AttractorBasinsColoring { ; by Etienne Saint-Amant, july 2009 ; intended to be used with either, Dubeau Phi 0, Dubeau Phi 1, ; Dubeau Phi Mixture, Dubeau Phi Mixture With Functions, Dubeau Psi, ; Dubeau Psi With Functions or Newton's method. global: ;$define DEBUG final: float angle; angle = atan2(#z); ;print(angle); if @noIter #index = (angle + #pi)/(2*#pi) else #index = 0.01 * #numiter + (angle + #pi)/(2*#pi) endif default: title = "Attractor Basins Coloring" bool param noIter caption = "Don't use iteration number" default = false endparam } ESAFractalTree() { ; ; version 1.0 ; By Etienne Saint-Amant, 2002/07/02 ; ; Go to for examples and tutorial ; ; Based on FractalTree ; By Samuel Monnier, 11.1.00 ; Modified with his kind permission ; init: z = 0 float arg = 0 int i = 0 float j = 0 float d = 0 float dist = 1e5 float x = 0 float y = 0 float imagCof = @imaginaryCoefficient if @mode == 0 z = #pixel endif float dr = pi/@rotincrCoefficient*@rotincr/@altitudeTree loop: if @mode == 1 i = i + 1 if i == @itertr z = #z endif endif final: ; Performs translation, rotation ; and magnification z = z - @center z = z*exp(-1i*@rot*pi/@rotationchange) z = z/@size i = 0 while i < @niter i = i + 1 imagCof = imagCof + @alterimaginary x = abs(real(z)) y = imag(z) z = x + imagCof * 1i * y arg = -atan2(z) + pi/@weirdness ; Estimate distance if y >= -1 && y <= 0 d = x^@power elseif y < -1 d = cabs(z + imagCof * 1i)^@power elseif y > 0 d = cabs(z)^@power endif if d < dist dist = d endif ; Computes the rotation to apply j = @order-1 rotincr = j*dr while j > 0 j = j - 2 if arg < (j+1)*dr rotincr = j*dr endif endwhile ; Performs transformation z = z*exp(imagCof*1i*rotincr) z = z*@magnincr z = z - imagCof*1i endwhile #index = dist default: title = "ESA Fractal Tree" param mode caption = "Mode" default = 0 enum = "Pixel" "Distance Estimator" endparam param power caption = "Dist. Est. Power" default = 1.0 endparam param order caption = "Tree Order" default = 4.0 endparam param rotincr caption = "Angle Between Branches" default = 40.0 endparam param magnincr caption = "Tree Magnification Increment" default = 1.9 endparam param center caption = "Center" default = (0,0) endparam param rot caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam param size caption = "Size" default = 1.0 endparam param niter caption = "Number of Iteration" default = 10 endparam param itertr caption = "Iteration to observe" default = 1 endparam ;parameter added by ESA param imaginaryCoefficient caption = "Imaginary Coefficient" default = 0.75 hint = "Imaginary Coefficient to change the shape of the branches (default .75)" endparam ;parameter added by ESA param alterimaginary caption = "Alter Imaginary Coefficient" default = 0.1 hint = "Alter the Imaginary Coefficient for each iteration (default 0.1)" endparam ;parameter added by ESA param altitudeTree caption = "Altitude Tree" default = 2.0 hint = "Create a tree developing more vertically (default 2.0)" endparam ;parameter added by ESA param weirdness caption = "Weirdness" default = 2.2 hint = "Weirdness (default 2.2)" endparam ;parameter added by ESA param rotincrCoefficient caption = "Rotation Incrementation" default = 120 hint = "Rotation Incrementation Coefficient (default 120)" endparam ;parameter added by ESA param rotationchange caption = "Rotation Change" default = 50 hint = "Rotation Change (default 50)" endparam }