comment { MMF colouring V2.0 (26th November 2004) Added auto-power to the standard smoothing in Smoothed Decomposition. (18th January 2004) Added the "Fix iteration" options to Orbitals. Plus added new formula - Smoothed Decomposition (8th September 2002) Added "plain" orbit traps and an extra smoothing option using an algorithm suggested by Earl Hinrichs to "Orbitals". (21st March 2002) Added the "Poly Predictors" to "Orbitals". (7th March 2002) Added Predictor 5 to "Orbitals" (4th March 2002) Added the Predictor options to "Orbitals" Dave Makin (Makin' Magic) } MMFc-SmoothDecomp(OUTSIDE) { ; ; If you have UF 3+ then please use MMF3 Extended Cilia ; ; This formula smooths binary decomposition, producing ; results similar to DMJ-Cilia (sawtooth/interpolation ; /sinewave) but works with any formulas in which ; standard smooth colouring works, not just those with ; an exponent of 2. Works for convergence and/or divergence. ; As with other similar algorithms the bailouts and ; power (exponent/degree) should match those in your ; fractal formula. ; init: float il = real(1/log(@power)) ; for smoothing float lp = log(0.5*log(@bailout)) if !@dauto lp = il*lp endif float cil = real(1/log(@cpower)) float clp = log(-0.5*log(@smallbail)) if !@cauto clp=cil*clp endif float f = 0 float d = 0 float d1 = 0 complex z1 = (0,0); old iterations complex z2 = (0,0) complex z3 = (0,0) complex z4 = (0,0) complex z5 = (0,0) complex z6 = (0,0) loop: z6 = z5 z5 = z4 z4 = z3; save them z3 = z2 z2 = z1 z1 = #z final: IF (@olditer == 0) z6 = z2 z5 = z1 z4 = #z ELSEIF (@olditer == 1) z6 = z3 z5 = z2 z4 = z1 ELSEIF (@olditer == 2) z6 = z4 z5 = z3 z4 = z2 ELSEIF (@olditer == 3) z6 = z5 z5 = z4 z4 = z3 ENDIF if (@type>0) && (|#z-z1|<0.5) if @cauto f = (clp-log(-0.5*log(|#z-z1|)))/log(log(|#z-z1|)/log(|z1-z2|)) else f = (clp - cil*log(-0.5*log(|#z-z1|))) endif z4 = z4 - z5 z5 = z5 - z6 elseif @type!=1 && (|#z-z1|>0.5) if @dauto f = (lp - log(0.5*log(|#z|)))/log(log(|#z|)/log(|z1|)) else f = (lp - il*log(0.5*log(|#z|))) endif else #solid = true endif d = cos(atan2(z4)/2)-@distort*f d1 = cos(atan2(z5)/2) #index = abs(d + (d-d1)*f) default: title = "MMF - Smoothed Decomposition" param distort caption = "Pattern distortion" default = 0.0 hint = "Changes the pattern produced." endparam param olditer caption = "Use Older Iterations" default = 0 enum = "No" "1 older" "2 older" "3 older" "4 older" hint = "Uses older iterations for decomposition angle; this \ has the effect of spreading out the pattern. Best \ used to compensate for higher bailouts." endparam param type caption = "Colour type" default = 0 enum = "Divergent" "Convergent" "Both" hint = "Colours when bailout of the selected type is detected. \ Any areas not coloured are set to solid." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 65536.0 hint = "This should match the bailout in the fractal formula" endparam param dauto caption = "Auto-power (div)" default = false hint = "When enabled you should get accurate smoothing in any divergent \ areas provided the bailout is correct. Note that when this is \ enabled the 'Power' parameter is unused." endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) hint = "This should match the power/degree/exponent in the \ fractal formula." endparam param smallbail caption = "Small bailout" default = 1e-5 hint = "This should match the small bailout in your fractal formula." endparam param cauto caption = "Auto-power (conv)" default = false hint = "When enabled you should get accurate smoothing in any convergent \ areas provided the bailout is correct. Note that when this is \ enabled the 'Convergent Power' parameter is unused." endparam param cpower caption = "Convergent Power" default = (2,0) hint = "This should match the power/exponent/degree for the \ convergent areas of your fractal formula." endparam } MMFa-for3D { ; ; Probably the most complex colouring ever ! ; This colouring only really applies to the ; MMF "3D" fractal types and will not produce ; very interesting results for other fractals. ; final: #index = real(#z) default: title = "MMF 3D colouring" } MMFb-Orbitals { ; ; If