sdc-gaussInt+Angle { ; ; Colors by the relationship of the orbit of Z to Gaussian ; Integers. ; ; Written by Kerry Mitchell. ; ; Modified to add angle & factor for normalization by function ; Susan D. Chambless, 17 Jan 2003 ; init: float r=0.0 ; remainder float rmin=1.0e12 ; float rmax=0.0 float rave=0.0 float total=0.0 float t=0.0 int iter=0 int itermin=0 int itermax=0 zmin=(0.0,0.0) zmax=(0.0,0.0) if(@norm==1) ; pixel normalization normfac=#pixel elseif(@norm==2) ; factor normalization normfac=@fac elseif(@norm==3) ; f(z) normalization float nx = cos( @normangle * #pi / 180.0 ) / @normmult float ny = -sin( @normangle * #pi / 180.0 ) / @normmult normfac=(@normfunc(#z * (nx + flip(ny)))) - @normshift else ; no normalization normfac=(1.0,0.0) endif float logfac=@logseed loop: iter=iter+1 temp2=#z if @randomize logfac=4*logfac*(1-logfac) temp2=temp2*(1-@randomsize*logfac) endif if(@inttype==1) ; trunc temp=trunc(temp2/normfac) elseif(@inttype==2) ; floor temp=floor(temp2/normfac) elseif(@inttype==3) ; ceil temp=ceil(temp2/normfac) else ; round temp=round(temp2/normfac) endif remain=temp2-temp*normfac r=cabs(remain) total=total+r rave=total/iter if(rrmax) rmax=r zmax=temp2 itermax=iter endif final: if(@colorby==1) ; iteration @ min #index=0.01*itermin elseif(@colorby==2) ; angle @ min t=atan2(zmin) t=t/pi if(t<0.0) t=t+2.0 endif #index=0.5*t elseif(@colorby==3) ; maximum distance #index=rmax elseif(@colorby==4) ; iteration @ max #index=0.01*itermax elseif(@colorby==5) ; angle @ max t=atan2(zmax) t=t/pi if(t<0.0) t=t+2.0 endif #index=0.5*t elseif(@colorby==6) ; average distance #index=rave elseif(@colorby==7) ; min/mean/max angle zmax=(rave-rmin)+flip(rmax-rave) t=atan2(zmax) t=t/pi if(t<0.0) t=t+2.0 endif #index=0.5*t elseif(@colorby==8) ; max/min ratio #index=rmax/(rmin+1.e-12) else ; minimum distance #index=rmin endif default: title="Gaussian Integer + Angle" ; helpfile = "Uf3.chm" ; helptopic = "Html/coloring/standard/gaussianinteger.html" param inttype caption="Integer Type" default=0 enum="round(z)" "trunc(z)" "floor(z)" "ceil(z)" endparam param colorby caption="Color By" default=0 enum="minimum distance" "iteration @ min" "angle @ min" \ "maximum distance" "iteration @ max" "angle @ max" "average distance"\ "min/mean/max angle" "max/min ratio" endparam param norm caption="Normalization" default=0 enum="none" "pixel" "factor" "f(z)" endparam param fac caption=" Factor" default=(2.0,1.0) hint = "Normalization factor." visible = @norm == "factor" endparam func normfunc caption=" Function" default=ident() hint = "Normalization function." visible = @norm == "f(z)" enabled = @norm == "f(z)" endfunc float param normangle caption=" Normalization Angle" default= 0.0 hint = "Normalization angle." visible = @norm == "f(z)" enabled = @norm == "f(z)" endparam float param normmult caption=" Normalization Multiplier" default= 1.0 hint = "Normalization Multiplier." visible = @norm == "f(z)" enabled = @norm == "f(z)" endparam complex param normshift caption=" Normalization Shift" default= (0.0, 0.0) hint = "Normalization Shift." visible = @norm == "f(z)" enabled = @norm == "f(z)" endparam param randomize caption="Randomize" default=false hint="Applies a random factor to z every iteration before \ finding the Gaussian integer." endparam param randomsize caption="Random Size" default=(0.1,0) hint="Size of random factor. Larger values give more randomization." visible = @randomize endparam param logseed caption="Random