comment { Coloring formulas by Felipe Gallegos Montero File still in development. } FG-1{ init: C=#pixel SCI=imag(#screenpixel) SCR=real(#screenpixel) counter=1 loop: If counter==@CNT A=SCR*#z*C B=@FN(SCR*#z) Else A=SCI*#z*C B=@FN(SCI*#z) endif counter=counter+1 If counter==@CNT*2 counter=1 endif final: #index=real(A+B)*#numiter default: Title= "Sparse Functions" int param CNT caption= "Change algorithm" default= 200 endparam complex func FN caption= "Function" default= ident() endfunc } FG-2{;One-pass drawing method required loop: A=abs(#z*#pixel)*@SB B=cabs(#z*#pixel)*@SB final: If @type=="Curves" #index=(@SC*#numiter)*real(A+A) Elseif @type=="Circular trap" #index=(@SC*#numiter)*real(B+B)*@SA Elseif @type=="Poligonal" #index=(@SC*#numiter)*real(A+B)*@SA Elseif @type=="Disassembled" #index=real((A+B)*(#z*#pixel))*@SA Elseif @type=="Octogonal trap" #index=(@SC*#numiter)*log((real(A+B)+imag(A+B)))*@SA Elseif @type=="Rings" #index=(@SC*#numiter)*(sin(imag(A))+cos(real(B)))*@SA Endif default: Title= "Shape Traps" param Type enum= "Curves" "Circular trap" \ "Poligonal" "Disassembled" \ "Octogonal trap" "Rings" endparam float param SA Caption= "Shape" default= 1 hint= "First anexed value.\ Can change shape and density" endparam float param SB Caption= "Shape" default= 1 hint= "Second anexed value.\ Can change shape and density" endparam float param SC caption= "Shape" enabled= @type!="Disassembled" default= 1 hint= "First anexed value.\ Can change shape and density" endparam } FG-3{ ;still in construction. Too slow to use init: int NV=@NOV float RAIP=real(#Pixel)+imag(#Pixel) float LVar[@NOV] float HVar[@NOV] int C=0 int r=0 int Stp=0 float CX=#x float CY=#Y int I=0 bool STop=False final: repeat repeat ;assign values to the arrays Lvar[r]=(RAIP)+Stp Hvar[r]=(RAIP)+@Step+Stp Stp=Stp+@Step r=r+1 until r==NV-1 repeat If CX>=Lvar[C] && CX<=Hvar[C] X=log(#Pixel+#Z) Else X=#Pixel Endif If CY>=Lvar[C] && CY<=Hvar[C] Y=log(#Pixel+#Z) Else Y=#Pixel Endif C=C+1 If C==NV-1 && Stop==False C=0 Stop=True Endif until Stop==True I=I+1 until I==@MaxIter int NM=#Numiter #index=log(real(X+Y))*NM default: Title= "Array" int param NOV caption= "N° of variables" default = 10 endparam int param Step default = 10 endparam int param MaxIter default= 10 endparam } FG-4 { ; incompleted formula. Don't use. init: float Rnd[@NOV] int NV=@NOV int C=0 int Seed=@S repeat Rnd[C]= abs(seed)%(@MR+1) C=C+1 until C==NV-1 final: repeat #index=real(@FN(Rnd[C])) If C==NV-1 C=0 endif until C==NV-1 default: int param NOV endparam int param S endparam int param MR endparam }