comment { Helpfiles / Fichiers d'aide: Pour me contacter / To contact me: -Idées de bailout des formules Barnsley et de Andreas Lober. Merci pour sa permission d'utiliser. -Bailout ideas coming from the Barnsley formulas and from Andreas Lober. Thanks to let me use them. -Une partie du code vient des formules Barnsley de Fractint telles que traduites en UF par F. Slijkerman -Part of the code comes from the Fractint Barnsley formulas as translated to UF by F. Slijkerman -Le paramètre 'Epsilon Range' est inspirée de la formule Epsilon_Rot de Wayne Kiely -The 'Epsilon_Rot' parameter is inspired from Wayne Kiely's Epsilon_rot. -Merci à ces nombreuses personnes qui ont essayé ces formules avant publication -Thanks to those numerous people who tried these formulas before their releasing } md-autresinus{ ; ; Michèle Dessureault, juin/june 2001; ; Formule dérivée de ma méthode de coloration du même nom ; Formula derived from the colouring method having the same name ; ; Merci à Mark Townsend pour sa permission de la publier ; Thank you to Mark Townsend for his permission to publish it ; init: z=#pixel bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 float ro = 0.0 float teta = 0.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) x=real(z) y=imag(z) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: if @var == 0 x = @ha * real(@fn3(@ht * imag(@fn1(#z))+0i)) +real(@pert) y = @va * real(@fn3(@vt * real(@fn2(#z))+0i)) +imag(@pert) elseif @var == 1 x = @ha * real(@fn1(@ht * imag(@fn3(#z))+0i))+real(@pert) y = @va * real(@fn2(@vt * real(@fn3(#z))+0i))+imag(@pert) elseif @var == 2 x = @ha * real(@fn1(@ht * imag(@fn3(#z))+0i))+real(@pert) y = @va * real(@fn3(@vt * real(@fn2(#z))+0i))+imag(@pert) elseif @var == 3 x = @ha * real(@fn3(@ht * imag(@fn2(#z))+0i))+real(@pert) y = @va * real(@fn1(@vt * real(@fn3(#z))+0i))+imag(@pert) elseif @var == 4 x = cabs(@fn1(#z))+real(@pert) y = atan2(@fn2(#z))+imag(@pert) elseif @var == 5 ro = cabs(@fn1(#z)) teta = atan2(@fn2(#z)) if teta < 0 teta = teta + 2 * #pi endif float or = ro ro = ro + @ha * sin(@ht * teta) teta = teta + @va * cos(@vt * or) x = ro * cos(teta)+real(@pert) y = ro * sin(teta)+imag(@pert) endif if @coord == 1 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) theta = atan2(y/x) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif x = real(rho) y = imag(theta) elseif @coord ==2 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) x = real(rho * cosh(x)) y = imag(rho * sinh(y)) endif z= z^@power + @fnx(x) + @fny(y * 1i) iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title="Autre sinus" helpfile="mde-help\mde-autre-sinus-ufm.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 magn = 0.75 param var caption = "Flavour" enum = "1st" "2nd" "3rd" "4th" "5th" "6th" endparam param ht caption = "Horizontal Frequency" default = 10.0 endparam param ha caption = "Horizontal Amplitude" default = 0.5 endparam param vt caption = "Vertical Frequency" default = 10.0 endparam param va caption = "Vertical Amplitude" default = 0.5 endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (2.0,0.0) endparam param pert caption = "Offset" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param coord caption = "Coordinates" enum="Cartesian" "Polar" "Hyperbolic" default = 0 endparam param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = cos() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = sin() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Third Function" default = tan() endfunc func fnx caption = "Apply F(x)" default = ident() endfunc func fny caption = "Apply F(y)" default = ident() endfunc func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc } md-barnsley-imj { ; ; Modification par Michèle Dessureault juillet 2000 ; de la conversion Fractint->UF faite par Frederik Slijkerman ; de la formule Barnsley 1 & 3 ; Modification by Michèle Dessureault in july 2000 ; of the Barnsley 1 & 3 Fractint formula as converted to UF ; by Frederik Slijkerman ; init: int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) z = #pixel loop: if @barn_type == 0 IF imag(z) >= @barn_offset z = (z - 1) * @start ELSE z = (z + 1) * @start endif endif IF @barn_type == 1 IF imag(z) >= @barn_offset z = sqr(z) - 1 ELSE z = sqr(z) - 1 + @start * imag(z) ENDIF endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Barnsley imaginaire (Julia)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-barnsley-imaginaire.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 149 magn = 0.75 param start caption = "Seed" default = (0.6, 1.1) endparam param barn_type caption = "Barnsley Type" enum = "First" "Third" default = 0 endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-barnsley-imm" bailout = bailout test = test barn_type = barn_type barn_offset = barn_offset bornes = bornes fnbl = fnbl bornes = bornes } md-barnsley-imm { ; ; Modification par Michèle Dessureault juillet 2000 ; de la conversion Fractint->UF faite par Frederik Slijkerman ; de la formule Barnsley 1 & 3 ; Modification by Michèle Dessureault in july 2000 ; of the Barnsley 1 & 3 Fractint formula as converted to UF ; by Frederik Slijkerman ; init: int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) z = #pixel + @start loop: if @barn_type == 0 IF imag(z) >= @barn_offset z = (z - 1) * #pixel ELSE z = (z + 1) * #pixel endif endif if @barn_type == 1 IF imag(z) >= @barn_offset z = sqr(z) - 1 ELSE z = sqr(z) - 1 + #pixel * imag(z) ENDIF endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Barnsley imaginaire (Mandelbrot)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-barnsley-imaginaire.