Seed" default=0.1 min=0.0 max=1.0 hint="Randomize seed, between 0 and 1. Every seed gives a different \ image." visible = @randomize endparam } sdc-frames { ; Similiar to Sylvie Gallet's Tryptich, ; makes it possible to frame the images ; that have been generated as subdivisions ; with the corresponding "Frame" transform ; in Raf.uxf ; Ralph Feltens March 2000 ; Corrected reference to "color" reserved word, set ; to my own favorite defaults ; Susan Chambless, February 2003 final: float w = #width/(1+@ncols) float h = #height/(1+@nrows) int cn = @colno int rn = @rowno int nc = @ncols int nr = @nrows if (abs(real(@shift))<1) ;values between -1 and 1 will not shift float xp = real(#screenpixel) else float xp = real(#screenpixel) - #width/real(@shift) endif if (abs(imag(@shift))<1) ;values between -1 and 1 will not shift float yp = imag(#screenpixel) else float yp = imag(#screenpixel) - #height/imag(@shift) endif if cn > nc ;so "column number" will not exceed "number of columns" cn = nc endif if rn > nr ;so "row number" will not exceed "number of rows" rn = nr endif if (round(xp/w - 0.5) != cn) || (round(yp/h - 0.5) != rn) #solid = true else float w2 = w/2 float h2 = h/2 float bw = #width * @borderw / 100 float bh = #width * @borderh / 100 xp = abs (xp - w * cn - w2) - w2 + bw yp = abs (yp - h * rn - h2) - h2 + bh float bhwxp = (@borderh / @borderw) * xp if (xp < 0) && (yp < 0) if @usesolid #solid = true else #index = (@col+1) / 400 - 0.0025 endif elseif (xp > 0) && (yp < bhwxp) #index = xp/bw - 0.01 else #index = yp/bh - 0.01 endif endif default: title = "Frames" param colno caption = "Column Number" enum = "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" default = 0 endparam param ncols caption = "Number of Columns" enum = "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" default = 0 endparam param rowno caption = "Row Number" enum = "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" default = 0 endparam param nrows caption = "Number of Rows" enum = "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" default = 0 endparam param borderw caption = "Border Width" default = 8.0 endparam param borderh caption = "Border Height" default = 8.0 endparam param @col caption = "Inside color" default = 0 min = 0 max = 399 endparam param usesolid caption = "Use solid color" default = true endparam param shift caption = "Shift right and down" hint = "shift this fraction of the image's size to the right and down;\ values between -1 and 1 will yield no shifting" endparam } sdc-buddabrot { ; Melinda Green's Buddhabrot coloring technique ; for the Mandelbrot set ; for more, see: ; ; ; ; global: int seed = @startSeed ; Seed for random numbers int pix[#width, #height] ; "Virtual screen" array complex locations[@maxiter] ; collect locations int i = 0 ; Loop counters int x = 0, int y = 0 ; Loop counters & integer coords float max = 0.0 ; maximum value for scaling float xc = real(#center) ; Scaling constants float yc = -imag(#center) float sina = sin(#angle) float cosa = cos(#angle) float transx = #width * 0.5 float transy = #height * 0.5 float srcMinX = real( @srcCenter ) - (@srcRange * 0.5) float srcMinY = -imag( @srcCenter ) - (@srcRange * 0.5) ; Adjust scaling for aspect ratio if 3 * #width < 4 * #height float scale = (#width * #magn) / 4 else scale = (#height * #magn) / 3 endif ; Initialize screen array while x < #width y = 0 while y < #height pix[x, y] = 0 y = y + 1 endwhile x = x + 1 endwhile ;;;;; Main iteration loop int nsamples = round(#width * #height * @sampleDensity) i = 0 while i < nsamples seed = random(seed) float srcA = @srcRange*(abs(seed)/#randomrange) + srcMinX seed = random(seed) float srcB = @srcRange*(abs(seed)/#randomrange) + srcMinY complex z = 0 complex c = srcA + flip(srcB) ; random constant int iter = 0 while (|z| < @bailout) && (iter < @maxIter) z = z * z + c locations[iter] = z iter = iter + 1 endwhile bool plotit = false if ( iter < @maxIter-1 ) ; point is outside plotit = true endif if ( plotit ) int locindex = 0 while( locIndex < iter ) float dx = real( locations[locIndex] ) - xc float dy = imag( locations[locIndex] ) - yc ; Scale to image x = round((dx*cosa - dy*sina) * scale + transx) y = round((dx*sina + dy*cosa) * scale + transy) ; Plot the point only if inside image if x >= 0 && x < #width && y >= 0 && y < #height pix[x, y] = pix[x, y] + 1 if pix[x, y] > max max = pix[x, y] endif endif locIndex = locIndex + 1 i = i+1 endwhile endif endwhile final: #index = pix[#x, #y] / max default: title = "Buddhabrot Classic" render = false float param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4.0 endparam int param maxiter caption = "Max Iterations" default = 100 endparam float param sampleDensity caption = "Sample Density" default = 50.0 endparam int param startSeed caption = "Start Seed" default = 123456 endparam heading caption = "Source Square" endheading complex param srcCenter caption = "Center" default = (-0.5, 0.0) endparam float param srcRange caption = "Range" default = 4.0 endparam } sdc-buddhabrot2 { ; Melinda Green's Buddhabrot coloring technique ; for the Mandelbrot set ; for more, see: ; ; ; ; 6 Jan 2003 -- added log scaling & power option. -- SDC global: int seed = @startSeed ; Seed for random numbers int pix[#width, #height] ; "Virtual screen" array complex locations[@maxiter] ; collect locations int i = 0 ; Loop counters int x = 0, int y = 0 ; Loop counters & integer coords float max = 0.0 ; maximum value for scaling float xc = real(#center) ; Scaling constants float yc = -imag(#center) float sina = sin(#angle) float cosa = cos(#angle) float transx = #width * 0.5 float transy = #height * 0.5 float srcMinX = real( @srcCenter ) - (@srcRange * 0.5) float srcMinY = -imag( @srcCenter ) - (@srcRange * 0.5) ; Adjust scaling for aspect ratio if 3 * #width < 4 * #height float scale = (#width * #magn) / 4 else scale = (#height * #magn) / 3 endif ; Initialize screen array while x < #width y = 0 while y < #height pix[x, y] = 0 y = y + 1 endwhile x = x + 1 endwhile ;;;;; Main iteration loop int nsamples = #width * #height * @sampleDensity i = 0 while i < nsamples if @itype == 1 ; holograpic seed = random(seed) float srcA = @srcRange*(abs(seed)/#randomrange) + srcMinX seed = random(seed) float srcB = @srcRange*(abs(seed)/#randomrange) + srcMinY seed = random(seed) z = srcA + flip(srcB) ; random constant endif float srcC = @srcRange*(abs(seed)/#randomrange) + srcMinX seed = random(seed) float srcD = @srcRange*(abs(seed)/#randomrange) + srcMinY complex z = (0.0, 0.0) complex c = srcC + flip(srcD) ; random constant int iter = 0 while (|z| < @bailout) && (iter < @maxIter) if @powtype == 0 z = z * z + c else z = z^@power + c endif if @itype == 0 || @pplane == 0 ; Z.r, Z.i locations[iter] = z elseif @pplane == 1 ; Z.r, C.r locations[iter] = real(z) + flip(real(c)) elseif @pplane == 2 ; Z.r, C.i locations[iter] = real(z) + flip(imag(c)) elseif @pplane == 3 ; Z.i, C.r