using UF 3.0 or later please use MMF3-Orbitals+ instead. ; ; This is essentially orbit trapping, but using ; the z values from previous iteration/s to set ; the value of the trap. ; I've employed the same technique as Damien did ; in his curvature average algorithm to get smooth ; colouring, ie. using the smooth iteration fraction ; to combine results from consecutive iterations. ; Hence the smooth method only works perfectly with ; those fractal types for which smooth iteration ; colouring works and you should set the power and bailout ; parameters to the values used in your main formula ; (preferably with a high bailout value). ; However it may produce interesting results on other ; fractal types too (in which case it's worth playing ; with the power and bailout values). ; ; Updated 8th September 2002 ; Added "plain" orbit traps since this allows options for ; plain orbit traps not available elsewhere. ; Also added an alternative smoothing method - for use with ; formulas that pass a smoothing fraction as final z. Such ; a formula is the MMF-Transformation formula which impliments ; a smoothing algorithm suggested by Earl Hinrichs, see: ; ; ; ; Updated 21st March 2002 ; Added the "Poly predictor" options. ; These trap to a predictor based on: ; a*z^power + b OR a*z^power + b*z + c ; The power to use is a user parameter and the values ; of a, b and c are calculated based on old z values. ; Please note that if you are using a standard formula ; of the same sort as the predictor, with the same power, ; then no colouring will result. ; ; Updated 7th March 2002 ; Added Predictor 5 ; Predictors 3 & 4 were based on the assumption that the ; orbit of Z follows basic spirals around the origin. ; Predictor 5 is based on the assumption that the orbit is ; spiralling around a point other than the origin. ; Predictor 5 traps to: ; (zold*(zold-zold1)+zold1^2-zold*zold2)/(zold1-zold2) ; ; Updated 4th March 2002 ; Added the "Predictor" options. ; Predictor 1 traps to Zold+(Zold-Zold1) ; Predictor 2 traps to Zold+(Zold-Zold1)+(Zold-Zold1)-(Zold2-Zold1) ; Predictor 3 traps to Zold*(Zold/Zold1) ; Predictor 4 traps to Zold*(Zold/Zold1)*(Zold/Zold1)/(Zold1/Zold2) ; ; Updated 18th November 2000 ; Added iteration skipping and index masking as well as more ; options for "Colour by", options to change the "Diviter" value ; and the "Funky Function". ; ; Updated 14th November 2000 - Added "Shapes" and "Colour by". ; ; Shape algorithms imported from "Orbit Traps" with ; thanks to Damien. ; ; Created 10th/11th November 2000 ; ; (c) Dave Makin (Makin' Magic) ; ; ; ; Poly predictor derivation: ; 1. zold1 = a*zold2^n + b ; 2. zold = a*zold1^n + b ; Eliminating b gives: ; zold-zold1 = a(zold1^n-zold2^n) ; Hence: ; a = (zold-zold1)/(zold1^n-zold2^n) ; Eliminating a gives: ; (zold1-b)/zold2^n = (zold-b)/zold1^n ; Hence: ; zold1^(n+1) - b*zold1^n = zold*zold2^n - b*zold2^n ; Giving: ; b = (zold1^(n+1)-zold*zold2^n)/(zold1^n-zold2^n) ; The predictor is: ; trap = a*zold^n + b ; ie. ; trap = (zold^n*(zold-zold1)+zold1^(n+1)-zold*zold2^n)/(zold1^n-zold2^n) ; ; Second Poly predictor derivation: ; 1. zold2 = a*zold3^n + b*zold3 + c ; 2. zold1 = a*zold2^n + b*zold2 + c ; 3. zold = a*zold1^n + b*zold1 + c ; From 1: ; 1a. c = zold2 - a*zold3^n - b*zold3 ; Substituting in 2 and 3: ; 4. zold1 = a*zold2^n + b*zold2 + zold2 - a*zold3^n - b*zold3 ; 5. zold = a*zold1^n + b*zold1 + zold2 - a*zold3^n - b*zold3 ; From 4 and 5, eliminating a: ; ((zold1-zold2)-b(zold2-zold3))/(zold2^n-zold3^n) ; = ((zold-zold2)-b(zold1-zold3))/(zold1^n-zold3^n) ; Rearranging: ; (zold1-zold2)(zold1^n-zold3^n)-b(zold2-zold3)(zold1^n-zold3^n) ; = (zold-zold2)(zold2^n-zold3^n)-b(zold1-zold3)(zold2^n-zold3^n) ; Hence: ; b = ((zold-zold2)(zold2^n-zold3^n)-(zold1-zold2)(zold1^n-zold3^n)) ; /((zold1-zold3)(zold2^n-zold3^n)-(zold2-zold3)(zold1^n-zold3^n)) ; From 4 and 5, eliminating b: ; ((zold1-zold2)-a(zold2^n-zold3^n))/(zold2-zold3) ; = ((zold-zold2)-a(zold1^n-zold3^n))/(zold1-zold3) ; Rearranging: ; (zold1-zold2)(zold1-zold3)-a(zold2^n-zold3^n)(zold1-zold3) ; = (zold-zold2)(zold2-zold3)-a(zold1^n-zold3^n)(zold2-zold3) ; Hence: ; a = ((zold1-zold2)(zold1-zold3)-(zold-zold2)(zold2-zold3)) ; /((zold2^n-zold3^n)(zold1-zold3)-(zold1^n-zold3^n)(zold2-zold3)) ; The predictor is: ; trap = a*zold^n + b*zold + c ; Substituting for c from 1a gives ; trap = a*zold^n + b*zold + zold2 - a*zold3^n - b*zold3 ; Simplifying: ; trap = a(zold^n-zold3^n) + b(zold-zold3) + zold2 ; Replacing a and b: ; trap = ((zold^n-zold3^n)((zold1-zold2)(zold1-zold3)-(zold-zold2)(zold2-zold3)) ; +(zold-zold3)((zold-zold2)(zold2^n-zold3^n)-(zold1-zold2)(zold1^n-zold3^n))) ; /((zold2^n-zold3^n)(zold1-zold3)-(zold1^n-zold3^n)(zold2-zold3)) ; + zold2 ; init: complex z = fn3(#z) ; z complex zold = z ; previous z complex zold1 = z ; 2nd previous z complex zold2 = z ; 3rd previous z complex zold3 = z ; 4th previous z complex zd = (0,0) ; for the value of (z-zold) complex ft = @fix ; for the standard trap complex fto = @fixo ; offset for the standard trap complex fts = @fixs ; scale for the standard trap complex ftp = @fixp ; power for the standard trap if @version == 9 ft = #pixel*ft ; Julia style for the trap value iteration elseif @version == 10 fto = #pixel*fto ; Standard Mandelbrot style for the trap value iteration elseif @version == 11 fts = #pixel*fts ; Lambda Mandelbrot style for the trap value iteration elseif @version == 12 ftp = #pixel*ftp ; Power Mandelbrot style for the trap value iteration endif float ang = 0 ; for the angle (rads) float angold = 0 ; previous angle (rads) float v = 0 ; main value in use float vold = 0 ; previous distance float d = 0 ; temporary store for distance float tv = 0 ; value to use (max, min, total etc.) if @mode == 0 ; min tv = 1e100 endif float mn = 1e100 ; min for nearest float otv = 0 ; previous value to use int i = 0 ; full iteration counter bool notyet = true ; flag for "found first/last above/below" float radius = sqr(@radius) complex t = (0,0) complex rh = 0.5*((0,1)^(@order/8))/@radius int vi = 0 ; iteration value for colouring int ovi = 0 ; previous iteration value complex vz = (0,0) ; z value for colouring complex ovz = (0,0) ; previous z value int i1 = 0 ; restricted iteration counter int oi1 = 0 ; previous iteration counter int i2 = 0 ; actual trap counter int oi2 = 0 ; previous trap counter float mv = 0 ; for various totals float omv = 0 ; previous total bool usesolid = false ; flag for solid float maskval = 0.0 ; value to mask float index = 0.0 ; for final #index int maskl = round(@rmasklo*51200) ; for repeating trap int maskh = round(@rmaskhi*51200) ; for repeating trap float ct = @traprot*#pi/180.0 float st = sin(ct) ct = cos(ct) float il = real(1/log(@power)) ; for smoothing float lp = il*log(log(@bailout)/2.0) ; for smoothing loop: z = fn3(#z) ; apply the Funky Function ; If using standard trap (version > 7) then move the trap ; Check value against bailout to avoid overflow if (@version > 7) && (|ft|<@bailout) ft = fts*@fn4(ft)^ftp+fto endif ; get the orbital change and angle ; ie. trap against old z, the "predictor" or the trap value if @version == 0 zd = z - zold + @trapoff elseif @version == 1 zd = z - (zold + (zold - zold1)) + @trapoff elseif @version == 2 zd = z - (zold + (zold - zold1) + (zold - zold1) - (zold1 - zold2)) + @trapoff elseif @version == 3 if zold1 == 0 zd = @trapoff else zd = z - zold*zold/zold1 + @trapoff endif elseif @version == 4 if zold1 == 0 zd = @trapoff else zd = z - zold2*(zold/zold1)^3 + @trapoff endif elseif @version == 5 if (zold1-zold2)==0 zd = @trapoff else zd = z - (zold*(zold-zold1)+zold1^2-zold*zold2)/(zold1-zold2) + @trapoff endif elseif @version == 6 if (zold1^@pp-zold2^@pp)==0 zd = @trapoff else zd = z - (zold^@pp*(zold-zold1)+zold1^(@pp+1)-zold*zold2^@pp)/(zold1^@pp-zold2^@pp) + @trapoff endif elseif @version == 7 if ((zold2^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold1-zold3)-(zold1^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold2-zold3))==0 zd = @trapoff else zd = z - ((zold^@pp-zold3^@pp)*((zold1-zold2)*(zold1-zold3)-(zold-zold2)*(zold2-zold3)) \ +(zold-zold3)*((zold-zold2)*(zold2^@pp-zold3^@pp)-(zold1-zold2)*(zold1^@pp-zold3^@pp))) \ /((zold2^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold1-zold3)-(zold1^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold2-zold3)) \ - zold2 + @trapoff endif elseif @version > 7 zd = z - ft + @trapoff endif if @traprot != 0 zd = real(zd)*ct - imag(zd)*st + flip(real(zd)*st +imag(zd)*ct) endif ang = atan2(zd) ; Modify the angle as selected if ang < 0 && @angmod > 0 if @angmod == 1 ang = abs(ang) elseif @angmod == 2 ang = ang + #pi*2 endif endif ; Store previous values required for smoothing if @colour == 0 || @mode == 2 ; Value (or Total) otv = tv elseif @colour == 1 || @colour == 6 ; Iteration ovi = vi elseif @colour == 2 ; Zmag ovz = vz elseif @colour == 3 || @colour == 4 ; Sum or Average omv = mv endif if @limiter == 1 ; #Iterations tested oi1 = i1 endif if @limiter == 2 || (@colour > 3 && @colour != 6) ; Trap count needed oi2 = i2 endif ; Now check if trapping is enabled if i >= @fi && (i - @fi)%(@di + @si) < @di ; start iteration & iteration skip ; Initially set the main value v to the required distance if @type == 1 || @type == 6 || @type == 9 ; real zd = real(zd) elseif @type == 2 || @type == 7 || @type == 10 ; imaginary zd = imag(zd) endif if @shape == 0 ; point v = cabs(zd) elseif @shape == 1 ; ring v = abs(cabs(zd) - @radius) elseif @shape == 2 ; ring 2 v = 0.25*abs(|zd| - radius) elseif @shape == 3 ; egg v = 0.25*(cabs(zd - flip(@radius*2)) + cabs(zd)*@order*0.5) elseif @shape == 4 ; hyperbola v = 0.5*abs(real(zd)*imag(zd) - @radius) elseif @shape == 5 ; cross v = abs(real(zd)) d = abs(imag(zd)) if d < v v = d endif elseif @shape == 6 ; astroid v = abs(real(zd))^@order + abs(imag(zd))^@order elseif @shape == 7 ; diamond v = abs(real(zd) + abs(imag(zd))) elseif @shape == 8 ; box v = abs(real(zd)) d = abs(imag(zd)) if d > v v = d endif v = abs(v - @radius) elseif @shape == 9 ; lines v = abs(abs(imag(zd)) - @radius) elseif @shape == 10 ; waves v = abs(abs(imag(zd) + sin(real(zd)*@freq)*@order*0.25) - @radius) elseif @shape == 11 ; mirrored waves v = abs(abs(imag(zd)) - @radius + sin(real(zd)*@freq)*@order*0.25) elseif @shape == 12 ; mirrored waves 2 d = @radius - sin(real(zd)*@freq)*@order*0.25 v = abs(abs(imag(zd)) - d) d = abs(abs(imag(zd)) + d) if d < v v = d endif elseif @shape == 13 ; radial waves v = abs(cabs(zd) * (1 - sin(atan2(zd)*@freq)*@order*0.125) - @radius) elseif @shape == 14 ; radial waves 2 d = sin(atan2(zd)*@freq)*@order*0.125 v = abs(cabs(zd) * (1 - d) - @radius) d = abs(cabs(zd) * (1 + d) - @radius) if d < v v = d endif elseif @shape == 15 ; ring ripples v = cabs(zd) if v < @order v = cos(v*radius*@freq)*sqr(1 - v/@order) else v = 0 endif elseif @shape == 16 ; grid ripples v = cabs(zd) if v < @order v = (cos(real(zd)*radius*@freq) + 0.5*cos(imag(zd)*radius*@freq))*sqr(1 - v/@order) else v = 0 endif elseif @shape == 17 ; radial ripples v = cabs(zd) if v < @order v = cos(4*atan2(zd)*@freq)*sqr(1 - v/@order) else v = 0 endif elseif @shape == 18 ; pinch v = atan2(zd) if v < 0 v = v + 2*#pi endif v = sqrt(cabs(zd))/abs(sin(v*@order*0.5)) elseif @shape == 19 ; spiral t = zd * (0,1)^(@radius/cabs(zd)) v = atan(abs(imag(t)/real(t))) elseif @shape == 20 ; heart t = rh*(real(zd) + flip(abs(imag(zd)))) v = abs(real(t) - sqr(imag(t)) + 3) endif ; Now apply scaling if enabled if @scale v = v/cabs(z) endif ; Use the angle for the types that require it if @type > 2 if @type == 3 ; just the angle v = real(fn2(ang)) elseif @type == 4 ; change in the angle v = real(fn2(abs(ang-angold))) elseif @type < 8 ; "vector" - ie. dist * angle v = abs(v*real(fn2(ang))) else ; "energy" - ie. dist change * angle change d = v ; NB. old distance value needed v = abs((v-vold)*real(fn2(abs(ang-angold)))) vold = d endif endif ; Now apply the overall function v = abs(real(fn1(v))) ; Now store the required value for the current mode. ; NB. on the first pass the max/min values are set irrespective. if @mode == 0 ; Minimum if (v < tv) && ((zold1 != 0) || (@version < 3) || (@version > 7)) \ && ((zold1-zold2!=0) || (@version != 5)) \ && ((zold1^@pp-zold2^@pp!=0) || (@version != 6)) \ && ((((zold2^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold1-zold3)-(zold1^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold2-zold3))!