comment { Colourings by Mike Williams } Multipoint Traps { ; ; Adds "multipoint" orbital traps to the standard ; orbital traps colouring. ; ; "Trap order" specifies the number of point orbit traps ; to be generated. ; init: float d = 0.0 float d2 = 0.0 complex z2 = (0,0) int iter = 0 float diameter2 = sqr(@diameter) complex r = (0,1) ^ (@angle / 90.0) complex r0 = (0,0) complex rh = (0,1) ^ (@traporder / 8); heart rotation value complex zh = (0,0) complex trapcenter2 = @trapcenter if @trapshape == "ring ripples" || @trapshape == "grid ripples" || \ @trapshape == "radial ripples" diameter2 = #pi / @diameter endif sideshift = ((0,1)^(1/@traporder))^4 if @trapshape == "multipoint" complex centres[1000] int n = 0 while (n <= @traporder) centres[n] = @diameter*(sideshift^n) n = n + 1 endwhile endif float closest = 1e38 float closest1 = 1e38 complex point = (0,0) complex point1 = (0,0) complex point2 = (0,0) complex point3 = (0,0) bool done = false int i = 0 int i1 = 0 if @traptype == "farthest" || @traptype == "sum" || \ @traptype == "average" || @traptype == "sign average" || \ @traptype == "alternating average" || @traptype == "alternating average 2" || \ @traptype == "inverted sum" || @traptype == "exponential average" || \ @traptype == "average change" || @traptype == "inverted sum squared" || \ @traptype == "trap only" closest = 0.0 elseif @traptype == "product" closest = 1.0 elseif @traptype == "second farthest" || @traptype == "two farthest" closest = 0.0 closest1 = 0.0 endif bool usesolid = true ; assume a solid color loop: iter = iter + 1 ; iteration counter if @traptype == "trap only" ; trap only, work on unadulterated pixel z2 = #pixel else z2 = #z endif z2 = (z2 - trapcenter2) * r; rotate if @aspect != 1.0 z2 = real(z2) + flip(imag(z2) * @aspect) ; apply aspect endif z3 = @Pf(z2) ; determine distance from trap -- different for each shape if @trapshape == "point" d = cabs(z3) elseif @trapshape == "multipoint" int n=1 d = 1e20 while (n <= @traporder) d2 = cabs(z3 - centres[n]) if d2 < d d = d2 endif n = n + 1 endwhile elseif @trapshape == "ring" d = abs(cabs(z3) - @diameter) elseif @trapshape == "ring 2" d = abs(|z3| - diameter2) elseif @trapshape == "egg" d = (cabs(z3-flip(@diameter)*2) + cabs(z3)*@traporder*0.5) * 0.25 elseif @trapshape == "hyperbola" d = abs(imag(z3) * real(z3) - @diameter) elseif @trapshape == "hypercross" d = abs(imag(z3) * real(z3)) elseif @trapshape == "cross" d = abs(real(z3)) d2 = abs(imag(z3)) if d2 < d d = d2 endif elseif @trapshape == "astroid" d = abs(real(z3))^@traporder + abs(imag(z3))^@traporder if @traporder < 0 d = 1/d endif elseif @trapshape == "diamond" d = abs(real(z3)) + abs(imag(z3)) elseif @trapshape == "rectangle" d = abs(real(z3)) d2 = abs(imag(z3)) if d2 > d d = d2 endif elseif @trapshape == "box" d = abs(real(z3)) d2 = abs(imag(z3)) if d2 > d d = d2 endif d = abs(d - @diameter) elseif @trapshape == "lines" d = abs(abs(imag(z3)) - @diameter) elseif @trapshape == "waves" d = abs(abs(imag(z3) + sin(real(z3)*@trapfreq)*@traporder*0.25) - @diameter) elseif @trapshape == "mirrored waves" d = abs(abs(imag(z3)) - @diameter + sin(real(z3)*@trapfreq)*@traporder*0.25) elseif @trapshape == "mirrored waves 2" d2 = @diameter - sin(real(z3)*@trapfreq)*@traporder*0.25; compute wave height d = abs(abs(imag(z3)) - d2); distance to each wave d2 = abs(abs(imag(z3)) + d2) if d2 < d d = d2 endif elseif @trapshape == "radial waves" d2 = atan2(z3) d = abs(cabs(z3) * (1 - sin(d2*@trapfreq)*@traporder*0.125) - @diameter) elseif @trapshape == "radial waves 2" d2 = atan2(z3) d2 = sin(d2*@trapfreq)*@traporder*0.125 d = abs(cabs(z3) * (1 - d2) - @diameter) d2 = abs(cabs(z3) * (1 + d2) - @diameter) if d2 < d d = d2 endif elseif @trapshape == "ring ripples" d = cabs(z3) if d < @traporder d = cos(d * diameter2 * @trapfreq) * sqr(1-d/@traporder) else d = 0 endif elseif @trapshape == "grid ripples" d = cabs(z3) if d < @traporder d = (cos(real(z3)*diameter2*@trapfreq) + cos(imag(z3)*diameter2*@trapfreq)) * sqr(1-d/@traporder) * 0.5 else d = 0 endif elseif @trapshape == "radial ripples" d = atan2(z3) d2 = cabs(z3) if d2 < @traporder d = cos(4 * d * @trapfreq) * sqr(1-d2/@traporder) else d = 0 endif elseif @trapshape == "pinch" d2 = atan2(z3) if d2 < 0 d2 = d2 + 2*#pi endif d = sqrt(cabs(z3)) / abs(sin(d2*@traporder*0.5)) elseif @trapshape == "spiral" d = 1/(cabs(z3)) * @diameter r0 = (0,1) ^ d z3 = z3 * r0 d = atan(abs(imag(z3)/real(z3))) elseif @trapshape == "heart" zh = real(z3) + flip(abs(imag(z3))) zh = zh*rh * 3 / @diameter d = abs(real(zh) - sqr(imag(zh)) + 3) endif ; now adjust closest/point/i as needed IF (@traptype == 0); closest IF (d < closest) i = iter point = #z point2 = z2 closest = d ENDIF IF (d < @threshold) usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 1); farthest (within threshold) IF (d > closest && d < @threshold) i = iter point = #z point2 = z2 closest = d usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 2); first (within threshold) IF (d < @threshold && done == false) i = iter point = #z point2 = z2 closest = d done = true usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 3); last (within threshold) IF (d < @threshold) i = iter point = #z point2 = z2 closest = d done = true usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 