trap" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; w1=w1,A1=A1,B1=B1,C1=C1,D1=D1,E1=E1,F1=F1 w2=w2,A2=A2,B2=B2,C2=C2,D2=D2,E2=E2,F2=F2 w3=w3,A3=A3,B3=B3,C3=C3,D3=D3,E3=E3,F3=F3 w4=w4,A4=A4,B4=B4,C4=C4,D4=D4,E4=E4,F4=F4 w5=w5,A5=A5,B5=B5,C5=C5,D5=D5,E5=E5,F5=F5 ; k = k a = a } HyperProjective { ;; init: c = (1e-7,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif zn = @ca*conj(z)^2+@cb*z^2+@cc zd = @cd*conj(z)+@ce*z+@cf z = @fn(zn)/@fd(zd) z = z^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "HyperProjective" maxiter = 6 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (1e-7,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-1.25,0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (1.5,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1e7 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = false hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading param ca, caption = "a", default = 1.0, endparam param cb, caption = "b", default = 1.0, endparam param cc, caption = "c", default = 0.0, endparam param cd, caption = "d", default = 1.0, endparam param ce, caption = "e", default = 0.0, endparam param cf, caption = "f", default = 0.0, endparam func fn caption = "Numerator Function" default = sin() endfunc func fd caption = "Denominator Function" default = sin() endfunc ;; switch: type = "HyperProjective" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; ca = ca, cb = cb, cc = cc, cd = cd, ce = ce, cf = cf fn = fn fd = fd } Cremona{ ;; init: c = (0.01,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif zn = @ca*conj(z)+@cb*z+@cc zd = @cd*conj(z)+@ce*z+@cf z = @fn(zn)/@fd(zd) z = z^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "Cremona" maxiter = 6 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (1e-7,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam param bailout, caption = "Bailout" default = 1e7 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = false hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading param ca, caption = "a", default = 1.0, endparam param cb, caption = "b", default = 1.0, endparam param cc, caption = "c", default = 0.0, endparam param cd, caption = "d", default = 1.0, endparam param ce, caption = "e", default = 0.0, endparam param cf, caption = "f", default = 0.0, endparam func fn caption = "Numerator Function" default = sin() endfunc func fd caption = "Denominator Function" default = sin() endfunc ;; switch: type = "Cremona" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; ca = ca, cb = cb, cc = cc, cd = cd, ce = ce, cf = cf fn=fn, fd=fd } eew_barnsley { ; MindPoet's Barnsley Too is a fixed version of this formula. ; I'm keeping this so DA artists using this version won't ; have broken parameters. init: float d = 0.0 float bshift = 0.0 c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" #z = @initf(@startseed) c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" #z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@startseed) endif ; IF (@barn_shift == 0) bshift = @shval ELSEIF (@barn_shift == 1) bshift = 0.5 + 0.125*sqr(imag(c)) ELSEIF (@barn_shift == 2) bshift = 0.25 + 0.25*exp(-sqr(imag(c))) ELSEIF (@barn_shift == 3) bshift = 0.5 + 0.25*sin(imag(c)) ENDIF ; loop: #z = @f(#z) IF @flv == 0 d = real(#z) ELSEIF @flv == 1 d = imag(#z) ELSEIF @flv == 2 d = real(#z) * imag(c) + real(c) * imag(#z) ELSEIF @flv == 3 d = real(#z) * imag(c) - real(c) * imag(#z) ENDIF IF d >= 0 #z = @bfn(#z + bshift) * c ELSE #z = @bfn(#z - bshift) * c ENDIF ; bailout: (@test == 0 && |z| <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 1 && sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 2 && sqr(imag(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 3 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout && sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 4 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout || sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 5 && (sqr(abs(real(z)) + abs(imag(z))) <= @bailout)) || \ (@test == 6 && (sqr(real(z) + imag(z)) <= @bailout)) default: title = "MindPoet's Barnsley" maxiter = 15 ; param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 visible = false endparam param startseed caption = "Start/Seed" default = (0.6, 1.1) endparam ; func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc ; func bfn caption = "Barnsley function" default = ident() endfunc param barn_shift caption = "Barnsley Shift" enum = "Classic" "Parabola" "Gaussian" "Sine" default = 0 endparam param shval caption = "Shift Value" visible = (@barn_shift == 0) default = -0.4 endparam param flv caption = "Flavor" enum = "A" "B" "C" "D" default = 0 endparam func f caption = "Function" default = ident() endfunc param test caption = "Bailout Test" hint = "Keep Bailout below 1e7 for best results." default = 0 enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" hint = "Keep fairly low for most interesting results." default = 12.0 min = 1.0 endparam switch: type = "eew_barnsley" mode = switchto switchto = mode startseed = #pixel flv = flv bfn = bfn barn_shift = barn_shift shval = shval f = f bailout = bailout test = test } origbarnsley { ; Erik Wahl 2010 ;; init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif if real(#z) >= real(c) #z = @hi*@fnh(#z)^@power + @px*c else #z = @lo*@fnl(#z)^@power + @px*c endif ;; bailout: |#z| < @bailout ;; default: title = "Original Barnsley" ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0.6,-1.2) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 0.6 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (2.1,-0.5) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 128.