Grid2 { ; Original by red williams, 2000, rdw.uxf; ; A transformation which overlays a grid on the image window. ; ; Slight modification November 2021 to allow thicker grid lines transform: ;$define debug ;complex jk1 = (900,300) ;complex jk2 = ( 0,300) float xsp = real(@space) float ysp = imag(@space) float xoff = real(@off) float yoff = imag(@off) float tx = real(@thick) - 0.001 float ty = imag(@thick) - 0.001 float x = (real(#screenpixel) + xoff) / xsp float y = (imag(#screenpixel) + yoff) / ysp float xr = xsp * (x - round(x)) float yr = ysp * (y - round(y)) #solid = abs(xr) < tx || abs(yr) < ty default: title = "Grid2" param space caption = "Grid Spacing" default = (100,100) hint = "Re portion is x spacing and Im part is y spacing" endparam param off caption = "Grid Offset" default = (0.5,0.5) hint = "Re portion is x offset and Im part is y offset - \ useful for positioning grid." endparam complex param thick caption = "Grid thickness" default = (1,1) ;min = 1 hint = "Real portion is x thickness; imag portion is y thickness." endparam } jlb_3d_map { ; General 3D perspective mapping. This is a modification and generalization of ; fs-3d-map in fs.uxf. Thanks to Frederik Slijkerman. ; ; The 3D transformations/formulas use the left-handed coordinate ; system, where X points to the right, Y points up, and Z points ; into the screen. To determine the direction of a rotation, ; hold your left hand such that your thumb points into the direction ; of the axis around which the rotation takes place, and then your ; curled fingers point into the direction of positive rotation. ; ; Rotation is performed first around the X axis, then around the ; Y axis, and finally around the Z axis. Scaling must be done using ; UF's zooming feature. Translation is performed after the rotation. ; ; The only shapes supported now are a plane and a sphere: more shapes ; should be added in the future. Also I intend to write a coloring ; algorithm which would perform proper 3D shading for these shapes. global: ; Convert angles from degrees to radians. float angx = (@rotx * #pi) / 180 float angy = (@roty * #pi) / 180 float angz = (@rotz * #pi) / 180 transform: float tt = 0 float lambda = 0 float u = 0, float v = 0 float x = 0, float y = 0, float z = 0 float a = 0, float b = 0, float c = 0 ; Construct a line from the current pixel on the screen through 3D space. ; The line is defined by (sx, sy, sz) + lambda * (dx, dy, dz) where ; lambda can be any real value > 0. So the line does not extend behind ; the screen. float sx = -@transx float sy = -@transy float sz = -@transz float dx = real(#pixel) float dy = imag(#pixel) float dz = 4 ; Rotate the line according to the (rotx, roty, rotz) angle. ; Apply rotation around Z axis tt = cos(angz) * sy - sin(angz) * sx sx = cos(angz) * sx + sin(angz) * sy sy = tt tt = cos(angz) * dy - sin(angz) * dx dx = cos(angz) * dx + sin(angz) * dy dy = tt ; Apply rotation around Y axis tt = cos(angy) * sx - sin(angy) * sz sz = cos(angy) * sz + sin(angy) * sx sx = tt tt = cos(angy) * dx - sin(angy) * dz dz = cos(angy) * dz + sin(angy) * dx dx = tt ; Apply rotation around X axis tt = cos(angx) * sz - sin(angx) * sy sy = cos(angx) * sy + sin(angx) * sz sz = tt tt = cos(angx) * dz - sin(angx) * dy dy = cos(angx) * dy + sin(angx) * dz dz = tt ; Now compute the intersection of the line with the shape, and return ; the intersection point in #pixel (texture coordinates). ; This is the only shape-dependent part. ; Solve: ; [ sx ] [ dx ] [ x ] ; [ sy ] + lambda [ dy ] = [ y ] ; [ sz ] [ dz ] [ z ] ; together with the formula of shape. if (@shape == "Plane") ; This equation must be solved: ; [ sx ] [ dx ] [ u ] ; [ sy ] + lambda [ dy ] = [ 0 ] ; [ sz ] [ dz ] [ v ] ; where (u,v) are the texture coordinates to return in #pixel. lambda = -sy / dy if lambda <= 0 ; The line does not intersect the plane. #solid = true else ; Calculate intersection point. u = sx + lambda * dx v = sz + lambda * dz #pixel = u + flip(v) endif elseif (@shape == "Sphere") ; The shape's formula is ; x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = radius^2 a = sqr(dx) + sqr(dy) + sqr(dz) b = 2*sx*dx + 2*sy*dy + 2*sz*dz c = sqr(sx) + sqr(sy) + sqr(sz) - sqr(@radius) lambda = quad(a, b, c) elseif (@shape == "Egg") ; The shape's formula is ; for y >= 0) ; x^2 + (p_top * y)^2 + z^2 = radius^2 ; (for y <= 0) ; x^2 + (p_bot * y)^2 + z^2 = radius^2 ; ; Get intersections for each and see which half, if any, intersects. sy = sy * @p_bot dy = dy * @p_bot ; solve a*lambda^2 + b*lambda +c = 0 a = sqr(dx) + sqr(dy) + sqr(dz) b = 2*sx*dx + 2*sy*dy + 2*sz*dz c = sqr(sx) + sqr(sy) + sqr(sz) - sqr(@radius) float xbot = 0, float ybot = +1, float zbot = 0 lambda = quad(a, b, c) if (lambda >= 0) xbot = sx + lambda * dx ybot = sy + lambda * dy zbot = sz + lambda * dz endif sy = sy * @p_top/@p_bot dy = dy * @p_top/@p_bot a = sqr(dx) + sqr(dy) + sqr(dz) b = 2*sx*dx + 2*sy*dy + 2*sz*dz c = sqr(sx) + sqr(sy) + sqr(sz) - sqr(@radius) float xtop = 0, float ytop = -1, float ztop = 0 lambda = quad(a, b, c) if (lambda >= 0) xtop = sx + lambda * dx ytop = sy + lambda * dy ztop = sz + lambda * dz endif if (ytop >= 0) x = xtop y = ytop z = ztop #pixel = pix(x, y, z) elseif (ybot <= 0) x = xbot y = ybot z = zbot #pixel = pix(x, y, z) else #solid = true endif elseif (@shape == "Cylinder") ; The shape's formula is ; x^2 + (p_cyl * z)^2 = radius^2 sz = sz * @p_cyl dz = dz * @p_cyl ; solve a*lambda^2 + b*lambda +c = 0 a = sqr(dx) + sqr(dz) b = 2*sx*dx + 2*sz*dz c = sqr(sx) + sqr(sz)- sqr(@radius) lambda = quad(a, b, c) elseif (@shape == "Hyperboloid") ; The shape's formula is ; x^2 - (p_hyp * y)^2 + z^2 = radius^2 sy = sy * @p_hyp dy = dy * @p_hyp a = sqr(dx) - sqr(dy) + sqr(dz) b = 2*sx*dx - 2*sy*dy + 2*sz*dz c = sqr(sx) - sqr(sy) + sqr(sz) if (@b_hyp) c = c - sqr(@radius) else c = c + sqr(@radius) endif lambda = quad(a, b, c) elseif (@shape == "Paraboloid") ; The shape's formula is ; x^2 - p_par * y + z^2 = 0 a = sqr(dx) + sqr(dz) b = 2*sx*dx - @p_par*dy + 2*sz*dz c = sqr(sx) - @p_par*sy + sqr(sz) lambda = quad(a, b, c) endif ; shape if (@shape != "Plane" && @shape != "Egg") if lambda <= 0 ; Intersection point is behind the screen, or no intersection point. #solid = true else x = sx + lambda * dx y = sy + lambda * dy z = sz + lambda * dz #pixel = pix(x, y, z) endif endif ; Corrections #pixel = @fraccenter + #pixel * exp(flip((@fracangle * #pi) / 180)) / @fracmagn ; Functions used for several shapes ; ; Solve a*U^2 + b*U + c = 0 for smaller positive real root ; return -1 if no real positive root exists ; -b/a is the sum of the two roots; c/a is the product of the two roots. float func quad(float a, float b, float c) if (a == 0.0) float u = -c/b if (u >= 0) return u else return -1 endif endif b = b/a c = c/a float d = b*b - 4*c if (d < 0) return -1 endif d = sqrt(d) float u1 ; Do carefully to avoid loss of precision if (b >= 0) ; sum of roots is negative, so at least one is negative u1 = (-b - d)/2 ; t is negative ; u1 is negative ; u2 = c/u1 if (c < 0) return c/u1 else return -1 endif else ; (b < 0) sum of roots is positive, so at least one is positive u1 = (-b+d)/2 ; u1 is positive if (c <= 0) return u1 endif float u2 = c/u1 ; positive if (u2 < u1) return u2 endif return u1 endif endfunc complex func pix(const float x, const float y, const float z) float u, float v if z == 0 if x > 0 u = 2 else u = -2 endif else u = (4 / #pi) * atan(x / abs(z)) endif v = (4 / #pi) * atan(y / sqrt(sqr(x) + sqr(z))) return u + flip(v) endfunc default: title = "3D Mapping+jlb" param shape caption = "Shape" enum = "Plane" "Sphere" "Egg" "Cylinder" "Hyperboloid" "Paraboloid" hint = "The fractal is mapped onto this shape." endparam float param radius caption = "Radius" default = 0.5 hint = "For sphere and cylinder, it's the only radius. For egg, it's the \ maximum radius. For hyperboloid, it's the minimum radius." min = 0.1 ; max = 1 visible = (@shape > 0) && (@shape < 5) endparam float param p_top caption = "Egg top parameter" default = 0.6 ; 24/35 hint = "Smaller numbers mean more pointy; 1 is circular." min = 0.1 max = 10 visible = (@shape == 2) endparam float param p_bot caption = "Egg bottom parameter" default = 0.9 ; 6/7 hint = "Smaller numbers mean more pointy; 1 is circular." min = 0.1 max = 10 visible = (@shape == 2) endparam float param p_cyl caption = "Cylinder radius" default = 1 min = 0.1 max = 10 visible = (@shape == 3) endparam float param p_hyp caption = "Hyperboloid parameter" default = 1 hint = "Smaller numbers give a thinner ahape." min = 0.1 max = 10 visible = (@shape == 4) endparam bool param b_hyp caption = "One sheet" default = true visible = (@shape == 4) endparam float param p_par caption = "Parabola parameter" default = 1 ;hint = "Smaller numbers give a thinner ahape." ; min = 0.1 ; max = 10 visible = (@shape == 5) endparam param rotx caption = "X rotation" default = 0.0 hint = "Rotation around the x-axis, in degrees. The x-axis points to \ the right. To determine the direction in which the rotation will \ take place, hold up your left hand with your thumb pointing to \ the right. Your (curled) fingers now indicate the direction of \ positive X rotation." endparam param roty caption = "Y rotation" default = 0.0 hint = "Rotation around the y-axis, in degrees. The y-axis points \ upwards. To determine the direction in which the rotation will \ take place, hold up your left hand with your thumb pointing \ upwards. Your (curled) fingers now indicate the direction of \ positive Y rotation." endparam param rotz caption = "Z rotation" default = 0.0 hint = "Rotation around the z-axis, in degrees. The z-axis points into \ the screen. To determine the direction in which the rotation will \ take place, hold up your left hand with your thumb pointing into \ the screen. Your (curled) fingers now indicate the direction of \ positive Z rotation." endparam param transx caption = "X Translation" default = 0.0 hint = "Translation along the x-axis. The x-axis points to the right, \ so increasing this value will move the fractal to the right, too." endparam param transy caption = "Y Translation" default = 0.0 hint = "Translation along the y-axis. The y-axis points upwards, \ so increasing this value will move the fractal upwards, too." endparam param transz caption = "Z Translation" default = 2.0 hint = "Translation along the z-axis. The z-axis points into the screen, \ so increasing this value will move the fractal away." endparam param fraccenter caption = "Fractal Center" default = (0,0) hint = "Center of the fractal image. Use here what you would \ normally enter in the Location tab." endparam param fracmagn caption = "Fractal Magnification" default = 1.0 hint = "Magnification of the fractal image. Use here what you would \ normally enter in the Location tab." endparam param fracangle caption = "Fractal Rotation" default = 0.0 hint = "Rotation angle (in degrees) of the fractal image. Use here \ what you would normally enter in the Location tab." endparam } GlassLens { ; original by Luke Plant, modified JLB 080124 ; ; Was glass hemisphere; ; now a spherical lens cap, up to a hemisphere. ; global: float hrad = @radius*sqrt(1 + @h*@h) ; hemisphere radius transform: complex zz = #pixel-@ctr float r = cabs(zz)/@radius if (r < 1.0) r = r * @radius/hrad float theta = acos(r) float beta = asin(r/@index) complex d = (1-@h/hrad)*zz*tan(theta)*real(tan(#pi/2-theta-beta)) ;#pixel = @ctr + z2/r * x2 #pixel = #pixel - d endif default: title = "Glass lens" float param index caption = "Refractive index" default = 1.5 min = 1.0 hint = "Refactive index of 'glass'" endparam complex param ctr caption = "Center" default = (0,0) hint = "Center of hemisphere" endparam float param radius caption = "Radius" default = 1.0 hint = "Radius of lens" endparam float param h caption = "Height above sphere center" default = 0.0 hint = "h=0 gives a glass hemisphere; h>0 gives a plano-convex lens; \ h<0 is unphysical but may be interesting." ;min = 0.0 endparam } JLB-dmj3-DeluxeClipping { ; ; copied from dmj3.uxf. Only change is to add power to Ellipse clippings. ; ; New clipping transform created for Janet Parke's Masking ; course for Ultra Fractal. ; ; This transform is intended to be useful both for students ; and for experienced UF artists. ; global: int digits[11] digits[0] = 432534 digits[1] = 139874 digits[2] = 1000086 digits[3] = 430742 digits[4] = 195170 digits[5] = 925327 digits[6] = 433798 digits[7] = 139807 digits[8] = 431766 digits[9] = 399254 digits[10] = 0 transform: complex p = (0,0) complex r = (0,1) ^ (@rotation / 90) complex c = (0,0) complex q = (0,0) complex n = (0,0) complex s = (0,0) complex t = (0,0) complex o = ((0,1) ^ (@offsetangle / 90)) * @offsetamount float d = 0.0 float a = 1.0 bool in = false int j = 0 int k = 0 int l = 0 complex polypoints[1001]; arbitrary polygon points IF (@shape == "arbitrary polygon"); doing a polygon; copy endpoints polypoints[0] = @polypoint1 polypoints[1] = @polypoint2 polypoints[2] = @polypoint3 polypoints[3] = @polypoint4 polypoints[4] = @polypoint5 polypoints[5] = @polypoint6 polypoints[6] = @polypoint7 polypoints[7] = @polypoint8 polypoints[8] = @polypoint9 polypoints[9] = @polypoint10 polypoints[10] = @polypoint11 polypoints[11] = @polypoint12 polypoints[12] = @polypoint13 polypoints[13] = @polypoint14 polypoints[14] = @polypoint15 polypoints[15] = @polypoint16 polypoints[16] = @polypoint17 polypoints[17] = @polypoint18 polypoints[18] = @polypoint19 polypoints[19] = @polypoint20 polypoints[@polyorder] = @polypoint1 ENDIF int polypointcount = @polyorder complex curvepoints[1001]; curve control points BOOL curveauto[1001]; auto-generate tangent point flags BOOL curveclose[1001]; close curve IF (@shape == "Bézier curve"); doing a curve; copy control points curvepoints[0] = @curvepoint1 curvepoints[1] = @curvepoint2 curvepoints[2] = @curvepoint3 curvepoints[3] = @curvepoint4 curvepoints[4] = @curvepoint5 curvepoints[5] = @curvepoint6 curvepoints[6] = @curvepoint7 curvepoints[7] = @curvepoint8 curvepoints[8] = @curvepoint9 curvepoints[9] = @curvepoint10 curvepoints[10] = @curvepoint11 curvepoints[11] = @curvepoint12 curvepoints[12] = @curvepoint13 curvepoints[13] = @curvepoint14 curvepoints[14] = @curvepoint15 curvepoints[15] = @curvepoint16 curvepoints[16] = @curvepoint17 curvepoints[17] = @curvepoint18 curvepoints[18] = @curvepoint19 curvepoints[19] = @curvepoint20 polypoints[0] = @curvetangent1; copy tangent points polypoints[1] = @curvetangent2 polypoints[2] = @curvetangent3 polypoints[3] = @curvetangent4 polypoints[4] = @curvetangent5 polypoints[5] = @curvetangent6 polypoints[6] = @curvetangent7 polypoints[7] = @curvetangent8 polypoints[8] = @curvetangent9 polypoints[9] = @curvetangent10 polypoints[10] = @curvetangent11 polypoints[11] = @curvetangent12 polypoints[12] = @curvetangent13 polypoints[13] = @curvetangent14 polypoints[14] = @curvetangent15 polypoints[15] = @curvetangent16 polypoints[16] = @curvetangent17 polypoints[17] = @curvetangent18 polypoints[18] = @curvetangent19 polypoints[19] = @curvetangent20 curveauto[0] = @curvetangent1auto; copy auto-generate flags curveauto[1] = @curvetangent2auto curveauto[2] = @curvetangent3auto curveauto[3] = @curvetangent4auto curveauto[4] = @curvetangent5auto curveauto[5] = @curvetangent6auto curveauto[6] = @curvetangent7auto curveauto[7] = @curvetangent8auto curveauto[8] = @curvetangent9auto curveauto[9] = @curvetangent10auto curveauto[10] = @curvetangent11auto curveauto[11] = @curvetangent12auto curveauto[12] = @curvetangent13auto curveauto[13] = @curvetangent14auto curveauto[14] = @curvetangent15auto curveauto[15] = @curvetangent16auto curveauto[16] = @curvetangent17auto curveauto[17] = @curvetangent18auto curveauto[18] = @curvetangent19auto curveauto[19] = @curvetangent20auto curveclose[0] = false ;@curveclose1; copy curve-close flags curveclose[1] = @curveclose2 curveclose[2] = @curveclose3 curveclose[3] = @curveclose4 curveclose[4] = @curveclose5 curveclose[5] = @curveclose6 curveclose[6] = @curveclose7 curveclose[7] = @curveclose8 curveclose[8] = @curveclose9 curveclose[9] = @curveclose10 curveclose[10] = @curveclose11 curveclose[11] = @curveclose12 curveclose[12] = @curveclose13 curveclose[13] = @curveclose14 curveclose[14] = @curveclose15 curveclose[15] = @curveclose16 curveclose[16] = @curveclose17 curveclose[17] = @curveclose18 curveclose[18] = @curveclose19 curveclose[19] = false ;@curveclose20 curvepoints[@curveorder] = curvepoints[0] polypoints[@curveorder] = polypoints[0] curveauto[@curveorder] = curveauto[0] ENDIF ; While debugging, a test pixel was helpful in ; identifying results of inside/outside tests ; for individual line/curve segments. If you ; want to see how the winding number algorithm ; works, enable debugging and set the testx/y ; to the pixel coordinates you'd like to see. ; $define debug int testx = -50 int testy = -50 complex anchorpoints[102]; anchor point locations int anchorpointcount = 0 int anchorpointtype[102]; anchor point type int anchorpointnumber[102] WHILE (j < 102) anchorpointtype[j] = 0; by default, all are tangent points anchorpointnumber[j] = 0; without numbers j = j + 1 ENDWHILE ; determine pixel location IF (@screenrelative); relative coordinates p = real(#screenpixel)/#width + flip(1.0-imag(#screenpixel)/#height) a = #width/#height; aspect ratio of screen, used to enforce squareness ELSE; absolute coordinates p = #pixel ENDIF ; apply offset p = p - o IF (@shape == "circle"); circle clipping area IF (@circletype == "bounding box"); bounding box method c = (@circleupperleft + @circlelowerright) * 0.5 IF (abs(real(@circleupperleft)-real(@circlelowerright)) > abs(imag(@circleupperleft)-imag(@circlelowerright))) d = sqr(abs(imag(@circleupperleft)-imag(@circlelowerright)) * 0.5) ;d = (abs(imag(@circleupperleft)-imag(@circlelowerright)) * 0.5)^@p_circle ELSE d = sqr(abs(real(@circleupperleft)-real(@circlelowerright)) * 0.5) ;d = (abs(real(@circleupperleft)-real(@circlelowerright)) * 0.5)^@p_circle ENDIF anchorpoints[0] = @circleupperleft anchorpointtype[0] = 1 anchorpoints[1] = @circlelowerright anchorpointtype[1] = 1 anchorpointcount = 2 ELSEIF (@circletype == "center and edge"); center and edge method c = @circlecenter s = @circleedge s = real(s-c)*a + flip(imag(s-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c d = |s - c| anchorpoints[0] = @circlecenter anchorpointtype[0] = 2 anchorpoints[1] = @circleedge anchorpointcount = 2 ELSEIF (@circletype == "opposite edges"); opposite edges method c = (@circleedge1 + @circleedge2) * 0.5 s = @circleedge1 s = real(s-c)*a + flip(imag(s-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c d = |s - c| anchorpoints[0] = @circleedge1 anchorpoints[1] = @circleedge2 anchorpointcount = 2 ELSEIF (@circletype == "three edge points"); three edge points method ; from float ca = real(@circleedge1)*(imag(@circleedge2)*1-imag(@circleedge3)*1) - \ imag(@circleedge1)*(real(@circleedge2)*1-real(@circleedge3)*1) + \ 1*(real(@circleedge2)*imag(@circleedge3)-real(@circleedge3)*imag(@circleedge2)) float cd = -( (|@circleedge1|)*(imag(@circleedge2)*1-imag(@circleedge3)*1) - \ imag(@circleedge1)*((|@circleedge2|)*1-(|@circleedge3|)*1) + \ 1*((|@circleedge2|)*imag(@circleedge3)-(|@circleedge3|)*imag(@circleedge2)) ) float ce = (|@circleedge1|)*(real(@circleedge2)*1-real(@circleedge3)*1) - \ real(@circleedge1)*((|@circleedge2|)*1-(|@circleedge3|)*1) + \ 1*((|@circleedge2|)*real(@circleedge3)-(|@circleedge3|)*real(@circleedge2)) float cf = -( (|@circleedge1|)*(real(@circleedge2)*imag(@circleedge3)-real(@circleedge3)*imag(@circleedge2)) - \ real(@circleedge1)*((|@circleedge2|)*imag(@circleedge3)-(|@circleedge3|)*imag(@circleedge2)) + \ imag(@circleedge1)*((|@circleedge2|)*real(@circleedge3)-(|@circleedge3|)*real(@circleedge2)) ) c = -cd / (2*ca) + flip( -ce / (2*ca) ) d = (sqr(cd)+sqr(ce)) / (4*sqr(ca)) - cf/ca anchorpoints[0] = @circleedge1 anchorpoints[1] = @circleedge2 anchorpoints[2] = @circleedge3 anchorpointcount = 3 ENDIF p = real(p-c)*a + flip(imag(p-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c IF (|c-p| <= d) in = true ENDIF ELSEIF (@shape == "ellipse"); ellipse clipping area IF (@ellipsetype == "three corners") c = (@ellipseupperleft + @ellipselowerright) * 0.5 p = real(p-c)*a + flip(imag(p-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c q = real(@ellipseupperleft-c)*a + flip(imag(@ellipseupperleft-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c t = real(@ellipseupperright-c)*a + flip(imag(@ellipseupperright-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c p = (p - c) * conj(r) + c; apply rotation d = cabs(q - c) s = c + (t-c)*d/cabs(t-c); corrected upper-right n = (s-q) / cabs(s-q); unit vector along the top edge s = (s-c)*conj(n) p = (p-c)*conj(n) s = abs(s) ;IF (sqr(real(p)/real(s))+sqr(imag(p)/imag(s)) <= 1) IF ((real(p)/real(s))^@p_ellipse+(imag(p)/imag(s))^@p_ellipse <= 1) in = true ENDIF anchorpoints[0] = @ellipseupperleft anchorpointtype[0] = 1 anchorpoints[1] = @ellipselowerright anchorpointtype[1] = 1 anchorpoints[2] = @ellipseupperright anchorpointtype[2] = 1 anchorpointcount = 3 ELSEIF (@ellipsetype == "center and two edges") c = @ellipsecenter p = real(p-c)*a + flip(imag(p-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c q = real(@ellipsetop-c)*a + flip(imag(@ellipsetop-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c t = real(@ellipseright-c)*a + flip(imag(@ellipseright-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c p = (p - c) * conj(r) + c; apply rotation n = (q-c) / cabs(q-c); unit vector to top edge n = conj(flip(n)) s = real((t-c)*conj(n)) + flip(imag((q-c)*conj(n))) p = (p-c)*conj(n) s = abs(s) ;IF (sqr(real(p)/real(s))+sqr(imag(p)/imag(s)) <= 1) IF (abs((real(p)/real(s)))^@p_ellipse+abs((imag(p)/imag(s)))^@p_ellipse <= 1) in = true ENDIF anchorpoints[0] = @ellipsetop anchorpoints[1] = @ellipseright anchorpoints[2] = @ellipsecenter anchorpointtype[2] = 2 anchorpointcount = 3 ELSEIF (@ellipsetype == "fixed angle") c = @ellipsecenter p = real(p-c)*a + flip(imag(p-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c q = real(@ellipsetop-c)*a + flip(imag(@ellipsetop-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c t = real(@ellipseright-c)*a + flip(imag(@ellipseright-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c p = (p - c) * conj(r) + c; apply rotation n = (0,1)^(@ellipse/90); unit vector along top edge s = real((t-c)*conj(n)) + flip(imag((q-c)*conj(n))) p = (p-c)*conj(n) s = abs(s) ;IF (sqr(real(p)/real(s))+sqr(imag(p)/imag(s)) <= 1) IF (abs((real(p)/real(s)))^@p_ellipse+abs((imag(p)/imag(s)))^@p_ellipse <= 1) in = true ENDIF anchorpoints[0] = @ellipsetop anchorpoints[1] = @ellipseright anchorpoints[2] = @ellipsecenter anchorpointtype[2] = 2 anchorpointcount = 3 ENDIF ELSEIF (@shape == "rectangle"); rectangle clipping area IF (@recttype == "three corners") c = (@rectupperleft + @rectlowerright) * 0.5 p = real(p-c)*a + flip(imag(p-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c q = real(@rectupperleft-c)*a + flip(imag(@rectupperleft-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c t = real(@rectupperright-c)*a + flip(imag(@rectupperright-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c p = (p - c) * conj(r) + c; apply rotation d = cabs(q - c) s = c + (t-c)*d/cabs(t-c); corrected upper-right n = (s-q) / cabs(s-q); unit vector along the top edge s = (s-c)*conj(n) p = (p-c)*conj(n) s = abs(s) IF (real(p) >= -real(s) && real(p) <= real(s) && imag(p) >= -imag(s) && imag(p) <= imag(s)) in = true ENDIF anchorpoints[0] = @rectupperleft anchorpoints[1] = @rectupperright anchorpoints[2] = @rectlowerright anchorpointcount = 3 ELSEIF (@recttype == "center and two edges") c = @rectcenter p = real(p-c)*a + flip(imag(p-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c q = real(@recttop-c)*a + flip(imag(@recttop-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c t = real(@rectright-c)*a + flip(imag(@rectright-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c p = (p - c) * conj(r) + c; apply rotation n = (q-c) / cabs(q-c); unit vector to top edge n = conj(flip(n)) s = real((t-c)*conj(n)) + flip(imag((q-c)*conj(n))) p = (p-c)*conj(n) s = abs(s) IF (real(p) >= -real(s) && real(p) <= real(s) && imag(p) >= -imag(s) && imag(p) <= imag(s)) in = true ENDIF anchorpoints[0] = @recttop anchorpoints[1] = @rectcenter anchorpointtype[1] = 2 anchorpoints[2] = @rectright anchorpointcount = 3 ELSEIF (@recttype == "fixed angle") c = @rectcenter p = real(p-c)*a + flip(imag(p-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c q = real(@recttop-c)*a + flip(imag(@recttop-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c t = real(@rectright-c)*a + flip(imag(@rectright-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c p = (p - c) * conj(r) + c; apply rotation n = (0,1)^(@rectangle/90); unit vector along top edge s = real((t-c)*conj(n)) + flip(imag((q-c)*conj(n))) p = (p-c)*conj(n) s = abs(s) IF (real(p) >= -real(s) && real(p) <= real(s) && imag(p) >= -imag(s) && imag(p) <= imag(s)) in = true ENDIF anchorpoints[0] = @recttop anchorpoints[1] = @rectcenter anchorpointtype[1] = 2 anchorpoints[2] = @rectright anchorpointcount = 3 ENDIF ELSEIF (@shape == "regular polygon"); regular polygon clipping area c = @polygoncenter p = real(p-c)*a + flip(imag(p-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c p = (p - c) * conj(r) + c; apply rotation IF (@polygontype == "fixed angle") s = @polygonedge d = (floor((atan2(s-c)-@polygonangle*#pi/180) * @polygonorder * 0.5/#pi + 0.5 + @polygonorder) % @polygonorder) * 4/@polygonorder anchorpoints[0] = @polygoncenter anchorpoints[1] = @polygonedge anchorpointcount = 2 ELSEIF (@polygontype == "center and corner") s = @polygoncorner anchorpoints[0] = @polygoncenter anchorpoints[1] = @polygoncorner anchorpointcount = 2 ELSEIF (@polygontype == "center and edge") s = @polygonedge anchorpoints[0] = @polygoncenter anchorpoints[1] = @polygonedge anchorpointcount = 2 ENDIF anchorpointtype[0] = 2 s = real(s-c)*a + flip(imag(s-c)) + c; correct for aspect distortion, centered on c in = true; assume we're inside the polygon j = 0 WHILE (j < @polygonorder); test each line segment in the polygon IF (@polygontype == "center and corner"); specified corner rather than edge n = c + (s - c) * ((0,1)^((j+0.5)*4/@polygonorder)) q = c + (s - c) * ((0,1)^(j*4/@polygonorder)) IF (real((q-p) * conj(n-c)) < 0) in = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@polygontype == "center and edge") q = c + (s - c) * ((0,1)^(j*4/@polygonorder)) IF (real((q-p) * conj(q-c)) < 0) in = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@polygontype == "fixed angle") n = c + (0,1)^((j*4)/@polygonorder+@polygonangle/90+d) q = c + (s - c) * ((0,1)^(j*4/@polygonorder)) IF (real((q-p) * conj(n-c)) < 0) in = false ENDIF ENDIF j = j + 1 ENDWHILE ELSEIF (@shape == "arbitrary polygon"); arbitrary polygon clipping area IF (@polystar); doing a star! l = @polystarorder IF (@polystarlimit > 0) l = @polystarlimit ENDIF k = 1 WHILE (k < l) q = (0,1) ^ (k * 4 / @polystarorder); rotation vector j = 0 WHILE (j < @polyorder) IF (k*@polyorder + j < 1000) polypoints[k*@polyorder + j] = (polypoints[j]-@polystarcenter) * q + @polystarcenter ENDIF j = j + 1 ENDWHILE k = k + 1 ENDWHILE polypointcount = @polyorder * l IF (polypointcount > 1000) polypointcount = 1000 ENDIF IF (@polystarlimit > 0 && @polystarusecenter) polypoints[polypointcount] = @polystarcenter polypointcount = polypointcount + 1 ENDIF polypoints[polypointcount] = polypoints[0] ENDIF j = 0; copy control points before rotating them WHILE (j < @polyorder) anchorpoints[j] = polypoints[j] anchorpointnumber[j] = j + 1 j = j + 1 ENDWHILE c = (0,0); assume center is at origin j = 0 WHILE (j < polypointcount) c = c + polypoints[j]; sum corner points j = j + 1 ENDWHILE c = c / polypointcount; center is average of all points j = 0 WHILE (j <= polypointcount) polypoints[j] = (polypoints[j]-c) * r + c; rotate each point around center j = j + 1 ENDWHILE IF (@polywinding == "convex polygon only") in = true; assume we're inside the polygon BOOL out = true; assume we're outside the polygon j = 0 WHILE (j < polypointcount) n = polypoints[j+1] - polypoints[j]; edge vector IF (n != 0) n = -imag(n) + flip(real(n)); normal to edge vector (90-degree left turn) IF (real((p-polypoints[j]) * conj(n)) < 0) in = false ELSE out = false ENDIF ENDIF j = j + 1 ENDWHILE in = in || out ELSE; some variant of winding formula ; The winding number method counts all line segments ; that cross the vertical position of the pixel to ; the RIGHT of it. Segments that cross up increment ; the count, segments that cross down decrement it. ; With a closed shape, this will equal zero if the ; point is not inside (regardless of the clockwise/ ; counter-clockwise direction of points). Very ; clever algorithm. int wn = 0 j = 0 WHILE (j < polypointcount) IF (imag(polypoints[j]) <= imag(p)); line segment imag <= point imag IF (imag(polypoints[j+1]) > imag(p)); upward crossing IF ( (real(polypoints[j+1]) - real(polypoints[j])) * (imag(p) - imag(polypoints[j])) - \ (real(p) - real(polypoints[j])) * (imag(polypoints[j+1]) - imag(polypoints[j])) > 0 ) wn = wn + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF (imag(polypoints[j+1]) <= imag(p)); downward crossing IF ( (real(polypoints[j+1]) - real(polypoints[j])) * (imag(p) - imag(polypoints[j])) - \ (real(p) - real(polypoints[j])) * (imag(polypoints[j+1]) - imag(polypoints[j])) < 0 ) wn = wn - 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF j = j + 1 ENDWHILE IF (@polywinding == "all inside") in = (wn != 0) ELSE in = (wn % 2 != 0) ENDIF ENDIF IF (@polystar) anchorpoints[@polyorder] = @polystarcenter anchorpointcount = @polyorder + 1 anchorpointtype[@polyorder] = 2 ELSE anchorpointcount = @polyorder ENDIF ELSEIF (@shape == "Bézier curve"); arbitrary curve clipping area ; Just so you know, I worked this out myself. No doubt there's ; source code I could have ripped into a formula, but I wanted ; the satisfaction of knowing I could do it. I am quite sure ; this is not the most optimal method, but it does work. Pay ; particular attention to the use of < vs. <= as if you make a ; mistake, you will have horizontal line segment errors in the ; drawn shape. ; This is essentially the same algorithm as arbitrary polygon, ; but extended so that each segment can be a quadratic Bézier ; curve rather than just a straight line. Each curve is ; described by a triangle, and a parabola inscribed within the ; triangle such that two sides of the triangle are tangents ; to the parabola. Points that do not lie within the triangle ; are treated the same as the arbitrary polygon (only the chord ; cutting across the parabola, the third side of the triangle, ; matters) but for points inside the triangle a determination ; must be made as to whether the point is to the left of the ; parabola or not. There are a