comment { Copyright © 2008-2018 by Mark Townsend. Plug-in classes for Ultra Fractal 5.0 and above Last update 24 October 2018 ; This work is licensed under a Creative Commons ; Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. ; } ; Trap shapes ------------------------------------------------------------------ class MT_TrapShapeHarlequin(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, April 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) x = real(pz) y = imag(pz) complex a = @m * real(atan(y / x)) if @variation == 0 a = a * a + @c a = fn1(1 - a) / a elseif @variation == 1 a = a * a + @c a = fn1(1 - a^2) elseif @variation == 2 a = @m * (fn1(a + @c)^2 + fn2(a + @c)^2) endif m_LastZ = a if @mode == 0 float d = abs(|pz| - |a|) else d = cabs(pz - a) endif return d endfunc default: title = "Harlequin" param variation caption = "Variation" enum = "1" "2" "3" default = 1 endparam param mode caption = "Flavor" enum = "1" "2" default = 1 endparam param m caption = "Angle multiplier" default = 2.0 endparam param c caption = "Harlequin seed" default = (0,0) endparam func fn1 caption = "First function" hint = "This function is used in all variations." default = exp() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second function" hint = "This function is only used in variaton 3." default = exp() visible = @variation == "3" endfunc } class MT_TrapShapePopcorn(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, April 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) int i = 0 float x = real(pz) float y = imag(pz) while i < @max_iterations float xx = x x = x - @h * real(@fn1(y + @fn2(real(@a) * y))) y = y - @h * real(@fn3(xx + @fn4(imag(@a) * xx))) i = i + 1 endwhile m_LastZ = x + flip(y) return cabs(m_LastZ) endfunc default: title = "Popcorn" param a caption = "Alpha" default = (3.0, 3.0) endparam param h caption = "Step Size" default = 0.05 hint = "This is step size for the Popcorn formula." endparam param max_iterations caption = "Iterations" default = 3 min = 1 hint = "This is the number of iterations for the \ Popcorn formula." endparam func fn1 caption = "Re Popcorn #1" default = sin() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Re Popcorn #2" default = tan() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Im Popcorn #1" default = sin() endfunc func fn4 caption = "Im Popcorn #2" default = tan() endfunc } class MT_TrapShapeGnarl(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, April 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) int i = 0 float x = real(pz) float y = imag(pz) while i < @max_iterations float xx = x x = x - @h * real(@fn1(y + @fn2(@a * (y + @fn3(@b * y))))) y = y + @h * real(@fn1(xx + @fn2(@a * (xx + @fn3(@b * xx))))) i = i + 1 endwhile m_LastZ = x + flip(y) return cabs(m_LastZ) endfunc default: title = "Gnarl" param a caption = "Alpha" default = 3.0 endparam param b caption = "Beta" default = 3.0 endparam param h caption = "Step Size" default = 0.05 hint = "This is step size for the Gnarl formula." endparam param max_iterations caption = "Iterations" default = 3 min = 1 hint = "This is the number of iterations for the \ Gnarl formula." endparam func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = sin() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = sin() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Third Function" default = sin() endfunc } class MT_TrapShapeMartin(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, April 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) float x = real(pz) float y = imag(pz) int iter = 0 while iter < @max_iterations float xx = x x = y - sin(x) y = @a - xx iter = iter + 1 endwhile m_LastZ = x + flip(y) return cabs(m_LastZ) endfunc default: title = "Martin" param a caption = "Martin parameter" default = 3.14159 endparam param max_iterations caption = "Iterations" default = 10 min = 1 hint = "This is the number of iterations for the \ Martin formula." endparam } class MT_TrapShapeCardioid(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) float theta = atan2(pz) float radius = @a * (1 - cos(theta)) if @trap_mode == "Radius" return abs(cabs(pz) - radius) else complex p = radius * sin(theta) + flip(radius * cos(theta)) m_LastZ = p return cabs(pz - p) endif endfunc default: title = "Cardioid" float param a caption = "Curve radius" default = 1 endparam param trap_mode caption = "Mode" enum = "Radius" "Point" endparam } class MT_TrapShapeRose(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) float theta = atan2(pz) float radius = @a * cos(@n * theta) if @trap_mode == "Radius" return abs(cabs(pz) - radius) else complex p = radius * sin(theta) + flip(radius * cos(theta)) m_LastZ = p return cabs(pz - p) endif endfunc default: title = "Rose" float param a caption = "Curve radius" default = 1 endparam float param n caption = "N" default = 4 endparam param trap_mode caption = "Mode" enum = "Radius" "Point" endparam } class MT_TrapShapeRhodonea(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) float theta = atan2(pz) float radius = @a * sin(@n * theta) if @trap_mode == "Radius" return abs(cabs(pz) - radius) else complex p = radius * sin(theta) + flip(radius * cos(theta)) m_LastZ = p return cabs(pz - p) endif endfunc default: title = "Rhodonea" float param a caption = "Curve radius" default = 1 endparam float param n caption = "N" default = 4 endparam param trap_mode caption = "Mode" enum = "Radius" "Point" endparam } class MT_TrapShapeFolium(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) float theta = atan2(pz) float radius = -@n * cos(theta) + 4 * @a * cos(theta) * sin(theta)^2 if @trap_mode == "Radius" return abs(cabs(pz) - radius) else complex p = radius * sin(theta) + flip(radius * cos(theta)) m_LastZ = p return cabs(pz - p) endif endfunc default: title = "Folium" float param a caption = "Curve radius" default = 1 endparam float param n caption = "N" default = 4 endparam param trap_mode caption = "Mode" enum = "Radius" "Point" endparam } class MT_TrapShapeSextic(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) float theta = atan2(pz) float radius = 4 * @a * cos(theta / 3)^3 if @trap_mode == "Radius" return abs(cabs(pz) - radius) else complex p = radius * sin(theta) + flip(radius * cos(theta)) m_LastZ = p return cabs(pz - p) endif endfunc default: title = "Sextic" float param a caption = "Curve radius" default = 1 endparam param trap_mode caption = "Mode" enum = "Radius" "Point" endparam } class MT_TrapShapeButterfly(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) float theta = atan2(pz) float radius = @a * exp(cos(theta))-2*cos(@n*theta)+ (sin(theta/12))^5 if @trap_mode == "Radius" return abs(cabs(pz) - radius) else complex p = radius * sin(theta) + flip(radius * cos(theta)) m_LastZ = p return cabs(pz - p) endif endfunc default: title = "Butterfly" float param a caption = "Curve radius" default = 1 endparam float param n caption = "N" default = 4 endparam param trap_mode caption = "Mode" enum = "Radius" "Point" endparam } class MT_TrapShapeSine(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) x = @ha * real(sin(@ht * imag(@fn1(pz)))) y = @va * real(sin(@vt * real(@fn2(pz))) ) m_LastZ = x + flip(y) return cabs(pz - m_LastZ) endfunc default: title = "Sine" param ht caption = "Frequency #1" default = 10.0 endparam param ha caption = "Amplitude #1" default = 0.5 endparam param vt caption = "Frequency #2" default = 10.0 endparam param va caption = "Amplitude #2" default = 0.5 endparam func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = ident() endfunc } class MT_TrapShape_Transform(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: func MT_TrapShape_Transform(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) fTransform = new @p_transform(this) endfunc func init(complex pz) fTransform.init(pz) endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) m_LastZ = fTransform.Iterate(pz) if @mode == "Magnitude" return cabs(m_LastZ) else return cabs(pz - m_LastZ) endif endfunc private: UserTransform fTransform default: title = "Transform" param mode caption = "Mode" enum = "Magnitude" "Distance" endparam UserTransform param p_transform caption = "Transform" default = MT_GravitationalLens endparam } ; Textures --------------------------------------------------------------------- class MT_PopcornTexture(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) int i = 0 float x = real(pz) float y = imag(pz) while i < @max_iterations float xx = x x = x - @h * real(@fn1(y + @fn2(real(@a) * y))) y = y - @h * real(@fn3(xx + @fn4(imag(@a) * xx))) i = i + 1 endwhile m_LastZ = x + flip(y) return cabs(pz - m_LastZ) endfunc default: title = "Popcorn Texture" param a caption = "Alpha" default = (3.0, 3.0) endparam param h caption = "Step Size" default = 0.05 hint = "This is step size for the Popcorn formula." endparam param max_iterations caption = "Iterations" default = 3 min = 1 hint = "This is the number of iterations for the \ Popcorn formula." endparam func fn1 caption = "Re Popcorn #1" default = sin() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Re Popcorn #2" default = tan() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Im Popcorn #1" default = sin() endfunc func fn4 caption = "Im Popcorn #2" default = tan() endfunc } class MT_GnarlTexture(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: float func Iterate(complex pz) int i = 0 float x = real(pz) float y = imag(pz) while i < @max_iterations float xx = x x = x - @h * real(@fn1(y + @fn2(@a * (y + @fn3(@b * y))))) y = y + @h * real(@fn1(xx + @fn2(@a * (xx + @fn3(@b * xx))))) i = i + 1 endwhile m_LastZ = x + flip(y) return cabs(pz - m_LastZ) endfunc default: title = "Gnarl Texture" param a caption = "Alpha" default = 3.0 endparam param b caption = "Beta" default = 3.0 endparam param h caption = "Step Size" default = 0.05 hint = "This is step size for the Gnarl formula." endparam param max_iterations caption = "Iterations" default = 3 min = 1 hint = "This is the number of iterations for the \ Gnarl formula." endparam func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = sin() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = sin() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Third Function" default = sin() endfunc } class MT_PerlinNoiseTexture(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_PerlinNoiseTexture(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) int i = 0 int j = 0 int k = 0 int seed = @seed while i < 256 p[i] = i j = 0 while j < 2 seed = random(seed) g[i, j] = seed / #randomrange j = j + 1 endwhile float s = sqrt(g[i, 0]* g[i, 0] + g[i, 1] * g[i, 1]) g[i, 0] = g[i, 0] / s g[i, 1] = g[i, 1] / s i = i + 1 endwhile i = 0 while i < 256 k = p[i] seed = random(seed) j = abs(seed) % 256 p[i] = p[j] p[j] = k i = i + 1 endwhile i = 0 while i < 256 p[256 + i] = p[i] j = 0 while j < 2 g[256 + i, j] = g[i, j] j = j + 1 endwhile i = i + 1 endwhile endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) int iter = 0, float sum = 0 float amplitude = 1.0 r = (0,1) ^ (1/3) w = pz while iter < @octaves float t = real(w) % 4096 + 4096 int bx0 = floor(t) % 256 int bx1 = (bx0 + 1) % 256 float rx0 = t - floor(t) float rx1 = rx0 - 1 t = imag(w) % 4096 + 4096 int by0 = floor(t) % 256 int by1 = (by0 + 1) % 256 float ry0 = t - floor(t) float ry1 = ry0 - 1 int b00 = p[p[bx0] + by0] int b10 = p[p[bx1] + by0] int b01 = p[p[bx0] + by1] int b11 = p[p[bx1] + by1] float sx = (rx0 * rx0 * (3 - 2 * rx0)) float sy = (ry0 * ry0 * (3 - 2 * ry0)) float u = rx0 * g[b00, 0] + ry0 * g[b00, 1] float v = rx1 * g[b10, 0] + ry0 * g[b10, 1] float a = u + sx * (v - u) u = rx0 * g[b01, 0] + ry1 * g[b01, 1] v = rx1 * g[b11, 0] + ry1 * g[b11, 1] float b = u + sx * (v - u) sum = sum + real(@fn1(a + sy * (b - a))) * amplitude w = w * r / 0.5 amplitude = amplitude * @persistence iter = iter + 1 endwhile return (sum + 1) * 0.5 endfunc private: int p[514] float g[514, 2] default: title = "Perlin Noise Texture" param octaves caption = "Octaves" default = 7 min = 1 endparam param persistence caption = "Persistence" default = 0.5 endparam func fn1 caption = "Function" default = ident() endfunc param @seed caption = "Random Seed" default = 1234567 endparam } class MT_PerlinNoise3DTexture(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_PerlinNoise3DTexture(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) int i = 0 int j = 0 int k = 0 int seed = @seed while i < 256 p[i] = i j = 0 while j < 3 seed = random(seed) g[i, j] = seed / #randomrange j = j + 1 endwhile float s = sqrt(g[i, 0] * g[i, 0] + g[i, 1] * \ g[i, 1] + g[i, 2] * g[i, 2]) g[i, 0] = g[i, 0] / s g[i, 1] = g[i, 1] / s g[i, 2] = g[i, 2] / s i = i + 1 endwhile i = 0 while i < 256 k = p[i] j = abs(seed) % 256 seed = random(seed) p[i] = p[j] p[j] = k i = i + 1 endwhile i = 0 while i < 256 p[256 + i] = p[i] j = 0 while j < 3 g[256 + i , j] = g[i, j] j = j + 1 endwhile i = i + 1 endwhile endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) int iter = 0, float sum = 0 float amplitude = 1.0 r = (0,1) ^ (1/3) w = pz while iter < @octaves float t = real(w) % 4096 + 4096 int bx0 = floor(t) % 256 int bx1 = (bx0 + 1) % 256 float rx0 = t - floor(t) float rx1 = rx0 - 1 t = imag(w) % 4096 + 4096 int by0 = floor(t) % 256 int by1 = (by0 + 1) % 256 float ry0 = t - floor(t) float ry1 = ry0 - 1 t = @z % 4096 + 4096 int bz0 = floor(t) % 256 int bz1 = (bz0 + 1) % 256 float rz0 = t - floor(t) float rz1 = rz0 - 1 int b00 = p[p[bx0] + by0] int b10 = p[p[bx1] + by0] int b01 = p[p[bx0] + by1] int b11 = p[p[bx1] + by1] t = (rx0 * rx0 * (3.0 - 2.0 * rx0)) float sy = (ry0 * ry0 * (3.0 - 2.0 * ry0)) float sz = (rz0 * rz0 * (3.0 - 2.0 * rz0)) float u = (rx0 * g[b00 + bz0, 0] + ry0 * g[b00 + bz0, 1] + rz0 * g[b00 + bz0, 2]) float v = (rx1 * g[b10 + bz0, 0] + ry0 * g[b10 + bz0, 1] + rz0 * g[b10 + bz0, 2]) float a = (u + t * (v - u)) u = (rx0 * g[b01 + bz0, 0] + ry1 * g[b01 + bz0, 1] + rz0 * g[b01 + bz0, 2]) v = (rx1 * g[b11 + bz0, 0] + ry1 * g[b11 + bz0, 1] + rz0 * g[b11 + bz0, 2]) float b = (u + t * (v - u)) float c = (a + sy * (b - a)) u = (rx0 * g[b00 + bz1, 0] + ry0 * g[b00 + bz1, 1] + rz1 * g[b00 + bz1, 2]) v = (rx1 * g[b10 + bz1, 0] + ry0 * g[b10 + bz1, 1] + rz1 * g[b10 + bz1, 2]) a = (u + t * (v - u)) u = (rx0 * g[b01 + bz1, 0] + ry1 * g[b01 + bz1, 1] + rz1 * g[b01 + bz1, 2]) v = (rx1 * g[b11 + bz1, 0] + ry1 * g[b11 + bz1, 1] + rz1 * g[b11 + bz1, 2]) b = (u + t * (v - u)) float d = (a + sy *(b - a)) sum = sum + real(@fn1(c + sz * (d - c))) * amplitude w = w * r / 0.5 amplitude = amplitude * @persistence iter = iter + 1 endwhile return (sum + 1) * 0.5 endfunc private: int p[514] float g[514, 3] default: title = "Perlin Noise 3D Texture" param octaves caption = "Octaves" default = 7 min = 1 endparam param persistence caption = "Persistence" default = 0.5 endparam func fn1 caption = "Function" default = ident() endfunc param z caption = "Z Coordinate" default = 0.0 endparam param @seed caption = "Random Seed" default = 1234567 endparam } class MT_MarbleTexture(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: float func Triangle_Wave(float value) float offset if (value >= 0.0) offset = value - floor(value) else offset = value + 1.0 + floor(abs(value)) endif if (offset >= 0.5) return 1.0 - offset else return offset endif endfunc func MT_MarbleTexture(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) fTurbulence = new @p_turbulence(this) endfunc func Init(complex pz) fTurbulence.Init(pz) endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) if @wave == "Sine" float a = 0.5 * (sin(@p_frequency * real(pz) + (@p_amount * fTurbulence.Iterate(pz))) + 1) elseif @wave == "Sine 2" float a = sin(@p_frequency * real(pz) + (@p_amount * fTurbulence.Iterate(pz))) + 1 else a = triangle_wave(@p_frequency * real(pz) + (@p_amount * fTurbulence.Iterate(pz))) endif return a endfunc private: TrapShape fTurbulence default: title = "Marble Texture" param wave caption = "Wave" enum = "Sine" "Sine 2" "Triangle" endparam TrapShape param p_turbulence caption = "Turbulence" default = MT_PerlinNoiseTexture endparam float param p_frequency caption = "Frequency" default = 10 endparam float param p_amount caption = "Amount" default = 10 endparam } class MT_TurbulenceTexture(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_TurbulenceTexture(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) fTurbulence = new @p_turbulence(this) fPattern = new @p_pattern(this) endfunc func Init(complex pz) fTurbulence.Init(pz) fPattern.Init(pz) endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) float a = fTurbulence.Iterate(pz) complex p = pz + exp(flip(2 * #pi * sqrt(2) * a)) * @strength a = fPattern.Iterate(p) m_LastZ = fPattern.GetTransformedPoint() return a endfunc private: TrapShape fTurbulence TrapShape fPattern default: title = "Turbulence Texture" TrapShape param p_pattern caption = "Pattern" default = MT_PerlinNoiseTexture endparam TrapShape param p_turbulence caption = "Turbulence" default = MT_PerlinNoiseTexture endparam float param strength caption = "Strength" default = 0.2 endparam } class MT_BumpMapsTexture(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Based on formulas by David Makin and Damien Jones ;

; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_BumpMapsTexture(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) fTrapShape[0] = new @TrapShapeClass(this) fTrapShape[1] = new @TrapShapeClass(this) fTrapShape[2] = new @TrapShapeClass(this) endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) float e1 = fTrapShape[0].Iterate(pz) float vx = fTrapShape[1].Iterate(pz + @offset) - e1 float vy = fTrapShape[2].Iterate(pz + flip(@offset)) - e1 float vd = 1 / sqrt(sqr(vx) + sqr(vy) + sqr(@offset)) complex z = vd * (vx + flip(vy)) float vz = -sqrt(1 - |z|) float d2r = #pi / 180 float lx = cos((270 - @angle) * d2r) * cos(@elevation * d2r) float ly = sin((270 - @angle) * d2r) * cos(@elevation * d2r) float lz = -sin(@elevation * d2r) float l = lx * real(z) + ly * imag(z) + lz * vz if (l < @ambient) l = @ambient endif if (@ambient < 0) l = l + 1 endif if @invert return 1 - l else return l * 0.99 endif endfunc private: TrapShape fTrapShape[3] default: title = "Bump Maps Texture" TrapShape param TrapShapeClass caption = "Texture" default = MT_PerlinNoiseTexture endparam float param offset caption = "Orbit Separation" default = 0.00000001 exponential = true hint = "Defines how far apart the simultaneous orbits are. Smaller \ distances will produce more accurate results, the deeper you zoom \ the smaller the value needs to be to keep detail." endparam param @angle caption = "Light Rotation" default = 90.0 hint = "Gives the rotation of the light source, in degrees. With 0 \ degrees, the light comes from above. Positive values give \ clockwise rotation." endparam param @elevation caption = "Light Elevation" default = 30.0 hint = "Gives the elevation of the light source, in degrees." endparam param @ambient caption = "Ambient Light" default = 0.0 min = -1.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Specifies the level of ambient light. Use -1.0 to \ color all surfaces." endparam bool param @invert caption = "Invert Value" default = true endparam } class MT_TextureTransform(common.ulb:UserTransform) { ; ; From TrapTransform in common.ulb ; public: func MT_TextureTransform(Generic pparent) UserTransform.UserTransform(pparent) endfunc func Init(complex pz) UserTransform.Init(pz) m_Rotation = (0,1) ^ (@p_texturerotation / 90.0) m_Skew = (0,1) ^ (@p_textureskew / 90.0) m_TextureCenter = @p_texturecenter endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) ; apply offset and rotation and size pz = (pz - m_TextureCenter) * m_Rotation * recip(@p_texturescale) ; apply aspect if (@p_textureaspect != 1.0) pz = real(pz) + flip(imag(pz) * @p_textureaspect) endif ; apply skew pz = real(pz * m_Skew) + flip(imag(pz)) return pz endfunc protected: complex m_Rotation complex m_Skew complex m_TextureCenter default: title = "Texture Position" complex param p_texturecenter caption = "Center" default = (0,0) hint = "This is the location of the texture in the complex plane." endparam float param p_texturescale caption = "Scale" default = 1.0 hint = "This can be used to resize the texture. " endparam float param p_texturerotation caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 hint = "This is the angle, in degrees, that the texture should be rotated." endparam float param p_textureskew caption = "Skew" default = 0.0 hint = "This is the angle, in degrees, to skew the vertical axis of the texture." endparam float param p_textureaspect caption = "Aspect Ratio" default = 1.0 hint = "This is how square the texture is. You can distort the texture by using a value other than 1.0." endparam } class MT_TextureBlock(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; From TrapShapeBlock in common.ulb ; public: import "mt.ulb" func MT_TextureBlock(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) m_TextureTransform = new @f_texturetransform(this) m_Texture = new @f_texture(this) m_TextureTransfer = new @f_texturetransfer(this) endfunc func Init(complex pz) TrapShape.Init(pz) m_TextureTransform.Init(pz) m_Texture.Init(pz) m_TextureTransfer.Init(pz) endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) complex zt = m_TextureTransform.Iterate(pz) float distance = m_Texture.Iterate(zt) distance = m_TextureTransfer.Iterate(distance) return distance endfunc complex func GetTransformedPoint() return m_Texture.GetTransformedPoint() endfunc float func GetTextureValue() return m_Texture.GetTextureValue() endfunc protected: UserTransform m_TextureTransform TrapShape m_Texture Transfer m_TextureTransfer default: title = "Texture Block" UserTransform param f_Texturetransform caption = "Texture Position" default = MT_TextureTransform expanded = false endparam TrapShape param f_texture caption = "Texture" default = MT_PerlinNoiseTexture endparam Transfer param f_texturetransfer caption = "Texture Transfer" default = NullTransfer endparam } class MT_YorkeTexture(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_YorkeTexture(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) A110 = -0.26813663648754 B110 = 0.98546084298505 A210 = 0.08818611671542 B210 = 0.99030722865609 A101 = -0.91067559396390 B101 = 0.50446045609351 A201 = -0.56502889980448 B201 = 0.33630697012268 A111 = 0.31172026382793 B111 = 0.94707472523078 A211 = 0.16299548727086 B211 = 0.29804921230971 A11m1 = -0.04003977835470 B11m1 = 0.23350105508507 A21m1 = -0.80398881978155 B21m1 = 0.15506467277737 twopi = 2 * #PI endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) int i = 0 float x = real(pz) float y = imag(pz) while i < @max_iterations float trigx = A110 * sin(TWOPI * (x + B110)) + \ A101 * sin(TWOPI * (y + B101)) + \ A111 * sin(TWOPI * (x + y + B111)) + \ A11m1 * sin(TWOPI * (x - y + B11m1)) float trigy = A210 * sin(TWOPI * (x + B210)) + \ A201 * sin(TWOPI * (y + B201)) + \ A211 * sin(TWOPI * (x + y + B211)) + \ A21m1 * sin(TWOPI * (x - y + B21m1)) x = (x + @xshift + @a * trigx) y = (y + @yshift + @a * trigy) i = i + 1 endwhile m_LastZ = x + flip(y) return cabs(pz - m_LastZ) endfunc private: float A110 float B110 float A210 float B210 float A101 float B101 float A201 float B201 float A111 float B111 float A211 float B211 float A11m1 float B11m1 float A21m1 float B21m1 float twopi default: title = "Yorke Texture" float param a caption = "Chaoticity" default = 0.5 endparam float param xshift caption = "X Shift" default = 0.486 endparam float param yshift caption = "Y Shift" default = 0.905 endparam param max_iterations caption = "Iterations" default = 3 min = 1 endparam } class MT_CrackleTexture(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Based on the Mosaic (Fast) transformation in dmj3.uxf, ; with the kind permission of Damien M. Jones ;

; Mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: func MT_CrackleTexture(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) complex center2 = (0.0) int i = 0 int j = 0 int k = 0 int l = 0 int rightbranch = 0 float random1 = @seed1 float random2 = @seed2 complex p = 0 float range = 1.0 / 2147483648.0 tiletree[0] = -1; initialize tree (one leaf node) tiletree[1] = -1 tileorder[0] = -1; initialize order (one double-endpoint) tileorder[1] = -1 WHILE (i < @mostiles); still another tile to generate ; ; generate random data ; random1 = (random1 * 1103515245 + 12345) % 2147483648.0 random2 = (random2 * 1103515245 + 12345) % 2147483648.0 p = center2 + ((random1 - 1073741824) + flip(random2 - 1073741824)) * range * @mosscale tilecenters[j] = real(p) tilecenters[j+1] = imag(p) ; ; find appropriate insertion point in the tree ; IF (i > 0); have at least one item in the tree k = 0; current node WHILE (k >= 0); not at a leaf node l = k; save current node IF (real(p) < tilecenters[k] || \ (real(p) == tilecenters[k] && \ imag(p) < tilecenters[k+1])) ; less than current node k = tiletree[k]; follow left branch rightbranch = 0 ELSE; greater than current node k = tiletree[k+1]; follow right branch rightbranch = 1 ENDIF ENDWHILE ; ; insert node into tree ; tiletree[j] = -1; this node is a leaf node tiletree[j+1] = -1 tiletree[l+rightbranch] = j; point this item to it ; ; insert node into sorted list ; IF (rightbranch == 0); followed the left branch IF (tileorder[l] >= 0); not the leftmost node so far tileorder[tileorder[l]+1] = j; follow it and point it to the new node ENDIF tileorder[j] = tileorder[l]; point new node to nodes it's between tileorder[j+1] = l tileorder[l] = j; point previous tree node's left to this node ELSE IF (tileorder[l+1] >= 0); not the rightmost node so far tileorder[tileorder[l+1]] = j; follow it and point it to the new node ENDIF tileorder[j] = l; point new node to nodes it's between tileorder[j+1] = tileorder[l+1] tileorder[l+1] = j; point previous tree node's right to this node ENDIF ENDIF i = i + 1 j = j + 2 ENDWHILE endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) ; ; At this point, we already have a list of tile ; centers, with forward and backward order links, ; and a tree structure for finding the closest X ; value. For each pixel, find the tile center with ; the closest X value, then scan outwards until ; the tile centers under examination are too far ; (in the X direction) to beat what we already have. ; int i2 = 0 int j2 = 0 int k2 = 0 int l2 = 0 int i3 = 0 int j3 = 0 BOOL scanleft = TRUE BOOL scanright = TRUE float d = 0 float closest1 = 1e20 float closest2 = 1e20 complex q = 0 complex point1 = 0 complex point2 = 0 ; ; First, find the closest X value. ; k2 = 0; current node WHILE (k2 >= 0); not at a leaf node l2 = k2; save current node IF (real(pz) < tilecenters[k2] || \ (real(pz) == tilecenters[k2] && \ imag(pz) < tilecenters[k2+1])) ; less than current node k2 = tiletree[k2]; follow left branch ELSE; greater than current node k2 = tiletree[k2+1]; follow right branch ENDIF ENDWHILE q = tilecenters[l2]+flip(tilecenters[l2+1]) ; tile center (as a complex) closest1 = |q - pz|; save distance point1 = q; save center i2 = tileorder[l2]; left node to check j2 = tileorder[l2+1]; right node to check WHILE (scanleft || scanright); still scanning in at least one direction IF (i2 < 0); hit the leftmost node scanleft = FALSE; don't scan to the left ENDIF IF (scanleft); scanning to the left... q = tilecenters[i2]+flip(tilecenters[i2+1]) ; tile center (as a complex) d = sqr(real(q) - real(pz)); distance on X axis IF (d > closest1); X distance alone is greater than our closest scanleft = FALSE; so nothing else can possibly match ELSE; well maybe it's closer d = |q - pz|; distance to this tile IF (d < closest1); new closest value! closest1 = d; save distance l2 = i2; save index point1 = q; save center ENDIF i2 = tileorder[i2]; follow link to the left ENDIF ENDIF IF (j2 < 0); hit the rightmost node scanright = FALSE; don't scan to the right ENDIF IF (scanright); scanning to the right... q = tilecenters[j2]+flip(tilecenters[j2+1]) ; tile center (as a complex) d = sqr(real(q) - real(pz)); distance on X axis IF (d > closest1); X distance alone is greater than our closest scanright = FALSE; so nothing else can possibly match ELSE; well maybe it's closer d = |q - pz|; distance to this tile IF (d < closest1); new closest value! closest1 = d; save distance l2 = j2; save index point1 = q; save center ENDIF j2 = tileorder[j2+1]; follow link to the right ENDIF ENDIF ENDWHILE scanleft = TRUE scanright = TRUE i3 = tileorder[l2]; left node to check j3 = tileorder[l2+1]; right node to check WHILE (scanleft || scanright); still scanning in at least one direction IF (i3 < 0); hit the leftmost node scanleft = FALSE; don't scan to the left ENDIF IF (scanleft); scanning to the left... q = tilecenters[i3]+flip(tilecenters[i3+1]) ; tile center (as a complex) d = sqr(real(q) - real(pz)); distance on X axis IF (d > closest2); X distance alone is greater than our closest scanleft = FALSE; so nothing else can possibly match ELSE; well maybe it's closer d = |q - pz|; distance to this tile IF (d < closest2); new closest value! closest2 = d; save distance point2 = q; save center ENDIF i3 = tileorder[i3]; follow link to the left ENDIF ENDIF IF (j3 < 0); hit the rightmost node scanright = FALSE; don't scan to the right ENDIF IF (scanright); scanning to the right... q = tilecenters[j3]+flip(tilecenters[j3+1]) ; tile center (as a complex) d = sqr(real(q) - real(pz)); distance on X axis IF (d > closest2); X distance alone is greater than our closest scanright = FALSE; so nothing else can possibly match ELSE; well maybe it's closer d = |q - pz|; distance to this tile IF (d < closest2); new closest value! closest2 = d; save distance point2 = q; save center ENDIF j3 = tileorder[j3+1]; follow link to the right ENDIF ENDIF ENDWHILE float dist = cabs(pz - point1) float dist2 = cabs(pz - point2) float v = sin(dist) + cos(dist2^(1 / @nudge)) * 2 - 1.5 if @invert return 1 - v else return v endif endfunc private: float tilecenters[@mostiles*2]; tile center points int tiletree[@mostiles*2]; tile tree structure int tileorder[@mostiles*2]; tile ordering default: title = "Crackle Texture" param mostiles caption = "Number of Tiles" default = 500 hint = "Sets the number of mosaic tiles. More tiles take \ longer to render." endparam float param nudge caption = "Nudge" default = 1 min = 0 endparam param mosscale caption = "Tile Density" default = 5.0 hint = "Specifies the overall scale of the tiles. Smaller numbers \ will pack the tiles together more closely." endparam bool param invert caption = "Invert Value" default = false endparam param seed1 caption = "Random Seed 1" default = 51853571 hint = "This is the 'seed' for the random number generator for \ horizontal positions." endparam param seed2 caption = "Random Seed 2" default = 8072177 hint = "This is the 'seed' for the random number generator for \ vertical positions." endparam } class MT_VoronoiTexture(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Based on the Mosaic (Fast) transformation in dmj3.uxf ; with the kind permission of Damien M. Jones. ;

; Mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: func MT_VoronoiTexture(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) fPattern = new @p_pattern(this) ; ; The general idea is to generate, one time, the ; entire list of center points for each tile. But, ; as the list is generated, it is stored in sorted ; order (by X coordinate). This will allow fast ; finding of nearest center point. ; ; We store centerpoints as an array of float instead ; of an array of complex so we don't have to keep ; cutting our tree node numbers in half. ; int i = 0 int j = 0 int k = 0 int l = 0 int rightbranch = 0 float random1 = @seed1 float random2 = @seed2 complex p = 0 float range = 1.0 / 2147483648.0 tiletree[0] = -1; initialize tree (one leaf node) tiletree[1] = -1 tileorder[0] = -1; initialize order (one double-endpoint) tileorder[1] = -1 WHILE (i < @mostiles); still another tile to generate ; ; generate random data ; random1 = (random1 * 1103515245 + 12345) % 2147483648.0 random2 = (random2 * 1103515245 + 12345) % 2147483648.0 p = ((random1 - 1073741824) + flip(random2 - 1073741824)) * range * @mosscale tilecenters[j] = real(p) tilecenters[j+1] = imag(p) ; ; find appropriate insertion point in the tree ; IF (i > 0); have at least one item in the tree k = 0; current node WHILE (k >= 0); not at a leaf node l = k; save current node IF (real(p) < tilecenters[k] || \ (real(p) == tilecenters[k] && \ imag(p) < tilecenters[k+1])) ; less than current node k = tiletree[k]; follow left branch rightbranch = 0 ELSE; greater than current node k = tiletree[k+1]; follow right branch rightbranch = 1 ENDIF ENDWHILE ; ; insert node into tree ; tiletree[j] = -1; this node is a leaf node tiletree[j+1] = -1 tiletree[l+rightbranch] = j; point