4); sum (within threshold) IF (d < @threshold) i = iter point = point + #z point2 = point2 + z2 closest = closest + d usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 5); average (within threshold) IF (d < @threshold) i = iter i1 = i1 + 1 point = point + #z point2 = point2 + z2 closest = closest + d usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 6); product (within threshold) IF (d < @threshold) i = iter point = point * #z / @threshold point2 = point2 * z2 / @threshold closest = closest * d / @threshold usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 7); sign average IF (d < d2) i = i + 1 point = point + #z point2 = point2 + z2 closest = closest + 1 usesolid = false ELSE i = i - 1 ENDIF d2 = d ELSEIF (@traptype == 8 || @traptype == 10) ; second/two closest IF (d < closest) i1 = i point1 = point point3 = point2 closest1 = closest i = iter point = #z point2 = z2 closest = d ELSEIF (d < closest1) i1 = iter point1 = #z point3 = z2 closest1 = d ENDIF IF (d < @threshold) usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 9 || @traptype == 11) ; second/two farthest IF (d > closest && d < @threshold) i1 = i point1 = point point3 = point2 closest1 = closest i = iter point = #z point2 = z2 closest = d usesolid = false ELSEIF (d > closest1 && d < @threshold) i1 = iter point1 = #z point3 = z2 closest1 = d usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 12); funky average IF (d < @threshold) i = i + 1 point = #z - point point2 = z2 - point2 closest = @threshold - abs(closest - d) usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 13); funky average 2 IF (d < @threshold) i = i + 1 point = #z - point point2 = z2 - point2 closest = abs(d - @threshold + closest) usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 14); funky average 3 (Luke Plant) IF (d < @threshold) i = i + 1 d2 = d/@threshold point = #z + (point-#z) * d2 point2 = z2 + (point2-z2) * d2 closest = closest + d usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 15); funky average 4 (exponential average) IF (d < @threshold) i = i + 1 point = #z - point point2 = z2 - point2 closest = closest + exp(-d) usesolid = false ENDIF ELSEIF (@traptype == 16); funky average 5 (average distance change) IF (d < d2) point = point + #z point2 = point2 + z2 closest = closest + d2-d usesolid = false ENDIF d2 = d ELSEIF (@traptype == 17); funky average 6 (Luke Plant, 1/squared) IF (d < @threshold) i = i + 1 usesolid = false ENDIF d2 = sqr(d/@threshold) point = #z + (point-#z) * d2 point2 = z2 + (point2-z2) * d2 closest = closest + 1/d2 ELSEIF (@traptype == 18); trap only, do first iteration IF (iter == 1) point = #z point2 = z2 closest = d/@threshold IF (d < @threshold) usesolid = false ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF final: ; Apply solid color, if it is allowed. if @solidcolor #solid = usesolid else #solid = false endif ; Calculate index value. ; Un-fudge anything that was fudged. IF (@traptype == 5); traptype average point = point / i1 point2 = point2 / i1 closest = closest / i1 ELSEIF (@traptype == 6); traptype product closest = abs(closest) ELSEIF (@traptype == 7); traptype sign average point = point / iter point2 = point2 / iter closest = closest / iter ELSEIF (@traptype == 8 || @traptype == 9) ; second closest or farthest i = i - i1 point = point - point1 point2 = point2 - point3 closest = closest - closest1 ELSEIF (@traptype == 10 || @traptype == 11) ; two closest or farthest i = round((i + i1) / 2) point = (point + point1) / 2 point2 = (point2 + point3) / 2 closest = (closest + closest1) / 2 ELSEIF (@traptype == 14); funky average 3 closest = @threshold * i - closest ENDIF ; choose coloring based on method IF (@trapcolor == 0); distance IF (@traptype == 2 || @traptype == 3) ; first or last type #index = closest / @threshold ELSE; any other trap type #index = closest ENDIF ELSEIF (@trapcolor == 1); magnitude #index = cabs(point2) ELSEIF (@trapcolor == 2); real #index = abs(real(point2)) ELSEIF (@trapcolor == 3); imaginary #index = abs(imag(point2)) ELSEIF (@trapcolor == 4); angle to trap d = atan2(point2) IF (d < 0) d = d + #pi * 2 ENDIF #index = d / (#pi * 2) ELSEIF (@trapcolor == 5); angle to trap 2 (no aspect) point = point - @trapcenter d = atan2(point) IF (d < 0) d = d + #pi * 2 ENDIF #index = d / (#pi * 2) ELSEIF (@trapcolor == 6); angle to origin d = atan2(point) IF (d < 0) d = d + #pi * 2 ENDIF #index = d / (#pi * 2) ELSEIF (@trapcolor == 7); angle to origin 2 (old ReallyCool) #index = 0.02 * abs(atan(imag(point) / real(point)) * 180/#pi) ELSEIF (@trapcolor == 8); iteration d = i #index = d / #maxiter ENDIF default: title = "Multipoint Traps" param trapshape caption = "Trap Shape" default = 0 enum = "multipoint" \ "point" "ring" "ring 2" "egg" "hyperbola" "hypercross" \ "cross" "astroid" "diamond" "rectangle" "box" "lines" \ "waves" "mirrored waves" "mirrored waves 2" \ "radial waves" "radial waves 2" "ring ripples" \ "grid ripples" "radial ripples" "pinch" "spiral" "heart" hint = "This is the shape of the orbit trap." endparam param diameter caption = " Diameter" default = 1.0 hint = "This is the diameter of the trap (for ring, box, \ line and multipoint shapes)." visible = @trapshape != "point" && @trapshape != "hypercross" && \ @trapshape != "cross" && @trapshape != "astroid" && \ @trapshape != "diamond" && @trapshape != "rectangle" && \ @trapshape != "radial ripples" && @trapshape != "pinch" endparam param traporder caption = " Order" default = 16 max = 999 hint = "Number of leaves for the pinch trap shape, the \ exponent to use for astroid curves (try 0.66667), \ 'egginess', the height of waves, \ or the number of points for multipoint." visible = @trapshape != "point" && @trapshape != "ring" && \ @trapshape != "ring 2" && @trapshape != "hyperbola" && \ @trapshape != "hypercross" && @trapshape != "cross" && \ @trapshape != "diamond" && @trapshape != "rectangle" && \ @trapshape != "box" && @trapshape != "lines" && \ @trapshape != "spiral" endparam param trapfreq caption = " Frequency" default = 1.0 hint = "The frequency of ripples or waves." visible = @trapshape == "waves" || @trapshape == "mirrored waves" || \ @trapshape == "mirrored waves 2" || @trapshape == "radial waves" || \ @trapshape == "radial waves 2" || @trapshape == "ring ripples" || \ @trapshape == "grid ripples" || @trapshape == "radial ripples" endparam param trapcolor caption = "Trap Coloring" default = 0 enum = "distance" "magnitude" "real" "imaginary" "angle to trap" \ "angle to trap 2" "angle to origin" "angle to origin 2" "iteration" hint = "This is the information used to produce a color." endparam param traptype caption = "Trap Mode" default = 0 enum = "closest" "farthest" "first" "last" "sum" "average" "product" \ "sign average" "second closest" "second farthest" "two closest" \ "two farthest" "alternating average" "alternating average 2" "inverted sum" \ "exponential average" "average change" "inverted sum squared" \ "trap only" hint = "This is how points will be chosen to use for coloring." endparam param threshold caption = " Threshold" hint = "This is the width of the trap area, used for most trap modes." visible = @traptype != "sign average" && @traptype != "average change" default = 0.25 min = 0 endparam complex func Pf caption = "Point function" ;visible = @trapshape == "multipoint" default = ident() endfunc heading caption = "Options" endheading param trapcenter caption = "Trap Center" default = (0,0) hint = "This is the location of the trap in the complex plane." endparam param aspect caption = "Aspect Ratio" default = 1.0 min = 0.0000000001 hint = "This is how square the trap is. You can distort the \ trap by using a value other than 1.0." endparam param angle caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 hint = "This is the angle, in degrees, that the trap should \ be rotated." endparam param solidcolor caption = "Use Solid Color" default = false hint = "If enabled, areas 'outside' the trap area will be colored \ with the 'solid color' on the coloring tab." endparam } Direct Displacement Map(OUTSIDE) { ; ; This is a very special purpose colouring algorithm. ; It's not expected to look good on screen. ; ; It's sole purpose is to generate 24-bit displacement maps ; and height fields for 3d rendering programs that can ; accept such things. The RGB values at a point represent a ; height as 65536*R + 256*G + B, so that over 16 million ; gradations of height can be accommodated instead of the usual ; 256. This makes it possible to produce much smoother ; displacement maps. ; ; So, if you want to produce smooth displacement maps, I suggest ; setting the Maximum Iterations to a value that's very much ; larger than 256 (otherwise you'll only get that number of ; height gradations) and setting the inside colouring to ; solid white. ; ; This direct colouring ignores all the standard colour settings ; (Color Density, Transfer Function, Solid Color, Gradient Offset, ; Repeat Gradient) and ignores the gradient. ; $DEFINE DIRECT final: float x = 256.0 * real(#numiter/#maxiter) float r = trunc(x) float g = trunc((x-r)*256) float b = 0 ;trunc(((x-r)*256-g)*256) #color = rgb(r/256,g/256,b/256) default: title = "Direct Displacement Map" } Speed { ; ; Speed based colouring. ; ; A pixel is coloured based on the speed with which the ; particle moves along its orbit. ; ; Only steps which move at a speed between the Min and Max Speed ; parameters are considered. ; ; Version 2: Add "Stretch Index" option ; init: float min = 1e20 int iter = 0 last = (0,0) float this = 0 float index = 1e20 loop: iter = iter + 1 if iter == 1 last = #z else this = cabs(#z - last) if (this < @Lmax) && (this > @Lmin) index = this if this < min min = this endif endif endif final: if @type == "min" index = min endif #index = index if @sol == true && (index == 1e20) #solid = true else if @stretch #index = (index-@Lmin)/(@Lmax-@Lmin) endif endif default: title = "Speed Limits" param type enum = "min" "last" hint = "Colouring is based on the speed of the slowest step or the last step" endparam float param Lmin caption = "Min speed" default = 0.2 min = 0.0 hint = "Set to zero to allow all speeds" endparam float param Lmax caption = "Max speed" default = 0.5 hint = "Should be greater than Min Speed" endparam bool param stretch caption = "Stretch Index" hint = "Stretch the index so that the whole gradient maps to the speeds \ which lie within the speed limits" endparam bool param sol caption = "Use solid colour" hint = "Specifies that points which have no steps within the speed limits \ are to use the solid colour