Comment{ Created by Joey Faehnle I would like input in these. Anything to make them better. } 030913 { init: a = @starta b = @funcb(@starta/(@startb^#pixel)) z = @funcy(#pixel/@startb) loop: if |(a)-(b)| < 0 z = z^@power + #pixel else z = #pixel^@power + z endif a = #pixel^2/z^3 b = z^3/#pixel^2 bailout: |z| <= 50 default: title = "Squared Circle" heading caption = "Functions" endheading func funcb caption = "Function of B" default = cos() endfunc func funcy caption = "Function of Z" default = round() endfunc heading caption = "Paramters" endheading param starta caption = "Starting for A" default = (.5,0) endparam param startb caption = "Starting for B" default = (.5,0) endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 2 endparam } 031004 { init: z1 = 0 z2 = 1 z = @fnz(#pixel) loop: z1 = @fnz1(z^@power) z2 = @fnz2(z1/z) z = z1 * z2 + #pixel bailout: |z| <= 25 default: title = "Rectangle" param power caption = "Power of z" default = (2,0) endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fnz1 caption = "Function of z1" default = abs() endfunc func fnz2 caption = "Function of z2" default = sin() endfunc } 40Hours { init: a = 1 b = 1 z = 0 x = 0 loop: x = (a/b)^#pixel + (b/a) a = b / @game1(x/#pixel) b = a / @game2(#pixel/x) z = x^(b/a) + #pixel bailout: |z| >= 4 default: center = (-0.5723428505,-0.03288) magn = 0.68897637 method = multipass title = "Umbrella" heading caption = "Functions" endheading func game1 caption = "Function for A" default = round() endfunc func game2 caption = "Function for B" default = cotanh() endfunc } 760327 { init: a = @start z1 = 0 z2 = (1+@fnz(#pixel))/2 z = 0 loop: z1 = (#pixel + @fna(a))/2 z = z1 * z2 + #pixel a = ((1 - a )^(-1)) + #pixel bailout: |z| <= 10 default: title = "Elliptical" param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (0, 0) endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = sqrt() endfunc } Secundo2 { init: z = .618033989 loop: z = (#pixel ^ z + cotan(z))/pi bailout: |z| <= 1.618033989 Default: method = multipass center = (-2.6666666685, 0.5) magn = 0.17716535 title = "Egg" } 760120 { init: a = @start z1 = 0 z2 = (1+@fnz(#pixel))/2 z = 0 loop: z = z1 * z2 + #pixel a = ((a - (z2 / a)^(-1))) + #pixel z1 = (#pixel + @fna(real(a) - flip(imag(z1))))/2 z2 = a / z2 / z1 bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Flared" param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = sqrt() endfunc } Autreya { init: a = @start b = a^2 - 2 * a - #pixel z = 0 loop: z = z^@power + ((a * b) / #pixel) a = @fna(a - z) b = a^2 - 2 * b + @fnb(b) bailout: |z^@power| <= @bailout default: title = "Autrey A" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 hint = "Also affects the bailout numnbers" endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sin() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = cos() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam } Autreyb { init: a = 1 z = #pixel loop: z = z^@power + (a / #pixel) a = @fna(a - z) bailout: |z^@power| <= @bailout default: title = "Autrey B" func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sqr() endfunc param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 hint = "Also affects the bailout numnbers" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam } AutreyC { init: a = 0 b = 0 z = 0 loop: a = (@fa(#pixel))^2 - z b = (@fb(z))^2 - #pixel z = z^@power + (a * b) bailout: (@test == 0 && |z| <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 1 && sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 2 && sqr(imag(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 3 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout && \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 4 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout || \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 5 && (sqr(abs(real(z)) + \ abs(imag(z))) <= @bailout)) || \ (@test == 6 && (sqr(real(z) + imag(z)) <= @bailout)) default: title = "Autrey C" param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = cos() endfunc func fb caption = "Function of b" default = cos() endfunc heading caption = "Bailout Options" endheading param test caption = "Bailout Test" default = 4 enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 endparam switch: type = "AutreyCj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b power = power fa = fa fb = fb test = test bailout = bailout } AutreyCj { init: a = 0 b = 0 z = #pixel loop: a = (@fa(@seed))^2 - z b = (@fb(z))^2 - @seed z = z^@power + (a * b) bailout: (@test == 0 && |z| <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 1 && sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 2 && sqr(imag(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 3 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout && \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 4 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout || \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 5 && (sqr(abs(real(z)) + \ abs(imag(z))) <= @bailout)) || \ (@test == 6 && (sqr(real(z) + imag(z)) <= @bailout)) default: title = "Autrey C J" param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = cos() endfunc func fb caption = "Function of b" default = cos() endfunc heading caption = "Bailout Options" endheading param test caption = "Bailout Test" default = 4 enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 endparam switch: type = "AutreyC" a = a b = b power = power fa = fa fb = fb test = test bailout = bailout } AutreyD { init: z = 0 a = (#pixel + sqrt(5)) / 2 b = 0 c = 0 loop: if @c1 == 0 b = @fz(a) + @fy(a) elseif @c1 == 1 b = @fz(a) - @fy(a) elseif @c1 == 2 b = @fz(a) * @fy(a) else b = @fz(a) / @fy(a) endif if @c2 == 0 c = @fx(a) + @fw(a) elseif @c2 == 1 c = @fx(a) - @fw(a) elseif @c2 == 2 c = @fx(a) * @fw(a) else c = @fx(a) / @fw(a) endif if @change == 0 z = z^@power + ((b + c) / (#pixel - a)) elseif @change == 1 z = z^@power + ((b - c) / (#pixel - a)) elseif @change == 2 z = z^@power + ((c - b) / (#pixel - a)) elseif @change == 3 z = z^@power + ((b * c) / (#pixel - a)) elseif @change == 4 z = z^@power + ((b / c) / (#pixel - a)) else z = z^@power + ((c / b) / (#pixel - a)) endif a = @fa(#pixel - z) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Autrey D" param c1 caption = "1st change" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 1 endparam func fz caption = "1 of 2 for 1st" default = sqrt() endfunc func fy caption = "2 of 2 for 1st" default = sqr() endfunc param c2 caption = "2nd change" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam func fx caption = "1 of 2 for 2nd" default = log() endfunc func fw caption = "2 of 2 for 2nd" default = tanh() endfunc param change caption = "Major Change" enum = "b+c" "b-c" "c-b" "b*c" "b/c" "c/b" default = 4 endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam switch: type = "AutreyDj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c c1 = c1 fz = fz fy = fy c2 = c2 fx = fx fw = fw fa = fa change = change power = power } AutreyDj { init: z = #pixel a = (@seed + sqrt(5)) / 2 b = 0 c = 0 loop: if @c1 == 0 b = @fz(a) + @fy(a) elseif @c1 == 1 b = @fz(a) - @fy(a) elseif @c1 == 2 b = @fz(a) * @fy(a) else b = @fz(a) / @fy(a) endif if @c2 == 0 c = @fx(a) + @fw(a) elseif @c2 == 1 c = @fx(a) - @fw(a) elseif @c2 == 2 c = @fx(a) * @fw(a) else c = @fx(a) / @fw(a) endif if @change == 0 z = z^@power + ((b + c) / (@seed - a)) elseif @change == 1 z = z^@power + ((b - c) / (@seed - a)) elseif @change == 2 z = z^@power + ((c - b) / (@seed - a)) elseif @change == 3 z = z^@power + ((b * c) / (@seed - a)) elseif @change == 4 z = z^@power + ((b / c) / (@seed - a)) else z = z^@power + ((c / b) / (@seed - a)) endif a = @fa(@seed - z) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Autrey D J" param c1 caption = "1st change" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 1 endparam func fz caption = "1 of 2 for 1st" default = sqrt() endfunc func fy caption = "2 of 2 for 1st" default = sqr() endfunc param c2 caption = "2nd change" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam func fx caption = "1 of 2 for 2nd" default = log() endfunc func fw caption = "2 of 2 for 2nd" default = tanh() endfunc param change caption = "Major Change" enum = "b+c" "b-c" "c-b" "b*c" "b/c" "c/b" default = 4 endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam switch: type = "AutreyD" a = a b = b c = c c1 = c1 fz = fz fy = fy c2 = c2 fx = fx fw = fw fa = fa change = change power = power } AutreyE { init: z = 0 a = @start loop: z = a^2 - (a * z) + z^2 if @oper == 0 a = @fa(a + #pixel + z) elseif @oper == 1 a = @fa(a + #pixel - z) elseif @oper == 2 a = @fa(a + #pixel * z) elseif @oper == 3 a = @fa(a + #pixel / z) elseif @oper == 4 a = @fa(a - #pixel + z) elseif @oper == 5 a = @fa(a - #pixel - z) elseif @oper == 6 a = @fa(a - #pixel * z) elseif @oper == 7 a = @fa(a - #pixel / z) elseif @oper == 8 a = @fa(a * #pixel + z) elseif @oper == 9 a = @fa(a * #pixel - z) elseif @oper == 10 a = @fa(a * #pixel * z) elseif @oper == 11 a = @fa(a * #pixel / z) elseif @oper == 12 a = @fa(a / #pixel + z) elseif @oper == 13 a = @fa(a / #pixel - z) elseif @oper == 14 a = @fa(a / #pixel * z) else a = @fa(a / #pixel / z) endif bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Autrey E" param oper caption = "Operation for a" enum = "+,+" "+,-" "+,*" "+,/" "-,+" "-,-" "-,*" "-,/" \ "*,+" "*,-" "*,*" "*,/" "/,+" "/,-" "/,*" "/,/" default = 1 endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam switch: } Dyer2a { init: z = 1 a = z / #pixel b = #pixel / z if @oper == 0 v = a + b elseif @oper == 1 v = a - b elseif @oper == 2 v = a / b elseif @oper == 3 v = a * b elseif @oper == 4 v = a^b else v = b^a endif loop: z = (#pixel * (b + z) - #pixel * a) / (v - b) v = @fnv(z) a = @fna(z) b = @fnb(z) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Dyer 2A" func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sin() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = conj() endfunc func fnv caption = "Function of v" default = ident() endfunc param oper caption = "Operation for v" enum = "+" "-" "/" "*" "a^b" "b^a" default = 0 endparam switch: type = "Dyer2aj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b v = v fna = fna fnb = fnb fnv= fnv oper = oper } Dyer2aj { init: z = #pixel a = z / @seed b = @seed / z if @oper == 0 v = a + b elseif @oper == 1 v = a - b elseif @oper == 2 v = a / b elseif @oper == 3 v = a * b elseif @oper == 4 v = a^b else v = b^a endif loop: z = (@seed * (b + z) - @seed * a) / (v - b) v = @fnv(z) a = @fna(z) b = @fnb(z) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Dyer 2A J" func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sin() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = conj() endfunc func fnv caption = "Function of v" default = ident() endfunc param oper caption = "Operation for v" enum = "+" "-" "/" "*" "a^b" "b^a" default = 0 endparam switch: type = "Dyer2a" a = a b = b v = v fna = fna fnb = fnb fnv= fnv oper = oper } Dyer2c { init: a = 1 - #pixel a1 = 0 b = #pixel - 1 c = @fnc(b) z = 0 loop: z = (a - (#pixel /(b + z)) + c) / (#pixel - z) a1 = a c = 1 / z a = @fna(b) b = @fnb(a1) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Dyer 2C" param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = cos() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = sin() endfunc func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "Dyer2cj" seed = #pixel a = a a1 = a1 b = b c = c bailout = bailout fna = fna fnb = fnb fnc = fnc } Dyer2cj { init: a = 1 - @seed a1 = 0 b = @seed - 1 c = @fnc(b) z = #pixel loop: z = (a - (@seed /(b + z)) + c) / (@seed - z) a1 = a c = 1 / z a = @fna(b) b = @fnb(a1) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Dyer 2C J" param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = cos() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = sin() endfunc func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "Dyer2c" a = a a1 = a1 b = b c = c bailout = bailout fna = fna fnb = fnb fnc = fnc } Dyer3a { init: a = @fna(#pixel) b = @fnb(#pixel) c = b / a float d0 = 0 float d1 = 1 z = 1 loop: d0 = d1 % @iter z = ((a + b * #pixel) - z)^2 + c a = #pixel / (z - 1) b = (1 + z) / #pixel if d0 == 0 c = b / a else c = a / b endif d1 = d1 + 1 bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Dyer 3A" param iter caption = "Which iterations?" default = 2 min = 1 max = 25 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = exp() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = sqr() endfunc } Dyer3b { init: a = @fna((#pixel / 3) + (sqrt(5) / #pixel)) b = @fnb((sqrt(5) / #pixel) - (#pixel / 3)) z = a / b z1 = 0 z2 = 0 loop: z = (z1 * z + z2 * b) / (sqr(#pixel + z)) a = (@fnb(a) - z2) / (sqrt(z) - #pixel) b = (@fna(b) - z1) / (#pixel - sqrt(z)) z1 = z1 - a z2 = z2 - b bailout: |z1 + z2| <= 128.0 default: title = "Dyer 3B" func fna caption = "Function of a" default = log() hint = "This function initializes a, but effects b \ during the iterations" endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = exp() hint = "This function initializes b, but effects a \ during the iterations" endfunc } Harrisa { init: float d = 0.0 float d1 = 0.0 a = @starta b = a * @startb z = b / a loop: d = d + 1 d1 = d % @iter if d1 == 0 || d1 == 1 if @oper == 0 z = z^2 + (a + b) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^2 + (a - b) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^2 + (a * b) else z = z^2 + (a / b) endif else if @oper == 0 z = z^2 + (b + a) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^2 + (b - a) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^2 + (b * a) else z = z^2 + (b / a) endif endif a = @fa2(a + #pixel) b = @fb2(b - #pixel) bailout: (@test == 0 && |z| <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 1 && sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 2 && sqr(imag(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 3 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout && \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 4 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout || \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 5 && (sqr(abs(real(z)) + \ abs(imag(z))) <= @bailout)) || \ (@test == 6 && (sqr(real(z) + imag(z)) <= @bailout)) default: title = "Harris A" heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fa2 caption = "2nd function a" default = sqrt() endfunc func fb2 caption = "2nd function b" default = sqrt() endfunc heading caption = "Misc Options" endheading param starta caption = "Starting Value -- a" default = (1,0) endparam param startb caption = "Starting Value -- b" default = (0,0) endparam param iter caption = "Iterations to change" default = 3.0 min = 1.0 max = 25.0 endparam param oper caption = "Operation" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 1 endparam heading caption = "Bailout Options" endheading param test caption = "Bailout Test" default = 0 enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 endparam } Harrisb { init: float d = 0.0 float d1 = 0.0 a = (@starta) b = (a - @startb) z = b / a loop: d = d + 1 d1 = d % @iter if d1 >= 0 && d1 <= 1 if @oper == 0 z = z^(a + b) + #pixel elseif @oper == 1 z = z^(a - b) + #pixel elseif @oper == 2 z = z^(a * b) + #pixel else z = z^(a / b) + #pixel endif else if @oper == 0 z = z^(b + a) + #pixel elseif @oper == 1 z = z^(b - a) + #pixel elseif @oper == 2 z = z^(b * a) + #pixel else z = z^(b / a) + #pixel endif endif a = @fa2(a + #pixel) b = @fb2(b - #pixel) bailout: (@test == 0 && |z| <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 1 && sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 2 && sqr(imag(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 3 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout && \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 4 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout || \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 5 && (sqr(abs(real(z)) + \ abs(imag(z))) <= @bailout)) || \ (@test == 6 && (sqr(real(z) + imag(z)) <= @bailout)) default: title = "Harris B" magn = 3.3 angle = 90 heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fa2 caption = "2nd function a" default = recip() endfunc func fb2 caption = "2nd function b" default = recip() endfunc heading caption = "Misc Options" endheading param starta caption = "Starting Value -- a" default = (1,0) endparam param startb caption = "Starting Value -- b" default = (-1,0) endparam param iter caption = "Iterations to change" default = 3.0 min = 1.0 max = 25.0 endparam param oper caption = "Operation" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 2 endparam heading caption = "Bailout Options" endheading param test caption = "Bailout Test" default = 4 enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 