comment { This file is the concatenation of gwfa.ufm of October 21, 2000 gwfa-attractor.ufm of February 3, 2001 gwfa-matrix.ufm of June 1, 2001 into one file as gwfa.ufm for purposes of Ultra Fractal Formula Database } ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comment { gwfa.ufm Vers. 1.00.10a Fractal types for Ultra Fractal 2 by G.W.F. Albrecht October 21, 2000 For more information about this formula collection, please visit its home page: or All formulae are based on the function Phi(z):=(exp(z)-1)/z for |z| > 0 or its reciprocal; in some cases - with transformations applied to z - the point z=0 has to be handled individually which has not been implemented consequently into all variants All algebraic operations take place in the algebras of complex numbers or Quaternions or complex 2x2 matrices equipped with the usual algebra norms. Quaternions are visualized by a 2dimensional cut through the origin, complex matrices by a simple entry. (Here is where your fantasy may come in!) While most of the formulae I used individually are now formally included in this parametrizable set I made no attempt to reproduce any image (if I have to render it I'll use the old formula). Some variants still have to be added. For compatibility reasons some older versions of formulas have been added at the end of this file (with titles starting with z-). However for future use the equivalent form of the newer versions should be used. Hence for new images do not use formulas below the line ...WwWwWw.... All formulas usually have a Mandelbroit and a Julia variant to be selected using the switch feature of UF. Note that - as not all parameters are propagated by switching - switching twice does not yield identity. } gwfa-Newton_1 { ; That is the simple Newton algorithm for Phi - 1 around 0 init: complex z = pixel loop: complex u = exp(z), complex v=z*u , complex w = v - u + 1 z = z - ( v - 2 * z ) / w bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 1" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_1_Jul" seed = #pixel bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_1_Jul { ; init: complex z = pixel loop: complex u = exp(z), complex v=z*u , complex w = v - u + 1 z = z - ( v - 2 * z ) / w + @seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 1 Julia Variant" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_1" bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_1_relaxed { ; That is the relaxed Newton algorithm for Phi around 0 init: complex z = pixel complex s2 = @sfact*@sfact loop: complex u = exp(z) complex u2 = u * u complex z1 = z - 1 complex z12 = z1 * z1 complex v= z * ( u2 * z1 * ( z1 - @rfact) + u * ( z * ( @rfact + 2) - 2*( @rfact + 1) ) + s2 * z^2 + @rfact + 1 ) complex w = u2 * z12 + 2* u*z1 + s2*z^4+1 z = v / w bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 1 Relaxed Phi=1" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param rfact caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param sfact caption = "Pert.Relaxation Factor " default = (0,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_1_relaxed_Jul" seed = #pixel rfact = @rfact sfact = @sfact bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_1_relaxed_Jul { ; That is the relaxed Newton algorithm for Phi around 0 - Julia variant init: complex z = pixel complex s2 = @sfact*@sfact loop: complex u = exp(z) complex u2 = u * u complex z1 = z - 1 complex z12 = z1 * z1 complex v= z * ( u2 * z1 * ( z1 - @rfact) + u * ( z * ( @rfact + 2) - 2*( @rfact + 1) ) + s2 * z^2 + @rfact + 1 ) complex w = u2 * z12 + 2* u*z1 + s2*z^4+1 z = v / w + @seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 1Relaxed Julia Phi=1" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param rfact caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param sfact caption = "Pert.Relaxation Factor " default = (0,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_1_relaxed" rfact = @rfact sfact = @sfact bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_2_relaxed { ; That is the relaxed Newton algorithm for Phi around 0 init: complex z = pixel complex s2 = @sfact*z*z*(0.0,1.0) loop: complex u = exp(z) complex v = z *( u* (z -@rfact -1) + @rfact * z + @rfact + 1 +s2 ) complex w = u * ( z - 1) + 1 + s2 z = v / w bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 2 Relaxed Phi=0" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param rfact caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param sfact caption = "Pert.Relaxation Factor " default = (0,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_2_relaxed_Jul" seed = #pixel rfact = @rfact sfact = @sfact bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_2_relaxed_Jul { ; That is the relaxed Newton algorithm for Phi - 1 around 0 - Julia variant init: complex z = pixel complex s2 = @sfact*z*z*(0.0,1.0) loop: complex u = exp(z) complex v = z *( u* (z -@rfact -1) + @rfact * z + @rfact + 1 +s2 ) complex w = u * ( z - 1) + 1 + s2 z = v / w + @seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 2 Relaxed Phi=0 Julia variant" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param rfact caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param sfact caption = "Pert.Relaxation Factor " default = (0,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_2_relaxed" rfact = @rfact sfact = @sfact bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_3 { ; another variant init: complex z = pixel loop: complex u = exp(z) complex v=z*u complex w = v - u + 1 z = z * ( v + 2 * ( 1 + z - u ) ) / w bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 3" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_3_Jul" seed = #pixel bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_3_Jul { ; init: complex z = pixel loop: complex u = exp(z) complex v=z*u complex w = v - u + 1 z = z * ( v + 2 * ( 1 + z - u ) ) / w +@seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 3 Julia Variant" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_3" bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_4_relaxed { ; That is the relaxed Newton algorithm for the first derivative of Phi around 0 init: complex z = pixel complex s2 = @sfact*z*z*z*(0.0,1.0) complex s3 = 2*(@rfact +2) loop: complex u = exp(z) complex v = z *( 2*u* (z^2 -z*(@rfact+2) + @rfact +2 ) + @rfact*z*z - s3 +s2 ) complex w = 2*(u * ( z*z - 2*z +2) - s2 ) z = v / w bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 4 Relaxed Phi'=1/2" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param rfact caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param sfact caption = "Pert.Relaxation Factor " default = (0,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_4_relaxed_Jul" seed = #pixel rfact = @rfact sfact = @sfact bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_4_relaxed_Jul { ; That is the relaxed Newton algorithm for the first derivative of Phi around 0 - Julia variant init: complex z = pixel complex s2 = @sfact*z*z*z*(0.0,1.0) complex s3 = 2*(@rfact +2) loop: complex u = exp(z) complex v = z *( 2*u* (z^2 -z*(@rfact+2) + @rfact +2 ) + @rfact*z*z - s3 +s2 ) complex w = 2*(u * ( z*z - 2*z +2) - s2 ) z = v / w + @seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 4 Relaxed Phi'=1/2 Julia variant" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param rfact caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param sfact caption = "Pert.Relaxation Factor " default = (0,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_4_relaxed" rfact = @rfact sfact = @sfact bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_5_relaxed { ; That is the relaxed Newton algorithm for the reciprocal of Phi around 0 init: complex z = pixel complex s2 = @sfact*(0.0,1.0) loop: complex u = exp(z) complex uu = u^2 complex f = (u - 1)^2 complex v = @rfact*( uu - u*(z+2) + z + 1) complex w = u * ( 1- z ) - 1 + s2*f z = z + v / w bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 5 Relaxed 1/Phi=1" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param rfact caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param sfact caption = "Pert.Relaxation Factor " default = (0,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_5_relaxed_Jul" seed = #pixel rfact = @rfact sfact = @sfact bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_5_relaxed_Jul { ; That is the relaxed Newton algorithm for the reciprocal around 0 - Julia variant init: complex z = pixel complex s2 = @sfact*(0.0,1.0) loop: complex u = exp(z) complex uu = u^2 complex f = (u - 1)^2 complex v = @rfact*( uu - u*(z+2) + z + 1) complex w = u * ( 1- z ) - 1 + s2*f z = z + v / w + @seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 5 Relaxed 1/Phi=1 Julia variant" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param rfact caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param sfact caption = "Pert.Relaxation Factor " default = (0,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_5_relaxed" rfact = @rfact sfact = @sfact bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_6_relaxed { ; That is the relaxed Newton algorithm for a convex combination of Phi and its reciprocal around 0 init: complex z = pixel complex r1 = @rfact + 1 complex r11 = @rfact - 1 complex l1 = @lambda - 1 complex s2 = @sfact*(0.0,1.0) complex f1 = 6*@lambda*r1 complex f2 = 4*@lambda*r1 loop: complex u = exp(z) complex uu = u^2 complex uuu = u*uu complex u1 = (u - 1) ^3 complex v = @lambda*uu*uu*( r1 -z ) v = v + @lambda * uuu * ( 3*z - 4*r1) v = v - uu*( z^3* l1 + z^2*r11*l1 + 3*@lambda*z - f1) v = v + u *( z^3 * l1 + 2* z^2*r11*l1 + @lambda * z - f2) v = v - z^2* r11*l1 * @lambda*r1 - s2*z^2*u1 v = z * v complex w = @lambda*uu*uu*(1-z) w = w + @lambda*uuu*( 3*z - 4) w = w - uu*(z^3*l1 - z^2*l1+ 3* @lambda*z - 6* @lambda) w = w + u * (z^3*l1 - 2*z^2*l1+ @lambda*z - 4* @lambda) w = w + z^2 *l1 + @lambda - s2*z^2*u1 z = v / w bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 6 Relaxed Convex" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param rfact caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param sfact caption = "Pert.Relaxation Factor " default = (0,0) endparam param lambda caption = "convexity " default = (0.5,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_6_relaxed_Jul" seed = #pixel rfact = @rfact sfact = @sfact lambda = @lambda bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Newton_6_relaxed_Jul { ; That is the relaxed Newton algorithm for a convex combination of Phi and its reciprocal around 0 - Julia variant init: complex z = pixel complex r1 = @rfact + 1 complex r11 = @rfact - 1 complex l1 = @lambda - 1 complex s2 = @sfact*(0.0,1.0) complex f1 = 6*@lambda*r1 complex f2 = 4*@lambda*r1 loop: complex u = exp(z) complex uu = u^2 complex uuu = u*uu complex u1 = (u - 1) ^3 complex v = @lambda*uu*uu*( r1 -z ) v = v + @lambda * uuu * ( 3*z - 4*r1) v = v - uu*( z^3* l1 + z^2*r11*l1 + 3*@lambda*z - f1) v = v + u *( z^3 * l1 + 2* z^2*r11*l1 + @lambda * z - f2) v = v - z^2* r11*l1 * @lambda*r1 - s2*z^2*u1 v = z * v complex w = @lambda*uu*uu*(1-z) w = w + @lambda*uuu*( 3*z - 4) w = w - uu*(z^3*l1 - z^2*l1+ 3* @lambda*z - 6* @lambda) w = w + u * (z^3*l1 - 2*z^2*l1+ @lambda*z - 4* @lambda) w = w + z^2 *l1 + @lambda - s2*z^2*u1 z = v / w + @seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Newton 6 Relaxed Convex - Julia variant" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param rfact caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param sfact caption = "Pert.Relaxation Factor " default = (0,0) endparam param lambda caption = "convexity " default = (0.5,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam switch: type = "gwfa-Newton_6_relaxed" rfact = @rfact sfact = @sfact lambda = @lambda bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Phi_1 { ; init: complex z = Pixel loop: z = z + @shift1 complex a = fn1(z) a = a + @shift2 IF ( |a| > 0 ) z = (exp(a)-1)/a + Pixel*@PixelWeight ELSE z = 1 + Pixel * @PixelWeight ENDIF z = fn2(z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi Version 1" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0,0) endparam param shift2 caption = "Pixel Shift 2" default = (0,0) endparam param PixelWeight caption = "Pixel Weight" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Phi_1_Jul" seed = #pixel fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 shift1 = @shift1 shift2 = @shift2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Phi_1_Jul { ; This is the Julia variant for the previous formula init: complex z = Pixel loop: z = z + @shift1 complex a = fn1(z) a = a + @shift2 IF ( |a| > 0 ) z = (exp(a)-1)/a + @seed ELSE z = 1 + @seed ENDIF z = fn2(z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi Version 1Julia Variant" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0,0) endparam param shift2 caption = "Pixel Shift 2" default = (0,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Phi_1" fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 shift1 = @shift1 shift2 = @shift2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Phi_2 { ; init: complex z = Pixel loop: z = z + @shift1 complex a = fn1(z) a = a + @shift2 complex b = (exp(a)-1) IF ( |b| > 0 ) z = fn2(a)/b + Pixel*@PixelWeight ELSE z = 1 + Pixel * @PixelWeight ; this branch can be dubious !! ENDIF z = fn3(z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi Version 2 recip" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0,0) endparam param shift2 caption = "Pixel Shift 2" default = (0,0) endparam param PixelWeight caption = "Pixel Weight" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Phi_2_Jul" seed = #pixel fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 PixelWeight = @PixelWeight shift1 = @shift1 shift2 = @shift2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Phi_2_Jul { ; init: complex z = Pixel loop: z = z + @shift1 complex a = fn1(z) a = a + @shift2 complex b = (exp(a)-1) IF ( |b| > 0 ) z = fn2(a)/b + @seed*@PixelWeight ELSE z = 1 + @seed * @PixelWeight ; this branch can be dubious !! ENDIF z = fn3(z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi Version 2 recip Julia" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0,0) endparam param shift2 caption = "Pixel Shift 2" default = (0,0) endparam param PixelWeight caption = "Pixel Weight" default = (1,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Phi_2" fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 PixelWeight = @PixelWeight shift1 = @shift1 shift2 = @shift2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Phi_3 { ; init: complex z = Pixel loop: z = z + @shift1 complex a = fn1(z) a = a + @shift2 complex b = exp(a) z = fn2(a)/(b -1) + Pixel*@PixelWeight ; this line can be dubious !! z = fn3(z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi Version 3 recip" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0,0) endparam param shift2 caption = "Pixel Shift 2" default = (0,0) endparam param PixelWeight caption = "Pixel Weight" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Phi_3_Jul" seed = #pixel fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 PixelWeight = @PixelWeight shift1 = @shift1 shift2 = @shift2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Phi_3_Jul { ; init: complex z = Pixel loop: z = z + @shift1 complex a = fn1(z) a = a + @shift2 complex b = exp(a) z = fn2(a)/(b -1) + @seed*@PixelWeight ; this line can be dubious !! z = fn3(z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi Version 3 recip Julia" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0,0) endparam param shift2 caption = "Pixel Shift 2" default = (0,0) endparam param PixelWeight caption = "Pixel Weight" default = (1,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Phi_3" fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 PixelWeight = @PixelWeight shift1 = @shift1 shift2 = @shift2 bailout = @bailout } ;The following formulae have a more incidental character and emerged while I looked for the lost original Phi_4 (FractInt version) gwfa-Phi_4_trial {; GA init: complex z = Pixel loop: complex a = fn1(z) z = z + @shift1 complex b = exp(fn2(z)) z = a/(b-1) + Pixel*@PixelWeight bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi Version 4 recip" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0.1,0) endparam param PixelWeight caption = "Pixel Weight" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = sqr() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = sqr() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Phi_4_trial_Jul" seed = #pixel shift1 = @shift1 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Phi_4_trial_Jul {; GA init: complex z = Pixel loop: complex a = fn1(z) z = z + @shift1 complex b = exp(fn2(z)) z = a/(b-1) + @seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi Version 4 recip Julia" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0.1,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = sqr() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = sqr() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Phi_4_trial" shift1 = @shift1 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Der1 { ; first derivative of Phi init: complex z = Pixel complex c = Pixel loop: z = fn1(z) a = exp(z) b = z * z IF ( |z| > 0 ) z = ( (z-1)*a + 1 ) / b - 0.5 + @PixelWeight * c ELSE z = @PixelWeight * c ENDIF z = fn2(z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "1st derivative of Phi" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param PixelWeight caption = "Pixel Weight" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Der1_Jul" seed = #pixel shift1 = @shift1 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 PixelWeight = @PixelWeight bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Der1_Jul { ; first derivative of Phi /Julia variant complex z = Pixel loop: z = fn1(z) a = exp(z) b = z * z IF ( |z| > 0 ) z = ( (z-1)*a + 1 ) / b - 0.5 + @PixelWeight *@seed ELSE z = @PixelWeight * @seed ENDIF z = fn2(z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "1st derivative of Phi / Julia" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param PixelWeight caption = "Pixel Weight" default = (1,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Der1" shift1 = @shift1 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 PixelWeight = @PixelWeight bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Phi_4_trial2 {; GA init: complex z = Pixel loop: complex a = fn1(z) z = z + @shift1 complex b = exp(fn2(z)) z = (b-1)/a + Pixel*@PixelWeight bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi Version 4 " maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0.1,0) endparam param PixelWeight caption = "Pixel Weight" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = sqr() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = sqr() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Phi_4_trial2_Jul" seed = #pixel shift1 = @shift1 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Phi_4_trial2_Jul {; GA init: complex z = Pixel loop: complex a = fn1(z) z = z + @shift1 complex b = exp(fn2(z)) z = (b-1)/a + @seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi Version 4 Julia" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0.1,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = sqr() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = sqr() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Phi_4_trial2" shift1 = @shift1 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 bailout = @bailout } ; following are some arbitrary tries for new effects gwfa-Quot_1 {; GA init: complex z = Pixel loop: z = z + @shift1 a = fn1(z) b = fn2(z) c = exp(a) - 1 d = exp(b) - 1 z = c / d - 1 bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi Quotients" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0.1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = sqr() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Quot_1_Jul" seed = #pixel shift1 = @shift1 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Quot_1_Jul {; GA init: complex z = Pixel loop: z = z + @shift1 a = fn1(z) b = fn2(z) c = exp(a) - 1 d = exp(b) - 1 z = c / d - 1 +@seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi Quotients Julia" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0.1,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = sqr() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Quot_1" shift1 = @shift1 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Phi_9_split {; GA init: complex z = pixel loop: z = z + @shift1 x = real(z) y = imag(z) complex a = fn1(x) complex b = fn2(y) IF ( |a| > 0 ) complex c = (exp(a)-1)/a ELSE c = 1 ENDIF IF ( |b| > 0 ) complex d = (exp(b)-1)/b ELSE d = 1 ENDIF z = fn3( ( c + flip(d) ) * fn4(z) ) + pixel bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Real / Im Split " maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0.1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Iter function 1" default = exp() endfunc func fn4 caption = "Iter function2" default = log() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Phi_9_split_Jul" seed = #pixel shift1 = @shift1 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 fn4 = fn4 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-Phi_9_split_Jul {; GA init: complex z = pixel loop: z = z + @shift1 x = real(z) y = imag(z) complex a = fn1(x) complex b = fn2(y) IF ( |a| > 0 ) complex c = (exp(a)-1)/a ELSE c = 1 ENDIF IF ( |b| > 0 ) complex d = (exp(b)-1)/b ELSE d = 1 ENDIF z = fn3( ( c + flip(d) ) * fn4(z) ) + @seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Real / Im Split Julia" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param shift1 caption = "Pixel Shift 1" default = (0.1,0) endparam param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Iter function 1" default = exp() endfunc func fn4 caption = "Iter function2" default = log() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Phi_9_split" shift1 = @shift1 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 fn4 = fn4 bailout = @bailout } ; the following formulae implement Phi1 in the real Quaternion algebra ; the first examples use ; no closed expression for Phi but partial sums (ie n=3 or n=7) ; whereas quatphi implements (exp(z)-1)/z in the sense of the quaternions ; gwfa-c-Quat_1 { ; Quaternionic version of Phi1 (with partial sum for n=3) init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(z)) float d = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(z)) d = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(z)) b = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(z)) c = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(z)) d = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(z)) c = imag(fn1(z)) endif loop: float t1 = (3*a^2+8*a-b^2-c^2-d^2 +12)/24 float anew = (a^3+4*a^2-3*a*(b^2+c^2+d^2-4)-4*(b^2+c^2+d^2-6))/24 float bnew = b*t1 float cnew = c*t1 float dnew = d*t1 a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Quaternionic Phi 1 - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-Quat_1_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-c-Quat_1_Jul { ; Quaternionic version of Phi1 (with partial sum for n=3) - Julia variant init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(z)) float d = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(z)) d = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(z)) b = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(z)) c = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(z)) d = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(z)) c = imag(fn1(z)) endif float u = real(@seed) float v = imag(@seed) loop: float t1 = (3*a^2+8*a-b^2-c^2-d^2 +12)/24 float anew = (a^3+4*a^2-3*a*(b^2+c^2+d^2-4)-4*(b^2+c^2+d^2-6))/24 + u float bnew = b*t1 + v float cnew = c*t1 + u float dnew = d*t1 + v a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Quaternionic Phi 1 Julia - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam param seed caption = "fixed perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-Quat_1" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-c-Quat_1a { ; Quaternionic version of Phi1 (with partial sum for n=3) ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) b = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) endif float r = real(@bailout^2) loop: float t1 = (3*a^2+8*a-b^2-c^2-d^2 +12)/24 float anew = (a^3+4*a^2-3*a*(b^2+c^2+d^2-4)-4*(b^2+c^2+d^2-6))/24 float bnew = b*t1 float cnew = c*t1 float dnew = d*t1 a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 +b^2+c^2+d^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Quaternionic Phi 1a - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-Quat_1a_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-c-Quat_1a_Jul { ; Quaternionic version of Phi1 (with partial sum for n=3) - Julia variant ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) b = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) endif float r = real(@bailout^2) float u = real(@seed) float v = imag(@seed) loop: float t1 = (3*a^2+8*a-b^2-c^2-d^2 +12)/24 float anew = (a^3+4*a^2-3*a*(b^2+c^2+d^2-4)-4*(b^2+c^2+d^2-6))/24 + u float bnew = b*t1 + v float cnew = c*t1 + u float dnew = d*t1 + v a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Quaternionic Phi 1a Julia - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam param seed caption = "fixed perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-Quat_1a" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-c-Quat_2 { ; Quaternionic version of Phi1 (with partial sum for n=7) init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(z)) float d = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(z)) d = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(z)) b = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(z)) c = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(z)) d = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(z)) c = imag(fn1(z)) endif loop: float t1 = (3*b^2+3*c^2+3*d^2-8) float t2 = (5*b^2+5*c^2+5*d^2-14) float t3 = (b^4+2*b^2*(c^2+d^2-8)+c^4+2*c^2*(d^2-8)+d^4-16*d^2+48) float t4 = (5*b^4+2*b^2*(5*c^2+5*d^2-42)+5*c^4+2*c^2*(5*d^2-42)+5*d^4-84*d^2+280) float t5 = (c^4+2*c^2*(d^2-14)+d^4-28*d^2+280) float t6 =(b^2+c^2+d^2-8) float t7 = (5*b^2+5*c^2+5*d^2-42) float t8 = (3*b^4+2*b^2*(3*c^2+3*d^2-40)+3*c^4+2*c^2*(3*d^2-40)+3*d^4-80*d^2+720) float t9 = (b^4+2*b^2*(c^2+d^2-14)+c^4+2*c^2*(d^2-14)+d^4-28*d^2+280) float t10 = (3*c^4+2*c^2*(3*d^2-56)+3*d^4-112*d^2+1680) float t11 = (3*d^4-112*d^2+1680) float t13 = (3*c^2+3*d^2-40) float t14 = (3*c^4+2*c^2*(3*d^2-40)+3*d^4-80*d^2+720) float t15 = (3*d^4-80*d^2+720) float t16 = (b^6+3*b^4*(c^2+d^2-14)+3*b^2*t5 +c^6+3*c^4*(d^2-14)+3*c^2*(d^4-28*d^2+280)+d^6-42*d^4+840*d^2-5040) float t17=(7*a^6+48*a^5-35*a^4*t6-32*a^3*t7+7*a^2*t8+48*a*t9-b^6-b^4*(3*c^2+3*d^2-56)-b^2*t10-c^6+c^4*(56-3*d^2)-c^2*t11-d^6+56*d^4-1680*d^2+20160)/40320 float anew = (a^7+8*a^6-7*a^5*t1-24*a^4*t2+35*a^3*t3+24*a^2*t4-7*a*(b^6+b^4*t13+b^2*t14+c^6+c^4*(3*d^2-40)+c^2*t15+d^6-40*d^4+720*d^2-2880)-8*t16)/40320 float bnew = b*t17 float cnew = c*t17 float dnew = d*t17 a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Quaternionic Phi 2 - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 1 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-Quat_2_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-c-Quat_2_Jul { ; Quaternionic version of Phi1 (with partial sum for n=7) - Julia