=0) || (@version != 7)) tv = v if @colour == 1 || @colour == 6 ; Iteration vi = i + 1 elseif @colour == 2 ; log(Zmag) vz = #z elseif @colour == 3 || @colour == 4 ; Sum or Average mv = mv + v endif if @limiter == 2 || (@colour > 3 && @colour != 6) ; need trap count i2 = i2 + 1 endif endif elseif @mode == 1 ; Maximum if (v > tv) && ((zold1 != 0) || (@version < 3) || (@version > 7)) \ && ((zold1-zold2!=0) || (@version != 5)) \ && ((zold1^@pp-zold2^@pp!=0) || (@version != 6)) \ && ((((zold2^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold1-zold3)-(zold1^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold2-zold3))!=0) || (@version != 7)) tv = v if @colour == 1 || @colour == 6 ; Iteration vi = i + 1 elseif @colour == 2 ; log(Zmag) vz = #z elseif @colour == 3 || @colour == 4 ; Sum or Average mv = mv + v endif if @limiter == 2 || (@colour > 3 && @colour != 6) ; need trap count i2 = i2 + 1 endif endif elseif @mode == 2 ; Trapping all (Total) tv = tv + v if @limiter == 2 || (@colour > 3 && @colour != 6) ; need trap count i2 = i2 + 1 endif elseif @mode == 3 || @mode == 5 || @mode == 8 ; Above if (v > @threshold) && ((zold1 != 0) || (@version < 3) || (@version > 7)) \ && ((zold1-zold2!=0) || (@version != 5)) \ && ((zold1^@pp-zold2^@pp!=0) || (@version != 6)) \ && ((((zold2^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold1-zold3)-(zold1^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold2-zold3))!=0) || (@version != 7)) if @mode == 3 || @mode == 5 if @limiter == 2 || (@colour > 3 && @colour != 6) ; need trap count i2 = i2 + 1 endif if @colour == 3 || @colour == 4 ; Sum or Average mv = mv + v endif endif if @mode == 3 ; First if notyet if @colour == 0 ; Value tv = v elseif @colour == 1 || @colour == 6 ; Iteration vi = i + 1 elseif @colour == 2 ; log(Zmag) vz = #z endif notyet = false endif elseif @mode == 5 ; Last if @colour == 0 ; Value tv = v elseif @colour == 1 || @colour == 6 ; Iteration vi = i + 1 elseif @colour == 2 ; log(Zmag) vz = #z endif notyet = false elseif @mode == 8 if (v - @threshold) < mn mn = v - @threshold if @limiter == 2 || (@colour > 3 && @colour != 6) ; need trap count i2 = i2 + 1 endif if @colour == 0 tv = v elseif @colour == 1 || @colour == 6 ; Iteration vi = i + 1 elseif @colour == 2 vz = #z elseif @colour == 3 || @colour == 4 ; Sum or Average mv = mv + v endif notyet = false endif endif endif elseif @mode == 4 || @mode == 6 || @mode == 7 ; Below if (v < @threshold) && ((zold1 != 0) || (@version < 3) || (@version > 7)) \ && ((zold1-zold2!=0) || (@version != 5)) \ && ((zold1^@pp-zold2^@pp!=0) || (@version != 6)) \ && ((((zold2^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold1-zold3)-(zold1^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold2-zold3))!=0) || (@version != 7)) if @mode == 4 || @mode == 6 if @limiter == 2 || (@colour > 3 && @colour != 6) ; need trap count i2 = i2 + 1 endif if @colour == 3 || @colour == 4 ; Sum or Average mv = mv + v endif endif if @mode == 4 ; First if notyet if @colour == 0 ; Value tv = v elseif @colour == 1 || @colour == 6 ; Iteration vi = i + 1 elseif @colour == 2 ; log(Zmag) vz = #z endif notyet = false endif elseif @mode == 6 ; Last if @colour == 0 ; Value tv = v elseif @colour == 1 || @colour == 6 ; Iteration vi = i + 1 elseif @colour == 2 ; log(Zmag) vz = #z endif notyet = false elseif @mode == 7 if (@threshold - v) < mn mn = @threshold - v if @limiter == 2 || (@colour > 3 && @colour != 6) ; need trap count i2 = i2 + 1 endif if @colour == 0 tv = v elseif @colour == 1 || @colour == 6 ; Iteration vi = i + 1 elseif @colour == 2 vz = #z elseif @colour == 3 || @colour == 4 ; Sum or Average mv = mv + v endif notyet = false endif endif endif elseif @mode == 9 ; Nearest if (abs(v - @threshold) < mn) && ((zold1 != 0) || (@version < 3) || (@version > 7)) \ && ((zold1-zold2!=0) || (@version != 5)) \ && ((zold1^@pp-zold2^@pp!=0) || (@version != 6)) \ && ((((zold2^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold1-zold3)-(zold1^@pp-zold3^@pp)*(zold2-zold3))!