instead of colour index zero" endparam } Mangle { ; ; A selective angle based colouring ; ; A point is coloured with a value related to the angle of its orbit. ; (Sort of like an orbit trap, but trapping orbit angle rather than point location) ; ; Version 2: add variant options ; (Variant B is what I had originally intended to code) ; Version 3: add "Stretch index" option ; init: float min = 1e20 float max = -1e20 float tot = 0.0 int iter = 0 int count = 0 last = (0,0) float this = 0 float index = 0 float Lmin = (@Lmin-0.5) * 2 * #pi float Lmax = (@Lmax-0.5) * 2 * #pi loop: iter = iter + 1 if iter == 1 last = #z else this = atan2(#z - last) if (this < Lmax) && (this > Lmin) count = count + 1 index = this tot = tot + this if this < min min = this endif if this > max max = this endif endif endif if (@variant == 1) last = #z endif if (@variant == 2) last = (0,0) endif final: if @type == "min" index = abs(min) elseif @type == "max" index = abs(max) elseif @type == "average" index = abs(tot/count) endif if @sol == true && (index > 1e10 || index == 0) #solid = true endif if @stretch #index = (index-Lmin)/(Lmax-Lmin) else #index = index endif default: title = "Mangle" param type enum = "min" "max" "last" "average" endparam float param Lmin caption = "Minimum" default = 0.1 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Between 0.0 and 1.0" endparam float param Lmax caption = "Maximum" default = 0.2 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Should be greater than Minimum and less than 1.0" endparam bool param stretch caption = "Stretch Index" hint = "Stretch the index so that the whole gradient maps to the speeds \ which lie within the speed limits" default = true endparam bool param sol caption = "Use solid colour" hint = "Specifies that points which have no steps within the angle limits \ are to use the solid colour instead of colour index zero" endparam param variant enum = "A" "B" "C" hint = "Slight variations" endparam } mjw-Spots { ; An Op-Art colouring ; ; Outputs two colours - the colours at index 0 and index 200 ; ; Hints: for black spots on white background ; use the standatd greyscale gradient ; ; for square spots use threshold 0 and Type "Spots" ; for diamond spots use threshold 0 and Type "Spots 3" final: float a = 0; if @Type == 0 float Scale = @scale a = (sin(real(#z)/Scale) + sin(imag(#z)/Scale/@stretch))/2 elseif @Type == 1 float Scale = @scale * 2 a = abs((sin(real(#z)/Scale) + sin(imag(#z)/Scale/@stretch))/2) elseif @Type == 2 float Scale = @scale * 2 a = sin(real(#z)/Scale) * sin(imag(#z)/Scale) elseif @Type == 3 float Scale = @scale*2*pi a = abs((real(#z)/Scale - floor(real(#z)/Scale) -0.5) \ * (imag(#z)/Scale/@stretch - floor(imag(#z)/Scale/@stretch) -0.5)) * 4 elseif @Type == 4 float Scale = @scale*2*pi a = (real(#z)/Scale - floor(real(#z)/Scale) -0.5) \ + (imag(#z)/Scale/@stretch - floor(imag(#z)/Scale/@stretch) -0.5) elseif @Type == 5 float Scale = @scale*2*pi a = abs((real(#z)/Scale - floor(real(#z)/Scale) -0.5) \ + (imag(#z)/Scale/@stretch - floor(imag(#z)/Scale/@stretch) -0.5)) endif if (a < @threshold) #index = 0.5 else #index = 0 endif default: title="Spots" param Type caption = "Type" enum = "Spots" "Spots 2" "Spots 3" "Spots 4" "Triangles" "Stars" endparam float param scale hint = "change the scale of the pattern" caption="scale" default = 0.02 endparam float param stretch hint = "change the 'vertical' scale of the pattern" caption="stretch" default = 1.0 visible = @Type != 2 && @Type != 3 endparam float param threshold hint = "change the shape of the spots" caption="threshold" default = 0.5 min = -1 max = 1 endparam } mjw-CA-1 { ;Simple Cellular Automata ; ; It's more of a "proof of concept" than a useful colouring ; The cells have three possible states which become colour index values 0, 1/3 and 2/3 ; A cell on the next row gets its state by looking at the sum of the states ; of three nearby cells on the row above. ; E.g. if the three cells have states 2, 0, 1 then the new cell gets its state ; from the parameter "Three". ; The CA algorithm wraps at the sides ; ; Note: This colouring doesn't work well if the Drawing Method of ; the formula is set to "Guessing" ; ; It mindlessly ignores the formula (so use one that calculates quickly) ; and ignores the Location parameters, such as magnification and rotation ; global: int seed = @myseed int x=0 int y=0 int x1=0 int x2=0 int sum=0 int pix[#width,#height] int ca[7] ; store the val params in an array ca[0] = @val0 ca[1] = @val1 ca[2] = @val2 ca[3] = @val3 ca[4] = @val4 ca[5] = @val5 ca[6] = @val6 ;randomize the y=0 row x=0 while x<#width seed = random(seed) pix[x,0] = abs(round(seed % 3)) x=x+1 endwhile ;caclulate the following rows y=1 while y<#height x=0 while x<#width ; wrap round the edges x1 = x-1 if x1<0 x1=x1+#width endif x2 = x+1 if x2 >= #width x2 = x2 - #width endif sum = pix[x,y-1] + pix[x1,y-1] + pix[x2,y-1] pix[x,y] = ca[sum] x=x+1 endwhile y=y+1 endwhile final: #index = pix[#x,#y]/3 default: title="Cellular Automata 1" int param val0 caption = "Zero" default = 2 min = 0 max = 2 hint = "value for cell when sum = 0" endparam int param val1 caption = "One" default = 1 min = 0 max = 2 hint = "value for cell when sum = 1" endparam int param val2 caption = "Two" default = 1 min = 0 max = 2 hint = "value for cell when sum = 2" endparam int param val3 caption = "Three" default = 1 min = 0 max = 2 hint = "value for cell when sum = 3" endparam int param val4 caption = "Four" default = 2 min = 0 max = 2 hint = "value for cell when sum = 4" endparam int param val5 caption = "Five" default = 0 min = 0 max = 2 hint = "value for cell when sum = 5" endparam int param val6 caption = "Six" default = 1 min = 0 max = 2 hint = "value for cell when sum = 6" endparam int param myseed caption = "Random Seed" default = 123456 hint = "Change this seed to randomize the start row." endparam } mjw-CA-2 { ; two colour 1D totalistic Cellular Automata ; the colours are at index 0 and index 199 ; ; Note: This colouring doesn't work well if the Drawing Method of ; the formula is set to "Guessing" ; ; It mindlessly ignores the formula (so use one that calculates quickly) ; and ignores the Location parameters, such as magnification and rotation ; global: int seed = @myseed int x=0, int y=0, int x1=0, int d=0, int sum=0 int pix[#width,#height] int R=0, int C=0, int M=1 int S[100] int B[100] int i=0 while i<100 S[i]=0 B[i]=0 i=i+1 endwhile ; set up the rules if @Rule == "Champagne" ; R3,C0,M1,S3,S6,S7,B0,B1 R=3, C=2, M=1 S[3]=1, S[6]=1, S[7]=1 B[0]=1, B[1]=1 elseif @Rule == "Class 4 a" ; R2,C0,M1,S1,S3,B2,B3,B4 R=2, C=2, M=1 S[1]=1, S[3]=1 B[2]=1, B[3]=1, B[4]=1 elseif @Rule == "Class 4 b" ; R6,C0,M1,S3,S4,S5,S9,S11,S12,S13, B0,B1,B3,B13 R=6, C=2, M=1 S[3]=1, S[4]=1, S[5]=1, S[9]=1, S[11]=1, S[12]=1, S[13]=1 B[0]=1, B[1]=1, B[3]=1, B[13]=1 elseif @Rule == "Date Palms"; R5,C0,M1,S0,S7,S8,S9,S10,S11,B0 R=5, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[7]=1, S[8]=1, S[9]=1, S[10]=1, S[11]=1 B[0]=1 elseif @Rule == "Embossed Triangles" ;R2,C0,M1,S2,S3,B2,B3,B4 R=2, C=2, M=1 S[2]=1, S[3]=1 B[2]=1, B[3]=1, B[4]=1 elseif @Rule == "Forest" ;R10,C0,M0,S1,S2,S6,S7,S9,S12, S14,S17, B1,B7,B10,B11,B13,B15, B16,B17,B19 R=10, C=2, M=0 S[1]=1, S[2]=1, S[6]=1, S[7]=1, S[9]=1, S[12]=1, S[14]=1, S[17]=1 B[1]=1, B[7]=1, B[11]=1, B[13]=1, B[15]=1, B[16]=1, B[17]=1, B[19]=1 elseif @Rule == "Gears 1" ;R5,C0,M1,S0,S7,S10,S11,B0 R=5, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[7]=1, S[10]=1, S[11]=1 B[0]=1 elseif @Rule == "Gears 2" ;R5,C0,M1,S0,S6,S10,S11,B0 R=5, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[6]=1, S[10]=1, S[11]=1 B[0]=1 elseif @Rule == "Marvel" ; R3,C0,M0,S0,S5,S6,B0,B3 R=3, C=2, M=0 S[0]=1, S[5]=1, S[6]=1 B[0]=1, B[3]=1 elseif @Rule == "Noname";R2,C0,M1,S0,S3,S4,B2,B4,B5 R=2, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[3]=1, S[4]=1 B[2]=1, B[4]=1, B[5]=1 elseif @Rule == "Pascal's Triangle" ;R1,C0,M1,B1 R=1, C=2, M=1, B[1]=1 elseif @Rule == "Porridge";R1,C0,M1,S0,S3,B0,B2 R=1, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[3]=1 B[0]=1, B[2]=1 elseif @Rule == "Roots";R4,C0,M1,S1,S2,S5,S6,S9,B3,B4,B6 R=4, C=2, M=1 S[1]=1, S[2]=1, S[5]=1, S[6]=1, S[9]=1 B[3]=1, B[4]=1, B[6]=1 elseif @Rule == "The City";R3,C0,M0,S0,S3,B0,B4 R=3, C=2, M=0 S[0]=1, S[3]=1 B[0]=1, B[4]=1 elseif @Rule == "Tulips";R10,C0,M1,S0,S3,S6,S10,S11, S14,S15, S16,S17,S18,S19,S20, S21,B1,B11,B12, B17,B18,B19,B20,B21 R=10, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[3]=1, S[6]=1, S[10]=1, S[14]=1, S[15]=1 S[16]=1, S[17]=1, S[18]=1, S[19]=1, S[20]=1, S[21]=1 B[1]=1, B[11]=1, B[12]=1, B[17]=1, B[18]=1, B[19]=1 B[20]=1, B[21]=1 endif if @Init == "Random" ;randomize the y=0 row x=0 while x<#width seed = random(seed) pix[x,0] = abs(seed)%(C+1) x=x+1 endwhile else ; single central pixel x=0 while x<#width pix[x,0] = 0 x=x+1 endwhile pix[trunc(#width/2),0] = 1 endif ;caclulate the following rows y=1 while y<#height x=0 while x<#width sum=0 d=-R ; count the totalistic sum while d <= R x1 = x+d ; wrap round the edges if x1<0 x1=x1+#width endif if x1 >= #width x1 = x1 - #width endif if (pix[x1,y-1] > 0) && (M==1 || d!=0) sum = sum + 1 endif d=d+1 endwhile ; decide if born if pix[x,y-1]==0 && B[sum]==1 pix[x,y]=1 ; decide survival elseif pix[x,y-1]>0 && S[sum]==1 pix[x,y]=1 ; history count else if C<3 pix[x,y]=0 else if pix[x,y-1] > 0 pix[x,y] = pix[x,y-1]+1 if pix[x,y]>=C pix[x,y]=0 endif endif endif endif x=x+1 endwhile y=y+1 endwhile final: #index = pix[#x,#y]/C default: title="Cellular Automata 2" param Rule caption = "Rule" enum = "Champagne" "Class 4 a" "Class 4 b" \ "Date Palms" "Embossed Triangles" "Forest" \ "Gears 1" "Gears 2" "Marvel" "Noname" \ "Pascal's Triangle" "Porridge" "Roots" \ "The City" "Tulips" endparam param Init caption = "Initialisation" enum = "Random" "Single point" endparam int param myseed caption = "Random Seed" default = 123456 visible = @Init == "Random" endparam } mjw-CA-3 { ; polychrome 1D totalistic Cellular Automata ; ; Note: This colouring doesn't work well if the Drawing Method of ; the formula is set to "Guessing" ; ; It mindlessly ignores the formula (so use one that calculates quickly) ; and ignores the Location parameters, such as magnification and rotation ; ; Custom rules ; ============ ; ; Rule range: Specifies how many cells from the previous row are ; examined. If it's even, then the central cell is ignored. ; Higher values take longer to process ; ; Rule depth: It's probably best to leave this set to 2 ; ; Rules for cell birth and survival: ; Consider these to be a sequence