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 149 magn = 0.75 param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (0, 0) endparam param barn_type caption = "Barnsley Type" enum = "First" "Third" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-barnsley-imj" start = pixel bailout = bailout test = test barn_type = barn_type barn_offset = barn_offset bornes = bornes fnbl = fnbl bornes = bornes } md-courbes-fn-ea{ ; ; Michèle Dessureault, juillet/july 2000; ; d'après les pages 390 des Standard Mathematical Tables ; 22ème édition ; from p390 and following of Standard Mathematical Tables ; 22nd edition ; init: z=#pixel bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) x=real(z) y=imag(z) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: if @courbe == 0 ;épicycloïde x = real((@a+@b)*@fn1(x)- @b*@fn1(((@a+@b)/@b)*x)+@pert) y = imag((@a+@b)*@fn2(y)- @b*@fn2(((@a+@b)/@b)*y)+@pert) elseif @courbe == 1 ;lissajou x = real(@fn1(@a*x)+@pert) y = imag(@fn2(@b*y)+@pert) elseif @courbe == 2 ;compagnon du cycloïde x = real(@a*x+@pert) y = imag(@a*(1-@fn1(y))+@pert) elseif @courbe == 3 ;cycloïde x = real(@a*x - @b*@fn2(x)+@pert) y = imag(@a*-@b*@fn1(y)+@pert) elseif @courbe == 4 x = real(@a*@fn1(x)+@pert) ;ellipse y = imag(@b*@fn2(y)+@pert) elseif @courbe == 5 x = real(@a*@fn1(x)*@fn1(x)*@fn1(x)+@pert) ;évolute de l'ellipse y = imag(@b*@fn2(y)*@fn2(y)*@fn2(y)+@pert) elseif @courbe == 6 x = real(@b*@a*x / (1+x^3)+@pert) ;folium de Descartes y = imag(@b*@a+y^2 / (1+y^3)+@pert) elseif @courbe == 7 ;involute du cercle x = real(@a*@fn1(x) + @a*x*@fn2(x)+@pert) y = imag(@a*@fn2(y) - @a*y*@fn1(y)+@pert) elseif @courbe == 8 ;nephroïde x = real(@a*.5*(@b*@fn1(x) - @fn1(@b*x))+@pert) y = imag(@a*.5*(@b*@fn2(y) - @fn2(@b*y))+@pert) elseif @courbe == 9 ;courbe serpentine x = real(@a*@fn1(x)/@fn2(x)+@pert) y = imag(@b*@fn2(y)*@fn1(y)+@pert) elseif @courbe == 10 ;sorcière d'Agnesi x = real(@a*@fn1(x)/@fn2(x)+@pert) y = imag(@b*@fn2(y)*@fn2(y)+@pert) elseif @courbe == 11 ;tractrice x = real(x-@a*@fn2(x/@a)/@fn1(x/@a)+@pert) y = imag(@a/@fn2(y/@a)+@pert) elseif @courbe == 12 ;épicycloïde 2 x = (@a+@b)*@fn1(x)- @b*@fn1(((@a+@b)/@b)*x)+@pert y = (@a+@b)*@fn2(y)- @b*@fn2(((@a+@b)/@b)*y)+@pert elseif @courbe == 13 ;lissajou 2 x = @fn1(@a*x)+@pert y = @fn2(@b*y)+@pert elseif @courbe == 14 ;compagnon du cycloïde 2 x = @a*x+@pert y = @a*(1-@fn1(y))+@pert elseif @courbe == 15 ;cycloïde 2 x = @a*x - @b*@fn2(x)+@pert y = @a*-@b*@fn1(y)+@pert elseif @courbe == 16 x = @a*@fn1(x)+@pert ;ellipse 2 y = @b*@fn2(y)+@pert elseif @courbe == 17 x = @a*@fn1(x)*@fn1(x)*@fn1(x)+@pert ;évolute de l'ellipse 2 y = @b*@fn2(y)*@fn2(y)*@fn2(y)+@pert elseif @courbe == 18 x = @b*@a*x / (1+x^3)+@pert ;folium de Descartes 2 y = @b*@a+y^2 / (1+y^3)+@pert elseif @courbe == 19 ;involute du cercle 2 x = @a*@fn1(x) + @a*x*@fn2(x)+@pert y = @a*@fn2(y) - @a*y*@fn1(y)+@pert elseif @courbe == 20 ;nephroïde 2 x = @a*.5*(@b*@fn1(x) - @fn1(@b*x))+@pert y = @a*.5*(@b*@fn2(y) - @fn2(@b*y))+@pert elseif @courbe == 21 ;courbe serpentine 2 x = @a*@fn1(x)/@fn2(x)+@pert y = @b*@fn2(y)*@fn1(y)+@pert elseif @courbe == 22 ;sorcière d'Agnesi 2 x = @a*@fn1(x)/@fn2(x) +@pert y = @b*@fn2(y)*@fn2(y)+@pert elseif @courbe == 23 ;tractrice 2 x = x-@a*@fn2(x/@a)/@fn1(x/@a)+@pert y = @a/@fn2(y/@a)+@pert endif if @coord == 1 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) theta = atan2(y/x) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif x = real(rho) y = imag(theta) elseif @coord ==2 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) x = real(rho * cosh(x)) y = imag(rho * sinh(y)) endif z= z^@power + @fnx(x) + @fny(y * 1i) iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title="Courbes" helpfile="mde-help\mde-courbes-formula.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 magn = 0.75 param courbe caption = "Curve" enum="Epicycloid" "Lissajou" "Companion" "Cycloid" \ "Ellipse" "Evolute" "Folium" "Involute" \ "Nephroid" "Serpentine" "Agnesi" "Tractrix" \ "Epicycloid 2" "Lissajou 2" "Companion 2" "Cycloid 2" \ "Ellipse 2" "Evolute 2" "Folium 2" "Involute 2" \ "Nephroid 2" "Serpentine 2" "Agnesi 2" "Tractrix 2" endparam param a caption = "a" default = 1.0 endparam param b caption = "b" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (2.0,0.0) endparam param pert caption = "Offset" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param coord caption = "Coordinates" enum="Cartesian" "Polar" "Hyperbolic" default = 0 endparam param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = cos() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = sin() endfunc func fnx caption = "Apply F(x)" default = ident() endfunc func fny caption = "Apply F(y)" default = ident() endfunc func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc } md-courbespol-fn-ea{ ; ; Michèle Dessureault, juillet/july 2000; ; d'après les pages 390 des Standard Mathematical Tables ; 22ème édition ; from p390 and following of Standard Mathematical Tables ; 22nd edition ; init: z=#pixel bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) x=real(z) y=imag(z) rho=(0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: if @courbe == 0 ;bifolium rho = @a*@fn2(z)*@fn1(z)*@fn1(z) +@pert elseif @courbe == 1 ;limaçon de Pascal ; si a=b-> cardioïde rho = @a*@fn1(z)+@b+@pert elseif @courbe == 2 ;cissoïde de Dioclès rho = @a*@fn2(z)*@fn2(z)/@fn1(z) +@pert elseif @courbe == 3 ;cochléoïde rho = @a*@fn2(z)/z +@pert elseif @courbe == 4 ;conchoïde de Nicomède rho = @a/@fn2(z)+@b +@pert elseif @courbe == 5 rho = (@a^2*@fn1(2*z))^.5 +@pert ;lemniscate de Bernouilli elseif @courbe == 6 rho = (@a^2/z)^.5 +@pert ;lituus elseif @courbe == 7 ;pétales rho = @a*@fn1(@b*z) +@pert elseif @courbe == 8 ;parabole rho = 2*@a/(1-@fn1(z)) +@pert elseif @courbe == 9 ;spirale d'Archimède rho = @a*z +@pert elseif @courbe == 10 ;spirale hyperbolique rho = @a/z +@pert elseif @courbe == 11 ;spirale logarithmique rho = exp(@a*z) +@pert elseif @courbe == 12 ;strophoïde rho = @a*@fn1(2*z)/@fn1(z) +@pert endif x = real(rho) y = imag(rho) if @coord == 1 x = rho * cos(real(z)) y = rho * sin(imag(z)) elseif @coord ==2 x = rho * cosh(real(z)) y = rho * sinh(imag(z)) endif z= z^@power + @fnx(x) + @fny(y * 1i) iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title="Courbes polaires" helpfile="mde-help\mde-courbes-polaires-formula.