RoundMandelbrot { ; (c) 2002 Thom Cole ; init: z = (-@b + sqrt((@b * @b) / (4.0 * @a *@c))) / (2.0 * @a) loop: z = (((@a / 3.0) * (z^3)) + ((@b / 2.0) * (z^2)) + (@c * z) + #pixel)/(z/#pixel) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Round Mandelbrot" center = (0, 0) maxiter = 256 magn = 0.8 angle = 90 param a caption = "Coefficient A" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient A" endparam param b caption = "Coefficient B" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient B" endparam param c caption = "Coefficient C" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient C" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1024.0 min = 1.0 hint = "Bailout" endparam switch: type = "RoundJulia" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c bailout = bailout } RoundJulia { ; Thom cole ; 2002 ; (c) 2002 Thom Cole ; init: z = #pixel loop: z = (((@a / 3.0) * (z^3)) + ((@b / 2.0) * (z^2)) + (@c * z) + @seed)/(z/@seed) bailout: |z| <= @bailout^2 default: title = "Round Julia" center = (-.5, .25) maxiter = 256 magn = 0.8 angle = 90 param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-.2125, 1.125) hint = "Julia Seed" endparam param a caption = "Coefficient A" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient A" endparam param b caption = "Coefficient B" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient B" endparam param c caption = "Coefficient C" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient C" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 1024.0 min = 1.0 hint = "Bailout" endparam switch: type = "RoundMandelbrot" a = a b = b c = c bailout = bailout } Round2Mandelbrot { ; (c) 2002 Thom Cole ; init: z = (-@b + sqrt((@b * @b) / (4.0 * @a *@c))) / (2.0 * @a) loop: z = (((@a / 3.0) * (z^3)) - ((@b / 2.0) * (z^2)) + ((@c * z) + #pixel)/(z/#pixel)) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Round 2 Mandelbrot" center = (0, 0) maxiter = 256 magn = 0.8 angle = 90 param a caption = "Coefficient A" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient A" endparam param b caption = "Coefficient B" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient B" endparam param c caption = "Coefficient C" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient C" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1024.0 min = 1.0 hint = "Bailout" endparam switch: type = "Round2Julia" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c bailout = bailout } Round2Julia { ; Thom cole ; 2002 ; (c) 2002 Thom Cole ; init: z = #pixel loop: z = (((@a / 3.0) * (z^3)) - ((@b / 2.0) * ((z^2)) + (@c * z) + @seed)/(z/@seed)) bailout: |z| <= @bailout^2 default: title = "Round 2 Julia" center = (-.5, .25) maxiter = 256 magn = 0.8 angle = 90 param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-.2125, 1.125) hint = "Julia Seed" endparam param a caption = "Coefficient A" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient A" endparam param b caption = "Coefficient B" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient B" endparam param c caption = "Coefficient C" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient C" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 1024.0 min = 1.0 hint = "Bailout" endparam switch: type = "Round2Mandelbrot" a = a b = b c = c bailout = bailout } Round3Mandelbrot { ; (c) 2002 Thom Cole ; init: z = (-@b + sqrt((@b * @b) / (4.0 * @a *@c))) / (2.0 * @a) loop: z = ((((@a / 3.0) * (z^3)) - ((@b / 2.0) * (z^2)) + ((@c * (z + #pixel)) + (.5 * #pixel))/(z/#pixel))) + (z^3-#Pixel) bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "Round 3 Mandelbrot" center = (0, 0) maxiter = 256 magn = 2.5 angle = 90 param a caption = "Coefficient A" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient A" endparam param b caption = "Coefficient B" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient B" endparam param c caption = "Coefficient C" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient C" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1024.0 min = 1.0 hint = "Bailout" endparam switch: type = "Round3Julia" seed = #pixel a = a b = b c = c bailout = bailout } Round3Julia { ; Thom cole ; 2002 ; (c) 2002 Thom Cole ; init: z = #pixel loop: z = ((((@a / 3.0) * (z^3)) - ((@b / 2.0) * ((z^2)) + (@c * z) + (.5 * @seed))/(z/@seed))) + (Z^3-@seed) ;z = ((((@a / 3.0) * (z^3)) - ((@b / 2.0) * (z^2)) + ((@c * z) + (.5*#pixel))/(z/#pixel))) + (z^3-#Pixel) bailout: |z| <= @bailout^2 default: title = "Round 3 Julia" center = (-.5, .25) maxiter = 256 magn = 2.5 angle = 90 param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (-.2125, 1.125) hint = "Julia Seed" endparam param a caption = "Coefficient A" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient A" endparam param b caption = "Coefficient B" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient B" endparam param c caption = "Coefficient C" default = (1.0, 0.0) hint = "Coefficient C" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 1024.0 min = 1.0 hint = "Bailout" endparam switch: type = "Round3Mandelbrot" a = a b = b c = c bailout = bailout } stretchedmandelbrot { ; Kerry Mitchell 06dec2000 ; ; Uses previous z values instead of powers of the last z. ; init: z1=@initialz z2=@initialz z3=@initialz z4=@initialz z5=@initialz z=(0,0) c=#pixel loop: if(@order==1) z=@weight1*z1+(1-@weight1)*z3+z z=z*(@weight2*z2+(1-@weight2)*z3) z=z*z3+c z1=z2 z2=z3 z3=z elseif(@order==2) z=@weight1*z1+(1-@weight1)*z4+z z=z*(@weight2*z2+(1-@weight2)*z4) z=z*(@weight3*z3+(1-@weight3)*z4) z=z*z4+c z1=z2 z2=z3 z3=z4 z4=z elseif(@order==3) z=@weight1*z1+(1-@weight1)*z5+z z=z*(@weight2*z2+(1-@weight2)*z5) z=z*(@weight3*z3+(1-@weight3)*z5) z=z*(@weight4*z4+(1-@weight4)*z5) z=z*z5+c z1=z2 z2=z3 z3=z4 z4=z5 z5=z else z=@weight1*z1+(1-@weight1)*z2+z z=z*z2+c z1=z2 z2=z endif bailout: |z|<@bailout default: title="stretched Mandelbrot" helpfile="lkm-help\lkm-fibonacci.html" maxiter=100 periodicity=0 center=(0.0,0.0) magn=1.0 angle=0 method=multipass param initialz caption="initial z" default=(0,0) endparam param bailout caption="bailout value" default=1000.0 endparam param order caption="order" hint="Similar to power." default=0 enum="2" "3" "4" "5" endparam param weight1 caption="weight 1" hint="How much of first iterate is used. Use (0,0) for standard \ Mandelbrot." default=(1,0) endparam param weight2 caption="weight 2" hint="How much of second iterate is used. Use (0,0) for standard \ Mandelbrot." default=(1,0) endparam param weight3 caption="weight 3" hint="How much of third iterate is used. Use (0,0) for standard \ Mandelbrot." default=(1,0) endparam param weight4 caption="weight 4" hint="How much of fourth iterate is used. Use (0,0) for standard \ Mandelbrot." default=(1,0) endparam switch: type="stretchedjulia" julparam=#pixel bailout=bailout order=order weight1=weight1 weight2=weight2 weight3=weight3 weight4=weight4 } stretchedjulia { ; Kerry Mitchell 06dec2000 ; ; Uses previous z values instead of powers of the last z. ; init: z1=#pixel z2=#pixel z3=#pixel z4=#pixel z5=#pixel z=(0,0) c=@julparam loop: if(@order==1) z=@weight1*z1+(1-@weight1)*z3+z z=z*(@weight2*z2+(1-@weight2)*z3) z=z*z3+c z1=z2 z2=z3 z3=z elseif(@order==2) z=@weight1*z1+(1-@weight1)*z4+z z=z*(@weight2*z2+(1-@weight2)*z4) z=z*(@weight3*z3+(1-@weight3)*z4) z=z*z4+c z1=z2 z2=z3 z3=z4 z4=z elseif(@order==3) z=@weight1*z1+(1-@weight1)*z5+z z=z*(@weight2*z2+(1-@weight2)*z5) z=z*(@weight3*z3+(1-@weight3)*z5) z=z*(@weight4*z4+(1-@weight4)*z5) z=z*z5+c z1=z2 z2=z3 z3=z4 z4=z5 z5=z else z=@weight1*z1+(1-@weight1)*z2+z z=z*z2+c z1=z2 z2=z endif bailout: |z|<@bailout default: title="Stretched Julia" helpfile="lkm-help\lkm-fibonacci.html" maxiter=100 periodicity=0 center=(0.0,0.0) magn=1.0 angle=0 method=multipass param julparam caption="Julia parameter" default=(0,1) endparam param bailout caption="bailout value" default=1000.0 endparam param order caption="order" hint="Similar to power." default=0 enum="2" "3" "4" "5" endparam param weight1 caption="weight 1" hint="How much of first iterate is used. Use (0,0) for standard \ Mandelbrot." default=(1,0) endparam param weight2 caption="weight 2" hint="How much of second iterate is used. Use (0,0) for standard \ Mandelbrot." default=(1,0) endparam param weight3 caption="weight 3" hint="How much of third iterate is used. Use (0,0) for standard \ Mandelbrot." default=(1,0) endparam param weight4 caption="weight 4" hint="How much of fourth iterate is used. Use (0,0) for standard \ Mandelbrot." default=(1,0) endparam switch: type="stretchedmandelbrot" bailout=bailout order=order weight1=weight1 weight2=weight2 weight3=weight3 weight4=weight4 }