variant init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(z)) float d = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(z)) d = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(z)) b = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(z)) c = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(z)) d = imag(fn1(z)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(z)) c = imag(fn1(z)) endif float u = real(@seed) float v = imag(@seed) float w = real(@seed) float s = imag(@seed) loop: float t1 = (3*b^2+3*c^2+3*d^2-8) float t2 = (5*b^2+5*c^2+5*d^2-14) float t3 = (b^4+2*b^2*(c^2+d^2-8)+c^4+2*c^2*(d^2-8)+d^4-16*d^2+48) float t4 = (5*b^4+2*b^2*(5*c^2+5*d^2-42)+5*c^4+2*c^2*(5*d^2-42)+5*d^4-84*d^2+280) float t5 = (c^4+2*c^2*(d^2-14)+d^4-28*d^2+280) float t6 =(b^2+c^2+d^2-8) float t7 = (5*b^2+5*c^2+5*d^2-42) float t8 = (3*b^4+2*b^2*(3*c^2+3*d^2-40)+3*c^4+2*c^2*(3*d^2-40)+3*d^4-80*d^2+720) float t9 = (b^4+2*b^2*(c^2+d^2-14)+c^4+2*c^2*(d^2-14)+d^4-28*d^2+280) float t10 = (3*c^4+2*c^2*(3*d^2-56)+3*d^4-112*d^2+1680) float t11 = (3*d^4-112*d^2+1680) float t13 = (3*c^2+3*d^2-40) float t14 = (3*c^4+2*c^2*(3*d^2-40)+3*d^4-80*d^2+720) float t15 = (3*d^4-80*d^2+720) float t16 = (b^6+3*b^4*(c^2+d^2-14)+3*b^2*t5 +c^6+3*c^4*(d^2-14)+3*c^2*(d^4-28*d^2+280)+d^6-42*d^4+840*d^2-5040) float t17=(7*a^6+48*a^5-35*a^4*t6-32*a^3*t7+7*a^2*t8+48*a*t9-b^6-b^4*(3*c^2+3*d^2-56)-b^2*t10-c^6+c^4*(56-3*d^2)-c^2*t11-d^6+56*d^4-1680*d^2+20160)/40320 float anew = (a^7+8*a^6-7*a^5*t1-24*a^4*t2+35*a^3*t3+24*a^2*t4-7*a*(b^6+b^4*t13+b^2*t14+c^6+c^4*(3*d^2-40)+c^2*t15+d^6-40*d^4+720*d^2-2880)-8*t16)/40320 float bnew = b*t17 float cnew = c*t17 float dnew = d*t17 a = anew + u b = bnew + v c = cnew + w d = dnew + s if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Quaternionic Phi 2 Julia - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 1 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam param seed caption = "fixed perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-Quat_2" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-c-QuatPhi1 { ; full Quaternionic version of Phi1 ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) b = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 loop: float norm1 = a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 float norm2 = SQRT(b^2 + c^2 + d^2) float s1 = SIN(norm2) float c1 = COS(norm2) float e1 = exp(a) float f1 = (e1*(a*s1/(norm1*norm2)-c1/norm1)+ 1/norm1 ) float anew = (e1*(a*c1+norm2*s1)-a)/norm1 float bnew = b* f1 float cnew = c* f1 float dnew = d * f1 a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 +b^2+c^2+d^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Quaternionic Phi 1Full - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-QuatPhi1_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-c-QuatPhi1_Jul { ; full Quaternionic version of Phi1 - Julia variant ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) b = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 float u = real(@seed) float v = imag(@seed) loop: float norm1 = a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 float norm2 = SQRT(b^2 + c^2 + d^2) float s1 = SIN(norm2) float c1 = COS(norm2) float e1 = exp(a) float f1 = (e1*(a*s1/(norm1*norm2)-c1/norm1)+ 1/norm1 ) float anew = (e1*(a*c1+norm2*s1)-a)/norm1 float bnew = b* f1 float cnew = c* f1 float dnew = d * f1 a = anew + u b = bnew + v c = cnew + u d = dnew + v if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Quaternionic Phi 1Full Jul - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam param seed caption = "fixed perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-QuatPhi1" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } ; added October 19,1999: Reciprocal Quaternionic Phi: gwfa-c-QuatPhi1Recip { ; full reciprocal Quaternionic version of Phi1 ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) b = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 loop: float norm1 = a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 float norm2 = SQRT(b^2 + c^2 + d^2) float s1 = SIN(norm2) float c1 = COS(norm2) float e1 = exp(a) float g1= (e1^2 - 2*e1*c1+1) float h1= (e1*(norm2*c1-a*s1)-norm2)/(norm2*g1) float anew = (e1*(a*c1+norm2*s1)-a)/g1 float bnew = b*h1 float cnew = c*h1 float dnew = d*h1 a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 +b^2+c^2+d^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Quaternionic Reciprocal Phi 1Full - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.125 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (10,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-QuatPhi1Recip_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-c-QuatPhi1Recip_Jul { ; full Quaternionic version of Phi1Reciprocal - Julia variant ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) b = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 float u = real(@seed) float v = imag(@seed) loop: float norm1 = a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 float norm2 = SQRT(b^2 + c^2 + d^2) float s1 = SIN(norm2) float c1 = COS(norm2) float e1 = exp(a) float g1= (e1^2 - 2*e1*c1+1) float h1= (e1*(norm2*c1-a*s1)-norm2)/(norm2*g1) float anew = (e1*(a*c1+norm2*s1)-a)/g1 float bnew = b*h1 float cnew = c*h1 float dnew = d*h1 a = anew + u b = bnew + v c = cnew + u d = dnew + v if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Quaternionic Reciprocal Phi 1Full Jul - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.05 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (10,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam param seed caption = "fixed perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-QuatPhi1Recip" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } ; added January 11, 2000: Quaternionic Newton Algorithm for Phi = 1: gwfa-c-QuatPhiNewt1 { ; full Quaternionic Newton Algorithm for the equation Phi = 1 around zero ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) b = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 loop: float norm1 = a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 float norm2quadrat = norm1 - a^2 float norm2 = SQRT(norm2quadrat) float e1 = EXP(a) float s1 = SIN(norm2) float c1 = COS(norm2) float ausdr1 = a * (a^2-a + norm2quadrat) + norm2quadrat float ausdr2 = a^2 - 2*a + norm2quadrat float ausdr3 = e1 * (ausdr1 * s1-ausdr2 * c1 * norm2 ) - 2 * a * norm2 float ausdr4 = e1 * (a^3 * (c1 * norm2 - s1)+a^2 * norm2quadrat * s1+a * norm2quadrat * (c1 * norm2 -3 * s1) + norm2^3 * (2 * c1+ norm2 * s1)) -2 * norm2^3 float ausdr5 = e1* (a^3 * (b^2* c1 *norm2 + s1 * (c^2+d^2)) +a^2 * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * s1-c1 * norm2quadrat )+a * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * (c1 * norm2quadrat -2 * s1) + s1 * (c^2+d^2)) + norm2^3 * (b^2 * (c1+ norm2 * s1) -c1 * (c^2+d^2))) float ausdr6 = e1* (ausdr1 * c1+ ausdr2 * norm2 * s1) + a^2-b^2-c^2-d^2 float ausdr7 = e1* (a^3 * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * c1 * norm2 +d^2 * s1) + a^2 * norm2quadrat * (c^2 * s1-c1 *norm2 )+a * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * ( c1 * norm2 - 2 * s1 ) + d^2 * s1 ) - norm2^3 * (b^2 * c1-c^2 * (c1+ norm2 * s1) + c1 * d^2 )) + norm2^3 * (a^2+b^2-c^2+d^2) float ausdr8 = e1* (a^3 * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * s1+c1 * d^2 * norm2) + a^2 * norm2quadrat * (d^2 * s1-c1 * norm2 ) + a * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * s1 + d^2 * (c1 * norm2 - 2 * s1)) - norm2^3 * (b^2 * c1+c^2 * c1 - d^2 * (c1+ norm2 * s1))) + norm2^3 * (a^2+b^2+c^2-d^2) float ausdr9 = e1* (ausdr1 * s1 - ausdr2 * c1 * norm2) float ausdr10 = norm2 * (a^2 * norm2^3 + ausdr5 - norm2^3 * (b^2-c^2-d^2)) float ausdr11 = (ausdr10-ausdr4*b^2*norm2)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8) float ausdr12 = (2*ausdr4*c^2*d^2-ausdr7*d^2-ausdr8*c^2) float ausdr13 = (ausdr7*d^2+ausdr8*c^2) float ausdr14 = (ausdr9*c1*d^2*norm2-ausdr8*s1) float ausdr15 = (ausdr10-ausdr4*b^2*norm2)*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7) float ausdr16 = (3*ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2-2*ausdr4*ausdr13+ausdr7*ausdr8) float ausdr17 = (ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat) float ausdr18 = (ausdr8*c1-3*d^2*norm2*ausdr17) float ausdr19 = ausdr4^2*(ausdr7*c1*d^2+c^2*ausdr18) float ausdr20 = (2*ausdr4^3*c^2*c1*d^2-ausdr19-2*ausdr4*norm2*ausdr13*ausdr17+ausdr7*ausdr8*norm2*ausdr17) float ausdr21 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2-ausdr7*ausdr8) float ausdr22 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2+4*ausdr4*c^2*d^2*norm2^3-ausdr7*(ausdr8+2*d^2*norm2^3)-2*ausdr8*c^2*norm2^3) float ausdr23 = (ausdr10*ausdr21-ausdr4^2*b^2*norm2*ausdr12) float ausdr24 = (2*ausdr4^3*c^2*d^2*norm2quadrat-ausdr4^2*(ausdr7*d^2*norm2quadrat+ausdr8*c^2*norm2quadrat+3*ausdr9*c^2*d^2*norm2^2)+2*ausdr4*ausdr9*norm2quadrat*ausdr13-ausdr7*ausdr8*ausdr9*norm2^2) float ausdr25 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2-ausdr4*ausdr13+ausdr7*ausdr8) float ausdr26 = (ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7) float ausdr27 = (ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)*(ausdr3*s1+ausdr6*c1) float ausdr28 = (ausdr10*(ausdr3*s1*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)+ausdr4*ausdr6*c1*d^2-ausdr6*ausdr8*c1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*ausdr27) float ausdr29 = (ausdr10*(ausdr3*s1*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)+ausdr4*ausdr6*c^2*c1-ausdr6*ausdr7*c1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*(ausdr7-ausdr4*c^2)*(ausdr3*s1+ausdr6*c1)) float ausdr30 = ausdr10 * (2 * ausdr4 * c^2 * d^2- ausdr7 * d^2 - ausdr8 * c^2 ) - b^2 * norm2 * (3 * ausdr4^2 * c^2 * d^2 - 2 * ausdr4 * (ausdr7 * d^2 + ausdr8 * c^2 )+ausdr7 * ausdr8 ) float ausdr31 = 2 * a * ausdr3 * norm2quadrat * ausdr30-ausdr10 * (ausdr3 * ausdr9 * norm2 * (2 * ausdr4 * c^2 * d^2-ausdr7 * d^2-ausdr8 * c^2)+ausdr6 * (ausdr4^2 * c^2 * d^2-ausdr7 * ausdr8))+b^2 * norm2 * (ausdr3 * ausdr9 * norm2 * (3 * ausdr4^2 * c^2 * d^2-2 * ausdr4 * (ausdr7 * d^2+ausdr8 * c^2)+ausdr7 * ausdr8)+ausdr4^2 * ausdr6 * (2 * ausdr4 * c^2 * d^2-ausdr7 * d^2-ausdr8 * c^2)) float ausdr32 = (ausdr10*ausdr12-b^2*norm2*ausdr16) float ausdr33 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*c1*d^2+2*ausdr4*c^2*d^2*norm2*ausdr17-ausdr7*(ausdr8*c1+d^2*norm2*ausdr17)-ausdr8*c^2*norm2*ausdr17) float ausdr34 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2*s1-2*ausdr4*ausdr9*c^2*c1*d^2*norm2+ausdr7*ausdr14+ausdr8*ausdr9*c^2*c1*norm2) float relax = real (@lambda) float anew = (2*a^2*norm2quadrat*s1*ausdr32+a*(b^2*norm2*ausdr20-ausdr10*ausdr33)-norm2*(ausdr10*-b^2*norm2*(2*ausdr4^3*c^2*d^2*s1-ausdr4^2*(ausdr7*d^2*s1+c^2*(ausdr8*s1+3*ausdr9*c1*d^2*norm2))+2*ausdr4*ausdr9*c1*norm2*ausdr13-ausdr7*ausdr8*ausdr9*c1*norm2))) anew = -relax*norm1*e1* anew float anew = anew - (a^2*relax*norm1*ausdr23+a*(ausdr10*relax*norm1*ausdr22-2*ausdr4^3*b^2*c^2*d^2*relax*norm1*norm2+ausdr4^2*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2*(ausdr7*d^2+ausdr8*c^2-6*c^2*d^2*norm2^3)+4*ausdr4*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2*ausdr13-2*ausdr7*ausdr8*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2-ausdr31)+relax*norm1*(ausdr10*(ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2*(norm2quadrat)-2*ausdr4*ausdr9*c^2*d^2*norm2quadrat+ausdr7*(ausdr9*d^2*norm2quadrat-ausdr8*(norm2quadrat))+ausdr8*ausdr9*c^2*norm2quadrat)-b^2*norm2*(2*ausdr4^3*c^2*d^2*norm2quadrat-ausdr4^2*ausdr24))) anew = anew / ausdr31 float bnew = b*relax*norm1*norm2^3*e1*(a*(ausdr3*c1*ausdr25+ausdr6*s1*ausdr26)+norm2*(ausdr3*s1*ausdr25+ausdr6*c1*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)))/ausdr31-b*(a^2*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)+a*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2^3*ausdr25+ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(norm2quadrat)*ausdr25+ausdr4^2*ausdr6*c^2*d^2*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2-ausdr4*ausdr6*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2*ausdr13+ausdr6*ausdr7*ausdr8*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2-ausdr31)/ausdr31 float cnew = c*(a^2*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr11+a*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr11+ausdr10*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*(ausdr3*(b^2+c^2+d^2)+ausdr6*norm2)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)+ausdr3*ausdr4*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(norm2quadrat)*(ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)-ausdr4^2*ausdr6*b^2*d^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4+ausdr4*ausdr6*ausdr8*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2+ausdr31)/ausdr31-c*relax*norm1*norm2^2*e1*(a*(ausdr10*(ausdr3*c1*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)-ausdr4*ausdr6*d^2*s1+ausdr6*ausdr8*s1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*(ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)*(ausdr3*c1-ausdr6*s1))+norm2*ausdr28)/ausdr31 float dnew = d*(a^2*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr15+a*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr15+ausdr10*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*(ausdr3*(norm2quadrat)+ausdr6*norm2)*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)+ausdr3*ausdr4*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(norm2quadrat)*(ausdr7-ausdr4*c^2)-ausdr4^2*ausdr6*b^2*c^2*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2+ausdr4*ausdr6*ausdr7*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2+ausdr31)/ausdr31-d*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*e1*(a*(ausdr10*(ausdr3*c1*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)-ausdr4*ausdr6*c^2*s1+ausdr6*ausdr7*s1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*(ausdr7-ausdr4*c^2)*(ausdr3*c1-ausdr6*s1))+norm2*ausdr29)/ausdr31 