of separate integers. ; E.g. if the birth rule is "840" then an empty cell ; comes "alive" if zero, four or eight of the examined ; cells are alive. ; ; The defaults for the custom rule are the same as the "Bonzai" rule ; ; Built in rules ; ============== ; ; The equivalent custom rule settings for some built-in rules are: ; ; Name Range Depth Birth Survive ; ; Abacus 5 10 30 10 ; Bonzai 9 2 840 13579 ; Champagne 7 2 10 367 ; Class 4 a 5 2 234 13 ; Embossed Triangles 5 2 234 23 ; Fences 13 25 1478 350 ; Marvel 6 2 30 560 ; Maze 7 10 1345 345 ; Noname 1 5 2 245 340 ; Noname 2 5 15 12 23 ; Pascal's Triangle 3 2 1 9 ; Porridge 3 2 20 30 ; Roots 9 2 346 12569 ; Shaded Triangles 7 3 34567 234560 ; The City 6 2 30 40 ; Walls 5 15 23 13 ; Wallpaper 3 2 30 2 ; Zig Zag 3 15 13 13 global: int seed = @myseed int x=0, int y=0, int x1=0, int d=0, int sum=0 int pix[#width,#height] int R=0, int C=0, int M=1 int S[100] int B[100] int MaxStates = 40 int i=0 while i<100 S[i]=0 B[i]=0 i=i+1 endwhile ; set up the rules if @Rule == "Custom" M=@Range % 2 R=trunc(@Range/2) C=@Depth if C<2 C=2 endif int K = @Survive while K > 0 S[K % 10] = 1 K = trunc(K/10) endwhile int K = @Births while K > 0 B[K % 10] = 1 K = trunc(K/10) endwhile elseif @Rule == "Abacus" R=2, C=10, M=1 S[0]=1, S[1]=1 B[0]=1, B[3]=1 elseif @Rule == "Bonzai" R=4, C=2, M=1 S[1]=1, S[3]=1, S[5]=1, S[7]=1, S[9]=1 B[0]=1, B[4]=1, B[8]=1 elseif @Rule == "Champagne" R=3, C=2, M=1 S[3]=1, S[6]=1, S[7]=1 B[0]=1, B[1]=1 elseif @Rule == "Class 4 a" R=2, C=2, M=1 S[1]=1, S[3]=1 B[2]=1, B[3]=1, B[4]=1 elseif @Rule == "Class 4 b" R=6, C=2, M=1 S[3]=1, S[4]=1, S[5]=1, S[9]=1, S[11]=1, S[12]=1, S[13]=1 B[0]=1, B[1]=1, B[3]=1, B[13]=1 elseif @Rule == "Date Palms" R=5, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[7]=1, S[8]=1, S[9]=1, S[10]=1, S[11]=1 B[0]=1 elseif @Rule == "Embossed Triangles" R=2, C=2, M=1 S[2]=1, S[3]=1 B[2]=1, B[3]=1, B[4]=1 elseif @Rule == "Fences" R=6, C=25, M=1 S[1]=1, S[4]=1, S[7]=1,S[8]=1 B[0]=1, B[3]=1, B[5]=1 elseif @Rule == "Forest" R=10, C=2, M=0 S[1]=1, S[2]=1, S[6]=1, S[7]=1, S[9]=1, S[12]=1, S[14]=1, S[17]=1 B[1]=1, B[7]=1, B[11]=1, B[13]=1, B[15]=1, B[16]=1, B[17]=1, B[19]=1 elseif @Rule == "Gears 1" R=5, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[7]=1, S[10]=1, S[11]=1 B[0]=1 elseif @Rule == "Gears 2" R=5, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[6]=1, S[10]=1, S[11]=1 B[0]=1 elseif @Rule == "Marvel" R=3, C=2, M=0 S[0]=1, S[5]=1, S[6]=1 B[0]=1, B[3]=1 elseif @Rule == "Maze" R=3, C=10, M=1 S[3]=1, S[4]=1, S[5]=1 B[1]=1, B[3]=1, B[4]=1, B[5]=1 elseif @Rule == "Noname 1" R=2, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[3]=1, S[4]=1 B[2]=1, B[4]=1, B[5]=1 elseif @Rule == "Noname 2" R=2, C=15, M=1 S[2]=1, S[3]=1 B[1]=1, B[2]=1 elseif @Rule == "Pascal's Triangle" R=1, C=2, M=1, B[1]=1 elseif @Rule == "Porridge" R=1, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[3]=1 B[0]=1, B[2]=1 elseif @Rule == "Roots" R=4, C=2, M=1 S[1]=1, S[2]=1, S[5]=1, S[6]=1, S[9]=1 B[3]=1, B[4]=1, B[6]=1 elseif @Rule == "Shaded Triangles" R=3, C=3, M=1 S[0]=1, S[2]=1, S[3]=1, S[4]=1, S[5]=1, S[6]=1 B[3]=1, B[4]=1, B[5]=1, B[6]=1, B[7]=1 elseif @Rule == "Skyscrapers" R=6, C=10, M=1 S[2]=1, S[4]=1, S[6]=1, S[7]=1, S[8]=1, S[11]=1, S[13]=1 B[0]=1, B[1]=1, B[3]=1, B[8]=1, B[12]=1 elseif @Rule == "The City" R=3, C=2, M=0 S[0]=1, S[3]=1 B[0]=1, B[4]=1 elseif @Rule == "Tulips" R=10, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[3]=1, S[6]=1, S[10]=1, S[14]=1, S[15]=1 S[16]=1, S[17]=1, S[18]=1, S[19]=1, S[20]=1, S[21]=1 B[1]=1, B[11]=1, B[12]=1, B[17]=1, B[18]=1, B[19]=1 B[20]=1, B[21]=1 elseif @Rule == "Walls" R=2, C=15, M=1 S[2]=1, S[3]=1 B[1]=1, B[3]=1 elseif @Rule == "Wallpaper" R=1, C=2, M=1 S[2]=1, B[0]=1, B[3]=1 elseif @Rule == "Wood Grain" R=8, C=3, M=0 S[1]=1, S[2]=1, S[4]=1, S[6]=1, S[7]=1, S[10]=1 S[12]=1, S[13]=1, S[14]=1 B[0]=1, B[2]=1, B[3]=1, B[4]=1, B[5]=1, B[6]=1 B[7]=1, B[10]=1, B[11]=1, B[13]=1, B[15]=1 elseif @Rule == "Zig Zag" R=1, C=15, M=1 S[1]=1, S[3]=1 B[1]=1, B[3]=1 endif if @Init == "Random" ;randomize the y=0 row x=0 while x<#width seed = random(seed) pix[x,0] = abs(seed)%@RRange x=x+1 endwhile elseif @Init == "Single Point" ; single central pixel x=0 while x<#width pix[x,0] = 0 x=x+1 endwhile pix[trunc(#width/2),0] = 1 else x=0 while x<#width if x<#width/4 || x>3*#width/4 pix[x,0] = 0 else pix[x,0] = 1 endif x=x+1 endwhile endif int Iter = 0 while Iter < @Iterations ;caclulate the following rows y=1 while y<#height x=0 while x<#width pix[x,y]=0 sum=0 d=-R ; count the totalistic sum while d <= R x1 = x+d ; wrap round the edges if x1<0 x1=x1+#width endif if x1 >= #width x1 = x1 - #width endif if ((pix[x1,y-1]>0 && C<3) || (pix[x1,y-1]==1 && C>2)) \ && (M==1 || d!