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 param courbe caption = "Curve" enum="Bifolium" "Limacon" "Cissoid" "Cochleoid" \ "Conchoid" "Lemniscate" "Lituus" "Petals" "Parabola" \ "Archimedes spir." "Hyperbolic spir." \ "Logarithmic spir." "Strophoid" endparam param a caption = "a" default = 1.0 endparam param b caption = "b" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (2.0,0.0) endparam param pert caption = "Offset" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param coord caption = "Coordinates" enum="Polar" "Cartesian" "Hyperbolic" default = 0 endparam param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fn1 caption = "Fist Function" default = cos() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = sin() endfunc func fnx caption = "Apply F(x)" default = ident() endfunc func fny caption = "Apply F(y)" default = ident() endfunc func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc } md-fantbailj-e{ ; Michèle Dessureault, août 2000 ; init: z = #pixel float phi = 0.0 int iter=0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 loop: z = z^@power + @seed phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif iter= iter +1 path = path + cabs(z) diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Fantaisie bailout (Julia)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-fantaisie-bailout.htm" periodicity = 0 method = multipass param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-1.25, 0) hint = "Use this to create many different Julia sets. You can \ also set this value using the Switch feature." endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) hint = "This defines the power of the Julia set. Use (2,0) \ for the standard Julia set." endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 hint = "Defines how soon an orbit bails out, i.e. doesn't belong \ to the Mandelbrot set anymore." endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-fantbailm-e" power = power bailout = bailout fnbl = fnbl test = test bornes = bornes } md-fantbailm-e { ; Michèle Dessureault, août 2000 ; init: z = @start float phi = 0.0 int iter=0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 loop: z = z^@power + #pixel phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif iter=iter+1 path = path + cabs(z) diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Fantaisie bailout (Mandelbrot)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-fantaisie-bailout.htm" center = (-0.5, 0) periodicity = 0 method = multipass param start caption = "Starting point" default = (0,0) hint = "Perturbation. Use (0,0) for the standard Mandelbrot set." endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) hint = "This defines the power of the Mandelbrot set. Use (2,0) \ for the standard Mandelbrot set." endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 hint = "Defines how soon an orbit bails out, i.e. doesn't belong \ to the Mandelbrot set anymore." endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-fantbailj-e" seed = #pixel power = power bailout = bailout fnbl = fnbl test = test bornes = bornes } md-c0301{ ; ; Michèle Dessureault, août/August 2001 ; Version personnelle de gpm-c03-01 de Gedeon Peteri, ; elle-même modification de c03-01 de Morgan Owens ; Personal version of gpm-c03-01 from Gedeon Peteri, ; itself modification of c03-01 from Morgan Owens ; init: t=@p1 z=@fn3(#pixel) bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: x=real(z),y=imag(z) Tx=@fn1(x*(x*x-3)) Ty=@fn2(y*(y*y-3)) x=x-t*Ty,y=@fn4(y+t*Tx) ;z=x+y if @coord == 1 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) theta = atan2(y/x) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif x = real(rho) y = imag(theta) elseif @coord ==2 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) x = real(rho * cosh(x)) y = imag(rho * sinh(y)) endif ;z= z^@power + @fnx(x * (1.0,0.0)) + @fny(y * (0.0,1.0)) z= @fnx(x) + @fny(y * 1i) iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title="Fleur de Tchebychev" helpfile="mde-help\mde-fleur-tchebychev.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 magn = 0.75 param p1 caption="Parameter" default=(0.25,0.0) endparam param coord caption = "Coordinates" enum="Cartesian" "Polar" "Hyperbolic" default = 0 endparam param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fn1 caption="Function 1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption="Function 2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption="Function 3" default = ident() endfunc func fn4 caption="Function 4" default = ident() endfunc func fnx caption = "Apply F(x)" default = ident() endfunc func fny caption = "Apply F(y)" default = ident() endfunc func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc } md-pairimpair-j{ ; ; Michèle Dessureault, juillet 2000 ; Inspiré des formules Barnsley 1,2,3 ; telles que traduites de Fractint -> par F. Slijkerman ; Inspired from the Fractint Barnsley 1,2,3 ; as translated to UF by F. Slijkerman ; init: z = #pixel bool est_pair = true int temp = 0 float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) temp2 = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 loop: if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 0 || @pairimp == 2 temp2 = z elseif @pairimp == 1 || @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(@start) + real(@start) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 || @pairimp == 5 temp2 = real(z) * imag(#pixel) + real(#pixel) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 10 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 11 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 12 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 13 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 14 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair if @pairimp == 0 || @pairimp == 1 || @pairimp == 4 z = (z - 1) * @start elseif @pairimp == 2 || @pairimp == 3 || @pairimp >= 5 z = sqr(z) - 1 endif ELSE if @pairimp == 0 || @pairimp == 1 || @pairimp >= 6 z = (z + 1) * @start elseif @pairimp == 2 || @pairimp == 4 z = sqr(z) - 1 + @start * real(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 || @pairimp == 5 z = sqr(z) - 1 + @start * imag(z) endif ENDIF z = @fnpi(z) iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Pair impair (Julia)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-pair-impair.