a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 +norm2quadrat bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Quaternionic Newton 1 - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param lambda caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-QuatPhiNewt1_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane lambda = @lambda bailout = @bailout dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-c-QuatPhiNewt1_Jul { ; full Quaternionic Newton Algorithm for the equation Phi = 1 around zero - Julia Variant ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) b = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 float u = real(fn2(@seed)) float v = imag(fn2(@seed)) float u1 = real(fn2(@seed2)) float v1 = imag(fn2(@seed2)) loop: float norm1 = a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 float norm2quadrat = norm1 - a^2 float norm2 = SQRT(norm2quadrat) float e1 = EXP(a) float s1 = SIN(norm2) float c1 = COS(norm2) float ausdr1 = a * (a^2-a + norm2quadrat) + norm2quadrat float ausdr2 = a^2 - 2*a + norm2quadrat float ausdr3 = e1 * (ausdr1 * s1-ausdr2 * c1 * norm2 ) - 2 * a * norm2 float ausdr4 = e1 * (a^3 * (c1 * norm2 - s1)+a^2 * norm2quadrat * s1+a * norm2quadrat * (c1 * norm2 -3 * s1) + norm2^3 * (2 * c1+ norm2 * s1)) -2 * norm2^3 float ausdr5 = e1* (a^3 * (b^2* c1 *norm2 + s1 * (c^2+d^2)) +a^2 * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * s1-c1 * norm2quadrat )+a * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * (c1 * norm2quadrat -2 * s1) + s1 * (c^2+d^2)) + norm2^3 * (b^2 * (c1+ norm2 * s1) -c1 * (c^2+d^2))) float ausdr6 = e1* (ausdr1 * c1+ ausdr2 * norm2 * s1) + a^2-b^2-c^2-d^2 float ausdr7 = e1* (a^3 * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * c1 * norm2 +d^2 * s1) + a^2 * norm2quadrat * (c^2 * s1-c1 *norm2 )+a * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * ( c1 * norm2 - 2 * s1 ) + d^2 * s1 ) - norm2^3 * (b^2 * c1-c^2 * (c1+ norm2 * s1) + c1 * d^2 )) + norm2^3 * (a^2+b^2-c^2+d^2) float ausdr8 = e1* (a^3 * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * s1+c1 * d^2 * norm2) + a^2 * norm2quadrat * (d^2 * s1-c1 * norm2 ) + a * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * s1 + d^2 * (c1 * norm2 - 2 * s1)) - norm2^3 * (b^2 * c1+c^2 * c1 - d^2 * (c1+ norm2 * s1))) + norm2^3 * (a^2+b^2+c^2-d^2) float ausdr9 = e1* (ausdr1 * s1 - ausdr2 * c1 * norm2) float ausdr10 = norm2 * (a^2 * norm2^3 + ausdr5 - norm2^3 * (b^2-c^2-d^2)) float ausdr11 = (ausdr10-ausdr4*b^2*norm2)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8) float ausdr12 = (2*ausdr4*c^2*d^2-ausdr7*d^2-ausdr8*c^2) float ausdr13 = (ausdr7*d^2+ausdr8*c^2) float ausdr14 = (ausdr9*c1*d^2*norm2-ausdr8*s1) float ausdr15 = (ausdr10-ausdr4*b^2*norm2)*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7) float ausdr16 = (3*ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2-2*ausdr4*ausdr13+ausdr7*ausdr8) float ausdr17 = (ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat) float ausdr18 = (ausdr8*c1-3*d^2*norm2*ausdr17) float ausdr19 = ausdr4^2*(ausdr7*c1*d^2+c^2*ausdr18) float ausdr20 = (2*ausdr4^3*c^2*c1*d^2-ausdr19-2*ausdr4*norm2*ausdr13*ausdr17+ausdr7*ausdr8*norm2*ausdr17) float ausdr21 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2-ausdr7*ausdr8) float ausdr22 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2+4*ausdr4*c^2*d^2*norm2^3-ausdr7*(ausdr8+2*d^2*norm2^3)-2*ausdr8*c^2*norm2^3) float ausdr23 = (ausdr10*ausdr21-ausdr4^2*b^2*norm2*ausdr12) float ausdr24 = (2*ausdr4^3*c^2*d^2*norm2quadrat-ausdr4^2*(ausdr7*d^2*norm2quadrat+ausdr8*c^2*norm2quadrat+3*ausdr9*c^2*d^2*norm2^2)+2*ausdr4*ausdr9*norm2quadrat*ausdr13-ausdr7*ausdr8*ausdr9*norm2^2) float ausdr25 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2-ausdr4*ausdr13+ausdr7*ausdr8) float ausdr26 = (ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7) float ausdr27 = (ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)*(ausdr3*s1+ausdr6*c1) float ausdr28 = (ausdr10*(ausdr3*s1*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)+ausdr4*ausdr6*c1*d^2-ausdr6*ausdr8*c1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*ausdr27) float ausdr29 = (ausdr10*(ausdr3*s1*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)+ausdr4*ausdr6*c^2*c1-ausdr6*ausdr7*c1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*(ausdr7-ausdr4*c^2)*(ausdr3*s1+ausdr6*c1)) float ausdr30 = ausdr10 * (2 * ausdr4 * c^2 * d^2- ausdr7 * d^2 - ausdr8 * c^2 ) - b^2 * norm2 * (3 * ausdr4^2 * c^2 * d^2 - 2 * ausdr4 * (ausdr7 * d^2 + ausdr8 * c^2 )+ausdr7 * ausdr8 ) float ausdr31 = 2 * a * ausdr3 * norm2quadrat * ausdr30-ausdr10 * (ausdr3 * ausdr9 * norm2 * (2 * ausdr4 * c^2 * d^2-ausdr7 * d^2-ausdr8 * c^2)+ausdr6 * (ausdr4^2 * c^2 * d^2-ausdr7 * ausdr8))+b^2 * norm2 * (ausdr3 * ausdr9 * norm2 * (3 * ausdr4^2 * c^2 * d^2-2 * ausdr4 * (ausdr7 * d^2+ausdr8 * c^2)+ausdr7 * ausdr8)+ausdr4^2 * ausdr6 * (2 * ausdr4 * c^2 * d^2-ausdr7 * d^2-ausdr8 * c^2)) float ausdr32 = (ausdr10*ausdr12-b^2*norm2*ausdr16) float ausdr33 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*c1*d^2+2*ausdr4*c^2*d^2*norm2*ausdr17-ausdr7*(ausdr8*c1+d^2*norm2*ausdr17)-ausdr8*c^2*norm2*ausdr17) float ausdr34 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2*s1-2*ausdr4*ausdr9*c^2*c1*d^2*norm2+ausdr7*ausdr14+ausdr8*ausdr9*c^2*c1*norm2) float relax = real (@lambda) float anew = (2*a^2*norm2quadrat*s1*ausdr32+a*(b^2*norm2*ausdr20-ausdr10*ausdr33)-norm2*(ausdr10*-b^2*norm2*(2*ausdr4^3*c^2*d^2*s1-ausdr4^2*(ausdr7*d^2*s1+c^2*(ausdr8*s1+3*ausdr9*c1*d^2*norm2))+2*ausdr4*ausdr9*c1*norm2*ausdr13-ausdr7*ausdr8*ausdr9*c1*norm2))) anew = -relax*norm1*e1* anew float anew = anew - (a^2*relax*norm1*ausdr23+a*(ausdr10*relax*norm1*ausdr22-2*ausdr4^3*b^2*c^2*d^2*relax*norm1*norm2+ausdr4^2*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2*(ausdr7*d^2+ausdr8*c^2-6*c^2*d^2*norm2^3)+4*ausdr4*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2*ausdr13-2*ausdr7*ausdr8*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2-ausdr31)+relax*norm1*(ausdr10*(ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2*(norm2quadrat)-2*ausdr4*ausdr9*c^2*d^2*norm2quadrat+ausdr7*(ausdr9*d^2*norm2quadrat-ausdr8*(norm2quadrat))+ausdr8*ausdr9*c^2*norm2quadrat)-b^2*norm2*(2*ausdr4^3*c^2*d^2*norm2quadrat-ausdr4^2*ausdr24))) anew = anew / ausdr31 float bnew = b*relax*norm1*norm2^3*e1*(a*(ausdr3*c1*ausdr25+ausdr6*s1*ausdr26)+norm2*(ausdr3*s1*ausdr25+ausdr6*c1*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)))/ausdr31-b*(a^2*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)+a*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2^3*ausdr25+ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(norm2quadrat)*ausdr25+ausdr4^2*ausdr6*c^2*d^2*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2-ausdr4*ausdr6*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2*ausdr13+ausdr6*ausdr7*ausdr8*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2-ausdr31)/ausdr31 float cnew = c*(a^2*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr11+a*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr11+ausdr10*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*(ausdr3*(b^2+c^2+d^2)+ausdr6*norm2)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)+ausdr3*ausdr4*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(norm2quadrat)*(ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)-ausdr4^2*ausdr6*b^2*d^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4+ausdr4*ausdr6*ausdr8*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2+ausdr31)/ausdr31-c*relax*norm1*norm2^2*e1*(a*(ausdr10*(ausdr3*c1*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)-ausdr4*ausdr6*d^2*s1+ausdr6*ausdr8*s1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*(ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)*(ausdr3*c1-ausdr6*s1))+norm2*ausdr28)/ausdr31 float dnew = d*(a^2*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr15+a*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr15+ausdr10*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*(ausdr3*(norm2quadrat)+ausdr6*norm2)*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)+ausdr3*ausdr4*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(norm2quadrat)*(ausdr7-ausdr4*c^2)-ausdr4^2*ausdr6*b^2*c^2*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2+ausdr4*ausdr6*ausdr7*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat^2+ausdr31)/ausdr31-d*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*e1*(a*(ausdr10*(ausdr3*c1*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)-ausdr4*ausdr6*c^2*s1+ausdr6*ausdr7*s1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*(ausdr7-ausdr4*c^2)*(ausdr3*c1-ausdr6*s1))+norm2*ausdr29)/ausdr31 a = anew + u b = bnew + v c = cnew + u1 d = dnew + v1 if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Quaternionic Newton Julia 1 - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam param lambda caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param seed caption = "fixed perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam param seed2 caption = "2nd fixed perturbation" default = (0,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Seed function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-QuatPhiNewt1" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout lambda = @lambda dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-c-QuatPhiNewt2 { ; full Quaternionic Newton Algorithm for the equation Phi = 1 around zero ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) b = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 float relax = real (@lambda) loop: float norm1 = a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 float norm2quadrat = norm1 - a^2 float norm2 = SQRT(norm2quadrat) float e1 = EXP(a) float s1 = SIN(norm2) float c1 = COS(norm2) float ausdr1 = a * (a^2-a + norm2quadrat) + norm2quadrat float ausdr2 = a^2 - 2*a + norm2quadrat float ausdr3 = e1 * (ausdr1 * s1-ausdr2 * c1 * norm2 ) - 2 * a * norm2 float ausdr4 = e1 * (a^3 * (c1 * norm2 - s1)+a^2 * norm2quadrat * s1+a * norm2quadrat * (c1 * norm2 -3 * s1) + norm2^3 * (2 * c1+ norm2 * s1)) -2 * norm2^3 float ausdr5 = e1* (a^3 * (b^2* c1 *norm2 + s1 * (c^2+d^2)) +a^2 * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * s1-c1 * norm2quadrat )+a * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * (c1 * norm2quadrat -2 * s1) + s1 * (c^2+d^2)) + norm2^3 * (b^2 * (c1+ norm2 * s1) -c1 * (c^2+d^2))) float ausdr6 = e1* (ausdr1 * c1+ ausdr2 * norm2 * s1) + a^2-b^2-c^2-d^2 float ausdr7 = e1* (a^3 * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * c1 * norm2 +d^2 * s1) + a^2 * norm2quadrat * (c^2 * s1-c1 *norm2 )+a * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * ( c1 * norm2 - 2 * s1 ) + d^2 * s1 ) - norm2^3 * (b^2 * c1-c^2 * (c1+ norm2 * s1) + c1 * d^2 )) + norm2^3 * (a^2+b^2-c^2+d^2) float ausdr8 = e1* (a^3 * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * s1+c1 * d^2 * norm2) + a^2 * norm2quadrat * (d^2 * s1-c1 * norm2 ) + a * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * s1 + d^2 * (c1 * norm2 - 2 * s1)) - norm2^3 * (b^2 * c1+c^2 * c1 - d^2 * (c1+ norm2 * s1))) + norm2^3 * (a^2+b^2+c^2-d^2) float ausdr9 = e1* (ausdr1 * s1 - ausdr2 * c1 * norm2) float ausdr10 = norm2 * (a^2 * norm2^3 + ausdr5 - norm2^3 * (b^2-c^2-d^2)) float ausdr11 = (ausdr10-ausdr4*b^2*norm2)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8) float ausdr12 = (2*ausdr4*c^2*d^2-ausdr7*d^2-ausdr8*c^2) float ausdr13 = (ausdr7*d^2+ausdr8*c^2) float ausdr14 = (ausdr9*c1*d^2*norm2-ausdr8*s1) float ausdr15 = (ausdr10-ausdr4*b^2*norm2)*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7) float ausdr16 = (3*ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2-2*ausdr4*ausdr13+ausdr7*ausdr8) float ausdr21 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2-ausdr7*ausdr8) float ausdr22 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2+4*ausdr4*c^2*d^2*norm2^3-ausdr7*(ausdr8+2*d^2*norm2^3)-2*ausdr8*c^2*norm2^3) float ausdr23 = (ausdr10*ausdr21-ausdr4^2*b^2*norm2*ausdr12) float ausdr25 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2-ausdr4*ausdr13+ausdr7*ausdr8) float ausdr26 = (ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7) float ausdr27 = (ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)*(ausdr3*s1+ausdr6*c1) float ausdr28 = (ausdr10*(ausdr3*s1*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)+ausdr4*ausdr6*c1*d^2-ausdr6*ausdr8*c1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*ausdr27) float ausdr30 = ausdr10 * (2 * ausdr4 * c^2 * d^2- ausdr7 * d^2 - ausdr8 * c^2 ) - b^2 * norm2 * (3 * ausdr4^2 * c^2 * d^2 - 2 * ausdr4 * (ausdr7 * d^2 + ausdr8 * c^2 )+ausdr7 * ausdr8 ) float ausdr31 = 2 * a * ausdr3 * norm2quadrat * ausdr30-ausdr10 * (ausdr3 * ausdr9 * norm2 * (2 * ausdr4 * c^2 * d^2-ausdr7 * d^2-ausdr8 * c^2)+ausdr6 * (ausdr4^2 * c^2 * d^2-ausdr7 * ausdr8))+b^2 * norm2 * (ausdr3 * ausdr9 * norm2 * (3 * ausdr4^2 * c^2 * d^2-2 * ausdr4 * (ausdr7 * d^2+ausdr8 * c^2)+ausdr7 * ausdr8)+ausdr4^2 * ausdr6 * (2 * ausdr4 * c^2 * d^2-ausdr7 * d^2-ausdr8 * c^2)) float ausdr32 = (ausdr10*ausdr12-b^2*norm2*ausdr16) float ausdr34 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2*s1-2*ausdr4*ausdr9*c^2*c1*d^2*norm2+ausdr7*ausdr14+ausdr8*ausdr9*c^2*c1*norm2) float ausdr35 = (2*ausdr4^3*c^2*d^2*(b^2+c^2+d^2)-ausdr4^2*(ausdr7*d^2*(b^2+c^2+d^2)+ausdr8*c^2*(b^2+c^2+d^2)+3*ausdr9*c^2*d^2*norm2quadrat)+2*ausdr4*ausdr9*norm2quadrat*ausdr13-ausdr7*ausdr8*ausdr9*norm2quadrat) float ausdr36 = (ausdr10*(ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2*(b^2+c^2+d^2)-2*ausdr4*ausdr9*c^2*d^2*norm2quadrat+ausdr7*(ausdr9*d^2*norm2quadrat-ausdr8*(b^2+c^2+d^2))+ausdr8*ausdr9*c^2*norm2quadrat)-b^2*norm2*ausdr35) float ausdr37 = (ausdr10*relax*norm1*ausdr22-2*ausdr4^3*b^2*c^2*d^2*relax*norm1*norm2+ausdr4^2*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2*(ausdr7*d^2+ausdr8*c^2-6*c^2*d^2*norm2^3)+4*ausdr4*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4*ausdr13-2*ausdr7*ausdr8*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4-ausdr31) float ausdr38 = (2*ausdr4^3*c^2*d^2*s1-ausdr4^2*(ausdr7*d^2*s1+c^2*(ausdr8*s1+3*ausdr9*c1*d^2*norm2))+2*ausdr4*ausdr9*c1*norm2*ausdr13-ausdr7*ausdr8*ausdr9*c1*norm2) float ausdr39 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*c1*d^2+2*ausdr4*c^2*d^2*norm2*(ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat)-ausdr7*(ausdr8*c1+d^2*norm2*(ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat))-ausdr8*c^2*norm2*(ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat)) float ausdr40 = ausdr4*b^2*norm2*(ausdr7-ausdr4*c^2)*(ausdr3*s1+ausdr6*c1) float ausdr41 = norm2*(ausdr10*(ausdr3*s1*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)+ausdr4*ausdr6*c^2*c1-ausdr6*ausdr7*c1)+ausdr40) float anew = -relax*norm1*e1*(2*a^2*norm2quadrat*s1*ausdr32+a*(b^2*norm2*(2*ausdr4^3*c^2*c1*d^2-ausdr4^2*(ausdr7*c1*d^2+c^2*(ausdr8*c1-3*d^2*norm2*(ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat)))-2*ausdr4*norm2*ausdr13*(ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat)+ausdr7*ausdr8*norm2*(ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat))-ausdr10*ausdr39)-norm2*(ausdr10*ausdr34-b^2*norm2*ausdr38))/ausdr31 float anew = anew - (a^2*relax*norm1*ausdr23+a*ausdr37+relax*norm1*ausdr36)/ausdr31 float bnew = b*relax*norm1*norm2^3*e1*(a*(ausdr3*c1*ausdr25+ausdr6*s1*ausdr26)+norm2*(ausdr3*s1*ausdr25+ausdr6*c1*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)))/ausdr31-b*(a^2*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)+a*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2^3*ausdr25+ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(b^2+c^2+d^2)*ausdr25+ausdr4^2*ausdr6*c^2*d^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4-ausdr4*ausdr6*relax*norm1*norm2^4*ausdr13+ausdr6*ausdr7*ausdr8*relax*norm1*norm2^4-ausdr31)/ausdr31 float cnew = c*(a^2*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr11+a*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr11+ausdr10*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*(ausdr3*(b^2+c^2+d^2)+ausdr6*norm2)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)+ausdr3*ausdr4*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(b^2+c^2+d^2)*(ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)-ausdr4^2*ausdr6*b^2*d^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4+ausdr4*ausdr6*ausdr8*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4+ausdr31)/ausdr31-c*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*e1*(a*(ausdr10*(ausdr3*c1*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)-ausdr4*ausdr6*d^2*s1+ausdr6*ausdr8*s1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*(ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)*(ausdr3*c1-ausdr6*s1))+norm2*ausdr28)/ausdr31 float dnew = d*(a^2*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr15+a*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr15+ausdr10*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*(ausdr3*(b^2+c^2+d^2)+ausdr6*norm2)*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)+ausdr3*ausdr4*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(b^2+c^2+d^2)*(ausdr7-ausdr4*c^2)-ausdr4^2*ausdr6*b^2*c^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4+ausdr4*ausdr6*ausdr7*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4+ausdr31)/ausdr31-d*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*e1*(a*(ausdr10*(ausdr3*c1*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)-ausdr4*ausdr6*c^2*s1+ausdr6*ausdr7*s1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*(ausdr7-ausdr4*c^2)*(ausdr3*c1-ausdr6*s1))+ausdr41)/ausdr31 a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 +norm2quadrat bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Quaternionic Newton 2 - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param lambda caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-QuatPhiNewt2_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane lambda = @lambda bailout = @bailout dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-c-QuatPhiNewt2_Jul { ; full Quaternionic Newton Algorithm for the equation Phi = 1 around zero - Julia Variant ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 1 b = real(z) c = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 2 c = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) b = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 3 d = real(z) a = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 4 a = real(z) c = imag(z) b = real(fn1(@dim34)) d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) elseif @plane == 5 b = real(z) d = imag(z) a = real(fn1(@dim34)) c = imag(fn1(@dim34)) endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 complex jul1 = @PixelWeight*fn2(@seed) complex jul2 = @PixelWeight*fn2(@seed2) float u = real(jul1) float v = imag(jul1) float u1 = real(jul2) float v1 = imag(jul2) float relax = real (@lambda) loop: float norm1 = a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 float norm2quadrat = norm1 - a^2 float norm2 = SQRT(norm2quadrat) float e1 = EXP(a) float s1 = SIN(norm2) float c1 = COS(norm2) float ausdr1 = a * (a^2-a + norm2quadrat) + norm2quadrat float ausdr2 = a^2 - 2*a + norm2quadrat float ausdr3 = e1 * (ausdr1 * s1-ausdr2 * c1 * norm2 ) - 2 * a * norm2 float ausdr4 = e1 * (a^3 * (c1 * norm2 - s1)+a^2 * norm2quadrat * s1+a * norm2quadrat * (c1 * norm2 -3 * s1) + norm2^3 * (2 * c1+ norm2 * s1)) -2 * norm2^3 float ausdr5 = e1* (a^3 * (b^2* c1 *norm2 + s1 * (c^2+d^2)) +a^2 * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * s1-c1 * norm2quadrat )+a * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * (c1 * norm2quadrat -2 * s1) + s1 * (c^2+d^2)) + norm2^3 * (b^2 * (c1+ norm2 * s1) -c1 * (c^2+d^2))) float ausdr6 = e1* (ausdr1 * c1+ ausdr2 * norm2 * s1) + a^2-b^2-c^2-d^2 float ausdr7 = e1* (a^3 * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * c1 * norm2 +d^2 * s1) + a^2 * norm2quadrat * (c^2 * s1-c1 *norm2 )+a * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * ( c1 * norm2 - 2 * s1 ) + d^2 * s1 ) - norm2^3 * (b^2 * c1-c^2 * (c1+ norm2 * s1) + c1 * d^2 )) + norm2^3 * (a^2+b^2-c^2+d^2) float ausdr8 = e1* (a^3 * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * s1+c1 * d^2 * norm2) + a^2 * norm2quadrat * (d^2 * s1-c1 * norm2 ) + a * norm2quadrat * (b^2 * s1+c^2 * s1 + d^2 * (c1 * norm2 - 2 * s1)) - norm2^3 * (b^2 * c1+c^2 * c1 - d^2 * (c1+ norm2 * s1))) + norm2^3 * (a^2+b^2+c^2-d^2) float ausdr9 = e1* (ausdr1 * s1 - ausdr2 * c1 * norm2) float ausdr10 = norm2 * (a^2 * norm2^3 + ausdr5 - norm2^3 * (b^2-c^2-d^2)) float ausdr11 = (ausdr10-ausdr4*b^2*norm2)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8) float ausdr12 = (2*ausdr4*c^2*d^2-ausdr7*d^2-ausdr8*c^2) float ausdr13 = (ausdr7*d^2+ausdr8*c^2) float ausdr14 = (ausdr9*c1*d^2*norm2-ausdr8*s1) float ausdr15 = (ausdr10-ausdr4*b^2*norm2)*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7) float ausdr16 = (3*ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2-2*ausdr4*ausdr13+ausdr7*ausdr8) float ausdr21 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2-ausdr7*ausdr8) float ausdr22 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2+4*ausdr4*c^2*d^2*norm2^3-ausdr7*(ausdr8+2*d^2*norm2^3)-2*ausdr8*c^2*norm2^3) float ausdr23 = (ausdr10*ausdr21-ausdr4^2*b^2*norm2*ausdr12) float ausdr25 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2-ausdr4*ausdr13+ausdr7*ausdr8) float ausdr26 = (ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7) float ausdr27 = (ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)*(ausdr3*s1+ausdr6*c1) float ausdr28 = (ausdr10*(ausdr3*s1*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)+ausdr4*ausdr6*c1*d^2-ausdr6*ausdr8*c1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*ausdr27) float ausdr30 = ausdr10 * (2 * ausdr4 * c^2 * d^2- ausdr7 * d^2 - ausdr8 * c^2 ) - b^2 * norm2 * (3 * ausdr4^2 * c^2 * d^2 - 2 * ausdr4 * (ausdr7 * d^2 + ausdr8 * c^2 )+ausdr7 * ausdr8 ) float ausdr31 = 2 * a * ausdr3 * norm2quadrat * ausdr30-ausdr10 * (ausdr3 * ausdr9 * norm2 * (2 * ausdr4 * c^2 * d^2-ausdr7 * d^2-ausdr8 * c^2)+ausdr6 * (ausdr4^2 * c^2 * d^2-ausdr7 * ausdr8))+b^2 * norm2 * (ausdr3 * ausdr9 * norm2 * (3 * ausdr4^2 * c^2 * d^2-2 * ausdr4 * (ausdr7 * d^2+ausdr8 * c^2)+ausdr7 * ausdr8)+ausdr4^2 * ausdr6 * (2 * ausdr4 * c^2 * d^2-ausdr7 * d^2-ausdr8 * c^2)) float ausdr32 = (ausdr10*ausdr12-b^2*norm2*ausdr16) float ausdr34 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2*s1-2*ausdr4*ausdr9*c^2*c1*d^2*norm2+ausdr7*ausdr14+ausdr8*ausdr9*c^2*c1*norm2) float ausdr35 = (2*ausdr4^3*c^2*d^2*(b^2+c^2+d^2)-ausdr4^2*(ausdr7*d^2*(b^2+c^2+d^2)+ausdr8*c^2*(b^2+c^2+d^2)+3*ausdr9*c^2*d^2*norm2quadrat)+2*ausdr4*ausdr9*norm2quadrat*ausdr13-ausdr7*ausdr8*ausdr9*norm2quadrat) float ausdr36 = (ausdr10*(ausdr4^2*c^2*d^2*(b^2+c^2+d^2)-2*ausdr4*ausdr9*c^2*d^2*norm2quadrat+ausdr7*(ausdr9*d^2*norm2quadrat-ausdr8*(b^2+c^2+d^2))+ausdr8*ausdr9*c^2*norm2quadrat)-b^2*norm2*ausdr35) float ausdr37 = (ausdr10*relax*norm1*ausdr22-2*ausdr4^3*b^2*c^2*d^2*relax*norm1*norm2+ausdr4^2*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2*(ausdr7*d^2+ausdr8*c^2-6*c^2*d^2*norm2^3)+4*ausdr4*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4*ausdr13-2*ausdr7*ausdr8*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4-ausdr31) float ausdr38 = (2*ausdr4^3*c^2*d^2*s1-ausdr4^2*(ausdr7*d^2*s1+c^2*(ausdr8*s1+3*ausdr9*c1*d^2*norm2))+2*ausdr4*ausdr9*c1*norm2*ausdr13-ausdr7*ausdr8*ausdr9*c1*norm2) float ausdr39 = (ausdr4^2*c^2*c1*d^2+2*ausdr4*c^2*d^2*norm2*(ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat)-ausdr7*(ausdr8*c1+d^2*norm2*(ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat))-ausdr8*c^2*norm2*(ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat)) float ausdr40 = ausdr4*b^2*norm2*(ausdr7-ausdr4*c^2)*(ausdr3*s1+ausdr6*c1) float ausdr41 = norm2*(ausdr10*(ausdr3*s1*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)+ausdr4*ausdr6*c^2*c1-ausdr6*ausdr7*c1)+ausdr40) float anew = -relax*norm1*e1*(2*a^2*norm2quadrat*s1*ausdr32+a*(b^2*norm2*(2*ausdr4^3*c^2*c1*d^2-ausdr4^2*(ausdr7*c1*d^2+c^2*(ausdr8*c1-3*d^2*norm2*(ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat)))-2*ausdr4*norm2*ausdr13*(ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat)+ausdr7*ausdr8*norm2*(ausdr9*s1+2*c1*norm2quadrat))-ausdr10*ausdr39)-norm2*(ausdr10*ausdr34-b^2*norm2*ausdr38))/ausdr31 float anew = anew - (a^2*relax*norm1*ausdr23+a*ausdr37+relax*norm1*ausdr36)/ausdr31 float bnew = b*relax*norm1*norm2^3*e1*(a*(ausdr3*c1*ausdr25+ausdr6*s1*ausdr26)+norm2*(ausdr3*s1*ausdr25+ausdr6*c1*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)))/ausdr31-b*(a^2*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)+a*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2^3*ausdr25+ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(b^2+c^2+d^2)*ausdr25+ausdr4^2*ausdr6*c^2*d^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4-ausdr4*ausdr6*relax*norm1*norm2^4*ausdr13+ausdr6*ausdr7*ausdr8*relax*norm1*norm2^4-ausdr31)/ausdr31 float cnew = c*(a^2*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr11+a*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr11+ausdr10*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*(ausdr3*(b^2+c^2+d^2)+ausdr6*norm2)*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)+ausdr3*ausdr4*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(b^2+c^2+d^2)*(ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)-ausdr4^2*ausdr6*b^2*d^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4+ausdr4*ausdr6*ausdr8*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4+ausdr31)/ausdr31-c*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*e1*(a*(ausdr10*(ausdr3*c1*(ausdr4*d^2-ausdr8)-ausdr4*ausdr6*d^2*s1+ausdr6*ausdr8*s1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*(ausdr8-ausdr4*d^2)*(ausdr3*c1-ausdr6*s1))+norm2*ausdr28)/ausdr31 float dnew = d*(a^2*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr15+a*ausdr3*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*ausdr15+ausdr10*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*(ausdr3*(b^2+c^2+d^2)+ausdr6*norm2)*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)+ausdr3*ausdr4*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^3*(b^2+c^2+d^2)*(ausdr7-ausdr4*c^2)-ausdr4^2*ausdr6*b^2*c^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4+ausdr4*ausdr6*ausdr7*b^2*relax*norm1*norm2^4+ausdr31)/ausdr31-d*relax*norm1*norm2quadrat*e1*(a*(ausdr10*(ausdr3*c1*(ausdr4*c^2-ausdr7)-ausdr4*ausdr6*c^2*s1+ausdr6*ausdr7*s1)+ausdr4*b^2*norm2*(ausdr7-ausdr4*c^2)*(ausdr3*c1-ausdr6*s1))+ausdr41)/ausdr31 a = anew + u b = bnew + v c = cnew + u1 d = dnew + v1 if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Quaternionic Newton Julia 2 - c" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam param lambda caption = "Relaxation Factor" default = (1,0) endparam param seed caption = "fixed perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam param seed2 caption = "2nd fixed perturbation" default = (0,0) endparam param PixelWeight caption = "Weighing Factor" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Seed function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-QuatPhiNewt2" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout lambda = @lambda dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } ; added on February 10,2000: The iteration of phi-1 in the complex algebra of 2x2-matrices: gwfa-c-MatrixPhi_1 { ; Iteration of phi-1 in the algebra of complex 2x2 matrices ; bailout following the matrix norm Tr(aa') ; matrix notation like [[a,b],[c,d]] init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 complex a = z complex b = @bp1 complex c = @bp2 complex d = @bp3 elseif @plane == 1 complex b = z complex c = @bp1 complex d = @bp2 complex a = @bp3 elseif @plane == 2 complex c = z complex d = @bp1 complex a= @bp2 complex b = @bp3 elseif @plane == 3 complex d = z complex a = @bp1 complex b = @bp2 complex c = @bp3 endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 loop: float rho = cabs(a)^2+cabs(b)^2+cabs(c)^2+cabs(d)^2 if rho == 0 complex anew = 0 complex bnew = 0 complex cnew = 0 complex dnew = 0 else complex bb1 = -SQRT(a^2-2*a*d+4*b*c+d^2) complex bb2 = (SQRT(a^2-2*a*d+4*b*c+d^2)-a+d) complex bb3 = (SQRT(a^2-2*a*d+4*b*c+d^2)/2+a/2+d/2) complex bb4 = (SQRT(a^2-2*a*d+4*b*c+d^2)+a-d) complex bb5 = SQRT(a^2-2*a*d+4*b*c+d^2) complex eb1 = EXP(bb1/2+a/2+d/2) complex eb2 = EXP(bb3) complex eb3 = EXP(a/2+d/2) complex eb4 =EXP(bb1/2)-EXP(bb5/2) complex dd = bb5 * (a*d - b*c ) complex dd2 = (b*c*eb1-b*c*eb2 - dd ) anew = ( d*(eb1*bb2+eb2*bb4-2*bb5)/2 + dd2 ) /dd bnew = ( - b*(eb1*bb2+eb2*bb4-2*bb5)/ 2 - a*b*eb3*eb4 ) /dd cnew = ( - c*(eb1*bb4+eb2*bb2-2*bb5)/2 - c*d*eb3*eb4 ) /dd dnew = ( a*(eb1*bb4+eb2*bb2-2*bb5)/2 + dd2 ) /dd endif a = fn1(anew) b = fn2(bnew) c = fn3(cnew) d = fn4(dnew) if @plane == 0 z = a elseif @plane == 1 z = b elseif @plane == 2 z = c elseif @plane == 3 z = d endif rho = cabs(a)^2+cabs(b)^2+cabs(c)^2+cabs(d)^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Matrix Phi 1" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param bp1 caption = "Init Value 2nd Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp2 caption = "Init Value 3rd Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp3 caption = "Init Value 4th Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param plane caption = "Select visible matrix entry" default = 0 enum = "a" "b" "c" "d" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Pre function3" default = ident() endfunc func fn4 caption = "Pre function4" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-MatrixPhi_1_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout bp1 = @bp1 bp2 = @bp2 bp3 = @bp3 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 fn4 = fn4 } gwfa-c-MatrixPhi_1_Jul { ; Iteration of phi-1 in the algebra of complex 2x2 matrices ; Julia variant ; bailout following the matrix norm Tr(aa') init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 complex a = z complex b = @bp1 complex c = @bp2 complex d = @bp3 elseif @plane == 1 complex b = z complex c = @bp1 complex d = @bp2 complex a = @bp3 elseif @plane == 2 complex c = z complex d = @bp1 complex a= @bp2 complex b = @bp3 elseif @plane == 3 complex d = z complex a = @bp1 complex b = @bp2 complex c = @bp3 endif if @disturb == 0 complex aseed = @seed complex bseed = 0 complex cseed = 0 complex aseed = @seed elseif @disturb == 1 complex cseed = @seed complex aseed = 0 complex dseed = 0 complex bseed = @seed elseif @disturb == 2 complex aseed = @seed complex bseed = @seed complex cseed = @seed complex aseed = @seed endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 loop: float rho = cabs(a)^2+cabs(b)^2+cabs(c)^2+cabs(d)^2 if rho == 0 complex anew = 0 complex bnew = 0 complex cnew = 0 complex dnew = 0 else complex bb1 = -SQRT(a^2-2*a*d+4*b*c+d^2) complex bb2 = (SQRT(a^2-2*a*d+4*b*c+d^2)-a+d) complex bb3 = (SQRT(a^2-2*a*d+4*b*c+d^2)/2+a/2+d/2) complex bb4 = (SQRT(a^2-2*a*d+4*b*c+d^2)+a-d) complex bb5 = SQRT(a^2-2*a*d+4*b*c+d^2) complex eb1 = EXP(bb1/2+a/2+d/2) complex eb2 = EXP(bb3) complex eb3 = EXP(a/2+d/2) complex eb4 =EXP(bb1/2)-EXP(bb5/2) complex dd = bb5 * (a*d - b*c ) complex dd2 = (b*c*eb1-b*c*eb2 - dd ) anew = ( d*(eb1*bb2+eb2*bb4-2*bb5)/2 + dd2 ) /dd bnew = ( - b*(eb1*bb2+eb2*bb4-2*bb5)/ 2 - a*b*eb3*eb4 ) /dd cnew = ( - c*(eb1*bb4+eb2*bb2-2*bb5)/2 - c*d*eb3*eb4 ) /dd dnew = ( a*(eb1*bb4+eb2*bb2-2*bb5)/2 + dd2 ) /dd endif if @variant == 0 a = fn1(anew) +aseed b = fn2(bnew) + bseed c = fn3(cnew) + cseed d = fn4(dnew) + dseed elseif @variant == 1 a = fn1(anew +aseed) b = fn2(bnew + bseed) c = fn3(cnew + cseed) d = fn4(dnew + dseed) endif if @plane == 0 z = a elseif @plane == 1 z = b elseif @plane == 2 z = c elseif @plane == 3 z = d endif float rho = cabs(a)^2+cabs(b)^2+cabs(c)^2+cabs(d)^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Matrix Phi 1Julia" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param bp1 caption = "Init Value 2nd Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp2 caption = "Init Value 3rd Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp3 caption = "Init Value 4th Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param seed caption = "Julia Parameter" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param disturb caption = "Julia param effects diagonal:" default = 0 enum = "Main" "Minor" "All" endparam param variant caption = "Julia function effects :" default = 0 enum = "Variant 1" "Variant 2" endparam param plane caption = "Select visible matrix entry" default = 0 enum = "a" "b" "c" "d" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Pre function3" default = ident() endfunc func fn4 caption = "Pre function4" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-MatrixPhi_1" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout bp1 = @bp1 bp2 = @bp2 bp3 = @bp3 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 fn4 = fn4 } ;-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..- ; added July 4, 2000 (old formulas from GA9906.frm refreshed) gwfa-8ap_1 { ; init: complex z = pixel loop: complex a = fn1(z) if (cabs(a) > 0) z = (exp(a) - 1) / a + pixel else z = 1 + pixel endif z = fn2(z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi 8ap1" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 100 endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-8ap_1_Jul" seed = #pixel fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-8ap_1_Jul { ; init: complex z = pixel loop: complex a = fn1(z * @seed ) + @seed if (cabs(a) > 0) z = (exp(a) - 1) / a + pixel else z = 1 + pixel endif z = fn2(z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi 8ap1 Julia Variant" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 100 endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-8ap_1" fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-8apn_1 { ; init: complex z = pixel loop: complex a = fn1(z + @shift1) if (cabs(a) > 0) z = (exp(a) - 1) / a + pixel else z = 1 + pixel endif z = fn2(z) * @blow1 bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi 8apn1" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 100 endparam param shift1 caption = "Shift Value" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param blow1 caption = "Blow Up" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-8apn_1_Jul" seed = #pixel fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 shift1 = @shift1 blow1 = @blow2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-8apn_1_Jul { ; init: complex z = pixel loop: complex a = fn1(z * @seed + @shift1 ) + @seed if (cabs(a) > 0) z = (exp(a) - 1) / a + pixel else z = 1 + pixel endif z = fn2(z) * @blow1 bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi 8apn1 Julia Variant" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 100 endparam param shift1 caption = "Shift Value" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param blow1 caption = "Blow Up" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-8apn_1" fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 shift1 = @shift1 blow1 = @blow2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-8apn_2 { ; init: complex z = pixel loop: complex a = fn1(z ) a = a + @shift1 if (cabs(a) > 0) z = (exp(a) - 1) / a + pixel else z = 1 + pixel endif z = fn2(z) * @blow1 bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi 8apn2" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 100 endparam param shift1 caption = "Shift Value" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param blow1 caption = "Blow Up" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-8apn_2_Jul" seed = #pixel fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 shift1 = @shift1 blow1 = @blow1 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-8apn_2_Jul { ; init: complex z = pixel loop: complex a = fn1(z * @seed ) a = a + @shift1 + @seed if (cabs(a) > 0) z = (exp(a) - 1) / a + pixel else z = 1 + pixel endif z = fn2(z) * @blow1 bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi 8apn2 Julia Variant" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 100 endparam param shift1 caption = "Shift Value" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param blow1 caption = "Blow Up" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-8apn_2" fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 shift1 = @shift1 blow1 = @blow1 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-4recon7_1 { ; init: complex z = pixel loop: complex a = fn1(z ) + @shift1 z = a / (exp(a + Pixel ) - 1) + pixel z = fn2(z) * @blow1 bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi 4recon71" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 100 endparam param shift1 caption = "Shift Value" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param blow1 caption = "Blow Up" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-4recon7_1_Jul" seed = #pixel fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 shift1 = @shift1 blow1 = @blow2 bailout = @bailout } gwfa-4recon7_1_Jul { ; init: complex z = pixel loop: complex a = fn1(z * @seed ) + @shift1 + @seed z = a / (exp(a + Pixel ) - 1) + pixel z = fn2(z) * @blow1 bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Phi 4recon71 Julia Variant" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param seed caption = "fix perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 100 endparam param shift1 caption = "Shift Value" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param blow1 caption = "Blow Up" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Post function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-4recon7_1" fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 shift1 = @shift1 blow1 = @blow2 bailout = @bailout } ;-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..- ;------------------------------------------------------- ;WwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwW ;------------------------------------------------------- ;The formulas below are only for compatibility purposes and should not be used any more ; In public they will be needed only for the UF parameter collection of June 1999 Phi_4_trial3 {; GA init: z = Pixel , d = p3 * Pixel loop: z = z + p1 z = fn1(z)/(exp(fn2(z))-1) + d bailout: |z| <= p2 default: title = "z-look at the parameter file" maxiter = 100 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 1.0 } Phi_4_recon7 {; GA init: z = Pixel loop: u = fn1(z) u = u + p1 z = u / (exp(u + Pixel ) - 1 ) + Pixel bailout: |z| <= p2 default: title = "z-look at the parameter file" maxiter = 100 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 1.0 } Phi_4_recon14 {; GA init: z = Pixel loop: z = z + p1 u = fn1(z) z = z/(exp(u) - 1 + Pixel) bailout: |z| <= p2 default: title = "z-look at the parameter file" maxiter = 100 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 1.0 } Phi_8ap_n {; GA init: z = Pixel loop: a = fn1(z) z = z + p1 IF ( |a| > 0 ) z = (exp(a)-1)/a + Pixel ELSE z = 1 + Pixel ENDIF z = fn2(z)* p2 bailout: |z| <= p3 default: title = "z-look at the parameter file" maxiter = 100 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 1.0 } Phi_4_recon051301 {; GA init: z = Pixel loop: ; z = z + p1 z = (exp(fn1(z )) - 1 )/(z+p1) + Pixel bailout: |z| <= p2 default: title = "z-look at the parameter file" maxiter = 100 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 1.0 } ; following are earlier versions of the quaternion formulas which did not handle the plane choice appropriately but gave nonetheless ; nice images gwfa-Quat_1 { ; Quaternionic version of Phi1 (with partial sum for n=3) init: complex z = pixel float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(z)) float d = imag(fn1(z)) loop: float t1 = (3*a^2+8*a-b^2-c^2-d^2 +12)/24 float anew = (a^3+4*a^2-3*a*(b^2+c^2+d^2-4)-4*(b^2+c^2+d^2-6))/24 float bnew = b*t1 float cnew = c*t1 float dnew = d*t1 a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "z-Quaternionic Phi 1" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Quat_1_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-Quat_1_Jul { ; Quaternionic version of Phi1 (with partial sum for n=3) - Julia variant init: complex z = pixel float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(z)) float d = imag(fn1(z)) float u = real(@seed) float v = imag(@seed) loop: float t1 = (3*a^2+8*a-b^2-c^2-d^2 +12)/24 float anew = (a^3+4*a^2-3*a*(b^2+c^2+d^2-4)-4*(b^2+c^2+d^2-6))/24 + u float bnew = b*t1 + v float cnew = c*t1 + u float dnew = d*t1 + v a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "z-Quaternionic Phi 1 Julia " maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam param seed caption = "fixed perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Quat_1" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-Quat_1a { ; Quaternionic version of Phi1 (with partial sum for n=3) ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) float r = real(@bailout^2) loop: float t1 = (3*a^2+8*a-b^2-c^2-d^2 +12)/24 float anew = (a^3+4*a^2-3*a*(b^2+c^2+d^2-4)-4*(b^2+c^2+d^2-6))/24 float bnew = b*t1 float cnew = c*t1 float dnew = d*t1 a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 +b^2+c^2+d^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "z-Quaternionic Phi 1a" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Quat_1a_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-Quat_1a_Jul { ; Quaternionic version of Phi1 (with partial sum for n=3) - Julia variant ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) float r = real(@bailout^2) float u = real(@seed) float v = imag(@seed) loop: float t1 = (3*a^2+8*a-b^2-c^2-d^2 +12)/24 float anew = (a^3+4*a^2-3*a*(b^2+c^2+d^2-4)-4*(b^2+c^2+d^2-6))/24 + u float bnew = b*t1 + v float cnew = c*t1 + u float dnew = d*t1 + v a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "z-Quaternionic Phi 1a Julia " maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam param seed caption = "fixed perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Quat_1a" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-Quat_2 { ; Quaternionic version of Phi1 (with partial sum for n=7) init: complex z = pixel float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(z)) float d = imag(fn1(z)) loop: float t1 = (3*b^2+3*c^2+3*d^2-8) float t2 = (5*b^2+5*c^2+5*d^2-14) float t3 = (b^4+2*b^2*(c^2+d^2-8)+c^4+2*c^2*(d^2-8)+d^4-16*d^2+48) float t4 = (5*b^4+2*b^2*(5*c^2+5*d^2-42)+5*c^4+2*c^2*(5*d^2-42)+5*d^4-84*d^2+280) float t5 = (c^4+2*c^2*(d^2-14)+d^4-28*d^2+280) float t6 =(b^2+c^2+d^2-8) float t7 = (5*b^2+5*c^2+5*d^2-42) float t8 = (3*b^4+2*b^2*(3*c^2+3*d^2-40)+3*c^4+2*c^2*(3*d^2-40)+3*d^4-80*d^2+720) float t9 = (b^4+2*b^2*(c^2+d^2-14)+c^4+2*c^2*(d^2-14)+d^4-28*d^2+280) float t10 = (3*c^4+2*c^2*(3*d^2-56)+3*d^4-112*d^2+1680) float t11 = (3*d^4-112*d^2+1680) float t13 = (3*c^2+3*d^2-40) float t14 = (3*c^4+2*c^2*(3*d^2-40)+3*d^4-80*d^2+720) float t15 = (3*d^4-80*d^2+720) float t16 = (b^6+3*b^4*(c^2+d^2-14)+3*b^2*t5 +c^6+3*c^4*(d^2-14)+3*c^2*(d^4-28*d^2+280)+d^6-42*d^4+840*d^2-5040) float t17=(7*a^6+48*a^5-35*a^4*t6-32*a^3*t7+7*a^2*t8+48*a*t9-b^6-b^4*(3*c^2+3*d^2-56)-b^2*t10-c^6+c^4*(56-3*d^2)-c^2*t11-d^6+56*d^4-1680*d^2+20160)/40320 float anew = (a^7+8*a^6-7*a^5*t1-24*a^4*t2+35*a^3*t3+24*a^2*t4-7*a*(b^6+b^4*t13+b^2*t14+c^6+c^4*(3*d^2-40)+c^2*t15+d^6-40*d^4+720*d^2-2880)-8*t16)/40320 float bnew = b*t17 float cnew = c*t17 float dnew = d*t17 a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "z-Quaternionic Phi 2" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 1 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Quat_2_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-Quat_2_Jul { ; Quaternionic version of Phi1 (with partial sum for n=7) - Julia variant init: complex z = pixel float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(z)) float d = imag(fn1(z)) float u = real(@seed) float v = imag(@seed) float w = real(@seed) float s = imag(@seed) loop: float t1 = (3*b^2+3*c^2+3*d^2-8) float t2 = (5*b^2+5*c^2+5*d^2-14) float t3 = (b^4+2*b^2*(c^2+d^2-8)+c^4+2*c^2*(d^2-8)+d^4-16*d^2+48) float t4 = (5*b^4+2*b^2*(5*c^2+5*d^2-42)+5*c^4+2*c^2*(5*d^2-42)+5*d^4-84*d^2+280) float t5 = (c^4+2*c^2*(d^2-14)+d^4-28*d^2+280) float t6 =(b^2+c^2+d^2-8) float t7 = (5*b^2+5*c^2+5*d^2-42) float t8 = (3*b^4+2*b^2*(3*c^2+3*d^2-40)+3*c^4+2*c^2*(3*d^2-40)+3*d^4-80*d^2+720) float t9 = (b^4+2*b^2*(c^2+d^2-14)+c^4+2*c^2*(d^2-14)+d^4-28*d^2+280) float t10 = (3*c^4+2*c^2*(3*d^2-56)+3*d^4-112*d^2+1680) float t11 = (3*d^4-112*d^2+1680) float t13 = (3*c^2+3*d^2-40) float t14 = (3*c^4+2*c^2*(3*d^2-40)+3*d^4-80*d^2+720) float t15 = (3*d^4-80*d^2+720) float t16 = (b^6+3*b^4*(c^2+d^2-14)+3*b^2*t5 +c^6+3*c^4*(d^2-14)+3*c^2*(d^4-28*d^2+280)+d^6-42*d^4+840*d^2-5040) float t17=(7*a^6+48*a^5-35*a^4*t6-32*a^3*t7+7*a^2*t8+48*a*t9-b^6-b^4*(3*c^2+3*d^2-56)-b^2*t10-c^6+c^4*(56-3*d^2)-c^2*t11-d^6+56*d^4-1680*d^2+20160)/40320 float anew = (a^7+8*a^6-7*a^5*t1-24*a^4*t2+35*a^3*t3+24*a^2*t4-7*a*(b^6+b^4*t13+b^2*t14+c^6+c^4*(3*d^2-40)+c^2*t15+d^6-40*d^4+720*d^2-2880)-8*t16)/40320 float bnew = b*t17 float cnew = c*t17 float dnew = d*t17 a = anew + u b = bnew + v c = cnew + w d = dnew + s if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "z-Quaternionic Phi 2 Julia " maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 1 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam param seed caption = "fixed perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-Quat_2" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-QuatPhi1 { ; full Quaternionic version of Phi1 ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) float r = real(@bailout)^2 loop: float norm1 = a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 float norm2 = SQRT(b^2 + c^2 + d^2) float s1 = SIN(norm2) float c1 = COS(norm2) float e1 = exp(a) float f1 = (e1*(a*s1/(norm1*norm2)-c1/norm1)+ 1/norm1 ) float anew = (e1*(a*c1+norm2*s1)-a)/norm1 float bnew = b* f1 float cnew = c* f1 float dnew = d * f1 a = anew b = bnew c = cnew d = dnew if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 +b^2+c^2+d^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "z-Quaternionic Phi 1Full" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-QuatPhi1_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } gwfa-QuatPhi1_Jul { ; full Quaternionic version of Phi1 - Julia variant ; bailout following the quaternion norm init: complex z = pixel float a = real(z) float b = imag(z) float c = real(fn1(@dim34)) float d = imag(fn1(@dim34)) float r = real(@bailout)^2 float u = real(@seed) float v = imag(@seed) loop: float norm1 = a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 float norm2 = SQRT(b^2 + c^2 + d^2) float s1 = SIN(norm2) float c1 = COS(norm2) float e1 = exp(a) float f1 = (e1*(a*s1/(norm1*norm2)-c1/norm1)+ 1/norm1 ) float anew = (e1*(a*c1+norm2*s1)-a)/norm1 float bnew = b* f1 float cnew = c* f1 float dnew = d * f1 a = anew + u b = bnew + v c = cnew + u d = dnew + v if @plane == 0 z = a + flip(b) elseif @plane == 1 z = b + flip(c) elseif @plane == 2 z = c + flip(d) elseif @plane == 3 z = d + flip(a) elseif @plane == 4 z = a + flip(c) elseif @plane == 5 z = b + flip(d) endif float rho = a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "z-Quaternionic Phi 1Full Jul" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param dim34 caption = "Init Value c, d" default = (1,1) endparam param plane caption = "Select 2dim plane" default = 0 enum = "ab" "bc" "cd" "da" "ac" "bd" endparam param seed caption = "fixed perturbation" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-QuatPhi1" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout dim34 = @dim34 fn1 = fn1 } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comment { gwfa-attractor.ufm Vers. 1.01.02a Fractal types for Ultra Fractal 2 by G.W.F. Albrecht February 3, 2001 For more information about this formula collection, please visit its home page: or } Cockatoo {; G.W.F. Albrecht, February 2001 ; partly inspired from Ron Barnetts Strange Attractor Formulas ; init: float xx = 0 float x = real(#pixel) float y = imag(#pixel) float xabs = cabs(x) bool done = false int touche_it = 0 loop: xx = x x = y*(@a+SIN(@b*xx))-@c*SQRT(xabs) y = @d-xx #z = x + flip(y) complex u = #z IF cabs(#z-#pixel) <= @epsilon touche_it = touche_it + 1 IF (touche_it >= @max_touch) done = true IF @variant == 0 #z = cabs(#z-#pixel) + flip(cabs(#z)) ELSEIF @variant == 1 #z = #z ELSEIF @variant == 2 IF cabs(#z) > 0 #z = @fn1((EXP(u) - 1) / u) ELSE #z = @fn1(1) ENDIF ELSEIF @variant == 3 IF cabs(#z) > 0 #z = @fn1(u /(EXP(u) - 1) ) ELSE #z = @fn1(1) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF bailout: done == false default: title = "Cockatoo Attractor" center = (0.0, 0.0) maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 0 method = onepass param a caption = "Parameter a" default = 1.0 endparam param b caption = "Parameter b" default = 0.7 endparam param c caption = "Parameter c" default = 1.2 endparam param d caption = "Parameter d" default = 0.21 endparam param epsilon caption = "epsilon" default = 0.5 endparam param max_touch caption = "find pixel attempts" default = 2 endparam param variant caption = "Variant" enum = "A" "B" "C" "D" default = 0 endparam func fn1 caption = "Pixel function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "Cockatoo2" seed = #pixel a = @a b = @b c = @c d = @d epsilon = @epsilon max_touch = @max_touch variant = @variant fn1 = fn1 } Cockatoo2 {; G.W.F. Albrecht, February 2001 ; partly inspired from Ron Barnetts Strange Attractor Formulas ; init: float xx = 0 float x = real(#pixel) float y = imag(#pixel) float xabs = cabs(x) bool done = false int touche_it = 0 loop: xx = x x = y*(@a+SIN(@b*xx))-@c*SQRT(xabs) y = @d-xx #z = x + flip(y) + @fn2(@seed) complex u = #z IF cabs(#z-#pixel) <= @epsilon touche_it = touche_it + 1 IF (touche_it >= @max_touch) done = true IF @variant == 0 #z = cabs(#z-#pixel) + flip(cabs(#z)) ELSEIF @variant == 1 #z = #z ELSEIF @variant == 2 IF cabs(#z) > 0 #z = @fn1((EXP(u) - 1) / u) ELSE #z = @fn1(1) ENDIF ELSEIF @variant == 3 IF cabs(#z) > 0 #z = @fn1(u /(EXP(u) - 1) ) ELSE #z = @fn1(1) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF bailout: done == false default: title = "Cockatoo Attractor Julia Variant" center = (0.0, 0.0) maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 0 method = onepass param a caption = "Parameter a" default = 1.0 endparam param b caption = "Parameter b" default = 0.7 endparam param c caption = "Parameter c" default = 1.2 endparam param d caption = "Parameter d" default = 0.21 endparam param epsilon caption = "epsilon" default = 0.5 endparam param max_touch caption = "find pixel attempts" default = 2 endparam param variant caption = "Variant" enum = "A" "B" "C" "D" default = 0 endparam param seed caption = " Julia Perturbation" default =( 0,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Pixel function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Seed function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "Cockatoo" a = @a b = @b c = @c d = @d epsilon = @epsilon max_touch = @max_touch variant = @variant fn1 = fn1 } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comment { gwfa-matrix.ufm Vers. 1.01.06a Fractal types for Ultra Fractal 2 by G.W.F. Albrecht June 1, 2001 For more information about this formula collection, please visit its home page: or This collection uses formulas derived from the transformation z -> z^n in the algebra of complex 2x2 or 3x3 matrices. } gwfa-c-MatrixPlain_1 { ; Iteration of z^2 in the algebra of complex 2x2 matrices ; bailout following the matrix norm Tr(aa') ; matrix notation like [[a,b],[c,d]] init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 complex a = z complex b = @bp1 complex c = @bp2 complex d = @bp3 elseif @plane == 1 complex b = z complex c = @bp1 complex d = @bp2 complex a = @bp3 elseif @plane == 2 complex c = z complex d = @bp1 complex a= @bp2 complex b = @bp3 elseif @plane == 3 complex d = z complex a = @bp1 complex b = @bp2 complex c = @bp3 endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 loop: complex anew = a*a + b *c complex bnew = b*(a + d ) complex cnew = c* (a + d) complex dnew = c*b + d*d a = fn1(anew) b = fn2(bnew) c = fn3(cnew) d = fn4(dnew) if @plane == 0 z = a elseif @plane == 1 z = b elseif @plane == 2 z = c elseif @plane == 3 z = d endif float rho = cabs(a)^2+cabs(b)^2+cabs(c)^2+cabs(d)^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Matrix Plain 1" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param bp1 caption = "Init Value 2nd Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp2 caption = "Init Value 3rd Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp3 caption = "Init Value 4th Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param plane caption = "Select visible matrix entry" default = 0 enum = "a" "b" "c" "d" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Pre function3" default = ident() endfunc func fn4 caption = "Pre function4" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-MatrixPlain_1_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout bp1 = @bp1 bp2 = @bp2 bp3 = @bp3 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 fn4 = fn4 } gwfa-c-MatrixPlain_1_Jul { ; Iteration of z^2 in the algebra of complex 2x2 matrices ; Julia variant ; bailout following the matrix norm Tr(aa') init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 complex a = z complex b = @bp1 complex c = @bp2 complex d = @bp3 elseif @plane == 1 complex b = z complex c = @bp1 complex d = @bp2 complex a = @bp3 elseif @plane == 2 complex c = z complex d = @bp1 complex a= @bp2 complex b = @bp3 elseif @plane == 3 complex d = z complex a = @bp1 complex b = @bp2 complex c = @bp3 endif if @disturb == 0 complex aseed = @seed complex bseed = 0 complex cseed = 0 complex aseed = @seed elseif @disturb == 1 complex cseed = @seed complex aseed = 0 complex dseed = 0 complex bseed = @seed elseif @disturb == 2 complex aseed = @seed complex bseed = @seed complex cseed = @seed complex aseed = @seed endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 loop: complex anew = a*a + b *c complex bnew = b*(a + d ) complex cnew = c* (a + d) complex dnew = c*b + d*d if @variant == 0 a = fn1(anew) +aseed b = fn2(bnew) + bseed c = fn3(cnew) + cseed d = fn4(dnew) + dseed elseif @variant == 1 a = fn1(anew +aseed) b = fn2(bnew + bseed) c = fn3(cnew + cseed) d = fn4(dnew + dseed) endif if @plane == 0 z = a elseif @plane == 1 z = b elseif @plane == 2 z = c elseif @plane == 3 z = d endif float rho = cabs(a)^2+cabs(b)^2+cabs(c)^2+cabs(d)^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Matrix