Comment { Je voudrais remercier tous ceux qui ont testé/utilisé ces formules en attendant leur publication. Il y en a trop et j'aurais peur d'oublier quelqu'un. Aussi, je ne les nommerai pas. Mais soyez sûrs qu'ils sont tous du monde super. I would like to thank all those people who tested/used these formulas until their publishing. They are all too numerous and I don't want to forget anybody. So, I won't name them, but they are all great people. Helpfiles / Fichiers d'aide: Pour me contacter / To contact me: } md-2fn-ja { ; Michèle Dessureault, Novembre 2001 ; ; Version personnelle de formules de Fractint ; tel que porté par F. Slijkerman vers UF : ; Personal version of some Fractint formulas ; as ported to UF by F. Slijkerman: ; fn||fn, fn+fn, fn*z+z, fn(z)+fn(pix), julia(fn||fn) ; julia fn(z)+e^z, julia fn(z)+z^2, sqr(1/fn(z)) ; fn(z*z), sqr(fn(z)) ; init: float x = 0 float y = 0 z=#pixel bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: if @var == 0 z = (@p1*@fn1(z)*@p2*@fn2(z)) +@c ;fn*fn elseif @var == 1 z = (@p1 * @fn1(z) + @p2 * @fn2(z)) +@c ;fn+fn ; si @fn2 = exp() -> julia fn(z)+e^z ; si @fn2 = sqr() -> julia fn(z)+z^2 elseif @var == 2 z = (@p1 * @fn1(z) - @p2 * @fn2(z)) +@c ; elseif @var == 3 z = (@p1 * @fn1(z) / @p2 * @fn2(z)) +@c ; elseif @var == 4 z = ((@p1 * @fn1(z)) ^( @p2 * @fn2(z))) +@c ; elseif @var == 5 ; si @fn2 = sqr() -> fn(z*z) ; si @fn1 = sqr() -> sqr(fn(z)) z = @p1*@fn1(@fn2(z))+@c elseif @var == 6 z = (@p1 * @fn1(z) + @p2) * z + @c ;fn*z+z elseif @var == 7 z = (@fn1(z) + @p1 * @fn2(#pixel))+ @c ;fn(z)+fn(pix) elseif @var == 8 z = @p1*@fn1(1/@fn2(z)) + @c ; si @fn1 = sqr() -> sqr(1/fn(z)) elseif @var == 9 ; julia(fn||fn) if |z| < @shift z = @p1*@fn1(z) + @c else z = @p2*@fn2(z) + @c endif endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if ((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Deux fonctions (Julia)" helpfile="mde-help\mde3-deux-fonctions.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 150 magn = 0.5 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading int param var caption = "Variation" enum = "First" "Second" "Third" "Fourth" "Fifth" "Sixth" "Seventh" "Eighth" "Ninth" "Tenth" endparam complex param p1 caption = "First Coefficient" default = (1,0) endparam complex param p2 caption = "Second Coefficient" default = (1,0) visible = (@var <= 4) || (@var == 6) || (@var == 9) endparam float param shift caption = "Function Shift" default = 8.0 visible = (@var == 9) endparam complex param c caption ="Seed" default = (0.0, 0.0) endparam heading caption = "Epsilon Range Toolbox" endheading complex param bornes caption ="Epsilon Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam heading caption = "Barnsley Toolbox" endheading int param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam float param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 visible = (@barn > 0) endparam heading caption = "Odd-Even Toolbox" endheading int param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam int param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" visible = (@pairimp > 0) endparam bool param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false visible = (@pairimp > 0) endparam heading caption = "Bailout Toolbox" endheading float param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 64.0 min = 1.0 endparam int param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = sin() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = acosh() visible = (@var != 6) endfunc func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() visible = (@barn > 0) endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() visible = (@pairimp > 0) endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-2fn-ma" bailout = bailout test = test pairimp = pairimp fnbl = fnbl fnpi = fnpi var = var p1 = p1 p2 = p2 sgn = sgn intf = intf bornes = bornes fnb = fnb fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 barn = barn barn_offset = barn_offset shift = shift } md-2fn-ma { ; Michèle Dessureault, Novembre 2001 ; ; Version personnelle de formules de Fractint ; tel que porté par F. Slijkerman vers UF : ; Personal version of some Fractint formulas ; as ported to UF by F. Slijkerman: ; fn||fn, fn+fn, fn*z+z, fn(z)+fn(pix), mandel(fn||fn) ; mandel fn(z)+e^z, mandel fn(z)+z^2, sqr(1/fn(z)) ; fn(z*z), sqr(fn(z)) ; init: float x = 0 float y = 0 z=#pixel+@c bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: if @var == 0 z = (@p1*@fn1(z)*@p2*@fn2(z)) +#pixel elseif @var == 1 z = (@p1 * @fn1(z) + @p2 * @fn2(z)) +#pixel ; si @fn2 = exp() -> Mandelbrot fn(z) + e^z ; si @fn2 = sqr() -> Mandelbrot fn(z) + z^2 elseif @var == 2 z = (@p1 * @fn1(z) - @p2 * @fn2(z)) +#pixel elseif @var == 3 z = (@p1 * @fn1(z) / @p2 * @fn2(z)) +#pixel elseif @var == 4 z = ((@p1 * @fn1(z)) ^( @p2 * @fn2(z))) +#pixel elseif @var == 5 z = @p1*@fn1(@fn2(z)) +#pixel elseif @var == 6 z = (@p1 * fn1(z) + @p2) * z + #pixel elseif @var == 7 z = (@fn1(z) + @p1 * @fn2(#pixel)) +#pixel elseif @var == 8 z = @p1*@fn1(1/@fn2(z)) + #pixel elseif @var == 9 ;Mandelbrot (fn||fn) if |z| < @shift z = @p1*@fn1(z) + #pixel else z = @p2*@fn2(z) + #pixel endif endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if ((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Deux fonctions (Mandelbrot)" helpfile="mde-help\mde3-deux-fonctions.