comment { ; ; Coloring formulas by Piotr Borys ; ; ; ; Last update: 13.12.2004 ; For a little help see pb.txt file } IterationPower { ; ; Colors by iteration with a parameter ; For a little help see pb.txt file ; final: #index = @power * #numiter default: title = "Iteration power" float param power caption = "Power" default = 0.015 endparam } WavyTraps { ; ; Original idea taken from Damien M. Jones, ; and then expanded to my personal wishes. ; Try this with polynomials or Newton-like fractals. ; ; Thanks goes to Toby Marshall for his help :) ; ; For a little help see pb.txt file ; init: float d = 0.0 float a1 float b1 float a2 float b2 complex z2 = (0,0) int iter = 0 complex r = (0,1) ^ (@angle / 90.0) complex trapcenter2 = @trapcenter if @screencenter trapcenter2 = #center endif float closest = 1e38 bool usesolid = true complex zvalues[#maxiter+1] zvalues[0] = #z loop: iter = iter + 1 z2 = #z z2 = (z2 - trapcenter2) * r zvalues[iter] = z2 if (iter > @iterskip) && (iter < @itermax) a1 = abs(imag(z2)^@power1) b1 = cabs(@trapfunc(((real(z2))^@power2)*@trapfreq))*@trapheight d = abs(a1 - @diameter + b1) if @modifying && (iter > 1) a2 = abs(imag(zvalues[iter-1])^@power1) b2 = cabs(@trapfunc(((real(zvalues[iter-1]))^@power2)*@trapfreq))*@trapheight d = d + @modfactor*cabs(@modfunc(abs(a2 - @diameter + b2))) endif endif if (d < closest) closest = d endif if (d < @threshold) usesolid = false endif final: if @solidcolor #solid = usesolid else #solid = false endif #index = closest default: title = "Wavy Traps" heading caption = "Parameters" endheading param diameter caption = " Diameter" default = 1.0 hint = "The diameter of the trap." endparam param trapheight caption = " Height" default = 1.0 hint = "The height of waves." endparam param trapfreq caption = " Frequency" default = 1.5 hint = "The frequency of waves." endparam param angle caption = " Rotation" default = 0.0 hint = "Rotation of a trap, in degrees." endparam heading caption = "Type" endheading param power1 caption = " Power 1" hint = "The power of the first equation part." default = 1.0 endparam param power2 caption = " Power 2" hint = "The power of the second equation part." default = 2.0 endparam func trapfunc caption = " Trap function" hint = "Function involved in creation of the trap." default = sin() endfunc param modifying caption = " Iteration Modifying" hint = "When enabled, the iterations chain modifies coloring" default = true endparam func modfunc caption = " Modifying Function" hint = "Function calculated when building the iterations chain." default = sinh() visible = @modifying == true endfunc param modfactor caption = " Modifying Strength" hint = "Strength of the iterations chain modifier." default = 0.3 visible = @modifying == true endparam heading caption = "Options" endheading param trapcenter caption = " Trap Center" default = (0,0) hint = "This is the location of the trap in the complex plane." visible = @screencenter == false endparam param screencenter caption = " Use Screen Center" default = false hint = "If enabled, trap center will be set to the screen center." endparam param iterskip caption = " Skip Iterations" default = 0 endparam param itermax caption = " Max Iterations" default = 256 endparam param solidcolor caption = " Use Solid Color" default = false hint = "If enabled, areas 'outside' the trap area will be colored \ with the 'solid color' on the coloring tab." endparam param threshold caption = " Threshold" hint = "This is the width of the trap area." default = 0.2 min = 0 endparam }