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading param hi caption = "Hi Value" default = 1.5 endparam func fnh caption = "High function" default = asin() endfunc param lo caption = "Lo Value" default = -0.5 endparam func fnl caption = "Low function" default = tanh() endfunc ;; switch: type = "origbarnsley" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; hi = hi fnh = fnh lo = lo fnl = fnl } mt-eew-barnsleyish { ; Mark Townsend, 12 May 2000 ; Erik Wahl, 13 Nov 2009 ; Updated 11 Aug 2014 ;; init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif if real(#z) > real(@crit) && imag(#z) >= imag(@crit) #z = @f(#z + imag(@crit)) elseif real(#z) < real(@crit) && imag(#z) <= imag(@crit) #z = @f(#z - real(@crit)) endif #z = #z^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |#z| < @bailout ;; default: title = "Improved Barnsley" ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0.87,0.51) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (2.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 128.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = false hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading param crit caption = "Critical Value" default = 0.0 endparam func f caption = "Function" default = cos() endfunc ;; switch: type = "mt-eew-barnsleyish" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; crit = crit f = f } Genaffineski { ; Written by Eric E. Wahl ; http:/ ; ; Divergent fractal for generalized affinity function ; aConj(#z) + bz +c ; Inspired by the fractals of Marco Anelli which were originally written for ; use with Ramiro Perez's InvIFS program. ; This formula generates some pretty cool TechnoArt images. ;I recommend Lyapunov in dmj.ucl for both INSIDE and OUTSIDE ;coloring to start with. When you have the fractal set, experiment with ; Orbit Traps. ;; global: a1 = 0.5*((@A1 - @D1) + flip(@B1 +@C1)) b1 = 0.5*((@A1 + @D1) - flip(@B1 - @C1)) c1 = @E1 + flip(@F1) a2 = 0.5*((@A2 - @D2) + flip(@B2 +@C2)) b2 = 0.5*((@A2 + @D2) - flip(@B2 - @C2)) c2 = @E2 + flip(@F2) a3 = 0.5*((@A3 - @D3) + flip(@B3 +@C3)) b3 = 0.5*((@A3 + @D3) - flip(@B3 - @C3)) c3 = @E3 + flip(@F3) complex d1 = a1*conj(c1) - conj(b1)*c1 float e1 = |b1| - |a1| complex d2 = a2*conj(c2) - conj(b2)*c2 float e2 = |b2| - |a2| complex d3 = a3*conj(c3) - conj(b3)*c3 float e3 = |b3| - |a3| ;; init: float o1 = 0 float o2 = 0 float o3 = 0 c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: ; These are the inverted Affine Traps if @av == true z = abs(z) endif t1 = (-a1*conj(#z) + conj(b1)*#z +d1)/e1 t2 = (-a2*conj(#z) + conj(b2)*#z +d2)/e2 t3 = (-a3*conj(#z) + conj(b3)*#z +d3)/e3 ; o1 = |t1 - c| o2 = |t2 - c| o3 = |t3 - c| if (o1 <= o2 && o1 <= o3) #z = t1 elseif (o2 <= o1 && o2 <= o3) #z = t2 else #z = t3 endif #z = @f(#z)^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |#z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "Genaffineski" method = onepass periodicity = 0 magn = 2.0 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0.16,-0.11) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 2.0 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1e12 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = false hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Transform 1" $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif endheading param A1, caption = "A1", default = 0.5, endparam param B1, caption = "B1", default = 0.0, endparam param C1, caption = "C1", default = 0.0, endparam param D1, caption = "D1", default = 0.5, endparam param E1, caption = "E1", default = 0.0, endparam param F1, caption = "F1", default = 0.0, endparam ; heading caption = "Transform 2" $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif endheading param A2, caption = "A2", default = 0.5, endparam param B2, caption = "B2", default = 0.0, endparam param C2, caption = "C2", default = 0.0, endparam param D2, caption = "D2", default = 0.5, endparam param E2, caption = "E2", default = 0.5, endparam param F2, caption = "F2", default = 0.0, endparam ; heading caption = "Transform 3" $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif endheading param A3, caption = "A3", default = 0.5, endparam param B3, caption = "B3", default = 0.0, endparam param C3, caption = "C3", default = 0.0, endparam param D3, caption = "D3", default = 0.5, endparam param E3, caption = "E3", default = 0.0, endparam param F3, caption = "F3", default = 0.5, endparam ; heading endheading func f caption = "Function" default = tan() endfunc ;; switch: type = "Genaffineski" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; A1 = A1, B1 = B1, C1 = C1, D1 = D1, E1 = E1, F1 = F1 A2 = A2, B2 = B2, C2 = C2, D2 = D2, E2 = E2, F2 = F2 A3 = A3, B3 = B3, C3 = C3, D3 = D3, E3 = E3, F3 = F3 ; f = f } Colonel_Moebius { ; ; created by Erik Wahl ; ; July 5 2014 ; ; Keep iterations low for interesting inside structure ; and shorter render times ; Use Lyapunov in dmj.ucl for Inside to get ; most interesting structure. ;; init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true #z = abs(#z) endif if @kfunc == 0 #z = exp((@a+@b*log(#z))/(@c+@d*log(#z)))^@power + @px*c elseif @kfunc == 1 #z = cos((@a+@b*acos(#z))/(@c+@d*acos(#z)))^@power + @px*c elseif @kfunc == 2 #z = tan((@a+@b*atan(#z))/(@c+@d*atan(#z)))^@power + @px*c elseif @kfunc == 3 #z = cosh((@a+@b*acosh(#z))/(@c+@d*acosh(#z)))^@power + @px*c elseif @kfunc == 4 #z = sqrt((@a+@b*#z*#z)/(@c+@d*#z*#z))^@power + @px*c elseif @kfunc == 5 #z = sqr((@a+@b*sqrt(#z))/(@c+@d*sqrt(#z)))^@power + @px*c elseif @kfunc == 6 #z = log((@a+@b*exp(#z))/(@c+@d*exp(#z)))^@power + @px*c elseif @kfunc == 7 #z = acos((@a+@b*cos(#z))/(@c+@d*cos(#z)))^@power + @px*c elseif @kfunc == 8 #z = atan((@a+@b*tan(#z))/(@c+@d*tan(#z)))^@power + @px*c else #z = acosh((@a+@b*cosh(#z))/(@c+@d*cosh(#z)))^@power + @px*c endif ;; bailout: |#z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "Colonel Moebius" maxiter = 10 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (1e-7,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-1.25,0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (2,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1e12 min = 1.