few edge cases where the ; parabola loops back on itself and the winding number can be ; changed multiple times for each segment. polypointcount = @curveorder IF (@curvestar); doing a star! l = @curvestarorder IF (@curvestarlimit > 0) l = @curvestarlimit ENDIF k = 1 WHILE (k < l) q = (0,1) ^ (k * 4 / @curvestarorder); rotation vector j = 0 WHILE (j < @curveorder) IF (k*@curveorder + j < 1000) polypoints[k*@curveorder + j] = (polypoints[j]-@curvestarcenter) * q + @curvestarcenter curvepoints[k*@curveorder + j] = (curvepoints[j]-@curvestarcenter) * q + @curvestarcenter curveauto[k*@curveorder + j] = curveauto[j] curveclose[k*@curveorder + j] = curveclose[j] ENDIF j = j + 1 ENDWHILE k = k + 1 ENDWHILE polypointcount = @curveorder * l IF (polypointcount > 1000) polypointcount = 1000 ENDIF IF (@curvestarlimit > 0 && @curvestarusecenter) polypoints[polypointcount] = @curvestarcenter curvepoints[polypointcount] = (@curvestarcenter + polypoints[0]) * 0.5 curveauto[polypointcount] = false polypointcount = polypointcount + 1 ENDIF polypoints[polypointcount] = polypoints[0] ENDIF curveclose[polypointcount-1] = true j = 0 k = 0 l = -1 WHILE (j < polypointcount) IF (curveauto[j]); compute anchor point if necessary IF (j == l+1) l = l + 2 WHILE (l < polypointcount && !curveclose[l]) l = l + 1 ENDWHILE polypoints[j] = (curvepoints[j] + curvepoints[l]) * 0.5 polypoints[l] = polypoints[j] ELSE polypoints[j] = (curvepoints[j] + curvepoints[j-1]) * 0.5 ENDIF anchorpointtype[k] = 3 ENDIF IF (j < @curveorder) anchorpointnumber[k] = j + 1 anchorpoints[k] = polypoints[j] k = k + 1 anchorpoints[k] = curvepoints[j] anchorpointtype[k] = 1 anchorpointnumber[k] = j + 1 k = k + 1 ENDIF j = j + 1 ENDWHILE anchorpointcount = k IF (@curvestar) anchorpoints[anchorpointcount] = @curvestarcenter anchorpointtype[anchorpointcount] = 2 anchorpointcount = anchorpointcount + 1 ENDIF int wn = 0 float isleft1 float isleft2 float isleft3 float isleft4 float px float py float isy j = 0 l = 0 ; testx = 240 ; testy = 206 WHILE (j < polypointcount) $ifdef debug IF (#x == testx && #y == testy) print(j, " ", #x, ",", #y) ENDIF $endif ; determine index of endpoint for this segment IF (curveclose[j]); curve is closed k = l; endpoint is last saved starting point l = j + 1; save next starting point ELSE; curve is not closed here k = j + 1 ENDIF ; three cases: pixel is below triangle containing curve, above it, or between top and bottom of it ; if either of the first two, don't examine this curve further IF ((imag(p) >= imag(polypoints[j]) && (imag(p) < imag(polypoints[k]) || imag(p) < imag(curvepoints[j]))) || \ (imag(p) < imag(polypoints[j]) && (imag(p) >= imag(polypoints[k]) || imag(p) >= imag(curvepoints[j])))) $ifdef debug IF (#x == testx && #y == testy) print(j, " considered for curve segment") ENDIF $endif ; pixel is between top and bottom of curve ; see if it's within the triangle isleft1 = (real(polypoints[k]) - real(polypoints[j])) * (imag(p) - imag(polypoints[j])) - \ (real(p) - real(polypoints[j])) * (imag(polypoints[k]) - imag(polypoints[j])) isleft2 = (real(curvepoints[j]) - real(polypoints[k])) * (imag(p) - imag(polypoints[k])) - \ (real(p) - real(polypoints[k])) * (imag(curvepoints[j]) - imag(polypoints[k])) isleft3 = (real(polypoints[j]) - real(curvepoints[j])) * (imag(p) - imag(curvepoints[j])) - \ (real(p) - real(curvepoints[j])) * (imag(polypoints[j]) - imag(curvepoints[j])) IF ((isleft1 <= 0 && isleft2 < 0 && isleft3 < 0) || (isleft1 >= 0 && isleft2 > 0 && isleft3 > 0)) ; point is inside the triangle; determine if/where the ray ; intersects the parabola. start by normalizing the parabola ; and the ray $ifdef debug IF (#x == testx && #y == testy) print(j, " considered inside triangle") ENDIF $endif q = 2*conj(polypoints[k]-polypoints[j]) / |polypoints[k]-polypoints[j]|; rotation and scaling vector c = (polypoints[j] + polypoints[k]) * 0.5 t = (p - c) * q; transform pixel so line segment is rotated to X-axis and centered at origin s = (curvepoints[j] - c) * q; transform control point the same way isy = 1/imag(s); precalc px = real(t) - imag(t)*real(s)*isy; shear py = imag(t)*isy; squash d = 0.5-0.5*sqr(px); height of parabola at this point isleft4 = py - d IF (imag(s) < 0) isleft4 = -isleft4 ENDIF IF (imag(polypoints[k]) > imag(polypoints[j])); upward crossing IF (imag(p) >= imag(polypoints[j]) && imag(p) < imag(polypoints[k])); within line segment IF (isleft4 > 0) wn = wn + 1; confirmed upward crossing ENDIF ELSE; outside line segment IF (isleft1 < 0); loop back occurs to the left IF (isleft4 > 0) wn = wn + 1 ENDIF ELSE; loop back occurs to the right IF (isleft4 < 0) wn = wn - 1; loop back; downward crossing ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ELSE; downward crossing IF (imag(p) < imag(polypoints[j]) && imag(p) >= imag(polypoints[k])); within line segment IF (isleft4 < 0) wn = wn - 1; confirmed downward crossing ENDIF ELSE; outside line segment IF (isleft1 > 0); loop back occurs to the left IF (isleft4 < 0) wn = wn - 1 ENDIF ELSE; loop back occurs to the right IF (isleft4 > 0) wn = wn + 1; loop back; upward crossing ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF; upward/downward ELSE $ifdef debug IF (#x == testx && #y == testy) print(j, " tested against line segment only") ENDIF $endif ; point is outside the triangle; all that matters is its relation to the line segment IF (imag(polypoints[j]) <= imag(p)); line segment imag < point imag IF (imag(polypoints[k]) > imag(p)); upward crossing IF ( isleft1 > 0 ) wn = wn + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF (imag(polypoints[k]) <= imag(p)); downward crossing IF ( isleft1 < 0 ) wn = wn - 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF $ifdef debug IF (#x == testx && #y == testy) print(j, " test results: ", isleft1 > 0, " ", isleft2 > 0, " ", isleft3 > 0, " ", isleft4 > 0) print(j, " current winding: ", wn) ENDIF $endif j = j + 1 ENDWHILE IF (@curvewinding == "all inside") in = (wn != 0) ELSE in = (abs(wn) % 2 != 0) ENDIF $ifdef debug IF (#x == testx && #y == testy) print("final result: ", in) in = !in ENDIF $endif ENDIF IF (@insideoutside == "outside") in = !in ENDIF ; handle display ; if you'd like to rip this out and use it in your own ; formulas, please give appropriate credit; this was a ; bit obnoxious to write ; handle types: ; 0: square ; 1: circle ; 2: diamond ; 3: X IF (@showhandles && (#width > @handlesnopreviewsize || #height > @handlesnopreviewsize || !@handlesnopreview) && ((#width < @handlesnorendersize && #height < @handlesnorendersize) || !@handlesnorender)) ; compute pixel coordinates of anchor points ; first determine the reverse transform, to ; go from complex plane back to pixel coordinates float sa = sin(#angle) float ca = cos(#angle) IF (#width*3 <= #height*4) float pd = 4 / (#width*#magn) ELSE float pd = 3 / (#height*#magn) ENDIF float dx = 0 float dy = 0 float sx = 0 float sy = 0 float osx = 0 float osy = 0 float fsx = 0 float fsy = 0 float lsx = 0 float lsy = 0 j = 0 l = 0 WHILE (j < anchorpointcount+1) IF (j == anchorpointcount) sx = testx sy = testy ELSEIF (@screenrelative) sx = real(anchorpoints[j]) * #width sy = (1 - imag(anchorpoints[j])) * #height ELSE p = (anchorpoints[j] - #center) / pd sx = ca*real(p) + sa*imag(p) sy = ca*imag(p) - sa*real(p) sx = sx*#stretch + sy * tan(#skew) sx = sx + #width/2 sy = -sy + #height/2 ENDIF dx = abs(#x - sx) dy = abs(#y - sy) ; handle IF ((anchorpointtype[j] == 0 && \ (dx >= @handlesize || dy >= @handlesize) && \ (dx < @handlesize+@handlewidth && dy < @handlesize+@handlewidth)) || \ (anchorpointtype[j] == 1 && \ dx*dx+dy*dy >= @handlesize*@handlesize && dx*dx+dy*dy < sqr(@handlesize+@handlewidth)) || \ (anchorpointtype[j] == 2 && \ dx+dy >= @handlesize && dx+dy < @handlesize+@handlewidth) || \ (anchorpointtype[j] == 3 && \ 2*abs(dx-dy) < @handlewidth && (dx < @handlesize+@handlewidth && dy < @handlesize+@handlewidth))) in = !in ENDIF ; number IF (@handleswithnumbers && \ anchorpointnumber[j] > 0 && \ #x >= sx+@handlesize+@handlewidth && #x < sx+@handlesize+@handlewidth*10 && \ #y >= sy+@handlesize+@handlewidth && #y < sy+@handlesize+@handlewidth*6) dx = floor((#x-sx-@handlesize-@handlewidth)/@handlewidth) dy = floor((#y-sy-@handlesize-@handlewidth)/@handlewidth) IF (dx < 4) IF (anchorpointnumber[j] < 10) k = anchorpointnumber[j] ELSE k = floor(anchorpointnumber[j] / 10) ENDIF ELSEIF (dx > 4) IF (anchorpointnumber[j] < 10) k = 10 ELSE k = anchorpointnumber[j] % 10 ENDIF dx = dx - 5 ELSE k = 10 ENDIF dx = (3-dx) + 4*dy dy = 2^dx IF (floor(digits[k] / dy) % 2 > 0) in = !in ENDIF ENDIF ; line segment IF (@shape == "Bézier curve" && @handleswithlines) IF (j > 0) IF (anchorpointtype[j-1] != 2 && anchorpointtype[j] != 2) IF (j == anchorpointcount || (l > 0 && curveclose[l-1] && anchorpointtype[j-1] == 1)) lsx = sx lsy = sy sx = fsx sy = fsy ENDIF d = sqrt(sqr(sx-osx)+sqr(sy-osy)) dx = ((sx - osx) * (#y - osy) - (#x - osx) * (sy - osy)) / d dy = ((sy - osy) * (#y - osy) - (#x - osx) * (osx - sx)) / d IF (abs(dx) < 1 && dy > @handlesize*1.5 && dy < d-@handlesize*1.5 && dy-floor(dy*0.5/@handlesize)*@handlesize*2 > @handlesize) in = !in ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF osx = sx osy = sy IF (j == 0) fsx = sx fsy = sy ENDIF IF (l > 0) IF (curveclose[l-1] && anchorpointtype[j-1] == 1) fsx = lsx fsy = lsy osx = lsx osy = lsy ENDIF ENDIF j = j + 1 IF (anchorpointtype[j] == 1) l = l + 1 ENDIF ENDWHILE ENDIF #solid = in default: title = "Deluxe Clipping (djm3+)" helpfile = "dmj-pub\dmj-pub-uf-deluxe.htm" heading caption = "General" endheading param clipversion caption = "Clipping Formula Version" default = 101 hint = "You should never see this parameter; it's used internally to track \ which version of the formula was used to create your image, so that \ if a bug is found which breaks backwards-compatibility, the formula \ can adapt transparently." visible = (@clipversion < 101) enabled = false endparam param insideoutside caption = "Clipping Region" default = 1 enum = "inside" "outside" hint = "Determines whether points inside the clipping shape or outside the \ clipping shape will be solid-colored." endparam param screenrelative caption = "Screen-Relative Coordinates" default = false hint = "If checked, all coordinates are relative to screen coordinates. \ Real numbers indicate horizontal values, imaginary numbers indicate \ vertical values. 