Ianfe'sScaledJulila-likeNewton {; Ian Brillembourg, 2002 ;Caracas, Venezuela init: z = #pixel loop: zf = z*z*z + (@p2-1)*z - @p2 zd = 17*z*z + @p2-1 z = z - @p1*zf/zd bailout: @test <= |zf| default: title = "Ianfe's Scaled Julia-like Newton" maxiter = 255 center = (0, 0) magn = 0.2 periodicity = 0 param p1 caption = "Scaling Factor" default = (0.5,0.5) endparam param p2 caption = "Julia value" default = (0.01,0.25) endparam param test caption = "Bailout value" default = 0.001 max = 0.1 endparam switch: type = "IkeNewtM" p1 = @p1 p2 = @test } Poisson stuff {;Ian Brillembourg, 2002 ;Caracas, Venezuela ;this formula doesn't really have anything to do ;with the Poisson distribution. I just started from ;that formula up. ;) init: z = #pixel loop: int m = 123456789 int a = 123456789 m = random (m) a = random (a) zf=((m^@P)*(e^(-m)))/@Q zd = (random (a))/(e^(zf)) ze = z*z*z + (@Q-1)*z - @Q zc = 17*z*z + @Q-1 z = z - (@P*zf/zd)+(@Q*ze/zc) bailout: @test <= |z| default: title = "Poisson Stuff" maxiter = 500 center = (0, 0) magn = 0.2 periodicity = 0 param P caption = "P value" default = (0.5,0.5) hint = "try different settings with this parameter, weird things come about" endparam param Q caption = "Q Value" default = (0.1,0.5) hint = "try different settings with this parameter, weird things come about" endparam param test caption = "Bailout value" default = 0.1 max = 100 hint = "This value really changes the appearance of the fractal. The larger it is, the bigger the circle becomes" endparam } Will o'wisp { ; Ian Brillembourg, December 21, 2002 ; Caracas, Venezuela ; init: z = 0 float x = real(#pixel) float y = imag(#pixel) loop: x = x + y * (real(@fn1(y))) y = y + x * (real(@fn2(x))) z = (x) + (y) bailout: @test <= |z| default: title = "Will o'wisp " maxiter = 20 magn = 1 param test caption = "Bailout value" default = 0.01 max = 0.1 endparam func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = sin() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = asin() endfunc } My own little crazy Pixel{ ;Ian Brillembourg, April 26, 2003 init: z = #pixel loop: z = @fn1(#pixel) If @Crazy == "Schizo" z = @Neural+#pi*@fnz(z) Elseif @Crazy == "Paranoid" z = (@fnz (z))/(#pi^@Neural) Endif If @Multi == "Two" z = @fn2(#pixel) If @Crazy == "Schizo" z = @Neural+#pi*@fnz(z) Elseif @Crazy == "Paranoid" z = (@fnz (z))/(#pi^@Neural) Endif Elseif @Multi == "Three" z = @fn2(#pixel) z = @fn3(#pixel) If @Crazy == "Schizo" z = @Neural+#pi*@fnz(z) Elseif @Crazy == "Paranoid" z = (@fnz (z))/(#pi^@Neural) Endif Endif bailout: |z| < @bail default: title = "My own little Pixel" int param Multi caption=" # Multiple Functions" enum = "One" "Two" "Three" default=0 endparam int param Crazy caption = "Crazy?" enum = "Sane" "Schizo" "Paranoid" default= 0 endparam param bail caption="Bailout Value" default=10 endparam func fn1 caption = "1st function" hint = "function to modify the pixel value" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "2nd function" hint = "function to modify the first function." default = ident () endfunc func fn3 caption = "3rd function" hint = "function to modify the first and second function." default = ident () endfunc param Neural caption="Neural" default=(.5,.5) endparam func fnz default = sin () endfunc } Mind's freedom {;Ian Brillembourg ;September, 2003 ;Caracas, Venezuela ;based on the "Gnarl" formula by Mark Townsend init: p = #pixel / @freedom z = 0 x = real(p) y = imag(p) int iter = 0 loop: iter = iter + 1 x = (x - @h * real(@fn1(y + @fn2(@a * (y*@freedom))))) y = (y + @h * real(@fn1(x + @fn2(@a * (x*@freedom))))) z = (x + flip(y)) bailout: iter < #maxiter default: title = "Freedom" maxiter = 100 magn = 0.25 param a caption = "Steps" default = 2 endparam param b caption = "Paces" default = 2 endparam param freedom caption = "Freedom" default = 1 endparam param h caption = "Light" default = 0.412 Endparam func fn1 caption = "Function 1" default = sin() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Function 2" default = cos() endfunc }