=0) sum = sum + 1 endif d=d+1 endwhile ; case 1 - no history (but live cells change colour) if C<3 ; if it was alive, does it survive? if pix[x,y-1] > 0 && S[sum] == 1 pix[x,y] = pix[x,y-1] +1 if pix[x,y] >= MaxStates pix[x,y] = MaxStates - 1 endif ; if it was dead, is it born? elseif pix[x,y-1] == 0 && B[sum] == 1 pix[x,y] = 1 else pix[x,y] = 0 endif else ; case 2 - history active - only state 1 is alive ; and only 0 is really dead ; other values are undead and can't be born ; if it was really dead, is it born? if pix[x,y-1] == 0 && B[sum] == 1 pix[x,y] = 1 ; if it was alive, does it survive? elseif pix[x,y-1] == 1 && S[sum] == 1 pix[x,y] = 1 ; if it didn't survive or was already undead, age it elseif pix[x,y-1] > 0 pix[x,y] = pix[x,y-1] +1 if pix[x,y] > C pix[x,y] = 0 endif endif endif x=x+1 endwhile y=y+1 endwhile ; copy the last row back to the top and go round again if Iter < @Iterations-1 x=0 while x<#width pix[x,0] = pix[x,(#height-1)] x=x+1 endwhile endif Iter = Iter+1 endwhile final: #index = pix[#x,#y]/MaxStates default: title="Cellular Automata 3" param Init caption = "Initialisation" enum = "Random" "Single point" "Chunk" hint = "Different ways of starting the first line" endparam int param myseed caption = "Random Seed" default = 123456 visible = @Init == "Random" hint = "Different random numbers" endparam int param RRange caption = "Random Scope" default = 3 min = 3 max = 25 visible = @Init == "Random" hint = "Different styles of randomness, 3 to 25" endparam param Rule caption = "Rule" enum = "Custom" "Abacus" "Bonzai" "Champagne" "Class 4 a" "Class 4 b" \ "Date Palms" "Embossed Triangles" "Fences" "Forest" \ "Gears 1" "Gears 2" "Marvel" "Maze" "Noname 1" "Noname 2" \ "Pascal's Triangle" "Porridge" "Roots" "Shaded Triangles" \ "Skyscrapers" "The City" "Tulips" "Walls" "Wallpaper" \ "Wood Grain" "Zig Zag" hint = "Built-in rule or 'Custom' to write your own" endparam int param Range caption = "Rule range" min = 2 default = 9 visible = @Rule == "Custom" endparam int param Depth caption = "Rule depth" max=25 default = 2 visible = @Rule == "Custom" endparam int param Births caption = "Rule for cell birth" min=0 default = 840 visible = @Rule == "Custom" endparam int param Survive caption = "Rule for cell survival" min=0 default = 13579 visible = @Rule == "Custom" endparam int param Iterations caption = "Iterations" min = 1 hint = "Subsequent iterations use the bottom line to start again from the top \ which can get rid of the odd stuff at the top" endparam } mjw-CA-4 { ; polychrome 1D totalistic Cellular Automata ; ; Note: This colouring doesn't work well if the Drawing Method of ; the formula is set to "Guessing" ; ; CA4 is just the same as CA3 except that it responds to magnifications, ; rotations, mappings, etc. The cellular automaton is still calculated on ; a fixed rectangular grid, so when you zoom in you'll see the square ; shapes of the individual cells. When you zoom out, you can specify ; whether the area outside the rectangle is filled with "solid" colour ; or with a repeat of the pattern. The repeated pattern wraps seamlessly ; horizontally but not vertically. ; ; Custom rules ; ============ ; ; Rule range: Specifies how many cells from the previous row are ; examined. If it's even, then the central cell is ignored. ; Higher values take longer to process ; ; Rule depth: It's probably best to leave this set to 2 ; ; Rules for cell birth and survival: ; Consider these to be a sequence of separate integers. ; E.g. if the birth rule is "840" then an empty cell ; comes "alive" if zero, four or eight of the examined ; cells are alive. ; ; The defaults for the custom rule are the same as the "Bonzai" rule ; ; Built in rules ; ============== ; ; The equivalent custom rule settings for some built-in rules are: ; ; Name Range Depth Birth Survive ; ; Abacus 5 10 30 10 ; Bonzai 9 2 840 13579 ; Champagne 7 2 10 367 ; Class 4 a 5 2 234 13 ; Embossed Triangles 5 2 234 23 ; Fences 13 25 1478 350 ; Marvel 6 2 30 560 ; Maze 7 10 1345 345 ; Noname 1 5 2 245 340 ; Noname 2 5 15 12 23 ; Pascal's Triangle 3 2 1 9 ; Porridge 3 2 20 30 ; Roots 9 2 346 12569 ; Shaded Triangles 7 3 34567 234560 ; The City 6 2 30 40 ; Walls 5 15 23 13 ; Wallpaper 3 2 30 2 ; Zig Zag 3 15 13 13 global: int seed = @myseed int x=0, int y=0, int x1=0, int d=0, int sum=0 int pix[#width,#height] int R=0, int C=0, int M=1 int S[100] int B[100] int MaxStates = 40 int i=0 while i<100 S[i]=0 B[i]=0 i=i+1 endwhile ; set up the rules if @Rule == "Custom" M=@Range % 2 R=trunc(@Range/2) C=@Depth if C<2 C=2 endif int K = @Survive while K > 0 S[K % 10] = 1 K = trunc(K/10) endwhile int K = @Births while K > 0 B[K % 10] = 1 K = trunc(K/10) endwhile elseif @Rule == "Abacus" R=2, C=10, M=1 S[0]=1, S[1]=1 B[0]=1, B[3]=1 elseif @Rule == "Bonzai" R=4, C=2, M=1 S[1]=1, S[3]=1, S[5]=1, S[7]=1, S[9]=1 B[0]=1, B[4]=1, B[8]=1 elseif @Rule == "Champagne" R=3, C=2, M=1 S[3]=1, S[6]=1, S[7]=1 B[0]=1, B[1]=1 elseif @Rule == "Class 4 a" R=2, C=2, M=1 S[1]=1, S[3]=1 B[2]=1, B[3]=1, B[4]=1 elseif @Rule == "Class 4 b" R=6, C=2, M=1 S[3]=1, S[4]=1, S[5]=1, S[9]=1, S[11]=1, S[12]=1, S[13]=1 B[0]=1, B[1]=1, B[3]=1, B[13]=1 elseif @Rule == "Date Palms" R=5, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[7]=1, S[8]=1, S[9]=1, S[10]=1, S[11]=1 B[0]=1 elseif @Rule == "Embossed Triangles" R=2, C=2, M=1 S[2]=1, S[3]=1 B[2]=1, B[3]=1, B[4]=1 elseif @Rule == "Fences" R=6, C=25, M=1 S[1]=1, S[4]=1, S[7]=1,S[8]=1 B[0]=1, B[3]=1, B[5]=1 elseif @Rule == "Forest" R=10, C=2, M=0 S[1]=1, S[2]=1, S[6]=1, S[7]=1, S[9]=1, S[12]=1, S[14]=1, S[17]=1 B[1]=1, B[7]=1, B[11]=1, B[13]=1, B[15]=1, B[16]=1, B[17]=1, B[19]=1 elseif @Rule == "Gears 1" R=5, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[7]=1, S[10]=1, S[11]=1 B[0]=1 elseif @Rule == "Gears 