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading param kfunc caption = "Colonel Function" enum = "exp" "cos" "tan" "cosh" "sqrt" "sqr" "log" "acos" "atan" "acosh" default = 4 endparam param a caption = "A" default = (-0.52,0.03) endparam param b caption = "B" default = (0.60,0.33) endparam param c caption = "C" default = (1.08,0.0) endparam param d caption = "D" default = (-0.11,0.16) endparam ;; switch: type = "Colonel_Moebius" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; kfunc = kfunc a = a b = b c = c d = d } eew-techno{ ; ; This formula is a radical simplification of ; Ed Algra's Barnsley-Techno-UF4 formula (ea.ufm) ; in which I isolated the parameters specifically ; responsible for generating the classic default ; techno fractal. ; ; Final tweak 4/16/2016 init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif float val = 0.0 ch = real(@px*c) + flip(real(@bseed)) cl = real(imag(@bseed)) + flip(@px*c) ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif val = real(sin(@kt*imag(z))) ; hi if val > @crit z = @fh(@fnh(z^@mh+@ph)*ch) ; lo else z = @fl(@fnl(z^@ml+@pl)*cl) endif ;; bailout: |#z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "Simple Techno" rating = recommended method = onepass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 15 ; heading caption = " " text = "This formula is a simplified version of Ed Algra's Barnsley Deluxe \ meant primarily to highlight the 'Techno' style everyone likes so much. \ Set 'Maximum Iterations' between 10 and 20 for best results. " endheading heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 1000.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = false hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Barnsley Parameters" $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif endheading param kt caption = "Scaling" default = 1.0 endparam param crit caption = "Critical value" default = -0.3 endparam param bseed caption = "Barnsley Seed" default = (-1.8,0.3) endparam ; heading caption = "High Parameters" $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif endheading func fnh caption = "Inner Function" default = ident() endfunc param ph caption = "Offset" default = (-1.1,-0.1) endparam func fh caption = "Outer Function" default = abs() endfunc param mh caption = "Exponent" default = (1,0) endparam ; heading caption = "Low Parameters" $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif endheading func fnl caption = "Inner Function" default = ident() endfunc param pl caption = "Offset" default = (-3,1.5) endparam func fl caption = "Outer Function" default = ident() endfunc param ml caption = "Exponent" default = (1,0) endparam ;; switch: type = "eew-techno" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px bailout = bailout av = av ; kt = kt crit = crit bseed = bseed ; fnh = fnh ph = ph fh = fh mh = mh ; fnl = fnl pl = pl fl = fl ml = ml } eew-cubic { ; Erik Wahl, Aug 3 2014 ;; init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif #z = @kc*@cf(#z^3) + @kq*@qf(#z^2) + @kl*@lf(#z) + @px*c ;; bailout: |#z|< @bailout ;; default: title = "MindPoet's Cubic" maxiter = 15 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0,0.8) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.7 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 128.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading param kl caption = "Linear Coefficient" default = (0.77, 0.69) endparam param kq caption = "Quadratic Coefficient" default = (-1.22,0.26) endparam param kc caption = "Cubic Coefficient" default = (0.36,-0.13) endparam func lf caption = "Linear function" default = sin() endfunc func qf caption = "Quadratic function" default = atanh() endfunc func cf caption = "Cubic function" default = cabs() endfunc ;; switch: type = "eew-cubic" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px bailout = bailout ; lf = lf qf = qf cf = cf kl = kl kq = kq kc = kc av = av } eew-mt-ring { ; Mark Townsend, 11 Jul 1999 ; Erik Wahl, Aug 3 2014 ;; init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif float s = 0.0 ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif z = z^@power + @px*c + s s = cabs(z)-@rad if @flavor == 0 s = |s| else s = cabs(s) endif ;; bailout: |z| < @bailout ;; default: title = "Ring" ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-1.5,0.12) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (1,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading param rad caption = "Radius" default = 0.75 endparam param flavor caption = "Ring flavor" enum = "A" "B" default = 1 endparam ;; switch: type = "eew-mt-ring" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; rad = rad flavor = flavor } eew-mt-hopalong { ; Mark Townsend, 8 May 1999 ; ; Formulas devised by Barry Martin. I found ; them in A. K. Dewdney's "The Armchair ; Universe." ; ; Divergent version by Erik Wahl Aug 3 2014 init: float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 float xt = 0.0 float yt = 0.0 float sgnx = 0.0 c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif x = real(z)/@scalex y = imag(z)/@scaley if x < 0 sgnx = -1 else sgnx = 1 endif if @method == 0 ;Hopalong xt = y - sgnx * (abs(@B1 * x + @C1))^0.5 yt = @A1 - x elseif @method == 1 ;Popcorn xt = x - @Hx * real(@pfn1(@Dx*y + @pfn2(@Cx*y))) yt = y - @Hy * real(@pfn3(@Dy*x + @pfn4(@Cy*x))) elseif @method == 2 ;Gingerbread xt = 1.0 - y + abs(x) yt = x elseif @method == 3 ;Three Ply xt = y - sgnx*abs(sin(x)*cos(@B3) + @C3 - x*sin(@A3 + @B3 + @C3)) yt = @A3 - x elseif @method == 4 ;Quadrup Two xt = x - sgnx*sin(log(abs(@B4 * y - @C4))) * atan(abs(sqr(@C4 * x - @B4))) yt = @A4 - x elseif @method == 5 ;Martin xt = y - real(@Mfn(x)) yt = @Mp - x endif ; z = (@xfn(xt) + flip(@yfn(yt)))^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |#z| < @bailout ;; default: title = "MindPoet's Hopalong" maxiter = 15 magn = 1.0 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-1.25,0.0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 0.