comment { None of this would have happened without the previous work of many people, including (but not limited to): Damien M. Jones Kerry Mitchell Mark Townsend Ron Barnett and Andreas Lober Thank you for all your contributions. Thanks also to W. O. Love, who knows much more about coding than I do. M. Bell August 2009 } class TrapShapeParametric(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; Parametric curves trap shape. public: func TrapShapeParametric(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) i = 0 while ( i < (@ndots + 1)) t[i] = (i / @ndots) * 2.0 * #pi * @cycle if (@curve == 0) ; lissajous x[i] = (sin(@x_per * t[i])) y[i] = (cos(@y_per * t[i])) elseif (@curve == 1) ; epicycloid x[i] = (1/@x_per) * ((@x_per + @y_per) * cos(t[i]) - @troch * cos((@x_per/@y_per + 1) * t[i])) y[i] = (1/@x_per) * ((@x_per + @y_per) * sin(t[i]) - @troch * sin((@x_per/@y_per + 1) * t[i])) elseif (@curve == 2) ; hypocycloid x[i] = (1/@x_per) * ((@x_per - @y_per) * cos(t[i]) + @troch * cos((@x_per/@y_per - 1) * t[i])) y[i] = (1/@x_per) * ((@x_per - @y_per) * sin(t[i]) - @troch * sin((@x_per/@y_per - 1) * t[i])) elseif (@curve == 3) ; cycloid x[i] = (@x_per * t[i] - @troch * sin(t[i]))/(2*#pi) y[i] = (@x_per - @troch * cos(t[i]))/(2*#pi) endif i = i + 1 endwhile endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) r = 0.0 rmin = 1.0e+20 i = 0 if ( @method == 1 ) while ( i < @ndots) c1 = x[i] + flip(y[i]) c2 = x[i + 1] + flip(y[i + 1]) s = (pz - c1) / (c2 - c1) u = real(s) v = imag(s) if ( u < 0.0 ) r = sqr(u) + sqr(v) elseif( u > 1.0 ) r = sqr(u - 1.0) + sqr(v) else r = sqr(v) endif r = sqrt(r) * cabs(c2 - c1) if ( r < rmin ) rmin = r endif i = i + 1 endwhile rmin = sqr(rmin) else while ( i < (@ndots + 1)) r = (x[i] - real(pz)) * (x[i] - real(pz)) + (y[i] - imag(pz)) * (y[i] - imag(pz)) if ( r < rmin ) rmin = r endif i = i + 1 endwhile endif rmin = rmin ^ @thick return rmin endfunc private: int i float r float rmin float u float v float t[10001] float x[10001] float y[10001] complex c1 complex c2 default: title = "Parametric Curves" helpfile="" param curve caption = "Curve" enum = "Lissajous" "Epicycloid" "Hypocycloid" "Cycloid" default = 0 endparam param x_per caption = "X Period" default = 4.0 min = 1.0e-10 endparam param y_per caption = "Y Period" default = 3.0 min = 1.0e-10 visible = @curve == "Lissajous" || @curve == "Epicycloid" || @curve == "Hypocycloid" endparam param troch caption = "Trochoid Parameter" default = 1.0 hint = "Changes the 'loopiness'" visible = @curve == "Epicycloid" || @curve == "Hypocycloid" || @curve == "Cycloid" endparam param cycle caption = "Cycles" default = 1.0 hint = "For Epicycloid and Hypocycloid, this should generally equal the Y period." endparam param ndots caption = "Number of Points" default = 240 hint = "Increase for smoother line, decrease for \ dots or angled lines. Should be between 1 and 10000." min = 1 max = 10000 endparam param method caption = "Method" enum = "dots" "lines" default = 0 endparam param thick caption = "Thickness" default = 0.3 min = 0.0 hint = "Affects the dot size or line thickness, \ similar to the Threshold parameter." endparam } class Standard_TrapShapeSimplePolygon(common.ulb:TrapShape) { public: float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) float d = 1e20 complex z = pz z = -z*1i complex arg = atan2(z) arg = -round(arg/(2*pi)*@order)/@order*(2*pi) z = z*exp(1i*arg) float dist = abs(real(z)) if dist < d d = dist endif return d endfunc default: title = " Simple Polygon" int param order caption = "Polygon Order" default = 3 min = 3 hint = "This is the number of sides in the polygon." endparam }