comment { ; ; Fractal formulas by Piotr Borys ; ; ; ; Last update: 12.12.2004 ; } GeneralizedJulia { ; ; See the pb.txt file for the info ; init: z = #pixel complex c = @seed int i = 1 loop: z = c^@cpower * @func_z(z^@zpower) + c^@cpower * @func_c(c) i=i+1 bailout: (|z| <= @bailout) && (i < #maxiter) default: Title = "Generalized Julia" center = (-1.55, 0) magn = 0.4 maxiter = 5000 complex func func_z caption = "function of z" hint = "This function is applied to the z parameter" default = sin() endfunc complex func func_c caption = "function of c" hint = "This function is applied to the c parameter" default = sin() endfunc float param zpower caption = "the power of z" hint = "The power of z parameter" default = 1 endparam float param cpower caption = "the power of c" hint = "The power of c parameter" default = -1 endparam param seed caption = "Julia seed" default = (0.4, 0.0) endparam int param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 10000 endparam } GeneralizedMandelbrot { ; ; See the pb.txt file for the info ; init: z = @start int i = 1 loop: z = #pixel^@ppower * @func_z(z^@zpower) + #pixel^@ppower * @func_p(#pixel) i=i+1 bailout: (|z| <= @bailout) && (i < #maxiter) default: Title = "Generalized Mandelbrot" center = (0, 0) magn = 0.9 maxiter = 5000 complex func func_z caption = "function of z" hint = "This function is applied to the z parameter" default = sin() endfunc complex func func_p caption = "function of pixel" hint = "This function is applied to the pixel parameter" default = sin() endfunc float param zpower caption = "the power of z" hint = "The power of z parameter" default = 1 endparam float param ppower caption = "the power of pixel" hint = "The power of pixel parameter" default = -1 endparam param start caption = "Starting point" default = (0, 0) hint = "Perturbation." endparam int param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 10000 endparam switch: type = "GeneralizedJulia" seed = #pixel zpower = zpower cpower = ppower func_z = func_z func_c = func_p bailout = bailout }