comment{ Coloring algorythms by Samuel Monnier, 2000-2009. You can visit my webpage and update this file at If you have questions or comments, you can mail me at } juliatrap(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 1999 init: bool first = true count = 0 float stdz = 0.0 start = 0 if @jul == 0 start = (.315,0) elseif @jul == 1 start = (.45,-.095) elseif @jul == 2 start = (.365,-.595) elseif @jul == 3 start = (-.315, -.715) elseif @jul == 4 start = (-.765,-.3) elseif @jul == 5 start = (-.8,-.22) elseif @jul == 6 start = (-.94,.305) elseif @jul == 7 start = (-1.44,-.045) elseif @jul == 8 start = (-1.745,.01) elseif @jul == 9 start = @seed endif loop: trz = exp(flip(-pi/180*@rot))*(#z-@center)/@size x = 1/sqrt(@r)*real(trz) y = sqrt(@r)*imag(trz) if @freq != 0 x = 2*sin(2*pi*@freq*x) y = 2*sin(2*pi*@freq*y) endif trz = x + flip(y) zz = trz float i = 0 iter = @niter float dz = 0.0 if @jul == 10 start = zz zz = @seed endif ; float ac = cabs(trz) ; float sum = 0 ; float sum2 = 0 while i < @niter i = i + 1 zz = zz^2 + start if |zz| > 1e20 iter = i i = @niter endif ; TIA estimator ; if @est == 1 ; sum2 = sum ; if i > 1 ; float az2 = cabs(zz - trz) ; float lowbound = abs(az2 - ac) ; sum = sum + ((cabs(zz) - lowbound) \ ; / (az2+ac - lowbound))^2 ; endif ; endif endwhile float logp = 1/log(2) float logb = log(log(1e20)) ; if @est == 0 dz = real(iter + logp*logb - logp*log(log(cabs(zz)))) ; elseif @est == 1 ; TIA estimator ; sum = sum/i ; sum2 = sum2/i ; float f = logp*logb - logp*log(log(cabs(zz))) ; dz = sum2 + (sum-sum2) * (f+1) ; dz = 50*dz ; endif if @mode == 0 ; closest if first stdz = dz first = false elseif dz > stdz stdz = dz endif elseif @mode == 1 ; mean count = count + 1 stdz = real((count-1)*stdz/count + dz/count) endif final: #index = .1*stdz default: title = "Julia Trap" helpfile = "sam-help\juliatrap.htm" param mode caption = "Trap Mode" enum = "Closest" "Mean" default = 0 endparam ; param est ; caption = "Estimation Mode" ; default = 0 ; enum = "Smooth Log" "Triangle Inequality" ; endparam param jul caption = "Julia Set" enum = "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" \ "Custom Julia" "M-set" default = 1 endparam param seed caption = "Seed (for 'custom')" default = (0,0) endparam param center caption = "Center" default = (0,0) endparam param rot caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam param size caption = "Size" default = 1.0 endparam param r caption = "Ratio Width/Heigh" default = 1.0 endparam param @niter caption = "Julia Iterations" default = 100 endparam param freq caption = "Trap Frequency" default = 0.0 endparam } OctogonalGradient(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 27.2.00 init: z = 0 float arg = 0 float x = 0 float y = 0 float angle = @angle*pi/180 loop: final: z = #z x = real(z) y = imag(z) if x < 0 x = -x endif if y < 0 y = -y endif z = x + flip(y) arg = atan2(z) if arg > pi/2 - angle z = z*exp(-1i*pi/2) elseif arg < pi/2 - angle && arg > angle z = z*exp(-1i*pi/4) z = z*cos(angle)/cos(pi/4-angle) endif #index = real(z)*.3 default: title = "Octagonal Gradient" helpfile = "sam-help\variouscol.htm" helptopic = "octgrad" param angle caption = "Angle" default = 26.6 endparam } GradientForOct.Lim.I(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 12.3.00 init: z = #pixel ztest = 0 zz = 0 float x = real(z) float y = imag(z) float d = 1e20 float mind = 1e20 ; Compute the rotation angles float rot12 = atan2(@p1) float rot23 = atan2(@p2-@p1) float rot34 = atan2(@p3-@p2) float rot45 = atan2(@p4-@p3) float rot56 = atan2(@p5-@p4) float rot67 = atan2(@p6-@p5) float rot78 = atan2(@p7-@p6) float rot89 = atan2(@p8-@p7) float rot910 = atan2(@p9-@p8) float rot1011 = atan2(@p10-@p9) float rot1112 = atan2(1-@p10) ; Compute the lengths float l12 = cabs(@p1) float l23 = cabs(@p2-@p1) float l34 = cabs(@p3-@p2) float l45 = cabs(@p4-@p3) float l56 = cabs(@p5-@p4) float l67 = cabs(@p6-@p5) float l78 = cabs(@p7-@p6) float l89 = cabs(@p8-@p7) float l910 = cabs(@p9-@p8) float l1011 = cabs(@p10-@p9) float l1112 = cabs(1-@p10) loop: final: z = #pixel ztest = z ; ------------------------- ; Test the base line of the ; triangle. ; Point 1 - Point 2 zz = ztest zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot12) zz = zz/l12 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p1-ztest) else d = abs(y*l12) endif mind = d ; Point 2 - Point 3 zz = ztest - @p1 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot23) zz = zz/l23 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p1) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p2-ztest) else d = abs(y*l23) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 3 - Point 4 zz = ztest - @p2 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot34) zz = zz/l34 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p2) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p3-ztest) else d = abs(y*l34) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 4 - Point 5 zz = ztest - @p3 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot45) zz = zz/l45 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p3) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p4-ztest) else d = abs(y*l45) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 5 - Point 6 zz = ztest - @p4 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot56) zz = zz/l56 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p4) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p5-ztest) else d = abs(y*l56) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 6 - Point 7 zz = ztest - @p5 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot67) zz = zz/l67 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p5) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p6-ztest) else d = abs(y*l67) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 7 - Point 8 zz = ztest - @p6 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot78) zz = zz/l78 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p6) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p7-ztest) else d = abs(y*l78) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 8 - Point 9 zz = ztest - @p7 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot89) zz = zz/l89 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p7) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p8-ztest) else d = abs(y*l89) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 9 - Point 10 zz = ztest - @p8 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot910) zz = zz/l910 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p8) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p9-ztest) else d = abs(y*l910) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 10 - Point 11 zz = ztest - @p9 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot1011) zz = zz/l1011 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p9) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p10-ztest) else d = abs(y*l1011) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 11 - Point 12 zz = ztest - @p10 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot1112) zz = zz/l1112 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p10) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(1-ztest) else d = abs(y*l1112) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; ------------------------- ; Test the left side of the ; triangle. ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*pi/2) ; Point 1 - Point 2 zz = ztest zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot12) zz = zz/l12 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p1-ztest) else d = abs(y*l12) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 2 - Point 3 zz = ztest - @p1 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot23) zz = zz/l23 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p1) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p2-ztest) else d = abs(y*l23) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 3 - Point 4 zz = ztest - @p2 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot34) zz = zz/l34 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p2) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p3-ztest) else d = abs(y*l34) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 4 - Point 5 zz = ztest - @p3 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot45) zz = zz/l45 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p3) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p4-ztest) else d = abs(y*l45) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 5 - Point 6 zz = ztest - @p4 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot56) zz = zz/l56 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p4) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p5-ztest) else d = abs(y*l56) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 6 - Point 7 zz = ztest - @p5 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot67) zz = zz/l67 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p5) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p6-ztest) else d = abs(y*l67) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 7 - Point 8 zz = ztest - @p6 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot78) zz = zz/l78 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p6) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p7-ztest) else d = abs(y*l78) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 8 - Point 9 zz = ztest - @p7 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot89) zz = zz/l89 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p7) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p8-ztest) else d = abs(y*l89) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 9 - Point 10 zz = ztest - @p8 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot910) zz = zz/l910 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p8) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p9-ztest) else d = abs(y*l910) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 10 - Point 11 zz = ztest - @p9 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot1011) zz = zz/l1011 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p9) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p10-ztest) else d = abs(y*l1011) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 11 - Point 12 zz = ztest - @p10 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot1112) zz = zz/l1112 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p10) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(1-ztest) else d = abs(y*l1112) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Restore the original value of ztest ztest = z ; ------------------------- ; Test the right part of the right side ; of the triangle. ztest = ztest - 1 ztest = ztest*exp(1i*pi/4) ztest = ztest*sqrt(2) ztest = ztest + 1 ; Point 1 - Point 2 zz = ztest zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot12) zz = zz/l12 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p1-ztest) else d = abs(y*l12) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 2 - Point 3 zz = ztest - @p1 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot23) zz = zz/l23 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p1) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p2-ztest) else d = abs(y*l23) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 3 - Point 4 zz = ztest - @p2 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot34) zz = zz/l34 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p2) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p3-ztest) else d = abs(y*l34) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 