endparam } Lewisa { init: a = @start b = 1/a if @oper == 0 z = a + b elseif @oper == 1 z = b + a elseif @oper == 2 z = a - b elseif @oper == 3 z = b - a elseif @oper == 4 z = a * b elseif @oper == 5 z = b * a elseif @oper == 6 z = a / b else z = b / a endif loop: z = (z - @fna(a) - @fnb(b))^2 + #pixel a = conj(@fnc(a)) b = conj(@fnd(b)) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Lewis A" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param oper caption = "Combine a and b" enum = "a+b" "b+a" "a-b" "b-a" "a*b" "b*a" "a/b" "b/a" default = 0 endparam func fna caption = "1st Func of z" default = zero() endfunc func fnb caption = "2nd Func of z" default = zero() endfunc func fnc caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc func fnd caption = "Function of b" default = ident() endfunc } Mahlmann1 { init: float d = 0 float d1 = 0 a = @start b = #pixel z = a / b loop: d = d + 1 d1 = d % @iter if d1 == 0 a = b - 1 b = #pixel - 1 else a = @fna(a - z) b = @fnb(b - z) endif if @oper == 0 z = z^(a + b) + #pixel elseif @oper == 1 z = z^(a - b) + #pixel elseif @oper == 2 z = z^(a * b) + #pixel else z = z^(a / b) + #pixel endif bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Mahlmann 1" param oper caption = "Operation of power" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam param iter caption = "Iteration" default = 2.0 endparam } Mahlmann2aj { init: a = @fna(@seed) if |a| < 1 b = @seed / a elseif |a| > 1 b = a / @seed else b = @seed endif z = #pixel loop: if @oper == 0 z = sqr(z) + (a + b) elseif @oper == 1 z = sqr(z) + (a - b) elseif @oper == 2 z = sqr(z) + (a * b) else z = sqr(z) + (a / b) endif a = sqr(a) - z b = @fnb(b + cos(a) + @fnp(@seed)) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Mahlmann 2A-J" magn = 2.0604396 param oper caption = "Operation of power" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 1 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc func fnb caption = "Outside function of b" default = cotanh() endfunc func fnp caption = "Inside function of b" default = sin() endfunc switch: type = "Mahlmann2a" a = a b = b oper = oper fna = fna fnb = fnb fnp = fnp } Mahlmann2b { init: a = (#pixel) b = (#pixel) c = flip(a) + b d = a + flip(b) z = a / b loop: z = z^c + z^d + #pixel a = @fna(z) b = @fnb(z) c = @fnc(a) + b d = a + @fnd(b) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Mahlmann 2B" } Sanderson { init: a = #pixel z = @start b = cos(a) - sin(z) + cabs(z / a) loop: z = z^@power + (a * (z - b)) a = @fna(z - b) if |a| >= 0 b = a / #pixel else b = #pixel / z endif bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Sanderson" param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (0.5, 0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sin() endfunc } Sandersonbj { init: a = #pixel z = #pixel b = sin(a) - sqrt(z) + log(z / a) loop: z = z^@power + (a * (z - b)) a = @fna(z / b) if |a| <= 0 b = a / @seed else b = @seed / z endif bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Sanderson B-J" param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (0.5, 0.0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.5 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = cabs() endfunc switch: type = "Sandersonb" a = a b = b power = power fna = fna } Taylor { init: complex pow = (1,0) a = #pixel b = 1 / a c = b - a z = cos(a) + sin(b) - @fnz(c) loop: z = z^pow + (conj(a) / cabs(b)) a = @fna((b / c) - #pixel) b = 1 / a c = b - a pow = (a * c) / (b * -c) bailout: (@test == 0 && |z| <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 1 && sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 2 && sqr(imag(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 3 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout && \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 4 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout || \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 5 && (sqr(abs(real(z)) + \ abs(imag(z))) <= @bailout)) || \ (@test == 6 && (sqr(real(z) + imag(z)) <= @bailout)) default: title = "Taylor" param test caption = "Bailout Test" default = 4 enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = ident() endfunc } West8a { init: a = #pixel b = @start c = z = 0 loop: c = @fnc(b / a) z = z^c + #pixel a = c - z b = #pixel - z bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "West 8A" center = (1.37034666525,0) magn = 1.5889831 param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (-1, 0) endparam func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = asin() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam } West8b { init: a = @fna(#pixel) b = @start c = z = 0 loop: c = @fnc(b / a) z = z^c + #pixel a = c / z b = #pixel / z bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "West 8B" angle = -90 param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (-1, 0) endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = recip() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam } Westa { init: c = (1, 0) z = @fnz(c / #pixel) loop: z = ((z^3) + z^-1) / ((c - z) * c^-1 + (c^3)) c = ((c^-1) - @fnc(c^2 * #pixel) + (c * #pixel^2)) / (-(#pixel^-1)) bailout: |c - z| <= 128.0 default: title = "West A" func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = cabs() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = trunc() endfunc } Westb { init: z = #pi c = @fnc(#pixel / z) loop: z = cos(#pixel^3) - sin(#pixel^2 * c) + cos(#pixel * c^2) \ - sin(c^3) c = -(z^3) + (z^2 * c) - (z * c^2) + (c^3) bailout: |real(z)| <= 128.0 default: title = "West B" func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = ident() endfunc } Westc { init: c = @start x = exp(c / #pixel) z = @fnz(x / c) loop: z = (c / z)^3 + ((c / z)^2 * x) - ((c / z) * x^2) + x^3 c = @fnc((x^2 - #pixel) / (x * (z - #pixel))) x = x - (x / #pixel) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "West C" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1, 0) endparam func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = ident() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = sqrt() endfunc } Westc1 { init: float c = 1 float d = 0 a = 1 b = #pixel if @oper == 0 z = @fnz(a + b) elseif @oper == 1 z = @fnz(a - b) elseif @oper == 2 z = @fnz(a * b) else z = @fnz(a / b) endif loop: d = c % @iter z = ((z * z * z * #pixel) / (a - #pixel)) + (#pixel^(1 / b)) if d == 0 a = @fna(z) b = @fnb(z) else a = @fna(a) b = @fnb(b) endif c = c + 1 bailout: (@test == 0 && |z| <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 1 && sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 2 && sqr(imag(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 3 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout && \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 4 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout || \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 5 && (sqr(abs(real(z)) + \ abs(imag(z))) <= @bailout)) || \ (@test == 6 && (sqr(real(z) + imag(z)) <= @bailout)) default: title = "West C-1" param test caption = "Bailout Test" default = 4 enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 endparam param oper caption = "To initialize z" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 2 endparam param iter caption = "Which iteration" default = 1 max = 30 min = 1 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sqr() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = sqr() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = sqr() endfunc } Westc3a { init: x = 0 a = b = 0 z1 = 0 z2 = 0 z = 0 loop: a = x^3 - x^2 - 3 * x + #pixel b = x^3 - x^2 + 2 * x - #pixel z1 = 3 * x^2 - 2 * x - (#pixel * 3) z2 = 3 * x^2 - 2 * x + (#pixel * 2) z = ((a / z1) * (b / z2)) + ((z1 / a) * (z2 / b)) a = @fn1(a) b = @fn2(b) z1 = @fn1(z1) z2 = @fn2(z2) x = @fnx((a - b) / (z1 - z2)) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "West C-3a" maxiter = 200 func fn1 caption = "1st eqn function" default = tan() endfunc func fn2 caption = "2nd eqn function" default = tan() endfunc func fnx caption = "Function of x" default = log() endfunc } West3cb { init: x = 0 a = b = 0 z1 = 0 z2 = 0 z = 0 loop: a = (x^2 + 2 * x - 3) / (x^2 + 1) b = (2 * x^2 + 3 * x - 2) / (x^2 + 1) z1 = (-2 * x^2 - 8 * x + #pixel) / ((x^2 + #pixel)^2) z2 = (-3 * x^2 + 8 * x + #pixel) / ((x^2 + #pixel)^2) z = ((a / z1) * (b / z2)) + ((z1 / a) * (z2 / b)) a = @fn1(a) b = @fn2(b) z1 = @fn1(z1) z2 = @fn2(z2) x = @fnx((a - b) / (z2 - z1)) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "West C-3b" func fn1 caption = "1st eqn function" default = exp() endfunc func fn2 caption = "2nd eqn function" default = zero() endfunc func fnx caption = "Function of x" default = conj() endfunc } Westc7 { init: a = @start b = @fnb1(1 / a) z = b - a loop: z = sin(b / z) * sin(z / b) + cos(#pixel / a) * cos(a / #pixel) b = @fnb2(a / z) a = sqrt(sqrt(b * z * z)) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "West C-7" func fnb1 caption = "1st function of b" default = flip() endfunc func fnb2 caption = "2nd function of b" default = sqr() endfunc param start caption = "Starting value" default = (1.1, 0) endparam } Westd4a { init: a = #pixel b = 1 - #pixel z = 0 loop: z = a^z + z^b + #pixel a = (b - z) * .001 b = (a * z) *.001 bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "West D-4a" center = (-0.98399999985,0) magn = 3.3482143 } Westd4b { init: a = 1 - #pixel b = sin(#pixel - 1) z = a / b loop: z = ((z / a) * (z - b)) + #pixel a = (a + z) / .101 b = (b - z) / .101 bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "West D-4b" } Westd6a { init: z = a = 1 loop: z = ((z - a)^@pow1 - (a + .01)^@pow2) / ((a - .01)^@pow2 \ + (#pixel + a)^@pow1) a = (a + z) * .001 bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "West D-6a" param pow1 caption = "1st power" default = 2.0 endparam param pow2 caption = "2nd power" default = 3.0 endparam } Westd6b { init: a = 2 / (#pixel - .3) z = 1 / a loop: z = (z * (cos(z - a) + sin(a - #pixel)))^2 + #pixel a = a * .04 bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "West D-6b" center = (-0.75199999985,0) magn = 2.0380435 } Westd7 { init: z = @start a = z^(@fna(#pixel)) a1 = 0 b = #pixel^(@fnb(z)) loop: z = z^(a - b) + ((b - a) / #pixel) a1 = a a = b - @fna(z) b = a1 - @fnb(z) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "West D-7" param start caption = "Start Value" default = (1.0, 0) endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = asinh() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = log() endfunc } Mahlmann2a { init: a = @fna(#pixel) if |a| < 1 b = #pixel / a elseif |a| > 1 b = a / #pixel else b = #pixel endif z = 0 loop: if @oper == 0 z = sqr(z) + (a + b) elseif @oper == 1 z = sqr(z) + (a - b) elseif @oper == 2 z = sqr(z) + (a * b) else z = sqr(z) + (a / b) endif a = sqr(a) - z b = @fnb(b + cos(a) + @fnp(#pixel)) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Mahlmann 2A" magn = 1.7523364 center = (1.199999999835, 0) param oper caption = "Operation of power" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 1 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc func fnb caption = "Outside function of b" default = cotanh() endfunc func fnp caption = "Inside function of b" default = sin() endfunc } Sandersonb { init: a = #pixel z = @start b = sin(a) - sqrt(z) + log(z / a) loop: z = z^@power + (a * (z - b)) a = @fna(z / b) if |a| <= 0 b = a / #pixel else b = #pixel / z endif bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Sanderson B" param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (0.5, 0.0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sin() endfunc } Bentkea { init: z = #pixel a = p1 loop: zold = z z = ((z^(@power) - a) * (zold^(@power - 1) - #pixel)) / \ ((zold^(@power + 1) + #pixel) * (z^(@power) + a)) a = @f1(zold-z) bailout: |zold| < 128.0 && |z - zold| > 0.00125 default: title = "Bentke A" param p1 caption = "Perturbation" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam } Collins { init: a = 1 / 7 b = 3 * a c = 5 * a d = 1 z = 0 loop: z = ((@fa(a) - @fb(b)) / (@fc(c) + @fd(d))) \ + (z - #pixel) a = a + (1 / #pixel) b = a * 3 c = a * 5 d = a * 7 bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Collins" func fa caption = "1st" default = sin() endfunc func fb caption = "2nd" default = sqr() endfunc func fc caption = "3rd" default = sqr() endfunc func fd caption = "4th" default = recip() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam } Collinsa { init: a = @start b = a / 3 c = a / 5 d = a / 7 z = 0 loop: z = ((@fa(a) - @fb(b)) / (@fc(c) + @fd(d))) \ + (z - #pixel) d = c - z c = b - z b = a - z a = a + ((d - c) / (b + #pixel)) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Collins a" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam func fa caption = "1st" default = sin() endfunc func fb caption = "2nd" default = sqr() endfunc func fc caption = "3rd" default = sqr() endfunc func fd caption = "4th" default = recip() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "Collinsaj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c d = d fa = fa fb = fb fc = fc fd = fd start = start bailout = bailout } Collinsaj { init: a = @start b = a / 3 c = a / 5 d = a / 7 z = #pixel loop: z = ((@fa(a) - @fb(b)) / (@fc(c) + @fd(d))) \ + (z - @seed) d = c - z c = b - z b = a - z a = a + ((d - c) / (b + @seed)) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Collins a J" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam func fa caption = "1st" default = sin() endfunc func fb caption = "2nd" default = sqr() endfunc func fc caption = "3rd" default = sqr() endfunc func fd caption = "4th" default = recip() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "Collinsaj" a = a b = b c = c d = d fa = fa fb = fb fc = fc fd = fd start = start bailout = bailout } FuchsA { init: b = 1 z = 0 loop: z = #pixel + sqrt(sqr(b) - (z - 1)^2) b = (#pixel / z) * @fb(b^2 - z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Fuchs A" func fb caption = "Function of b" default = cos() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "FuchsAj" seed = #pixel b = b fb = fb bailout = bailout } FuchsAj { init: b = 1 z = #pixel loop: z = @seed + sqrt(sqr(b) - (z - 1)^2) b = (@seed / z) * @fb(b^2 - z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Fuchs A-J" func fb caption = "Function of b" default = cos() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "FuchsA" b = b fb = fb bailout = bailout } FuchsB { init: c = a = 1 b = 4 z = 0 loop: z = c + sqrt((a - #pixel * (z + 2)^2) / b) a = (2 * (z/7) - (#pixel / 3)) * (7 * (z/2) + (#pixel/c)) b = @fb(a^2 - b) c = @fnc((b - (a/z))^2) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Fuchs B" func fb caption = "Function of b" default = sqrt() endfunc func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = ident() endfunc } FuchsC { init: j = 0 b = 0 z = 0 loop: j = @fj(1 / #pixel) b = @fb(j - #pixel) z = z ^b + (j * #pixel) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Fuchs C" func fb caption = "Function of b" default = cos() endfunc func fj caption = "Function of j" default = cabs() endfunc switch: type = "FuchsCj" seed = #pixel j = j b = b fj = fj fb = fb } FuchsCj { init: j = 0 b = 0 z = #pixel loop: j = @fj(1 / @seed) b = @fb(j - @seed) z = z ^b + (j * @seed) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Fuchs C-J" func fb caption = "Function of b" default = cos() endfunc func fj caption = "Function of j" default = cabs() endfunc switch: type = "FuchsC" j = j b = b fj = fj fb = fb } FuchsD { init: d= #e / @start f = #pi * @start a = 0 z = 0 loop: a = f / d z = z^a + #pixel f = @ff((d - a)^2) d = a / @fd(#pixel) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Fuchs D" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam func ff caption = "Function of f" default = log() endfunc func fd caption = "Function of d" default = sqrt() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: } Golda { init: g = @gs o = 1 / g l = @ls d = @fd1((l + o) * g) z = 0 loop: z = (z^2 - (2 * o * l) + d^2) / (g^2 * #pixel + 1) g = #pixel / z o = @fo(g / #pixel) l = (l * o * g) - (#pixel)^2 d = (@fd2(z) + 1) * (o - g) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Gold A" param gs caption = "G-Start" default = (1,0) endparam switch: type = "Goldaj" seed = #pixel g = g o = o l = l d = d gs = gs ls = ls } Goldaj { init: g = @gs o = 1 / g l = @ls d = @fd1((l + o) * g) z = #pixel loop: z = (z^2 - (2 * o * l) + d^2) / (g^2 * @seed + 1) g = @seed / z o = @fo(g / @seed) l = (l * o * g) - (@seed)^2 d = (@fd2(z) + 1) * (o - g) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Gold A J" param gs caption = "G-Start" default = (1,0) endparam switch: type = "Golda" g = g o = o l = l d = d gs = gs ls = ls } Goldb { init: a =@fa(@start) b = @fb(@start) c = a * b d = b / a z = 0 loop: z = (z - c)^@power + (d / #pixel) if |c - d| >= 0 a = @fa(c) b = @fb(c) else a = @fa(d) b = @fb(d) endif c = a * b d = b / a bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Gold B" magn = 0.6 func fa caption = "Function of a" default = cotanh() endfunc func fb caption = "Function of b" default = atan() endfunc param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1,0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = (2,0) endparam switch: type = "Goldbj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c d = d power = power start = start fa = fa fb = fb } Goldbj { init: a =@fa(@start) b = @fb(@start) c = a * b d = b / a z = #pixel loop: z = (z - c)^@power + (d / @seed) if |c - d| >= 0 a = @fa(c) b = @fb(c) else a = @fa(d) b = @fb(d) endif c = a * b d = b / a bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Gold B J" magn = 0.6 func fa caption = "Function of a" default = cotanh() endfunc func fb caption = "Function of b" default = atan() endfunc param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1,0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = (2,0) endparam switch: type = "Goldb" a = a b = b c = c d = d power = power start = start fa = fa fb = fb } Goldc { init: a = @power z = 0 loop: z = z^a + #pixel a = a^3 / (#pixel + 1) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Gold C" periodicity = 0 param power caption = "Power of z" default = (2,0) endparam switch: type = "Goldcj" seed = #pixel a = a power = power } Goldcj { init: a = @power z = #pixel loop: z = z^a + @seed a = a^3 / (@seed + 1) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Gold C-J" periodicity = 0 param power caption = "Power of z" default = (2,0) endparam switch: type = "Goldc" a = a power = power } Goldd { init: a = @power z = 0 loop: z = z^a + #pixel a = a^fn1(a) / (#pixel + 1) bailout: (@test == 0 && |z| <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 1 && |z| >= @bailout) || \ (@test == 2 && |z| < @bailout) || \ (@test == 3 && |z| > @bailout) default: title = "Gold D" periodicity = 0 param power caption = "Power of z" default = (2,0) endparam param test caption = "Bailout how?" enum = "<=" ">=" "<" ">" default = 0 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 endparam } Halfmanna { init: a = 1 b = 1 z = #pixel loop: if @oper == 0 z = z^(b + a) + #pixel elseif @oper == 1 z = z^(b - a) + #pixel elseif @oper == 2 z = z^(b * a) + #pixel else z = z^(b / a) + #pixel endif a = @fna(a) + a b = @fnb(b) - b bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Halfmann A" param oper caption = "Power of z operation" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam } Halfmannb { init: a = (0.5, 0) b = #pixel c = z = 0 loop: c = @fnc(b) * a z = z^c + #pixel a = sqrt(a) - a b = @fnb(z) - b bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Halfmann B" method = multipass func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = asin() endfunc func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = cosh() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "Halfmannbj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c fnb = fnb fnc = fnc bailout = bailout } Halfmannbj { init: a = (0.5, 0) b = @seed c = 0 z = #pixel loop: c = @fnc(b) * a z = z^c + @seed a = sqrt(a) - a b = @fnb(z) - b bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Halfmann B-J" method = multipass func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = asin() endfunc func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = cosh() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "Halfmannb" a = a b = b c = c fnb = fnb fnc = fnc bailout = bailout } Hathawaya { init: a = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 b = @startb z = @start loop: z = z^a + #pixel a = b / a b = b + 1 bailout: (@test == 0 && |z| <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 1 && sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 2 && sqr(imag(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 3 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout && \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 4 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout || \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 5 && (sqr(abs(real(z)) + \ abs(imag(z))) <= @bailout)) || \ (@test == 6 && (sqr(real(z) + imag(z)) <= @bailout)) default: title = "Hathaway A" center = (-0.2,0) magn = 1.3333333 periodicity = 0 param startb caption = "B Start Value" default = 13.0 endparam param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (0.5,0) endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" default = 0 enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 endparam } Hathawayb { init: a = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 b = 1 float c1 = 0.0 float c2 = 0.0 z = @start loop: c1 = c1 + 1 c2 = c1 % @iter if c2 <= 3.0 z = z^a + (#pixel / b) b = b * a, a = a else z = z^a + (b / #pixel) b = b * a, a = a endif bailout: |z / a| <= 128.0 default: title = "Hathaway B" param iter caption = "Iter to change" default = 25.0 min = 1.0 max = 125.0 endparam param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (0,0) endparam } Hathawayc { init: x = 0 y = @start z = 0 loop: z = (4*x^3 + 2 * y) / (y^2 - z + #pixel) x = 1 / @fnx(z) y = #pixel / @fny(x) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Hathaway C" method = multipass angle = -90.0 periodicity = 0 param start caption = "Starting value" default = (1,0) endparam func fnx caption = "Function of x" default = sqrt() endfunc func fny caption = "Function of y" default = log() endfunc switch: type = "Hathawaycj" seed = #pixel x = x y = y start = start fnx = fnx fny = fny } Hathawaycj { init: x = 0 y = @start z = #pixel loop: z = (4*x^3 + 2 * y) / (y^2 - z + @seed) x = 1 / @fnx(z) y = @seed / @fny(x) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Hathaway C-J" method = multipass periodicity = 0 param start caption = "Starting value" default = (1,0) endparam func fnx caption = "Function of x" default = sqrt() endfunc func fny caption = "Function of y" default = log() endfunc switch: type = "Hathawayc" x = x y = y start = start fnx = fnx fny = fny } King { init: z = 0 a = @start b = #pixel - a c = a - #pixel loop: z = (@fz1(z) / (@fz2(a)))^@power + (#pixel / (b * c)) a = @fa(#pixel - a) b = a^2 + #pixel c = @fc(b) - #pixel bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "King" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fz1 caption = "1st Function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fz2 caption = "2nd Function of z" default = cos() endfunc func fa caption = "Function of a" default = sin() endfunc func fc caption = "Function of c" default = sqrt() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "Kingj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c start = start fz1 = fz1 fz2 = fz2 fa = fa fc = fc bailout = bailout } Kingj { init: z = #pixel a = @start b = @seed - a c = a - @seed loop: z = (@fz1(z) / (@fz2(a)))^@power + (@seed / (b * c)) a = @fa(@seed - a) b = a^2 + @seed c = @fc(b) - @seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "King J" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fz1 caption = "1st Function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fz2 caption = "2nd Function of z" default = cos() endfunc func fa caption = "Function of a" default = sin() endfunc func fc caption = "Function of c" default = sqrt() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "King" a = a b = b c = c start = start fz1 = fz1 fz2 = fz2 fa = fa fc = fc bailout = bailout } Montgomerya { init: h = 1 r = 1 s = @start a = 0 z = 0 loop: a = h * r *s z = z^(@power / a) + #pixel h = #pixel r = @fr(z / a) s = -exp(r) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Montgomery A" center = (-1.25,0) magn= 0.8 func fr caption = "Function of r" default = sqrt() endfunc param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1,0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = (2,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "Montgomeryaj" seed = #pixel h = h r = r s = s start = start power = power bailout = bailout fr = fr } Montgomeryaj { init: h = 1 r = 1 s = @start a = 0 z = #pixel loop: a = h * r *s z = z^(@power / a) + @seed h = @seed r = @fr(z / a) s = -exp(r) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Montgomery A J" center = (0,0) magn= 0.5 func fr caption = "Function of r" default = sqrt() endfunc param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1,0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = (2,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "Montgomeryaj" h = h r = r s = s start = start power = power bailout = bailout fr = fr } Montgomeryb { init: a = @start b = 0 z = 0 loop: b = (a^@power) / ((a - @add)^(@power + @add)) z = a^z + (#pixel - b) a = a + @add bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Montgomery B" angle = 90 magn= 0.75 param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1,0) endparam param power caption = "Power of b" default = (2,0) endparam param add caption = "Additive Value" default = (0.5,0) max = (2,2) min = (-2,-2) endparam } Pannell { init: a = @start z = 0 loop: z = sqrt((a - (2 * z^2)) / #pixel) a = (z - a) / @fa(#pixel) bailout: |z|<= @bailout default: title = "Pannell" magn = 0.5 param start caption = "Starting value" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default =128.0 endparam switch: type = "Pannellj" seed = #pixel a = a start = start fa = fa bailout = bailout } Pannellj { init: a = @start z = #pixel loop: z = sqrt((a - (2 * z^2)) / @seed) a = (z - a) / @fa(@seed) bailout: |z|<= @bailout default: title = "Pannell J" magn = 0.5 param start caption = "Starting value" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default =128.0 endparam switch: type = "Pannell" a = a start = start fa = fa bailout = bailout } Porter { init: z = 0 a = @starta b = @startb loop: z = z^2 + (a / b) a = a^@power1 - b^#pixel b = b^#pixel - a^@power1 bailout: |z| <= 1e15 default: title = "Porter" periodicity = 0 maxiter = 100 center = (0.7,0.0) angle = 90 param starta caption = "Starting Value for a" default = (1.5, 0.0) endparam param startb caption = "Starting Value for b" default = (1.5, 0.0) endparam param power1 caption = "Power of a" default = 2.0 endparam switch: } Sewalla { init: a = #pixel b = @start, f = 1 / b c = d = 0 float g1 = 0.0 float g2 = 0.0 z = 1 loop: d = (@fd(b * a)) / (sqrt(c - f)) g2 = g1 % @iter if g2 < 1 a = a^@power b = b^(@power * -1) else a = a^(@power * -1) b = b^@power endif z = z^3 - (a * z)^2 + (b * z) - (c / d) c = #pixel / (z^(3/4)) g1 = g1 + 1 f = 1 / b bailout: |z| <= 4.0 default: title = "Sewall A" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (2,0) endparam param power caption = "Power of a & b" default = 3.0 endparam param iter caption = "Iteration" default = 25.0 max = 25.0 min = 0.5 endparam func fd caption = "Function of d" default = sqrt() endfunc } Sewallb { init: a = 1 z = 0 loop: if @oper == 0 z = (@fz(z) + @fa(a))^2 + #pixel elseif @oper == 1 z = (@fz(z) - @fa(a))^2 + #pixel elseif @oper == 2 z = (@fz(z) * @fa(a))^2 + #pixel else z = (@fz(z) / @fa(a))^2 + #pixel endif a = a^2 - (1 / #pixel) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Sewall B" periodicity = 0 param oper caption = "Operation of z" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 3 endparam func fz caption = "1st function of z" default = exp() endfunc func fa caption = "2nd Function of z" default = exp() endfunc switch: type = "sewallbj" seed = #pixel oper = oper a = a fz = fz fa = fa } Sewallbj { init: a = 1 z = #pixel loop: if @oper == 0 z = (@fz(z) + @fa(a))^2 + @seed elseif @oper == 1 z = (@fz(z) - @fa(a))^2 + @seed elseif @oper == 2 z = (@fz(z) * @fa(a))^2 + @seed else z = (@fz(z) / @fa(a))^2 + @seed endif a = a^2 - (1 / @seed) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Sewall B-J" periodicity = 0 param oper caption = "Operation of z" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 3 endparam func fz caption = "1st function of z" default = exp() endfunc func fa caption = "2nd Function of z" default = exp() endfunc switch: type = "Sewallb" a = a oper = oper fz = fz fa = fa } Sewallc { init: a = @start b = #pi z = 0 loop: z = (b - z + a)^2 + #pixel a = a^@power - b^@power b = b^a + #pixel bailout: |b| <= 128.0 default: title = "Sewall C" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (-1,0) endparam param power caption = "Power of a and b" default = (-3,0) endparam } Sewalld { init: a1 = a2 = 0 b = #pi / 6 c = (3 * #pi) / 2 z = 0 loop: a1 = (@fa1(c))^2 - (@fa2(b))^2 a2 = (@fa2(c))^2 + (@fa1(b))^2 if @oper == 0 z = z^(a1 + a2) + #pixel elseif @oper == 1 z = z^(a1 - a2) + #pixel elseif @oper == 2 z = z^(a1 * a2) + #pixel else z = z^(a1 / a2) + #pixel endif b = b + (#pixel / 2) c = c - (#pixel / 5) bailout: |z| <= 4.0 default: title = "Sewall D" param oper caption = "Power Operation" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 2 endparam func fa1 caption = "1st function of a" default = ident() endfunc func fa2 caption = "2nd function of a" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "Sewalldj" seed = #pixel a1 = a1 a2 = a2 b = b c = c oper = oper fa1 = fa1 fa2 = fa2 } Sewalldj { init: a1 = a2 = 0 b = #pi / 6 c = (3 * #pi) / 2 z = #pixel loop: a1 = (sin(c))^2 - (cos(b))^2 a2 = (cos(c))^2 + (sin(b))^2 if @oper == 0 z = z^(a1 + a2) + @seed elseif @oper == 1 z = z^(a1 - a2) + @seed elseif @oper == 2 z = z^(a1 * a2) + @seed else z = z^(a1 / a2) + @seed endif b = b * (@seed / 2) c = c * (@seed / 5) bailout: |z| <= 4.0 default: title = "Sewall D-J" param oper caption = "Power Operation" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 2 endparam func fa1 caption = "1st function of a" default = ident() endfunc func fa2 caption = "2nd function of a" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "Sewalldj" a1 = a1 a2 = a2 b = b c = c oper = oper fa1 = fa1 fa2 = fa2 } Shelton { init: a = @starta b = @startb c = @fa(a) - @fb(b) z = 0 loop: if @change == 0 z = (sin(z + c))^2 + #pixel elseif @change == 1 z = (sin(z - c))^2 + #pixel elseif @change == 2 z = (sin(c * z))^2 + #pixel elseif @change == 3 z = (cos(z + c))^2 + #pixel elseif @change == 4 z = (cos(z - c))^2 + #pixel else z = (cos(c * z))^2 + #pixel endif c = (c / #pixel) + (@fa(b) / @fb(a)) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Shelton" param starta caption = "Start Value for a" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param startb caption = "Start Value for b" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param change caption = "Function of z" enum = "sin(z + c)" "sin(z - c)" "sin(c * z)" \ "cos(z + c)" "cos(z - c)" "cos(c * z)" default = 0 endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc func fb caption = "Function of b" default = sqrt() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "Sheltonj" a = a b = b c = c seed = #pixel starta = starta startb = startb change = change fa = fa fb = fb bailout = bailout } Sheltonj { init: a = @starta b = @startb c = @fa(a) - @fb(b) z = #pixel loop: if @change == 0 z = (sin(z + c))^2 + @seed elseif @change == 1 z = (sin(z - c))^2 + @seed elseif @change == 2 z = (sin(c * z))^2 + @seed elseif @change == 3 z = (cos(z + c))^2 + @seed elseif @change == 4 z = (cos(z - c))^2 + @seed else z = (cos(c * z))^2 + @seed endif c = (c / #pixel) + (@fa(b) / @fb(a)) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Shelton J" param starta caption = "Start Value for a" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param startb caption = "Start Value for b" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param change caption = "Function of z" enum = "sin(z + c)" "sin(z - c)" "sin(c * z)" \ "cos(z + c)" "cos(z - c)" "cos(c * z)" default = 0 endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc func fb caption = "Function of b" default = sqrt() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "Shelton" a = a b = b c = c starta = starta startb = startb change = change fa = fa fb = fb bailout = bailout } ThalerA { init: z = 0 loop: z = @f1(z) * (@f2(#pixel) + @f3(z)) * @f4(#pixel) + #pixel bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Thaler A" func f1 caption = "Big Change #1" default = ident() endfunc func f4 caption = "Big Change #2" default = sqrt() endfunc func f2 caption = "Small Change #1" default = zero() endfunc func f3 caption = "Small Change #2" default = sqr() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "ThalerAj" seed = #pixel f1 = f1 f2 = f2 f3 = f3 f4 = f4 bailout = bailout } ThalerAj { init: z = #pixel loop: z = @f1(z) * (@f2(@seed) + @f3(z)) * @f4(@seed) + @seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Thaler A J" func f1 caption = "Big Change #1" default = ident() endfunc func f4 caption = "Big Change #2" default = sqrt() endfunc func f2 caption = "Small Change #1" default = zero() endfunc func f3 caption = "Small Change #2" default = sqr() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "ThalerA" f1 = f1 f2 = f2 f3 = f3 f4 = f4 bailout = bailout } ThalerB { init: a = @start z = 1 loop: z = (a * z + #pixel)^(1/3) a = a^2 + z ^(@fz(a)) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Thaler B" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (0.5, 0.0) endparam func fz caption = "Function of z" default = cos() endfunc switch: } ThalerC { init: a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 z = 0 loop: z = z ^b + ((a - c) / #pixel) b = @fb(c) c = @fc(a) a = (b * c) - #pixel bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Thaler C" func fb caption = "Function of b" default = recip() endfunc func fc caption = "Function of c" default = exp() endfunc switch: type = "ThalerCj" seed = #pixel fb = fb fc = fc a = a b = b c = c } ThalerCj { init: a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 z = #pixel loop: z = z ^b + ((a - c) / @seed) b = @fb(c) c = @fc(a) a = (b * c) - @seed bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Thaler C J" func fb caption = "Function of b" default = recip() endfunc func fc caption = "Function of c" default = exp() endfunc switch: type = "ThalerC" fb = fb fc = fc a = a b = b c = c } Zibilski { init: a = @fa1(@start) b = #pixel z = 0 loop: b = a - b z = z^@power + b a = @fa2(b / a) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Zibilski" param start caption = "Starting value" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fa1 caption = "Initial Function of a" default = ident() endfunc func fa2 caption = "Looping Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: } 0309131 { init: a = @starta b = @funcb(@starta/(@startb^#pixel)) z = @funcy(#pixel/@startb) loop: if |(a)-(b)| < 0 z = z^@power + #pixel else z = #pixel^@power + z endif a = #pixel^2/z^3 b = z^3/#pixel^2 bailout: |z| <= 25 default: title = "030913" heading caption = "Functions" endheading func funcb caption = "Function of B" default = cos() endfunc func funcy caption = "Function of Z" default = round() endfunc heading caption = "Paramters" endheading param starta caption = "Starting for A" default = (.5,0) endparam param startb caption = "Starting for B" default = (.5,0) endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 2 endparam } 030913a { init: a = (@startb/(@starta^#pixel)) b = (@starta/(@startb^#pixel)) z = @funcy(#pixel/@startb) loop: if |(a)/(b)| <= 0 z = z^@power + #pixel else z = #pixel^@power + z endif a = @funca(#pixel^2/z^b) b = sin(z^3/#pixel^2) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "030913 A" magn = 3.000 heading caption = "Functions" endheading func funca caption = "Function of A" default = ident() endfunc func funcy caption = "Function of Z" default = log() endfunc heading caption = "Paramters" endheading param starta caption = "Starting for A" default = (.1,0) endparam param startb caption = "Starting for B" default = (1.0,0) endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 2.0 endparam } 030913b { init: a = (@startb/(@starta^#pixel)) b = (@starta/(@startb^#pixel)) z = @funcy(#pixel/(a+b)) loop: if |(a)|*|(b)| <= 0 z = z^@power + #pixel else z = #pixel^@power + z endif a = @funca(#pixel^2/z^b) b = sin(z^3/#pixel^2) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "030913 B" magn = 3.000 heading caption = "Functions" endheading func funca caption = "Function of A" default = ident() endfunc func funcy caption = "Function of Z" default = log() endfunc heading caption = "Paramters" endheading param starta caption = "Starting for A" default = (.1,0) endparam param startb caption = "Starting for B" default = (1.0,0) endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 2.0 endparam } 030913c { init: a = (@startb/(@starta^#pixel)) b = (@starta/(@startb^#pixel)) z = @funcy(#pixel/(a+b)) loop: if |(a)|*|(b)| <= 0 z = z^@power + #pixel else z = #pixel^@power + z endif a = @funca(#pixel^2/z^@power) b = sin(z^@power/#pixel^b) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "030913 C" magn = 3.000 heading caption = "Functions" endheading func funca caption = "Function of A" default = ident() endfunc func funcy caption = "Function of Z" default = round() endfunc heading caption = "Paramters" endheading param starta caption = "Starting for A" default = (.1,0) endparam param startb caption = "Starting for B" default = (1.0,0) endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 2.5 endparam switch: type = "030913cj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b starta = starta startb = startb funcy = funcy funca= funca } 030913cj { init: a = (@startb/(@starta^#pixel)) b = (@starta/(@startb^#pixel)) z = @funcy(@seed/(a+b)) loop: if |(a)|*|(b)| <= 0 z = z^@power + @seed else z = @seed^@power + z endif a = @funca(@seed^2/z^@power) b = sin(z^@power/@seed^b) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "030913 C-J" heading caption = "Functions" endheading func funca caption = "Function of A" default = ident() endfunc func funcy caption = "Function of Z" default = round() endfunc heading caption = "Paramters" endheading param starta caption = "Starting for A" default = (.1,0) endparam param startb caption = "Starting for B" default = (1.0,0) endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 2.5 endparam switch: type = "030913c" a = a b = b starta = starta startb = startb funcy = funcy funca= funca } 030913d { init: a = (@startb/(@starta^#pixel)) b = (@starta/(@startb^#pixel)) if @oper == 0 z = @funcy(#pixel/(a+b)) elseif @oper == 1 z = @funcy(#pixel / (a - b)) elseif @oper == 2 z = @funcy(#pixel / (a * b)) else z = @funcy(#pixel / (a / b)) endif loop: if |(a)|<= 0 |||(b)| <= 0 z = z^@power + #pixel else z = #pixel^@power + z endif a = @funca(#pixel^2/z^(@power - 1)) b = (z^@power/#pixel^b) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "030913 D" heading caption = "Functions" endheading func funca caption = "Function of A" default = sqr() endfunc func funcy caption = "Function of Z" default = sqrt() endfunc heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param oper caption = "Operation" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam param starta caption = "Starting for A" default = (-1.0,0) endparam param startb caption = "Starting for B" default = (1.0,0) endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 1.0 endparam } Bedtime { init: z=pixel/2 c=(0,0) loop: c=c^2+pixel z=z^@power+c bailout: |z*c|<=2e20 default: method = multipass param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam } Xmas { init: z = @start a = 1 loop: z = (z^2 + #pixel) / (2.5 * a) a = @fna(z / 2) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Christmas" } Xmas2 { init: z = @start b = @start - sin(#pixel - z) + cos(z - #pixel) a = b / @start loop: z = (z^2 + #pixel) / (b * a) a = @fna(z - b) b = (#pixel - a) / (b + z) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Christmas in July" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1,0) endparam } Decisions { init: z = 0 a = 1 cb = @funt(#pixel/(((1-#pixel)^2))) b = 1 c = #pixel loop: if |a| < 0 && |cb| > 1 z = sin(z^(c/b)+(a/c)) elseif |a| > 0 && |cb| < 1 z = cos(z^(b/c)+(c/a)) elseif |a| < 0 && |cb| < 1 z = sin(z^(b/c)+(c/a)) elseif |a| > 0 && |cb| > 1 z = cos(z^(c/b)+(a/c)) endif a = @funa(b*c) b = #pixel^2/((a-c)*z) c = ((a-b)*z)/(#pixel^2) cb = @funb(a*b) bailout: |z| < 10 default: title = "Decisions" func funa caption = "Function of A" default = sin() endfunc func funt caption = "1st Function of CB" default = cos() endfunc func funb caption = "2nd Function of CB" default = sqrt() endfunc } DecisionsDecisions { init: z = 0 a = 1 cb = @funt(#pixel) b = 1 c = #pixel loop: if |a| <= 0 && |cb| >= 1 z = sin(z^(c/b)+(a/c)) elseif |a| >= 0 && |cb| <= 1 z = cos(z^(b/c)+(c/a)) elseif |a| <= 0 && |cb| <=1 z = z^(b / c) + (c / a) elseif |a| >= 0 && |cb| >= 1 z = z^(c / b) + (a / c) endif a = @funa(b*c) b = #pixel^2/((a-c)*z) c = ((a-b)*z)/(#pixel^2) cb = @funb(a*b) bailout: |z| < 10 default: title = "Decisions, Descisions" func funa caption = "Function of A" default = sin() endfunc func funt caption = "1st Function of CB" default = cos() endfunc func funb caption = "2nd Function of CB" default = sqrt() endfunc } Dyer2b { init: a = @fna1(#pixel) z = 1 loop: z = z^3 - ((a + #pixel)^2 - (z^2 - 1)) a = @fna2(z / a) bailout: |z - a| <= @bailout default: title = "Dyer 2B" center = (0.832,-0.008) magn = 2.7173913 param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam func fna1 caption = "1st function of a" default = log() endfunc func fna2 caption = "2nd function of a" default = zero() endfunc } Fibbo_Spirals { init: complex a = @starta complex b = @startb complex c = @startc d = (sin(a/b))^c z = 0 loop: if |d| >= 1 z = z^d + #pixel else z= d^z + #pixel endif d = @funb(1/(@funa(b/c))) bailout: |z| <= 1E20 default: title = "Fibbo Spirals" method = multipass center = (-0.858950014,-0.167599903) magn = 0.97902101 heading caption = "Start values" hint = "These values are used in calculating the\ starting point for each of the variables." endheading param starta caption = "A" default = (1.6180339887498948482045868343656,0) endparam param startb caption = "B" default = (1.6180339887498948482045868343656,0) endparam param startc caption = "C" default = (1.6180339887498948482045868343656,-.31415926535897932384626433832795) endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func funb caption = "1st Function of d" default = sqr() endfunc func funa caption = "2nd Function of d" default = log() endfunc switch: type = "Fibbo_Spiralsj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c d = d starta = starta startb = startb startc = startc funb = funb funa = funa } Fibbo_Spiralsj { init: complex a = @starta complex b = @startb complex c = @startc d = (sin(a/b))^c z = #pixel loop: if |d| >= 1 z = z^d + @seed else z= d^z + @seed endif d = @funb(1/(@funa(b/c))) bailout: |z| <= 1E20 default: title = "Fibbo Spirals J" method = multipass center = (-0.858950014,-0.167599903) magn = 0.97902101 heading caption = "Start values" hint = "These values are used in calculating the\ starting point for each of the variables." endheading param starta caption = "A" default = (1.6180339887498948482045868343656,0) endparam param startb caption = "B" default = (1.6180339887498948482045868343656,0) endparam param startc caption = "C" default = (1.6180339887498948482045868343656,-.31415926535897932384626433832795) endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func funb caption = "1st Function of d" default = sqr() endfunc func funa caption = "2nd Function of d" default = log() endfunc switch: type = "Fibbo_Spirals" a = a b = b c = c d = d starta = starta startb = startb startc = startc funb = funb funa = funa } Fresia { init: z=-1 loop: z=(@ch1(z)+#pixel)*(#pixel-@ch2(z)) bailout: |z| <= 50 Default: title = "Fresia" func ch1 caption = "1st Function" default = flip() endfunc func ch2 caption = "2nd Function" default = flip() endfunc switch: type = "Fresiaj" seed = #pixel ch1 = ch1 ch2 = ch2 } Fresiaj { init: z=#pixel loop: z=(@ch1(z)+@seed)*(@seed-@ch2(z)) bailout: |z| <= 50 Default: title = "Fresia J" func ch1 caption = "1st Function" default = flip() endfunc func ch2 caption = "2nd Function" default = flip() endfunc switch: type = "Fresia" ch1 = ch1 ch2 = ch2 } Halloween { init: a = @fna(#pixel - .1) b = @fnb(#pixel - .01) z = 0 loop: if @oper == 0 z = z^@power + (a + b) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^@power + (a - b) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^@power + (a * b) else z = z^@power + (a / b) endif a = @fna(a + (#pixel + .01)) b = @fnb(b - (#pixel + .1)) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Halloween" param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sin() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = cos() endfunc param oper caption = "Combine a and b" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 1 endparam switch: type = "Halloweenj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b oper = oper power = power fna = fna fnb = fnb } Halloweenj { init: a = @fna(@seed - .1) b = @fnb(@seed - .01) z = #pixel loop: if @oper == 0 z = z^@power + (a + b) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^@power + (a - b) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^@power + (a * b) else z = z^@power + (a / b) endif a = @fna(a + (@seed + .01)) b = @fnb(b - (@seed + .1)) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Halloween J" param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sin() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = cos() endfunc param oper caption = "Combine a and b" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 1 endparam switch: type = "Halloween" a = a b = b oper = oper power = power fna = fna fnb = fnb } HappyDays { init: z = @start loop: z = #pixel^2+(z+@funk(z))^@power bailout: |z| <= 15 default: title = "Happy Days" center = (-0.5, 0) param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,0) endparam } Harley { init: z = #pixel/3 a = @apoint b = @bpoint aold = 0 loop: aold = a a = #pixel^b + z b = z^aold + #pixel z = (a/b)^2 + #pixel bailout: |z-aold+a+b| <= 1e20 default: title = "Harley" angle = 90 param apoint caption = "A start" default = (0,0) endparam param bpoint caption = "B start" default = (0,0) endparam } Kaspar { init: z=pixel a=(-1.0,1.0) b=(0,0) loop: a=b^2+#pixel b=#pixel^@power+(a-(1/pi)) z=a^b+(#pixel^z) bailout: |(b/a)-z|<=1e10 default: title="Kaspar" param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam method = multipass } Kaspar2 { init: z=pixel a=(-1.0,1.0) b=(0,0) loop: a=b^2+#pixel b=#pixel^@power+(#pixel-(1/pi)) z=a^b+(#pixel^z) bailout: |(b/a)-z|<=1e10 default: title="Kaspar II" param power caption = "Power" default = (3,0) endparam center = (-2.15154988235,-0.0012176611) magn = 1.6732295 method = multipass } Kaspar3 { init: z=pixel a=(-1.0,1.0) b=(0,0) loop: a=@crown(b^2)+#pixel b=#pixel^@power+(a-(1/pi)) z=a^b+(#pixel^z) bailout: |(b/a)-z|<=1e10 default: title="Kaspar III" param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam method = multipass } Kaspar4 { init: z=pixel a=(0,0) b=(-1.0,1.0) loop: a=@crown(b^2)+#pixel b=#pixel^@power+(a-(1/pi)) z=a^b+(#pixel^z) bailout: |(a/b)-z|<=1e10 default: title="Kaspar IV" param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam method = multipass } KelleysEnglish { init: z = 0 c = 1.618033989 loop: z = (z + sin (#pixel)) - (#pixel - @funk (c)) if @oper == 0 c = c + @fung(z) elseif @oper == 1 c = c - @fung(z) elseif @oper == 2 c = c * @fung(z) else c = c / @fung(z) endif bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Kelley's English" func funk caption = "Function of c" default = recip() endfunc func fung caption = "Function of z" default = sin() endfunc param oper caption = "To combine z and c" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam switch: type = "KelleysEnglishj" seed = #pixel c = c oper = oper funk = funk fung = fung } KelleysEnglish][ { init: z = 0 c = 1.618033989 loop: z = (z + @funk (#pixel)) - (#pixel - cos (c)) if @oper == 0 c = c + @fung(z) elseif @oper == 1 c = c - @fung(z) elseif @oper == 2 c = c * @fung(z) else c = c / @fung(z) endif bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Kelley's English ][" func funk caption = "Function of c" default = recip() endfunc func fung caption = "Function of z" default = sin() endfunc param oper caption = "To combine z and c" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam } KelleysEnglishj { init: z = #pixel c = 1.618033989 loop: z = (z + sin (@seed)) - (@seed - @funk (c)) if @oper == 0 c = c + @fung(z) elseif @oper == 1 c = c - @fung(z) elseif @oper == 2 c = c * @fung(z) else c = c / @fung(z) endif bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Kelley's English J" func funk caption = "Function of c" default = recip() endfunc func fung caption = "Function of z" default = sin() endfunc param oper caption = "To combine z and c" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam switch: type = "KelleysEnglish" c = c oper = oper funk = funk fung = fung } Mowing { init: z = @inz(#pixel/(sin(#pixel^2))) a = 0 loop: if |z| <= 1 a = @ina(z/(@inb(#pixel^@pow))) else a = @ina((@inb(#pixel^@pow))/z) endif z = z^@power + a bailout: |z| <= 25 default: title = "Mowing" method = multipass heading caption = "Powers" endheading param pow caption = "Power of a" default = (2,0) endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = (2,0) endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func inz caption = "Function of z" default = ident() endfunc func ina caption = "1st function of a" default = cos() endfunc func inb caption = "2nd function of a" default = sin() endfunc } My2ndMadelbrot { init: z=0 loop: z=@ch1(z)*@ch2(z)+#pixel bailout: |z| < 4 Default: title = "My 2nd Mandelbrot" } MyBrot { init: a = (.5, 0) z = (1, 0) loop: z = @ch1(z)^@ch2(a)+#pixel a = @ch2(@ch1(a/#pixel)) bailout: |z| <= @bailout Default: title = "My Brot" param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam func ch1 caption = "First Function" default = sin() endfunc func ch2 caption = "Second Function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "MyBrotj" seed = #pixel a = a ch1 = ch1 ch2 = ch2 bailout = bailout } MyBrotj { init: a = (.5, 0) z = #pixel loop: z = @ch1(z)^@ch2(a)+@seed a = @ch2(@ch1(a/@seed)) bailout: |z| <= @bailout Default: title = "My Brot J" param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam func ch1 caption = "First Function" default = sin() endfunc func ch2 caption = "Second Function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "MyBrot" a = a ch1 = ch1 ch2 = ch2 bailout = bailout } MyMandelbrot { init: z=0 loop: z=z^@power+sin(#pixel) bailout: |z| < 4 default: title = "My Mandelbrot" param power caption = "Power" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam } Secundo1 { init: z = .618033989 loop: z = (#pixel ^ z + cos(z))/pi bailout: |z| <= 1.618033989 Default: method = multipass center = (-2.6666666685, 0.5) magn = 0.17716535 title = "Secundo 1" } Secundo21 { init: z = .618033989 loop: z = (#pixel ^ z + cotan(z))/pi bailout: |z| <= 1.618033989 Default: method = multipass center = (-2.6666666685, 0.5) magn = 0.17716535 title = "Secundo 2" } Secundo3 { init: z = 0 loop: if @oper == 0 z = (pi ^ z + @fnz(z)) / (1.618033989 + #pixel) elseif @oper == 1 z = (pi^z + @fnz(z)) / (1.618033989 - #pixel) elseif @oper == 2 z = (pi^z + @fnz(z)) / (1.618033989 * #pixel) else z = (pi^z + @fnz(z)) / (1.618033989 / #pixel) endif bailout: |z| <= 1.618033989 Default: method = multipass title = "Secundo 3" param oper caption = "Operation for z" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 2 endparam func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = cos() endfunc } Sylvan { init: x = #pixel z = (@fnz1(x)) / 2 loop: z = z^2 - z^(@fnz2(z - x)) + #pixel x = @fnx(x + .21) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Sylvan" func fnz1 caption = "1st function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fnz2 caption = "2nd function of z" default = sqrt() endfunc func fnx caption = "Function of x" default = sin() endfunc } Sylvan][ { init: x = #pixel z = (@fnz1(x)) / 2 loop: z = z^@pow - z^(@fnz2((1/x) - x)) + #pixel x = @fnx(x^2 + .25) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Sylvan ][" param pow caption = "Power of z" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam func fnz1 caption = "1st function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fnz2 caption = "2nd function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fnx caption = "Function of x" default = sqrt() endfunc } Sylvan]|[ { init: x = (@fnz1(z)) / 2 z = 0 loop: z = z^@pow - z^(@fnz2((1/x) - x)) + #pixel x = @fnx(x^@pow2 + .25) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Sylvan ]|[" param pow caption = "Power of z" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam param pow2 caption = "Power of x" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam func fnz1 caption = "1st function of z" default = sqr() endfunc func fnz2 caption = "2nd function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fnx caption = "Function of x" default = sqrt() endfunc } Tim2 { init: t = @start i = #pixel m = 0 z = 0 loop: i = t / i m = @fnm(#pixel - (t + i)) z = (z - (@fnz(m) - @fnt(t)))^2 + #pixel t = (sin(z) + cos(z))^@power bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Tim's 2nd Fractal" center = (-0.56, 0) magn = 6.95 periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 param start caption = "Start Value" default = (1,0) endparam param power caption = "Power of t" default = 2.0 endparam func fnt caption = "Function of t" default = cos() endfunc func fnm caption = "Function of m" default = sqr() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = cos() endfunc switch: type = "Tim2j" seed = #pixel t = t i = i m = m start = start power = power fnt = fnt fnm = fnm fnz = fnz } Tim2j { init: t = @start i = @seed m = 0 z = #pixel loop: i = t / i m = @fnm(@seed - (t + i)) z = (z - (@fnz(m) - @fnt(t)))^2 + @seed t = (sin(z) + cos(z))^@power bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Tim's 2nd Fractal N-Set" center = (-0.56, 0) magn = 6.95 periodicity = 0 maxiter = 500 param start caption = "Start Value" default = (1,0) endparam param power caption = "Power of t" default = 2.0 endparam func fnt caption = "Function of t" default = cos() endfunc func fnm caption = "Function of m" default = sqr() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = cos() endfunc switch: type = "Tim2" t = t i = i m = m start = start power = power fnt = fnt fnm = fnm fnz = fnz } Tim { init: t = @start i = #pixel m = 0 z = 0 loop: i = t / i m = @fnm(#pixel - (t + i)) z = z - (@fnz(m) + @fnt(t)) + #pixel t = (sin(z) - cos(z))^@power bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Tim's Fractal" param start caption = "Start Value" default = (1,0) endparam param power caption = "Power of t" default = 2.0 endparam func fnt caption = "Function of t" default = ident() endfunc func fnm caption = "Function of m" default = sqrt() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = cabs() endfunc switch: type = "Timj" seed = #pixel t = t i = i m = m power = power start = start fnt = fnt fnm = fnm fnz = fnz } Timj { init: t = @start i = @seed m = 0 z = #pixel loop: i = t / i m = @fnm(@seed - (t + i)) z = z - (@fnz(m) + @fnt(t)) + @seed t = (sin(z) - cos(z))^@power bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Tim's Fractal J" param start caption = "Start Value" default = (1,0) endparam param power caption = "Power of t" default = 2.0 endparam func fnt caption = "Function of t" default = ident() endfunc func fnm caption = "Function of m" default = sqrt() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = cabs() endfunc switch: type = "Tim" t = t i = i m = m power = power start = start fnt = fnt fnm = fnm fnz = fnz } Westc6a { init: z = a = 1 loop: z = ((z - a)^@pow1 - (a + .01)^@pow2) / ((a - .01)^@pow2 \ + (#pixel + a)^@pow1) a = (a + z) * .001 bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "West C-6a" param pow1 caption = "1st power" default = 2.0 endparam param pow2 caption = "2nd power" default = 3.0 endparam } 40Hours1 { init: a = 1 b = 1 z = 0 x = 0 loop: x = (a/b)^#pixel + (b/a) a = b / @game1(x/#pixel) b = a / @game2(#pixel/x) z = x^(b/a) + #pixel bailout: |z| >= 4 default: center = (-0.5723428505,-0.03288) magn = 0.68897637 method = multipass title = "40 Hours" heading caption = "Functions" endheading func game1 caption = "Function for A" default = round() endfunc func game2 caption = "Function for B" default = cotanh() endfunc } MyOtherNewOne3 { init: a = 1 z = 0 loop: z = (@fun(z * z + #pixel))/(a * (#pixel + @add)) a = @funa(a / z) bailout: |(z)| <= 128.0 default: title = "A 3rd New One" periodicity = 0 Func fun caption = "Function of z" default = sin() endfunc func funa caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc param add caption = "What to add" default = (0.1, 0) endparam switch: type = "MyOtherNewOne3j" a = a fun = fun funa = funa add = add seed = #pixel } MyOtherNewOne3j { init: a = 1 z = #pixel loop: z = (@fun(z * z + @seed))/(a * (@seed + @add)) a = @funa(a / z) bailout: |(z)| <= 128.0 default: title = "A 3rd New One J" periodicity = 0 Func fun caption = "Function of z" default = sin() endfunc func funa caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc param add caption = "What to add" default = (0.1, 0) endparam switch: type = "MyOtherNewOne3" a = a fun = fun funa = funa add = add } Alaska { init: z = @fn1(#pixel/2) c = @start loop: if (@fn2 == "sin(z/c)") z = (sin(z/c))^2 + #pixel elseif(@fn2 == "sin(c/z)") z = (sin(c/z))^2 + #pixel elseif(@fn2 == "cos(z/c)") z = (cos(z/c))^2 + #pixel elseif(@fn2 == "cos(c/z)") z = (cos(c/z))^2 + #pixel elseif(@fn2 == "tan(z/c)") z = (tan(z/c))^2 + #pixel elseif(@fn2 == "tan(c/z)") z = (tan(c/z))^2 + #pixel endif bailout: |z| <= 15 default: center = (-0.709090927,0.027272721) magn = 0.36184211 title = "Alaska" param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Function of z" default = asin() endfunc param fn2 caption = "Change" enum = "sin(z/c)" "sin(c/z)" "cos(z/c)" "cos(c/z)" \ "tan(z/c)" "tan(c/z)" default = 1 endparam switch: type = "Alaskaj" seed = #pixel c = c start = start fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 } Alaskaj { init: z = #pixel c = @start a = @fn1(z/2) loop: if (@fn2 == "sin(z/c)") z = (sin(a/c))^2 + @seed elseif(@fn2 == "sin(c/z)") z = (sin(c/a))^2 + @seed elseif(@fn2 == "cos(z/c)") z = (cos(a/c))^2 + @seed elseif(@fn2 == "cos(c/z)") z = (cos(c/a))^2 + @seed elseif(@fn2 == "tan(z/c)") z = (tan(a/c))^2 + @seed elseif(@fn2 == "tan(c/z)") z = (tan(c/a))^2 + @seed endif a = z bailout: |z| <= 15 default: title = "Alaska J" param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (1,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Function of z" default = asin() endfunc param fn2 caption = "Change" enum = "sin(z/c)" "sin(c/z)" "cos(z/c)" "cos(c/z)" \ "tan(z/c)" "tan(c/z)" default = 1 endparam switch: type = "Alaska" c = c start = start fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 } MyOtherNewOne2 { init: a = 1 z = 0 loop: z = (@fun(z * z + #pixel))/(a * #pixel + .1) a = @funa(a / z) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Another New One" method = multipass Func fun caption = "Function of z" default = tan() endfunc func funa caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc } AutoQuadratic { ; idea taken from Fractal Extreme put out by \ ; Cygnus Software... This is the final version (I think) \ ; the first two are "Total Recall" and "Totally Recalled" init: a = @A b = @B c = @C d = @D v = @V f = @F g = @G h = @H i = @I j = @J k = @K l = @L Xn = 1 Yn = 1 z = 0 loop: z = real(Xn) + imag(Yn) Xn = a + b * (#pixel) + c * (#pixel^2) + d * (#pixel) \ * (z) + v * (z) + f * (z^2) Yn = g - h * (z) - i * (z^2) - j * (z) * (#pixel) - k \ * (#pixel) - l * (#pixel^2) a = @fna(l) b = @fnb(k) c = @fnc(j) d = @fna(i) v = @fnb(h) f = @fnc(g) g = @fna(f) h = @fnb(v) i = @fnc(d) j = @fna(c) k = @fnb(b) l = @fnc(a) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Auto Quadratic" magn = 0.5 func fna caption = "Func for A, D, G, and J" default = sin() endfunc func fnb caption = "Func for B, E, H, and K" default = cabs() endfunc func fnc caption = "Func for C, F, I, and L" default = sqrt() endfunc param A caption = "A" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam param B caption = "B" default = (0.2, 0.0) endparam param C caption = "C" default = (0.4, 0.0) endparam param D caption = "D" default = (0.6, 0.0) endparam param V caption = "E" default = (0.8, 0.0) endparam param F caption = "F" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param G caption = "G" default = (-1.0, 0.0) endparam param H caption = "H" default = (-0.8, 0.0) endparam param I caption = "I" default = (-0.6, 0.0) endparam param J caption = "J" default = (-0.4, 0.0) endparam param K caption = "K" default = (-0.2, 0.0) endparam param L caption = "L" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam switch: type = "AutoQuadraticj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c d = d v = v f = f g = g h = h i = i j = j k = k l = l Xn = Xn Yn = Yn fna = fna fnb = fnb fnc = fnc } AutoQuadraticj { ; idea taken from Fractal Extreme put out by \ ; Cygnus Software... This is the final version (I think) \ ; the first two are "Total Recall" and "Totally Recalled" init: a = @A b = @B c = @C d = @D v = @V f = @F g = @G h = @H i = @I j = @J k = @K l = @L Xn = #pixel Yn = #pixel z = 0 loop: z = real(Xn) + imag(Yn) Xn = a + b * (@seed) + c * (@seed^2) + d * (@seed) \ * (z) + v * (z) + f * (z^2) Yn = g - h * (z) - i * (z^2) - j * (z) * (@seed) - k \ * (@seed) - l * (@seed^2) a = @fna(l) b = @fnb(k) c = @fnc(j) d = @fna(i) v = @fnb(h) f = @fnc(g) g = @fna(f) h = @fnb(v) i = @fnc(d) j = @fna(c) k = @fnb(b) l = @fnc(a) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Auto Quadratic J" magn = 0.5 func fna caption = "Func for A, D, G, and J" default = sin() endfunc func fnb caption = "Func for B, E, H, and K" default = cabs() endfunc func fnc caption = "Func for C, F, I, and L" default = sqrt() endfunc param A caption = "A" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam param B caption = "B" default = (0.2, 0.0) endparam param C caption = "C" default = (0.4, 0.0) endparam param D caption = "D" default = (0.6, 0.0) endparam param V caption = "E" default = (0.8, 0.0) endparam param F caption = "F" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param G caption = "G" default = (-1.0, 0.0) endparam param H caption = "H" default = (-0.8, 0.0) endparam param I caption = "I" default = (-0.6, 0.0) endparam param J caption = "J" default = (-0.4, 0.0) endparam param K caption = "K" default = (-0.2, 0.0) endparam param L caption = "L" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam switch: type = "AutoQuadratic" a = a b = b c = c d = d v = v f = f g = g h = h i = i j = j k = k l = l Xn = Xn Yn = Yn fna = fna fnb = fnb fnc = fnc } BeccasFormula { init: z = @start a = @astart b = @bstart loop: z=#pixel-@func2(a+b)*z a= @func1(b)/(z^2+#pixel) b= z^@power+#pixel bailout: |z|< 1E20 default: method = multipass title = "Becca's Formula" center = (0.03333333335,0.01666666665) magn = 2.25 param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (0,0) endparam param astart caption = "Starting point for a" default = (.00362621989,0) endparam param bstart caption = "Starting point for b" default = (-.11211211211211,0) endparam Func func1 caption = "Function of z" default = sin() endfunc Func func2 caption = "Function of (a+b)" default = conj() endfunc } Bob49 { ; Bob Margolis init: z=c=pixel loop: z=(z*z+c)/(z*z-c) bailout: |z| <= 4 default: magn=0.625 switch: type = "Bob49j" seed = #pixel c = c } Bob49j { ; Bob Margolis init: z=#pixel c=@seed loop: z=(z*z+c)/(z*z-c) bailout: |z| <= 4 default: magn=0.625 switch: type = "Bob49" c = c } CompletelyRecalled { init: a = @A b = @B c = @C d = @D v = @V f = @F g = @G h = @H i = @I j = @J k = @K l = @L Xn = 1 Yn = 1 z = 0 loop: z = real(Xn) + imag(Yn) Xn = a + b * (#pixel) + c * (#pixel^2) + d * (#pixel) \ * (z) + v * (z) + f * (z^2) Yn = g - h * (z) - i * (z^2) - j * (z) * (#pixel) - k \ * (#pixel) - l * (#pixel^2) a = @fna(l) b = @fnb(k) c = @fnc(j) d = @fna(i) v = @fnb(h) f = @fnc(g) g = @fna(f) h = @fnb(v) i = @fnc(d) j = @fna(c) k = @fnb(b) l = @fnc(a) bailout: |z| <= 2.66E15 default: title = "Completely Recalled" magn = 0.5 angle = 90 func fna caption = "Func for A, D, G, and J" default = sin() endfunc func fnb caption = "Func for B, E, H, and K" default = cabs() endfunc func fnc caption = "Func for C, F, I, and L" default = sqrt() endfunc param A caption = "A" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam param B caption = "B" default = (0.2, 0.0) endparam param C caption = "C" default = (0.4, 0.0) endparam param D caption = "D" default = (0.6, 0.0) endparam param V caption = "E" default = (0.8, 0.0) endparam param F caption = "F" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param G caption = "G" default = (-1.0, 0.0) endparam param H caption = "H" default = (-0.8, 0.0) endparam param I caption = "I" default = (-0.6, 0.0) endparam param J caption = "J" default = (-0.4, 0.0) endparam param K caption = "K" default = (-0.2, 0.0) endparam param L caption = "L" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam } Faehnlebrot { init: z = 0 a = 1 loop: if @task == 0 z = z^@power * cos(a) + #pixel elseif @task == 1 z = z^@power * cosh(a) + #pixel elseif @task == 2 z = z^@power * acos(a) + #pixel else z = z^@power * acosh(a) + #pixel endif a = z * .01 bailout: (@test == 0 && |z| <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 1 && sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 2 && sqr(imag(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 3 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout && \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 4 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout || \ sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 5 && (sqr(abs(real(z)) + \ abs(imag(z))) <= @bailout)) || \ (@test == 6 && (sqr(real(z) + imag(z)) <= @bailout)) default: title = "Faehnlebrot" magn = .3 param task caption = "Function of a" enum = "cos" "cosh" "acos" "acosh" default = 0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" default = 0 enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1 endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = 1.0 endparam } FleurdeLis { init: float c = 1 float a = 0 float b = 0 d = 1 - (#pixel / 2) f = 1 + (#pixel / 2) z = 0 loop: a = c % @itter1 b = c % @itter2 if a == 0 d = @fnd(z + f) - @fnd(z^f) f = @fnf(z - d) + @fnf(z^d) else d = @fnd(d - z) + @fnd(d^f) f = @fnf(f + z) - @fnf(f^d) endif if b == 0 d = 1 / d f = 1 / f endif z = (@fnz(d))^2 + (f / #pixel)^@power c = c + 1 bailout: |z| <= 25 default: title = "Fleur-de-Lis" angle = 90 param itter1 caption = "1st iteration" default = 3 max = 25 min = 1 endparam param itter2 caption = "2nd iteration" default = 4 max = 25 min = 1 endparam param power caption = "Power of p" default = (1, 0) endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fnd caption = "Function of d" default = sin() endfunc func fnf caption = "Function of f" default = atanh() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = sqrt() endfunc } 4_Liz { init: z = @start p = #pixel/@ch1(z) loop: if @ivt == true z = 1/(z^(@ch1(z/p))-#pixel^@power) else z = z^(@ch1(z/p))-#pixel^@power endif bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "For Liz" method = multipass heading caption = "Function" endheading func ch1 caption = "Function of z" default = sin() endfunc heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param power caption = "Power of pixel" default = (2,0) endparam param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (1.0,0) endparam param ivt caption = "Inverse?" default = false endparam } Found { init: z = 0 loop: z = cosh(z) * sin(#pixel) bailout: |z| <= 4 default: title = "Found" } Found2 { init: z = 0 loop: z = @fnz(z) * @fnp(#pixel) + #pixel bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Found 2" func fnp caption = "Function of the pixel" default = ident() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = sin() endfunc } Found3 { init: z = 0 loop: z = @fnz(z) * @fnp(z) + #pixel bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Found 3" func fnz caption = "1st Function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fnp caption = "2nd Function of z" default = ident() endfunc } Found4 { init: z = 0 loop: z = @fnz(z) * @fnp(z / #pixel) + #pixel bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Found 4" func fnz caption = "1st Function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fnp caption = "2nd Function of z" default = ident() endfunc } FunkyJazz { init: a = @astart b = @bstart z = @fn1(a^b)/#pixel loop: a = a^@p1 + b b = (@fn2(sqrt(z + b)))^@p2 z = z^(a/b) + #pixel bailout: |z+a+b| <= 1e15 default: title = "Funky Jazz" method = multipass param astart caption = "A Start" default = (0, 0) endparam param bstart caption = "B Start" default = (0,0) endparam param p1 caption = "Power of A" default = 2 endparam param p2 caption = "Power of B" default = 2 endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Function of z" default = sqrt() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Function of b" default = ident() endfunc } FunkyMusic { init: z = pixel/2 a = @astart b = @bstart loop: a = a^@powera + b b = cos(sqrt(z + b))^@powerb z = z^(a/b) + #pixel bailout: |z+a+b| <= 1e15 default: title = "Funky Music" method = multipass param astart caption = "A Start" default = (0, 0) endparam param bstart caption = "B Start" default = (0,0) endparam param powera caption = "Power of a" default = (2,0) endparam param powerb caption = "Power of b" default = (2,0) endparam } Interesting { init: z = 0 loop: z = @form(#pixel * #pixel + z) bailout: |z| < 4 default: title = "Interesting" func form caption = "Function" default = tan() endfunc } JoeysOwn { init: z = @fn1(#pixel) c = @fn2(1/#pixel) loop: z = sin(z^2+c)-cos(c^2+z) bailout: |z| <= 4 default: title = "Joey's Own" magn = 3 center = (1.18333333325,0.025) method = multipass func fn1 caption = "Function of z" default = cotan() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Function of c" default = round() endfunc } MurphyUSA { init: c = @fn1(#pixel^pi) z = @fn2(1/c) + @fn3((2/c)^#pixel) loop: z = z^@power + c bailout: |z*c| <= 1e15 default: title = "Murphy USA" param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2 endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Function of c" default = sqrt() endfunc func fn2 caption = "1st Function" default = sin() endfunc func fn3 caption = "2nd Function" default = cos() endfunc } MyNewOne { init: z = 0 loop: z = (sin(z * z + #pixel))/(#pixel * #pixel + 1) bailout: |z| < 4 default: title = "My New One" } MyOtherNewOne { init: z = 0 loop: z = (@fun(z * z + #pixel))/(#pixel * #pixel + 1) bailout: |z| < 4 default: title = "My Other New One" method = multipass angle = 90 center = (-0.1140971155,-0.0619990455) magn = 0.56111111 Func fun caption = "Function of z" default = round() endfunc } StrangeMandelbrot { init: z = (1.0,0.0) a = (1.0, -.5) b = (0,0) loop: z = a * b + (#pixel/z) b = cos(b * #pixel) a = a * log(a - (1/z)) bailout: |z| <= 2.67E12 default: title = "Strange Mandelbrot" center = (-3.2724264475,0.00551470275) magn = 1.7435898 } NewBaby { init: z = @start a = 0 b = 1 loop: a = @funca(#pixel^z+z) b = @funcb(z^#pixel+#pixel) z = a^@power+b bailout: |z| <= 100 default: title = "The New Baby" param start default = (0,0) caption = "Starting point" endparam param power default = (2,0) caption = "Power of z" endparam func funca caption = "Function for a" default = cos() endfunc func funcb caption = "Function for b" default = sin() endfunc } TotalRecall { init: a = @A b = @B c = @C d = @D v = @V f = @F g = @G h = @H i = @I j = @J k = @K l = @L Xn = 1 Yn = 1 z = 0 loop: Xn = a + b * (#pixel) + c * (#pixel^2) + d * (#pixel) \ * (z) + v * (z) + f * (z^2) Yn = g + h * (z) + i * (z^2) + j * (z) * (#pixel) + k \ * (#pixel) + l * (#pixel^2) z = Xn + Yn bailout: |z| <= 2.66E15 default: title = "Total Recall" param A caption = "A" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam param B caption = "B" default = (0.2, -0.2) endparam param C caption = "C" default = (0.4, -0.4) endparam param D caption = "D" default = (0.6, -0.6) endparam param V caption = "E" default = (0.8, -0.8) endparam param F caption = "F" default = (1.0, -1.0) endparam param G caption = "G" default = (-1.0, 1.0) endparam param H caption = "H" default = (-0.8, 0.8) endparam param I caption = "I" default = (-0.6, 0.6) endparam param J caption = "J" default = (-0.4, 0.4) endparam param K caption = "K" default = (-0.2, 0.2) endparam param L caption = "L" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam switch: type = "TotalRecallj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c d = d v = v f = f g = g h = h i = i j = j k = k l = l Xn = Xn Yn = Yn } TotalRecallj { init: a = @A b = @B c = @C d = @D v = @V f = @F g = @G h = @H i = @I j = @J k = @K l = @L Xn = 1 Yn = 1 z = #pixel loop: Xn = a + b * (@seed) + c * (@seed^2) + d * (@seed) \ * (z) + v * (z) + f * (z^2) Yn = g + h * (z) + i * (z^2) + j * (z) * (@seed) + k \ * (@seed) + l * (@seed^2) z = Xn + Yn bailout: |z| <= 2.66E15 default: title = "Total Recall J" param A caption = "A" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam param B caption = "B" default = (0.2, -0.2) endparam param C caption = "C" default = (0.4, -0.4) endparam param D caption = "D" default = (0.6, -0.6) endparam param V caption = "E" default = (0.8, -0.8) endparam param F caption = "F" default = (1.0, -1.0) endparam param G caption = "G" default = (-1.0, 1.0) endparam param H caption = "H" default = (-0.8, 0.8) endparam param I caption = "I" default = (-0.6, 0.6) endparam param J caption = "J" default = (-0.4, 0.4) endparam param K caption = "K" default = (-0.2, 0.2) endparam param L caption = "L" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam switch: type = "TotalRecall" a = a b = b c = c d = d v = v f = f g = g h = h i = i j = j k = k l = l Xn = Xn Yn = Yn } TotallyRecalled { init: a = @A b = @B c = @C d = @D v = @V f = @F g = @G h = @H i = @I j = @J k = @K l = @L Xn = 1 Yn = 1 z = 0 loop: z = Xn - Yn Xn = a + b * (#pixel) + c * (#pixel^2) + d * (#pixel) \ * (z) + v * (z) + f * (z^2) Yn = g - h * (z) - i * (z^2) - j * (z) * (#pixel) - k \ * (#pixel) - l * (#pixel^2) a = -l b = -k c = -j d = -i v = -h f = -g g = -f h = -v i = -d j = -c k = -b l = -a bailout: |z| <= 2.66E15 default: title = "Totally Recalled" magn = 0.5 angle = 90 param A caption = "A" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam param B caption = "B" default = (0.2, 0.0) endparam param C caption = "C" default = (0.4, 0.0) endparam param D caption = "D" default = (0.6, 0.0) endparam param V caption = "E" default = (0.8, 0.0) endparam param F caption = "F" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param G caption = "G" default = (-1.0, 0.0) endparam param H caption = "H" default = (-0.8, 0.0) endparam param I caption = "I" default = (-0.6, 0.0) endparam param J caption = "J" default = (-0.4, 0.0) endparam param K caption = "K" default = (-0.2, 0.0) endparam param L caption = "L" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam } UltraSwing { init: z = 0 a = 0 b = 0 c = 0 loop: a = @ch1(z^#pixel/#pixel^z) b = @ch2(#pixel^a/a^z) c = @ch3(#pixel^b/b^z) if |a| > |b| && |a| > |c| z = z^2+pixel else if |b| > |c| z = pixel^2+z else z = (sin(z)+cos(pixel))^2 + (z/pixel) endif endif bailout: |z| <= 1e15 default: title = "Ultra Swing" func ch1 caption = "Function of a" default = round() endfunc func ch2 caption = "Function of b" default = ident() endfunc func ch3 caption = "Function of c" default = cos() endfunc } UltraSwingII { init: z = 0 a = 0 b = 0 c = 0 loop: a = (z - a)^@power / @ch3(#pixel) b = (z - b)^@power / @ch4(#pixel) c = ( z - c)^@power / @ch5(#pixel) if |a| > |b| && |a| > |c| z = z^2+pixel else if |b| > |c| z = pixel^2+z else z = (@ch1(z)+@ch2(pixel))^2 + pixel endif endif bailout: |z| <= 1e15 default: title = "Ultra Swing II" func ch1 caption = " 1st func of z" default = conj() endfunc func ch2 caption = "2nd func of z" default = sqr() endfunc func ch3 caption = "Function of a" default = sqr() endfunc func ch4 caption = "Function of b" default =log() endfunc func ch5 caption = "Function of c" default = sqrt() endfunc param power caption = "Power of a" default = 3.0 endparam switch: type = "UltraswingIIj" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c ch1 = ch1 ch2 = ch2 ch3 = ch3 ch4 = ch4 ch5 = ch5 power = power } UltraSwingIIj { init: z = #pixel a = 0 b = 0 c = 0 loop: a = (z - a)^@power / @ch3(@seed) b = (z - b)^@power / @ch4(@seed) c = (z - c)^@power / @ch5(@seed) if |a| > |b| && |a| > |c| z = z^2+@seed else if |b| > |c| z = @seed^2+z else z = (@ch1(z)+@ch2(@seed))^2 + @seed endif endif bailout: |z| <= 1e15 default: title = "Ultra Swing II J" func ch1 caption = " 1st func of z" default = conj() endfunc func ch2 caption = "2nd func of z" default = sqr() endfunc func ch3 caption = "Function of a" default = sqr() endfunc func ch4 caption = "Function of b" default =log() endfunc func ch5 caption = "Function of c" default = sqrt() endfunc param power caption = "Power of a" default = 3.0 endparam switch: type = "UltraswingII" a = a b = b c = c ch1 = ch1 ch2 = ch2 ch3 = ch3 ch4 = ch4 ch5 = ch5 power = power } 000812 { init: z = 0 loop: z = (@dnz(z))^2 + #pixel bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "000812" func dnz caption = "Function of z" default = sqrt() endfunc switch: type = "000812j" seed = #pixel dnz = dnz } 000812j { init: z = #pixel loop: z = (@dnz(z))^2 + @seed bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "000812 J" func dnz caption = "Function of z" default = sqrt() endfunc switch: type = "000812" dnz = dnz } 0310041 { init: z1 = 0 z2 = 1 z = @fnz(#pixel) loop: z1 = @fnz1(z^@power) z2 = @fnz2(z1/z) z = z1 * z2 + #pixel bailout: |z| <= 25 default: title = "031004" param power caption = "Power of z" default = (2,0) endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fnz1 caption = "Function of z1" default = abs() endfunc func fnz2 caption = "Function of z2" default = sin() endfunc switch: type = "031004j" seed = #pixel power = power fnz = fnz fnz1 = fnz1 fnz2 = fnz2 z1 = z1 z2 = z2 } 031004j { init: z1 = 0 z2 = 1 z = #pixel loop: z1 = @fnz1(z^@power) z2 = @fnz2(z1/z) z = z1 * z2 + @seed bailout: |z| <= 25 default: title = "031004 J" param power caption = "Power of z" default = (2,0) endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fnz1 caption = "Function of z1" default = abs() endfunc func fnz2 caption = "Function of z2" default = sin() endfunc switch: type = "031004" power = power fnz = fnz fnz1 = fnz1 fnz2 = fnz2 z1 = z1 z2 = z2 } 031006 { init: float count = 0 float c = 0 a = @astart b = @fnb(a/#pixel) z = 0 loop: c = count % @itter if c == 0 z = (a/b)^z + #pixel else z = z^(b/a) - #pixel endif count = count + 1 bailout: |z| <= 25 default: title = "031006" param astart caption = "Starting point" default = (1, 0) endparam param itter caption = "Every?" default = 3 min = 3 max = 25 endparam func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = sin() endfunc switch: type = "031006j" seed = #pixel count = count c = c a = a b = b astart = astart itter = itter fnb = fnb } 031006j { init: float count = 0 float c = 0 a = @astart b = @fnb(a/#pixel) z = #pixel loop: c = count % @itter if c == 0 z = (a/b)^z + @seed else z = z^(b/a) - @seed endif count = count + 1 bailout: |z| <= 25 default: title = "031006 J" param astart caption = "Starting point" default = (1, 0) endparam param itter caption = "Every?" default = 3 min = 3 max = 25 endparam func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = sin() endfunc switch: type = "031006" count = count c = c a = a b = b astart = astart itter = itter fnb = fnb } 031012 { init: a = @start1 b = 0 con1 = @con(a) con2 = con1^a z = 0 loop: if |(con2)/(a^2)| <=0 b = b^(a + con2) - #pixel else b = b^(a - con2) - #pixel endif if |b - #pixel| >= 0 z = z^#pixel + b else z = z^b + #pixel endif a = @con(a/b) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "031012" param start1 caption = "Starting Point" default = (2.5,0) endparam param bailout caption = "bailout" default = 25.0 endparam func con caption = "Function of a" default = cabs() endfunc } 031031 { init: a = @a b = #pixel c = @fnc(b / a) z = 0 loop: z = z^a + (#pixel / (c * b)) a = (b / c) + #pixel b = (z / a) - #pixel c = sin(a) + cos(b) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "031031" param a caption = "Start Value" default = (1, 0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = ident() endfunc } 031101 { init: a = -1 b = #pixel * a z = .5 * #pixel loop: if @oper == 0 z = z^@power + (a + b) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^@power + (a - b) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^@power + (a * b) elseif @oper == 3 z = z^@power + (a / b) else z = z^@power + (a ^ b) endif a = z - @fna(#pixel + b) b = a + @fnb(z + #pixel) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "031101" param oper caption = "Combine a & b" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" "^" default = 3 endparam param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = ident() endfunc } 031112 { init: z = @start a = 3 / z b = @fnb(a) c = (log(z) - cos(a)) / exp(b) complex pow = (0, 0) loop: z = z^pow + #pixel pow = (a - b) / c a = z^2 / (b * c) b = 2 / (c - z) c = @fnc(b * a) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "031112" param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (1.0, 0) endparam func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = sin() endfunc func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = sin() endfunc } 031112b { init: z = @start a = 3 / z b = sqr(a) c = (log(z) - cos(a)) / exp(b) loop: z = z^@pow + c a = z^2 / (b * (z + #pixel)) b = 2 / (z - a) c = @fnc(b * a) / (#pixel - z) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "031112 B" periodicity = 0 method = multipass angle = 90 func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = sqr() endfunc param pow caption = "Power of z" default = (1,0) endparam param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (0.5, 0) endparam } 031121 { init: x = 0 a = b = 0 a1 = b1 = 0 z = #pixel loop: a = x^3 - 2 * x^2 + x - #pixel b = x^3 + 2 * x^2 - x + #pixel a1 = 3 * x^2 - 4 * x + 1 - #pixel b1 = 3 * x^2 + 4 * x - 1 + #pixel if @oper == 0 z = (a1 / b) + (b1 / a) elseif @oper == 1 z = (a1 / b) - (b1 / a) elseif @oper == 2 z = (a1 / b) * (b1 / a) else z = (a1 / b) / (b1 / a) endif x = @fnx(sqr(x) + #pixel) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "031121" param oper caption = "Operation of z" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam } 031206a { init: a = @start b = #pixel + @fnb(a) - (1 / #pixel) if |a| == 0 z = b else z = b / a endif loop: if @oper == 0 z = z^2 + (a + b) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^2 + (a - b) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^2 + (b - a) elseif @oper == 3 z = z^2 + (a * b) elseif @oper == 4 z = z^2 + (a / b) elseif @oper == 5 z = z^2 + (b / a) elseif @oper == 6 z = z^2 + (a^b) else z = z^2 + (b^a) endif a = z / ((@start + a) * b) b = #pixel + @fnb(a) - (1 / #pixel) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "031206 A" param oper caption = "Operation" enum = "a + b" "a - b" "b - a" "a * b" "a / b" "b / a" "a^b" "b^a" default = 0 endparam param start caption = "Start value" default = (-1, 0) endparam } 031206b { init: a = @start b = #pixel + @fnb(a) - (1 / #pixel) if |a| == 0 z = b else z = b / a endif loop: if @oper == 0 z = z^2 + (a + b) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^2 + (a - b) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^2 + (b - a) elseif @oper == 3 z = z^2 + (a * b) elseif @oper == 4 z = z^2 + (a / b) elseif @oper == 5 z = z^2 + (b / a) elseif @oper == 6 z = z^2 + (a^b) else z = z^2 + (b^a) endif a = @start / ((z + a) * b) b = #pixel - @fnb(a) + (1 / #pixel) bailout: |(z)| <= 128.0 default: title = "031206 B" param oper caption = "Operation" enum = "a + b" "a - b" "b - a" "a * b" "a / b" "b / a" "a^b" "b^a" default = 0 endparam param start caption = "Start value" default = (-1, 0) endparam } 031206c { init: a = #pixel - ((1 + sqrt(5))/2) b = #pixel + @fnb(a) - (1 / #pixel) z = 0 loop: if @oper == 0 z = z^2 + (a + b) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^2 + (a - b) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^2 + (b - a) elseif @oper == 3 z = z^2 + (a * b) elseif @oper == 4 z = z^2 + (a / b) elseif @oper == 5 z = z^2 + (b / a) elseif @oper == 6 z = z^2 + (a^b) else z = z^2 + (b^a) endif a = @start / ((z + a) * b) b = #pixel - @fnb(a) + (1 / #pixel) bailout: |(z)| <= 128.0 default: title = "031206 C" param oper caption = "Operation" enum = "a + b" "a - b" "b - a" "a * b" "a / b" "b / a" "a^b" "b^a" default = 0 endparam param start caption = "Start value" default = (-1, 0) endparam } 031217 { init: a = #pixel b = @fb1(#pixel - (a / #pi)) z = @fz(b^2 - a) loop: if @oper == 0 z = z^b + (a + #pixel) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^b - (a + #pixel) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^b * (a + #pixel) else z = z^b / (a + #pixel) endif b = @fb2(#pixel - (a / #pi)) a = b / (#pixel - z) bailout: |z - a| <= @bailout default: title = "031217" func fb1 caption = "Initital func of b" default = sqrt() endfunc func fb2 caption = "Looped func of b" default = ident() endfunc func fz caption = "Initial func of z" default = sqrt() endfunc param oper caption = "Looped Operation" default = 0 enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "031217j" seed = #pixel a = a b = b fb1 = fb1 fb2 = fb2 oper = oper bailout = bailout } 031217j { init: a = #pixel b = @fb1(#pixel - (a / #pi)) z = #pixel loop: if @oper == 0 z = z^b + (a + @seed) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^b - (a + @seed) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^b * (a + @seed) else z = z^b / (a + @seed) endif b = @fb2(@seed - (a / #pi)) a = b / (@seed - z) bailout: |z - a| <= @bailout default: title = "031217 J" func fb1 caption = "Initital func of b" default = sqrt() endfunc func fb2 caption = "Looped func of b" default = ident() endfunc func fz caption = "Initial func of z" default = sqrt() endfunc param oper caption = "Looped Operation" default = 0 enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "031217" a = a b = b fb1 = fb1 fb2 = fb2 oper = oper bailout = bailout } 031218 { init: a = #pixel - #e b = @fb1(#pixel - (a / #pi)) z = @fz(b^2 - a) loop: if @oper == 0 z = z^a + (b + #pixel) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^a - (b + #pixel) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^a * (b + #pixel) else z = z^a / (b + #pixel) endif b = @fb2(#pixel - (a / #pi)) a = b / (#pixel - z) bailout: |z - a| <= @bailout default: title = "031218" func fb1 caption = "Initital func of b" default = sqrt() endfunc func fb2 caption = "Looped func of b" default = ident() endfunc func fz caption = "Initial func of z" default = sqrt() endfunc param oper caption = "Looped Operation" default = 0 enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam } 040106 { init: a = #pixel z = 0 loop: z = z^@power + a a = #pixel / @fnx(z) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "040106" center = (-1.5, 0) angle = 90 param power caption = "Power of z" default = (1,0) endparam func fnx caption = "A little change" default = atan() endfunc } 040309 { init: z = 0 a = 1 b = 1 loop: a = @fa(b / #pixel) b = @fb(a / #pixel) if @oper == 0 z = z^@power + (a + b) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^@power + (a - b) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^@power + (b - a) elseif @oper == 3 z = z^@power + (a * b) elseif @oper == 4 z = z^@power + (a / b) elseif @oper == 5 z = z^@power + (b / a) elseif @oper == 6 z = z^@power + (a^b) else z = z^@power + (b^a) endif bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "040309" param oper caption = "Operation of z" enum = "a+b" "a-b" "b-a" "a*b" "a/b" "b/a" "a^b" "b^a" default = 1 endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = sin() endfunc func fb caption = "Function of b" default = recip() endfunc param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam switch: type = "040309j" seed = #pixel a = a b = b power = power fa = fa fb = fb oper = oper } 040309j { init: z = #pixel a = 1 b = 1 loop: a = @fa(b / @seed) b = @fb(a / @seed) if @oper == 0 z = z^@power + (a + b) elseif @oper == 1 z = z^@power + (a - b) elseif @oper == 2 z = z^@power + (b - a) elseif @oper == 3 z = z^@power + (a * b) elseif @oper == 4 z = z^@power + (a / b) elseif @oper == 5 z = z^@power + (b / a) elseif @oper == 6 z = z^@power + (a^b) else z = z^@power + (b^a) endif bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "040309 J" param oper caption = "Operation of z" enum = "a+b" "a-b" "b-a" "a*b" "a/b" "b/a" "a^b" "b^a" default = 1 endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = sin() endfunc func fb caption = "Function of b" default = recip() endfunc param power caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam switch: type = "040309" a = a b = b power = power fa = fa fb = fb oper = oper } 040315 { init: z = 0 a = @fa(#pixel) b = a - @fb(#pixel) loop: if @oper == 0 z = z^(a + b) + #pixel elseif @oper == 1 z = z^(a - b) + #pixel elseif @oper == 2 z = z^(b - a) + #pixel elseif @oper == 3 z = z^(a * b) + #pixel elseif @oper == 4 z = z^(a / b) + #pixel elseif @oper == 5 z = z^(b / a) + #pixel elseif @oper == 6 z = z^(a^b) + #pixel else z = z^(b^a) + #pixel endif a = @fa2(#pixel - a) b = @fb2(#pixel + b) bailout: |z| <= 1e15 default: title = "040315" param oper caption = "Operation of z" enum = "a+b" "a-b" "b-a" "a*b" "a/b" "b/a" "a^b" "b^a" default = 1 endparam func fa caption = "1st function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc func fa2 caption = "2nd function of a" default = sin() endfunc func fb caption = "1st function of b" default = sqr() endfunc func fb2 caption = "2nd function of b" default = cos() endfunc } 040326 { init: z = p1 loop: z = @f1((z^3 + 3 * (pixel - 1) * z + (pixel - 1) * (pixel - 2)) / \ (3 * z^2 + 3 * (pixel - 2) * z + (pixel - 1) * (pixel - 2) + 1)) bailout: |z| < @bailout && |z - 1| > 0.00005 default: title = "040326" center = (1.1,0) magn = 0.77 maxiter = 100 param p1 caption = "Pertubation" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam func f1 caption = "Style" default = sqrt() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100.0 min = 1 endparam switch: type = "040326" p1 = pixel f1 = f1 bailout = bailout } 040326j { init: z = pixel loop: zold = z z = @f1((z^3 + 3 * (p1 - 1) * z + (p1 - 1) * (p1 - 2)) / \ (3 * z^2 + 3 * (p1 - 2) * z + (p1 - 1) * (p1 - 2) + 1)) bailout: |z| < @bailout && |z - 1| > 0.00005 default: title = "040326 J" center = (1.1,0) magn = 0.77 maxiter = 100 param p1 caption = "Pertubation" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam func f1 caption = "Style" default = sqrt() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100.0 min = 1 endparam switch: type = "040326" p1 = p1 f1 = f1 bailout = bailout } 1001 { init: z = 1 r = #pixel loop: r = 1/r z = z^2 + r r = @fnr((1 / r)^(-1)) bailout: |z/r| <= 10.0 default: Title = "1,001" func fnr caption = "Function of r" default = ident() endfunc } 1001a { init: z = 0 r = #pixel loop: r = 1/r z = z^2 + r r = @fnr(( r)^(-1)) bailout: |z/r| <= 10.0 default: Title = "1001 A" func fnr caption = "Function of r" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "1001aj" seed = #pixel r = r fnr = fnr } 1001aj { init: z = #pixel r = @seed loop: r = 1/r z = z^2 + r r = @fnr((r)^(-1)) bailout: |z/r| <= 10.0 default: Title = "1001 A J" func fnr caption = "Function of r" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "1001a" r = r fnr = fnr } 730424 { init: r1 = @start r2 = #pixel a = 0 b = 0 z = 0 loop: z = ((r2 + r1) * z) + #pixel a = r1 - #pixel b = r2 - z r1 = @fnr1(b) r2 = @fnr2(a) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "730424" func fnr1 caption = "Function of r1" default = tanh() endfunc func fnr2 caption = "Function of r2" default = sqrt() endfunc param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam switch: type = "730424j" seed = #pixel r1 = r1 r2 = r2 a = a b = b fnr1 = fnr1 fnr2 = fnr2 start = start } 730424j { init: r1 = @start r2 = @seed a = 0 b = 0 z = #pixel loop: z = ((r2 + r1) * z) + @seed a = r1 - @seed b = r2 - z r1 = @fnr1(b) r2 = @fnr2(a) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "730424 J" func fnr1 caption = "Function of r1" default = tanh() endfunc func fnr2 caption = "Function of r2" default = sqrt() endfunc param start caption = "Starting Value" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam switch: type = "730424" r1 = r1 r2 = r2 a = a b = b fnr1 = fnr1 fnr2 = fnr2 start = start } 7603271 { init: a = @start z1 = 0 z2 = (1+@fnz(#pixel))/2 z = 0 loop: z = z1 * z2 + #pixel a = ((a - (z2 / a)^(-1))) + #pixel z1 = (#pixel + @fna(real(a) - flip(imag(z1))))/2 z2 = a / z2 / z1 bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "760327" param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc func fnz caption = "Function of z" default = sqrt() endfunc } 031013 { init: d = #pixel y = @start v = @fnv(d / y) r = y ^ (v - d) z1 = 0 z2 = 0 z = 0 loop: z1 = @fnz1(r / d) z2 = @fnz2(y - v) z = z1 * z2 + #pixel d = d / z2 y = y / z1 if |v| > 0 v = z1 / v else v = z1 * v endif if |r| > 0 r = z2 / r else r = z2 * r endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Dyer" param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (1, -0.5) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout?" default = 128.0 endparam func fnv caption = "Function of v" default = sqrt() hint = "Divides d by y then applies this function." endfunc func fnz1 caption = "Function of z1" default = sin() endfunc func fnz2 caption = "Function of z2" default = cos() endfunc } 031003b { init: v = (1, 0.5) a = (0.5, 1) s = (-1, 0.5) t = (0.5, -1) float n = 1.0 z = 0 loop: if (n/@itter) >= (@itter/n) z = (a/s) * (v/t) + #pixel else z = (s/v) * (t/a) + #pixel endif a = @fna(#pixel/a) v = @fnv(#pixel/v) s = @fns(#pixel/s) t = @fnt(#pixel/t) n = n + 1 bailout: |z| <= 25 default: title = "East" param itter caption = "Every?" default = 3 min = 3 max = 10 endparam func fnv caption = "Function of v" default = abs() endfunc func fna caption = "Function of a" default = tan() endfunc func fns caption = "Function of s" default = exp() endfunc func fnt caption = "Function of t" default = sin() endfunc } Murphy { init: a = #pixel b = @fnb(#pixel / (a^2 + .1)) c = b / #pixel z = c / a / b loop: if |a| == 0 || |b| <= @test z = z^(c - #pixel) + (b / #pixel) else z = z^(c - #pixel) + ((recip(a) * #pixel) - b) endif a = @fna(a) - b c = @fnc(c) - b b = (b - a)^(c / z) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Murphy" param test caption = "A test for b" default = 0.0 min = -1.0 max = 2.5 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = cos() endfunc func fnc caption = "Function of c" default = sqr() endfunc } USA1 { init: z = 0 loop: z = z^(@fnz(@pow)) + #pixel bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "USA 1" param pow caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fnz caption = "Function of exponent" default = ident() endfunc } USA2 { init: z = 1 a = @fna(z) loop: z = z^(@fnz(@pow / a)) + #pixel a = a^2 / a^z bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "USA 2" param pow caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc func fnz caption = "Func of exponent" default = ident() endfunc } USA2a { init: z = 0 a = #pixel loop: z = z^(@fnz(@pow / a)) + #pixel a = a^@fna(a) / a^z bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "USA 2A" periodicity = 0 param pow caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam param pow2 caption = "Power of a" default = 2.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default =tan() endfunc func fnz caption = "Func of exponent" default = sqr() endfunc switch: type = "USA2aj" seed = #pixel a = a pow = pow pow2 = pow2 fna = fna fnz = fnz } USA2aj { init: z = #pixel a = @seed loop: z = z^(@fnz(@pow / a)) + @seed a = a^@fna(a) / a^z bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "USA 2A J" periodicity = 0 param pow caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam param pow2 caption = "Power of a" default = 2.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default =tan() endfunc func fnz caption = "Func of exponent" default = sqr() endfunc switch: type = "USA2a" a = a pow = pow pow2 = pow2 fna = fna fnz = fnz } USA3 { init: z = 1 a = @fna(z) b = a^a loop: z = z^(@fnz(#pixel / (b * z))) + ((a - z) / #pixel) a = z / b b = @fnb(b / #pixel) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "USA 3" angle = -90 center = (-0.528, 0) func fna caption = "Function of a" default = sin() endfunc func fnb caption = "Function of b" default = sqrt() endfunc func fnz caption = "Func fo exponent" default = ident() endfunc } USA4 { init: z = 0 a = #pixel - @fna(#pixel) loop: z = z^@pow + a a = a bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "USA 4" magn = 0.65 func fna caption = "Initial Function of a" default = cos() endfunc param pow caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam switch: type = "USA4j" seed = #pixel a = a fna = fna } USA4j { init: z = #pixel a = @seed - @fna(@seed) loop: z = z^@pow + a a = a bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "USA 4 J" func fna caption = "Initial Function of a" default = cos() endfunc param pow caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam switch: type = "USA4" a = a fna = fna } USA4a { init: z = 0 a = #pixel / @fna(#pixel) loop: z = z^@pow + a if @oper == 0 a = z + a elseif @oper == 1 a = z - a elseif @oper == 2 a = z * a else a = z / a endif bailout: |z - a| <= 128.0 default: title = "USA 4A" param oper caption = "Operation of a" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 1 endparam param pow caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = atanh() endfunc switch: type = "USA4aj" seed= #pixel a = a pow = pow fna = fna } USA4aj { init: z = #pixel a = @seed / @fna(@seed) loop: z = z^@pow + a if @oper == 0 a = z + a elseif @oper == 1 a = z - a elseif @oper == 2 a = z * a else a = z / a endif bailout: |z - a| <= 128.0 default: title = "USA 4A-J" param oper caption = "Operation of a" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 1 endparam param pow caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam func fna caption = "Function of a" default = atanh() endfunc switch: type = "USA4a" a = a pow = pow fna = fna } USA4b { init: z = 0 if @oper == 0 a = #pixel + @fna(#pixel) elseif @oper == 1 a = #pixel - @fna(#pixel) elseif @oper == 2 a = #pixel * @fna(#pixel) else a = #pixel / @fna(#pixel) endif loop: z = z^@pow + a a = a bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "USA 4B" func fna caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc param oper caption = "Operation for a" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 1 endparam param pow caption = "Power of z" default = 2.0 endparam } West { init: w = 1 v = 0.5 s = -0.5 t = -1 z = 0 loop: z = (w/t) * (v/s) + #pixel w = @fnw(w/#pixel) v = @fnv(v/#pixel) s = @fns(s/#pixel) t = @fnt(t/#pixel) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "West" func fnw caption = "Function of w" default = cosh() endfunc func fnv caption = "Function of v" default = sin() endfunc func fns caption = "Function of s" default = sqr() endfunc func fnt caption = "Function of t" default = sqr() endfunc } B02{ init: a = #pixel b = #pixel x = y = 0 z = 0 loop: if @oper1 == 0 x = real(a + b) elseif @oper1 == 1 x = real(a - b) elseif @oper1 == 2 x = real(a * b) else x = real(a / b) endif if @oper2 == 0 y = imag(a + b) elseif @oper2 == 1 y = imag(a - b) elseif @oper2 == 2 y = imag(a * b) else y = imag(a / b) endif z = z^@pow + (x + y) a = @fa(#pixel) b = @fb(#pixel) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "B02" param pow caption = "Power of z" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc func fb caption = "Function of b" default = ident() endfunc param oper1 caption = "Operation for x" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam param oper2 caption = "Operation for y" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "B02j" seed = #pixel a = a b = b x = x y = y pow = pow fa = fa fb = fb oper1 = oper1 oper2 = oper2 bailout = bailout } B02j{ init: a = @seed b = @seed x = y = 0 z = #pixel loop: if @oper1 == 0 x = real(a + b) elseif @oper1 == 1 x = real(a - b) elseif @oper1 == 2 x = real(a * b) else x = real(a / b) endif if @oper2 == 0 y = imag(a + b) elseif @oper2 == 1 y = imag(a - b) elseif @oper2 == 2 y = imag(a * b) else y = imag(a / b) endif z = z^@pow + (x + y) a = @fa(@seed) b = @fb(@seed) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "B02 J" param pow caption = "Power of z" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam func fa caption = "Function of a" default = ident() endfunc func fb caption = "Function of b" default = ident() endfunc param oper1 caption = "Operation for x" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam param oper2 caption = "Operation for y" enum = "+" "-" "*" "/" default = 0 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "B02" a = a b = b x = x y = y pow = pow fa = fa fb = fb oper1 = oper1 oper2 = oper2 bailout = bailout } DoubleModMandel { global: float values[#maxiter] int i = 0 int seed = @rnd while i < 100 seed = random(seed) values[i] = seed / #randomrange i = i + 1 endwhile init: z = 0 int ii = 0 loop: z = z^@pow + #pixel - values[ii] ii = ii + 1 bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "DoubleMod Mandel" param rnd caption = "Random seed" default = 12348765 max = 99999999 min = 100 endparam param pow caption = "POwer of z" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "DoubleModMandelj" seed = #pixel rnd = rnd pow = pow bailout = bailout i = i ii = ii } DoubleModMandelj { global: float values[#maxiter] int i = 0 int seed = @rnd while i < 100 seed = random(seed) values[i] = seed / #randomrange i = i + 1 endwhile init: z = #pixel int ii = 0 loop: z = z^@pow + @seed - values[ii] ii = ii + 1 bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "DoubleMod Mandel Julia" param rnd caption = "Random seed" default = 12348765 max = 99999999 min = 100 endparam param pow caption = "Power of z" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "DoubleModMandel" rnd = rnd pow = pow bailout = bailout i = i ii = ii } Pannell2 { init: a = @start z = 0 loop: z = fn1((a - (2 * z^2)) / #pixel) a = (z - a) / @fa(#pixel) bailout: |z|<= @bailout default: title = "Pannell 2" magn = 0.5 param start caption = "Starting value" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fa caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default =128.0 endparam switch: type = "Pannell2j" seed = #pixel a = a start = start fa = fa fn1 = fn1 bailout = bailout } Pannell2j { init: a = @start z = #pixel loop: z = fn1((a - (2 * z^2)) / @seed) a = (z - a) / @fa(@seed) bailout: |z|<= @bailout default: title = "Pannell 2 J" magn = 0.5 param start caption = "Starting value" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam func fn1 caption = "Function of z" default = ident() endfunc func fa caption = "Function of a" default = sqrt() endfunc param bailout caption = "Bailout" default =128.0 endparam switch: type = "Pannell2j" a = a start = start fa = fa fn1 = fn1 bailout = bailout } AutoQuadratic2j { ; idea taken from Fractal Extreme put out by \ ; Cygnus Software... This is the final version (I think) \ ; the first two are "Total Recall" and "Totally Recalled" init: a = @A b = @B c = @C d = @D v = @V f = @F g = @G h = @H i = @I j = @J k = @K l = @L Xn = 0 Yn = 0 z = #pixel loop: Xn = a + b * (@seed) + c * (@seed^2) + d * (@seed) \ * (z) + v * (z) + f * (z^2) Yn = g - h * (z) - i * (z^2) - j * (z) * (@seed) - k \ * (@seed) - l * (@seed^2) z = real(Xn) + imag(Yn) a = @fna(l) b = @fnb(k) c = @fnc(j) d = @fna(i) v = @fnb(h) f = @fnc(g) g = @fna(f) h = @fnb(v) i = @fnc(d) j = @fna(c) k = @fnb(b) l = @fnc(a) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Auto Quadratic 2 J" magn = 0.5 func fna caption = "Func for A, D, G, and J" default = sin() endfunc func fnb caption = "Func for B, E, H, and K" default = cabs() endfunc func fnc caption = "Func for C, F, I, and L" default = sqrt() endfunc param A caption = "A" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam param B caption = "B" default = (0.2, 0.0) endparam param C caption = "C" default = (0.4, 0.0) endparam param D caption = "D" default = (0.6, 0.0) endparam param V caption = "E" default = (0.8, 0.0) endparam param F caption = "F" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param G caption = "G" default = (-1.0, 0.0) endparam param H caption = "H" default = (-0.8, 0.0) endparam param I caption = "I" default = (-0.6, 0.0) endparam param J caption = "J" default = (-0.4, 0.0) endparam param K caption = "K" default = (-0.2, 0.0) endparam param L caption = "L" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam switch: type = "AutoQuadratic2" a = a b = b c = c d = d v = v f = f g = g h = h i = i j = j k = k l = l Xn = Xn Yn = Yn fna = fna fnb = fnb fnc = fnc } AutoQuadratic2 { ; idea taken from Fractal Extreme put out by \ ; Cygnus Software... This is the final version (I think) \ ; the first two are "Total Recall" and "Totally Recalled" init: a = @A b = @B c = @C d = @D v = @V f = @F g = @G h = @H i = @I j = @J k = @K l = @L Xn = 0 Yn = 0 z = 0 loop: Xn = a + b * (#pixel) + c * (#pixel^2) + d * (#pixel) \ * (z) + v * (z) + f * (z^2) Yn = g - h * (z) - i * (z^2) - j * (z) * (#pixel) - k \ * (#pixel) - l * (#pixel^2) z = real(Xn) + imag(Yn) a = @fna(l) b = @fnb(k) c = @fnc(j) d = @fna(i) v = @fnb(h) f = @fnc(g) g = @fna(f) h = @fnb(v) i = @fnc(d) j = @fna(c) k = @fnb(b) l = @fnc(a) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Auto Quadratic 2" magn = 0.5 func fna caption = "Func for A, D, G, and J" default = sin() endfunc func fnb caption = "Func for B, E, H, and K" default = cabs() endfunc func fnc caption = "Func for C, F, I, and L" default = sqrt() endfunc param A caption = "A" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam param B caption = "B" default = (0.2, 0.0) endparam param C caption = "C" default = (0.4, 0.0) endparam param D caption = "D" default = (0.6, 0.0) endparam param V caption = "E" default = (0.8, 0.0) endparam param F caption = "F" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam param G caption = "G" default = (-1.0, 0.0) endparam param H caption = "H" default = (-0.8, 0.0) endparam param I caption = "I" default = (-0.6, 0.0) endparam param J caption = "J" default = (-0.4, 0.0) endparam param K caption = "K" default = (-0.2, 0.0) endparam param L caption = "L" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam switch: type = "AutoQuadratic2j" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c d = d v = v f = f g = g h = h i = i j = j k = k l = l Xn = Xn Yn = Yn fna = fna fnb = fnb fnc = fnc } Alg.1 { init: a = p1 z = 0 loop: z = (z^2 / a) + (#pixel^2 / a^2) - (#pixel / (a - #pixel)^2) if @moda == true if @oper == 0 a = z^2 + #pixel elseif @oper == 1 a = z^2 - #pixel elseif @oper == 2 a = #pixel - z^2 elseif @oper == 3 a = z^2 * #pixel elseif @oper == 4 a = z^2 / #pixel else a = #pixel / z^2 endif else a = a endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Algebra Func #1" param p1 caption = "Start Value" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam param moda caption = "Modify a?" default = false endparam param oper caption = "Operation" enum = "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" default = 0 visible = @moda == true endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "Alg.1j" seed = #pixel a = a moda = moda p1 = p1 bailout = bailout oper = oper } Alg.1j { init: a = p1 z = #pixel loop: z = (z^2 / a) + (@seed^2 / a^2) - (@seed / (a - @seed)^2) if @moda == true if @oper == 0 a = z^2 + @seed elseif @oper == 1 a = z^2 - @seed elseif @oper == 2 a = @seed - z^2 elseif @oper == 3 a = z^2 * @seed elseif @oper == 4 a = z^2 / @seed else a = @seed / z^2 endif else a = a endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Algebra Func #1 J" param p1 caption = "Start Value" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam param moda caption = "Modify a?" default = false endparam param oper caption = "Operation" enum = "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" default = 0 visible = @moda == true endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "Alg.1" a = a moda = moda p1 = p1 bailout = bailout oper = oper } TermNumb { init: if @ra == true a = #random else a = @as endif if @rb == true b = #random else b = @bs endif if @rc == true c = #random else c = @cs endif if @rd == true d = #random else d = @ds endif if @rf == true f = #random else f = @fs endif z = 0 loop: if @term == 0 z = (a * z)^2 + #pixel elseif @term ==1 z = (a *z)^2 - (b * z) + #pixel elseif @term == 2 z = (a * z)^3 - (b * z)^2 + (c * z) - #pixel elseif @term == 3 z = (a * z)^4 - (b * z)^3 + (c * z)^2 - (d * z) + #pixel else z = (a * z)^5 - (b * z)^4 + (c * z)^3 - (d * z)^2 + (f * z) - #pixel endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Number Terms" param term caption = "# of Terms" enum = "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" default = 0 endparam param ra caption = "Randomize a?" default = false endparam param as caption = "Value for a" default = (1.0, 0.0) visible = @ra == false endparam param rb caption = "Randomize b?" default = false visible = (@term == 1 || @term ==2 || @term == 3 || @term == 4) endparam param bs caption = "Value for b" default = (1.0, 0.0) visible = @rb == false && (@term == 1 || @term ==2 || \ @term == 3 || @term == 4) endparam param rc caption = "Randomize c?" default = false visible = (@term ==2 || @term == 3 || @term == 4) endparam param cs caption = "Value for c" default = (1.0, 0.0) visible = @rc == false && (@term ==2 || \ @term == 3 || @term == 4) endparam param rd caption = "Randomize d?" default = false visible = (@term == 3 || @term == 4) endparam param ds caption = "Value for d" default = (1.0, 0.0) visible = @rd == false && (@term == 3 || @term == 4) endparam param rf caption = "Randomize e?" default = false visible = (@term == 4) endparam param fs caption = "Value for e" default = (1.0, 0.0) visible = @rf == false && @term == 4 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "TermJulia" seed = #pixel a= a b = b c = c d = d f = f ra = ra rb = rb rc = rc rd = rd rf = rf as = as bs = bs cs = cs ds = ds fs = fs term = term bailout = bailout } TermJulia { init: if @ra == true a = #random else a = @as endif if @rb == true b = #random else b = @bs endif if @rc == true c = #random else c = @cs endif if @rd == true d = #random else d = @ds endif if @rf == true f = #random else f = @fs endif z = #pixel loop: if @term == 0 z = (a * z)^2 + @seed elseif @term ==1 z = (a *z)^2 - (b * z) + @seed elseif @term == 2 z = (a * z)^3 - (b * z)^2 + (c * z) - @seed elseif @term == 3 z = (a * z)^4 - (b * z)^3 + (c * z)^2 - (d * z) + @seed else z = (a * z)^5 - (b * z)^4 + (c * z)^3 - (d * z)^2 + (f * z) - @seed endif bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Term Julia" param term caption = "# of Terms" enum = "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" default = 0 endparam param ra caption = "Randomize a?" default = false endparam param as caption = "Value for a" default = (1.0, 0.0) visible = @ra == false endparam param rb caption = "Randomize b?" default = false visible = (@term == 1 || @term ==2 || @term == 3 || @term == 4) endparam param bs caption = "Value for b" default = (1.0, 0.0) visible = @rb == false && (@term == 1 || @term ==2 || \ @term == 3 || @term == 4) endparam param rc caption = "Randomize c?" default = false visible = (@term ==2 || @term == 3 || @term == 4) endparam param cs caption = "Value for c" default = (1.0, 0.0) visible = @rc == false && (@term ==2 || \ @term == 3 || @term == 4) endparam param rd caption = "Randomize d?" default = false visible = (@term == 3 || @term == 4) endparam param ds caption = "Value for d" default = (1.0, 0.0) visible = @rd == false && (@term == 3 || @term == 4) endparam param rf caption = "Randomize e?" default = false visible = (@term == 4) endparam param fs caption = "Value for e" default = (1.0, 0.0) visible = @rf == false && @term == 4 endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "TermNumb" a = a b = b c = c d = d f = f ra = ra rb = rb rc = rc rd = rd rf = rf as = as bs = bs cs = cs ds = ds fs = fs term = term bailout = bailout } Rnd02 { init: z = 1 loop: z = fn1(p5 * z^p2) * fn2(4 / z + fn3(fn4(#pixel))) bailout: |z| <= 128.0 default: title = "Random #2" param p2 caption = "Power of z" default = (2.0, 0.0) endparam param p5 caption = "Constant" default = (1.0, 0.0) endparam func fn1 caption = "1st Function" default = sqrt() endfunc func fn2 caption = "2nd Function" default = cos() endfunc func fn3 caption = "3rd Function" default = cos() endfunc func fn4 caption = "4th Function" default = sqr() endfunc switch: type = "Rnd02j" seed = #pixel p2 = p2 p5 = p5 fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 fn3 = fn3 fn4 = fn4 } SuperModJulia { init: a = 0 z = #pixel loop: if @ch1 == 0 if @ch2 == false if @ch3 == 0 a = @seed elseif @ch3 == 1 a = 1 / @seed elseif @ch3 == 2 a = exp(@seed) else a = log(@seed) endif else if @ch3 == 0 a = @seed - a elseif @ch3 == 1 a = 1 / (@seed - a) elseif @ch3 == 2 a = exp(@seed - a) else a = log(@seed - a) endif endif elseif @ch1 == 1 if @ch2 == false if @ch3 == 0 a = sqr(@seed) elseif @ch3 == 1 a = sqr(1 / @seed) elseif @ch3 == 2 a = sqr(exp(@seed)) else a = sqr(log(@seed)) endif else if @ch3 == 0 a = sqr(@seed - a) elseif @ch3 == 1 a = sqr(1 / (@seed - a)) elseif @ch3 == 2 a = sqr(exp(@seed - a)) else a = sqr(log(@seed - a)) endif endif else if @ch2 == false if @ch3 == 0 a = sqrt(@seed) elseif @ch3 == 1 a = sqrt(1 / @seed) elseif @ch3 == 2 a = sqrt(exp(@seed)) else a = sqrt(log(@seed)) endif else if @ch3 == 0 a = sqrt(@seed - a) elseif @ch3 == 1 a = sqrt(1 / (@seed - a)) elseif @ch3 == 2 a = sqrt(exp(@seed - a)) else a = sqrt(log(@seed - a)) endif endif endif z = z^a + @seed bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Super ModJulia" periodicity = 0 param ch1 caption = "First Change" default = 1 enum = "None" "Square" "Square Root" endparam param ch2 caption = "Subtract a?" default = true endparam param ch3 caption = "Last Change" default = 0 enum = "None" "Recip" "Exp" "Log" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "SuperModMandel" a = a ch1 = ch1 ch2 = ch2 ch3 = ch3 bailout = bailout } SuperModMandel { init: a = 0 z = 0 loop: if @ch1 == 0 if @ch2 == false if @ch3 == 0 a = #pixel elseif @ch3 == 1 a = 1 / #pixel elseif @ch3 == 2 a = exp(#pixel) else a = log(#pixel) endif else if @ch3 == 0 a = #pixel - a elseif @ch3 == 1 a = 1 / (#pixel - a) elseif @ch3 == 2 a = exp(#pixel - a) else a = log(#pixel - a) endif endif elseif @ch1 == 1 if @ch2 == false if @ch3 == 0 a = sqr(#pixel) elseif @ch3 == 1 a = sqr(1 / #pixel) elseif @ch3 == 2 a = sqr(exp(#pixel)) else a = sqr(log(#pixel)) endif else if @ch3 == 0 a = sqr(#pixel - a) elseif @ch3 == 1 a = sqr(1 / (#pixel - a)) elseif @ch3 == 2 a = sqr(exp(#pixel - a)) else a = sqr(log(#pixel - a)) endif endif else if @ch2 == false if @ch3 == 0 a = sqrt(#pixel) elseif @ch3 == 1 a = sqrt(1 / #pixel) elseif @ch3 == 2 a = sqrt(exp(#pixel)) else a = sqrt(log(#pixel)) endif else if @ch3 == 0 a = sqrt(#pixel - a) elseif @ch3 == 1 a = sqrt(1 / (#pixel - a)) elseif @ch3 == 2 a = sqrt(exp(#pixel - a)) else a = sqrt(log(#pixel - a)) endif endif endif z = z^a + #pixel bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Super ModMandel" periodicity = 0 param ch1 caption = "First Change" default = 1 enum = "None" "Square" "Square Root" endparam param ch2 caption = "Subtract a?" default = true endparam param ch3 caption = "Last Change" default = 0 enum = "None" "Recip" "Exp" "Log" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 128.0 endparam switch: type = "SuperModJulia" seed = #pixel a = a ch1 = ch1 ch2 = ch2 ch3 = ch3 bailout = bailout }