2" R=5, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[6]=1, S[10]=1, S[11]=1 B[0]=1 elseif @Rule == "Marvel" R=3, C=2, M=0 S[0]=1, S[5]=1, S[6]=1 B[0]=1, B[3]=1 elseif @Rule == "Maze" R=3, C=10, M=1 S[3]=1, S[4]=1, S[5]=1 B[1]=1, B[3]=1, B[4]=1, B[5]=1 elseif @Rule == "Noname 1" R=2, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[3]=1, S[4]=1 B[2]=1, B[4]=1, B[5]=1 elseif @Rule == "Noname 2" R=2, C=15, M=1 S[2]=1, S[3]=1 B[1]=1, B[2]=1 elseif @Rule == "Pascal's Triangle" R=1, C=2, M=1, B[1]=1 elseif @Rule == "Porridge" R=1, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[3]=1 B[0]=1, B[2]=1 elseif @Rule == "Roots" R=4, C=2, M=1 S[1]=1, S[2]=1, S[5]=1, S[6]=1, S[9]=1 B[3]=1, B[4]=1, B[6]=1 elseif @Rule == "Shaded Triangles" R=3, C=3, M=1 S[0]=1, S[2]=1, S[3]=1, S[4]=1, S[5]=1, S[6]=1 B[3]=1, B[4]=1, B[5]=1, B[6]=1, B[7]=1 elseif @Rule == "Skyscrapers" R=6, C=10, M=1 S[2]=1, S[4]=1, S[6]=1, S[7]=1, S[8]=1, S[11]=1, S[13]=1 B[0]=1, B[1]=1, B[3]=1, B[8]=1, B[12]=1 elseif @Rule == "The City" R=3, C=2, M=0 S[0]=1, S[3]=1 B[0]=1, B[4]=1 elseif @Rule == "Tulips" R=10, C=2, M=1 S[0]=1, S[3]=1, S[6]=1, S[10]=1, S[14]=1, S[15]=1 S[16]=1, S[17]=1, S[18]=1, S[19]=1, S[20]=1, S[21]=1 B[1]=1, B[11]=1, B[12]=1, B[17]=1, B[18]=1, B[19]=1 B[20]=1, B[21]=1 elseif @Rule == "Walls" R=2, C=15, M=1 S[2]=1, S[3]=1 B[1]=1, B[3]=1 elseif @Rule == "Wallpaper" R=1, C=2, M=1 S[2]=1, B[0]=1, B[3]=1 elseif @Rule == "Wood Grain" R=8, C=3, M=0 S[1]=1, S[2]=1, S[4]=1, S[6]=1, S[7]=1, S[10]=1 S[12]=1, S[13]=1, S[14]=1 B[0]=1, B[2]=1, B[3]=1, B[4]=1, B[5]=1, B[6]=1 B[7]=1, B[10]=1, B[11]=1, B[13]=1, B[15]=1 elseif @Rule == "Zig Zag" R=1, C=15, M=1 S[1]=1, S[3]=1 B[1]=1, B[3]=1 endif if @Init == "Random" ;randomize the y=0 row x=0 while x<#width seed = random(seed) pix[x,0] = abs(seed)%@RRange x=x+1 endwhile elseif @Init == "Single Point" ; single central pixel x=0 while x<#width pix[x,0] = 0 x=x+1 endwhile pix[trunc(#width/2),0] = 1 else x=0 while x<#width if x<#width/4 || x>3*#width/4 pix[x,0] = 0 else pix[x,0] = 1 endif x=x+1 endwhile endif int Iter = 0 while Iter < @Iterations ;caclulate the following rows y=1 while y<#height x=0 while x<#width pix[x,y]=0 sum=0 d=-R ; count the totalistic sum while d <= R x1 = x+d ; wrap round the edges if x1<0 x1=x1+#width endif if x1 >= #width x1 = x1 - #width endif if ((pix[x1,y-1]>0 && C<3) || (pix[x1,y-1]==1 && C>2)) \ && (M==1 || d!=0) sum = sum + 1 endif d=d+1 endwhile ; case 1 - no history (but live cells change colour) if C<3 ; if it was alive, does it survive? if pix[x,y-1] > 0 && S[sum] == 1 pix[x,y] = pix[x,y-1] +1 if pix[x,y] >= MaxStates pix[x,y] = MaxStates - 1 endif ; if it was dead, is it born? elseif pix[x,y-1] == 0 && B[sum] == 1 pix[x,y] = 1 else pix[x,y] = 0 endif else ; case 2 - history active - only state 1 is alive ; and only 0 is really dead ; other values are undead and can't be born ; if it was really dead, is it born? if pix[x,y-1] == 0 && B[sum] == 1 pix[x,y] = 1 ; if it was alive, does it survive? elseif pix[x,y-1] == 1 && S[sum] == 1 pix[x,y] = 1 ; if it didn't survive or was already undead, age it elseif pix[x,y-1] > 0 pix[x,y] = pix[x,y-1] +1 if pix[x,y] > C pix[x,y] = 0 endif endif endif x=x+1 endwhile y=y+1 endwhile ; copy the last row back to the top and go round again if Iter < @Iterations-1 x=0 while x<#width pix[x,0] = pix[x,(#height-1)] x=x+1 endwhile endif Iter = Iter+1 endwhile final: float Q = #height/#width int ix = trunc(((real(#pixel)+2)/4)*#width) int iy = trunc(((-imag(#pixel)+2*Q)/4)*#width) if @Edges == "Use Solid" if ( ix<0 || ix>=#width || iy<0 || iy >=#height) #solid = true else #index = pix[ix,iy]/MaxStates endif else while (ix < 0) ix=ix+#width endwhile while (iy < 0) iy=iy+#height endwhile #index = pix[ix%#width,iy%#height]/MaxStates endif default: title="Cellular Automata 4" param Init caption = "Initialisation" enum = "Random" "Single point" "Chunk" hint = "Different ways of starting the first line" endparam int param myseed caption = "Random Seed" default = 123456 visible = @Init == "Random" hint = "Different random numbers" endparam int param RRange caption = "Random Scope" default = 3 min = 3 max = 25 visible = @Init == "Random" hint = "Different styles of randomness, 3 to 25" endparam param Rule caption = "Rule" enum = "Custom" "Abacus" "Bonzai" "Champagne" "Class 4 a" "Class 4 b" \ "Date Palms" "Embossed Triangles" "Fences" "Forest" \ "Gears 1" "Gears 2" "Marvel" "Maze" "Noname 1" "Noname 2" \ "Pascal's Triangle" "Porridge" "Roots" "Shaded Triangles" \ "Skyscrapers" "The City" "Tulips" "Walls" "Wallpaper" \ "Wood Grain" "Zig Zag" hint = "Built-in rule or 'Custom' to write your own" endparam int param Range caption = "Rule range" min = 2 default = 9 visible = @Rule == "Custom" endparam int param Depth caption = "Rule depth" max=25 default = 2 visible = @Rule == "Custom" endparam int param Births caption = "Rule for cell birth" min=0 default = 840 visible = @Rule == "Custom" endparam int param Survive caption = "Rule for cell survival" min=0 default = 13579 visible = @Rule == "Custom" endparam int param Iterations caption = "Iterations" min = 1 hint = "Subsequent iterations use the bottom line to start again from the top \ which can get rid of the odd stuff at the top" endparam param Edges caption = "Edges" enum = "Use Solid" "Repeat" endparam }