4 - Point 5 zz = ztest - @p3 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot45) zz = zz/l45 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p3) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p4-ztest) else d = abs(y*l45) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 5 - Point 6 zz = ztest - @p4 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot56) zz = zz/l56 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p4) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p5-ztest) else d = abs(y*l56) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 6 - Point 7 zz = ztest - @p5 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot67) zz = zz/l67 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p5) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p6-ztest) else d = abs(y*l67) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 7 - Point 8 zz = ztest - @p6 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot78) zz = zz/l78 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p6) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p7-ztest) else d = abs(y*l78) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 8 - Point 9 zz = ztest - @p7 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot89) zz = zz/l89 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p7) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p8-ztest) else d = abs(y*l89) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 9 - Point 10 zz = ztest - @p8 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot910) zz = zz/l910 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p8) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p9-ztest) else d = abs(y*l910) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 10 - Point 11 zz = ztest - @p9 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot1011) zz = zz/l1011 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p9) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p10-ztest) else d = abs(y*l1011) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 11 - Point 12 zz = ztest - @p10 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot1112) zz = zz/l1112 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p10) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(1-ztest) else d = abs(y*l1112) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Left part of the right side ztest = -ztest ; Point 1 - Point 2 zz = ztest zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot12) zz = zz/l12 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p1-ztest) else d = abs(y*l12) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 2 - Point 3 zz = ztest - @p1 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot23) zz = zz/l23 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p1) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p2-ztest) else d = abs(y*l23) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 3 - Point 4 zz = ztest - @p2 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot34) zz = zz/l34 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p2) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p3-ztest) else d = abs(y*l34) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 4 - Point 5 zz = ztest - @p3 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot45) zz = zz/l45 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p3) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p4-ztest) else d = abs(y*l45) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 5 - Point 6 zz = ztest - @p4 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot56) zz = zz/l56 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p4) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p5-ztest) else d = abs(y*l56) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 6 - Point 7 zz = ztest - @p5 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot67) zz = zz/l67 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p5) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p6-ztest) else d = abs(y*l67) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 7 - Point 8 zz = ztest - @p6 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot78) zz = zz/l78 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p6) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p7-ztest) else d = abs(y*l78) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 8 - Point 9 zz = ztest - @p7 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot89) zz = zz/l89 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p7) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p8-ztest) else d = abs(y*l89) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 9 - Point 10 zz = ztest - @p8 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot910) zz = zz/l910 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p8) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p9-ztest) else d = abs(y*l910) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 10 - Point 11 zz = ztest - @p9 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot1011) zz = zz/l1011 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p9) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p10-ztest) else d = abs(y*l1011) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 11 - Point 12 zz = ztest - @p10 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot1112) zz = zz/l1112 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p10) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(1-ztest) else d = abs(y*l1112) endif if d < mind mind = d endif #index = mind default: title = "Gradient for Oct. Lim." helpfile = "sam-help\variouscol.htm" helptopic = "gradforoct" param p1 caption = "Point 1" default = (1,0) endparam param p2 caption = "Point 2" default = (1,0) endparam param p3 caption = "Point 3" default = (1,0) endparam param p4 caption = "Point 4" default = (1,0) endparam param p5 caption = "Point 5" default = (1,0) endparam param p6 caption = "Point 6" default = (1,0) endparam param p7 caption = "Point 7" default = (1,0) endparam param p8 caption = "Point 8" default = (1,0) endparam param p9 caption = "Point 9" default = (1,0) endparam param p10 caption = "Point 10" default = (1,0) endparam } FamilyGradient(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 20.3.00 ; Designed for the "Familly formulas" ; (Julifamilly and Pcfamilly in my file ; and Pinskyfamilly in kpk.ufm. init: complex z = pixel complex zc = 0 loop: final: z = z - @tilem z = z*exp(1i*pi/180*@rottile) zc = round(z/@sizesq)*@sizesq z = z*exp(-1i*pi/180*@rottile) zc = zc*exp(-1i*pi/180*@rottile) z = z + @tilem zc = zc + @tilem z = 2*(z - zc)/@sizesq z = z*exp(1i*pi/180*@rottile) if @mode == 0 #index = cabs(z) elseif @mode == 1 float x = abs(real(z)) float y = abs(imag(z)) if x > y #index = x else #index = y endif endif default: title = "Gradient for <>" helpfile = "sam-help\variouscol.htm" helptopic = "gradforfam" param mode caption = "Gradient Mode" default = 1 enum = "Circles" "Squares" endparam param tilem caption = "Tiling displacement" default = (0,0) endparam param sizesq caption = "Size of the tiles" default = 0.6 endparam param rottile caption = "Tiling rotation" default = 0.0 endparam } Orbits(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 13.6.00 ; This coloring allow you to see the ; orbits of the points iterated by the ; M-set formula. It's very slow. This is ; because UF's way of computing is not ; designed for this kind of alghorythms. ; Use it with the pixel formula (in mt.ufm). ; If you want to see which point of the M-set ; you're actually selecting, add a layer ; with the M-set formula that you can see in ; "transparency". Be sure that the two layer ; have exactly the same location, magnification ; and rotation. init: z = @start oldz = z pixe = 0 int i = 0 float x = 0 float y = 0 float d = cabs(#pixel - @start) float nd = 0 float arg = 0 loop: final: while i < @niter && |z| < 1000 i = i + 1 oldz = z z = z^@power + @pix ; "Point" mode if @mode == 0 if cabs(z - #pixel) < d d = cabs(z - #pixel) endif ; "Segment" mode elseif @mode == 1 pixe = #pixel oldz = oldz - z pixe = pixe - z arg = atan2(oldz) oldz = oldz*exp(-1i*arg) pixe = pixe*exp(-1i*arg) x = real(pixe) y = imag(pixe) if x > real(oldz) pixe = pixe - real(oldz) nd = cabs(pixe) elseif x < 0 nd = cabs(pixe) else nd = abs(y) endif if nd < d d = nd endif endif endwhile #index = d^@power2 default: title = "Orbits" helpfile = "sam-help\variouscol.htm" helptopic = "orbits" param mode caption = "Mode" default = 1 enum = "Points" "Segments" endparam param start caption = "Starting Point" default = (0,0) endparam param power caption = "Power" default = (2,0) endparam param pix caption = "Point to track" default = (.284,-.3376) endparam param niter caption = "Number of Iterations" default = 10 endparam param power2 caption = "Thickness" default = 1.0 endparam } GradientForsmall&small(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 6.5.00 init: z = #pixel*1.2 ztest = 0 ztest2 = 0 zz = 0 float x = real(z) float y = imag(z) float d = 1e20 float mind = 1e20 int i = 0 int j = 0 ; Compute the rotation angles float rot12 = atan2(@p1) float rot23 = atan2(@p2-@p1) float rot34 = atan2(@p3-@p2) float rot45 = atan2(@p4-@p3) float rot56 = atan2(@p5-@p4) float rot67 = atan2(@p6-@p5) float rot78 = atan2(@p7-@p6) float rot89 = atan2(@p8-@p7) float rot910 = atan2(@p9-@p8) float rot1011 = atan2(@p10-@p9) float rot1112 = atan2(1-@p10) ; Compute the lengths float l12 = cabs(@p1) float l23 = cabs(@p2-@p1) float l34 = cabs(@p3-@p2) float l45 = cabs(@p4-@p3) float l56 = cabs(@p5-@p4) float l67 = cabs(@p6-@p5) float l78 = cabs(@p7-@p6) float l89 = cabs(@p8-@p7) float l910 = cabs(@p9-@p8) float l1011 = cabs(@p10-@p9) float l1112 = cabs(1-@p10) loop: final: z = #pixel*1.2 while i < 4 i = i + 1 if i == 1 ztest2 = z elseif i == 2 ztest2 = z*exp(1i*pi/2) elseif i == 3 ztest2 = z*exp(-1i*pi/2) elseif i == 4 ztest2 = z*exp(1i*pi) endif ztest2 = ztest2 - 2i j = 0 while j < 4 j = j + 1 if j == 1 ztest = -ztest2 - 1 elseif j == 2 ztest = ztest2 + 1 elseif j == 3 ztest = -ztest2 + 1 elseif j == 4 ztest = ztest2 - 1 endif ; ------------------------- ; Test the base line of the ; triangle. ; Point 1 - Point 2 zz = ztest zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot12) zz = zz/l12 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p1-ztest) else d = abs(y*l12) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 2 - Point 3 zz = ztest - @p1 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot23) zz = zz/l23 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p1) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p2-ztest) else d = abs(y*l23) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 3 - Point 4 zz = ztest - @p2 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot34) zz = zz/l34 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p2) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p3-ztest) else d = abs(y*l34) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 4 - Point 5 zz = ztest - @p3 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot45) zz = zz/l45 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p3) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p4-ztest) else d = abs(y*l45) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 5 - Point 6 zz = ztest - @p4 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot56) zz = zz/l56 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p4) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p5-ztest) else d = abs(y*l56) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 6 - Point 7 zz = ztest - @p5 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot67) zz = zz/l67 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p5) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p6-ztest) else d = abs(y*l67) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 7 - Point 8 zz = ztest - @p6 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot78) zz = zz/l78 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p6) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p7-ztest) else d = abs(y*l78) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 8 - Point 9 zz = ztest - @p7 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot89) zz = zz/l89 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p7) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p8-ztest) else d = abs(y*l89) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 9 - Point 10 zz = ztest - @p8 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot910) zz = zz/l910 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p8) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p9-ztest) else d = abs(y*l910) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 10 - Point 11 zz = ztest - @p9 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot1011) zz = zz/l1011 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p9) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(@p10-ztest) else d = abs(y*l1011) endif if d < mind mind = d endif ; Point 11 - Point 12 zz = ztest - @p10 zz = zz*exp(-1i*rot1112) zz = zz/l1112 x = real(zz) y = imag(zz) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest-@p10) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(1-ztest) else d = abs(y*l1112) endif if d < mind mind = d endif endwhile endwhile #index = mind default: title = "Gradient for S.& S." helpfile = "sam-help\variouscol.htm" helptopic = "gradsands" param p1 caption = "Point 1" default = (1,0) endparam param p2 caption = "Point 2" default = (1,0) endparam param p3 caption = "Point 3" default = (1,0) endparam param p4 caption = "Point 4" default = (1,0) endparam param p5 caption = "Point 5" default = (1,0) endparam param p6 caption = "Point 6" default = (1,0) endparam param p7 caption = "Point 7" default = (1,0) endparam param p8 caption = "Point 8" default = (1,0) endparam param p9 caption = "Point 9" default = (1,0) endparam param p10 caption = "Point 10" default = (1,0) endparam } CirclyGradient(BOTH) { final: z = #z - @center float d = cabs(z) if @mode == 0 d = sqrt(d) else d = exp(-d) endif #index = d default: title = "Circly Gradient" param mode caption = "Mode" default = 0 enum = "sqrt(d)" "exp(-d)" endparam param center caption = "Center" default = (0,0) endparam } SFBMpix(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 6.5.00 ; Updated, 21.5.00 init: z = #pixel int i = 0 float mod = 1 float d1 = 0 float d2 = 0 float d3 = 0 float d4 = 0 float nindex = 0 float sindex = 0 float scale = 0 cr1 = 0 cr2 = 0 cr3 = 0 cr4 = 0 float crp1 = 0 float crp2 = 0 float crp3 = 0 float crp4 = 0 loop: final: z = #z/@size while i < @niter scale = @magn^i z = z*exp(1i*pi/180*@rot) i = i + 1 ; Center of the square containing z zc = round(scale*z)/scale ; Corners of this square if @perturb == true zc1 = zc + ((.5,.5)+12)/scale zc2 = zc + ((-.5,.5)-11)/scale zc3 = zc + ((.5,-.5)+4i)/scale zc4 = zc + ((-.5,-.5)-5i)/scale else zc1 = zc + (.5,.5)/scale zc2 = zc + (-.5,.5)/scale zc3 = zc + (.5,-.5)/scale zc4 = zc + (-.5,-.5)/scale endif ; Perturbation parameter in the ; random number computation if @mod == 1 mod = sqrt(i) endif ; Computes (pseudo-) random complex ; numbers (division mode) if @randmode == 0 cr1 = @seed/(mod*zc1+124) - floor(@seed/(mod*zc1+124)) cr2 = @seed/(mod*zc2+124) - floor(@seed/(mod*zc2+124)) cr3 = @seed/(mod*zc3+124) - floor(@seed/(mod*zc3+124)) cr4 = @seed/(mod*zc4+124) - floor(@seed/(mod*zc4+124)) elseif @randmode == 2 cr1 = 2*(@seed/(mod*zc1+124) - round(@seed/(mod*zc1+124))) cr2 = 2*(@seed/(mod*zc2+124) - round(@seed/(mod*zc2+124))) cr3 = 2*(@seed/(mod*zc3+124) - round(@seed/(mod*zc3+124))) cr4 = 2*(@seed/(mod*zc4+124) - round(@seed/(mod*zc4+124))) ; Computes (really pseudo-) random numbers. ; (Actually these numbers are not random ; and a pattern associated with the function ; used often appear.) elseif @randmode == 1 cr1 = @f1(mod*zc1) - floor(@f1(mod*zc1)) cr2 = @f1(mod*zc2) - floor(@f1(mod*zc2)) cr3 = @f1(mod*zc3) - floor(@f1(mod*zc3)) cr4 = @f1(mod*zc4) - floor(@f1(mod*zc4)) elseif @randmode == 3 cr1 = 2*(@f1(mod*zc1) - round(@f1(mod*zc1))) cr2 = 2*(@f1(mod*zc2) - round(@f1(mod*zc2))) cr3 = 2*(@f1(mod*zc3) - round(@f1(mod*zc3))) cr4 = 2*(@f1(mod*zc4) - round(@f1(mod*zc4))) endif ; Perlin's noise if @mode == 0 ; Corners-point vectors v1 = (z - zc1)*scale v2 = (z - zc2)*scale v3 = (z - zc3)*scale v4 = (z - zc4)*scale ; Dot Product crp1 = real(cr1)*real(v1) + imag(cr1)*imag(v1) crp2 = real(cr2)*real(v2) + imag(cr2)*imag(v2) crp3 = real(cr3)*real(v3) + imag(cr3)*imag(v3) crp4 = real(cr4)*real(v4) + imag(cr4)*imag(v4) endif ; Computes distances from the point ; to the corners d1 = real(z - zc)*scale + 0.5 d2 = 1 - d1 d3 = imag(z - zc)*scale + 0.5 d4 = 1 - d3 ; Powers them... if @sin == 1 d1 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d1-pi/2))^@power d2 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d2-pi/2))^@power d3 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d3-pi/2))^@power d4 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d4-pi/2))^@power else d1 = d1^@power d2 = d2^@power d3 = d3^@power d4 = d4^@power endif ; Computes the number associated with the ; point. ; Perlin if @mode == 0 nindex = 10 + crp1*d1*d3 + crp3*d1*d4 + crp2*d2*d3 + crp4*d2*d4 ; Raw elseif @mode == 1 pixcomp = cr1*d1*d3 + cr3*d1*d4 + cr2*d2*d3 + cr4*d2*d4 nindex = cabs(pixcomp) endif if @string == true if @mode == 0 nindex = nindex - 10 else nindex = nindex -.7 endif nindex = abs(nindex)^@power1 endif ; Modify the scale distribution (ie the ; "weigh" of each scale in the final sum). if @scaledis == 0 sindex = sindex + nindex/scale elseif @scaledis == 1 sindex = sindex + nindex/sqrt(scale) elseif @scaledis == 2 sindex = sindex + nindex/(scale^(1/scale)) elseif @scaledis == 3 sindex = sindex + nindex/i endif endwhile if @mode == 0 #index = 0.4*sindex else #index = 0.2*sindex endif default: title = "S.F.B.M. Pixel" helpfile = "sam-help\sfbm.htm" helptopic = "sfbmp" param mode caption = "Noise type" default = 1 enum = "Perlin's" "Raw... (Sam's)" endparam param niter caption = "Number of Iterations" default = 20 endparam param string caption = "String mode ?" default = false endparam param power1 caption = "String Power" default = .1 endparam param scaledis caption = "Scale Distribution" default = 0 enum = "1/scale" "1/sqrt(scale)" "Fancy" "1/i" endparam param size caption = "Pattern Size" default = 1.0 endparam param magn caption = "Magnification Step" default = 1.2 endparam param rot caption = "Rotation Step" default = 28.0 endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 1.0 endparam param sin caption = "Distance Estimator" default = 0 enum = "Raw" "Sin" endparam param perturb caption = "Perturb ?" default = false endparam param seed caption = "Seed" default = 123094 endparam param randmode caption = "Random Generator" default = 0 enum = "Division" "Selected Function" \ "Division II" "Selected Function II" endparam param mod caption = "Vary Random Numbers ?" default = 1 enum = "No" "Use sqrt(i)" endparam func f1 caption = "Selected Function" default = exp() endfunc } FractalTree(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 11.1.00 ; init: z = 0 float arg = 0 int i = 0 int j = 0 float d = 0 float dist = 1e20 float x = 0 float y = 0 if @mode == 0 z = #pixel endif float dr = pi/180*@rotincr/2 loop: if @mode == 1 i = i + 1 if i == @itertr z = #z endif endif final: ; Performs translation, rotation ; and magnification z = z - @center z = z*exp(-1i*@rot*pi/180) z = z/@size i = 0 while i < @niter i = i + 1 x = abs(real(z)) y = imag(z) z = x + 1i*y arg = -atan2(z) + pi/2 ; Estimate distance if y >= -1 && y <= 0 d = x^@power elseif y < -1 d = cabs(z + 1i)^@power elseif y > 0 d = cabs(z)^@power endif if d < dist dist = d endif ; Computes the rotation to apply j = @order-1 rotincr = j*dr while j > 0 j = j - 2 if arg < (j+1)*dr rotincr = j*dr endif endwhile ; Performs transformation z = z*exp(1i*rotincr) z = z*@magnincr z = z - 1i endwhile #index = dist default: title = "Fractal Tree" helpfile = "sam-help\variouscol.htm" param mode caption = "Mode" default = 0 enum = "Pixel" "Distance Estimator" endparam param power caption = "Dist. Est. Power" default = 1.0 endparam param order caption = "Tree Order" default = 2 endparam param rotincr caption = "Angle Between Branches" default = 40.0 endparam param magnincr caption = "Tree Magnification Increment" default = 1.9 endparam param center caption = "Center" default = (0,0) endparam param rot caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam param size caption = "Size" default = 1.0 endparam param niter caption = "Number of Iteration" default = 10 endparam param itertr caption = "Iteration to observe" default = 1 endparam } FractalTreeTrap(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 9.6.00 ; init: z = 0 float arg = 0 int i = 0 int j = 0 int k = 0 float d = 0 float dist = 1e20 float x = 0 float y = 0 float dr = pi/180*@rotincr/2 loop: k = k + 1 if k >= @itermin && k <= @itermax z = #z ; Performs translation, rotation ; and magnification z = z - @center z = z*exp(-1i*@rot*pi/180) z = z/@size i = 0 while i < @niter i = i + 1 x = abs(real(z)) y = imag(z) z = x + 1i*y arg = -atan2(z) + pi/2 ; Estimate distance if y >= -1 && y <= 0 d = x^@power elseif y < -1 d = cabs(z + 1i)^@power elseif y > 0 d = cabs(z)^@power endif if d < dist dist = d endif ; Computes the rotation to apply j = @order-1 rotincr = j*dr while j > 0 j = j - 2 if arg < (j+1)*dr rotincr = j*dr endif endwhile ; Performs transformation z = z*exp(1i*rotincr) z = z*@magnincr z = z - 1i endwhile endif final: #index = dist default: title = "Fractal Tree Trap" helpfile = "sam-help\variouscol.htm" helptopic = "ftreetrap" param power caption = "Dist. Est. Power" default = .01 endparam param order caption = "Tree Order" default = 2 endparam param rotincr caption = "Angle Between Branches" default = 40.0 endparam param magnincr caption = "Tree Magnification Increment" default = 1.9 endparam param center caption = "Center" default = (0,0) endparam param rot caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam param size caption = "Size" default = 1.0 endparam param niter caption = "Number of Iteration" default = 5 endparam param itermin caption = "First Iteration to Trap" default = 1 endparam param itermax caption = "Last Iteration to Trap" default = 20 endparam } SFBMgen(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 6.5.00 ; Updated, 21.5.00 init: z = #pixel int i = 0 int j = 1 float mod = 1 float scale = 0 float d1 = 0 float d2 = 0 float d3 = 0 float d4 = 0 float nindex = 0 float sindex = 0 cr1 = 0 cr2 = 0 cr3 = 0 cr4 = 0 float crp1 = 0 float crp2 = 0 float crp3 = 0 float crp4 = 0 float logp = 1/log(@fpower) float logb = log(log(@fbail)) float inter = 0 loop: i = i + 1 if i >= @niterinf && i <= @nitersup inter = logp*logb - logp*log(log(cabs(#z))) if @use == 0 z = #z*exp(1i*pi/180*@patrot) elseif @use == 1 z = #pixel*exp(1i*pi/180*@patrot) j = j + 1 endif if @invert == false z = 2*z/@size else z = 2/(z*@size) endif z = z*exp(1i*pi/180*@rot*j) if @scalemode == 0 scale = 1 elseif @scalemode == 1 scale = i elseif @scalemode == 2 scale = 1/cabs(#z)^.02 elseif @scalemode == 3 scale = @magn^i elseif @scalemode == 4 scale = cabs(#z)^.5 endif ; Center