pdd001 {;Modified Gedeon Peteri's gfpls01, 1999 ;Paul DeCelle 8/4/99 init: z=fn1(pixel) loop: z=log(fn2(z^p1) + p2*fn3(exp(p3*z))) bailout: |z|<=@bailout default: title="pdd001" param p1 caption="Exponent" default=(2.0,0.0) endparam param p2 caption="First parameter" default=(1.0,0.0) endparam param p3 caption="Second parameter" default=(1.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption="Bailout" default=4.0 endparam func fn1 caption="Function 1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption="Function 2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption="Function 3" default = ident() endfunc } pdd002 {;Modified Gedeon Peteri's gfpls01, 1999 ;Paul DeCelle 8/4/99 init: z=fn1(pixel) loop: z=fn1(fn2(z^p1) - p2*fn3(exp(p3/z))) bailout: |z|<=@bailout default: title="pdd002" param p1 caption="Exponent" default=(2.0,0.0) endparam param p2 caption="First parameter" default=(1.0,0.0) endparam param p3 caption="Second parameter" default=(1.0,0.0) endparam param bailout caption="Bailout" default=4.0 endparam func fn1 caption="Function 1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption="Function 2" default = ident() endfunc func fn3 caption="Function 3" default = ident() endfunc } pdd-MangledPhoenixJulia { ; Damien Jones' Phoenix(Julia), mangled by Paul DeCelle init: complex y = (0,0) complex newz = (0,0) z = #pixel loop: newz = z^@power1 + z^@power2 * @seed / @induct * y y = z z = newz bailout: |z| < @bailout default: title = "Mangled Phoenix (Julia)" maxiter = 1000 center = (0,0) param seed caption = "Seed" default = (0.56667,0) hint = "Usually between -1 and +1" endparam param power1 caption = "Primary Exponent" default = (2,0) hint = "Experiment with this" endparam param power2 caption = "Secondary Exponent" default = (0,0) hint = "Experiment with this, too" endparam param induct caption = "Distortion" default = (-0.5,0) hint = "Effect unknown" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1.0e20 endparam } pdd004{ ; Damien Jones' Phoenix(Julia), mangled by Paul DeCelle init: complex y = (0,0) complex newz = (0,0) z = #pixel loop: newz = z^@power1 + (z^@power2 * @seed) / @induct + y y = z z = newz bailout: |z| < @bailout default: title = "pdd004" maxiter = 1000 center = (0,0) param seed caption = "Seed" default = (0.72500000000000004,0.625000000000000035) hint = "Usually between -1 and +1" endparam param power1 caption = "Primary Exponent" default = (4,3) hint = "Experiment with this" endparam param power2 caption = "Secondary Exponent" default = (-1.11250000000000006,1.07500000000000006) hint = "Experiment with this, too" endparam param induct caption = "Distortion" default = (-0.5,0) hint = "Effect unknown" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1.0e20 endparam } pdd006 { ;Paul DeCelle 8/16/99 ;from Gedeon Peteri's gfpeul06 formula init: z=pixel c=pixel loop: z=fn1(z^p1) / (p2*fn2(exp(imag(c)*pi)+1)) bailout: (@test == 0 && |z| <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 1 && sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 2 && sqr(imag(z)) <= @bailout) || \ (@test == 3 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout && sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 4 && (sqr(real(z)) <= @bailout || sqr(imag(z)) < @bailout)) || \ (@test == 5 && (sqr(abs(real(z)) + abs(imag(z))) <= @bailout)) || \ (@test == 6 && (sqr(real(z) + imag(z)) <= @bailout)) default: title="pdd006" param p1 caption="Exponent" default=(2.0,0.0) endparam param p2 caption="Parameter" default=(1.0,0.0) endparam param test caption = "Bailout Test" default = 0 enum = "mod" "real" "imag" "or" "and" "manh" "manr" endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout value" default = 4.0 endparam func fn1 caption="Function 1" default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption="Function 2" default = ident() endfunc } pdd007 {; George Martin' Rabadan with added functions z = pixel q = z^fn1(pixel) g = pixel: z = z^q/g z = (fn1(q) + fn2(g)) * z z = @parameter1^z / q^g*2 |real(z)| <=100 ;SOURCE: fractals.frm default: title = "pdd007" maxiter = 1000 center = (0,0) param parameter1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (1,1) hint = "Experiment with this" endparam } pdd008 { ; random formula - modified ;frac_ml formula 'tim's fract' ;by adding function select and ;changing bailout value z = pixel: z = (fn1(z*z + fn2(z)))/(z*z + 2) |z| <= 64 }