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (2.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1e12 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = false hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading param scalex caption = "X Scale" default = 1.0 endparam param scaley caption = "Y Scale" default = 1.0 endparam param method caption = "Attractor Method" enum = "Hopalong" \ "Popcorn" \ "Gingerbread" \ "Three Ply" \ "Quadrup Two" \ "Martinesque" default = 0 endparam param A1 caption = "1st Hopalong Coeff" default = 0.4 visible = (@method == 0) endparam param B1 caption = "2nd Hopalong Coeff" default = 1.0 visible = (@method == 0) endparam param C1 caption = "3rd Hopalong Coeff" default = 0.0 visible = (@method == 0) endparam ; param Hx caption = "Outer X coeff" default = 1.0 visible = (@method == 1) endparam param Cx caption = "1st Inner X coeff" default = 1.0 visible = (@method == 1) endparam param Dx caption = "2nd Inner X coeff" default = 1.0 visible = (@method == 1) endparam param Hy caption = "Outer Y coeff" default = 1.0 visible = (@method == 1) endparam param Cy caption = "1st Inner Y coeff" default = 1.0 visible = (@method == 1) endparam param Dy caption = "2nd Inner X coeff" default = 1.0 visible = (@method == 1) endparam func pfn1 caption = "1st Popcorn Function" default = ident() visible = (@method == 1) endfunc func pfn2 caption = "2nd Popcorn Function" default = ident() visible = (@method == 1) endfunc func pfn3 caption = "3rd Popcorn Function" default = ident() visible = (@method == 1) endfunc func pfn4 caption = "4th Popcorn Function" default = ident() visible = (@method == 1) endfunc ; param A3 caption = "1st 3-Ply Coeff" default = 0.5 visible = (@method == 3) endparam param B3 caption = "2nd 3-Ply Coeff" default = 1.2 visible = (@method == 3) endparam param C3 caption = "3rd 3-Ply Coeff" default = 0.3 visible = (@method == 3) endparam ; param A4 caption = "1st Quad Coeff" default = 0.5 visible = (@method == 4) endparam param B4 caption = "2nd Quad Coeff" default = 1.2 visible = (@method == 4) endparam param C4 caption = "3rd Quad Coeff" default = 0.3 visible = (@method == 4) endparam ; func Mfn caption = "Martin function" default = ident() visible = (@method == 5) endfunc param Mp caption = "Martin Coeff" default = 1.0 visible = (@method == 5) endparam ; func xfn caption = "X Function" default = cabs() endfunc func yfn caption = "Y Function" default = cos() endfunc ;; switch: type = "eew-mt-hopalong" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; scalex = scalex scaley = scaley a = a b = b c = c f = f g = g } eew-mt-gnarl { ; Mark Townsend, 15 Aug 1999 ; ; Yet more variations of Pickover's Popcorn. ; Last update on 31 December 1999 ; ; Modified and generalized by Erik Wahl, Aug 3 2014 ;; init: float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 float xt = 0.0 float yt = 0.0 c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif x = real(#z)/@scalex y = imag(#z)/@scaley xt = x + @hx * real(@fn1(y + @fn2(@a * (y + @fn3(@b * y))))) yt = y + @hy * real(@fn1(x + @fn2(@a * (x + @fn3(@b * x))))) z = (xt + flip(yt))^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |#z| < @bailout ;; default: title = "Totally Gnarly" maxiter = 20 magn = 0.35 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0.0,0.0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (1,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading param a caption = "Alpha" default = 3.5 endparam param b caption = "Beta" default = 3.5 endparam param hx caption = "X Step size" default = 0.15 endparam param hy caption = "Y Step size" default = 0.15 endparam param scalex caption = "X Scale" default = 0.94 endparam param scaley caption = "Y Scale" default = 0.94 endparam func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = cos() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = sin() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Third Function" default = sin() endfunc ; switch: type = "eew-mt-gnarl" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; a = a b = b hx = hx hy = hy scalex = scalex scaley = scaley fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 } eew-mt-fractalia { ; Mark Townsend, 9 Feb 1999 ; ; This formula is from Clifford A. Pickover's ; book "Keys to Infinity". It's hard to find ; interesting spots just by entering random ; parameters, so I've implemented six versions ; of the formula in a loop of switches. ; ; Corrected and enhanced by Erik Wahl, Aug 3 2014 ; plenty of "interesting spots" now, so no need for more ; than one version. ;) . just make sure to use both inside and ; outside coloring. init: cc = (0,0) float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 float xt = 0.0 float yt = 0.0 if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif cc = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) cc = @initf(@seed) endif ; float b = real(@bh) float h = imag(@bh) float c = real(@ci) float i = imag(@ci) float d = real(@dj) float j = imag(@dj) float e1 = real(@ek) float k = imag(@ek) float f = real(@fl) float l = imag(@fl) ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif x = real(z)/@scalex y = imag(z)/@scaley xt = b*x + c*x^2 + d*x*y + e1*y + f*y^2 yt = h*x + i*x^2 + j*x*y + k*y + l*y^2 z = xt + flip(yt) z = (@mf(z))^@power + @px*cc ;; bailout: |z| < @bailout ;; default: title = "Fractalia" maxiter = 15 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-0.33,1.07) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (1,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 1e12 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" hint = "Checking this guarantees 4-way symmetry for all Julia fractals." default = true endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading param scalex