class DivergentBox(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Object version of Mandelbox Formula by Tom Lowe ; Found in the fractalforums ~2010 ; ; Erik Wahl, August 2014 ; Generalized to provide availability of Julia mode aka ; "JulieBox" as well as original Mandelbrot mode aka "MandelBox public: import "Common.ulb" import "Standard.ulb" complex func Init(complex pz) IF @mode == "MandelBox" fc = @initf(pz) IF @mflav == "Classic" return @start ELSE return @initf(pz) ENDIF ELSE fc = @seed return @initf(pz) ENDIF endfunc ; complex func Iterate(complex pz) ; boxfold float tempreal = real(pz ) float tempimag = imag(pz ) IF tempreal > @sizex tempreal = 2*@sizex-tempreal ELSEIF tempreal < -@sizex tempreal = -2*@sizex-tempreal ENDIF IF tempimag > @sizey tempimag = 2*@sizey-tempimag ELSEIF tempimag < -@sizey tempimag = -2*@sizey-tempimag ENDIF tempreal = tempreal*@fold tempimag = tempimag*@fold ; spherefold float magnitude = sqrt(tempreal*tempreal + tempimag*tempimag) float newmagnitude = magnitude IF magnitude < @irad newmagnitude = magnitude/@irad^2 ELSEIF magnitude < @orad newmagnitude = @orad/magnitude ENDIF tempreal = (tempreal/magnitude)*newmagnitude tempimag = (tempimag/magnitude)*newmagnitude complex result = tempreal+flip(tempimag) return result*@scale + fc endfunc ; private: complex fc ; default: title = "Divergent Box" rating = recommended ; param mode caption = "Mode" enum = "MandelBox" "JulieBox" default = 0 endparam param mflav caption = "MandelBox Type" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" visible = (@mode == "MandelBox") default = 1 endparam param start caption = "Start Value" default = (1e-6, 0.0) visible = (@mode == "MandelBox" && @mflav == "Classic") endparam param seed caption = "Julia Seed" default = (0.0,0.0) visible = (@mode == "JulieBox") endparam func initf caption = "Pixel function" default = ident() endfunc ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading float param sizex caption="Horiz Length" default=1.0 endparam float param sizey caption="Vert Length" default=1.0 endparam ; float param fold caption="Fold" default=1.0 endparam float param irad caption = "Inner Radius" default = 0.5 endparam float param orad caption = "Outer Radius" default = 1.0 endparam float param scale caption="Scale" default= 2.0 endparam float param p_bailout ; Overrides p_bailout from DivergentFormula caption = "Bailout value" default = 64.0 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam param p_power ; Overrides p_power from Formula visible = false ;hides inherited parameter from interface since not used endparam } ; my Plug-in development file class EEW_MT_BarnsleyIJulia(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Based on Barnsley 1 (Julia) in Fractint.ufm ;

; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; ; Generalizations by Erik Wahl, August 2014 public: complex func Init(complex pz) IF @mode == "Mandelbrot" fc = @initf(pz) IF @mflav == "Classic" return @start ELSE return @initf(pz) ENDIF ELSE fc = @seed return @initf(pz) ENDIF endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) if real(pz) >= @crit return @bfn(pz - @off) * fc else return @bfn(pz + @off) * fc endif endfunc ; private: ; use this for variables you don't want tampered with complex fc ; default: title = "Simple Barnsley Dual" ; param mode caption = "Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot" "Julia" default = 1 endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Type" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot") default = 0 endparam param start caption = "Start Value" default = (0.0, 0.0) visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic") endparam param seed caption = "Julia Seed" default = (0.6, 1.1) visible = (@mode == "Julia") endparam func initf caption = "Pixel function" default = ident() endfunc ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading func bfn caption = "Barnsley function" default = ident() endfunc float param crit caption = "Critical value" default = 0.0 endparam float param off caption = "Offset" default = 0.5 min = 0.0 endparam ; param p_power visible = false endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 12 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam } class General_Divergent(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; My first plug-in! (Gives himself fist-bump) public: ; complex func Init(complex pz) ; all code from init: goes in here ;i = (0,1) ;r = i^(@rot/90.0) ; IF @mode == "Mandelbrot" fc = @initf(pz) IF @mflav == "Classic" return @start ELSE return @initf(pz) ENDIF ELSE fc = @seed return @initf(pz) ENDIF endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) ; all code from loop: goes in here IF @op == 0 return (@m1*@f(pz) + @m2*@g(pz))^@p_power + @cfn(fc) ELSEIF @op == 1 return (@m1*@f(pz) - @m2*@g(pz))^@p_power + @cfn(fc) ELSEIF @op == 2 return (@m1*@f(pz) * @m2*@g(pz))^@p_power + @cfn(fc) ELSEIF @op == 3 return (@m1*@f(pz) / @m2*@g(pz))^@p_power + @cfn(fc) ELSEIF @op == 4 return (@m1*@f(pz)^(@m2*@g(pz)))^@p_power + @cfn(fc) ELSE return (@m1*@f(@m2*@g(pz)))^@p_power + @cfn(fc) ENDIF endfunc private: ; use this for variables you don't want tampered with complex fc ;complex fc0 ;complex pz0 default: ;Set up the same as default: in ufm title = "General Divergent Dual" ; param mode caption = "Mode" enum = "Mandelbrot" "Julia" default = 1 endparam param mflav caption = "Mandelbrot Type" enum = "Classic" "Pixel" visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot") default = 0 endparam param start caption = "Start Value" default = (0.0, 0.0) visible = (@mode == "Mandelbrot" && @mflav == "Classic") endparam param seed caption = "Julia Seed" default = (0.6, 1.1) visible = (@mode == "Julia") endparam func initf caption = "Pixel function" default = ident() endfunc ; heading caption = "Fractal Parameters" endheading param m1 caption = "1st Multiplier" default = (0.5,0.0) endparam func f caption = "1st Function" default = ident() endfunc ; param op caption = "Operator" enum = "Add" "Subtract" "Multiply" "Divide" "Power" "Compose" default = 0 endparam param m2 caption = "2nd Multiplier" default = (0.5,0.0) endparam func g caption = "2nd Function" default = ident() endfunc ; param p_power ; Overrides p_power from Formula caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam ; func cfn caption = "C Function" default = ident() endfunc ; float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam }