comment { ; PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY Date: 17-10-98 This file contains Ultra Fractal colouring methods by Luke Plant, 1998. The methods may change as I improve/correct them so please check that your parameter files work with the new versions before deleting the old file. Smummary of methods: lp-smooth - produces smooth results on a large number of fractal types lp-shapes1 - this includes most of my orbit traps and other types, including the fan and ripple effect, 'graph' shape, ellipse, hyperbola, astroid, ring lp-Shapes2 - as per shapes1, but the trap can be varied in many ways, ie parameters become functions of z lp-Ring - borrowed from a Kerry Mitchell Fractint formula lp-Curv - produce colouring based on radius of curvature EpsilonCross Bof60 - as per Fractint's methods Bof61 zmag Grid - produces a grid laid over the fractal, with numbers indicating the size of grid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have parameter files which will not work with the new versions of these colouring methods, or the colouring methods are missing please email at: and I'll be happy to find the correct version for you. } fractint_bof60(INSIDE) { init: float zmin = 1000 loop: IF cabs(#z) < zmin zmin = cabs(#z) ENDIF final: #index = zmin default: title = "Fractint bof60" } BOF61(INSIDE) { init: float zmin = 1000 float kmin = 0 float iter = 0 loop: iter=iter+1 IF iter > 1 IF cabs(#z) < zmin zmin = cabs(#z) kmin = iter*0.1 ENDIF ENDIF final: #index = kmin default: title = "Fractint bof61" } lp-Smooth(BOTH) { init: complex pt = @center float dec= @decay ; decay factor float col = 0.0 complex temp = (0,0) loop: temp = fn1(cabs(#z - pt)) col = col + exp(-dec*real(temp)) final: #index = col default: title = "Smooth colouring" param center caption = "center" default = (0,0) hint = "This should be kept as 0,0 for smooth \ colouring, other values gives interesting effects" endparam param decay caption = "Decay factor" default = 1.0 hint = "Controls how quickly the exponential decay \ drops off around the central point" endparam func fn1 caption = "Decay function" default = sqr() endfunc } EpsilonCross(BOTH) { init: int count = 0 int col = 0 float col2 = 0 complex z2 = 0 complex ang = exp(flip(-@angle*pi/180)) loop: count = count + 1 z2 = (#z - @center)*ang IF (@skip==false) || (count > 1) IF (col == 0) IF (real(abs(real(z2))) < @xdis ) col = 1 col2 = real(z2) ENDIF IF (real(abs(imag(z2))) < @ydis ) col = 2 col2 = imag(z2) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF final: IF (col == 0) #solid = true ELSEIF (col == 1) #index = @xcolour + @colourf * col2 / @xdis ; divide by @xdis to make thinner stripes have same gradient ELSEIF (col == 2) #index = @ycolour + @colourf * col2 / @ydis ENDIF default: title = "Fractint Epsilon Cross" param xcolour caption = "X-axis colour offset" default = 0.2 hint = "determines what index number to colour \ an orbit which come near to x-axis" endparam param xdis caption = "X-axis distance" default = 0.01 hint = "determines how close to the x-axis \ an orbit has to come to be caught" endparam param ycolour caption = "Y-axis colour offset" default = 0.6 hint = "determines what index number to colour \ an orbit which come near to y-axis" endparam param ydis caption = "Y-axis distance" default = 0.01 hint = "determines how close to the y-axis \ an orbit has to come to be caught" endparam param colourf caption = "Internal colour factor" default = 0.1 hint = "strength of colouring within bands" endparam param center caption = "Center" default = (0.0,0.0) hint = "0,0 is standard epsilon cross colouring" endparam param angle caption = "Tilt angle" default = 0.0 hint = "Angle in degrees through which \ the axes are rotated" endparam param skip caption = "Skip first iteration?" default = true hint = "Check to ignore the first iteration" endparam } lp-Shapes1(BOTH) { ; This colouring method is essentially like an orbit ; trap and includes ellipses, fans, astroids, ; ripple effect (not a trap), hyperbolas, 'graphs' ; rings. ; NB 1/ height and width are not always exact - ; but they are proportional to the height and width ; of the shape. ; 2/ decay factor is used for types: fan, ripples ; ring. It controls how quickly the colouring ; drops off from the center. For type ring, it ; controls the width of the band init: complex pt = @center complex z2 = (0,0) float width1 = @width float height1 = @height float decay1 = @decay float tilt = @angle * pi/180 float osc = 10 ; oscilator factor (ripples) float ep = atan(-decay1/osc) float dis = 0.0 ; distance (general) float col = 0.0 complex rotfac = exp(flip(-tilt)) float test = 0.0 loop: z2 = (#z-pt) * rotfac ;'move' & 'rotate' IF ((@type > 0)) z2 = real(z2)/width1 + flip(imag(z2)/height1) ENDIF IF (@type == 0) ; graph test=real(abs(height1*fn1(real(z2)/width1)) * exp(-decay1*abs(real(z2))) ) IF ( abs(imag(z2))< test ) col=col+real(test-abs(imag(z2)))*0.5 ENDIF ELSEIF (@type == 1) ; fan, exponential decay test = real(exp( (-1)*|z2|*decay1 ) * cos( @numarms *atan(imag(z2)/real(z2)))) col = col + test*0.2 ELSEIF (@type == 2) ; fan2, quadratic decay dis=cabs(z2) test=dis*(width1-dis)*10 IF (test>0) col=col+ sqr(width1)*test * cos(@numarms* atan(imag(z2)/real(z2)) ) ENDIF ELSEIF (@type == 3) ; ripple z2 = real(z2)/width1 + flip(imag(z2)/height1) dis = cabs(z2) col = col + exp(-dis*decay1)*abs(cos(dis*osc + ep))*0.2 ELSEIF (@type == 4) ; ellipses test = |z2| IF (test<1) col=col+(1-test)*0.3 ENDIF ELSEIF (@type == 5) ; astroid test= abs(real(z2))^(.666666666) + abs(imag(z2))^(.666666666) IF (test<1) col=col+(1-test) ENDIF ELSEIF (@type == 6) ; hyperbola test = abs(real(z2)*imag(z2)) IF (test<1) col = col + (1-test)*0.2 ENDIF ELSEIF (@type == 7) ; ring test = cabs(z2) col = col + real(exp(-decay1*abs(1-test) ))*0.1 ELSEIF (@type == 8) ; petals1 IF (real(z2)!=0) test = atan(imag(z2)/real(z2)) ELSEIF (imag(z2)>0) test = pi/2 ELSE test = 3*pi/2 ENDIF IF (real(z2)<0) test = test + pi ENDIF test = test * @numarms/2 test = cos(test)*(sqr(1.5*(abs(sin(test))-0.5)) + 0.5) test = abs(test) test = real(exp( (-1)*|z2|*decay1 )*test) col = col + test ENDIF final: #index = 10+ col default: title = "Shapes" param type caption = "Type of shape" default = 4 enum = "Graph" "Fan" "Fan2" "Ripple" "Ellipse" \ "Astroid" "Hyperbola" "Ring" "Petals 1" endparam param center caption = "Center of shape" default = (1.0,0.5) hint = "This is the center of where the shape \ placed on the z-plane" endparam param height caption = "Height of shape" default = 1.0 endparam param width caption = "Width of shape" default = .6 endparam param decay caption = "Decay factor" default = 1.0 hint = "A larger decay factor makes the shape drop off more quickly \ (applies to fan, ripples and ring)" endparam param angle caption = "Tilt angle (in degrees)" default = 0.0 hint = "This is the angle through which \ the shape is rotated" endparam param numarms caption = "Number of arms (fan)" default = 4.0 hint = "Applies only to fan shapes" endparam func fn1 caption = "Graph function" default = sin() hint = "Determines the shape of graph" endfunc } lp-Rings(BOTH) { ; PLEASE READ ME CAREFULLY ; from a Kerry Mitchell Fractint formula ; Use a colour map as follows: ; The first range from index 0 to index 199 ; The second range from index 200 to index 399 init: int col = 0 ; records iter num on capture int iter = 1 complex ctr = @center float r1 = @rad1 float r2 = @rad2 float d = 0.0 IF (@usec) ctr = #pixel r1 = r1 * cabs(#pixel) r2 = r2 * cabs(#pixel) ENDIF float r = 0.0 float fac = 0.4975 / (r2-r1) ; 0.4975 = 199/400 loop: iter = iter + 1 r = cabs(#z - ctr) IF (((r>=r1) && (r <= r2)) && (col==0)) col = iter d = (r-r1)*fac ENDIF final: IF (col>0) IF (@alt) ; add 0.5 for odd iter numbers (to give index 200) d = d + 0.5*(col-2*trunc(col/2)) ENDIF #index = d ELSE #solid = true ENDIF default: title = "Ring trap" param center caption = "Center of rings" default = (-0.75,0.0) endparam param rad1 caption = "Inner radius" default = 0.475 endparam param rad2 caption = "Outer radius" default = 0.525 endparam param usec caption = "Use c for center and radii" default = false endparam param alt caption = "Alternate colouring" default = true hint = "If enabled, colours alternate iterations differently" endparam } zmag(BOTH) { final: #index = |#z| default: title = "Fractint zmag" } lp-Curv { ; ; This method constructs a 'circle of curvature' on the ; latest three points of the orbit, and various poroperties ; of this circle can be used. ; ; For Mandelbrot, try : ; trap mode=smallest r, colour mode=radius ; trap mode=smallest dis, colour mode=distance ; ; For Newton. try ; trap mode=largest r, colour mode=radius ; Transfer function=Extra Transfer function=log ; init: complex cc = (0,0) ; cicle center complex pt1 = (0,0) ; z(n) complex pt2 = (0,0) ; z(n-1) complex pt3 = (0,0) ; z(n-2) float m1 = 0 float k1 = 0 float m2 = 0 float k2 = 0 float xc = 0 ; x of cc float yc = 0 ; y of cc float r = 0 ; radius float ang = 0 ; angle of cc float dis = 0 ; distance of cc from origin int iter = 1 float st = 0 ; stored value - used for selecting point float col1 = 0 BOOL flag = false ; flag: sees if point has been caught loop: pt1 = #z IF (iter >= 3) ; need 3 points to do calculation flag = false ; point not yet caught IF (! ((@trapmode==0) && (iter!=3)) ) ; if not (trapmode = first and not first time) m1 = (real(pt1)-real(pt2))/(imag(pt2)-imag(pt1)) k1 = (-(real(pt1)+real(pt2))*m1 + imag(pt1)+imag(pt2))/2 m2 = (real(pt2)-real(pt3))/(imag(pt3)-imag(pt2)) k2 = (-(real(pt2)+real(pt3))*m2 + imag(pt2)+imag(pt3))/2 xc = (k2-k1)/(m1-m2) yc = m1*xc+k1 cc = xc+flip(yc) r = cabs(pt1-cc) dis = cabs(cc) IF ((@trapmode==0)||(@trapmode==1)) flag = true ELSEIF (@trapmode==2) ; smallest value of r IF ((rst) st = r flag = true ENDIF ELSEIF (@trapmode==4) ; smallest dis IF ((disst) st = dis flag=true ENDIF ENDIF IF (flag) IF (@colourmethod==0) col1 = r ELSEIF (@colourmethod==1) col1 = dis ELSEIF (@colourmethod==2) ang =atan(imag(cc)/real(cc)) IF (real(cc)<0) ang=ang+pi ENDIF IF (ang<0) ang=ang+2*pi ENDIF col1 = ang/(2*pi) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF pt3 = pt2 pt2 = #z iter = iter +1 final: #index = real(fn1(abs(col1))) default: title = "Curvature" param trapmode caption = "Trap mode" default = 2 enum = "First" "Last" "Smallest r" "Largest r" \ "Smallest dis." "Largest dis." hint = "selects which points should be selected. r refers \ to radius, dis. refers to distance of center" endparam param colourmethod caption = "Colour Method" default = 0 enum = "Radius" "Distance of center" "Angle of center" hint = "what property of the selected 'circle of curvature' to use" endparam func fn1 caption = "Extra Transfer Function" default = recip() hint = "Try recip for 'radius' colour method" endfunc } lp-Shapes2 { ; this is similar to Shapes1 only variation of ; size (width and height) has been added init: complex pt = @center complex z2 = (0,0) float width1 = @width float height1 = @height float decay1 = @decay float tilt = @angle * pi/180 float osc = 10 ; oscilator factor (ripples) float ep = atan(-decay1/osc) float dis = 0.0 ; distance (general) float col = 0.0 complex tiltfac = exp(flip(-tilt)) float test = 0.0 complex v = 0 ; used for variation float v2 = 0.0 loop: IF (@varymethod==0) v = |#z| ELSEIF (@varymethod==1) v = |#z-@center| ELSEIF (@varymethod==2) v = real(#z) ELSEIF (@varymethod==3) v = real(#z-@center) ELSEIF (@varymethod==4) v = imag(#z) ELSEIF (@varymethod==5) v = imag(#z-@center) ENDIF v2 = real(@vfn1(v)) IF (@varymode==0) ; multiply IF (@varytype==1) height1 = @height* v2 ELSEIF (@varytype==2) width1 = @width * v2 ELSEIF (@varytype==3) tiltfac = exp(flip(-tilt * v2 )) ELSEIF (@varytype==4) pt = @center * v2 ELSEIF (@varytype==5) height1 = @height* v2 width1 = @width * v2 ENDIF ELSEIF (@varymode==1) ; divide IF (@varytype==1) height1 = @height/ v2 ELSEIF (@varytype==2) width1 = @width / v2 ELSEIF (@varytype==3) tiltfac = exp(flip(-tilt / v2 )) ELSEIF (@varytype==4) pt = @center / v2 ELSEIF (@varytype==5) height1 = @height / v2 width1 = @width / v2 ENDIF ELSEIF (@varymode==2) ; addition IF (@varytype==1) height1 = @height + v2*@varyfac ELSEIF (@varytype==2) width1 = @width + v2*@varyfac ELSEIF (@varytype==3) tiltfac = exp(flip(-tilt - v2*@varyfac )) ELSEIF (@varytype==4) pt = @center*(1 + v2*@varyfac) ELSEIF (@varytype==5) height1 = @height + v2*@varyfac width1 = @width + v2*@varyfac ENDIF ELSEIF (@varymode==3) ; subtraction IF (@varytype==1) height1 = @height - v2*@varyfac ELSEIF (@varytype==2) width1 = @width - v2*@varyfac ELSEIF (@varytype==3) tiltfac = exp(flip(-tilt + v2*@varyfac )) ELSEIF (@varytype==4) pt = @center*(1 - v2*@varyfac) ELSEIF (@varytype==5) height1 = @height - v2*@varyfac width1 = @width - v2*@varyfac ENDIF ENDIF z2 = (#z-pt) * tiltfac ;'move' & 'rotate' IF ((@type > 0)) z2 = real(z2)/width1 + flip(imag(z2)/height1) ENDIF IF (@type == 0) ; graph test=real(abs(height1*fn1(real(z2)/width1)) * exp(-decay1*abs(real(z2))) ) IF ( abs(imag(z2))< test ) col=col+real(test-abs(imag(z2)))*0.5 ENDIF ELSEIF (@type == 1) ; fan, exponential decay test = real(exp( (-1)*|z2|*decay1 ) * cos( @numarms *atan(imag(z2)/real(z2)))) col = col + test*0.2 ELSEIF (@type == 2) ; fan2, quadratic decay dis=cabs(z2) test=dis*(width1-dis)*10 IF (test>0) col=col+ sqr(width1)*test * cos(@numarms* atan(imag(z2)/real(z2)) ) ENDIF ELSEIF (@type == 3) ; ripple z2 = real(z2)/width1 + flip(imag(z2)/height1) dis = cabs(z2) col = col + exp(-dis*decay1)*abs(cos(dis*osc + ep))*0.2 ELSEIF (@type == 4) ; ellipses test = |z2| IF (test<1) col=col+(1-test)*0.3 ENDIF ELSEIF (@type == 5) ; astroid test= abs(real(z2))^(.666666666) + abs(imag(z2))^(.666666666) IF (test<1) col=col+(1-test) ENDIF ELSEIF (@type == 6) ; hyperbola test = abs(real(z2)*imag(z2)) IF (test<1) col = col + (1-test)*0.2 ENDIF ELSEIF (@type == 7) ; ring test = cabs(z2) col = col + real(exp(-decay1*abs(1-test) ))*0.1 ENDIF final: #index = 10+ col default: title = "Shapes 2 - variable" param type caption = "Type of shape" default = 4 enum = "Graph" "Fan" "Fan2" "Ripple" "Ellipse" \ "Astroid" "Hyperbola" "Ring" endparam param center caption = "Center of shape" default = (1.0,0.5) hint = "This is the center of where the shape \ placed on the z-plane" endparam param height caption = "Height of shape" default = 1.0 endparam param width caption = "Width of shape" default = .6 endparam param decay caption = "Decay factor" default = 1.0 hint = "A larger decay factor makes the shape drop off more quickly \ (applies to fan, ripples and ring)" endparam param angle caption = "Tilt angle (in degrees)" default = 0.0 hint = "This is the angle through which \ the shape is rotated" endparam param numarms caption = "Number of arms (fan)" default = 4.0 hint = "Applies only to fan shapes" endparam param varytype caption = "Variation type" default = 0 enum = "none" "vary height" "vary width" "vary tilt" \ "vary distance from origin" "vary size (height and width)" hint = "Select what attribute of the trap is varied" endparam param varymethod caption = "Variation method" default = 0 enum = "|z|" "|z-center|" "real(z)" "real(z-center)"\ "imag(z)" "imag(z-center)" hint = "Select which variable is used to determine \ variation of trap" endparam param varymode caption = "Variation mode" default = 0 enum = "Multiply original value" \ "Divide original value" "Add to original value" \ "Subtract from original value" hint = "Defines how the property eg. radius, \ is altered" endparam param varyfac caption = "Variation factor" default = 1.0 hint = "Controls amount of variation for 'add' and \ 'subtract' mode above" endparam func fn1 caption = "Graph function" default = sin() hint = "Determines the shape of graph" endfunc func vfn1 caption = "Variation function 1" default = ident() hint = "Controls how the property to be varied \ does change with |z|" endfunc } Grid { ; formula to produce a grid laid over the fractal init: float xgrid = 0 float ygrid = 0 float pixwidth = 0 float gridwidth = 0 float test = 0.0 int power = floor(log(#magn)/log(10)) float x = 0 float y = 0 int i = 0 int numchars = 0 int char = 0 int p =0 bool ischar = false bool isgrid = false ;glyphs: bool v1 = false bool v2 = false bool v3 = false bool v4 = false bool h1 = false bool h2 = false bool h3 = false final: IF (@gridoptions != 2) ;Calculate the xgrid/ygrid - line spacing. It should ;depend on the value of magnification. e.g taken from the power ;of magn (ie the log) ; (B) This line needs altering to work with non-standard aspect ratios - ; may involve having different gridwidths for x and y directions pixwidth = 4/(real(#scrnmax)*#magn) xgrid = 10^(-real(power)) If (xgrid > @maxsize*pixwidth) power = power + 1 xgrid = 10^(-power) EndIf ygrid=xgrid gridwidth = pixwidth * @linewidth ; (A) line where bug probably occurs- test = real(#pixel)-xgrid*trunc(real(#pixel)/xgrid) If (abs(test) < gridwidth) isgrid = true EndIf test = imag(#pixel)-ygrid*trunc(imag(#pixel)/ygrid) If (abs(test) < gridwidth) isgrid = true EndIf ENDIF IF (@textoptions != 2) ; draw text in corner of screen to indicate power ; indent of text from side = half text width ; " " " " top = " " height ; gap between chars = 2* thickness x = real(#screenpixel) - @txtw/2 y = imag(#screenpixel) - @txth/2 IF (abs(power) < 10) numchars = 1 ELSE numchars = 2 ENDIF i = 0 WHILE (i <= numchars) ;first loop through - do minus sign ; then check for characters ; Glyphs - do only h2 if just checking for minus sign IF (i>0) v1 = ((x > 0) && (x<= @thick)) && ((y > @thick) && (y<= @txth/2)) v2 = ((x > (@txtw-@thick)) && (x <= @txtw)) && ((y > @thick) && (y<=@txth/2)) v3 = ((x > 0) && (x<= @thick)) && ((y > (@txth/2+@thick)) && (y<=@txth)) v4 = ((x > (@txtw-@thick)) && (x <= @txtw)) && ((y > (@txth/2+@thick))&& (y<= @txth)) h1 = ((x > @thick) && (x<=(@txtw-@thick))) && ((y > 0) && (y <= @thick)) h3 = ((x > @thick) && (x<=(@txtw-@thick))) && ((y > @txth) && (y <=(@txth + @thick))) ENDIF h2 = ((x > @thick) && (x<=(@txtw-@thick))) && ((y > @txth/2) && (y <=(@txth/2 + @thick))) IF (i==0) ;check for minus sign only IF ((power > 0) && h2) ischar = true ENDIF power=abs(power) ELSE ; get 'i'th character of power IF (power==0) char = 0 ELSE p = numchars - i char = floor((power)/(10^p)+0.01) power = power - round(char*(10^p)) ENDIF IF (char == 1) IF (v2 || v4) ischar = true ENDIF ELSEIF (char == 2) IF (h1 || v2 || h2 || v3 || h3) ischar = true ENDIF ELSEIF (char == 3) IF (h1 || h2 || h3 || v2 || v4) ischar = true ENDIF ELSEIF (char == 4) IF (h2 || v1 || v2 || v4) ischar = true ENDIF ELSEIF (char == 5) IF (h1 || h2 || h3 || v1 || v4) ischar = true ENDIF ELSEIF (char == 6) IF (h2 || h3 || v1 || v3 || v4) ischar = true ENDIF ELSEIF (char == 7) IF (h1 || v2 || v4) ischar = true ENDIF ELSEIF (char == 8) IF (h1 || h2 || h3 || v1 || v2 || v3 || v4) ischar = true ENDIF ELSEIF (char == 9) IF (h1 || h2 || v1 || v2 || v4) ischar = true ENDIF ELSEIF (char == 0) IF (h1 || h3 || v1 || v2 || v3 || v4) ischar = true ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF i = i +1 x = x - (2*@thick + @txtw) ENDWHILE ENDIF If isgrid IF (@gridoptions ==0) #solid = true ELSEIF (@gridoptions == 1) #index = real(@gridcolour)/400 ENDIF ENDIF IF ischar IF (@textoptions == 0) #solid = true ELSEIF (@textoptions == 1) #index = real(@textcolour)/400 ENDIF ENDIF Default: title = "Grid" param gridoptions caption = "Grid options" default = 1 enum = "Use solid" "Use index" \ "No grid" endparam param gridcolour caption = "Grid colour" default = 200 min = 0 max = 400 hint = "Index colour for grid, 0 - 400" endparam param maxsize caption = "Maximum Grid size" default = 50 hint = "Maximum grid size in pixels" endparam param linewidth caption = "Line Width" default = 1.0 hint = "Width of line used to draw the grid" endparam param textoptions caption = "Text options" default = 0 enum = "Use solid" "Use index" \ "No text" endparam param textcolour caption = "Text color" default = 100 min = 0 max = 400 hint = "Index colour for text, 0 - 400" endparam param txth caption = "Text Height" default = 20.0 hint = "Height of character used to indicate \ magnification" endparam param txtw caption = "Text Width" default = 10.0 hint = "Width of character used to indicate \ magnification" endparam param thick caption = "Text Thickness" default = 2.0 hint = "Line thickness for text" endparam } lp-EpCr2(BOTH) { ; ; Epsilon Cross variation ; The axes can be rotated to follow by rotf*arg(z(n-1)) ; where rotf is a rotation factor, zero for no rotation ; The colouring can distinguish between which axis ; caught the orbit, or which iteration caught the orbit init: int count = 0 int col = 0 float col2 = 0 complex z2 = (0,0) complex oldz = (0,0) complex ang = 0.0 float rot = 0.0 float theta = 0.0 float tilt = @angle*pi/180 float offset = 0.0 loop: IF (count > 1) theta=atan(imag(oldz)/real(oldz)) IF (real(oldz)<0) theta=theta+pi ENDIF rot =theta * @rotf +tilt ang = exp(flip(-rot)) z2 = (#z - @center)*ang IF (col == 0) IF (real(abs(real(z2))) < @dis ) col = 1 col2 = real(z2) ENDIF IF (real(abs(imag(z2))) < @dis ) col = 2 col2 = imag(z2) ENDIF IF ((col > 0) && (@colmode == 1)) ; if orbit is captured and colmode1 col2 = count ; set col2 to iteration number ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF oldz = #z count = count + 1 final: offset = 0 IF (@xydif) IF (col==1) offset = @xcolour/400 ELSEIF (col==2) offset = @ycolour/400 ENDIF ENDIF IF (col == 0) #solid = true ELSE IF (@colmode == 0) col2 = col2 / @dis ELSEIF (@colmode == 1) offset = offset+ @INoffset/400 ENDIF #index = @colourf * col2 + offset ENDIF default: title = "Epsilon Cross variation" param colmode caption = "Colouring mode" default = 0 enum = "normal" "iteration number" endparam param dis caption = "Axis distance" default = 0.01 hint = "determines how close to an axis \ an orbit has to come to be caught" endparam param colourf caption = "Internal colour factor" default = 0.1 hint = "strength of colouring within bands or \ colour density for colouring by iteration" endparam param center caption = "Center" default = (0.0,0.0) hint = "0,0 is standard epsilon cross colouring" endparam param angle caption = "Tilt angle" default = 0.0 hint = "Angle in degrees through which \ the axes are rotated" endparam param rotf caption = "Rotation factor" default = 1.0 hint = "Controls what effect the orbit has \ on rotation of axes" endparam param xydif caption = "Distinguish x/y" default = false hint = "If enabled, orbits are coloured differently \ according to which orbit captured them" endparam param xcolour caption = "X-axis colour offset" default = 40 hint = "determines what index number to colour \ an orbit which come near to x-axis" endparam param ycolour caption = "Y-axis colour offset" default = 240 hint = "determines what index number to colour \ an orbit which come near to y-axis" endparam param inoffset caption = "Iteration number offset" default = 200 hint = "Offset for colouring by iterations" endparam }