0 indicates the left and bottom edges, 1 indicates \ the right and top edges. Since these coordinates are relative to the \ screen and not the fractal location, they will not change as you zoom. \ Also note that if your image is not square, circles and squares will \ not be true; they will be squashed or stretched by whatever amount \ your image isn't square." endparam param offsetamount caption = "Offset Amount" default = 0.0 hint = "If you need to shift your entire clipping region without altering its \ shape, you can specify an amount and a direction to offset it. Keep in \ mind that if you have an offset enabled, it will still be in effect \ while you use the eyedropper or explorer tools to select points." endparam param offsetangle caption = "Offset Angle" default = 0.0 visible = (@offsetamount != 0.0) hint = "Indicates the angle of the offset. Note that, if your image is rotated, \ and you're not using screen-relative clipping, offset angles will be \ rotated too. Normally an angle of 0 is to the right and 90 is up, if \ your image is not rotated." endparam param rotation caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 visible = (@shape != "circle" && @shape != "arbitrary polygon" && @shape != "Bézier curve") hint = "Rotates the clipping shape. Note that, if you're using screen-relative \ coordinates and your image is not square, or if you've squashed or \ stretched the zoombox, the clipping shape will deform as you rotate it. \ Angles are in degrees, counter-clockwise." endparam heading caption = "Visual Aids" endheading param showhandles caption = "Show Handles" default = true hint = "If enabled, shows 'handles' in the image to mark where the control points \ of the shape are located. Very useful for working, but you probably want \ to turn this off before a final render." endparam param handlesnopreview caption = "Not on previews" default = true visible = (@showhandles == true) hint = "If checked, handles will not be shown on previews. Handles don't scale with \ window size, so they appear disproportionately large in the preview window." endparam param handlesnopreviewsize caption = "Preview Threshold" default = 275 visible = (@showhandles == true && @handlesnopreview == true) hint = "Sets the threshold for determining a preview. Anything this size or \ smaller is considered a preview and handles will be hidden." endparam param handlesnorender caption = "Not on renders" default = true visible = (@showhandles == true) hint = "If checked, handles will be disabled for any image above a certain size. \ This is useful for automatically disabling handles on disk renders." endparam param handlesnorendersize caption = "Render Threshold" default = 1600 visible = (@showhandles == true && @handlesnorender == true) hint = "Sets the threshold for determining a disk render. Anything this size or \ larger is considered a final render and handles will be hidden." endparam param handleswithnumbers caption = "Show Numbers" default = true visible = (@showhandles == true && (@shape == "arbitrary polygon" || @shape == "Bézier curve")) hint = "If checked, handles will be numbered." endparam param handleswithlines caption = "Show Lines" default = true visible = (@showhandles == true && @shape == "Bézier curve") hint = "If checked, dashed lines connecting tangent points to control points will be shown." endparam param handlesize caption = "Handle Size" default = 8 visible = (@showhandles == true) hint = "Sets the size of the inside area of the handle. You may need to adjust this \ to make the handles more visible on some fractals." endparam param handlewidth caption = "Handle Thickness" default = 2 visible = (@showhandles == true) hint = "Sets the thickness of the handles. You may need to adjust this to make the \ handles more visible on some fractals." endparam heading caption = "Shape" endheading param shape caption = "Clipping Shape" default = 2 enum = "circle" "ellipse" "rectangle" "regular polygon" "arbitrary polygon" "Bézier curve" hint = "Determines the shape of the clipping region. For squares, use a \ regular polygon with four sides." endparam ; circle parameters ; float param p_circle ; caption = "circle power" ; min = 0 ; default = 2 ; hint = "Use 2 for circle shape, >2 for squarer, 1 for diamond, 0.5 for astroid" ; visible = (@shape == "circle") ; endparam param circletype caption = "Define Circle By" default = 1 enum = "bounding box" "center and edge" "opposite edges" "three edge points" visible = (@shape == "circle") hint = "Choose how you want to define where the circle is. Different methods \ are useful in different circumstances." endparam complex param circleupperleft caption = "Box Upper Left" default = #center - 1/#magn + flip(1/#magn) visible = (@shape == "circle") && (@circletype == "bounding box") hint = "Sets the upper left corner of the bounding box that the circle fits in. \ Note that if your image is rotated, and you're not using screen-relative \ clipping, the bounding box for your circle will be rotated along with the \ image. In that case, you may find 'center and edge' easier to use." endparam complex param circlelowerright caption = "Box Lower Right" default = #center + 1/#magn - flip(1/#magn) visible = (@shape == "circle") && (@circletype == "bounding box") hint = "Sets the upper left corner of the bounding box that the circle fits in. \ Note that if your image is rotated, and you're not using screen-relative \ clipping, the bounding box for your circle will be rotated along with the \ image. In that case, you may find 'center and edge' easier to use." endparam complex param circlecenter caption = "Circle Center" default = #center visible = (@shape == "circle") && (@circletype == "center and edge") hint = "Sets the center of the circle. If you're not sure exactly where the center \ should go, you may find 'opposite edges' easier to use." endparam complex param circleedge caption = "Circle Edge" default = #center + 1/#magn visible = (@shape == "circle") && (@circletype == "center and edge") hint = "Sets the edge of the circle. If you need the edge to line up with something \ else in the image, you may find 'bounding box' easier to use." endparam complex param circleedge1 caption = "Circle Edge 1" default = #center - 1/#magn visible = (@shape == "circle") && (@circletype == "opposite edges" || @circletype == "three edge points") hint = "Sets one of the edge points of the circle." endparam complex param circleedge2 caption = "Circle Edge 2" default = #center + 1/#magn visible = (@shape == "circle") && (@circletype == "opposite edges" || @circletype == "three edge points") hint = "Sets one of the edge points of the circle." endparam complex param circleedge3 caption = "Circle Edge 3" default = #center + flip(1/#magn) visible = (@shape == "circle") && (@circletype == "three edge points") hint = "Sets one of the edge points of the circle." endparam ; ellipse parameters float param p_ellipse caption = "ellipse power" min = 0 default = 2 hint = "Use 2 for standard ellipse, >2 for squarer, 1 for diamond, 0.5 for astroid" visible = (@shape == "ellipse") endparam param ellipsetype caption = "Define Ellipse By" default = 2 enum = "three corners" "center and two edges" "fixed angle" visible = (@shape == "ellipse") hint = "Choose how you want to define where the bounding box of the \ ellipse is. Different methods are useful in different circumstances." endparam complex param ellipseupperleft caption = "Ellipse Upper Left" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "ellipse") && (@ellipsetype == "three corners") hint = "Selects the upper left corner of the bounding box of the ellipse." endparam complex param ellipselowerright caption = "Ellipse Lower Right" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(-0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "ellipse") && (@ellipsetype == "three corners") hint = "Selects the lower right corner of the bounding box of the ellipse." endparam complex param ellipseupperright caption = "Ellipse Upper Right" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "ellipse") && (@ellipsetype == "three corners") hint = "Selects one of the other corners of the bounding box of the ellipse (upper right is \ suggested, but not required). Note that only points that are on a \ circle, centered on the ellipse's center, and passing through \ the upper left and lower right corners of the bounding box, will produce a valid \ bounding box; whatever point you actually choose for this third corner \ will be moved to that circle in order to produce a proper bounding box, and the \ ellipse will be placed inside that box. \ Practically speaking, you should use this corner to set the overall \ angle of the ellipse, after selecting opposite corners." endparam float param ellipse caption = "Ellipse Angle" default = #angle*180/#pi visible = (@shape == "ellipse") && (@ellipsetype == "fixed angle") hint = "Selects the rotation angle of the ellipse. This is a bit different \ from the general 'Rotation' parameter. If 'Rotation' is zero, then \ this parameter is used to set the angle of the ellipse, and the \ point you select for 'Ellipse Top Edge' will lie exactly on the ellipse bounding box's \ top edge, even if it's not the center of that edge. Changing this parameter \ after you've selected ellipse bounding box edge points will change the size of the \ ellipse, as different parts of the box edges have to pass through the points \ to make your bounding box. If you want to rotate the clipping shape without \ changing the size, use the general 'Rotation' parameter. Doing so, \ however, will affect your selection of 'Ellipse Edge' with the eyedropper \ or explorer tools. Angles are in degrees, counter-clockwise." endparam complex param ellipsecenter caption = "Ellipse Center" default = #center visible = (@shape == "ellipse") && (@ellipsetype == "center and two edges" || @ellipsetype == "fixed angle") hint = "Selects the center point of the ellipse." endparam complex param ellipsetop caption = "Ellipse Top Edge" default = #center + (flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "ellipse") && (@ellipsetype == "center and two edges" || @ellipsetype == "fixed angle") hint = "Selects the