phs-jitter { ; ; This randomizes the complex coordinate within the pixel ; can be used to remove moiré at the cost of a noisier look ; High res renders and downscaling can get rid of that noise ; ; Rychveldir/Phillip - 2021-07-02 ; ; 2024-04-20 Added offset of -0.5 to center the jitter ; transform: if (4 * #height < 3 * #width) pixeldim = 3/#magn/#height else pixeldim = 4/#magn/#width endif #pixel = #pixel + @jitter_level*pixeldim*(#random - (0.5, 0.5)) default: title = "Jitter" ;helpfile = "" float param jitter_level default = 0.1 endparam } phs-jitter-const-amp { ; ; This randomizes the complex coordinate using a given amplitude, ; it allows to achieve the jitter look, but will remain consistent ; while resizing/zooming. ; ; Rychveldir/Phillip - 2024-03-20 ; transform: #pixel = #pixel + @jitter_amplitude * (#random - @jitter_offset) default: title = "Jitter Const Aplitude" ;helpfile = "" float param jitter_amplitude default = 0.1 endparam complex param jitter_offset default = (-0.5, -0.5) endparam } phs-test { ; ; julia like in chaotica ; ; Rychveldir/Phillip - 2021-07-02 ; transform: #pixel = (#pixel-1.)/(-#pixel/2.+1.) default: title = "Julia" ;helpfile = "" param exp default = (2,0) endparam param offset default = (0,0) endparam int param niter default = 1 caption = "Iterations" endparam } phs-julia { ; ; julia like in chaotica ; ; Rychveldir/Phillip - 2021-07-02 ; transform: int ii = 0 while ii < @niter #pixel = (#pixel)^@exp+@offset ii = ii + 1 endwhile default: title = "Julia" ;helpfile = "" param exp default = (2,0) endparam param offset default = (0,0) endparam int param niter default = 1 caption = "Iterations" endparam } phs-mb { ; ; julia like in chaotica ; ; Rychveldir/Phillip - 2021-07-02 ; transform: int ii = 0 if ii == 0 init_pixel = #pixel endif while ii < @niter #pixel = (#pixel)^@exp+init_pixel ii = ii + 1 endwhile default: title = "Mandelbrot Iterations" ;helpfile = "" param exp default = (2,0) endparam param offset default = (0,0) endparam int param niter default = 1 caption = "Iterations" endparam }