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 150 magn = 0.5 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading int param var caption = "Variation" enum = "First" "Second" "Third" "Fourth" "Fifth" "Sixth" "Seventh" "Eighth" "Ninth" "Tenth" endparam complex param p1 caption = "First Coefficient" default = (1,0) endparam complex param p2 caption = "Second Coefficient" default = (1,0) visible = (@var <= 4) || (@var == 6) || (@var == 9) endparam float param shift caption = "Function Shift" default = 8.0 visible = (@var == 9) endparam complex param c caption ="Starting point" default =(0.0,0.0) endparam heading caption = "Epsilon Range Toolbox" endheading complex param bornes caption ="Epsilon Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam heading caption = "Barnsley Toolbox" endheading int param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam float param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 visible = (@barn > 0) endparam heading caption = "Odd-Even Toolbox" endheading int param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam int param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" visible = (@pairimp > 0) endparam bool param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false visible = (@pairimp > 0) endparam heading caption = "Bailout Toolbox" endheading float param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 64.0 min = 1.0 endparam int param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = sin() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = acosh() visible = (@var != 6) endfunc func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() visible = (@barn > 0) endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() visible = (@pairimp > 0) endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-2fn-ja" c = pixel bailout = bailout test = test pairimp = pairimp fnbl = fnbl fnpi = fnpi var = var p1 = p1 p2 = p2 sgn = sgn intf = intf fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 bornes = bornes fnb = fnb barn = barn shift = shift barn_offset = barn_offset } md-lambda-ja { ; Michèle Dessureault, Novembre 2001 ; ; Version personnelle de formules de Fractint ; tel que porté par F. Slijkerman vers UF : ; Personal version of some Fractint formulas ; as ported to UF by F. Slijkerman: ; lambda, lambda c*fn(z), lambda fn||fn ; init: float x = 0 float y = 0 z=#pixel bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: if @var == 0 z = @lambda * z * (1 - z) ;lambda elseif @var == 1 z = @lambda * @fn1(z) ;lambda c*fn(z) elseif @var == 2 if cabs(z) < @shift ;lambda fn||fn z = @lambda *@fn1(z) else z = @lambda * @fn2(z) endif endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if ((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Lambada (Julia)" helpfile="mde-help\mde3-lambada.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 150 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param var caption = "Variation" enum = "First" "Second" "Third" endparam param lambda caption = "Parameter" default = (0.85, 0.6) endparam param shift caption = "Function Shift" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 visible = (@var == 2) endparam heading caption = "Epsilon Range Toolbox" endheading param bornes caption ="Epsilon Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam heading caption = "Barnsley Toolbox" endheading param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 visible = (@barn >0) endparam heading caption = "Odd-Even Toolbox" endheading param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" visible = (@pairimp >0) endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false visible = (@pairimp >0) endparam heading caption = "Bailout Toolbox" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = sin() visible = (@var !