comment { Copyright © 2008-2018 by Mark Townsend. Coloring algorithms for Ultra Fractal 5.0 and above Last update 3 October 2018 ; This work is licensed under a Creative Commons ; Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. ; } mt-ConvolutionColoring { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; global: import "mt.ulb" MT_ConvolutionColoring c = new @p_class(0) init: c.Init(#z, #pixel) loop: c.Iterate(#z) final: #color = c.Result(#z) default: title = "Convolution" heading text = "Tip: use on the Pixel formula" endheading MT_ConvolutionColoring param p_class selectable = false endparam } mt-TextureColoring { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; global: import "mt.ulb" MT_TextureColoring c = new @p_class(0) init: c.Init(#z, #pixel) loop: c.Iterate(#z) final: #index = c.ResultIndex(#z) default: title = "Texture" MT_TextureColoring param p_class selectable = false endparam } mt-DiskTexture { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; global: import "mt.ulb" MT_DiskTexture c = new @p_class(0) init: c.Init(#z, #pixel) loop: c.Iterate(#z) final: #index = c.ResultIndex(#z) default: title = "Disk Texture" MT_DiskTexture param p_class selectable = false endparam } mt-SpriteTrap { ; ; Mark Townsend, May 2008 ; global: import "mt.ulb" MT_SpriteTrap c = new @p_class(0) init: c.Init(#z, #pixel) loop: c.Iterate(#z) final: #color = c.Result(#z) if c.IsSolid() #solid = true endif default: title = "Sprite Trap" MT_SpriteTrap param p_class selectable = false endparam } mt-ImageMask { global: Image i = new @imageParam final: complex c = 0.5 * #pixel float ratio if !i.getEmpty() ratio = i.getWidth() / i.getHeight() else ratio = 1 endif color clr = i.getColor(real(c) + flip(imag(c) * ratio)) float alpha = 0 if @indx == "Alpha" alpha = alpha(clr) elseif @indx == "Hue" alpha = hue(clr) / 6 elseif @indx == "Saturation" alpha = sat(clr) elseif @indx == "Luminance" alpha = lum(clr) elseif @indx == "Red" alpha = red(clr) elseif @indx == "Green" alpha = green(clr) elseif @indx == "Blue" alpha = blue(clr) endif #color = gradient(alpha) default: title = "Image Mask" param indx caption = "Index" enum = "Hue" "Saturation" "Luminance" "Red" "Green" "Blue" "Alpha" endparam Image param imageParam caption = "Image" endparam } mt-dynamical-systems-r{ ; Mark Townsend, September 2018 ; Based on Chapter 14 of Clifford Pickover's ; book "Computers, Pattern, Chaos and Beauty" global: import "mt.ulb" import "common.ulb" MT_TextureColoring noise_texture = new @noise_texture(0) UserTransform transform = new @transform(0) MT_DynamicalFunction XFunc = new @XFuncParam MT_DynamicalFunction YFunc = new @YFuncParam int seed = @seed float noise = 0 float max = 0 int i = 0 float xx = 0 float yy = 0 complex w = 0 int pix[#width, #height] if 3 * #width < 4 * #height float scale = (#width * #magn) / 4 else scale = (#height * #magn) / 3 endif int x = 0, int y = 0 ; initialize array while x < #width y = 0 while y < #height pix[x, y] = 0 y = y + 1 endwhile x = x + 1 endwhile float inc = @sample_width / @resolution float xs = real(@sample_center) - (@sample_width / 2) float ys = -imag(@sample_center) - (@sample_width / 2) int j = 0 while j < @resolution int k = 0 while k < @resolution float xnew = 0 float ynew = 0 if @sample_mode == "Grid" float xx = xs + j * inc float yy = ys + k * inc else ; Random seed = Random(seed) xx = xs + abs(seed) / #randomrange * @sample_width seed = Random(seed) yy = ys + abs(seed) / #randomrange * @sample_width endif w = xx + flip(-yy) if (cabs(w - @sample_center) < (@sample_width / 2)) || !@circular_mask int i = 0 while i < @max_iterations if @add_noise noise = @noise_amount * noise_texture.ResultIndex(@noise_scale * (xx + flip(yy))) endif if @dual_functions xnew = xx - @h * XFunc.f(yy, xx, noise) ynew = yy + @h * YFunc.f(xx, yy, noise) else xnew = xx - @h * XFunc.f(yy, xx, noise) ynew = yy + @h * XFunc.f(xx, yy, noise) endif if @add_transform w = xnew + flip(-ynew) w = transform.Iterate(w) xnew = real(w) ynew = -imag(w) endif xx = xnew yy = ynew float xc = real(#center) float yc = imag(#center) x = round(((xx - xc) * cos(#angle) - (yy + yc) * \ sin(#angle)) * scale + #width / 2) y = round(((xx - xc) * sin(#angle) + (yy + yc) * \ cos(#angle)) * scale + #height / 2) ; plot the point only if inside array if x >= 0 && x < #width && y >= 0 && y < #height pix[x, y] = pix[x, y] + 1 if pix[x, y] > max max = pix[x, y] endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile endif k = k + 1 endwhile j = j + 1 endwhile final: #index = (log(pix[#x, #y])) / log(max) default: title = "Dynamical Systems" render = false param sample_mode caption = "Sample Mode" enum = "Grid" "Random" endparam complex param sample_center caption = "Center" default = (0, 0) endparam float param sample_width caption = "Width" default = 5 min = 0.0001 endparam float param h caption = "Step Size" default = 0.1 min = 0.0001 endparam int param max_iterations caption = "Iterations" default = 50 min = 1 endparam int param resolution caption = "Resolution" default = 200 min = 1 endparam bool param circular_mask caption = "Circular Mask" default = false endparam bool param dual_functions caption = "Dual Functions" default = false endparam MT_DynamicalFunction param XFuncParam caption = "X Function" ; default = MT_GnarlFunction endparam MT_DynamicalFunction param YFuncParam caption = "Y Function" visible = @dual_functions ; default = MT_GnarlFunction endparam bool param add_noise caption = "Add Noise" default = false endparam float param noise_amount caption = "Noise Amount" default = 1 visible = @add_noise endparam float param noise_scale caption = "Noise Scale" default = 1 min = 0.0001 visible = @add_noise endparam MT_TextureColoring param noise_texture selectable = false visible = @add_noise endparam bool param add_transform caption = "Add Transform" default = false endparam UserTransform param transform caption = "Transform" visible = @add_transform endparam int param seed caption = "Random Seed" default = 1234567 min = 0 visible = @sample_mode == "Random" endparam }