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 149 magn = .75 param start caption = "Seed" default = (0.6, 1.1) endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even Type" enum = "first" "second" "third" "fourth" "fifth" "sixth" \ "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-Even Sign?" default = false endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even Factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "md-pairimpair-m" bailout = bailout test = test fnbl = fnbl fnpi = fnpi pairimp = pairimp bornes = bornes sgn = sgn intf = intf } md-pairimpair-m { ; ; Michèle Dessureault, juillet 2000 ; Inspiré des formules Barnsley 1,2,3 ; telles que traduites de Fractint -> par F. Slijkerman ; Inspired from the Fractint Barnsley 1,2,3 ; as translated to UF by F. Slijkerman ; init: z = #pixel + @start bool est_pair = true int temp = 0 float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) temp2 = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 loop: if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 0 || @pairimp == 2 temp2 = z elseif @pairimp == 1 || @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(@start) + real(@start) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 || @pairimp == 5 temp2 = real(z) * imag(#pixel) + real(#pixel) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 10 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 11 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 12 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 13 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 14 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair if @pairimp == 0 || @pairimp == 1 || @pairimp == 4 z = (z - 1) * #pixel elseif @pairimp == 2 || @pairimp == 3 || @pairimp >= 5 z = sqr(z) - 1 endif ELSE if @pairimp == 0 || @pairimp == 1 || @pairimp >= 6 z = (z + 1) * #pixel elseif @pairimp == 2 || @pairimp == 4 z = sqr(z) - 1 + #pixel * real(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 || @pairimp == 5 z = sqr(z) - 1 + #pixel * imag(z) endif ENDIF z = @fnpi(z) iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Pair Impair (Mandelbrot)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-pair-impair.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 149 param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (0, 0) endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-even Type" enum = "first" "second" "third" "fourth" "fifth" "sixth" \ "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param intf caption = "Odd-even Factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = ident() endfunc switch: type = "md-pairimpair-j" start = pixel bailout = bailout test = test pairimp = pairimp fnbl = fnbl fnpi = fnpi bornes = bornes sgn = sgn intf = intf } md-potpourri-ceja { ; Michèle Dessureault, avril 2001 ; Fantaisie basée sur la conversion Fractint->UF faite par ; Frederik Slijkerman des formules Barnsley, ; ma formule Pair-impair ; et la formule Celtic Julia de Paul Carlson ; ; Fantasy based on the Fractint->UF conversion made by ; Frederik Slijkerman of the Barnsley formulas, ; my own Pair-impair formula ; and Paul Carlson's Celtic Julia ; avril 2001/April 2001 ; init: int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 float bfac = 0.0 float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 float rho = 0.0 float theta =0.0 int temp = 0 float signe =1.0 bool est_pair = true float temp2 = 0.0 float temp3 = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) z = #pixel loop: z = z^@power if @p_switch == 0 if @barn_type == 0 bfac = real(z) elseif @barn_type == 1 bfac = imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 2 bfac = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 3 bfac = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 4 bfac = diff elseif @barn_type == 5 bfac = phi elseif @barn_type == 6 bfac = cabs(z) elseif @barn_type == 7 bfac = path elseif @barn_type == 8 bfac = iter endif endif if @p_switch == 1 if @pairimp == 0 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 1 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = iter endif if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @intf == 0 temp = ceil(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 1 temp = floor(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 2 temp = trunc(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 3 temp = round(signe*temp2) endif if temp % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif endif IF (@p_switch == 0 && bfac >= @barn_offset) || \ (@p_switch == 1 && est_pair) z = z - real(z) + abs(real(z)) - @start ELSE z = z - imag(z) + abs(imag(z)) - @start endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if @coord == 1 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) theta = atan2(y/x) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif x = real(rho) y = imag(theta) z = x+flip(y) elseif @coord ==2 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) x = real(rho * cosh(x)) y = imag(rho * sinh(y)) z = x+flip(y) endif if @p_switch == 0 z = @fnb(z) else z = @fnpi(z) endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Pot-pourri celtique (Julia)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-pot-pourri-celtique.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 149 magn = 0.75 param p_switch caption = "Switch" enum = "Barnsley" "Odd-Even" endparam param start caption = "Seed" default = (0.6, 1.1) endparam param power caption = "Power" default=(2,0) endparam param coord caption = "Coordinates" enum="Cartesian" "Polar" "Hyperbolic" default = 0 endparam param barn_type caption = "Barnsley Type" enum = "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-potpourri-cema" bailout = bailout p_switch = p_switch pairimp = pairimp intf = intf sgn = sgn test = test power = power coord = coord barn_type = barn_type barn_offset = barn_offset bornes = bornes fnbl = fnbl fnb = fnb fnpi = fnpi } md-potpourri-cema { ; Michèle Dessureault, avril 2001 ; Fantaisie basée sur la conversion Fractint->UF faite par ; Frederik Slijkerman des formules Barnsley, ; ma formule Pair-impair ; et la formule Celtic Julia de Paul Carlson ; ; Fantasy based on the Fractint->UF conversion made by ; Frederik Slijkerman of the Barnsley formulas, ; my own Pair-impair formula ; and Paul Carlson's Celtic Julia ; avril 2001/April 2001 ; init: int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 float bfac = 0.0 float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 float rho = 0.0 float theta =0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 int temp = 0 float signe =1.0 bool est_pair = true float temp2 = 0.0 float temp3 = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) z = #pixel + @start loop: z = z^@power if @p_switch == 0 if @barn_type == 0 bfac = real(z) elseif @barn_type == 1 bfac = imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 2 bfac = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 3 bfac = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 4 bfac = diff elseif @barn_type == 5 bfac = phi elseif @barn_type == 6 bfac = cabs(z) elseif @barn_type == 7 bfac = path elseif @barn_type == 8 bfac = iter endif endif if @p_switch == 1 if @pairimp == 0 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 1 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = iter endif if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @intf == 0 temp = ceil(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 1 temp = floor(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 2 temp = trunc(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 3 temp = round(signe*temp2) endif if temp % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif endif IF (@p_switch == 0 && bfac >= @barn_offset) || \ (@p_switch == 1 && est_pair) z = z - real(z) + abs(real(z)) - #pixel ELSE z = z - imag(z) + abs(imag(z)) - #pixel endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if @coord == 1 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) theta = atan2(y/x) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif x = real(rho) y = imag(theta) z = x+flip(y) elseif @coord ==2 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) x = real(rho * cosh(x)) y = imag(rho * sinh(y)) z = x+flip(y) endif if @p_switch == 0 z = @fnb(z) else z = @fnpi(z) endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Pot-pourri celtique (Mandelbrot)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-pot-pourri-celtique.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 149 magn = 0.75 param p_switch caption = "Switch" enum = "Barnsley" "Odd-Even" endparam param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (0, 0) endparam param power caption = "Power" default=(2,0) endparam param coord caption = "Coordinates" enum="Cartesian" "Polar" "Hyperbolic" default = 0 endparam param barn_type caption = "Barnsley Type" enum = "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = ident() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = ident() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-potpourri-ceja" start = pixel bailout = bailout p_switch = p_switch pairimp = pairimp intf = intf coord = coord sgn = sgn test = test power = power barn_type = barn_type barn_offset = barn_offset bornes = bornes fnbl = fnbl fnb = fnb fnpi = fnpi } md-potpourri-poja { ; ; Fantaisie basée sur la conversion Fractint->UF faite par ; Frederik Slijkerman des formules Barnsley, ; ma formule Pair-impair ; et la formule Pokorny de Paul Carlson ; ; Fantasy based on the Fractint->UF conversion made by ; Frederik Slijkerman of the Barnsley formulas, ; my own Pair-impair formula ; and Paul Carlson's Pokorny ; avril 2001/April 2001 ; init: int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 float bfac = 0.0 float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 float rho = 0.0 float theta =0.0 int temp = 0 float signe =1.0 bool est_pair = true float temp2 = 0.0 float temp3 = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) z = #pixel loop: if @p_switch == 0 if @barn_type == 0 bfac = real(z) elseif @barn_type == 1 bfac = imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 2 bfac = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 3 bfac = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 4 bfac = diff elseif @barn_type == 5 bfac = phi elseif @barn_type == 6 bfac = cabs(z) elseif @barn_type == 7 bfac = path elseif @barn_type == 8 bfac = iter endif endif if @p_switch == 1 if @pairimp == 0 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 1 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = iter endif if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @intf == 0 temp = ceil(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 1 temp = floor(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 2 temp = trunc(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 3 temp = round(signe*temp2) endif if temp % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif endif IF (@p_switch == 0 && bfac >= @barn_offset) || \ (@p_switch == 1 && est_pair) z = z^@power - @start ELSE z = 1.0/z^@power - @start endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if @coord == 1 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) theta = atan2(y/x) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif x = real(rho) y = imag(theta) z = x+flip(y) elseif @coord ==2 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) x = real(rho * cosh(x)) y = imag(rho * sinh(y)) z = x+flip(y) endif if @p_switch == 0 z = @fnb(z) else z = @fnpi(z) endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Pot-pourri Pokorny (Julia)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-pot-pourri-pokorny.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 149 magn = 0.75 param p_switch caption = "Switch" enum = "Barnsley" "Odd-Even" endparam param start caption = "Seed" default = (0.6, 1.1) endparam param power caption = "Power" default=(2,0) endparam param coord caption = "Coordinates" enum="Cartesian" "Polar" "Hyperbolic" default = 0 endparam param barn_type caption = "Barnsley Type" enum = "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-potpourri-poma" bailout = bailout p_switch = p_switch pairimp = pairimp intf = intf sgn = sgn test = test power = power coord = coord barn_type = barn_type barn_offset = barn_offset bornes = bornes fnbl = fnbl fnb = fnb fnpi = fnpi } md-potpourri-poma { ; ; Fantaisie basée sur la conversion Fractint->UF faite par ; Frederik Slijkerman des formules Barnsley, ; ma formule Pair-impair ; et la formule Pokorny de Paul Carlson ; ; Fantasy based on the Fractint->UF conversion made by ; Frederik Slijkerman of the Barnsley formulas, ; my own Pair-impair formula ; and Paul Carlson's Pokorny ; avril 2001/April 2001 ; init: int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 float bfac = 0.0 float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 float rho = 0.0 float theta =0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 int temp = 0 float signe =1.0 