Comment { These formula are an original from Konstantin Schwarze Modificated by Jos Boogen by adding a new function in the loop May 2004 } ariadne { ; a formula by Konstantin Schwarze init: x=0 y=0 loop: xa=x ya=y x=fn2(xa^2-ya^2+#pixel) y=1/fn1(2*xa*ya+#pixel) t=x+y z=t bailout: |t|<100 default: title = "ariadne" func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type="ariadne2" a=#pixel fn1=fn1 fn2=fn2 } ariadne2 { ; a formula by Konstantin Schwarze init: x=0 y=0 loop: xa=x ya=y x=fn2(xa^2-ya^2+@a) y=1/fn1(2*xa*ya+#pixel) t=x+y z=t bailout: |t|<100 default: title = "ariadne2" func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type="ariadne3" b=#pixel a=@a fn1=fn1 fn2=fn2 } ariadne3 { ; a formula by Konstantin Schwarze init: x=#pixel y=#pixel loop: xa=x ya=y x=fn2(xa^2-ya^2+@a) y=1/fn1(2*xa*ya+@b) t=x+y z=t bailout: |t|<100 default: title = "ariadne3" func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = ident() endfunc } Athenabrot { ; August 13 2004 ; Created: Kelly Christiansen ; Modified: Toby Marsahall; ; Added in the dBase: Jos Boogen init: a=#pixel+1 z = @start loop: z = z^@power + #pixel z=z*(z/2-2)+a bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Athenabrot" center = (-0.5, 0) param start caption = "Start here" default = (0,0) endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam switch: type = "AthenabrotJulia" seed = #pixel power = power bailout = bailout } AthenabrotJulia { ; August 13 2004 ; Created: Kelly Christiansen ; Modified: Toby Marsahall; ; Added in the dBase: Jos Boogen init: a=@seed+1 z = #pixel loop: z = z^@power + @seed z=z*(z/2-2)+a bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Athenabrot Julia" center = (-0.5, 0) param start caption = "Start here" default = (0,0) endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam switch: type = "Athenabrot" power = power bailout = bailout } dragon { ; a formula by Konstantin Schwarze init: j=0 loop: j=1/(j^2+#pixel) bailout: |j|<4 default: title = "dragon" switch: type="dragon2" p=#pixel } dragon2 { ; a formula by Konstantin Schwarze init: j=#pixel loop: j=1/(j^2+@p) bailout: |j|<4 default: title = "dragon2" } draupnir { ; a formula by Konstantin Schwarze init: x=0 y=0 loop: xa=x ya=y x=fn1(xa^2-ya^2+#pixel) y=fn2(2*xa*ya+#pixel) t=x+y z=t bailout: |t|<100 default: title = "draupnir" func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type="draupnir2" a=#pixel fn1=fn1 fn2=fn2 } draupnir2 { ; a formula by Konstantin Schwarze init: x=0 y=0 loop: xa=x ya=y x=fn1(xa^2-ya^2+@a) y=fn2(2*xa*ya+#pixel) t=x+y z=t bailout: |t|<100 default: title = "draupnir2" func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type="draupnir3" b=#pixel a=@a fn1=fn1 fn2=fn2 } draupnir3 { ; a formula by Konstantin Schwarze init: x=#pixel y=#pixel loop: xa=x ya=y x=fn1(xa^2-ya^2+@a) y=fn2(2*xa*ya+@b) t=x+y z=t bailout: |t|<100 default: title = "draupnir3" func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = ident() endfunc } mandeljulia { ; a formula by Konstantin Schwarze init: z=0 loop: z=(sin(z^2+#pixel))+(sinh(z^2+#pixel)) bailout: |z|<4 default: title = "mandeljulia" } sphinx { ; a formula by Konstantin Schwarze init: ja=0 j=0 loop: jx=fn1(1/fn2(j^2+ja+#pixel)) ja=j j=jx bailout: |j|<4 default: title = "sphinx" func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type="sphinx2" p=#pixel fn1=fn1 fn2=fn2 } sphinx2 { ; a formula by Konstantin Schwarze init: ja=#pixel j=#pixel loop: jx=fn1(1/fn2((j^2+ja+@p))) ja=j j=jx bailout: |j|<4 default: title = "sphinx2" func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = ident() endfunc } Newton+RDA+SSS_1 { ; ; Standard Newton fractal TWEAKED. ; init: z = pixel c = @start loop: zold = z z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z-(z*z*z*c-z*z-1)/(3*z*z-3*z)))) bailout: |z - zold| >= @bailout default: title = "Newton_Reg+SSS_1" method = multipass periodicity = 0 helpfile = "Uf3.chm" helptopic = "Html\formulas\standard\newton.html" maxiter = 100 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (0.00,0.00) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 0.00001 endparam param p1 caption = "Exponent" default = (3,0) hint = "Specifies the exponent of the equation that is solved by \ Newton's method. Use real numbers (set the imaginary component \ to zero) to obtain classic Newton fractals." endparam param r caption = "Root" default = (1,0) hint = "Specifies the root of the equation that is solved. Use larger \ numbers for slower convergence." endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() endfunc }