Plain 1Julia" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param bp1 caption = "Init Value 2nd Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp2 caption = "Init Value 3rd Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp3 caption = "Init Value 4th Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param seed caption = "Julia Parameter" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param disturb caption = "Julia param effects diagonal:" default = 0 enum = "Main" "Minor" "All" endparam param variant caption = "Julia function effects :" default = 0 enum = "Variant 1" "Variant 2" endparam param plane caption = "Select visible matrix entry" default = 0 enum = "a" "b" "c" "d" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Pre function3" default = ident() endfunc func fn4 caption = "Pre function4" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-MatrixPlain_1" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout bp1 = @bp1 bp2 = @bp2 bp3 = @bp3 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 fn4 = fn4 } ;------------------------------------ gwfa-c-MatrixPower_1 { ; Iteration of z^n in the algebra of complex 2x2 matrices ; bailout following the matrix norm Tr(aa') ; matrix notation like [[a,b],[c,d]] init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 complex a = z complex b = @bp1 complex c = @bp2 complex d = @bp3 elseif @plane == 1 complex b = z complex c = @bp1 complex d = @bp2 complex a = @bp3 elseif @plane == 2 complex c = z complex d = @bp1 complex a= @bp2 complex b = @bp3 elseif @plane == 3 complex d = z complex a = @bp1 complex b = @bp2 complex c = @bp3 endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 loop: complex expr1 = SQRT(a^2-2*a*d+4*b*c+d^2) complex expr2 = 1 / ( 2^@mpower) complex expr3 = expr2 / 2 complex anew = (expr3*(expr1-a+d)*(-expr1+a+d)^@mpower+expr3*(expr1+a-d)*(expr1+a+d)^@mpower) /expr1 complex bnew = expr2*b*((expr1+a+d)^@mpower-(-expr1+a+d)^@mpower)/expr1 complex cnew = expr2*c*((expr1+a+d)^@mpower-(-expr1+a+d)^@mpower)/expr1 complex dnew = (expr3*(expr1+a-d)*(-expr1+a+d)^@mpower + expr3*(expr1-a+d)*(expr1+a+d)^@mpower)/expr1 a = fn1(anew) b = fn2(bnew) c = fn3(cnew) d = fn4(dnew) if @plane == 0 z = a elseif @plane == 1 z = b elseif @plane == 2 z = c elseif @plane == 3 z = d endif float rho = cabs(a)^2+cabs(b)^2+cabs(c)^2+cabs(d)^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Matrix Power 1" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param bp1 caption = "Init Value 2nd Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp2 caption = "Init Value 3rd Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp3 caption = "Init Value 4th Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param mpower caption = "Complex Power" default = (3,0) endparam param plane caption = "Select visible matrix entry" default = 0 enum = "a" "b" "c" "d" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Pre function3" default = ident() endfunc func fn4 caption = "Pre function4" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-MatrixPower_1_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout bp1 = @bp1 bp2 = @bp2 bp3 = @bp3 mpower = @mpower fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 fn4 = fn4 } gwfa-c-MatrixPower_1_Jul { ; Iteration of z^n in the algebra of complex 2x2 matrices ; Julia variant ; bailout following the matrix norm Tr(aa') init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 complex a = z complex b = @bp1 complex c = @bp2 complex d = @bp3 elseif @plane == 1 complex b = z complex c = @bp1 complex d = @bp2 complex a = @bp3 elseif @plane == 2 complex c = z complex d = @bp1 complex a= @bp2 complex b = @bp3 elseif @plane == 3 complex d = z complex a = @bp1 complex b = @bp2 complex c = @bp3 endif if @disturb == 0 complex aseed = @seed complex bseed = 0 complex cseed = 0 complex aseed = @seed elseif @disturb == 1 complex cseed = @seed complex aseed = 0 complex dseed = 0 complex bseed = @seed elseif @disturb == 2 complex aseed = @seed complex bseed = @seed complex cseed = @seed complex aseed = @seed endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 loop: complex expr1 = SQRT(a^2-2*a*d+4*b*c+d^2) complex expr2 = 1 / ( 2^@mpower) complex expr3 = expr2 / 2 complex anew = (expr3*(expr1-a+d)*(-expr1+a+d)^@mpower+expr3*(expr1+a-d)*(expr1+a+d)^@mpower) /expr1 complex bnew = expr2*b*((expr1+a+d)^@mpower-(-expr1+a+d)^@mpower)/expr1 complex cnew = expr2*c*((expr1+a+d)^@mpower-(-expr1+a+d)^@mpower)/expr1 complex dnew = (expr3*(expr1+a-d)*(-expr1+a+d)^@mpower + expr3*(expr1-a+d)*(expr1+a+d)^@mpower)/expr1 if @variant == 0 a = fn1(anew) +aseed b = fn2(bnew) + bseed c = fn3(cnew) + cseed d = fn4(dnew) + dseed elseif @variant == 1 a = fn1(anew +aseed) b = fn2(bnew + bseed) c = fn3(cnew + cseed) d = fn4(dnew + dseed) endif if @plane == 0 z = a elseif @plane == 1 z = b elseif @plane == 2 z = c elseif @plane == 3 z = d endif float rho = cabs(a)^2+cabs(b)^2+cabs(c)^2+cabs(d)^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Matrix Power 1Julia" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = (100,0) endparam param bp1 caption = "Init Value 2nd Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp2 caption = "Init Value 3rd Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp3 caption = "Init Value 4th Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param mpower caption = "Complex Power" default = (3,0) endparam param seed caption = "Julia Parameter" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param disturb caption = "Julia param effects diagonal:" default = 0 enum = "Main" "Minor" "All" endparam param variant caption = "Julia function effects :" default = 0 enum = "Variant 1" "Variant 2" endparam param plane caption = "Select visible matrix entry" default = 0 enum = "a" "b" "c" "d" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Pre function3" default = ident() endfunc func fn4 caption = "Pre function4" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-MatrixPower_1" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout bp1 = @bp1 bp2 = @bp2 bp3 = @bp3 mpower = @mpower fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 fn4 = fn4 } gwfa-c-MatrixPlain_3 { ; Iteration of z^2 in the algebra of complex 3x3 matrices ; bailout following the matrix norm Tr(aa') ; matrix notation like [[a,b,c],[d,eh,f], [g,h,i]] init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 complex a = z complex b = @bp1 complex c = @bp2 complex d = @bp3 complex eh = @bp4 complex f = @bp5 complex g = @bp6 complex h = @bp7 complex i = @bp8 elseif @plane == 1 complex b = z complex c = @bp1 complex d = @bp2 complex eh = @bp3 complex f = @bp4 complex g = @bp5 complex h = @bp6 complex i = @bp7 complex a = @bp8 elseif @plane == 2 complex c = z complex d = @bp1 complex eh = @bp2 complex f = @bp3 complex g = @bp4 complex h = @bp5 complex i = @bp6 complex a = @bp7 complex b = @bp8 elseif @plane == 3 complex d = z complex eh = @bp1 complex f = @bp2 complex g = @bp3 complex h = @bp4 complex i = @bp5 complex a = @bp6 complex b = @bp7 complex c = @bp8 elseif @plane == 4 complex eh = z complex f = @bp1 complex g = @bp2 complex h = @bp3 complex i = @bp4 complex a = @bp5 complex b = @bp6 complex c = @bp7 complex d = @bp8 elseif @plane == 5 complex f = z complex g = @bp1 complex h = @bp2 complex i = @bp3 complex a = @bp4 complex b = @bp5 complex c = @bp6 complex d = @bp7 complex eh = @bp8 elseif @plane == 6 complex g = z complex h = @bp1 complex i = @bp2 complex a = @bp3 complex b = @bp4 complex c = @bp5 complex d = @bp6 complex eh = @bp7 complex f = @bp8 elseif @plane == 7 complex h = z complex i = @bp1 complex a = @bp2 complex b = @bp3 complex c = @bp4 complex d = @bp5 complex eh = @bp6 complex f = @bp7 complex g = @bp8 elseif @plane == 8 complex i = z complex a = @bp1 complex b = @bp2 complex c = @bp3 complex d = @bp4 complex eh = @bp5 complex f = @bp6 complex g = @bp7 complex h = @bp8 endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 loop: complex anew = a^2+b*d+c*g complex bnew = a*b+b*eh+c*h complex cnew = a*c+b*f+c*i complex dnew = a*d+d*eh+f*g complex enew = b*d+eh^2+f*h complex fnew = c*d+eh*f+f*i complex gnew = a*g+d*h+g*i complex hnew = b*g+eh*h+h*i complex inew = c*g+f*h+i^2 a = fn1(anew) b = fn2(bnew) c = fn3(cnew) d = fn1(dnew) eh = fn2(enew) f = fn3(fnew) g = fn1(gnew) h = fn2(hnew) i = fn3(inew) if @plane == 0 z = a elseif @plane == 1 z = b elseif @plane == 2 z = c elseif @plane == 3 z = d elseif @plane == 4 z = eh elseif @plane == 5 z = f elseif @plane == 6 z = g elseif @plane == 7 z = h elseif @plane == 8 z = i endif float rho = cabs(a)^2+cabs(b)^2+cabs(c)^2+cabs(d)^2 + cabs(eh)^2+cabs(f)^2+cabs(g)^2+cabs(h)^2 + cabs(i)^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Matrix Plain 3x3" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 100 endparam param bp1 caption = "Init Value 2nd Entry" default = (0,0) endparam param bp2 caption = "Init Value 3rd Entry" default = (0,0) endparam param bp3 caption = "Init Value 4th Entry" default = (0,0) endparam param bp4 caption = "Init Value 5th Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp5 caption = "Init Value 6th Entry" default = (0,0) endparam param bp6 caption = "Init Value 7th Entry" default = (0,0) endparam param bp7 caption = "Init Value 8th Entry" default = (0,0) endparam param bp8 caption = "Init Value 9th Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param plane caption = "Select visible matrix entry" default = 0 enum = "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Pre function3" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-MatrixPlain_3_Jul" seed = #pixel plane = @plane bailout = @bailout bp1 = @bp1 bp2 = @bp2 bp3 = @bp3 bp4 = @bp4 bp5 = @bp5 bp6 = @bp6 bp7 = @bp7 bp8 = @bp8 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 } gwfa-c-MatrixPlain_3_Jul { ; Iteration of z^2 in the algebra of complex 3x3 matrices ; bailout following the matrix norm Tr(aa') ; matrix notation like [[a,b,c],[d,eh,f], [g,h,i]] init: complex z = pixel if @plane == 0 complex a = z complex b = @bp1 complex c = @bp2 complex d = @bp3 complex eh = @bp4 complex f = @bp5 complex g = @bp6 complex h = @bp7 complex i = @bp8 elseif @plane == 1 complex b = z complex c = @bp1 complex d = @bp2 complex eh = @bp3 complex f = @bp4 complex g = @bp5 complex h = @bp6 complex i = @bp7 complex a = @bp8 elseif @plane == 2 complex c = z complex d = @bp1 complex eh = @bp2 complex f = @bp3 complex g = @bp4 complex h = @bp5 complex i = @bp6 complex a = @bp7 complex b = @bp8 elseif @plane == 3 complex d = z complex eh = @bp1 complex f = @bp2 complex g = @bp3 complex h = @bp4 complex i = @bp5 complex a = @bp6 complex b = @bp7 complex c = @bp8 elseif @plane == 4 complex eh = z complex f = @bp1 complex g = @bp2 complex h = @bp3 complex i = @bp4 complex a = @bp5 complex b = @bp6 complex c = @bp7 complex d = @bp8 elseif @plane == 5 complex f = z complex g = @bp1 complex h = @bp2 complex i = @bp3 complex a = @bp4 complex b = @bp5 complex c = @bp6 complex d = @bp7 complex eh = @bp8 elseif @plane == 6 complex g = z complex h = @bp1 complex i = @bp2 complex a = @bp3 complex b = @bp4 complex c = @bp5 complex d = @bp6 complex eh = @bp7 complex f = @bp8 elseif @plane == 7 complex h = z complex i = @bp1 complex a = @bp2 complex b = @bp3 complex c = @bp4 complex d = @bp5 complex eh = @bp6 complex f = @bp7 complex g = @bp8 elseif @plane == 8 complex i = z complex a = @bp1 complex b = @bp2 complex c = @bp3 complex d = @bp4 complex eh = @bp5 complex f = @bp6 complex g = @bp7 complex h = @bp8 endif float r = real(@bailout)^2 loop: complex anew = a^2+b*d+c*g + @seed complex bnew = a*b+b*eh+c*h + @seed complex cnew = a*c+b*f+c*i + @seed complex dnew = a*d+d*eh+f*g + @seed complex enew = b*d+eh^2+f*h + @seed complex fnew = c*d+eh*f+f*i + @seed complex gnew = a*g+d*h+g*i + @seed complex hnew = b*g+eh*h+h*i + @seed complex inew = c*g+f*h+i^2 + @seed a = fn1(anew) b = fn2(bnew) c = fn3(cnew) d = fn1(dnew) eh = fn2(enew) f = fn3(fnew) g = fn1(gnew) h = fn2(hnew) i = fn3(inew) if @plane == 0 z = a elseif @plane == 1 z = b elseif @plane == 2 z = c elseif @plane == 3 z = d elseif @plane == 4 z = eh elseif @plane == 5 z = f elseif @plane == 6 z = g elseif @plane == 7 z = h elseif @plane == 8 z = i endif float rho = cabs(a)^2+cabs(b)^2+cabs(c)^2+cabs(d)^2 + cabs(eh)^2+cabs(f)^2+cabs(g)^2+cabs(h)^2 + cabs(i)^2 bailout: rho <= r default: title = "Matrix Plain 3x3 Julia" maxiter = 1000 periodicity = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 100 endparam param bp1 caption = "Init Value 2nd Entry" default = (0,0) endparam param bp2 caption = "Init Value 3rd Entry" default = (0,0) endparam param bp3 caption = "Init Value 4th Entry" default = (0,0) endparam param bp4 caption = "Init Value 5th Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param bp5 caption = "Init Value 6th Entry" default = (0,0) endparam param bp6 caption = "Init Value 7th Entry" default = (0,0) endparam param bp7 caption = "Init Value 8th Entry" default = (0,0) endparam param bp8 caption = "Init Value 9th Entry" default = (0.1,0.1) endparam param seed caption = "Pertubation" default = (0,0) endparam param plane caption = "Select visible matrix entry" default = 0 enum = "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" endparam func fn1 caption = "Pre function1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Pre function2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Pre function3" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "gwfa-c-MatrixPlain_3" plane = @plane bailout = @bailout bp1 = @bp1 bp2 = @bp2 bp3 = @bp3 bp4 = @bp4 bp5 = @bp5 bp6 = @bp6 bp7 = @bp7 bp8 = @bp8 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 }