this item to it ; ; insert node into sorted list ; IF (rightbranch == 0); followed the left branch IF (tileorder[l] >= 0); not the leftmost node so far tileorder[tileorder[l]+1] = j; follow it and point it to the new node ENDIF tileorder[j] = tileorder[l]; point new node to nodes it's between tileorder[j+1] = l tileorder[l] = j; point previous tree node's left to this node ELSE IF (tileorder[l+1] >= 0); not the rightmost node so far tileorder[tileorder[l+1]] = j; follow it and point it to the new node ENDIF tileorder[j] = l; point new node to nodes it's between tileorder[j+1] = tileorder[l+1] tileorder[l+1] = j; point previous tree node's right to this node ENDIF ENDIF i = i + 1 j = j + 2 ENDWHILE endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) ; ; At this point, we already have a list of tile ; centers, with forward and backward order links, ; and a tree structure for finding the closest X ; value. For each pixel, find the tile center with ; the closest X value, then scan outwards until ; the tile centers under examination are too far ; (in the X direction) to beat what we already have. ; int i2 = 0 int j2 = 0 int k2 = 0 int l2 = 0 int i3 = 0 int j3 = 0 BOOL scanleft = TRUE BOOL scanright = TRUE float d = 0 float closest1 = 1e20 float closest2 = 1e20 complex q = 0 complex point1 = 0 ; ; First, find the closest X value. ; k2 = 0; current node WHILE (k2 >= 0); not at a leaf node l2 = k2; save current node IF (real(pz) < tilecenters[k2] || \ (real(pz) == tilecenters[k2] && \ imag(pz) < tilecenters[k2+1])) ; less than current node k2 = tiletree[k2]; follow left branch ELSE; greater than current node k2 = tiletree[k2+1]; follow right branch ENDIF ENDWHILE q = tilecenters[l2]+flip(tilecenters[l2+1]) ; tile center (as a complex) closest1 = |q - pz|; save distance point1 = q; save center i2 = tileorder[l2]; left node to check j2 = tileorder[l2+1]; right node to check WHILE (scanleft || scanright); still scanning in at least one direction IF (i2 < 0); hit the leftmost node scanleft = FALSE; don't scan to the left ENDIF IF (scanleft); scanning to the left... q = tilecenters[i2]+flip(tilecenters[i2+1]) ; tile center (as a complex) d = sqr(real(q) - real(pz)); distance on X axis IF (d > closest1); X distance alone is greater than our closest scanleft = FALSE; so nothing else can possibly match ELSE; well maybe it's closer d = |q - pz|; distance to this tile IF (d < closest1); new closest value! closest1 = d; save distance l2 = i2; save index point1 = q; save center ENDIF i2 = tileorder[i2]; follow link to the left ENDIF ENDIF IF (j2 < 0); hit the rightmost node scanright = FALSE; don't scan to the right ENDIF IF (scanright); scanning to the right... q = tilecenters[j2]+flip(tilecenters[j2+1]) ; tile center (as a complex) d = sqr(real(q) - real(pz)); distance on X axis IF (d > closest1); X distance alone is greater than our closest scanright = FALSE; so nothing else can possibly match ELSE; well maybe it's closer d = |q - pz|; distance to this tile IF (d < closest1); new closest value! closest1 = d; save distance l2 = j2; save index point1 = q; save center ENDIF j2 = tileorder[j2+1]; follow link to the right ENDIF ENDIF ENDWHILE ; ; We now have the location of the closest tile ; (point1) and the index of it (l2). If we're ; shading, we'll need the second-closest point, ; too. We scan left and right for it. ; if @mode == "Mosaic" ; If we're in Mosaic mode iterate the pattern ; and exit here. return fPattern.Iterate(point1) endif scanleft = TRUE scanright = TRUE i3 = tileorder[l2]; left node to check j3 = tileorder[l2+1]; right node to check WHILE (scanleft || scanright); still scanning in at least one direction IF (i3 < 0); hit the leftmost node scanleft = FALSE; don't scan to the left ENDIF IF (scanleft); scanning to the left... q = tilecenters[i3]+flip(tilecenters[i3+1]) ; tile center (as a complex) d = sqr(real(q) - real(pz)); distance on X axis IF (d > closest2); X distance alone is greater than our closest scanleft = FALSE; so nothing else can possibly match ELSE; well maybe it's closer d = |q - pz|; distance to this tile IF (d < closest2); new closest value! closest2 = d; save distance ENDIF i3 = tileorder[i3]; follow link to the left ENDIF ENDIF IF (j3 < 0); hit the rightmost node scanright = FALSE; don't scan to the right ENDIF IF (scanright); scanning to the right... q = tilecenters[j3]+flip(tilecenters[j3+1]) ; tile center (as a complex) d = sqr(real(q) - real(pz)); distance on X axis IF (d > closest2); X distance alone is greater than our closest scanright = FALSE; so nothing else can possibly match ELSE; well maybe it's closer d = |q - pz|; distance to this tile IF (d < closest2); new closest value! closest2 = d; save distance ENDIF j3 = tileorder[j3+1]; follow link to the right ENDIF ENDIF ENDWHILE closest1 = closest1^(1/@metric) closest2 = closest2^(1/@metric) float v = (closest2-closest1) if @invert return 1 - v else return v endif endfunc private: float tilecenters[@mostiles*2]; tile center points int tiletree[@mostiles*2]; tile tree structure int tileorder[@mostiles*2]; tile ordering TrapShape fPattern default: title = "Voronoi Texture" param mode caption = "Mode" enum = "Crackle" "Mosaic" endparam float param metric caption = "Metric" default = 2 visible = @mode == "Crackle" endparam param invert caption = "Invert Value" default = true visible = @mode == "Crackle" endparam TrapShape param p_pattern caption = "Pattern" default = MT_PerlinNoiseTexture visible = @mode == "Mosaic" endparam param mostiles caption = "Number of Tiles" default = 500 hint = "Sets the number of tiles. More tiles take \ longer to render." endparam param mosscale caption = "Tile Density" default = 5.0 hint = "Specifies the overall scale of the tiles. Smaller numbers \ will pack the tiles together more closely." endparam param seed1 caption = "Random Seed 1" default = 51853571 hint = "This is the 'seed' for the random number generator for \ horizontal positions." endparam param seed2 caption = "Random Seed 2" default = 8072177 hint = "This is the 'seed' for the random number generator for \ vertical positions." endparam } class MT_ImageMapsTexture(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; ; Mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: func MT_ImageMapsTexture(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) fImage = new @p_image(this) if !fImage.getEmpty() fRatio = fImage.getWidth() / fImage.getHeight() else fRatio = 1 endif endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) TrapShape.Iterate(pz) color clr = fImage.getColor(real(pz)+ flip(imag(pz) * fRatio)) return 1 - (0.3 * red(clr)+ 0.59 * green(clr) + 0.11 * blue(clr)) endfunc private: ImageWrapper fImage float fRatio default: title = "Image Maps Texture" ImageWrapper param p_image caption = "Image" default = ImageImport endparam } ; Trap Colorings --------------------------------------------------------------- class MT_TrapColoringModulatedIter(common.ulb:TrapColoring) { public: float func Result(TrapMode pTrapMode) return (pTrapMode.getIteration(0) % @iter_mod) / @iter_mod + ptrapmode.GetTexture(0) endfunc default: title = "Modulated Iter" param iter_mod caption = "No. of Colors" default = 8 hint = "The number of different colors used." endparam } ; Formula classes -------------------------------------------------------------- class MT_Druid(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, April 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) fPixel = pz fIter = 0 return @start endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) if fIter % 2 == 0 complex newz = pz^@p_power + fPixel else newz = pz^@p_power newz = newz - real(newz) + abs(real(newz)) + fPixel endif fIter = fIter + 1 return newz endfunc private: complex fPixel int fIter default: title = "Druid" param start caption = "Starting point" default = (0,0) endparam param p_power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam } class MT_DruidJulia(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, April 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) fIter = 0 return pz endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) if fIter % 2 == 0 complex newz = pz^@p_power + @seed else newz = pz^@p_power newz = newz - real(newz) + abs(real(newz)) + @seed endif fIter = fIter + 1 return newz endfunc private: int fIter default: title = "Druid Julia" param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-0.77, 0.14) endparam param p_power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam } class MT_PopcornJulia(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) return pz endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) float x = real(pz) float y = imag(pz) float xx = x x = x - @h * sin(y + tan(3 * y)) y = y - @h * sin(xx + tan(3 * xx)) return (x + flip(y)) endfunc default: title = "Popcorn Julia" param p_power visible = false endparam float param h caption = "Step Size" default = (0.05) endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 4 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam } class MT_JewelNewton(common.ulb:ConvergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Init(pz) fPixel = pz fH = 0.0001 return @p_start endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Iterate(pz) complex zh = pz + fH complex fz = pz^@p_power + pz + fPixel complex fzd = 1 / fH * ((zh^@p_power + zh + fPixel) - fz) return pz - fz / fzd endfunc protected: complex fPixel complex fH default: title = "Jewel Newton" complex param @p_start caption = "Starting point" default = (0, 0) endparam complex param p_power caption = "Exponent" default = (4,0) endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1.0e-6 endparam } class MT_JewelNewtonJulia(common.ulb:ConvergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Init(pz) fH = 0.0001 return pz endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Iterate(pz) complex zh = pz + fH complex fz = pz^@p_power + pz + @p_seed complex fzd = 1 / fH * ((zh^@p_power + zh + @p_seed) - fz) return pz - fz / fzd endfunc private: complex fH default: title = "Jewel Newton Julia" complex param p_seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-1.3, 1.3) endparam complex param p_power caption = "Exponent" default = (5,0) endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1.0e-6 endparam } class MT_BofNewtonII(common.ulb:ConvergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Init(pz) fPixel = pz fH = 0.0001 return @p_start endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Iterate(pz) complex zh = pz + fH complex fz = (pz - 1) * (pz^2 + pz + fPixel) complex fzd = 1 / fH * ((zh - 1) * (zh^2 + zh + fPixel) - fz) return pz - fz / fzd endfunc private: complex fPixel complex fH default: title = "Bof Newton II" complex param @p_start caption = "Starting point" default = (0, 0) endparam complex param p_power visible = false endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1.0e-6 endparam } class MT_BofNewtonIIJulia(common.ulb:ConvergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Init(pz) fH = 0.0001 return pz endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Iterate(pz) complex zh = pz + fH complex fz = (pz - 1) * (pz^2 + pz + @p_seed) complex fzd = 1 / fH * ((zh - 1) * (zh^2 + zh + @p_seed) - fz) return pz - fz / fzd endfunc private: complex fH default: title = "Bof Newton II Julia" complex param p_seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (1.02, 0.975) endparam complex param p_power visible = false endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1.0e-6 endparam } class MT_Celtic(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) fPixel = pz return @start endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) complex zn = pz^@p_power return zn - real(zn) + abs(real(zn)) - fPixel endfunc private: complex fPixel default: title = "Celtic" param start caption = "Starting point" default = (0,0) endparam param p_power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam } class MT_CelticJulia(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) return pz endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) complex zn = pz^@p_power return zn - real(zn) + abs(real(zn)) - @p_seed endfunc default: title = "Celtic Julia" param p_seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (1, 0.3) endparam param p_power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam } class MT_BarnsleyI(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Based on Barnsley 1 (Mandelbrot) in Fractint.ufm ;

; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) fPixel = pz return fPixel + @start endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) if real(pz) >= 0 return (pz - 1) * fPixel else return (pz + 1) * fPixel endif endfunc private: complex fPixel default: title = "Barnsley I" param start caption = "Perturbation" default = (0,0) endparam param p_power visible = false endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 4.0 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam } class MT_BarnsleyIJulia(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Based on Barnsley 1 (Julia) in Fractint.ufm ;

; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) return pz endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) if real(pz) >= 0 return (pz - 1) * @p_seed else return (pz + 1) * @p_seed endif endfunc default: title = "Barnsley I Julia" param p_seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0.6, 1.1) endparam param p_power visible = false endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 4 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam } class MT_BofNewtonI(common.ulb:ConvergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Init(pz) fPixel = pz fH = 0.0001 return @p_start endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Iterate(pz) complex zh = pz + fH complex fz = (pz - 1) * (pz + fPixel) * (pz^2 + 1) complex fzd = 1 / fH *((zh - 1) * (zh + fPixel) *(zh^2 + 1) - fz) return pz - fz / fzd endfunc private: complex fPixel complex fH default: title = "Bof Newton I" complex param @p_start caption = "Starting point" default = (0, 0) endparam complex param p_power visible = false endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1.0e-6 endparam } class MT_BofNewtonIJulia(common.ulb:ConvergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Init(pz) fH = 0.0001 return pz endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Iterate(pz) complex zh = pz + fH complex fz = (pz - 1) * (pz + @p_seed) * (pz^2 + 1) complex fzd = 1 / fH * ((zh - 1) * (zh + @p_seed) * (zh^2 + 1) - fz) return pz - fz / fzd endfunc private: complex fH default: title = "Bof Newton I Julia" complex param p_seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (1, 0) endparam complex param p_power visible = false endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1.0e-6 endparam } class MT_Alternate(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: import "Standard.ulb" func MT_Alternate(Generic pparent) fFormula1 = new @formula1Class(this) fFormula2 = new @formula2Class(this) endfunc complex func Init(complex pz) complex start = fFormula1.Init(pz) fFormula2.Init(pz) fIter = 0 return start endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) if fIter % 2 == 0 newZ = fFormula1.Iterate(pz) else newZ = fFormula2.Iterate(pz) endif fIter = fIter + 1 return newZ endfunc private: Formula fFormula1 Formula fFormula2 int fIter default: title = "Alternate" Formula param formula1Class caption = "First Formula" default = Standard_Mandelbrot endparam Formula param formula2Class caption = "Second Formula" default = Standard_Mandelbrot endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1.0e20 endparam param p_power visible = false endparam } class MT_Boost(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: import "Standard.ulb" func MT_Boost(Generic pparent) fFormula1 = new @formula1Class(this) fFormula2 = new @formula2Class(this) fTrapShape = new @TrapShapeClass(this) endfunc complex func Init(complex pz) complex start = fFormula1.Init(pz) fFormula2.Init(pz) fTrapShape.Init(pz) return start endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) z = fFormula1.Iterate(pz) if fTrapShape.Iterate(z) < @p_threshold z = fFormula2.Iterate(z) endif return z endfunc private: Formula fFormula1 Formula fFormula2 TrapShape fTrapShape default: title = "Mark's Boost" float param p_threshold caption = "Threshold" default = 0.5 min = 1E-10 endparam Formula param formula1Class caption = "First Formula" default = Standard_Mandelbrot endparam Formula param formula2Class caption = "Second Formula" default = Standard_Newton endparam TrapShape param TrapShapeClass caption = "Trap Shape" default = TrapShapeBlock endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1.0e20 endparam param p_power visible = false endparam } class MT_Traps(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: import "Standard.ulb" func MT_Traps(Generic pparent) fFormula = new @formulaClass(this) fTrapShape = new @TrapShapeClass(this) endfunc complex func Init(complex pz) complex start = fFormula.Init(pz) fTrapShape.Init(pz) return start endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) z = fFormula.Iterate(pz) fDis = fTrapShape.Iterate(z) return z endfunc bool func IsBailedOut(complex pz) if fFormula.IsBailedOut(pz) || fDis < @p_threshold m_BailedOut = True else m_BailedOut = false endif return m_BailedOut endfunc private: Formula fFormula TrapShape fTrapShape float fDis default: title = "Traps" float param p_threshold caption = "Threshold" default = 0.025 min = 1E-10 endparam Formula param formulaClass caption = "Fractal Formula" default = Standard_Mandelbrot endparam TrapShape param TrapShapeClass caption = "Trap Shape" default = Standard_TrapShapeCross endparam param p_power visible = false endparam float param p_bailout visible = false endparam } ; Coloring classes ------------------------------------------------------------- class MT_ConvolutionHelper { ; ; Helper class for MT_ConvolutionColoring. ;

; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: import "common.ulb" import "Standard.ulb" func MT_ConvolutionHelper(MT_ConvolutionColoring owner) fFormula = new @formulaClass(owner) fColouring = new @coloringClass(owner) endfunc complex func Init(const complex pz) fZ = fFormula.Init(pz) fColouring.Init(fZ, pz) return fZ endfunc complex func Iterate() return (fZ = fFormula.Iterate(fZ)) endfunc func IterateCol() fColouring.Iterate(fZ) return endfunc bool func IsBailedOut() return fFormula.IsBailedOut(fZ) endfunc color func Result() return fColouring.Result(fZ) endfunc bool func IsSolid() return fColouring.IsSolid() endfunc private: Formula fFormula Coloring fColouring complex fZ default: Formula param formulaClass caption = "Fractal Formula" default = Standard_Mandelbrot hint = "Sets the actual fractal formula to use for the lighting effect." endparam Coloring param coloringClass caption = "Coloring Algorithm" default = Standard_Smooth hint = "Selects the colouring algorithm to be used. Note that where \ necessary you should ensure duplicate parameters in the 'Fractal \ Formula' and the 'Colouring Algorithm' match each other - \ typically bailout values and degree/exponent/power values." endparam } class MT_ConvolutionColoring(common.ulb:DirectColoring) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_ConvolutionColoring(Generic pparent) DirectColoring(pparent) fHelper[0] = new @helperClass(this) fHelper[1] = new @helperClass(this) fHelper[2] = new @helperClass(this) fHelper[3] = new @helperClass(this) fHelper[4] = new @helperClass(this) fHelper[5] = new @helperClass(this) fHelper[6] = new @helperClass(this) fHelper[7] = new @helperClass(this) fHelper[8] = new @helperClass(this) float dis = @p_distance / #magn fAdd[0] = -dis + flip(-dis) fAdd[1] = flip(-dis) fAdd[2] = -dis + flip(-dis) fAdd[3] = -dis fAdd[4] = 0 fAdd[5] = dis fAdd[6] = -dis + flip(dis) fAdd[7] = flip(dis) fAdd[8] = dis + flip(dis) fKernel = new @kernel(this) int i = 0 while i < 9 fSv[i] = fKernel.GetWeight(i) i = i + 1 endwhile endfunc color func Result(complex pz) color c float alpha = 0 float red = 0 float green = 0 float blue = 0 int cIter = 0 float dv = 0 ; Main loop goes through each of the sample points while cIter < 9 if fSv[cIter] != 0 ; for speed we don't calculate if weight is zero ; initalize dv = dv + fSv[cIter] ; summing weights fHelper[cIter].Init(pz + fAdd[cIter]) int iter = 0 ; Fractal iteration loop repeat fHelper[cIter].Iterate() bool bail = fHelper[cIter].IsBailedOut() if !bail fHelper[cIter].IterateCol() endif iter = iter + 1 until iter == #maxiter || bail if iter < #maxiter c = fHelper[cIter].Result() if fHelper[cIter].IsSolid() c = @solid_color endif else c = @inside_color endif red = red + fSv[citer] * red(c) green = green + fSv[citer] * green(c) blue = blue + fSv[citer] * blue(c) alpha = alpha + fSv[citer] * alpha(c) endif cIter = cIter + 1 endwhile if dv == 0 ; can't divide by zero, of course dv = 1 endif ; Divide components with summed divisor red = red / dv green = green / dv blue = blue / dv alpha = alpha / dv if @trans == "None" return rgb(red, green, blue) elseif @trans == "Gradient" ; use convoluted alpha return rgba(red, green, blue, alpha) elseif @trans == "Luminance" ; construct color from components c = rgb(red, green, blue) ; grab the luminance float alpha = lum(c) ; construct new color with luminance value used for alpha return rgba(red, green, blue, alpha) endif return rgb(red, green, blue) endfunc private: MT_ConvolutionHelper fHelper[9] MT_Kernel fKernel complex fAdd[9] float fSv[9] default: title = "Convolution" param p_distance caption = "Sample distance" default = 0.01 endparam MT_Kernel param kernel caption = "Kernel" default = MT_CenterKernel endparam MT_ConvolutionHelper param helperClass selectable = false endparam heading caption = "Color parameters" endheading color param inside_color caption = "Inside color" default = rgb(0,0,0) endparam color param solid_color caption = "Solid color" default = rgb(0,0,0) endparam param trans caption = "Opacity" enum = "None" "Gradient" "Luminance" endparam } class MT_TextureColoring(common.ulb:GradientColoring) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_TextureColoring(Generic pparent) GradientColoring(pparent) fTexture = new @p_texture(this) endfunc func Init(complex pz, complex ppixel) GradientColoring.Init(pz, ppixel) fTexture.Init(pz) endfunc float func ResultIndex(complex pz) return fTexture.Iterate(pz) endfunc private: TrapShape fTexture default: title = "Texture" TrapShape param p_texture caption = "Texture" default = MT_PerlinNoiseTexture endparam } class MT_DiskTexture(common.ulb:GradientColoring) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_DiskTexture(Generic pparent) GradientColoring(pparent) fTexture = new @p_texture(this) endfunc func Init(complex pz, complex ppixel) GradientColoring.Init(pz, ppixel) fTexture.Init(pz) fW = 0 fIter = 0 fMax_iter = 0 endfunc func Iterate(complex pz) fIter = fIter + 1 if cabs(pz - @doffset) < @r float d = (@r - cabs(pz - @doffset)) / @r fW = fW + d * pz fMax_iter = fIter endif endfunc float func ResultIndex(complex pz) float index = 0 if @coloring == 0 index = 0.1 * cabs(fW) elseif @coloring == 1 index = 0.1 * abs(real(fW)) elseif @coloring == 2 index = 0.1 * abs(imag(fW)) elseif @coloring == 3 float b = atan2(fW) if b < 0 b = b + 2 * #pi endif b = 1 / (2 * #pi) * b index = b elseif @coloring == 4 index = 0.1 * fMax_iter elseif @coloring == 5 index = fTexture.Iterate(fW) endif return index endfunc private: TrapShape fTexture complex fW int fIter int fMax_iter default: title = "Disk Texture" param coloring caption = "Coloring mode" enum = "Magnitude" "Real" "Imaginary" "Angle" "Iteration" "Texture" endparam param r caption = "Disk radius" default = 2.0 min = 0 endparam param doffset caption = "Disk offset" default = (0,0) endparam TrapShape param p_texture caption = "Texture" default = MT_PerlinNoiseTexture endparam } class MT_SpriteTrap(common.ulb:DirectColoring) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_SpriteTrap(Generic pparent) DirectColoring(pparent) fTrapTransform = new @p_traptransform(this) fImage = new @p_image(this) ; if !fImage.getEmpty() ; fRatio = fImage.getWidth() / fImage.getHeight() ; else ; fRatio = 1 ; endif endfunc func Init(complex pz, complex ppixel) DirectColoring.Init(pz, ppixel) fTrapTransform.Init(pz) fTrapZ = 0 fTrapped = false fTrapIter = 0 fIter = 0 fClr = rgb(0,0,0) fFirst = @firstiter - 1 fLast = fFirst + @no_iters endfunc func Iterate(complex pz) DirectColoring.Iterate(pz) if !fTrapped && (fIter >= fFirst) && (fIter < fLast) complex zt = fTrapTransform.Iterate(pz) ; fClr = fImage.getColor(real(zt) + flip(imag(zt) * fRatio)) fClr = fImage.getColor(real(zt) + flip(imag(zt))) if alpha(fClr) > @threshold fTrapped = true fTrapIter = fIter fTrapZ = pz endif endif fIter = fIter + 1 endfunc color func Result(complex pz) color c = rgb(0,0,0) if fTrapped if @color_mode == "Image" c = rgba(red(fClr), green(fClr),blue(fClr),1) elseif @color_mode == "Iteration" c = Gradient(0.1 * fTrapIter) elseif @color_mode == "Magnitude" c = Gradient(cabs(fTrapZ)) elseif @color_mode == "Real" c = Gradient(abs(real(fTrapZ))) elseif @color_mode == "Imag" c = Gradient(abs(imag(fTrapZ))) elseif @color_mode == "Angle" float bb = atan2(fTrapZ) if bb < 0 bb = bb + 2 * #pi endif bb = 1 / (2 * #pi) * bb c = Gradient(bb) elseif @color_mode == "Modulated Iter" c = Gradient((fTrapIter % 8) / 8) elseif @color_mode == "Gradient Index" c = gradient(0.3* red(fClr)+ 0.59 * green(fClr) + 0.11 * blue(fClr)) elseif @color_mode == "Negative" c = rgba(1-red(fClr),1-green(fClr),1-blue(fClr),1) elseif @color_mode == "Greyscale" float y = 0.3* red(fClr)+ 0.59 * green(fClr) + 0.11 * blue(fClr) c = rgba(y, y, y, 1) endif else m_solid = true endif return c endfunc private: UserTransform fTrapTransform ImageWrapper fImage complex fTrapZ bool fTrapped int fTrapIter int fIter color fClr int fFirst int fLast default: title = "Sprite Trap" UserTransform param p_traptransform caption = "Trap Position" default = TrapTransform expanded = false endparam param color_mode caption = "Coloring Mode" enum = "Image" "Negative" "Greyscale" "Gradient Index" "Iteration" "Magnitude" "Real" \ "Imag" "Angle" "Modulated Iter" hint = "Specifies how the trap will be colored." endparam float param threshold caption = "Alpha Threshold" default = 0.7 min = 0 max = 1 hint = "Determines what level of opacity in the image will be considered inside the trap." endparam int param firstiter caption = "First Iteration" default = 1 min = 1 hint = "Sets the first iteration that will be looked at. Raising it will remove larger elements from the foreground." endparam int param no_iters caption = "No. of Iterations" default = 10000 min = 1 hint = "Sets the number of iterations to look at. Decreasing it can remove smaller elements from the background." endparam ImageWrapper param p_image caption = "Image" default = ImageImport endparam } ; Kernel classes for convolution ----------------------------------------------- class MT_Kernel(common.ulb:Generic) { ; ; Base class for convolution kernels. ;

; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_Kernel(Generic pparent) Generic.Generic(pparent) endfunc float func GetWeight(int n) return fWeight[n] endfunc protected: float fWeight[9] default: } class MT_EdgeDetectKernel(MT_Kernel) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: import "common.ulb" func MT_EdgeDetectKernel(Generic pparent) fWeight[0] = 1, fWeight[1] = 1, fWeight[2] = 1 fWeight[3] = 1, fWeight[4] = -8, fWeight[5] = 1 fWeight[6] = 1, fWeight[7] = 1, fWeight[8] = 1 endfunc default: title = "Edge Detect" } class MT_CenterKernel(MT_Kernel) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: import "common.ulb" func MT_CenterKernel(Generic pparent) fWeight[0] = 0, fWeight[1] = 0, fWeight[2] = 0 fWeight[3] = 0, fWeight[4] = 1, fWeight[5] = 0 fWeight[6] = 0, fWeight[7] = 0, fWeight[8] = 0 endfunc default: title = "Center" } class MT_SoftenKernel(MT_Kernel) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: import "common.ulb" func MT_SoftenKernel(Generic pparent) fWeight[0] = 1, fWeight[1] = 1, fWeight[2] = 1 fWeight[3] = 1, fWeight[4] = 1, fWeight[5] = 1 fWeight[6] = 1, fWeight[7] = 1, fWeight[8] = 1 endfunc default: title = "Soften" } class MT_EmbossKernel(MT_Kernel) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: import "common.ulb" func MT_EmbossKernel(Generic pparent) fWeight[0] = 2, fWeight[1] = 0, fWeight[2] = 0 fWeight[3] = 0, fWeight[4] = -1, fWeight[5] = 0 fWeight[6] = 0, fWeight[7] = 0, fWeight[8] = -1 endfunc default: title = "Emboss" } class MT_SharpenKernel(MT_Kernel) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: import "common.ulb" func MT_SharpenKernel(Generic pparent) fWeight[0] = -1, fWeight[1] = -2, fWeight[2] = -1 fWeight[3] = -2, fWeight[4] = 13, fWeight[5] = -2 fWeight[6] = -1, fWeight[7] = -2, fWeight[8] = -1 endfunc default: title = "Sharpen" } class MT_CustomKernel(MT_Kernel) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: import "common.ulb" func MT_CustomKernel(Generic pparent) fWeight[0] = @s0, fWeight[1] = @s1, fWeight[2] = @s2 fWeight[3] = @s3, fWeight[4] = @s4, fWeight[5] = @s5 fWeight[6] = @s6, fWeight[7] = @s7, fWeight[8] = @s8 endfunc default: title = "Custom" float param s0 caption = "NW" default = 1 endparam float param s1 caption = "N" default = 1 endparam float param s2 caption = "NE" default = 1 endparam float param s3 caption = "W" default = 1 endparam float param s4 caption = "Centre" default = -8 endparam float param s5 caption = "E" default = 1 endparam float param s6 caption = "SW" default = 1 endparam float param s7 caption = "S" default = 1 endparam float param s8 caption = "SE" default = 1 endparam } ; Transformations -------------------------------------------------------------- class MT_RadialWaves(common.ulb:UserTransform) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_RadialWaves(Generic pparent) UserTransform.UserTransform(pparent) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) m_Iterations = m_Iterations + 1 float r = cabs(pz - @center) float theta = atan2(pz - @center) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif int iter = 0 while iter < @iterations float or = r r = r + @a * sin(@t * theta) theta = theta + @a2 * cos(@t2 * or) iter = iter + 1 endwhile float x = r * cos(theta) float y = r * sin(theta) return x + flip(y) + @center endfunc default: title = "Radial Waves" param center caption = "Center" default = (0,0) endparam param iterations caption = "Iterations" default = 2 endparam param t2 caption = "Theta frequency" default = 20.0 endparam param a2 caption = "Theta amplitude" default = 0.1 endparam param t caption = "Radius frequency" default = 20.0 endparam param a caption = "Radius amplitude" default = 0.1 endparam } class MT_PopcornTransform(common.ulb:UserTransform) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_PopcornTransform(Generic pparent) UserTransform.UserTransform(pparent) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) m_Iterations = m_Iterations + 1 int i = 0 pz = pz * recip(@scale) - @center float x = real(pz) float y = imag(pz) while i < @max_iterations float xx = x x = x - @h * real(@fn1(y + @fn2(real(@a) * y))) y = y - @h * real(@fn3(xx + @fn4(imag(@a) * xx))) i = i + 1 endwhile return x + flip(y) endfunc default: title = "Popcorn" param center caption = "Center" default = (0, 0) endparam float param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 endparam param a caption = "Alpha" default = (3.0, 3.0) endparam param h caption = "Step Size" default = 0.05 hint = "This is step size for the Popcorn formula." endparam param max_iterations caption = "Iterations" default = 3 min = 1 hint = "This is the number of iterations for the \ Popcorn formula." endparam func fn1 caption = "Re Popcorn #1" default = sin() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Re Popcorn #2" default = tan() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Im Popcorn #1" default = sin() endfunc func fn4 caption = "Im Popcorn #2" default = tan() endfunc } class MT_BarnsleyTransform(common.ulb:UserTransform) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_BarnsleyTransform(Generic pparent) UserTransform.UserTransform(pparent) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) m_Iterations = m_Iterations + 1 int iter = 0 complex z = pz while iter < @max_iter if real(z) * imag(@start) + real(@start) * imag(z) >= 0 z = (z - 1) * @start else z = (z + 1) * @start endif iter = iter + 1 endwhile return z endfunc default: title = "Barnsley" param start caption = "Julia Seed" hint = "This is the Julia seed for the Barnsley fractal." default = (0.6, 1.1) endparam