=0) || (@version != 7)) mn = abs(v - @threshold) if @limiter == 2 || (@colour > 3 && @colour != 6) ; need trap count i2 = i2 + 1 endif if @colour == 0 tv = v elseif @colour == 1 || @colour == 6 ; Iteration vi = i + 1 elseif @colour == 2 vz = #z elseif @colour == 3 || @colour == 4 ; Sum or Average mv = mv + v endif notyet = false endif endif ; increment counter if @limiter == 1 i1 = i1 + 1 endif endif ; start iteration & iteration skip ; store old values and increment the counter zold3 = zold2 zold2 = zold1 zold1 = zold zold = z angold = ang i = i + 1 final: if @limiter == 0 oi1 = i - 1 elseif @limiter == 1 i = i1 else i = i2 oi1 = oi2 endif if @colour == 1 ; Iteration if @mode == 2 ; Total tv = i/#maxiter otv = oi1/#maxiter else tv = vi/#maxiter otv = ovi/#maxiter endif elseif @colour == 2 ; log(Zmag) if @mode == 2 ; Total tv = log(log(|fn3(#z)|)/2) ; This is basically unchanged for otv = log(log(|zold|)/2) ; compatability with earlier versions else tv = log(#e + cabs(vz)) - 1 ; ensure positive log otv = log(#e + cabs(ovz)) - 1 ; starting from zero endif elseif @colour == 5 ; Trap count tv = i2/#maxiter otv = oi2/#maxiter elseif @colour == 6 ; Fix Iteration if @mode == 2 ; Total tv = i/400 otv = oi1/400 else tv = vi/400 otv = ovi/400 endif elseif @colour == 7 ; Fix Trap count tv = i2/400 otv = oi2/400 elseif @mode != 2 if @colour == 3 ; Sum tv = mv otv = omv elseif @colour == 4 ; Average tv = mv/i2 otv = omv/oi2 endif endif if @smooth || @finalz ; use smoothing fraction if @diviter tv = tv/i ; diviter on (converts Total to average) if @finalz otv = otv/oi1 index = abs(real(@fn5(otv + (tv - otv)*#z))) else index = tv + (tv - otv/oi1)*(lp - il*log(log(|#z|)/2)) endif else if @finalz index = abs(real(@fn5(otv + (tv - otv)*#z))) else index = abs(tv + (tv - otv)*(lp - il*log(log(|#z|)/2))) endif endif elseif @diviter index = tv/i ; diviter on (converts Total to average) else index = tv endif if @mode > 2 ; Above or Below or Nearest if notyet ; if threshold not passed if @filltype == 0 index = @threshold elseif @filltype == 1 usesolid = true else index = @filler/400.0 endif endif endif if !usesolid maskval = index ; maskval used for future upgrades if @maskarea == 1 if maskval < @masklo usesolid = true endif elseif @maskarea == 2 if maskval >= @maskhi usesolid = true endif elseif @maskarea == 3 if maskval >= @masklo && maskval < @maskhi usesolid = true endif elseif @maskarea == 4 if maskval < @masklo || maskval >= @maskhi usesolid = true endif endif if @rptmask > 0 i = round((@rmaskoff + maskval)*51200) % maskh if @rptmask == 1 if i < maskl usesolid = true endif elseif @rptmask == 2 if i >= maskl #solid = true endif endif endif endif if usesolid #solid = true else #index = index endif default: title = "MMF Orbitals" param version caption = "Version" default = 0 enum = "Original (Z-Zold)" "Predictor1" "Predictor2" "Predictor3" \ "Predictor4" "Predictor5" "Poly Predictor 1" "Poly predictor 2" \ "Orbit 1" "Orbit 2" "Orbit 3" "Orbit 4" "Orbit 5" hint = "Original traps to Zold, Predictor1 traps to \ Zold+(Zold-Zold1), Predictor2 traps to \ Zold+(Zold-Zold1)+(Zold-Zold1)-(Zold1-Zold2), \ Predictor3 traps to Zold*(Zold/Zold1) and Predictor4 \ traps to Zold*(Zold/Zold1)*((Zold/Zold1)/(Zold1/Zold2))." endparam param type caption = "Type" default = 0 enum = "Complex" "Real" "Imag" "Angle" "Angle Change" \ "Comp Vector" "Real Vector" "Imag Vector" \ "Comp Energy" "Real Energy" "Imag Energy" hint = "The 'vector' and 'energy' modes are a combination \ of the distance value and the changes in angle. They \ have no real mathematical significance, they're \ just visually interesting combinations." endparam param mode caption = "Mode" default = 2 enum = "Minimum" "Maximum" "Total" "First Above" "First Below" \ "Last Above" "Last Below" "Nearest Below" "Nearest Above" \ "Nearest" hint = "Use to select the trapping method, use 'Total' to trap all. \ Modify the 'Threshold' for First/Last/Nearest Above/Below." endparam param colour caption = "Colour by" default = 0 enum = "Value" "Iteration" "log(Zmag)" "Sum" "Average" "Trap count" \ "'Fix' Iteration" "'Fix' Trap count" hint = "When using 'Total' mode only colour by 'Value' makes sense. \ When using 'Iteration' 'Average' or 