center of the top edge of the bounding box of the ellipse, for 'center and \ two edges', or any point on the top edge of the bounding box, for 'fixed angle'. Note that, \ for 'center and two edges', this point also sets an implicit rotation for the ellipse." endparam complex param ellipseright caption = "Ellipse Right Edge" default = #center + (-1/#magn) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "ellipse") && (@ellipsetype == "center and two edges" || @ellipsetype == "fixed angle") hint = "Selects the right edge of the bounding box of the ellipse. It can be anywhere on the \ right edge of the bounding box." endparam ; rectangle parameters param recttype caption = "Define Rect By" default = 2 enum = "three corners" "center and two edges" "fixed angle" visible = (@shape == "rectangle") hint = "Choose how you want to define where the rectangle is. Different methods \ are useful in different circumstances." endparam complex param rectupperleft caption = "Rect Upper Left" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "rectangle") && (@recttype == "three corners") hint = "Selects the upper left corner of the rectangle." endparam complex param rectlowerright caption = "Rect Lower Right" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(-1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "rectangle") && (@recttype == "three corners") hint = "Selects the lower right corner of the rectangle." endparam complex param rectupperright caption = "Rect Upper Right" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "rectangle") && (@recttype == "three corners") hint = "Selects one of the other corners of the rectangle (upper right is \ suggested, but not required). Note that only points that are on a \ circle, centered on the rectangle's center, and passing through \ the upper left and lower right corners, will produce a valid \ rectangle; whatever point you actually choose for this third corner \ will be moved to that circle in order to produce a proper rectangle. \ Practically speaking, you should use this corner to set the overall \ angle of the rectangle, after selecting opposite corners." endparam float param rectangle caption = "Rectangle Angle" default = #angle*180/#pi visible = (@shape == "rectangle") && (@recttype == "fixed angle") hint = "Selects the rotation angle of the rectangle. This is a bit different \ from the general 'Rotation' parameter. If 'Rotation' is zero, then \ this parameter is used to set the angle of the rectangle, and the \ point you select for 'Rect Top Edge' will lie exactly on the rectangle's \ top edge, even if it's not the center of that edge. Changing this parameter \ after you've selected rectangle edge points will change the size of the \ rectangle, as different parts of the edges have to pass through the points \ to make your rectangle. If you want to rotate the clipping shape without \ changing the size, use the general 'Rotation' parameter. Doing so, \ however, will affect your selection of 'Rect Edge' with the eyedropper \ or explorer tools. Angles are in degrees, counter-clockwise." endparam complex param rectcenter caption = "Rect Center" default = #center visible = (@shape == "rectangle") && (@recttype == "center and two edges" || @recttype == "fixed angle") hint = "Selects the center point of the rectangle." endparam complex param recttop caption = "Rect Top Edge" default = #center + (flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "rectangle") && (@recttype == "center and two edges" || @recttype == "fixed angle") hint = "Selects the center of the top edge of the rectangle, for 'center and \ two edges', or any point on the top edge, for 'fixed angle'. Note that, \ for 'center and two edges', this point also sets an implicit rotation for the rectangle." endparam complex param rectright caption = "Rect Right Edge" default = #center + (-1/#magn) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "rectangle") && (@recttype == "center and two edges" || @recttype == "fixed angle") hint = "Selects the right edge of the rectangle. It can be anywhere on the \ right edge of the rectangle." endparam ; regular polygon parameters param polygontype caption = "Define Polygon By" default = 2 enum = "center and corner" "center and edge" "fixed angle" visible = (@shape == "regular polygon") hint = "Choose how you want to define where the polygon is. Different methods \ are useful in different circumstances." endparam param polygonorder caption = "Polygon Sides" default = 3.0 min = 1 visible = (@shape == "regular polygon") hint = "Sets the number of sides to the polygon. Note that you can use 2 to \ create a 'line' polygon, if you're using the 'center and edge' method. \ You can use 1 side to clip half the plane (one side of the line is \ clipped, the other is not clipped)." endparam float param polygonangle caption = "Polygon Angle" default = #angle*180/#pi visible = (@shape == "regular polygon") && (@polygontype == "fixed angle") hint = "Selects the rotation angle of the polygon. This is a bit different \ from the general 'Rotation' parameter. If 'Rotation' is zero, then \ this parameter is used to set the angle of the polygon, and the \ point you select for 'Polygon Edge' will lie exactly on the polygon's \ edge, even if it's not the center of that edge. Changing this parameter \ after you've selected a polygon edge point will change the size of the \ polygon, as different parts of the edge have to pass through the point \ to make your polygon. If you want to rotate the clipping shape without \ changing the size, use the general 'Rotation' parameter. Doing so, \ however, will affect your selection of 'Polygon Edge' with the eyedropper \ or explorer tools. Angles are in degrees, counter-clockwise." endparam complex param polygoncenter caption = "Polygon Center" default = #center visible = (@shape == "regular polygon") hint = "Sets the center of the polygon." endparam complex param polygoncorner caption = "Polygon Corner" default = #center + (1/#magn) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "regular polygon") && (@polygontype == "center and corner") hint = "Selects one corner of the polygon. Note that if you have 'Lock Rotation' \ checked, you're only selecting a point on the circumscribed circle, and \ you must use the general 'Rotation' parameter to rotate the polygon." endparam complex param polygonedge caption = "Polygon Edge" default = #center + (1/#magn) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "regular polygon") && (@polygontype == "center and edge" || @polygontype == "fixed angle") hint = "Selects the center of an edge of the polygon, for 'center and edge'; \ selects an edge point (not necessarily the center of an edge) for \ 'fixed angle'." endparam ; arbitrary polygon parameters param polywinding caption = "Overlap Handling" default = 1 enum = "convex polygon only" "all inside" "invert overlaps" hint = "Chooses how to handle overlapped regions of a polygon. 'Convex polygon \ only' is the original behavior and requires your polygon be purely \ convex; it is provided for backwards-compatibility with your old \ parameters. 'All inside' will treat all inside areas the same even \ if they are part of your polygon overlapping itself. 'Invert overlaps' \ will treat inside, but overlapped, areas of your polygon as outside." visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") enabled = (@clipversion >= 101) endparam param polystar caption = "Polygon is a Star" default = false visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") hint = "If set, the polygon is a star. You need only set the shape of one arm \ of the star, and the center; the rest of the points will be computed \ for you." endparam complex param polystarcenter caption = "Star Center" default = #center visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polystar == true) hint = "Sets the center of the star shape. The polygon shape you set will be \ rotated around this point. Note that moving the center will change \ the star's shape." endparam param polystarorder caption = "Star Points" default = 8 visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polystar == true) hint = "Sets the number of arms in the star. Note that the number of arms \ multiplied by the number of points in the polygon must be less than \ 1000. Also note that the larger this product is, the slower this \ transform will become." endparam param polystarlimit caption = " Limit to" default = 0 visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polystar == true) hint = "If not zero, this will limit the star to just this many repetitions. \ You can use this to create fans with a particular edge." endparam param polystarusecenter caption = "Include Center" default = true visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polystar == true) && (@polystarlimit > 0) hint = "If checked, the center point will be included in the limited star shape." endparam param polyorder caption = "Polygon Sides" default = 3 min = 2 max = 20 visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") hint = "Sets the number of sides to the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint1 caption = "Point 1" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") hint = "Sets the first point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint2 caption = "Point 2" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") hint = "Sets the second point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint3 caption = "Point 3" default = #center + (0.75/#magn + flip(-0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 3) hint = "Sets the third point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint4 caption = "Point 4" default = #center + (0.25/#magn + flip(-0.75/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 4) hint = "Sets the fourth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint5 caption = "Point 5" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 5) hint = "Sets the fifth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint6 caption = "Point 6" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 6) hint = "Sets the sixth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint7 caption = "Point 7" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 7) hint = "Sets the seventh point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint8 caption = "Point 8" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 8) hint = "Sets the eighth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint9 caption = "Point 9" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 9) hint = "Sets the ninth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint10 caption = "Point 10" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 10) hint = "Sets the tenth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint11 caption = "Point 11" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 11) hint = "Sets the eleventh point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint12 caption = "Point 12" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 12) hint = "Sets the twelfth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint13 caption = "Point 13" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 13) hint = "Sets the thirteenth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint14 caption = "Point 14" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 14) hint = "Sets the fourteenth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint15 caption = "Point 15" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 15) hint = "Sets the fifteenth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint16 caption = "Point 16" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 16) hint = "Sets the sixteenth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint17 caption = "Point 17" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 17) hint = "Sets the seventeenth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint18 caption = "Point 18" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 18) hint = "Sets the eighteenth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint19 caption = "Point 19" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 19) hint = "Sets the nineteenth point in the polygon." endparam complex param polypoint20 caption = "Point 20" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(-0.25/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "arbitrary polygon") && (@polyorder >= 20) hint = "Sets the twentieth point in the polygon." endparam ; Bézier curve parameters param curvewinding caption = "Overlap Handling" default = 1 enum = "all inside" "invert overlaps" hint = "Chooses how to handle overlapped regions of a curve. 'All inside' will \ treat all inside areas the same even if they are part of your polygon \ overlapping itself. 'Invert overlaps' will treat inside, but overlapped, \ areas of your polygon as outside." visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") endparam param curvestar caption = "Curve is a Star" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") hint = "If set, the curve is a star. You need only set the shape of one arm \ of the star, and the center; the rest of the points will be computed \ for you." endparam complex param curvestarcenter caption = "Star Center" default = #center visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvestar == true) hint = "Sets the center of the star shape. The curve shape you set will be \ rotated around this point. Note that moving the center will change \ the star's shape." endparam param curvestarorder caption = "Star Points" default = 8 visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvestar == true) hint = "Sets the number of arms in the star. Note that the number of arms \ multiplied by the number of points in the curve must be less than \ 1000. Also note that the larger this product is, the slower this \ transform will become." endparam param curvestarlimit caption = " Limit to" default = 0 visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvestar == true) hint = "If not zero, this will limit the star to just this many repetitions. \ You can use this to create fans with a particular edge." endparam param curvestarusecenter caption = "Include Center" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvestar == true) && (@curvestarlimit > 0) hint = "If checked, the center point will be included in the limited star shape." endparam param curveorder caption = "Curve Control Points" default = 3 min = 1 max = 20 visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") hint = "Sets the number of control points in the curve." endparam param curvetangent1auto caption = "Automatically set point 1" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent1 caption = "Tangent Point 1" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent1auto == false) hint = "Sets the first tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint1 caption = "Control Point 1" default = #center + (-0.5/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") hint = "Sets the first control point in the curve." endparam ; param curveclose1 ; caption = "Close curve at this point" ; default = false ; visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 2) ; hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ ; point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ ; transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." ; endparam param curvetangent2auto caption = "Automatically set point 2" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 2) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent2 caption = "Tangent Point 2" default = #center + (0/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent2auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 2) hint = "Sets the second tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint2 caption = "Control Point 2" default = #center + (0.75/#magn + flip(0.75/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 2) hint = "Sets the second control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose2 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 3 || (@curveorder >= 2 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent3auto caption = "Automatically set point 3" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 3) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent3 caption = "Tangent Point 3" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(-0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent3auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 3) hint = "Sets the third tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint3 caption = "Control Point 3" default = #center + (0/#magn + flip(-1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 3) hint = "Sets the third control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose3 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 4 || (@curveorder >= 3 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent4auto caption = "Automatically set point 4" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 4) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent4 caption = "Tangent Point 4" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent4auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 4) hint = "Sets the fourth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint4 caption = "Control Point 4" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 4) hint = "Sets the fourth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose4 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 5 || (@curveorder >= 4 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent5auto caption = "Automatically set point 5" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 5) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent5 caption = "Tangent Point 5" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent5auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 5) hint = "Sets the fifth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint5 caption = "Control Point 5" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 5) hint = "Sets the fifth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose5 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 6 || (@curveorder >= 5 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent6auto caption = "Automatically set point 6" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 6) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent6 caption = "Tangent Point 6" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent6auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 6) hint = "Sets the sixth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint6 caption = "Control Point 6" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 6) hint = "Sets the sixth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose6 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 7 || (@curveorder >= 6 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent7auto caption = "Automatically set point 7" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 7) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent7 caption = "Tangent Point 7" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent7auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 7) hint = "Sets the seventh tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint7 caption = "Control Point 7" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 7) hint = "Sets the seventh control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose7 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 8 || (@curveorder >= 7 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent8auto caption = "Automatically set point 8" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 8) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent8 caption = "Tangent Point 8" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent8auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 8) hint = "Sets the eighth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint8 caption = "Control Point 8" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 8) hint = "Sets the eighth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose8 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 9 || (@curveorder >= 8 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent9auto caption = "Automatically set point 9" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 9) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent9 