Cuchulain { ;Caracas, Venezuela ;Jan 09 2003 init: float a = 0.0 float b = 0.0 float c = 0.0 float d = 0.0 loop: a=b+.01 b=b +(@n) c=c+real(@f1(#z) * b)^@p / a d=d+real(@f2(|#z|*c))^@q / b final: #index = (c%600)/(d%250) default: title = "Cuchulain" param p caption="Gae Bolg" default=0.05 hint = "Use the Gae Bolg to split the enemies into pieces!" endparam param q caption="Hound of Cullan" default=0.05 hint = "Increasing the hound's power scatters the enemies of Ulster" endparam float param n caption="Battle Rage" default=0.1 hint = "it is said Cuchulain greatly transformed himself in his rage...." endparam func f1 caption="Function 1" default=sin() endfunc func f2 caption="Function 2" default=cos() endfunc }Ferdia { ;Caracas, Venezuela ;Jan 09 2003 init: float a = 0.0 float b = 0.0 float c = 0.0 loop: a=b+.01 b=b +(@n) c=c+real(@f1(#z) * b)^@p / a final: #index = (c%600)/250 default: title = "Ferdia" param p caption="Maev's orders" default=0.1 endparam float param n caption="Spears" default=0.1 hint = "Higher values tend to darken the colors" endparam func f1 caption="fun 1" default=sin() endfunc }