of the square containing z zc = round(scale*z)/scale ; Corners of this square if @perturb == true zc1 = zc + ((.5,.5)+12)/scale zc2 = zc + ((-.5,.5)-11)/scale zc3 = zc + ((.5,-.5)+4i)/scale zc4 = zc + ((-.5,-.5)-5i)/scale else zc1 = zc + (.5,.5)/scale zc2 = zc + (-.5,.5)/scale zc3 = zc + (.5,-.5)/scale zc4 = zc + (-.5,-.5)/scale endif ; Perturbation parameter in the ; random number computation if @mod == 1 mod = sqrt(i) endif ; Computes (pseudo-) random complex ; numbers (division mode) if @randmode == 0 cr1 = @seed/(mod*zc1+124) - floor(@seed/(mod*zc1+124)) cr2 = @seed/(mod*zc2+124) - floor(@seed/(mod*zc2+124)) cr3 = @seed/(mod*zc3+124) - floor(@seed/(mod*zc3+124)) cr4 = @seed/(mod*zc4+124) - floor(@seed/(mod*zc4+124)) elseif @randmode == 2 cr1 = 2*(@seed/(mod*zc1+124) - round(@seed/(mod*zc1+124))) cr2 = 2*(@seed/(mod*zc2+124) - round(@seed/(mod*zc2+124))) cr3 = 2*(@seed/(mod*zc3+124) - round(@seed/(mod*zc3+124))) cr4 = 2*(@seed/(mod*zc4+124) - round(@seed/(mod*zc4+124))) ; Computes (really pseudo-) random numbers. ; (Actually these numbers are not random ; and a pattern associated with the function ; used often appear.) elseif @randmode == 1 cr1 = @f1(mod*zc1) - floor(@f1(mod*zc1)) cr2 = @f1(mod*zc2) - floor(@f1(mod*zc2)) cr3 = @f1(mod*zc3) - floor(@f1(mod*zc3)) cr4 = @f1(mod*zc4) - floor(@f1(mod*zc4)) elseif @randmode == 3 cr1 = 2*(@f1(mod*zc1) - round(@f1(mod*zc1))) cr2 = 2*(@f1(mod*zc2) - round(@f1(mod*zc2))) cr3 = 2*(@f1(mod*zc3) - round(@f1(mod*zc3))) cr4 = 2*(@f1(mod*zc4) - round(@f1(mod*zc4))) endif ; Perlin's noise if @mode == 0 ; Corners-point vectors v1 = (z - zc1)*scale v2 = (z - zc2)*scale v3 = (z - zc3)*scale v4 = (z - zc4)*scale ; Dot Product crp1 = real(cr1)*real(v1) + imag(cr1)*imag(v1) crp2 = real(cr2)*real(v2) + imag(cr2)*imag(v2) crp3 = real(cr3)*real(v3) + imag(cr3)*imag(v3) crp4 = real(cr4)*real(v4) + imag(cr4)*imag(v4) endif ; Computes distances from the point ; to the corners d1 = real(z - zc)*scale + 0.5 d2 = 1 - d1 d3 = imag(z - zc)*scale + 0.5 d4 = 1 - d3 ; Powers them... if @sin == 1 d1 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d1-pi/2))^@power d2 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d2-pi/2))^@power d3 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d3-pi/2))^@power d4 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d4-pi/2))^@power else d1 = d1^@power d2 = d2^@power d3 = d3^@power d4 = d4^@power endif ; Computes the number associated with the ; point. ; Perlin if @mode == 0 nindex = 10*abs(crp1*d1*d3 + crp3*d1*d4 + crp2*d2*d3 + crp4*d2*d4) ; Raw elseif @mode == 1 pixcomp = cr1*d1*d3 + cr3*d1*d4 + cr2*d2*d3 + cr4*d2*d4 nindex = cabs(pixcomp) endif if @string == true nindex = nindex - .7 nindex = abs(nindex)^@power1 endif ; Modify the scale distribution (ie the ; "weigh" of each scale in the final sum). if @scaledis == 0 sindex = sindex + nindex*(inter-1) elseif @scaledis == 1 sindex = sindex + nindex*(inter-1)/i elseif @scaledis == 2 sindex = sindex + nindex*(inter-1)/log(i+1) elseif @scaledis == 3 sindex = sindex + nindex*(inter-1)/(cabs(#z)+1)^2 elseif @scaledis == 4 sindex = sindex + nindex*(inter-1)/cabs(#z) endif endif final: #index = 0.01*abs(sindex) default: title = "S.F.B.M. General" helpfile = "sam-help\sfbm.htm" helptopic = "sfbmg" param fpower caption = "Formula Power" default = 2.0 endparam param fbail caption = "Formula Bailout" default = 1e18 endparam param niterinf caption = "First Iteration to trap" default = 1 endparam param nitersup caption = "Last Iteration to trap" default = 10 endparam param use caption = "Use..." default = 0 enum = "...current z" "...pixel value" endparam param invert caption = "Invert z ?" default = false endparam param mode caption = "Noise type" default = 1 enum = "Perlin's" "Raw... (Sam's)" endparam param string caption = "String mode ?" default = false endparam param power1 caption = "String Power" default = .1 endparam param scalemode caption = "Scale Mode" default = 0 enum = "constant" "i" "Fancy" "(Magn.Step)^i" "Fancy 2" endparam param magn caption = "Magnification Step" default = 1.5 endparam param scaledis caption = "Scale Distribution" default = 3 enum = "constant" "1/i" "1/log(i+1)" "1/(|z|+1)^2" "1/|z|" endparam param sin caption = "Distance Estimator" default = 0 enum = "Raw" "Sin" endparam param perturb caption = "Perturb ?" default = false endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 1.0 endparam param size caption = "Pattern Size" default = 1.0 endparam param patrot caption = "Pattern Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam param rot caption = "Rotation Step" default = 0.0 endparam param seed caption = "Seed" default = 123094 endparam param randmode caption = "Random Generator" default = 0 enum = "Division" "Selected Function" \ "Division II" "Selected Function II" endparam param mod caption = "Vary Random Numbers ?" default = 1 enum = "No" "Use sqrt(i)" endparam func f1 caption = "Selected Function" default = sqrt() endfunc } ThinOrbitTraps(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 7.00 init: float d = 0 if @mode == 1 || @mode == 2 d = 1e20 endif int i = 0 float dist = 0 float dist2 = 0 loop: i = i + 1 if i >= real(@fiter) && i <= imag(@fiter) z = (#z - @c)*exp(1i*pi/180*@rot)/@size float x = sqrt(@rat)*real(z) float y = 1/sqrt(@rat)*imag(z) if @shape == 0 dist = abs(x^2+y^2-1) elseif @shape == 1 if abs(x) > abs(y) dist = abs(abs(x)-1) else dist = abs(abs(y)-1) endif elseif @shape == 2 dist = abs(abs(x)+abs(y)-1) elseif @shape == 3 dist = abs(sin(@a*x)+cos(@b*x)+y) elseif @shape == 4 dist = abs(x^2-y) elseif @shape == 5 dist = abs(x^2-y^2 + 1) elseif @shape == 6 dist = abs(atan(x)-y) elseif @shape == 7 dist = abs((y^2-x^2)*(x-1)*(@a*x-@b)-4*(x^2+y^2-2*x)^2) elseif @shape == 8 dist = abs(x^4+y^4-2*@a*abs(x)*y^2) elseif @shape == 9 dist = abs(x^4-x^2*y+y^3) elseif @shape == 10 dist = abs(x*(x^2+y^2)-2*@a*y^2) elseif @shape == 11 dist = abs((x^2+y^2)*atan2(x+flip(y))-@a*y) elseif @shape == 12 dist = abs((x^2+y^2)*atan2(y/x)-@a*y) elseif @shape == 13 dist = abs((x^2+2*@a*y-@a^2)^2-y^2*(@b^2-x^2)) elseif @shape == 14 dist = abs(y^2-@a^2*(x^4-x^6)) elseif @shape == 15 dist = abs(2*y^2*(x^2+y^2)-2*@b*y^2*(x+y)+(@b^2-3*@a^2)*y^2-@a^2*x^2) elseif @shape == 16 dist = abs(10*sin(x)/x-y) elseif @shape == 17 dist = abs((x^2-1)^2-y^2*(3+2*y)) elseif @shape == 18 dist = abs((x^2+y^2)^2-2*@a*(x^2-y^2)) elseif @shape == 19 dist = abs((x^2+y^2-3*x)^2-4*x^2*(2-x)) elseif @shape == 20 dist = abs(@a*@b*x/(x^2+@a^2)-y) elseif @shape == 21 dist = abs(y^4-x^4-x*y) elseif @shape == 22 dist = abs((x^2+y^2)*(y^2+x*(x+@a))-4*@b*x*y^2) elseif @shape == 23 dist = abs(8*@b*@a^3/(x^2+4*@a^2)-y) elseif @shape == 24 dist = abs((x^2+y^2)^@a%1-.5+atan2(x+flip(y))/(2*pi)) dist2 = abs((x^2+y^2)^@a%1-.5+atan2(x+flip(y))/(2*pi)+1) if dist2 < dist dist = dist2 endif dist2 = abs((x^2+y^2)^@a%1-.5+atan2(x+flip(y))/(2*pi)-1) if dist2 < dist dist = dist2 endif elseif @shape == 25 dist = abs(tan(x)-y) elseif @shape == 26 dist = abs(y) endif if @mode == 0 dist2 = cabs(z)+@f dist = abs(dist^(@power*@pf) - dist2^@power)^2 d = dist/(cabs(z)+1)^@power3 + d elseif @mode == 1 dist = dist^@power if d > dist d = dist endif elseif @mode == 2 dist = dist^@power/(cabs(z)+1)^@power3 if d > dist d = dist endif endif endif final: if @mode == 0 #index = 1000*d else #index = d endif default: title = "Thin Orbit Traps" helpfile = "sam-help\thintraps.htm" param mode caption = "Mode" default = 0 enum = "Sum" "Closest" "Closest (Corrected)" endparam param shape caption = "Shape" default = 0 enum = "Circle" "Square" "Diamond" "Sinus+Cosinus" "Parabola" \ "Hyperbola" "ArcTangent" "Ampersand Curve" "Bifolium" \ "Bow" "Cissoid of Diocles" "Strange Shape" "Happy Accident" \ "Cocked Hat" "Dumbbell Curve" "Dürer's Conchoid" "sin(x)/x" \ "Knot Curve" "Lemniscate" "Link Curve" "Serpentine Curve" \ "Twisted Cross" "Trifolium" "Witch of Agnesi" "Spiral 1" \ "Tangent" "Line" endparam param a caption = "Shape Parameter I" default = 1.0 endparam param b caption = "Shape Parameter II" default = 1.0 endparam param c caption = "Center" default = (0,0) endparam param rot caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam param size caption = "Size" default = 1.0 endparam param rat caption = "Ratio Width/Heigh" default = 1.0 endparam param fiter caption = "First/Last Iteration" default = (0,1e20) endparam param f caption = "Adjust Normalization" default = 1.0 endparam param pf caption = "Power Factor" default = .2 endparam param power caption = "Main Power" default = .01 endparam param power3 caption = "Decay Power" default = 1.0 endparam } 3DSFBM(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 17-18.9.00 init: z0 = 0 z = 0 int i = 0 int j = 0 float mod = 1 float d1 = 0 float d2 = 0 float d3 = 0 float d4 = 0 float nindex = 0 float sindex = 0 float scale = 0 cr1 = 0 cr2 = 0 cr3 = 0 cr4 = 0 float crp1 = 0 float crp2 = 0 float crp3 = 0 float crp4 = 0 float h = 0 float h00 = 0 float h01 = 0 float h10 = 0 loop: final: z0 = #z/@size while j < 3 j = j + 1 if j == 1 z = z0 elseif j == 2 z = z0 + @eps elseif j == 3 z = z0 + @eps*1i endif while i < @niter scale = @magn^i z = z*exp(1i*pi/180*@rot) i = i + 1 ; Center of the square containing z zc = round(scale*z)/scale ; Corners of this square if @perturb == true zc1 = zc + ((.5,.5)+12)/scale zc2 = zc + ((-.5,.5)-11)/scale zc3 = zc + ((.5,-.5)+4i)/scale zc4 = zc + ((-.5,-.5)-5i)/scale else zc1 = zc + (.5,.5)/scale zc2 = zc + (-.5,.5)/scale zc3 = zc + (.5,-.5)/scale zc4 = zc + (-.5,-.5)/scale endif ; Perturbation parameter in the ; random number computation if @mod == 1 mod = sqrt(i) endif ; Computes (pseudo-) random complex ; numbers (division mode) if @randmode == 0 cr1 = @seed/(mod*zc1+124) - floor(@seed/(mod*zc1+124)) cr2 = @seed/(mod*zc2+124) - floor(@seed/(mod*zc2+124)) cr3 = @seed/(mod*zc3+124) - floor(@seed/(mod*zc3+124)) cr4 = @seed/(mod*zc4+124) - floor(@seed/(mod*zc4+124)) elseif @randmode == 2 cr1 = 2*(@seed/(mod*zc1+124) - round(@seed/(mod*zc1+124))) cr2 = 2*(@seed/(mod*zc2+124) - round(@seed/(mod*zc2+124))) cr3 = 2*(@seed/(mod*zc3+124) - round(@seed/(mod*zc3+124))) cr4 = 2*(@seed/(mod*zc4+124) - round(@seed/(mod*zc4+124))) ; Computes (really pseudo-) random numbers. ; (Actually these numbers are not random ; and a pattern associated with the function ; used often appear.) elseif @randmode == 1 cr1 = @f1(mod*zc1) - floor(@f1(mod*zc1)) cr2 = @f1(mod*zc2) - floor(@f1(mod*zc2)) cr3 = @f1(mod*zc3) - floor(@f1(mod*zc3)) cr4 = @f1(mod*zc4) - floor(@f1(mod*zc4)) elseif @randmode == 3 cr1 = 2*(@f1(mod*zc1) - round(@f1(mod*zc1))) cr2 = 2*(@f1(mod*zc2) - round(@f1(mod*zc2))) cr3 = 2*(@f1(mod*zc3) - round(@f1(mod*zc3))) cr4 = 2*(@f1(mod*zc4) - round(@f1(mod*zc4))) endif ; Perlin's noise if @mode == 0 ; Corners-point vectors v1 = (z - zc1)*scale v2 = (z - zc2)*scale v3 = (z - zc3)*scale v4 = (z - zc4)*scale ; Dot Product crp1 = real(cr1)*real(v1) + imag(cr1)*imag(v1) crp2 = real(cr2)*real(v2) + imag(cr2)*imag(v2) crp3 = real(cr3)*real(v3) + imag(cr3)*imag(v3) crp4 = real(cr4)*real(v4) + imag(cr4)*imag(v4) endif ; Computes distances from the point ; to the corners d1 = real(z - zc)*scale + 0.5 d2 = 1 - d1 d3 = imag(z - zc)*scale + 0.5 d4 = 1 - d3 ; Powers them... if @sin == 1 d1 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d1-pi/2))^@power d2 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d2-pi/2))^@power d3 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d3-pi/2))^@power d4 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d4-pi/2))^@power else d1 = d1^@power d2 = d2^@power d3 = d3^@power d4 = d4^@power endif ; Computes the number associated with the ; point. ; Perlin if @mode == 0 nindex = 10 + crp1*d1*d3 + crp3*d1*d4 + crp2*d2*d3 + crp4*d2*d4 ; Raw elseif @mode == 1 pixcomp = cr1*d1*d3 + cr3*d1*d4 + cr2*d2*d3 + cr4*d2*d4 nindex = cabs(pixcomp) endif if @string == true if @mode == 0 nindex = nindex - 10 else nindex = nindex -.7 endif nindex = abs(nindex)^@power1 endif ; Modify the scale distribution (ie the ; "weigh" of each scale in the final sum). sindex = sindex + nindex/scale^@scaledis endwhile i = 0 if @mode == 0 h = 0.4*sindex else h = 0.2*sindex endif sindex = 0 if j == 1 h00 = h elseif j == 2 h01 = h elseif j == 3 h10 = h endif endwhile float e1x = @eps float e1y = 0 float e1z = (h01 - h00) float e2x = 0 float e2y = @eps float e2z = (h10 - h00) float ne1 = sqrt(e1x^2+e1y^2+e1z^2) float ne2 = sqrt(e2x^2+e2y^2+e2z^2) e1x = e1x/ne1 e1y = e1y/ne1 e1z = e1z/ne1 e2x = e2x/ne2 e2y = e2y/ne2 e2z = e2z/ne2 float e3x = e1y*e2z - e1z*e2y float e3y = e1z*e2x - e1x*e2z float e3z = e1x*e2y - e1y*e2x float phi = real(p1)*pi/180 float theta = imag(p1)*pi/180 float x = 0 x = (cos(phi)*cos(theta)*e3x) + (sin(phi)*cos(theta)*e3y) + \ (sin(theta)*e3z) x = x/2 #index = x + 1000 default: title = "3D SFBM" helpfile = "sam-help\sfbm.htm" helptopic = "3dsfbm" param p1 caption = "Phi/Theta" default = (60,30) endparam param mode caption = "Noise type" default = 0 enum = "Perlin's" "Raw... (Sam's)" endparam param niter caption = "Number of Iterations" default = 20 endparam param string caption = "String mode ?" default = false endparam param power1 caption = "String Power" default = .1 endparam param scaledis caption = "Scale Distribution Power" default = 1.0 endparam param size caption = "Pattern Size" default = 1.0 endparam param magn caption = "Magnification Step" default = 1.2 endparam param rot caption = "Rotation Step" default = 28.0 endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 1.0 endparam param sin caption = "Distance Estimator" default = 1 enum = "Raw" "Sin" endparam param perturb caption = "Perturb ?" default = false endparam param seed caption = "Seed" default = 123094 endparam param randmode caption = "Random Generator" default = 2 enum = "Division" "Selected Function" \ "Division II" "Selected Function II" endparam param mod caption = "Vary Random Numbers ?" default = 1 enum = "No" "Use sqrt(i)" endparam param eps caption = "Epsilon" default = .00001 endparam func f1 caption = "Selected Function" default = exp() endfunc } PolygonalGradient(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 10.00 init: z = 0 float arg = 0 loop: final: z = -(#z-@center)*1i*exp(1i*pi/180*@rot) arg = atan2(z) arg = -round(arg/(2*pi)*@order)/@order*(2*pi) z = z*exp(1i*arg) #index = abs(real(z) - @r)^@power default: title = "Polygonal Gradient" helpfile = "sam-help\variouscol2.htm" param order caption = "Order" default = 5 endparam param r caption = "Radius" default = 1.0 endparam param power caption = "Thickness" default = .1 endparam param center caption = "Center" default = (0,0) endparam param rot caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam } GradientForAperiodicTiling(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 10.00 init: z = 0 float x = 0 float y = 0 float d = 0 float md = 1e20 loop: final: z = #z if real(z) < 0 z = -conj(z) endif if @shape == 0 ztest = z - sqrt(3)/2*1i ztest = ztest x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z + sqrt(3)/2*1i ztest = ztest/2 x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z - 1 - sqrt(3)/2*1i ztest = ztest*exp(1i*pi/3)/2 x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif elseif @shape == 1 ztest = abs(z) - 1 ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*2*pi/3)/2 x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif elseif @shape == 2 z = #z + 10 if real(z) < 0 z = -conj(z) endif ztest = z - sqrt(3)/2*1i ztest = ztest x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z + sqrt(3)/2*1i ztest = ztest/2 x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z - 1 - sqrt(3)/2*1i ztest = ztest*exp(1i*pi/3)/2 x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif z = #z - 10 z = abs(z) ztest = abs(z) - 1 ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*2*pi/3)/2 x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif elseif @shape == 3 z = #z ztest = z + (1,1) ztest = -1i*ztest/2 x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = 2*cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = 2*cabs(ztest-1) else d = 2*abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z + (1,1) ztest = ztest/2 x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = 2*cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = 2*cabs(ztest-1) else d = 2*abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z + (1,-1) x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z + (-1,1) ztest = -1i*ztest x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z ztest = -1i*ztest x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif endif #index = md^@power default: title = "Gradient for Aperiodic Tiling I & II" helpfile = "sam-help\aperiodic.htm" helptopic = "gradforap" param shape caption = "Shape" default = 0 enum = "Trapezoid" "Rhombus" "Frame API" "L" endparam param power caption = "Thickness" default = .1 endparam } TruchetTiles(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 31.10.00 init: z = 0 zc = 0 zz = 0 cr = 0 float d1 = 0 float d2 = 0 loop: final: z = #z/@size*exp(1i*pi/180*@rot) zc = round(z) zz = z - zc cr = 2*(@seed/(zc+124) - round(@seed/(zc+124))) if real(cr) > 0 if @mode == 0 d1 = abs(cabs(zz+(.5,.5))-.5) d2 = abs(cabs(zz-(.5,.5))-.5) else d1 = abs(real(zz) - imag(zz) -.5) d2 = abs(real(zz) - imag(zz) +.5) endif if d2 < d1 d1 = d2 endif else if @mode == 0 d1 = abs(cabs(zz+(.5,-.5))-.5) d2 = abs(cabs(zz-(.5,-.5))-.5) else d1 = abs(real(zz) + imag(zz) -.5) d2 = abs(real(zz) + imag(zz) +.5) endif if d2 < d1 d1 = d2 endif endif #index = d1^@thick default: title = "Truchet Tiles" helpfile = "sam-help\variouscol2.htm" helptopic = "truchet" param mode caption = "Mode" default = 0 enum = "Roundy" "Squarry" endparam param size caption = "Pattern Size" default = 1.0 endparam param rot caption = "Pattern Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam param thick caption = "Thickness" default = 0.1 endparam param seed caption = "Seed" default = 1234567890 endparam } TruchetFBM(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 31.10.00 init: z = 0 zc = 0 zz = 0 cr = 0 float d1 = 0 float d2 = 0 int i = 0 float sum = 0 loop: final: while i < @iter i = i + 1 z = #z/@size*exp(1i*pi/180*@rot) z = z*@mst^i*exp(1i*(i-1)*180/pi*@rotst) zc = round(z) zz = z - zc cr = 2*(@seed/(zc+124+i) - round(@seed/(zc+124+i))) if real(cr) > 0 if @mode == 0 d1 = abs(cabs(zz+(.5,.5))-.5) d2 = abs(cabs(zz-(.5,.5))-.5) else d1 = abs(real(zz) - imag(zz) -.5) d2 = abs(real(zz) - imag(zz) +.5) endif if d2 < d1 d1 = d2 endif else if @mode == 0 d1 = abs(cabs(zz+(.5,-.5))-.5) d2 = abs(cabs(zz-(.5,-.5))-.5) else d1 = abs(real(zz) + imag(zz) -.5) d2 = abs(real(zz) + imag(zz) +.5) endif if d2 < d1 d1 = d2 endif endif d1 = d1^@thick sum = sum + d1/1.2^i endwhile #index = sum/3 default: title = "Truchet FBM" helpfile = "sam-help\sfbm.htm" helptopic = "truchetfbm" param mode caption = "Mode" default = 0 enum = "Roundy" "Squarry" endparam param rotst caption = "Rotation Step" default = 0.0 endparam param mst caption = "Magnification Step" default = 2.0 endparam param thick caption = "Thickness" default = 0.1 endparam param size caption = "Pattern Size" default = 1.0 endparam param rot caption = "Pattern Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam param iter caption = "Number of Iterations" default = 7 endparam param seed caption = "Seed" default = 1234567890 endparam } GradientForPenroseTilings(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 10.00 init: float phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2 z = 0 float x = 0 float y = 0 float d = 0 float md = 1e20 loop: final: z = #z if real(z) < 0 z = -conj(z) endif if @shape == 0 z = z + 1i ztest = z ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*3*pi/10) ztest = ztest/phi x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z - phi*1i ztest = ztest*exp(1i*pi/10) x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif elseif @shape == 1 z = z + 1/phi*1i ztest = z ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*3*pi/10) ztest = ztest/phi x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z - 1i ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*pi/10) x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif elseif @shape == 2 z = #z + 10 + 1i if real(z) < 0 z = -conj(z) endif ztest = z ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*3*pi/10) ztest = ztest/phi x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z - phi*1i ztest = ztest*exp(1i*pi/10) x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif z = #z - 10 + 1/phi*1i if real(z) < 0 z = -conj(z) endif ztest = z ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*3*pi/10) ztest = ztest/phi x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif ztest = z - 1i ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*pi/10) x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif elseif @shape == 3 if imag(z) < 0 z = conj(z) endif z = z/1.15 ztest = z - 1/2 ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*7*pi/10) x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif elseif @shape == 4 if imag(z) < 0 z = conj(z) endif ztest = z - sin(pi/10) ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*6*pi/10) x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif elseif @shape == 5 z = #z + 10 z = abs(z)/1.15 ztest = z - 1/2 ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*7*pi/10) x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif z = #z - 10 z = abs(z) ztest = z - sin(pi/10) ztest = ztest*exp(-1i*6*pi/10) x = real(ztest) y = imag(ztest) if x < 0 d = cabs(ztest) elseif x > 1 d = cabs(ztest-1) else d = abs(y) endif if d < md md = d endif endif #index = md^@power default: title = "Gradient for Penrose Tilings" helpfile = "sam-help\penrose.htm" helptopic = "Grad" param shape caption = "Shape" default = 0 enum = "Kite" "Dart" "Kite & Dart Frame" "Fat" "Thin" "Thin & Fat Frame" endparam param power caption = "Thickness" default = .1 endparam } TruchetForPenroseTilings(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 11.00 init: z = 0 float d = 0 float md = 1e20 loop: final: z = #z if imag(z) < -5 z = #z + 10i z = abs(z) if @mode == 0 || @mode == 1 if @flavour == 0 ztest = z - cos(pi/5)*1i d = abs(cabs(ztest)-.5) else ztest = z - cos(pi/5)/2*1i d = imag(ztest) endif if d < md md = d endif if @flavour == 0 ztest = z + cos(pi/5)*1i d = abs(cabs(ztest)-.5) else ztest = z + cos(pi/5)/2*1i d = imag(ztest) endif if d < md md = d endif elseif @mode == 2 if @flavour == 0 ztest = z - sin(pi/5) d = abs(cabs(ztest)-.5) else ztest = z - sin(pi/5)/2 d = real(ztest)/sin(pi/5) endif if d < md md = d endif if @flavour == 0 ztest = z + sin(pi/5) d = abs(cabs(ztest)-.5) else ztest = z + sin(pi/5)/2 d = real(ztest)/sin(pi/5) endif if d < md md = d endif endif endif if real(z) < -5 z = #z + 10 z = abs(z) if @mode == 0 || @mode == 2 if @flavour == 0 ztest = z - sin(pi/5) d = abs(cabs(ztest)-.5) else ztest = z - sin(pi/5)/2 d = real(ztest)/sin(pi/5) endif if d < md md = d endif if @flavour == 0 ztest = z + sin(pi/5) d = abs(cabs(ztest)-.5) else ztest = z + sin(pi/5)/2 d = real(ztest)/sin(pi/5) endif if d < md md = d endif elseif @mode == 1 if @flavour == 0 ztest = z - cos(pi/5)*1i d = abs(cabs(ztest)-.5) else ztest = z - cos(pi/5)/2*1i d = imag(ztest) endif if d < md md = d endif if @flavour == 0 ztest = z + cos(pi/5)*1i d = abs(cabs(ztest)-.5) else ztest = z + cos(pi/5)/2*1i d = imag(ztest) endif if d < md md = d endif endif endif if real(z) > 5 z = #z - 10 z = abs(z) if @flavour == 0 ztest = z - cos(pi/10)*1i d = abs(cabs(ztest)-.5) else ztest = z - cos(pi/10)/2*1i d = imag(ztest) endif if d < md md = d endif if @flavour == 0 ztest = z + cos(pi/10)*1i d = abs(cabs(ztest)-.5) else ztest = z + cos(pi/10)/2*1i d = imag(ztest) endif if d < md md = d endif endif #index = md^@power default: title = "Truchet for Penrose Tilings" helpfile = "sam-help\penrose.htm" helptopic = "truchet" param mode caption = "Mode" default = 0 enum = "Mix" "I" "II" endparam param flavour caption = "Flavour" default = 0 enum = "Circly" "Squarry" endparam param power caption = "Thickness" default = .1 endparam } LinearGradient(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier init: loop: final: z = #z*exp(-1i*pi/180*@rot) #index = real(z) + 10000 default: title = "Linear Gradient" param rot caption = "Gradient Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam } HilbertCurve(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 2.9.00 init: z = 0 int i = 0 int ttype = 0 float d = -1e20 loop: final: z = #z/2 z = abs(z) - (.5,.5) while i < @niter i = i + 1 if ttype == 0 if real(z) < 0 && imag(z) < 0 z = 2*z + (.5,.5) z = -conj(z) elseif real(z) > 0 && imag(z) < 0 z = 2*z + (-.5,.5) z = 1i*z elseif real(z) > 0 && imag(z) > 0 z = 2*z + (-.5,-.5) z = 1i*conj(z) elseif real(z) < 0 && imag(z) > 0 z = 2*z + (.5,-.5) ttype = 1 endif else if real(z) < 0 && imag(z) < 0 z = 2*z + (.5,.5) z = 1i*z ttype = 0 elseif real(z) > 0 && imag(z) < 0 z = 2*z + (-.5,.5) z = -1i*conj(z) ttype = 0 elseif real(z) > 0 && imag(z) > 0 z = 2*z + (-.5,-.5) ttype = 0 elseif real(z) < 0 && imag(z) > 0 z = 2*z + (.5,-.5) z = -conj(z) ttype = 0 endif endif endwhile if @style == 0 z = z + (1,1) if ttype == 0 if abs(real(z))-1 > d d = abs(real(z))-1 endif if abs(imag(z))-1 > d d = abs(imag(z))-1 endif else d = imag(z)-1 endif elseif @style == 1 || @style == 2 if ttype == 0 d = cabs(z+(.5,.5))-.5 else if @style == 1 d = imag(z) else d = imag(z) - (real(z)^2-.25)^2*3 endif endif elseif @style == 3 if ttype == 0 z = z + (.5,.5) d = abs(real(z)) + abs(imag(z)) - .5 else ;d = imag(z)-.5 d = abs(real(z)) - imag(z) - .5 endif endif #index = abs(d)^@power default: title = "Hilbert Curve" helpfile = "sam-help\hilbert.htm" param style caption = "Style" default = 0 enum = "Square" "Round I" "Round II" "Diagonal" endparam param power caption = "Thickness" default = .1 endparam param niter caption = "Number of Iterations" default = 4 endparam } SFBMII(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 5.01 ; Convolution feature inspired ; by Mark Twonsend's great "Plasma ; Convolution" coloring. init: z = 0 zc1 = 0 zc2 = 0 zc3 = 0 zc4 = 0 int i = 0 int j = 0 int jmax = 0 int niter = 0 float a = 0 float sum = 0 float x = 0 float y = 0 float d1 = 0 float d2 = 0 float d3 = 0 float d4 = 0 float nindex = 0 float sindex = 0 float scale = 1 float cr1r = 0 float cr1i = 0 float cr2r = 0 float cr2i = 0 float cr3r = 0 float cr3i = 0 float cr4r = 0 float cr4i = 0 float crp1 = 0 float crp2 = 0 float crp3 = 0 float crp4 = 0 float norm = 1 if @interp == 0 niter = ceil(real(log(real(@fmm)-imag(@fmm))/log(1+@mstep))) else niter = ceil((real(@fmm)-imag(@fmm))/@mstep) endif if @mode == 0 jmax = 1 else jmax = 5 endif loop: final: while j < jmax z = #z/@size if @mode == 1 || @mode == 2 if j == 0 a = @cbl + @ctl + @cbr + @ctr + @cc;/20 elseif j == 1 z = z + @eps*(-1,-1) a = -@cbl elseif j == 2 z = z + @eps*(-1,1) a = -@ctl elseif j == 3 z = z + @eps*(1,-1) a = -@cbr elseif j == 4 z = z + @eps*(1,1) a = -@ctr endif else a = 1 endif j = j + 1 i = 0 while i < niter + 2 if i == 2 if @pptype == 0 z = (real(@pp)*(1/sqrt(imag(@ppp))*x + 1i*sqrt(imag(@ppp))*y)^real(@ppp)+(1-real(@pp))*z)*imag(@pp) else z = (real(@pp)*x^real(@ppp)*exp(imag(@ppp)*1i*y)+(1-real(@pp))*z)*imag(@pp) endif elseif i == 0 z = z/imag(@pp) endif z = z*exp(1i*pi/180*@rot) + 1 - 2i if i > 1 if @interp == 0 scale = (1+@mstep)^(i-2)*imag(@fmm) else scale = real(@fmm)-(i-1)*(@mstep+.001) endif endif i = i + 1 zc = round(scale*z)/scale zc1 = zc + (.5,.5)/scale zc2 = zc + (-.5,.5)/scale zc3 = zc + (.5,-.5)/scale zc4 = zc + (-.5,-.5)/scale cr1r = ((real(zc1)-859-i)^5 % (132+i) - (imag(zc1)+328+i)^3 % (113+i))^2 %2 - 1 if @noise != 6 && @noise != 8 && @noise != 10 && @noise != 12 && @noise != 14 cr2r = ((real(zc2)-859-i)^5 % (132+i) - (imag(zc2)+328+i)^3 % (113+i))^2 %2 - 1 cr3r = ((real(zc3)-859-i)^5 % (132+i) - (imag(zc3)+328+i)^3 % (113+i))^2 %2 - 1 cr4r = ((real(zc4)-859-i)^5 % (132+i) - (imag(zc4)+328+i)^3 % (113+i))^2 %2 - 1 endif if @noise == 0 || @noise == 5 cr1i = ((real(zc1)-465+i)^3 % (120+i) - (imag(zc1)-756+i)^2 % (107+i))^2 %2 - 1 cr2i = ((real(zc2)-465+i)^3 % (120+i) - (imag(zc2)-756+i)^2 % (107+i))^2 %2 - 1 cr3i = ((real(zc3)-465+i)^3 % (120+i) - (imag(zc3)-756+i)^2 % (107+i))^2 %2 - 1 cr4i = ((real(zc4)-465+i)^3 % (120+i) - (imag(zc4)-756+i)^2 % (107+i))^2 %2 - 1 endif if @noise == 0 v1 = (z - zc1)*scale v2 = (z - zc2)*scale v3 = (z - zc3)*scale v4 = (z - zc4)*scale crp1 = cr1r*real(v1) + cr1i*imag(v1) crp2 = cr2r*real(v2) + cr2i*imag(v2) crp3 = cr3r*real(v3) + cr3i*imag(v3) crp4 = cr4r*real(v4) + cr4i*imag(v4) elseif @noise == 1 crp1 = cr1r crp2 = cr1r crp3 = cr1r crp4 = cr1r norm = .5 elseif @noise == 2 crp1 = cr1r crp2 = cr2r crp3 = cr1r crp4 = cr2r norm = .5 elseif @noise == 3 crp1 = cr1r crp2 = cr2r crp3 = cr3r crp4 = cr2r norm = .5 elseif @noise == 4 crp1 = -cr1r crp2 = cr2r crp3 = cr3r crp4 = -cr4r norm = .5 elseif @noise == 5 crp1 = cr1r*abs(real(z-zc)*scale)^real(@noisep) + cr1i*abs(imag(z-zc)*scale)^imag(@noisep) crp2 = cr2r*abs(real(z-zc)*scale)^real(@noisep) + cr2i*abs(imag(z-zc)*scale)^imag(@noisep) crp3 = cr3r*abs(real(z-zc)*scale)^real(@noisep) + cr3i*abs(imag(z-zc)*scale)^imag(@noisep) crp4 = cr4r*abs(real(z-zc)*scale)^real(@noisep) + cr4i*abs(imag(z-zc)*scale)^imag(@noisep) norm = .2 elseif @noise == 6 crp1 = (cabs(z-zc)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) norm = .4 elseif @noise == 7 crp1 = cr1r*(cabs(z-zc)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) crp2 = cr2r*(cabs(z-zc)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) crp3 = cr3r*(cabs(z-zc)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) crp4 = cr4r*(cabs(z-zc)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) norm = .4 elseif @noise == 8 arg = atan2(z-zc) arg = -round(arg/(2*pi)*4)/4*(2*pi) ztest = (z-zc)*exp(1i*arg) crp1 = (real(ztest)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) norm = .4 elseif @noise == 9 arg = atan2(z-zc) arg = -round(arg/(2*pi)*4)/4*(2*pi) ztest = (z-zc)*exp(1i*arg) crp1 = cr1r*(real(ztest)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) crp2 = cr2r*(real(ztest)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) crp3 = cr3r*(real(ztest)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) crp4 = cr4r*(real(ztest)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) norm = .4 elseif @noise == 10 arg = atan2(z-zc) arg = -round(arg/(2*pi)*8)/8*(2*pi) ztest = (z-zc)*exp(1i*arg) crp1 = (real(ztest)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) norm = .4 elseif @noise == 11 arg = atan2(z-zc) arg = -round(arg/(2*pi)*8)/8*(2*pi) ztest = (z-zc)*exp(1i*arg) crp1 = cr1r*(real(ztest)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) crp2 = cr2r*(real(ztest)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) crp3 = cr3r*(real(ztest)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) crp4 = cr4r*(real(ztest)*scale-imag(@noisep))^real(@noisep) norm = .4 elseif @noise == 12 ztest = z - zc if real(cr1r) > 0 d1 = abs(cabs(ztest*scale+(.5,.5))-.5) d2 = abs(cabs(ztest*scale-(.5,.5))-.5) if d2 < d1 d1 = d2 endif else d1 = abs(cabs(ztest*scale+(.5,-.5))-.5) d2 = abs(cabs(ztest*scale-(.5,-.5))-.5) if d2 < d1 d1 = d2 endif endif crp1 = d1^real(@noisep) norm = .4 elseif @noise == 13 ztest = z - zc if real(cr1r) > 0 d1 = abs(cabs(ztest*scale+(.5,.5))-.5) d2 = abs(cabs(ztest*scale-(.5,.5))-.5) if d2 < d1 d1 = d2 endif else d1 = abs(cabs(ztest*scale+(.5,-.5))-.5) d2 = abs(cabs(ztest*scale-(.5,-.5))-.5) if d2 < d1 d1 = d2 endif endif crp1 = cr1r*(d1^real(@noisep)-imag(@noisep)) crp2 = cr2r*(d1^real(@noisep)-imag(@noisep)) crp3 = cr3r*(d1^real(@noisep)-imag(@noisep)) crp4 = cr4r*(d1^real(@noisep)-imag(@noisep)) norm = .4 elseif @noise == 14 ztest = (z - zc)*scale if real(cr1r) > 0 d1 = abs(real(ztest) - imag(ztest) -.5) d2 = abs(real(ztest) - imag(ztest) +.5) if d2 < d1 d1 = d2 endif else d1 = abs(real(ztest) + imag(ztest) -.5) d2 = abs(real(ztest) + imag(ztest) +.5) if d2 < d1 d1 = d2 endif endif crp1 = d1^real(@noisep) norm = .4 elseif @noise == 15 ztest = (z - zc)*scale if real(cr1r) > 0 d1 = abs(real(ztest) - imag(ztest) -.5) d2 = abs(real(ztest) - imag(ztest) +.5) if d2 < d1 d1 = d2 endif else d1 = abs(real(ztest) + imag(ztest) -.5) d2 = abs(real(ztest) + imag(ztest) +.5) if d2 < d1 d1 = d2 endif endif crp1 = cr1r*(d1^real(@noisep)-imag(@noisep)) crp2 = cr2r*(d1^real(@noisep)-imag(@noisep)) crp3 = cr3r*(d1^real(@noisep)-imag(@noisep)) crp4 = cr4r*(d1^real(@noisep)-imag(@noisep)) norm = .4 elseif @noise == 16 endif if @noise == 6 || @noise == 8 || @noise == 10 || @noise == 12 || @noise == 14 nindex = crp1 else d1 = real(z - zc)*scale + 0.5 d2 = (1 - d1) d3 = imag(z - zc)*scale + 0.5 d4 = (1 - d3) d1 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d1-pi/2))^@power d2 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d2-pi/2))^@power d3 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d3-pi/2))^@power d4 = (.5 + .5*sin(pi*d4-pi/2))^@power nindex = crp1*d1*d3 + crp3*d1*d4 + crp2*d2*d3 + crp4*d2*d4 ; d1 = 1-cabs(z-zc1)*scale ; if d1 < 0 ; d1 = 0 ; endif ; d2 = 1-cabs(z-zc2)*scale ; if d2 < 0 ; d2 = 0 ; endif ; d3 = 1-cabs(z-zc3)*scale ; if d3 < 0 ; d3 = 0 ; endif ; d4 = 1-cabs(z-zc4)*scale ; if d4 < 0 ; d4 = 0 ; endif ; nindex = crp1*d1 + crp2*d2 + crp3*d3 + crp4*d4 endif if @f1 == 1 nindex = real(sin(100*real(@fp1)*nindex+imag(@fp1)))/10 elseif @f1 == 2 nindex = real(@fp1)*10*nindex+2+imag(@fp1) if abs(nindex) > 1 nindex = 1 endif nindex = real(asin(nindex))/4 elseif @f1 == 3 nindex = 20*real(@fp1)*nindex+1+imag(@fp1) if abs(nindex) > 1 nindex = 1 endif nindex = real(acos(nindex))/4 elseif @f1 == 4 nindex = real(atanh(20*real(@fp1)*nindex+imag(@fp1)))/8 elseif @f1 == 5 nindex = (20*nindex+imag(@fp1))^(2+real(@fp1))/160 elseif @f1 == 6 nindex = real((15*nindex+imag(@fp1))^(.1*real(@fp1))) elseif @f1 == 7 nindex = real(exp(10*real(@fp1)*nindex+imag(@fp1)-.5))/8 elseif @f1 == 8 nindex = real(round(5*real(@fp1)*nindex+imag(@fp1)/5))/4 elseif @f1 == 9 nindex = real(round(15*real(@fp1)*nindex+imag(@fp1)/5)^.1)/3 elseif @f1 == 10 ;nindex = (sin(5*real(z)+20*nindex)+cos(5*imag(z)+20*nindex))/10 ;nindex = (sin(5*sqrt(real(@fp1))*(real(z)+(4+imag(@fp1))*nindex))+cos(5*1/sqrt(real(@fp1))*(imag(z)+(4+imag(@fp1))*nindex)))/15 if real(@fp1)<0.0 nindex = (sin(-(real(z)+(4+imag(@fp1))*nindex))+cos(-(imag(z)+(4+imag(@fp1))*nindex)))/15 else nindex = (sin(5*sqrt(real(@fp1))*(real(z)+(4+imag(@fp1))*nindex))+cos(5*1/sqrt(real(@fp1))*(imag(z)+(4+imag(@fp1))*nindex)))/15 endif endif if @f2 == 1 nindex = real(sin(100*real(@fp2)*nindex+imag(@fp2)))/10 elseif @f2 == 2 nindex = real(@fp2)*10*nindex+2+imag(@fp2) if abs(nindex) > 1 nindex = 1 endif nindex = real(asin(nindex))/4 elseif @f2 == 3 nindex = 20*real(@fp2)*nindex+1+imag(@fp2) if abs(nindex) > 1 nindex = 1 endif nindex = real(acos(nindex))/4 elseif @f2 == 4 nindex = real(atanh(20*real(@fp2)*nindex+imag(@fp2)))/8 elseif @f2 == 5 nindex = (20*nindex+imag(@fp2))^(2+real(@fp2))/160 elseif @f2 == 6 nindex = real((15*nindex+imag(@fp2))^(.1*real(@fp2))) elseif @f2 == 7 nindex = real(exp(10*real(@fp2)*nindex+imag(@fp2)-.5))/8 elseif @f2 == 8 nindex = real(round(5*real(@fp2)*nindex+imag(@fp2)/5))/4 elseif @f2 == 9 nindex = real(round(15*real(@fp2)*nindex+imag(@fp2)/5)^.1)/3 elseif @f2 == 10 ;nindex = (sin(5*real(z)+5*nindex)/5+cos(5*imag(z)+10*nindex))/10 ;nindex = (sin(5*sqrt(real(@fp2))*(real(z)+(4+imag(@fp2))*nindex))+cos(5*1/sqrt(real(@fp2))*(imag(z)+(4+imag(@fp2))*nindex)))/15 if real(@fp2)<0.0 nindex = (sin(-(real(z)+(4+imag(@fp2))*nindex))+cos(-(imag(z)+(4+imag(@fp2))*nindex)))/15 else nindex = (sin(5*sqrt(real(@fp2))*(real(z)+(4+imag(@fp2))*nindex))+cos(5*1/sqrt(real(@fp2))*(imag(z)+(4+imag(@fp2))*nindex)))/15 endif endif nindex = real(nindex^@power2) if i == 1 x = nindex elseif i == 2 y = nindex else sindex = sindex + nindex/scale^@beta endif endwhile if @mode != 2 sum = sum + a*sindex else sum = sum + a*abs(sindex) endif sindex = 0 scale = 1 endwhile if @mode == 2 sum = 3*abs(sum) endif if @mode == 1 sindex = sum/(10*@eps*(abs(@cbl + @ctl + @cbr + @ctr)+1)) else sindex = sum endif if @interp == 0 #index = 2*norm*sindex/(niter)^.5 + 1000.25 else #index = .4*norm*sindex + 1000.25 endif default: title = "S.F.B.M. II" helpfile = "sam-help\sfbmii.htm" param noise caption = "Noise Function" default = 0 enum = "Perlin" "Raw Gird" "Strips" "Corners" "Checkerboard" \ "Soft Gird" "Circles" "Soft Circles" "Squares" "Soft Squares" \ "Octogons" "Soft Octogons" "Roundy Truchet" "Soft Roundy Truchet" \ "Squarry Truchet" "Soft Squarry Truchet" endparam param noisep caption = "Noise F. Parameters" default = (.2,.5) hint = "Noise Function Parameters" endparam param f1 caption = "Flavour 1" default = 0 enum = "Original" "Wavy" "Blobs" "Cut" "Messy" "Soft I" "Strings" "Soft II" "Sharp" "String-Sharp" "Random Phase" endparam param fp1 caption = "Flavour 1 Parameters" default = (1,0) hint = "Flavour 1 Parameters" endparam param f2 caption = "Flavour 2" default = 0 enum = "Original" "Wavy" "Blobs" "Cut" "Messy" "Soft I" "Strings" "Soft II" "Sharp" "String-Sharp" "Random Phase" endparam param fp2 caption = "Flavour 2 Parameters" default = (1,0) hint = "Flavour 2 Parameters" endparam param mode caption = "Mode" default = 0 enum = "Normal" "Convolution" "Absolute Convolution" endparam param beta caption = "Beta (Spectral Density Parameter)" default = 1.0 hint = "Spectral Density Exponent" endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 2.0 endparam param power2 caption = "Post-Power" default = 1.0 endparam param pp caption = "Pre-Processing" default = (0,1) endparam param pptype caption = "Pre-Processing Type" default = 0 enum = "Cartesian" "Polar" hint = "Pre-Processing Type" endparam param ppp caption = "Pre-P. Power and Aspect" default = (1,1) hint = "Pre-Processing Power and Aspect" endparam param size caption = "Pattern Size" default = 1.0 endparam param rot caption = "Rotation Step" default = 28.0 endparam param mstep caption = "Frequency Separation" default = 1.0 hint = "Frequency Separation" endparam param fmm caption = "Inv. of max/min Frequency" default = (40,1) hint = "Inverse of max/min Frequency" endparam param interp caption = "Frequency Interpolation" default = 0 enum = "Logarithmic" "Linear" hint = "Frequency Interpolation" endparam param cc caption = "Center Extra Weight" default = 0.0 endparam param cbl caption = "Bottom Left Weight" default = 1.0 endparam param ctl caption = "Top Left Weight" default = 0.0 endparam param cbr caption = "Bottom Right Weight" default = 0.0 endparam param ctr caption = "Top Right Weight" default = 0.0 endparam param eps caption = "Epsilon" default = 0.006 endparam } PolygonalTraps(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 10.00 init: float d = 1e20 int i = 0 int ist = 0 float dist = 0 float arg = 0 loop: i = i + 1 if i > @fit z = (#z - @c)*exp(1i*pi/180*@rot)/@size z = 1/sqrt(@rat)*real(z) + 1i*sqrt(@rat)*imag(z) z = -z*1i arg = atan2(z) arg = -round(arg/(2*pi)*@order)/@order*(2*pi) z = z*exp(1i*arg) if @mode == 0 dist = abs(real(z))^@power else dist = abs(real(z)-1)^@power endif if dist < d d = dist ist = i endif endif final: if @mode == 0 if abs(d) > 1 #solid = true endif else if abs(d) > @w #solid = true endif endif if @colour == 1 #index = (ist%@ncol)/@ncol else #index = d*@size endif default: title = "Polygonal Traps" helpfile = "sam-help\polytrap.htm" param mode caption = "Mode" default = 0 enum = "Filled" "Frame" endparam param colour caption = "Color Mode" default = 0 enum = "Distance" "Iteration" endparam param order caption = "Polygon Order" default = 3 endparam param c caption = "Center" default = (0,0) endparam param rot caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam param size caption = "Size" default = 1.0 endparam param rat caption = "Ratio Width/Heigh" default = 1.0 endparam param w caption = "Width" default = .1 endparam param fit caption = "First Trapped Iteration" default = 0 endparam param power caption = "Power" default = 1.0 endparam param ncol caption = "Color Number" default = 3 endparam } GradientForAperiodicTilingIII(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 14.7.01 init: z = 0 t = 0 float d = 0 float md = 1e20 loop: final: if @shape == 0 || @shape == 4 z = #z/2 if @shape == 4 z = z + 5 endif t = (z+1)/(1,1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif d = d*cabs((1,1)) if d < md md = d endif t = (z+1)/(0,-1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = -(z+1i) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = (z+1i)/(1,1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif d = d*cabs((1,1)) if d < md md = d endif t = (z-1)/(0,1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = (z-1i) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif endif if @shape == 1 || @shape == 4 z = #z/2 - 1/3 + 1/3*1i if @shape == 4 z = z + 5i endif t = (z+1)/(1,1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif d = d*cabs((1,1)) if d < md md = d endif t = -z if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = z/(0,1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif endif if @shape == 2 || @shape == 4 z = #z/2 + 1/3 if @shape == 4 z = z - 5 endif t = (z-.5i)/(-1,-1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif d = d*cabs((-1,-1)) if d < md md = d endif t = (z-.5i) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = (z-(1,.5))/(0,-1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = (z-(-1,-.5))/2 if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif d = d*2 if d < md md = d endif endif if @shape == 3 || @shape == 4 z = #z/2 if @shape == 4 z = z - 5i endif t = (z-.5i)/(-1,-1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif d = d*cabs((-1,-1)) if d < md md = d endif t = (z-.5i) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = (z+.5i)/(1,1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif d = d*cabs((1,1)) if d < md md = d endif t = -(z+.5i) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif endif #index = md^@power default: title = "Gradient for Aperiodic Tiling III" helpfile = "sam-help\aperiodic.htm" helptopic = "gradforap" param shape caption = "Shape" default = 0 enum = "Hexagon" "Triangle" "Trapezoid" "Parallelogram" "Frame Mode" endparam param power caption = "Thickness" default = .1 endparam } GradientForAperiodicTilingIV(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 19.7.01 init: z = 0 t = 0 float d = 0 float md = 1e20 loop: final: if @shape == 0 || @shape == 3 z = #z/2 + 1/4*(1,1) if @shape == 3 z = z + 5 endif t = (z+1)/(1,1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif d = d*cabs((1,1)) if d < md md = d endif t = -z if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = -z/1i if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = (z+1i)/(1,1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif d = d*cabs((1,1)) if d < md md = d endif t = (z-1)/(0,1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = (z-1i) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif endif if @shape == 1 || @shape == 3 z = #z/2 - 1/3 + 1/3*1i if @shape == 3 z = z + 5i endif t = (z+1)/(1,1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif d = d*cabs((1,1)) if d < md md = d endif t = -z if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = z/(0,1) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif endif if @shape == 2 || @shape == 3 z = #z/2 if @shape == 3 z = z - 5 endif t = z+(.5,.5) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = -z+(.5,.5) if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = (-z-(.5,.5))*1i if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif t = (z-(.5,.5))*1i if real(t) < 0 d = cabs(t) elseif real(t) > 0 && real(t) < 1 d = abs(imag(t)) elseif real(t) > 1 d = cabs(t-1) endif if d < md md = d endif endif #index = md^@power default: title = "Gradient for Aperiodic Tiling IV" helpfile = "sam-help\aperiodic.htm" helptopic = "gradforap" param shape caption = "Shape" default = 0 enum = "Arrow" "Triangle" "Square" "Frame Mode" endparam param power caption = "Thickness" default = .1 endparam } StarGradient(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 14.08.01 init: z = 0 z1 = 0 z2 = 0 z3 = 0 t1 = 0 t2 = 0 float arg = 0 float dist = 0 float md = 1e20 final: z = -(#z-@c)*1i*exp(1i*pi/180*@rot)/@size arg = atan2(z) arg = -round(arg/(2*pi)*@order)/@order*(2*pi) z = z*exp(1i*arg) z1 = @r*exp(1i*pi/@order) z2 = @r*exp(-1i*pi/@order) z3 = 1 t1 = (z-z3)/(z1-z3)*cabs(z1-z3) t2 = (z-z3)/(z2-z3)*cabs(z2-z3) if real(t1) < 0 md = cabs(z-z3) endif if real(t1) > 0 dist = abs(imag(t1)) if dist < md md = dist endif endif if real(t2) < 0 dist = cabs(z-z3) if dist < md md = dist endif endif if real(t2) > 0 dist = abs(imag(t2)) if dist < md md = dist endif endif #index = md^@thick default: title = "Star Gradient" helpfile = "sam-help\variouscol2.htm" helptopic = "stargrad" param order caption = "Star Order" default = 5 endparam param r caption = "Aspect" default = .4 endparam param thick caption = "Thickness" default = .5 endparam param c caption = "Center" default = (0,0) endparam param rot caption = "Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam param size caption = "Size" default = 1.0 endparam } String-ArtColoring(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 30.9.01 init: z = 0 float r = 0 float rtest = 0 float arg = 0 float arg2 = 0 float d = 0 final: z = #z r = cabs(z) arg = atan2(z) arg2 = arg + @phi*pi/180 if @shape == 0 rtest = (@w1/(@w1+@w2)*cos(@order1*arg)+@w2/(@w1+@w2)*cos(@order2*arg+@phi*pi/180))*(@obound-@ibound)/2+(@obound+@ibound)/2 elseif @shape == 1 rtest = (@w1/(@w1+@w2)*(2*(cos(@order1*arg)/2+.5)^@power-1)+@w2/(@w1+@w2)*(2*(cos(@order2*arg2)/2+.5)^@power-1))*(@obound-@ibound)/2+(@obound+@ibound)/2 elseif @shape == 2 rtest = (@w1/(@w1+@w2)*(2*(2*abs(arg/(2*pi)*@order1-round(arg/(2*pi)*@order1)))^@power-1)+@w2/(@w1+@w2)*(2*(2*abs(arg2/(2*pi)*@order2-round(arg2/(2*pi)*@order2)))^@power-1))*(@obound-@ibound)/2+(@obound+@ibound)/2 endif d = abs(r-rtest) #index = d^@thick default: title = "String-Art Coloring" helpfile = "sam-help\stringart.htm" helptopic = "strartcol" param shape caption = "Folium Type" default = 0 enum = "Old" "Cosinus" "Sawtooth" endparam param power caption = "Folium Power" default = 1.0 endparam param order1 caption = "Folium 1 Order" default = 5.0 endparam param w1 caption = "Folium 1 Weight" default = 1.0 endparam param order2 caption = "Folium 2 Order" default = 3.0 endparam param w2 caption = "Folium 2 Weight" default = 0.0 endparam param phi caption = "Dephasage" default = 90.0 endparam param obound caption = "Folium Outer