bool est_pair = true float temp2 = 0.0 float temp3 = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) z = #pixel + @start loop: if @p_switch == 0 if @barn_type == 0 bfac = real(z) elseif @barn_type == 1 bfac = imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 2 bfac = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 3 bfac = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 4 bfac = diff elseif @barn_type == 5 bfac = phi elseif @barn_type == 6 bfac = cabs(z) elseif @barn_type == 7 bfac = path elseif @barn_type == 8 bfac = iter endif endif if @p_switch == 1 if @pairimp == 0 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 1 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = iter endif if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @intf == 0 temp = ceil(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 1 temp = floor(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 2 temp = trunc(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 3 temp = round(signe*temp2) endif if temp % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif endif IF (@p_switch == 0 && bfac >= @barn_offset) || \ (@p_switch == 1 && est_pair) z = z^@power - #pixel ELSE z = 1.0/z^@power - #pixel endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if @coord == 1 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) theta = atan2(y/x) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif x = real(rho) y = imag(theta) z = x+flip(y) elseif @coord ==2 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) x = real(rho * cosh(x)) y = imag(rho * sinh(y)) z = x+flip(y) endif if @p_switch == 0 z = @fnb(z) else z = @fnpi(z) endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Pot-pourri Pokorny (Mandelbrot)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-pot-pourri-pokorny.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 149 magn = 0.75 param p_switch caption = "Switch" enum = "Barnsley" "Odd-Even" endparam param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (0, 0) endparam param power caption = "Power" default=(2,0) endparam param coord caption = "Coordinates" enum="Cartesian" "Polar" "Hyperbolic" default = 0 endparam param barn_type caption = "Barnsley Type" enum = "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = ident() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = ident() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-potpourri-poja" start = pixel bailout = bailout p_switch = p_switch pairimp = pairimp intf = intf coord = coord sgn = sgn test = test power = power barn_type = barn_type barn_offset = barn_offset bornes = bornes fnbl = fnbl fnb = fnb fnpi = fnpi } md-psifs-ea { ; Michèle Dessureault, août 2000 ; ; D'après Roger Stevens, "Fractal programming in C", ; p.394 à 397 (algorithme de IFS) ; init: float x = 0 float y = 0 float a1=0 float a2=0 float a3=0 float a4=0 float b1=0 float b2=0 float b3=0 float b4=0 float c1=0 float c2=0 float c3=0 float c4=0 float d1=0 float d2=0 float d3=0 float d4=0 float e1=0 float e2=0 float e3=0 float e4=0 float f1=0 float f2=0 float f3=0 float f4=0 float a=0 float b=0 float c=0 float d=0 float e0=0 float f=0 float p=0 float r1=0 float r2=0 float r3=0 float r4=0 z=#pixel bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) if @figure == 0 ;Sierpinsky a1=a2=a3=d1=d2=d3=e3=f3=0.5 e2=1.0 r1=10813.0 r2=21626.0 r3=32767.0 endif if @figure == 1 ;fougère a2=f2=f3=f4=0.2 a3=-0.15 a4=d4=0.85 b2=-0.26 b3=0.28 b4=0.04 c2=0.23 c3=0.26 c4=-0.04 d1=0.16 d2=0.22 d3=0.24 r1=328.0 r2=2621.0 r3=4915.0 r4=32767.0 endif if @figure == 2 ; arbre a2=d2=0.1 a3=b4=c3=d3=d4=0.42 a4=b3=c4=-0.42 d1=0.5 f2=f3=f4=0.2 r1=1638.0 r2=6553.0 r3=19660.0 r4=32767.0 endif if @figure == 3 ; arbre de Cantor a1=a2=d1=d2=0.333 a3=d3=0.667 e2=1.0 e3=f3=0.5 r1=10813.0 r2=21626.0 r3=32767.0 endif loop: if @hasard == 1 p = real(#random*z)*32767.0 elseif @hasard == 2 p = imag(#random*z)*32767.0 elseif @hasard == 0 ; pas de hasard p = (real(z)+imag(z)) % 32767 elseif @hasard == 3 p = (real(#random*z)+imag(#random*z)) *32767.0 elseif @hasard == 4 p = (real(#random*z)-imag(#random*z)) *32767.0 elseif @hasard == 5 p = (real(#random*z)*imag(#random*z)) *32767.0 elseif @hasard == 6 p = (real(#random*z)/imag(#random*z)) *32767.0 elseif @hasard == 7 p = (imag(#random*z)/real(#random*z)) *32767.0 elseif @hasard == 8 p = (real(#random*z)^imag(#random*z)) *32767.0 elseif @hasard == 9 p = (imag(#random*z)^real(#random*z)) *32767.0 elseif @hasard == 10 ; multi p = (real(z)+imag(z)) * 32767 endif if @wrp == true && p > 32767 p = p % 32767 endif if p <= r1 a = a1 b = b1 c = c1 d = d1 e0 = e1 f = f1 endif if p > r1 && p <= r2 a = a2 b = b2 c = c2 d = d2 e0 = e2 f = f2 endif if p > r2 && p <= r3 a = a3 b = b3 c = c3 d = d3 e0 = e3 f = f3 endif if p > r3 && p <= r4 && (@figure == 1 || @figure == 2) a = a4 b = b4 c = c4 d = d4 e0 = e4 f = f4 endif x = a*real(z) + b*imag(z) + e0 y = c*real(z) + d*imag(z) + f z = z + x + y * 1i iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Pseudo IFS" helpfile="mde-help\mde-pseudo-IFS.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 param figure caption = "Related Figure" enum = "sierpinsky" "fern" "tree" "Cantor tree" endparam param hasard caption ="Chaos" enum="no" "real" "imag" "real+imag" "real-imag" "real*imag" \ "real/imag" "imag/real" "real^imag" "imag^real" "multi" hint="How to apply the chaos to the IFS figure" endparam param wrp caption = "Apply wrap around?