parametric-curve { ; colors by the orbit's closest approach to a user-defined parametric curve ; ; None of this would have happened without the previous work ; of many people, including (but not limited to): ; Damien M. Jones ; Kerry Mitchell ; Mark Townsend ; Ron Barnett ; and Andreas Lober ; Thank you for all your contributions. ; ; Thanks also to W. O. Love, ; who knows much more about coding than I do. ; ; M. Bell August 2009 ; init: float a = 0.0 float r = 0.0 float sr = 0.0 float si = 0.0 float u = 0.0 float v = 0.0 int iter = 0 int itermin = 0 float r1 = @angle / 90.0 complex rot = (0,1) ^ r1 float rmin = 1.0e+20 float twopi = 2.0 * #pi complex c1 = (0.0,0.0) complex c2 = (0.0,0.0) complex s = (0.0,0.0) complex z2 = (0.0,0.0) complex zmin = (0.0,0.0) complex thispoint = (0.0,0.0) bool usesolid = true ; ; arrays for storing the curve as a function of parameter t ; float t[10001] float x[10001] float y[10001] ; ; fill the arrays ; int i = 0 while (i < @ndots + 1) t[i] = (i / @ndots) * twopi * @cycle ; Lissajous ; if (@curve == 0) x[i] = (sin(@x_per * t[i])) y[i] = (cos(@y_per * t[i])) ; ; Epicycloid ; elseif (@curve == 1) x[i] = (1/@x_per) * ((@x_per + @y_per) * cos(t[i]) - @extra * cos((@x_per/@y_per + 1) * t[i])) y[i] = (1/@x_per) * ((@x_per + @y_per) * sin(t[i]) - @extra * sin((@x_per/@y_per + 1) * t[i])) ; ; Hypocycloid ; elseif (@curve == 2) x[i] = (1/@x_per) * ((@x_per - @y_per) * cos(t[i]) + @extra * cos((@x_per/@y_per - 1) * t[i])) y[i] = (1/@x_per) * ((@x_per - @y_per) * sin(t[i]) - @extra * sin((@x_per/@y_per - 1) * t[i])) ; ; Cycloid ; elseif (@curve == 3) x[i] = (@x_per * t[i] - @extra * sin(t[i])) / twopi y[i] = (@x_per - @extra * cos(t[i])) / twopi endif i = i + 1 endwhile loop: iter = iter + 1 z2 = (#z - @trapcenter) * rot ; center & rotation IF (@gauss > 0) ; repeating trap z2 = ((z2 / @gauss) - round(z2 / @gauss)) * @gauss ENDIF IF (@asp != 1.0) z2 = real(z2) + flip(imag(z2) * @asp) ; apply aspect ratio ENDIF IF (@size != 1.0) ; scale trap z2 = (z2 / @size) ENDIF u = real(z2) v = imag(z2) ; ; The curve is parameterized with x(t) and y(t). Step through several t ; values to find the nearest approach of the orbit to the curve. ; i = 0 if (@mode == 0) ; individual dots while (i < @ndots + 1) r = (x[i] - u) * (x[i] - u) + (y[i] - v) * (y[i] - v) ; r = sqrt(r) if(r < rmin) rmin = r itermin = iter zmin = z2 thispoint = zmin - (x[i] + flip(y[i])) endif i = i + 1 endwhile ; elseif ( @mode == 1 ) ; line segments while ( i < @ndots) c1 = x[i] + flip(y[i]) c2 = x[i + 1] + flip(y[i + 1]) s = (z2 - c1) / (c2 - c1) sr = real(s) si = imag(s) if ( sr < 0.0 ) r = sqr(sr) + sqr(si) elseif( sr > 1.0 ) r = sqr(sr - 1.0) + sqr(si) else r = sqr(si) endif ; r = sqrt(r) * cabs(c2 - c1) r = sqr(sqrt(r) * cabs(c2 - c1)) if ( r < rmin ) rmin = r itermin = iter zmin = z2 thispoint = zmin - ((x[i + 1] + x[i])/2 + flip((y[i + 1] + y[i])/2)) endif i = i + 1 endwhile endif final: rmin = rmin ^ @thick if (@colorby == 1) ; iteration @ min #index = 0.1 * itermin elseif (@colorby == 2) ; angle @ min a = atan2(zmin) if (a < 0.0) a = a + twopi endif #index = a / twopi elseif (@colorby == 3) ; angle @ dot a = atan2(thispoint) if (a < 0.0) a = a + twopi endif #index = a / twopi else ; minimum distance #index = rmin / @threshold endif if (!@solidcolor); solid color not allowed #solid = false else if (rmin > @threshold) #solid = usesolid else #solid = false endif endif default: title="Parametric Curves" helpfile="" heading caption = "Curve Options" endheading param curve caption = "Curve" enum = "Lissajous" "Epicycloid" "Hypocycloid" "Cycloid" default = 0 endparam param x_per caption = "X Period" default = 4.0 min = 1.0e-10 endparam param y_per caption = "Y Period" default = 3.0 min = 1.0e-10 visible = @curve == "Epicycloid" || @curve == "Hypocycloid" || @curve == "Lissajous" endparam param extra caption = "Trochoid Parameter" default = 1.0 min = 1e-10 hint = "Changes the 'loopiness'" visible = @curve == "Epicycloid" || @curve == "Hypocycloid" || @curve == "Cycloid" endparam param cycle caption = "Cycles" default = 1.0 hint = "For Epicycloid and Hypocycloid, this should generally equal the Y period." endparam param ndots caption = "Number of Points" default = 240 hint = "Increase for smoother line, decrease \ for dots. Should be between 1 & 10000." min = 1 max = 10000 endparam heading caption = "Trap Options" endheading param trapcenter caption = "Curve Center" default = (0,0) endparam param angle caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam param size caption = "Size" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 endparam param asp caption = "Aspect Ratio" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 endparam param gauss caption = "Repeat Spacing" default = 0.0 min = 0.0 hint = "This is the spacing at which the trap will repeat, \ all across the complex plane. If zero, trap does \ not repeat." endparam heading caption = "Coloring Options" endheading param mode caption = "Mode" default = 0 enum = "dots" "lines" endparam param colorby caption = "Color by" default = 0 enum = "closest" "iteration" "angle to trap" \ "angle to points" endparam param thick caption = "Thickness" default = 0.3 min = 0.0 hint = "Affects the dot size or line thickness, \ similar to the Threshold parameter." endparam param threshold caption = "Threshold" default = 0.25 min = 0.0 endparam param solidcolor caption = "Use solid color?" default = true endparam }