'Trap Count' it's better \ to disable 'Diviter'. For 'Sum', 'Average' and 'Trap count' \ using a 'First' mode is the same as the equivalent 'Last' mode." endparam param diviter caption = "Diviter" default = true hint = "If enabled then the final values used are divided by \ the selected count, hence converting the values produced \ by mode 'Total' into average values. It's better to disable \ it when using colour by 'Iteration', 'Average' or 'Trap count'." endparam param limiter caption = "Value for 'Diviter'" default = 0 enum = "Full #Iterations" "#Iterations to trap" "Trap count" hint = "Provides alternative values of 'Diviter' for when \ skipping iterations or using conditional trapping." endparam param fi caption = "Start Iteration" default = 0 min = 0 hint = "Iteration from which to begin trapping, use 0 \ to start on the first, 1 for the second etc." endparam param di caption = "Iterations to trap" default = 100 min = 1 hint = "Number of iterations to trap, note that if \ 'Iterations to skip' is set to zero then this \ value is irrelevant as all iterations from the \ 'Start Iteration' will be trapped." endparam param si caption = "Iterations to skip" default = 0 min = 0 hint = "Number of iterations to skip, if set to \ zero then all iterations from the 'Start \ Iteration' will be trapped." endparam param smooth caption = "Smoothing" default = true hint = "Enable this if you get iteration banding." endparam param finalz caption = "Final z smoothing" default = false hint = "Use this with a main formula that passes a smoothing \ fraction as the final z value. At the time of writing \ this is just MMF - Transformation." endparam param scale caption = "Scale distance" default = true hint = "Divides the distance values by cabs(z) when \ enabled, disabling may produce some banding \ with results similar to types of cilia colouring. \ Doesn't affect the Angle or Angle Change types." endparam param fix caption = "Orbit value" default = (0,0) hint = "This is the (start) value of the trap for the Orbit Versions. \ In version Orbit 2 this value is multiplied by #pixel. \ (Equivalent to scaling a standard Julia)" endparam param fixo caption = "Orbit offset" default = (0,0) hint = "This is the offset applied to the Orbit trap value on each iteration in \ the Orbit Versions. In version Orbit 3 this value is multiplied by \ #pixel. (Equivalent to scaling a standard Mandelbrot)" endparam param fixs caption = "Orbit scale" default = (1,0) hint = "This is the scale applied to the Orbit trap value on each iteration in \ the Orbit Versions. In version Orbit 4 this value is multiplied by \ #pixel. (Equivalent to scaling a Lambda Mandelbrot ie. s in s*z^n + c)" endparam param fixp caption = "Orbit power" default = (1,0) hint = "This is the power applied to the Orbit trap value on each iteration in \ the Orbit Versions. In version Orbit 5 this value is multiplied by \ #pixel. (Equivalent to scaling a power Mandelbrot)" endparam param angmod caption = "Angle modifier" default = 0 enum = "As is" "Absolute" "All angles" hint = "Sometimes two or all of these will produce the \ same result but which depends on other settings. \ Doesn't apply to the Complex, Real or Imag types." endparam param threshold caption = "Threshold" default = 1.5 min = 0.0 hint = "Threshold value for First/Last/Nearest Above/Below modes. \ NB. Values around 1.0 can produce effects that \ are a result of the limited accuracy of the FPU \ (or at least that appears to be the case)." endparam param traprot caption = "Trap rotation" default = 0.0 hint = "Rotates the trapped value, the effect varies considerably depending \ on other settings." endparam param trapoff caption = "Trap offset" default = (0,0) hint = "Offsets the trapped value, the effect varies considerably depending \ on other settings." endparam param shape caption = "Shape" default = 0 enum = "Point" "Ring" "Ring 2" "Egg" "Hyperbola" "Cross" "Astroid" \ "Diamond" "Box" "Lines" "Waves" "Mirrored Waves" "Mirrored Waves 2" \ "Radial Waves" "Radial Waves 2" "Ring Ripples" "Grid Ripples" \ "Radial Ripples" "Pinch" "Spiral" "Heart" hint = "The shapes