caption = "X Scale" default = 1.0 endparam param scaley caption = "Y Scale" default = 1.0 endparam func mf caption = "Main Function" default = acosh() endfunc param bh caption = "b and h" default = (0.48,0.10) endparam param ci caption = "c and i" default = (0.39,-0.69) endparam param dj caption = "d and j" default = (0.47,0.21) endparam param ek caption = "e and k" default = (-0.43,-0.34) endparam param fl caption = "f and l" default = (0.77,0.76) endparam ;; switch: type = "eew-mt-fractalia" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; scalex = scalex scaley = scaley mf = mf bh = bh ci = ci dj = dj ek = ek fl = fl } eew-mt-gen-celtic { ; Mark Townsend, 24 Jun 1999 ; Erik Wahl, Aug 2014 ; From a formula by Paul Carlson ;; init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif if @flav == 0 z = z - @fn1(real(z)) + abs(@fn2(real(z))) else z = z - @fn1(imag(z)) + abs(@fn2(imag(z))) endif z = z^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |z| < @bailout ;; default: title = "Generalized Celtic" ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-1.25,0.0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (2,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 100.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading param flav caption = "Nationality" enum = "Irish" "Scotch" default = 1 endparam func fn1 caption = "First function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second function" default = ident() endfunc ;; switch: type = "eew-mt-gen-celtic" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; flav = flav fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 } DivergentBox { ; ; Object version of Mandelbox Formula by Tom Lowe ; Found in the fractalforums ~2010 ; ; Erik Wahl, August 2014 ; Generalized to provide availability of Julia mode aka ; "JulieBox" as well as original Mandelbrot mode aka "MandelBox init: c = (0,0) result = (0,0) float tempreal = 0.0 float tempimag = 0.0 float magnitude = 0.0 float newmagnitude = 0.0 ; if @mode == "MandelBox" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "JulieBox" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif ; boxfold tempreal = real(z) tempimag = imag(z) if (tempreal > @sizex) tempreal = 2*@sizex-tempreal elseif (tempreal < -@sizex) tempreal = -2*@sizex-tempreal endif if (tempimag > @sizey) tempimag = 2*@sizey-tempimag elseif (tempimag < -@sizey) tempimag = -2*@sizey-tempimag endif tempreal = tempreal*@fold tempimag = tempimag*@fold ; spherefold magnitude = sqrt(sqr(tempreal) + sqr(tempimag)) newmagnitude = magnitude if (magnitude < @irad) newmagnitude = magnitude/@irad^2 elseif (magnitude < @orad) newmagnitude = @orad/magnitude endif tempreal = (tempreal/magnitude)*newmagnitude tempimag = (tempimag/magnitude)*newmagnitude result = tempreal+flip(tempimag) z = (result*@scale)^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |z| < @bailout ;; default: title = "Mister Lowe's Marvelous Box" magn = 0.5 maxiter = 5 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "MandelBox" "JulieBox" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "MandelBox" "JulieBox" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "MandelBox Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "MandelBox" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (1e-6,0) visible = ( @mode == "MandelBox" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-0.86,-0.82) visible = ( @mode == "JulieBox" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.5 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (0.92,-0.05) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 1e12 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading float param sizex caption = "Horiz Length" default = 0.75 endparam float param sizey caption = "Vert Length" default = 1.0 endparam param fold caption = "Fold" default = 0.5 endparam param irad caption = "Inner Radius" default = 0.7 endparam param orad caption = "Outer Radius" default = 1.1 endparam param scale caption = "Scale" default = 2.0 endparam ;; switch: type = "DivergentBox" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; sizex = sizex sizey = sizey fold = fold irad = irad orad = orad scale = scale } eew-carr1 { ; Had a little fun with the user interface. ;0) ;; init: c = (0,0) p = @initf(#pixel) if @colr == 0 z = @f1(@p1*p + @p2)/(conj(@p1/@f2(p)) + @p2) c = @f1(p) elseif @colr == 1 z = @f1(p + @p1)/conj(1/@f2(p)) c = @f2(p) elseif @colr == 2 z = @f1(@p1/@f2(p)) c = conj(@p2/@f2(p)) elseif @colr == 3 z = @f1(@p1 - @f2(p)) c = @p2-@f2(1/p) elseif @colr == 4 z = @f1(@p1/@f2(p)) c = conj(@p1*@f1(p) - @p2*@f2(#z)) else z = @f1(conj(@f2(@p1/p))) c = @p1*@f1(p) - @p2*@f2(#z) endif ;; loop: if @make == 0 z = @f3(z^@p3 + @p4)/@f4(@p3) elseif @make == 1 z = @f3(z^@p3 + @f4(@p4))/@p3 elseif @make == 2 z = (@f3(z)^@p3 + @p4)/(p - @f4(c)) elseif @make == 3 z = @p3*@f3(z) + @p4*@f4(c) elseif @make == 4 z = (@f3(c)-z*p)/(p-@f4(c)) else z = @p3*(@f3(z) + c)/@p4/@f4(c) endif z = z^@power + @seat ;; bailout: |z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "Carr Factory" maxiter = 12 magn = 0.5 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading func initf caption = "Pixel Function" default = sqr() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param seat caption = "Carr Seat" default = (0.61,-0.25) endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (1,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1e12 endparam ; heading caption = "Ignition Parameters" endheading func f1 caption = "1st Function" default = sinh() endfunc func f2 caption = "2nd Function" default = sin() endfunc param p1 caption = "1st Coefficient" default = (3,0) endparam param p2 caption = "2nd Coefficient" default = (2.3,0.5) endparam ; heading caption = "Driving Parameters" endheading func f3 caption = "1st Function" default = acos() endfunc func f4 caption = "2nd Function" default = sqr() endfunc param p3 caption = "1st Coefficient" default = (1,0) endparam param p4 caption = "2nd Coefficient" default = (2,0) endparam ; heading caption = "Options" endheading param colr caption = "Color" enum = "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" default = 0 endparam param make caption = "Make" enum = "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" default = 5 endparam } eew-magnet{ ; Magnetic Set type 1. init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif zold = z z = sqr((z^2 + @mfn(z) - @off)/(2*z + @mfn(z) - 2*@off)) + @px*c ;; bailout: |#z| < @divbail && |#z - zold| > @convbail ;; default: title = "MindPoet's Magnet" magn = 0.5 maxiter = 15 periodicity = 0 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 1 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0.13,-0.09) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 0.9 endparam param divbail caption = "Divergent Bailout" default = 1e12 min = 1 endparam param convbail caption = "Convergent Bailout" default = 1e-12 min = 1e-12 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading func mfn caption = "Function" default = sqr() endfunc param off caption = "Offset" default = 0.5 endparam ;; switch: type = "eew-magnet" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px divbail = divbail convbail = convbail av = av ; off = off mfn = mfn } eew_ducky { ; ; Erik Wahl Aug 2014 ; Based on Rain's Ducky ;; init: tm = (0,0) tpx = (0,0) c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: tm = abs(@fnd(@dp*z^@power)) tpx = @fnpx(@pxp*(z + @pxsh)) z = @mp*(@fnm(tm + tpx)) + @px*c ;; bailout: |z| < @bailout ;; default: title = "MindPoet's Ducky" maxiter = 15 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (2,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 endparam ; heading caption = "Main Term" endheading func fnm caption = "Main Function" default = sin() endfunc func fnd caption = "Ducky Function" default = ident() endfunc param mp caption = "Main Parameter" default = (1,0) endparam param dp caption = "Ducky Parameter" default = (1,0) endparam ; heading caption = "Pixel Term" expanded = false endheading func fnpx caption = "Pixel Function" default = zero() endfunc param pxp caption = "Pixel Parameter" default = (0,0) endparam param pxsh caption = "Pixel Shift" default = (0,0) endparam ;; switch: type = "eew_ducky" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout ; fnm = fnm fnd = fnd mp = mp dp = dp ; fnpx = fnpx pxp = pxp pxsh = pxsh } Tess_4d { ; Erik Wahl, March 2016 ;; Many thanks to Ken Carlson ; for the AutoSwitch code ;; init: c = (0,0) z = w = zt = wt = @initf(#pixel) if @mode =="Mandelbrot" c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: zt = sqr(@f(z)) - sqr(@g(w)) + @zpx*c wt = 2*@f(z)*@g(w) + @wpx*c w = zt z = wt ; IF @duckz z = abs(z) ENDIF IF @duckw w = abs(w) ENDIF ;; bailout: cabs(z)*cabs(w) <= @bailout ;; default: title = "4D Tessarine" maxiter = 100 ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-0.5,0.5) visible = (@mode == "Julia") endparam param zpx caption = "Z Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param wpx caption = "W Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param duckz caption = "Duckify Z?" default = false endparam param duckw caption = "Duckify W?" default = false endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1e12 endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading func f caption = "Z Function" default = ident() endfunc func g caption = "W Function" default = ident() endfunc ;; switch: type = "Tess_4d" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf zpx = zpx wpx = wpx duckz = duckz duckw = duckw bailout = bailout ; f = f g = g } Generic_Diverginsky { ; ; Totally Generic Divergent set. ; created by Erik Wahl ; June 6 2012 ; Many thanks to KPK for the Tiling, Inski and to Ken Carlson ; for the AutoSwitch code ; final version Aug 4 2014( I promise!) ") ; ; For standard tiling start with a square image and leave ; Tile Size at its default value. ; Also be sure to click the Reset Location button if coming from another formula. init: c = (0,0) i = (0,1) r = i^(@rot/90.0) offs = @xoff + flip(@yoff) float tlsize = 4/@reptl ; if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;tile initialization if @tiled && @mode == 0 c0 = round(c/tlsize)*tlsize c = 2*(c - c0)/tlsize c = c/(@sc*r) - offs endif ; if @tiled && @mode == 1 z0 = round(z/tlsize)*tlsize z = 2*(z - z0)/tlsize z = z/(@sc*r) - offs endif ;; loop: if @insky if imag(z) > @ycut z = @isc*real(z) + flip(imag(z)/@isc - @ioff) elseif real(z) > @xcut z = real(z)/@isc - @ioff + flip(@isc*imag(z)) endif endif ; if @op == 0 z = (@m1*@fn1(z)+ @m2*@fn2(z))^@power + @psfn(c) elseif @op == 1 z = (@m1*@fn1(z) - @m2*@fn2(z))^@power + @psfn(c) elseif @op == 2 z = (@m1*@fn1(z)*@m2*@fn2(z))^@power + @psfn(c) elseif @op == 3 z = (@m1*@fn1(z)/@m2*@fn2(z))^@power + @psfn(c) elseif @op == 4 z = (@m1*@fn1(z)^(@m2*@fn2(z)))^@power + @psfn(c) else z = (@m1*@fn1(@m2*@fn2(z)))^@power + @psfn(c) endif if @brahma z = z - 0.375*z/|z| endif ;; bailout: |z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "Generic Diverginsky" rating = recommended maxiter = 15 ; heading caption = " " text = "For best results for seamless tiling, use a square image. Also be sure to click the \ Reset Location button if coming from another formula." endheading heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0.22,-0.11) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (1.0,0.68) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1e12 min = 1.0 endparam ; heading endheading ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" text = "These parameters allow you to design the original fractal \ before scrambling and tiling." endheading param m1 caption = "1st Multiplier" default = 0.5 endparam func fn1 caption = "1st Function" default = ident() endfunc param