param max_iter caption = "Iterations" hint = "This is the number of iterations to \ calculate the Barnsley fractal." default = 10 endparam } class MT_GravitationalLens(common.ulb:UserTransform) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_GravitationalLens(Generic pparent) UserTransform.UserTransform(pparent) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) m_Iterations = m_Iterations + 1 w = pz - @center float r = cabs(w) float theta = atan2(w) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif r = r - @a * @a / r float x = r * cos(theta) float y = r * sin(theta) return x + flip(y) + @center endfunc default: title = "Gravitational Lens" param center caption = "Center" default = (-.5,.5) endparam param a caption = "Einstein radius" default = 1.0 endparam } class MT_CrazySpiral(common.ulb:UserTransform) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_CrazySpiral(Generic pparent) UserTransform.UserTransform(pparent) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) m_Iterations = m_Iterations + 1 w = pz - @center float r = cabs(w) float theta = atan2(w) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif theta = @a * real(@fn1(r)) + theta + @amp * sin(@b * theta) float x = r * cos(theta) float y = r * sin(theta) return x + flip(y) + @center endfunc default: title = "Crazy Spiral" param center caption = "Center" default = (0,0) endparam param a caption = "Tightness" default = 3.0 endparam param b caption = "Wave frequency" default = 20.0 endparam param amp caption = "Wave amplitude" default = 1.0 endparam func fn1 caption = "Function" default = ident() endfunc } class MT_WheelTransform(common.ulb:UserTransform) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_WheelTransform(Generic pparent) UserTransform.UserTransform(pparent) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) m_Iterations = m_Iterations + 1 float outer = @inner + @width float r = cabs(pz - @center) if (r > @inner) && (r < outer) ; within the wheel float theta = atan2(pz - @center) if theta < 0 theta = theta + 2 * #pi endif float outer_dist = abs(outer - r) float inner_dist = abs(@inner - r) if outer_dist < inner_dist float ratio = @width / outer_dist else ratio = @width / inner_dist endif theta = theta + real(@fn1(@distort / ratio)) float x = r * cos(theta) float y = r * sin(theta) return x + flip(y) + @center else return pz endif endfunc default: title = "Wheel" param inner caption = "Inner rim" default = 0.3 endparam param width caption = "Width" default = 0.6 endparam param center caption = "Center" default = (0,0) endparam param distort caption = "Distortion" default = 2.0 endparam func fn1 caption = "Function" default = ident() endfunc } class MT_GnarlTransform(common.ulb:UserTransform) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_GnarlTransform(Generic pparent) UserTransform.UserTransform(pparent) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) m_Iterations = m_Iterations + 1 int i = 0 pz = pz * recip(@scale) - @center float x = real(pz) float y = imag(pz) while i < @max_iterations float xx = x x = x - @h * real(@fn1(y + @fn2(@a * (y + @fn3(@b * y))))) y = y + @h * real(@fn1(xx + @fn2(@a * (xx + @fn3(@b * xx))))) i = i + 1 endwhile return x + flip(y) endfunc default: title = "Gnarl" param center caption = "Center" default = (0, 0) endparam float param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1 endparam param a caption = "Alpha" default = 3.0 endparam param b caption = "Beta" default = 3.0 endparam param h caption = "Step Size" default = 0.05 hint = "This is step size for the Gnarl formula." endparam param max_iterations caption = "Iterations" default = 3 min = 1 hint = "This is the number of iterations for the \ Gnarl formula." endparam func fn1 caption = "First Function" default = sin() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Second Function" default = sin() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Third Function" default = sin() endfunc } class MT_GnarlyTransform(common.ulb:UserTransform) { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; public: func MT_GnarlyTransform(Generic pparent) UserTransform.UserTransform(pparent) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) m_Iterations = m_Iterations + 1 complex z = pz - @offset float x = real(z) / @scale float y = imag(z) / @scale float xx = 0 int i = 0 while (i < @iters) xx = x if @formula == 0 ; Martin x = y - sin(x) y = @a - xx elseif @formula == 1 ; Popcorn x = x - @h * sin(y + tan(@a * y)) y = y - @h * sin(xx + tan(@a * xx)) elseif @formula == 2 ; Vine if @flavor == 0 x = x - @h * sin(y + sin(@a * y )) y = y + @h * sin(xx + sin(@a * xx)) elseif @flavor == 1 x = x - @h * sin(y^@b + sin(@a * y)) y = y + @h * sin(xx^@b + sin(@a * xx)) elseif @flavor == 2 x = x - @h * sin(y + sin(@a * (y + sin(@a * y)))) y = y + @h * sin(xx + sin(@a * (xx + sin(@a * xx)))) else float newx = y float newy = x int j = 0 while j < @flavor j = j + 1 newx = y + sin(@a * newx) newy = x + sin(@a * newy) endwhile x = x - @h * sin(newx) y = y + @h * sin(newy) endif elseif @formula == 3 ; Gnarl x = x - @h * real(@gn1(y + @gn2(@a * (y + @gn3(@b * y))))) y = y + @h * real(@gn1(xx + @gn2(@a * (xx + @gn3(@b * xx))))) endif i = i + 1 endwhile x = (real(pz) - (@scale * x + real(@offset))) * @strength y = (imag(pz) - (@scale * y + imag(@offset))) * @strength return pz + x + flip(y) endfunc default: title = "Gnarly Transformation" param formula caption = "Formula" enum = "Martin" "Popcorn" "Vine" "Gnarl" default = 1 endparam param flavor caption = "Flavor" default = 2 visible = @formula == "Vine" endparam param strength caption = "Strength" default = 1.0 endparam param offset caption = "Offset" default = (0,0) endparam param scale caption = "Scale" default = 1.0 endparam param a caption = "Alpha" default = 3.0 endparam param b caption = "Beta" default = 2.0 endparam param h caption = "Step size" default = 0.01 endparam param iters caption = "Iterations" default = 20 endparam func gn1 caption = "Gnarl function #1" default = sin() visible = @formula == "Gnarl" endfunc func gn2 caption = "Gnarl function #2" default = tan() visible = @formula == "Gnarl" endfunc func gn3 caption = "Gnarl function #3" default = cos() visible = @formula == "Gnarl" endfunc } class MT_Scale(common.ulb:UserTransform) { ; ; Mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: func MT_Scale(Generic pparent) UserTransform.UserTransform(pparent) endfunc func Init(complex pz) UserTransform.Init(pz) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) return pz * recip(@p_scale) endfunc default: title = "Scale" float param p_scale caption = "Scale" default = 1.0 hint = "This can be used to resize the texture. " endparam } class MT_TrapShapeTransform(common.ulb:UserTransform) { ; ; Mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: func MT_TrapShapeTransform(Generic pparent) UserTransform.UserTransform(pparent) fTrapShape = new @p_trapshape(this) endfunc func Init(complex pz) UserTransform.Init(pz) fTrapShape.Init(pz) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) if @mode == "Return Value" float a = fTrapShape.Iterate(pz) return pz + exp(flip(2 * #pi * sqrt(2) * a)) * @strength else fTrapShape.Iterate(pz) return fTrapShape.GetTransformedPoint() endif endfunc private: TrapShape fTrapShape default: title = "Trap Shape" param mode caption = "Value to use" enum = "Return Value" "Transformed Point" endparam float param strength caption = "Strength" default = 0.25 min = 1E-20 visible = @mode == "Return Value" endparam TrapShape param p_trapshape caption = "Trap Shape" default = MT_PerlinNoiseTexture endparam } ; Many Julie Classes ----------------------------------------------------------- class DivergentManyJulia(common.ulb:DivergentFormula) { ; ; Mark Townsend. June 2008 ; public: func DivergentManyJulia(Generic pparent) Formula.Formula(pparent) endfunc complex func Init(complex pz) DivergentFormula.Init(pz) float iscale = 1 / @scale m_seed = round(pz * @scale) * iscale z = (pz - m_seed) * @scale * @jscale return z endfunc protected: complex m_seed default: param scale caption = "Julia Density" default = 2.0 hint = "Specifies the density of separate Julia sets; higher \ numbers will produce more divisions." endparam param jscale caption = "Julia Zoom" default = 3.0 hint = "Specifies the zoom level of Julia sets within each division." endparam } class ConvergentManyJulia(common.ulb:ConvergentFormula) { ; ; mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: func ConvergentManyJulia(Generic pparent) Formula.Formula(pparent) endfunc complex func Init(complex pz) ConvergentFormula.Init(pz) float iscale = 1 / @scale m_seed = round(pz * @scale) * iscale z = (pz - m_seed) * @scale * @jscale return z endfunc protected: complex m_seed default: param scale caption = "Julia Density" default = 2.0 hint = "Specifies the density of separate Julia sets; higher \ numbers will produce more divisions." endparam param jscale caption = "Julia Zoom" default = 3.0 hint = "Specifies the zoom level of Julia sets within each division." endparam } class ConvergentDivergentManyJulia(common.ulb:ConvergentDivergentFormula) { ; ; mark Townsend, July 2008 ; public: func ConvergentDivergentManyJulia(Generic pparent) Formula.Formula(pparent) endfunc complex func Init(complex pz) ConvergentDivergentFormula.Init(pz) float iscale = 1 / @scale m_seed = round(pz * @scale) * iscale z = (pz - m_seed) * @scale * @jscale return z endfunc protected: complex m_seed default: param scale caption = "Julia Density" default = 2.0 hint = "Specifies the density of separate Julia sets; higher \ numbers will produce more divisions." endparam param jscale caption = "Julia Zoom" default = 3.0 hint = "Specifies the zoom level of Julia sets within each division." endparam } class MT_ManyCelticJulia(DivergentManyJulia) { ; ; Mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) return DivergentManyJulia.Init(pz) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) complex zn = pz^@p_power return zn - real(zn) + abs(real(zn)) - m_seed endfunc default: title = "Many Celtic Julia" param p_power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam } class MT_ManyBarnsleyIJulia(DivergentManyJulia) { ; ; Based on Barnsley 1 (Julia) in Fractint.ufm ;

; Mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) return DivergentManyJulia.Init(pz) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) if real(pz) >= 0 return (pz - 1) * m_seed else return (pz + 1) * m_seed endif endfunc default: title = "Many Barnsley I Julia" param p_power visible = false endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam } class MT_ManyJulia(DivergentManyJulia) { ; ; Mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) return DivergentManyJulia.Init(pz) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) return pz^@p_power + m_seed endfunc default: title = "Many Julia" param p_power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam } class MT_ManyDuidJulia(DivergentManyJulia) { ; ; Mark Townsend, April 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) fIter = 0 return DivergentManyJulia.Init(pz) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) if fIter % 2 == 0 complex newz = pz^@p_power + m_seed else newz = pz^@p_power newz = newz - real(newz) + abs(real(newz)) + m_seed endif fIter = fIter + 1 return newz endfunc private: int fIter default: title = "Many Druid Julia" param p_power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 128.0 min = 1.0 exponential = true endparam } class MT_ManyBofNewtonIIJulia(ConvergentManyJulia) { ; ; Mark Townsend, June 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) fH = 0.0001 return ConvergentManyJulia.Init(pz) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) ConvergentManyJulia.Iterate(pz) complex zh = pz + fH complex fz = (pz - 1) * (pz^2 + pz + m_seed) complex fzd = 1 / fH * ((zh - 1) * (zh^2 + zh + m_seed) - fz) return pz - fz / fzd endfunc private: complex fH default: title = "Many Bof Newton II Julia" complex param p_power visible = false endparam float param p_bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 1.0e-6 endparam } class MT_ManyMagnetIJulia(ConvergentDivergentManyJulia) { ; ; Mark Townsend, July 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) return ConvergentDivergentManyJulia.Init(pz) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) ConvergentDivergentManyJulia.Iterate(pz) return sqr((pz^2 + m_seed - 1) / (2*pz + m_seed - 2)) endfunc default: title = "Many Magnet I Julia" complex param p_power visible = false endparam param p_upperbailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 100.0 min = 1 endparam param p_lowerbailout caption = "Convergent bailout value" default = 0.0001 min = 0 endparam } class MT_ManyMagnetIIJulia(ConvergentDivergentManyJulia) { ; ; Mark Townsend, July 2008 ; public: complex func Init(complex pz) return ConvergentDivergentManyJulia.Init(pz) endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) ConvergentDivergentManyJulia.Iterate(pz) return sqr( (pz^3 + 3 * (m_seed-1) * pz + (m_seed-1) * (m_seed-2)) / \ (3 * pz^2 + 3 * (m_seed-2) * pz + (m_seed-1) * (m_seed-2) + 1) ) endfunc default: title = "Many Magnet II Julia" complex param p_power visible = false endparam param p_upperbailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 100.0 min = 1 endparam param p_lowerbailout caption = "Convergent bailout value" default = 0.0001 min = 0 endparam } class MT_ReactionDiffusionTexture(common.ulb:TrapShape) { ; Mark Townsend, 18 January 2014 ; Activator-inhibitor type reaction-diffusion system ; from Meinhardt's "The Algorithmic Beauty of Shells" ; as simulated on continuous-valued cellular automata ; by Rudy Rucker for his program Capow! public: float func clamp(const float a, const float l, const float h) if a > h return h elseif a < l return l else return a endif endfunc func MT_ReactionDiffusionTexture(Generic pparent) TrapShape.TrapShape(pparent) int x = 0, int y = 0, int seed = @seed while x < @xsize y = 0 while y < @ysize seed = random(seed) olda[x, y] = abs(seed) / #randomrange seed = random(seed) oldb[x, y] = abs(seed) / #randomrange y = y + 1 endwhile x = x + 1 endwhile int gen = 0 while gen < @max x = 0 while x < @xsize y = 0 while y < @ysize int l = (x + @xsize - 1) % @xsize int r = (x + 1) % @xsize int u = (y + @ysize - 1) % @ysize int d = (y + 1) % @ysize float na = olda[x, u] float sa = olda[x, d] float ea = olda[l, y] float wa = olda[r, y] float nea = olda[r, u] float nwa = olda[l, u] float sea = olda[r, d] float swa = olda[l, d] float ca = olda[x, y] float suma = na + sa + ea + wa + 0.75 * (nea + nwa + sea + swa); float nb = oldb[x, u] float sb = oldb[x, d] float eb = oldb[l, y] float wb = oldb[r, y] float neb = oldb[r, u] float nwb = oldb[l, u] float seb = oldb[r, d] float swb = oldb[l, d] float cb = oldb[x, y] float sumb = nb + sb + eb + wb + 0.75 * (neb + nwb + seb + swb); float inhibitor = cb if inhibitor < @Min_b inhibitor = @Min_b endif float newa = ca + @Da * (suma - 7.0 * ca) + @s * (@ba + ca^2 / inhibitor)- @ra * ca float newb = cb + @Db *(sumb - 7.0 * cb) + @bb + @s * ca^2 - @rb * cb a[x, y] = clamp(newa, 0, 1) b[x, y] = clamp(newb, 0, 1) y = y + 1 endwhile x = x + 1 endwhile olda = a oldb = b gen = gen + 1 endwhile endfunc float func Iterate(complex pz) float xx = (real(pz * @scale) % 4096 + 4096) % @xsize float yy = (imag(pz * @scale) % 4096 + 4096) % @ysize int bx0 = floor(xx), int bx1 = (bx0 + 1) % @xsize int by0 = floor(yy), int by1 = (by0 + 1) % @ysize float rx0 = xx - floor(xx) float ry0 = yy - floor(yy) if @vc == "a" float v0 = a[bx0, by0] + rx0 * (a[bx1, by0] - a[bx0, by0]) float v1 = a[bx0, by1] + rx0 * (a[bx1, by1] - a[bx0, by1]) else float v0 = b[bx0, by0] + rx0 * (b[bx1, by0] - b[bx0, by0]) float v1 = b[bx0, by1] + rx0 * (b[bx1, by1] - b[bx0, by1]) endif return(v0 + ry0 * (v1 - v0)) endfunc private: float a[@xsize, @ysize], float olda[@xsize, @ysize] float b[@xsize, @ysize], float oldb[@xsize, @ysize] default: title = "Reaction Diffusion Texture" heading caption = "System Parameters" endheading float param Da caption = "Activator Diffusion Rate" default = 0.0227 min = 0.0001 max = 1 endparam float param Db caption = "Inhibitor Diffusion Rate" default = 0.1787 min = 0.0001 max = 1 endparam float param ba caption = "Activator Production" default = 0.0670 min = 0.0001 max = 1 endparam float param bb caption = "Inhibitor Production" default = 0.0139 min = 0.0001 max = 1 endparam float param ra caption = "Activator Decay Rate" default = 0.0893 min = 0.0001 max = 1 endparam float param rb caption = "Inhibitor Decay Rate" default = 0.0754 min = 0.0001 max = 1 endparam float param s caption = "Source Density" default = 0.0810 min = 0.0001 max = 1 endparam float param Min_b caption = "Minimum Inhibitor" default = 0.0392 min = 0.0001 max = 1 endparam heading Caption = "General" endheading param vc caption = "Show Chemical" enum = "a" "b" default = 0 endparam int param max caption = "Generations" default = 400 min = 1 endparam int param xsize caption = "Width" default = 250 min = 10 endparam int param ysize caption = "Height" default = 250 min = 10 endparam float param scale caption = "Scale" default = 100 endparam int param seed caption = "Random Seed" default = 12345678 endparam } ; Function classes for Dynamical Systems -------------------------------------------------- class MT_DynamicalFunction { ; Mark Townsend, September 2018 public: func MT_DynamicalFunction() endfunc float func f(const float x, const float y, const float p) return sin(x + sin(3 * x)) endfunc default: title = "Dynamical Function" } class MT_PopcornFunction(MT_DynamicalFunction){ ; Mark Townsend, September 2018 public: float func f(const float x, const float y, const float p) return sin(x + tan(@p * x)) endfunc default: title = "Popcorn" float param p caption = "Frequency" default = 3.0 endparam } class MT_VineFunction(MT_DynamicalFunction){ ; Mark Townsend, September 2018 ; Various equations form Chapter 14 of Clifford ; Pickover's book "Computers, Pattern, Chaos and Beauty" ; as implemented by Rudy Rucker for his DOS program ; "Vine". public: float func saw(float x) x = x / (2.0 * #pi) x = x - trunc(x) x = x * 4 if ( -4 <= x && x < -3 ) return (4 + x) elseif ( -3 <= x && x < -1 ) return (-2 - x) elseif ( -1 <= x && x < 1) return x elseif ( 1 <= x && x < 3) return (2 - x) else return (-4 + x) endif endfunc float func f(const float x, const float y, const float p) if @flavor == 0 return sin(x + sin(@a * x )) elseif @flavor == 1 return sin(x^@b + sin(@a * x)) elseif @flavor == 2 return sin(x + sin(@a * (x + sin(@a * x)))) elseif @flavor == -1 return saw(x + saw(@a * x)) else float newx = x int i = 0 while i < @flavor i = i + 1 newx = x + sin(@a * newx) endwhile return sin(newx) endif endfunc default: title = "Vine" param flavor caption = "Flavor" default = 0 min = -1 endparam param a caption = "Frequency" default = 3.0 endparam param b caption = "Power" default = 2.0 visible = @flavor == 1 endparam } class MT_GnarlFunction(MT_DynamicalFunction){ ; Mark Townsend, September 2018 public: float func f(const float x, const float y, const float p) return real(@fn1(x + @fn2(@a * (x + @fn3(@b * x))))) endfunc default: title = "Gnarl" float param a caption = "Frequancy a" default = 3.0 endparam float param b caption = "Frequency b" default = 3.0 endparam func fn1 caption = "Function 1" default = sin() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Function 2" default = sin() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Function 3" default = sin() endfunc } class MT_GnarlNoiseFunction(MT_DynamicalFunction) { ; Mark Townsend, September 2018 public: float func f(const float x, const float y, const float p) return real(@fn1(x + @fn2(@a * (x + @fn3(@b * x))) + p)) endfunc default: title = "Gnarl with Noise" float param a caption = "Frequancy a" default = 3.0 endparam float param b caption = "Frequency b" default = 3.0 endparam func fn1 caption = "Function 1" default = sin() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Function 2" default = sin() endfunc func fn3 caption = "Function 3" default = sin() endfunc } class MT_AlternateFunction(mt.ulb:MT_DynamicalFunction){ ; Mark Townsend, October 2018 ; Alternates between two functions public: func MT_AlternateFunction() i = -1 fnc[0] = new @f1 fnc[1] = new @f2 endfunc float func f(const float x, const float y, const float p) i = (i + 1) % 2 return fnc[i].f(x, y, p) endfunc private: int i MT_DynamicalFunction fnc[2] default: title = "Alternate" MT_DynamicalFunction param f1 caption = "First Function" endparam MT_DynamicalFunction param f2 caption = "Second Function" endparam } class MT_CPCB_Figure14.13(mt.ulb:MT_DynamicalFunction) { ; Mark Townsend, October 2018 public: float func f(const float x, const float y, const float p) return sin(x^@n1 + sin(@p * x)^@n2) endfunc default: title = "CPCB Figure 14.13" float param p caption = "Frequency" default = 3.0 endparam float param n1 caption = "Power 1" default = 6.0 endparam float param n2 caption = "Power 2" default = 4.0 endparam } class MT_CPCB_Figure14.14(mt.ulb:MT_DynamicalFunction) { ; Mark Townsend, October 2018 public: float func f(const float x, const float y, const float p) return sin(x + sin(x) * sin(@p * x)) endfunc default: title = "CPCB Figure 14.14" float param p caption = "Frequency" default = 3.0 endparam } class MT_CPCB_Equation14.4(mt.ulb:MT_DynamicalFunction){ ; Mark Townsend, October 2018 public: float func f(const float x, const float y, const float p) if (x > -#pi) && (x <= #pi) return sin(x) elseif ((x > -2 * #pi) && (x < -#pi)) || ((x > #pi) && (x < 2* #pi)) return sin(x^@b + sin(@a * x)) else return sin(x + sin(@a * x)^@b) endif endfunc default: title = "CPCB Equation 14.4" param a caption = "Frequency" default = 3.0 endparam param b caption = "Power" default = 2.0 endparam }