do not apply to the 'Angle' or 'Angle Change' types." endparam param radius caption = "Shape Radius" default = 1.0 hint = "This essentially controls the size of the shapes, applies \ to all the shapes except Point, Cross, Diamond and Pinch." endparam param order caption = "Shape Order" default = 4.0 min = 0.0 hint = "Applies to Egg, Astroid, Waves, Ripples and Pinch. \ Controls the 'egginess', the astroid exponent (try 0.6667), \ the height of waves/ripples and the number of leaves for pinch." endparam param freq caption = "Shape Frequency" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 hint = "Controls the frequency of ripples and waves." endparam param filltype caption = "Fill Method" default = 0 enum = "Threshold" "Solid" "Gradient Value" hint = "Fill colouring for when the Threshold test is not \ fulfilled ie. applies to First/Last Above/Below." endparam param filler caption = "Gradient Value" default = 0 min = 0 max = 399 hint = "Sets the gradient colour number for Fill Method \ 'Gradient Value' ie. 0 to 399." endparam ; param maskval ; caption = "Value for masking" ; default = 0 ; enum = "Index" ; hint = "For changing the value used to control masking, applies \ ; to both the Mask Area and the Repeating Mask." ; endparam param maskarea caption = "Mask Area" default = 0 enum = "None" "Below" "Above" "Between" "Outside" hint = "Can be used in combination with the Repeating Mask." endparam param masklo caption = "Lower mask value" default = 1.0 hint = "This should be less than 'Upper mask value'." endparam param maskhi caption = "Upper mask value" default = 1.5 hint = "This should be more than 'Lower mask value'." endparam param rptmask caption = "Repeating Mask" default = 0 enum = "None" "Lower sections" "Upper sections" hint = "Try small values for mask 'texturing'. You can \ use this in combination with the Mask Area." endparam param rmasklo caption = "Lower Mask Rpt" default = 0.1 hint = "This should be less than 'Upper Mask Rpt'." endparam param rmaskhi caption = "Upper Mask Rpt" default = 0.2 hint = "This should be more than 'Lower Mask Rpt'." endparam param rmaskoff caption = "Repeat Mask Offset" default = 0.0 hint = "This allows you to adjust the position of the \ repeating mask." endparam param pp caption = "Predictor power" default = (2,0) hint = "For the poly predictors only. If using a main formula \ of the form m*Z^n+c then \ poly predictor 1 with a predictor power of n will \ result in no colouring - the same applies to a main formula of \ the form m*Z^n+b*Z+c for poly predictor 2." endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) hint = "This should match the exponent of your formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 65536.0 hint = "This should match the bailout for your formula." endparam func fn1 caption = "Overall Function" default = ident() hint = "Try the trig and hyper functions. \ Please note that some of UF's inbuilt functions \ only really apply to complex numbers and this \ function is used on a real number so not all \ settings are applicable." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Angle Function" default = ident() hint = "Applied to the angle values, isn't used \ for the Complex, Real or Imag types. \ Try the trig and hyper functions. \ Please note that some of UF's inbuilt functions \ only really apply to complex numbers and this \ function is used on a real number so not all \ settings are applicable." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Funky Function" default = ident() hint = "This function is applied to the value of Z to use for \ the trapping in all cases, however colour by 'log(Zmag)' \ uses the unadulterated #z for the Zmag value itself \ except when using type 'Total'." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Orbit trap function" default = ident() hint = "This function is applied to the Orbit trap value each \ iteration when using the Orbit Versions of the formula." endfunc func fn5 caption = "Final z smooth fn" default = ident() hint = "This function is applied to the complex value calculated \ when using the final z smoothing." endfunc }