=0) endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = sqr() visible = (@var ==2) endfunc func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() visible = (@barn >0) endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() visible = (@pairimp >0) endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-lambda-ma" bailout = bailout test = test pairimp = pairimp var = var fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 shift = shift fnbl = fnbl fnpi = fnpi sgn = sgn intf = intf bornes = bornes fnb = fnb barn = barn barn_offset = barn_offset } md-lambda-ma { ; Michèle Dessureault, Novembre 2001 ; ; Version personnelle de formules de Fractint ; tel que porté par F. Slijkerman vers UF : ; Personal version of some Fractint formulas ; as ported to UF by F. Slijkerman: ; lambda, lambda c*fn(z), lambda fn||fn ; init: float x = 0 float y = 0 z=@c+#pixel bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bailtest = 0.0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: if @var == 0 z = #pixel * z * (1 - z) ;Mandelbrot Lambda elseif @var == 1 z = #pixel * fn1(z) ;Mandelbrot c*fn(z) elseif @var == 2 if cabs(z) < @shift ;Lambda Mandelbrot fn||fn z = @fn1(z)*#pixel else z = @fn2(z)*#pixel endif endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if ((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y)4) && @fnbl(bailtest) <= @bailout default: title = "Lambada (Mandelbrot)" helpfile="mde-help\mde3-lambada.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 150 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param var caption = "Variation" enum = "First" "Second" "Third" endparam param c caption ="Starting point" default =(0.0,0.0) endparam param shift caption = "Function Shift" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 visible = (@var == 2) endparam heading caption = "Epsilon Range Toolbox" endheading param bornes caption ="Epsilon Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam heading caption = "Barnsley Toolbox" endheading param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 visible =(@barn >0) endparam heading caption = "Odd-Even Toolbox" endheading param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" visible =(@pairimp >0) endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false visible =(@pairimp >0) endparam heading caption = "Bailout Toolbox" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout Value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" "iter" "angle" \ "path" "diff" "minus" "product" "division" "real^imag" \ "imag^real" hint = "This gives a choice of test conditions for bailing out" endparam heading caption = "Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = sin() visible = (@var !=0) endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = sqr() visible = (@var == 2) endfunc func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() visible =(@barn >0) endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() visible =(@pairimp >0) endfunc func fnbl caption = "Bailout Function" default = ident() hint = "To choose some function for further bailout tests" endfunc switch: type = "md-lambda-ja" lambda = pixel bailout = bailout test = test pairimp = pairimp var = var fn1 = fn1 fn2 = fn2 shift = shift fnbl = fnbl fnpi = fnpi sgn = sgn intf = intf bornes = bornes fnb = fnb barn = barn barn_offset = barn_offset } md-magnetica-ja { ; Michèle Dessureault, Novembre 2001 ; ; Version personnelle de formules de Fractint ; tel que porté par F. Slijkerman vers UF : ; Personal version of some Fractint formulas ; as ported to UF by F. Slijkerman: ; Magnet ; init: z = #pixel float x = 0 float y = 0 bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: zold = z if @var == 0 ; Magnet1 z = sqr( (z^2 + @p1 - 1) / (2*z + @p1 - 2) ) elseif @var == 1 z = sqr( (z^3 + 3 * (@p1-1) * z + (@p1-1) * (@p1-2)) / \ (3 * z^2 + 3 * (@p1-2) * z + (@p1-1) * (@p1-2) + 1) ) ; Magnet2 endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if real(temp3) < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if ((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y) @magnet default: title = "Magnetica (Julia)" magn = 0.25 maxiter = 150 helpfile="mde-help\mde3-magnetica.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param var caption = "Variation" enum = "First" "Second" endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter" default = (0, 0) endparam param magnet caption = "Magnetism" default = 0.0001 endparam heading caption = "Epsilon Range Toolbox" endheading param bornes caption ="Epsilon Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam heading caption = "Barnsley Toolbox" endheading param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 visible = (@barn >0) endparam heading caption = "Odd-Even Toolbox" endheading param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" visible = (@pairimp >0) endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false visible = (@pairimp >0) endparam heading caption = "Bailout Toolbox" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 100.0 min = 1 endparam heading caption = "Functions" visible = (@pairimp >0 || @barn >0) endheading func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() visible = (@barn >0) endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() visible = (@pairimp >0) endfunc switch: type = "md-magnetica-ma" bailout = bailout magnet = magnet var = var pairimp = pairimp fnpi = fnpi sgn = sgn intf = intf bornes = bornes fnb = fnb barn = barn barn_offset = barn_offset } md-magnetica-ma { ; Michèle