Just a note about my formulas. Most of them were created when I was bored in the classroom when I was substitute teaching. Latest Updates: Modifications on old formulae: 1001a and USA4 Additional Formulae: Alg.1 Alg.1j Goldd Rnd02 SuperModMandel SuperModJulia TermNumb* TermJulia* and a switch for USA4 * With TermNumb and its switch, I really wanted to add a way make a range for the randomized values, but didn't know how Some ideas on how to do this would be really helpful. ======================================================================= My latest additions: (7/30/2004) Modifications on some old formulae: Auto Quadratic Pannell and Maz's Modified Mandelbrot I also added julia sets to these same formulae as well as Tim's 2nd Formula. ======================================================================= Enjoy these formulae at your leisure! Let me know if I can improve on them in any way as well thanks. Thanks, Joey Faehnle faehnfare@hotmail.com