Simulator { ; ; Black Hole Simulated across the plane. ; transform: if @usescreen #pixel = #center + @radius / (#pixel - #center) else #pixel = @center + #pixel + @radius / |#pixel| endif default: title = "Inverse" helpfile = "Uf*.chm" helptopic = "Html/transformations/standard/inverse.html" param radius caption = "Radius" default = 1.0 $IFDEF VER40 exponential = true $ENDIF hint = "This is the radius of the inversion circle. Larger values \ magnify the fractal." min = 0 endparam complex param center caption = "Center" default = (0, 0) hint = "This is the center of the inversion circle." enabled = !@usescreen endparam param usescreen caption = "Use Screen Center" default = false hint = "If enabled, the Center parameter is ignored and the \ center set on the Location tab is used instead. \ Don't enable this while zooming, or the results may be \ confusing." endparam } myApsect { ; ; Changes the aspect ratio of the fractal. You can use this to ; create fractals for media with non-square pixels. ; transform: #pixel = #pixel * exp(flip(+#angle)) float ratio = #height / (#width / @ar) if ratio < 1 #pixel = real(#pixel) ^ ratio + flip(imag(#pixel)) else #pixel = real(#pixel) + flip(imag(#pixel) ^ ratio) endif #pixel = #pixel ^ exp(flip(#angle)) default: title = "MyAspect" helpfile = "Uf*.chm" helptopic = "Html/transformations/standard/aspectratio.html" param ar caption = "Aspect Ratio" default = 0.99 min = 0.1 max = 10 $IFDEF VER40 exponential = true $ENDIF hint = "Set this to the final media aspect ratio (height/width). \ The default value for computer monitors is 0.75, because \ the height of most monitors is 0.75 times the width." endparam }