Dessureault, Novembre 2001 ; ; Version personnelle de formules de Fractint ; tel que porté par F. Slijkerman vers UF : ; Personal version of some Fractint formulas ; as ported to UF by F. Slijkerman: ; Magnet ; init: z = @p1 float x = 0 float y = 0 bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) int iter = 0 float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: if @var == 0 z = sqr( (z^2 + #pixel - 1) / (2*z + #pixel - 2) ) ;Magnet1 elseif @var == 1 z = sqr( (z^3 + 3 * (#pixel-1) * z + (#pixel-1) * (#pixel-2)) / \ (3 * z^2 + 3 * (#pixel-2) * z + (#pixel-1) * (#pixel-2) + 1) ) ; Magnet2 endif iter=iter + 1 path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif x = real(z) y = imag(z) if ((((x-y)>bi) && ((x-y)bi) && ((x+y) @magnet default: title = "Magnetica (Mandelbrot)" helpfile="mde-help\mde3-magnetica.htm" method = multipass periodicity = 0 magn = 0.5 maxiter = 150 heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param var caption = "Variation" enum = "First" "Second" endparam param p1 caption = "Perturbation" default = (0, 0) endparam param magnet caption = "Magnetism" default = 0.00005 endparam heading caption = "Epsilon Range Toolbox" endheading param bornes caption ="Epsilon Range" default = (0.0,0.0) endparam heading caption = "Barnsley Toolbox" endheading param barn caption = "Barnsley type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param barn_offset caption = "Barnsley Offset" default = 0.0 visible = (@barn >0) endparam heading caption = "Odd-Even Toolbox" endheading param pairimp caption = "Odd-Even type" enum = "none" "real" "imag" "real*imag" "real+imag" \ "diff" "angle" "magnitude" "path" "iteration" endparam param intf caption = "Odd-Even factor" enum = "ceil" "floor" "trunc" "round" visible = (@pairimp >0) endparam param sgn caption = "Apply Odd-even Sign?" default = false visible = (@pairimp >0) endparam heading caption = "Bailout Toolbox" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 100.0 min = 1 endparam heading caption = "Functions" visible = (@pairimp >0 || @barn >0) endheading func fnb caption = "Barnsley Function" default = flip() visible = (@barn >0) endfunc func fnpi caption = "Odd-even Function" default = flip() visible = (@pairimp >0) endfunc switch: type = "md-magnetica-ja" p1 = pixel bailout = bailout magnet = magnet var = var pairimp = pairimp fnpi = fnpi sgn = sgn intf = intf bornes = bornes fnb = fnb barn = barn barn_offset = barn_offset } md-glyphia-v14112004-1 { ; Michèle Dessureault, 06/11/2004 ; Modified Glyph formula from Samuel Monnier, 19.3.00 ; Modified Vine formula (from Mark Townsend) init: z = #pixel x = 0 y = 0 newx = 0 newy = 0 int iter = 0 int i = 0 bool est_pair = true int temp1 = 0 temp2 = (0.0,0.0) float signe = 1.0 temp3 = (0.0,0.0) float phi = 0.0 float path = 0.0 float diff = 0.0 Oldz = z float xx = 0 float yy = 0 float bi = real(@bornes) float bs = imag(@bornes) loop: iter = iter + 1 x = real(z) + flip(real(@start/100)) y = imag(z) + flip(imag(@start/100)) newx = y newy = x i = 0 while i < @flavor i = i + 1 newx = y + real(@h2)*@fn1(@a * newx) + imag(@h2)*@fn2(@a * newx) newy = x + real(@h2)*@fn1(@a * newy) + imag(@h2)*@fn2(@a * newy) endwhile x = x - real(@h1)*@fn1(newx) - imag(@h1)*@fn2(newx) y = y + real(@h1)*@fn1(newy) + imag(@h1)*@fn2(newy) z = @fnx(x)+ flip(@fny(y)) path = path + cabs(z) phi = atan2(z) phi = phi/#pi if phi < 0.0 phi = phi + 2.0 endif if (@barn == 1 && real(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 2 && imag(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 3 && (real(z) * imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 4 && (real(z) + imag(z)) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 5 && diff >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 6 && phi >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 7 && cabs(z) >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 8 && path >= @barn_offset) || \ (@barn == 9 && iter >= @barn_offset) z = @fnb(z) endif if @pairimp > 0 if @sgn == true temp3 = real(z) * imag(z) if temp3 < 0 signe = -1.0 endif endif if @pairimp == 1 temp2 = real(z) elseif @pairimp == 2 temp2 = imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 3 temp2 = real(z) * imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 4 temp2 = real(z) + imag(z) elseif @pairimp == 5 temp2 = diff elseif @pairimp == 6 temp2 = phi elseif @pairimp == 7 temp2 = cabs(z) elseif @pairimp == 8 temp2 = path elseif @pairimp == 9 temp2 = iter endif if @intf == 0 temp1 = ceil(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 1 temp1 = floor(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 2 temp1 = trunc(signe*cabs(temp2)) elseif @intf == 3 temp1 = round(signe*cabs(temp2)) endif if temp1 % 2 == 0 est_pair = true else est_pair = false endif IF est_pair z = @fnpi(z) endif endif xx = real(z) yy = imag(z) if ((((xx-yy)>bi) && ((xx-yy)bi) && ((xx+yy)