Bound" default = 2.0 endparam param ibound caption = "Folium Inner Bound" default = .4 endparam param thick caption = "Thickness" default = 1.0 endparam } VoroniColoring(BOTH) { ; By Samuel Monnier, 3.10.01 final: z = #z/@psize zc = round(z) zz = z - zc nearp = 0 float mind = 1e20 float mind2 = 1e20 zc1 = zc + (1,1)/2 zc2 = zc + (1,-1)/2 zc3 = zc + (-1,1)/2 zc4 = zc + (-1,-1)/2 float rp1a = ((real(zc1)-859)^5%198 - (imag(zc1)+987)^3%168)^2 %2 - 1 float ip1a = ((real(zc1)-123)^5%187 - (imag(zc1)+876)^3%157)^2 %2 - 1 float rp1b = ((real(zc1)-234)^5%176 - (imag(zc1)+765)^3%146)^2 %2 - 1 float ip1b = ((real(zc1)-345)^5%165 - (imag(zc1)+654)^3%135)^2 %2 - 1 float rp1c = ((real(zc1)-456)^5%154 - (imag(zc1)+543)^3%124)^2 %2 - 1 float ip1c = ((real(zc1)-567)^5%143 - (imag(zc1)+432)^3%113)^2 %2 - 1 float rp1d = ((real(zc1)-357)^5%243 - (imag(zc1)+354)^3%465)^2 %2 - 1 float ip1d = ((real(zc1)-798)^5%687 - (imag(zc1)+576)^3%246)^2 %2 - 1 float rp2a = ((real(zc2)-859)^5%198 - (imag(zc2)+987)^3%168)^2 %2 - 1 float ip2a = ((real(zc2)-123)^5%187 - (imag(zc2)+876)^3%157)^2 %2 - 1 float rp2b = ((real(zc2)-234)^5%176 - (imag(zc2)+765)^3%146)^2 %2 - 1 float ip2b = ((real(zc2)-345)^5%165 - (imag(zc2)+654)^3%135)^2 %2 - 1 float rp2c = ((real(zc2)-456)^5%154 - (imag(zc2)+543)^3%124)^2 %2 - 1 float ip2c = ((real(zc2)-567)^5%143 - (imag(zc2)+432)^3%113)^2 %2 - 1 float rp2d = ((real(zc2)-357)^5%243 - (imag(zc2)+354)^3%465)^2 %2 - 1 float ip2d = ((real(zc2)-798)^5%687 - (imag(zc2)+576)^3%246)^2 %2 - 1 float rp3a = ((real(zc3)-859)^5%198 - (imag(zc3)+987)^3%168)^2 %2 - 1 float ip3a = ((real(zc3)-123)^5%187 - (imag(zc3)+876)^3%157)^2 %2 - 1 float rp3b = ((real(zc3)-234)^5%176 - (imag(zc3)+765)^3%146)^2 %2 - 1 float ip3b = ((real(zc3)-345)^5%165 - (imag(zc3)+654)^3%135)^2 %2 - 1 float rp3c = ((real(zc3)-456)^5%154 - (imag(zc3)+543)^3%124)^2 %2 - 1 float ip3c = ((real(zc3)-567)^5%143 - (imag(zc3)+432)^3%113)^2 %2 - 1 float rp3d = ((real(zc3)-357)^5%243 - (imag(zc3)+354)^3%465)^2 %2 - 1 float ip3d = ((real(zc3)-798)^5%687 - (imag(zc3)+576)^3%246)^2 %2 - 1 float rp4a = ((real(zc4)-859)^5%198 - (imag(zc4)+987)^3%168)^2 %2 - 1 float ip4a = ((real(zc4)-123)^5%187 - (imag(zc4)+876)^3%157)^2 %2 - 1 float rp4b = ((real(zc4)-234)^5%176 - (imag(zc4)+765)^3%146)^2 %2 - 1 float ip4b = ((real(zc4)-345)^5%165 - (imag(zc4)+654)^3%135)^2 %2 - 1 float rp4c = ((real(zc4)-456)^5%154 - (imag(zc4)+543)^3%124)^2 %2 - 1 float ip4c = ((real(zc4)-567)^5%143 - (imag(zc4)+432)^3%113)^2 %2 - 1 float rp4d = ((real(zc4)-357)^5%243 - (imag(zc4)+354)^3%465)^2 %2 - 1 float ip4d = ((real(zc4)-798)^5%687 - (imag(zc4)+576)^3%246)^2 %2 - 1 if !@regtile p1a = (rp1a + 1i*ip1a + (1,1))/2 p1b = (rp1b + 1i*ip1b + (1,1))/2 p1c = (rp1c + 1i*ip1c + (1,1))/2 p1d = (rp1d + 1i*ip1d + (1,1))/2 p2a = (rp2a + 1i*ip2a + (1,-1))/2 p2b = (rp2b + 1i*ip2b + (1,-1))/2 p2c = (rp2c + 1i*ip2c + (1,-1))/2 p2d = (rp2d + 1i*ip2d + (1,-1))/2 p3a = (rp3a + 1i*ip3a + (-1,1))/2 p3b = (rp3b + 1i*ip3b + (-1,1))/2 p3c = (rp3c + 1i*ip3c + (-1,1))/2 p3d = (rp3d + 1i*ip3d + (-1,1))/2 p4a = (rp4a + 1i*ip4a + (-1,-1))/2 p4b = (rp4b + 1i*ip4b + (-1,-1))/2 p4c = (rp4c + 1i*ip4c + (-1,-1))/2 p4d = (rp4d + 1i*ip4d + (-1,-1))/2 else p1a = (rp1a + 1i*ip1a)/real(@regpar) + (1,1)/2 + (1,1)/4 p1b = (rp1b + 1i*ip1b)/real(@regpar) + (1,1)/2 + (1,-1)/4 p1c = (rp1c + 1i*ip1c)/real(@regpar) + (1,1)/2 + (-1,1)/4 p1d = (rp1d + 1i*ip1d)/real(@regpar) + (1,1)/2 + (-1,-1)/4 p2a = (rp2a + 1i*ip2a)/real(@regpar) + (1,-1)/2 + (1,1)/4 p2b = (rp2b + 1i*ip2b)/real(@regpar) + (1,-1)/2 + (1,-1)/4 p2c = (rp2c + 1i*ip2c)/real(@regpar) + (1,-1)/2 + (-1,1)/4 p2d = (rp2d + 1i*ip2d)/real(@regpar) + (1,-1)/2 + (-1,-1)/4 p3a = (rp3a + 1i*ip3a)/real(@regpar) + (-1,1)/2 + (1,1)/4 p3b = (rp3b + 1i*ip3b)/real(@regpar) + (-1,1)/2 + (1,-1)/4 p3c = (rp3c + 1i*ip3c)/real(@regpar) + (-1,1)/2 + (-1,1)/4 p3d = (rp3d + 1i*ip3d)/real(@regpar) + (-1,1)/2 + (-1,-1)/4 p4a = (rp4a + 1i*ip4a)/real(@regpar) + (-1,-1)/2 + (1,1)/4 p4b = (rp4b + 1i*ip4b)/real(@regpar) + (-1,-1)/2 + (1,-1)/4 p4c = (rp4c + 1i*ip4c)/real(@regpar) + (-1,-1)/2 + (-1,1)/4 p4d = (rp4d + 1i*ip4d)/real(@regpar) + (-1,-1)/2 + (-1,-1)/4 endif if cabs(zz-p1a) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p1a) nearp = zc + p1a elseif cabs(zz-p1a) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p1a) endif if cabs(zz-p1b) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p1b) nearp = zc + p1b elseif cabs(zz-p1b) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p1b) endif if cabs(zz-p1c) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p1c) nearp = zc + p1c elseif cabs(zz-p1c) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p1c) endif if cabs(zz-p1d) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p1d) nearp = zc + p1d elseif cabs(zz-p1d) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p1d) endif if cabs(zz-p2a) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p2a) nearp = zc + p2a elseif cabs(zz-p2a) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p2a) endif if cabs(zz-p2b) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p2b) nearp = zc + p2b elseif cabs(zz-p2b) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p2b) endif if cabs(zz-p2c) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p2c) nearp = zc + p2c elseif cabs(zz-p2c) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p2c) endif if cabs(zz-p2d) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p2d) nearp = zc + p2d elseif cabs(zz-p2d) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p2d) endif if cabs(zz-p3a) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p3a) nearp = zc + p3a elseif cabs(zz-p3a) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p3a) endif if cabs(zz-p3b) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p3b) nearp = zc + p3b elseif cabs(zz-p3b) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p3b) endif if cabs(zz-p3c) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p3c) nearp = zc + p3c elseif cabs(zz-p3c) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p3c) endif if cabs(zz-p3d) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p3d) nearp = zc + p3d elseif cabs(zz-p3d) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p3d) endif if cabs(zz-p4a) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p4a) nearp = zc + p4a elseif cabs(zz-p4a) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p4a) endif if cabs(zz-p4b) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p4b) nearp = zc + p4b elseif cabs(zz-p4b) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p4b) endif if cabs(zz-p4c) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p4c) nearp = zc + p4c elseif cabs(zz-p4c) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p4c) endif if cabs(zz-p4d) < mind mind2 = mind mind = cabs(zz-p4d) nearp = zc + p4d elseif cabs(zz-p4d) < mind2 mind2 = cabs(zz-p4d) endif nearp = nearp*@psize if @dcount == 0 #index = mind^@thick-@offset/10 elseif @dcount == 1 #index = (mind2-mind)^@thick-@offset/10 elseif @dcount == 2 #index = (cabs(1000*nearp) + 1000*(atan2(nearp)+pi))%1 endif default: title = "Voroni Coloring" helpfile = "sam-help\voroni.htm" helptopic = "vorcol" param dcount caption = "Distance Count" default = 0 enum = "From Center" "From Border" "Mosaic" endparam param offset caption = "Offset" default = 0.0 endparam param psize caption = "Pattern Size" default = .5 endparam param thick caption = "Thickness" default = 1.0 endparam param regtile caption = "Regularize Tiling ?" default = true endparam param regpar caption = "Regularizing Parameter" default = 4.0 min = 3.0 endparam } alinghi { ; By Samuel Monnier, 24.02.03, waiting for the fourth race... ; The logo is probably copyrighted. So it's wiser to use this ; only for strictly personal purposes. Thanks ! init: z = 0 bool bail = false float d = 1e20 float d1 = 0 int i = 0 loop: z = (#z-@center)*exp(1i*pi/180*@rot)/@size i = i + 1 if i >= @fit && (i <= @lit || @lit == 0) if @mode != 3 if cabs(z) < 1 && cabs(z+(.3,.1)) > .88 bail = true if @mode == 2 d1 = abs(cabs(z) - 1) if d1 < d d = d1 endif d1 = abs(cabs(z+(.3,.1)) - .88) if d1 < d d = d1 endif endif endif if (cabs(z) < 1 && cabs(z+(.3,.1)) < .88) && cabs(z+(.47,.11)) > .9 && cabs(z+(1.05,.4)) < 1.45 && imag(z) < 0 bail = true if @mode == 2 d1 = abs(cabs(z+(.47,.11)) - .9) if d1 < d d = d1 endif d1 = abs(cabs(z+(1.05,.4)) - 1.45) if d1 < d d = d1 endif endif endif if @mode == 2 if cabs(z+(1.05,.4)) < 1.45 && cabs(z+(.3,.1)) > .88 && imag(z) < 0 d = 1e20 d1 = abs(cabs(z) - 1) if d1 < d d = d1 endif d1 = abs(cabs(z+(.47,.11)) - .9) if d1 < d d = d1 endif d1 = cabs(z-(.375,-.663))/1.9 if d1 < d d = d1 endif endif endif if cabs(z+(.38,.21)) < .7 && cabs(z+(.18,.26)) > .53 bail = true if @mode == 2 d1 = abs(cabs(z+(.38,.21)) - .7) if d1 < d d = d1 endif d1 = abs(cabs(z+(.18,.26)) - .53) if d1 < d d = d1 endif endif endif if (cabs(z+(.38,.21)) > .7 && cabs(z+(.18,.26)) > .53) && cabs(z+(.37,0.05)) < .7 && cabs(z+(1.2,0)) > 1.3 && imag(z) > -.2 bail = true if @mode == 2 d1 = abs(cabs(z+(.37,0.05)) - .7) if d1 < d d = d1 endif d1 = abs(cabs(z+(1.2,0)) - 1.3) if d1 < d d = d1 endif d1 = abs(cabs(z+(.18,.26)) - .53) if d1 < d d = d1 endif endif endif if @mode == 2 if cabs(z+(.38,.21)) < .7 && cabs(z+(1.2,0)) > 1.3 && imag(z) > -.2 d = 1e20 d1 = abs(cabs(z+(.18,.26)) - .53) if d1 < d d = d1 endif d1 = abs(cabs(z+(.47,.11)) - .9) if d1 < d d = d1 endif d1 = cabs(z-(.056,.338))/1.8 if d1 < d d = d1 endif endif endif endif if @mode == 3 if abs(cabs(z) - 1) < @fw && cabs(z+(.3,.1)) > .88-@fw && (cabs(z+(.47,.11)) > .9-@fw || imag(z) > 0) bail = true endif if abs(cabs(z+(.3,.1)) - .88) < @fw && cabs(z) < 1+@fw && (cabs(z+(1.05,.4)) > 1.45 - @fw || imag(z) > 0) bail = true endif if (cabs(z) < 1+@fw && cabs(z+(.3,.1)) < .9-@fw) && abs(cabs(z+(.47,.11)) - .9) < @fw && cabs(z+(1.05,.4)) < 1.45 +@fw && imag(z) < 0 bail = true endif if (cabs(z) < 1-@fw && cabs(z+(.3,.1)) < .9-@fw) && cabs(z+(.47,.11)) > .9-@fw && abs(cabs(z+(1.05,.4)) - 1.45) < @fw && imag(z) < 0 bail = true endif if abs(cabs(z+(.38,.21)) - .7) < @fw && cabs(z+(.18,.26)) > .53 - @fw && (cabs(z+(1.2,0)) < 1.3+@fw || imag(z) < -.4) bail = true endif if (cabs(z+(.38,.21)) < .7+@fw || imag(z) > -.4) && abs(cabs(z+(.18,.26)) - .53) < @fw && (cabs(z+(.37,0.05)) < .7+@fw || imag(z) < -.4) bail = true endif if (cabs(z+(.38,.21)) > .7-@fw && cabs(z+(.18,.26)) > .53-@fw) && abs(cabs(z+(.37,0.05)) - .7) < @fw && cabs(z+(1.2,0)) > 1.3-@fw && imag(z) > -.4 bail = true endif if (cabs(z+(.38,.21)) > .7-@fw && cabs(z+(.18,.26)) > .53-@fw) && cabs(z+(.37,0.05)) < .7+@fw && abs(cabs(z+(1.2,0)) - 1.3) < @fw && imag(z) > -.4 bail = true endif endif endif final: if bail && (@mode == 0) #solid = true endif if !bail && (@mode == 1 || @mode == 2 || @mode == 3) #solid = true endif if @mode == 2 #index = d endif default: title = "alinghi Traps" param mode caption = "Mode" default = 1 enum = "Inside Solid" "Outside Solid" "Inside Distance" "Frame" endparam param center caption = "Trap Center" default = (0,0) endparam param rot caption = "Trap Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam param size caption = "Trap Size" default = 1.0 endparam param fit caption = "First Iteration" default = 1 endparam param lit caption = "Last Iteration" default = 0 endparam param fw caption = "Frame Width" default = .02 endparam } TrapView { ; Samuel Monnier, 2008 global: TrapShape TS = new @TrapShape(0) import "common.ulb" import "Standard.ulb" final: float indfin = 0 TS.Init(#z) indfin = TS.Iterate(#z) #index = indfin default: title = "Trap Shape viewer" TrapShape param TrapShape caption = "Trap Shape" default = Standard_TrapShapeGaussianInteger endparam }