caption = "Tangent Point 9" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent9auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 9) hint = "Sets the ninth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint9 caption = "Control Point 9" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 9) hint = "Sets the ninth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose9 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 10 || (@curveorder >= 9 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent10auto caption = "Automatically set point 10" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 10) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent10 caption = "Tangent Point 10" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent10auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 10) hint = "Sets the tenth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint10 caption = "Control Point 10" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 10) hint = "Sets the tenth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose10 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 11 || (@curveorder >= 10 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent11auto caption = "Automatically set point 11" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 11) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent11 caption = "Tangent Point 11" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent11auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 11) hint = "Sets the eleventh tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint11 caption = "Control Point 11" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 11) hint = "Sets the eleventh control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose11 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 12 || (@curveorder >= 11 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent12auto caption = "Automatically set point 12" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 12) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent12 caption = "Tangent Point 12" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent12auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 12) hint = "Sets the twelfth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint12 caption = "Control Point 12" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 12) hint = "Sets the twelfth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose12 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 13 || (@curveorder >= 12 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent13auto caption = "Automatically set point 13" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 13) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent13 caption = "Tangent Point 13" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent13auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 13) hint = "Sets the thirteenth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint13 caption = "Control Point 13" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 13) hint = "Sets the thirteenth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose13 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 14 || (@curveorder >= 13 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent14auto caption = "Automatically set point 14" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 14) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent14 caption = "Tangent Point 14" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent14auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 14) hint = "Sets the fourteenth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint14 caption = "Control Point 14" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 14) hint = "Sets the fourteenth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose14 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 15 || (@curveorder >= 14 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent15auto caption = "Automatically set point 15" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 15) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent15 caption = "Tangent Point 15" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent15auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 15) hint = "Sets the fifteenth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint15 caption = "Control Point 15" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 15) hint = "Sets the fifteenth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose15 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 16 || (@curveorder >= 15 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent16auto caption = "Automatically set point 16" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 16) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent16 caption = "Tangent Point 16" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent16auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 16) hint = "Sets the sixteenth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint16 caption = "Control Point 16" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 16) hint = "Sets the sixteenth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose16 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 17 || (@curveorder >= 16 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent17auto caption = "Automatically set point 17" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 17) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent17 caption = "Tangent Point 17" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent17auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 17) hint = "Sets the seventeenth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint17 caption = "Control Point 17" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 17) hint = "Sets the seventeenth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose17 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 18 || (@curveorder >= 17 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent18auto caption = "Automatically set point 18" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 18) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent18 caption = "Tangent Point 18" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent18auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 18) hint = "Sets the eighteenth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint18 caption = "Control Point 18" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 18) hint = "Sets the eighteenth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose18 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 19 || (@curveorder >= 18 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent19auto caption = "Automatically set point 19" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 19) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent19 caption = "Tangent Point 19" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent19auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 19) hint = "Sets the nineteenth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint19 caption = "Control Point 19" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 19) hint = "Sets the nineteenth control point in the curve." endparam param curveclose19 caption = "Close curve at this point" default = false visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 20 || (@curveorder >= 19 && @curvestar)) hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." endparam param curvetangent20auto caption = "Automatically set point 20" default = true visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 20) hint = "If checked, the tangent point will be automatically computed by \ averaging adjacent control points. This will ensure a smooth \ line between the two. If you need a corner, uncheck this box \ and set the tangent point to be the corner." endparam complex param curvetangent20 caption = "Tangent Point 20" default = #center + (-1/#magn + flip(0.5/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curvetangent20auto == false) && (@curveorder >= 20) hint = "Sets the twentieth tangent point on the curve." endparam complex param curvepoint20 caption = "Control Point 20" default = #center + (1/#magn + flip(1/#magn)) * ((0,1)^(#angle*2/#pi)) visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 20) hint = "Sets the twentieth control point in the curve." endparam ; curve always closes here! ; param curveclose20 ; caption = "Close curve at this point" ; default = false ; visible = (@shape == "Bézier curve") && (@curveorder >= 21 || (@curveorder >= 20 && @curvestar)) ; hint = "Sets whether the curve is closed (looped back to its starting \ ; point) at this point. You can add another curve within the same \ ; transform by adding more points; they will be a separate curve." ; endparam } JLB_waves { ; original in mt.uxf by Mark Townsend, 16 Oct 1999 ; 220906 added phase option transform: float xp = real(#pixel) float yp = imag(#pixel) float xphase = @hp0*(#pi/180) + @hpa*sin(@hpt*xp) float x = @ha * sin(@ht * imag(@fn1(#pixel)) + xphase) float yphase = @vp0*(#pi/180) + @vpa*sin(@vpt*yp) ; float y = @va * sin(@vt * real(@fn2(#pixel)) + yphase) float y = @va * ( sin(@vt*xp) + 0.5*sin( 2*@vt*xp) ) #pixel = #pixel + x + flip(y) default: title = "Waves" float param ht caption = "Horizontal frequency" default = 2.0 endparam float param ha caption = "Horizontal amplitude" default = 0.5 endparam func fn1 caption = "Horizontal function" default = ident() endfunc float param hp0 caption = "Horizontal phase offset" default = 0 endparam float param hpt caption = "Horizontal phase frequency" default = 0 endparam float param hpa caption = "Horizontal phase amplitude" default = 0 endparam heading endheading float param vt caption = "Vertical frequency" default = 2.0 endparam float param va caption = "Vertical amplitude" default = 0.5 endparam func fn2 caption = "Vertical function" default = ident() endfunc float param vp0 caption = "Vertical phase offset" default = 0 endparam float param vpt caption = "Vertical phase frequency" default = 0 endparam float param vpa caption = "Vertical phase amplitude" default = 0 endparam }