comment { Formulas by Felipe Gallegos Montero Viņa del Mar, Chile. 2003 } FG-1 { ; Egg shaped fractal init: z=#pixel shift=0 shifter=@shiftval loop: z= #pixel+z*z*z If shifter==0 ;resets counter shifter=@shiftval EndIf If shift==shifter ;shifting algorithm section z= @F/(z*z*z*#pixel) z=@FN(z*#pixel) shift=shift-1 shifter=shift Else z=@F*(z*z*z*#pixel) z=@FN(z/#pixel) shift=shift+1 EndIf bailout: |z|<10 default: title= "Shifting Egg" complex param F default= 1.0 endparam param shiftval caption= "Iteration change value" Hint= "This is for setting \ how many times a formula \ is iterated, until the the formula is changed." default= 3.0 Endparam complex func FN caption= "Inside Shape" default= cos() endfunc } FG-2{;Resembles a spiny wheel init: z=C=#pixel counter=0 MX=#maxiter/2 loop: z= 2*C z=z*z*z*C*(z*@x) If real(counter)