op caption = "Operator" enum = "Add" "Subtract" "Multiply" "Divide" "Power" "Compose" default = 0 endparam param m2 caption = "2nd Multiplier" default = 0.5 endparam func fn2 caption = "2nd Function" default = ident() endfunc func psfn caption = "Pixel/Seed Function" default = ident() endfunc param brahma caption = "Brahmabrot the fractal" default = false endparam ; heading endheading ; param insky caption = "Scramble the fractal?" default = true endparam param tiled caption = "Do Tiling?" default = true endparam ; heading caption = "Scrambling Parameters" text = "Play with these parameters to scramble the original fractal" $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif visible = @insky endheading param isc caption = "Scale" default = 2.0 visible = @insky endparam param ioff caption = "Offset" default = 1.0 visible = @insky endparam param xcut caption = "Horiz. Cutoff" default = 0.5 visible = @insky endparam param ycut caption = "Vert. Cutoff" default = 0.5 visible = @insky endparam ; heading caption = "Tiling Parameters" text = "Adjust these parameters to determine which part of the \ fractal you want visible within the tile, as well as how many times \ to repeat the fractal within the image." visible = @tiled $ifdef VER40 expanded = false $endif endheading param reptl caption = "Tile Repeat" default = 3 min = 2 visible = @tiled endparam param xoff caption = "Horiz. Offset" default = 0.0 visible = @tiled endparam param yoff caption = "Vert. Offset" default = 0.0 visible = @tiled endparam param sc caption = "Scale" default = 1.0 visible = @tiled endparam param rot caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 visible = @tiled endparam ; ;; switch: type = "Generic_Diverginsky" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf power = power bailout = bailout ; insky = insky isc = isc ioff = ioff xcut = xcut ycut = ycut ; tiled = tiled reptl = reptl xoff = xoff yoff = yoff sc = sc rot = rot ; m1 = m1 fn1 = fn1 op = op m2 = m2 fn2 = fn2 psfn = psfn brahma = brahma } eew-gnd-popcorn { ; Gilles Nadeau, July, 2004 ;Modified and generalized by Erik Wahl Aug 2014 ;; init: float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 float xt = 0.0 float yt = 0.0 c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif x = real(z)/@scalex y = imag(z)/@scaley xt = x + @hf*real(@fo(@co*y + @fi(@ci*y))) yt = y + @hg*real(@go(@do*x + @gi(@di*x))) z = (xt + flip(yt))^@power + @px*c ;; bailout: |z| < @bailout ; default: title = "Julie-Pop Popcorn" maxiter = 15 ; heading text = "Keep iterations between 10 and 30 for best details. \ Use the Explore tool on the 'Exponent' parameter for \ interesting results." endheading heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Exponent" default = (2.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 1e12 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = false hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Horizontal Parameters" endheading param scalex caption = "Scale" default = 1.0 endparam param hf caption = "Step size" default = 0.1 endparam param co caption = "Outer Factor" default = 2.0 endparam param ci caption = "Inner Factor" default = 2.0 endparam func fo caption = "Outer Function" default = sin() endfunc func fi caption = "Inner Function" default = tan() endfunc ; heading caption = "Vertical Parameters" endheading param scaley caption = "Scale" default = 1.0 endparam param hg caption = "Step size" default = 0.1 endparam param do caption = "Outer Factor" default = 2.0 endparam param di caption = "Inner Factor" default = 2.0 endparam func go caption = "Outer Function" default = sin() endfunc func gi caption = "Inner Function" default = tan() endfunc ;; switch: type = "eew-gnd-popcorn" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px power = power bailout = bailout av = av ; scalex = scalex hf = hf co = co ci =ci fo =fo fi = fi ; scaley = scaley hg = hg do = do di = di go = go gi = gi } sdc-hopalongs { init: complex z = (0.0, 0.0) complex c = @initf(#pixel) int iter = 0 complex p = @initfn(c) float sx = 0.0 float x = real(p) float y = imag(p) loop: iter = iter + 1 x = real(@loopfnx(x)) y = real(@loopfny(y)) if x < 0.0 sx = -1.0 else sx = 1.0 endif float tx = x float ty = y if (@method == 0) ; Hopalong x = y - sx * sqrt(abs(@pB * x - @pC)) y = @pA - tx elseif (@method == 1) ; Popcorn x = tx - @pH * real(@m1fn1(ty + @m1fn2(@pC1*ty))) y = ty - @pH * real(@m1fn3(tx + @m1fn4(@pC1*tx))) elseif (@method == 2) ; Gingerbread x = 1.0 - ty + abs(tx) y = tx elseif (@method == 3) ; Three Ply x = ty - sx*abs(sin(tx)*cos(@pB3) + @pC3 - tx*sin(@pA3 + @pB3 + @pC3)) y = @pA3 - tx elseif (@method == 4) ; Quadrup Two x = tx - sx*sin(log(abs(@pB4 * ty - @pC4))) * atan(abs(sqr(@pC4 * tx - @pB4))) y = @pA4 - tx else ; Martin x = ty - real(@fnA5(tx)) y = @pA5 - tx endif tx = x ty = y sx = 1.0 ; get the sign of x if (x < 0.0) sx = -1.0 endif if (@perturb == 1) ; Functions x = x + real(@fnx(x))*@px y = y + real(@fny(x))*@py elseif (@perturb == 2) ; Hopalong x = x + (ty - sx * sqrt(abs(@ppB2 * tx - @ppC2)))*@px y = y + (@ppA2 - tx)*@py elseif (@perturb == 3) ; Popcorn x = x + real(tx - @ppH * @p3fn1(ty + @p3fn2(@ppC3*ty)))*@px y = y + real(ty - @ppH * @p3fn3(tx + @p3fn4(@ppC3*tx)))*@py elseif (@perturb == 4) ; Gingerbread x = x + (1.0 - ty + abs(tx))*@px y = y + (tx)*@py elseif (@perturb == 5) ; Three Ply x = x + real(ty - sx*abs(sin(tx)*cos(@ppB5) + @ppC5 - tx*sin(@ppA5 + @ppB5 + @ppC5)))*@px y = y + real(@ppA5 - tx)*@py elseif (@perturb == 6 ) ; Quadrup Two x = x + (tx - sx*sin(log(abs(@ppB6 * ty - @ppC6))) * atan(abs(sqr(@ppC6 * tx - @ppB6))))*@px y = y + (@ppA6 - tx)*@py else ; Martinesque x = x + real(ty - @pfn7(tx))*@px y = y + (@ppA7 - tx)*@py endif z = @finalfn(x + flip(y)) bailout: iter < #maxiter default: title = "Hopalongs" method = multipass periodicity = 0 magn = 1 maxiter = 20 float param version default = 0.0 visible = false endparam param method caption = "Attractor Method" enum = "Hopalong" \ "Popcorn" \ "Gingerbread" \ "Three Ply" \ "Quadrup Two" \ "Martinesque" endparam float param pA caption = "A" default = 0.4 visible = @method==0 ; Hopalong endparam float param pB caption = "B" default = 1.0 visible = @method==0 ; Hopalong endparam float param pC caption = "C" default = 0.0 visible = @method==0 ; Hopalong endparam float param pH caption = "H" default = 0.05 visible = @method==1 ; Popcorn endparam float param pC1 caption = "c" default = 3.0 visible = @method==1 ; Popcorn endparam func m1fn1 caption = "Popcorn Fn 1" default = sin() visible = @method==1 ; Popcorn endfunc func m1fn2 caption = "Popcorn Fn 2" default = tan() visible = @method==1 ; Popcorn endfunc func m1fn3 caption = "Popcorn Fn 3" default = sin() visible = @method==1 ; Popcorn endfunc func m1fn4 caption = "Popcorn Fn 4" default = tan() visible = @method==1 ; Popcorn endfunc float param pA3 caption = "A" default = -0.2 visible = @method==3 ; Three Ply endparam float param pB3 caption = "B" default = -0.2 visible = @method==3 ; Three Ply endparam float param pC3 caption = "C" default = .42 visible = @method==3 ; Three Ply endparam float param pA4 caption = "A" default = 1.0 visible = @method==4 ; Quadrup Two endparam float param pB4 caption = "B" default = 1.0 visible = @method==4 ; Quadrup Two endparam float param pC4 caption = "C" default = 1.0 visible = @method==4 ; Quadrup Two endparam float param pA5 caption = "A" default = 3.14 visible = @method==5 ; Martin Two endparam func fnA5 caption = "Martin Function" default = sin() visible = @method==5 ; Martinesque endfunc func initfn caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() endfunc func finalfn caption = "Final Function" default = ident() endfunc func loopfnx caption = "Loop X function" default = ident() endfunc func loopfny caption = "Loop Y function" default = ident() endfunc param perturb caption = "Perturbation Method" enum = "None" \ "Functions" \ "Hopalong" \ "Popcorn" \ "Gingerbread" \ "Three Ply" \ "Quadrup Two" \ "Martinesque" default = 1 endparam float param px caption = "X perturbation" default = 0.0 visible = (@perturb != 0) endparam func fnx caption = "X perturb fn" default = ident() visible = (@perturb == 1) endfunc float param py caption = "Y perturbation" default = 0.0 visible = (@perturb != 0) endparam func fny caption = "Y perturb fn" default = ident() visible = (@perturb == 1) endfunc float param ppA2 caption = "A" default = 0.4 visible = @perturb==2 ; Hopalong endparam float param ppB2 caption = "B" default = 1.0 visible = @perturb==2 ; Hopalong endparam float param ppC2 caption = "C" default = 0.0 visible = @perturb==2 ; Hopalong endparam float param ppH caption = "H" default = 0.05 visible = @perturb==3 ; Popcorn endparam float param ppC3 caption = "C" default = 3.00 visible = @perturb==3 ; Popcorn endparam func p3fn1 caption = "Popcorn Fn 1" default = sin() visible = @perturb==3 ; Popcorn endfunc func p3fn2 caption = "Popcorn Fn 2" default = tan() visible = @perturb==3 ; Popcorn endfunc func p3fn3 caption = "Popcorn Fn 3" default = sin() visible = @perturb==3 ; Popcorn endfunc func p3fn4 caption = "Popcorn Fn 4" default = tan() visible = @perturb==3 ; Popcorn endfunc float param ppA5 caption = "A" default = -0.2 visible = @perturb==5 ; Three Ply endparam float param ppB5 caption = "B" default = -0.2 visible = @perturb==5 ; Three Ply endparam float param ppC5 caption = "C" default = -0.42 visible = @perturb==5 ; Three Ply endparam float param ppA6 caption = "A" default = 1.0 visible = @perturb==6 ; Quadrup Two endparam float param ppB6 caption = "B" default = 1.0 visible = @perturb==6 ; Quadrup Two endparam float param ppC6 caption = "C" default = 1.0 visible = @perturb==6 ; Quadrup Two endparam float param ppA7 caption = "A" default = 3.14 visible = @perturb==7 ; Quadrup Two endparam func pfn7 caption = "Martin Function" default = sin() visible = @perturb==7 endfunc } Cubic_Tessarine{ ;; init: c = (0,0) if @mode == "Mandelbrot" if @mflav == "Classic" z = @initf(@start) else z = @initf(#pixel) endif c = @initf(#pixel) elseif @mode == "Julia" z = @initf(#pixel) c = @initf(@seed) endif ;; loop: if @av == true z = abs(z) endif z = @f(z^3 + 6*real(z)*sqr(imag(z))+flip(imag(z)^3)) + @px*c ;; bailout: |z| <= @bailout ;; default: title = "Cubic Tessarine" ; heading caption = "Divergent Parameters" endheading param mode caption = "Current Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 1 endparam param switchto caption = "Switch To" enum = "Mandelbrot""Julia" default = 0 hint = "Make sure the setting is not the same as Current Mode or \ switching will not work properly." endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Flavor" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" default = 0 visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" ) endparam func initf caption = "Initial Function" default = ident() hint = "Set to abs for four-way symmetry, sqr for point symmetry, \ sin,cos,tan,cotan for horizontal strip symmetry, and sinh,cosh, tanh, \ and cotanh for vertical strip symmetry." endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (0,0) visible = ( @mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic" ) endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-1.43,-0.33) visible = ( @mode == "Julia" ) endparam param px caption = "Pixel/Seed Multiplier" default = 1.0 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 endparam param av caption = "Duckify?" default = true hint = "Check this to insure ALL Julias have 4-way symmetry." endparam ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading func f caption = "Tessarine Function" default = conj() endfunc ;; switch: type = "Cubic_Tessarine" mode = switchto switchto = mode seed = #pixel mflav = mflav initf = initf px = px bailout = bailout av = av ; f = f }