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc } md-fourier-ea { ; Michèle Dessureault, sept 2000 ; ; - D'après les pages 474ss des Standard Mathematical Tables ; 22ème édition ; - From the Standard Mathematical Tables, 22nd edition, pp474 ; and following ; ; 4 premiers termes de l'équation générale des séries de Fourier: ; 4 first terms of Fourier Series general equation: ; a0/2 + a1*cos(pi*#z/L)+ b1*sin(#pi*#z/L) + ; a2*cos(2*pi*#z/L)+ b2*sin(2*#pi*#z/L) + ; a3*cos(3*pi*#z/L)+ b3*sin(3*#pi*#z/L) + ; a4*cos(4*pi*#z/L)+ b4*sin(4*#pi*#z/L) ; init: z=#pixel x=(0.0,0.0) y=(0.0,0.0) int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) w = (0.0,0.0) bool est_pair = true int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: w= @a0/2 + @a1*cos(#pi*z/@l)+ @b1*sin(#pi*z/@L) w= w+@a2*cos(2*#pi*z/@L)+ @b2*sin(2*#pi*z/@L) w= w+@a3*cos(3*#pi*z/@L)+ @b3*sin(3*#pi*z/@L) w= w+@a4*cos(4*#pi*z/@L)+ @b4*sin(4*#pi*z/@L) + @offset x=real(w) y=imag(w) if @coord == 1 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) theta = atan2(y/x) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif x = rho y = theta elseif @coord ==2 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) x = rho * cosh(real(#z)) y = rho * sinh(imag(#z)) endif z= @fnx(x) + @fny(y * 1i) iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title="Fourier" method = multipass periodicity = 0 magn = 2 helpfile="mde-help\mde-fourier-ufm.htm" param a0 caption = "A0" default = 1.0 endparam param a1 caption = "A1" default = 1.0 endparam param b1 caption = "B1" default = 0.0 endparam param a2 caption = "A2" default = 1.0 endparam param b2 caption = "B2" default = 0.0 endparam param a3 caption = "A3" default = 1.0 endparam param b3 caption = "B3" default = 0.0 endparam param a4 caption = "A4" default = 1.0 endparam param b4 caption = "B4" default = 0.0 endparam param l caption = "Wavelength" default = 1.0 endparam param offset caption = "Offset" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param coord caption = "Coordinates" enum="Cartesian" "Polar" "Hyperbolic" default = 0 endparam param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fnx caption = "Apply F(x)" default = ident() endfunc func fny caption = "Apply F(y)" default = ident() endfunc func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc } md-epsrot-jeb { ; Michèle Dessureault, septembre/september 2001 ; Ma version personnelle de Wayne Kiely's Epsilon_Rot ; My personal version of Wayne Kiely's Epsilon_Rot ; init: float x = 0 float y = 0 z=#pixel bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: z = z^@power+@c iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if ((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Epsilonia (Julia)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-epsilonia.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 param c caption ="Seed" default = (0.6, 1.1) endparam param power caption ="Power" default = (2.0,0.0) endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (-0.01,0.01) endparam param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-epsrot-meb" bailout = bailout test = test pairimp = pairimp fnbl = fnbl fnpi = fnpi sgn = sgn intf = intf power = power bornes = bornes fnb = fnb barn = barn barn_offset = barn_offset } md-epsrot-meb { ; Michèle Dessureault, septembre/september 2001 ; Ma version personnelle de Wayne Kiely's Epsilon_Rot ; My personal version of Wayne Kiely's Epsilon_Rot ; init: float x = 0 float y = 0 z=#pixel+@c bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: z = z^@power+#pixel iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if ((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Epsilonia (Mandelbrot)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-epsilonia.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 param c caption ="Starting point" default =(0.0,0.0) endparam param power caption ="Power" default = (2.0,0.0) endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (-0.01,0.01) endparam param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-epsrot-jeb" c = pixel bailout = bailout test = test pairimp = pairimp fnbl = fnbl fnpi = fnpi sgn = sgn intf = intf power = power bornes = bornes fnb = fnb barn = barn barn_offset = barn_offset } md-polynome-c{ ; ; Michèle Dessureault, septembre/september 2001 ; init: z=#pixel bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) w = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float x =0.0 float y = 0.0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: if @var == 0 w = @a1*@fn1(z^@p1)+@a2*@fn2(z^@p2)+@a3*@fn3(z^@p3)+@a4 elseif @var == 1 w = (@a1*@fn1(z^@p1)+@a2*@fn2(z^@p2))/(@a3*@fn3(z^@p3)+@a4) elseif @var == 2 w = (@a1*@fn1(z^@p1)+@a2*@fn2(z^@p2))+(@a3*@fn3(z^@p3)+@a4)/ \ (@a1*@p1*@fn1(z^@p2)+@a2*@p2*@fn2(z^@p1))+(@a3*@p3*@fn3(z)) endif x=real(w) y=imag(w) if @coord == 1 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) theta = atan2(y/x) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif x = real(rho) y = imag(theta) elseif @coord ==2 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) x = real(rho * cosh(x)) y = imag(rho * sinh(y)) endif z = z + @fnx(x)+ @fny(y*1i) iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title="Polynome" helpfile="mde-help\mde-polynome.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 magn = 0.75 param var caption = "Variation" enum = "true polynome" "pseudo Moebius" "pseudo Newton" endparam param a1 caption = "A1" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam param a2 caption = "A2" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam param a3 caption = "A3" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam param a4 caption = "A4" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam param p1 caption = "Power 1" default = (3.0,0.0) endparam param p2 caption = "Power 2" default = (2.0,0.0) endparam param p3 caption = "Power 3" default = (1.0,0.0) endparam param coord caption = "Coordinates" enum="Cartesian" "Polar" "Hyperbolic" default = 0 endparam param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 0.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Third Function" default = ident() endfunc func fnx caption = "Apply F(x)" default = ident() endfunc func fny caption = "Apply F(y)" default = ident() endfunc func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc } md-potpourri-baja { ; ; Fantaisie basée sur la conversion Fractint->UF faite par ; Frederik Slijkerman des formules Barnsley, ; mes formules Pair-impair & Barnsley imaginaire ; ; Fantasy based on the Fractint->UF conversion made by ; Frederik Slijkerman of the Barnsley formulas, ; my own Pair-impair & Barnsley imaginaire formula ; Michèle Dessureault, septembre/september 2001 ; init: int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 float bfac = 0.0 float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 float rho = 0.0 float theta =0.0 int temp = 0 float signe =1.0 bool est_pair = true float temp2 = 0.0 float temp3 = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) z = #pixel loop: if @p_switch == 0 if @barn_type == 0 bfac = real(z) elseif @barn_type == 1 bfac = imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 2 bfac = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 3 bfac = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 4 bfac = diff elseif @barn_type == 5 bfac = phi elseif @barn_type == 6 bfac = cabs(z) elseif @barn_type == 7 bfac = path elseif @barn_type == 8 bfac = iter endif endif if @p_switch == 1 if @pairimp == 0 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 1 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = iter endif if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @intf == 0 temp = ceil(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 1 temp = floor(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 2 temp = trunc(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 3 temp = round(signe*temp2) endif if temp % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif endif IF (@p_switch == 0 && bfac >= @barn_offset) || \ (@p_switch == 1 && est_pair) if @for == 0 z = (z - 1) * @start elseif @for == 1 || @for == 2 z = sqr(z) - 1 endif ELSE if @for == 0 z = (z + 1) * @start elseif @for == 1 z = sqr(z) - 1 + @start * real(z) elseif @for == 2 z = sqr(z) - 1 + @start * imag(z) endif endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if @coord == 1 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) theta = atan2(y/x) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif x = real(rho) y = imag(theta) z = x+flip(y) elseif @coord ==2 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) x = real(rho * cosh(x)) y = imag(rho * sinh(y)) z = x+flip(y) endif if @p_switch == 0 z = @fnb(z) else z = @fnpi(z) endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Pot-pourri Barnsley (Julia)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-pot-pourri-barnsley.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 149 magn = 0.75 param for caption = "Formula" enum = "Barnsley 1" "Barnsley 2" "Barnsley im" endparam param p_switch caption = "Switch" enum = "Barnsley" "Odd-Even" endparam param start caption = "Seed" default = (0.6, 1.1) endparam param coord caption = "Coordinates" enum="Cartesian" "Polar" "Hyperbolic" default = 0 endparam param barn_type caption = "Barnsley Type" enum = "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-potpourri-bama" bailout = bailout for = for p_switch = p_switch pairimp = pairimp intf = intf sgn = sgn test = test coord = coord barn_type = barn_type barn_offset = barn_offset bornes = bornes fnbl = fnbl fnb = fnb fnpi = fnpi } md-potpourri-bama { ; ; Fantaisie basée sur la conversion Fractint->UF faite par ; Frederik Slijkerman des formules Barnsley, ; mes formules Pair-impair & Barnsley imaginaire ; ; Fantasy based on the Fractint->UF conversion made by ; Frederik Slijkerman of the Barnsley formulas, ; my own Pair-impair & Barnsley imaginaire formula ; Michèle Dessureault, septembre/september 2001 ; init: int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 float bfac = 0.0 float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 float rho = 0.0 float theta =0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 int temp = 0 float signe =1.0 bool est_pair = true float temp2 = 0.0 float temp3 = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) z = #pixel + @start loop: if @p_switch == 0 if @barn_type == 0 bfac = real(z) elseif @barn_type == 1 bfac = imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 2 bfac = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 3 bfac = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @barn_type == 4 bfac = diff elseif @barn_type == 5 bfac = phi elseif @barn_type == 6 bfac = cabs(z) elseif @barn_type == 7 bfac = path elseif @barn_type == 8 bfac = iter endif endif if @p_switch == 1 if @pairimp == 0 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 1 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = iter endif if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @intf == 0 temp = ceil(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 1 temp = floor(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 2 temp = trunc(signe*temp2) elseif @intf == 3 temp = round(signe*temp2) endif if temp % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif endif IF (@p_switch == 0 && bfac >= @barn_offset) || \ (@p_switch == 1 && est_pair) IF @for == 0 z = (z - 1) * #pixel elseif @for == 1 || @for == 2 z = sqr(z) - 1 endif ELSE if @for == 0 z = (z + 1) * #pixel elseif @for == 1 z = sqr(z) - 1 + #pixel * real(z) elseif @for == 2 z = sqr(z) - 1 + #pixel * imag(z) endif ENDIF x = real(z) y = imag(z) if @coord == 1 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) theta = atan2(y/x) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif x = real(rho) y = imag(theta) z = x+flip(y) elseif @coord ==2 rho = sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y)) x = real(rho * cosh(x)) y = imag(rho * sinh(y)) z = x+flip(y) endif if @p_switch == 0 z = @fnb(z) else z = @fnpi(z) endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif diff = cabs(z-oldz) oldz = z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if !((bi==0)&&(bs==0)) if (((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Pot-pourri Barnsley (Mandelbrot)" helpfile="mde-help\mde-pot-pourri-barnsley.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 149 magn = 0.75 param for caption = "Formula" enum = "Barnsley 1" "Barnsley 2" "Barnsley im" endparam param p_switch caption = "Switch" enum = "Barnsley" "Odd-Even" endparam param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (0, 0) endparam param coord caption = "Coordinates" enum="Cartesian" "Polar" "Hyperbolic" default = 0 endparam param barn_type caption = "Barnsley Type" enum = "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false endparam param bornes caption ="Escape Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = ident() endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = ident() endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-potpourri-baja" start = pixel for = for bailout = bailout p_switch = p_switch pairimp = pairimp intf = intf coord = coord sgn = sgn test = test barn_type = barn_type barn_offset = barn_offset bornes = bornes fnbl = fnbl fnb = fnb fnpi = fnpi }