locations[iter] = imag(z) + flip(real(c)) elseif @pplane == 4 ; Z.i, C.i locations[iter] = imag(z) + flip(imag(c)) elseif @pplane == 5 ; C.r, C.i locations[iter] = c endif iter = iter + 1 endwhile bool plotit = false bool outside = (iter < @maxIter-1) if @ptype==2 ; both plotit = true elseif @ptype==0 && outside ; point is outside (Buddhabrot) plotit = true elseif @ptype==1 && !outside ; point is inside plotit = true endif if ( plotit ) int locindex = 0 while( locIndex < iter ) float dx = real( locations[locIndex] ) - xc float dy = imag( locations[locIndex] ) - yc ; Scale to image x = round((dx*cosa - dy*sina) * scale + transx) y = round((dx*sina + dy*cosa) * scale + transy) ; Plot the point only if inside image if x >= 0 && x < #width && y >= 0 && y < #height pix[x, y] = pix[x, y] + 1 if pix[x, y] > max max = pix[x, y] endif endif locIndex = locIndex + 1 i = i+1 endwhile endif endwhile float fmax = max ;float lmax = log(fmax) final: if pix[#x, #y] == 0 if @solid==true #solid = true else #index = 0 endif elseif @scaletype == 0 ; linear #index = pix[#x, #y] / max else ; log float pv = pix[#x, #y] #index = log(pv / fmax) endif default: title = "Buddhabrot II" render = false float param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 256.0 endparam int param maxiter caption = "Max Iterations" default = 2000 hint = "Increase this for a cleaner image" endparam int param sampleDensity caption = "Sample Density" default = 50 endparam bool param solid caption = "Solid Background??" default = true endparam int param startSeed caption = "Start Seed" default = 963487 hint = "This greatly affects image." endparam param powtype caption = "Power Type" default = 0 enum = "Z squared" "Arbitrary Power" endparam complex param power caption = "Power" default = (2.0, 0.0) visible = @powtype==1 endparam param scaletype caption = "Scale type" default = 0 enum = "Linear" "Log" endparam heading caption = "Source Square" endheading complex param srcCenter caption = "Center" default = (-0.5, 0.0) endparam float param srcRange caption = "Range" default = 4.0 endparam heading caption = "Advanced" endheading param itype caption = "Image Type" default = 0 enum = "Classic" "Hologram" endparam param pplane caption = "Projection Plane" default = 0 enum = "Z.r,Z.i" "Z.r,C.r" "Z.r,C.i" "Z.i,C.r" "Z.i,C.i" "C.r,C.i" visible = @itype==1 enabled = @itype==1 endparam param ptype caption = "Plot Type" default = 0 enum = "Outside(Buddhabrot)" "Inside" "Both" endparam } sdc-buddhabrot3 { ; Melinda Green's Buddhabrot coloring technique ; for the Mandelbrot set ; for more, see: ; ; ; ; 6 Jan 2003 -- added log scaling & power option. -- SDC ; 8 Jan 2003 -- added src square options -- SDC global: int seed = @startSeed ; Seed for random numbers int bsA ; binned seeds int bsB int bsC int bsD int pix[#width, #height] ; "Virtual screen" array complex locations[@maxiter] ; collect locations int i = 0 ; Loop counters int x = 0, int y = 0 ; Loop counters & integer coords float max = 0.0 ; maximum value for scaling float xc = real(#center) ; Scaling constants float yc = -imag(#center) float sina = sin(#angle) float cosa = cos(#angle) float transx = #width * 0.5 float transy = #height * 0.5 float srcMinX = real( @srcCenter ) - (@srcWidth * 0.5) float srcMinY = -imag( @srcCenter ) - (@srcHeight * 0.5) ; Adjust scaling for aspect ratio if 3 * #width < 4 * #height float scale = (#width * #magn) / 4 else scale = (#height * #magn) / 3 endif int srcDens = @srcDensity if (@detBinsBy == "Corrected") srcDens = @srcDensity * 100000 endif ; Initialize screen array while x < #width y = 0 while y < #height pix[x, y] = 0 y = y + 1 endwhile x = x + 1 endwhile ;;;;; Main iteration loop int nsamples = round(#width * #height * @sampleDensity) i = 0 while i < nsamples bsA = seed = random(seed) bsB = seed = random(seed) bsC = seed = random(seed) bsD = seed = random(seed) if @binFcn == 0 ;floor bsA = floor( bsA / srcDens ) * srcDens bsB = floor( bsB / srcDens ) * srcDens bsC = floor( bsC / srcDens ) * srcDens bsD = floor( bsD / srcDens ) * srcDens elseif @binFcn == 1 ;ceil bsA = ceil( bsA / srcDens ) * srcDens bsB = ceil( bsB / srcDens ) * srcDens bsC = ceil( bsC / srcDens ) * srcDens bsD = ceil( bsD / srcDens ) * srcDens elseif @binFcn == 2 ;round bsA = round( bsA / srcDens ) * srcDens bsB = round( bsB / srcDens ) * srcDens bsC = round( bsC / srcDens ) * srcDens bsD = round( bsD / srcDens ) * srcDens elseif @binFcn == 3 ;trunc bsA = trunc( bsA / srcDens ) * srcDens bsB = trunc( bsB / srcDens ) * srcDens bsC = trunc( bsC / srcDens ) * srcDens bsD = trunc( bsD / srcDens ) * srcDens endif if @itype == 1 ; holograpic float srcA = @srcWidth*(abs(bsA)/#randomrange) + srcMinX float srcB = @srcHeight*(abs(bsB)/#randomrange) + srcMinY z = srcA + flip(srcB) ; random constant endif float srcC = @srcWidth*(abs(bsC)/#randomrange) + srcMinX float srcD = @srcHeight*(abs(bsD)/#randomrange) + srcMinY complex z = (0.0, 0.0) complex c = srcC + flip(srcD) ; random constant int iter = 0 while (|z| < @bailout) && (iter < @maxIter) if @powtype == 0 z = z * z + c else z = z^@power + c endif if @pplane == 0 ; Z.r, Z.i locations[iter] = z elseif @pplane == 1 ; Z.r, C.r locations[iter] = real(z) + flip(real(c)) elseif @pplane == 2 ; Z.r, C.i locations[iter] = real(z) + flip(imag(c)) elseif @pplane == 3 ; Z.i, C.r locations[iter] = imag(z) + flip(real(c)) elseif @pplane == 4 ; Z.i, C.i locations[iter] = imag(z) + flip(imag(c)) elseif @pplane == 5 ; C.r, C.i locations[iter] = c endif iter = iter + 1 endwhile bool plotit = false bool outside = (iter < @maxIter-1) if @ptype==2 ; both plotit = true elseif @ptype==0 && outside ; point is outside (Buddhabrot) plotit = true elseif @ptype==1 && !outside ; point is inside plotit = true endif if ( plotit ) int locindex = 1 ; skip first point while( locIndex < iter ) float dx = real( locations[locIndex] ) - xc float dy = imag( locations[locIndex] ) - yc ; Scale to image x = round((dx*cosa - dy*sina) * scale + transx) y = round((dx*sina + dy*cosa) * scale + transy) ; Plot the point only if inside image if x >= 0 && x < #width && y >= 0 && y < #height pix[x, y] = pix[x, y] + 1 if pix[x, y] > max max = pix[x, y] endif endif locIndex = locIndex + 1 i = i+1 endwhile endif endwhile float fmax = max ;float lmax = log(fmax) final: if pix[#x, #y] == 0 if @solid==true #solid = true else #index = 0 endif elseif @scaletype == 0 ; linear #index = pix[#x, #y] / max else ; log float pv = pix[#x, #y] #index = log(pv / fmax) endif default: title = "Buddhabrot III" render = false float param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 endparam int param maxiter caption = "Max Iterations" default = 3000 hint = "Increase this for a cleaner image" endparam float param sampleDensity caption = "Sample Density" default = .02 endparam bool param solid caption = "Solid Background??" default = true endparam int param startSeed caption = "Start Seed" default = 963487 hint = "This greatly affects image." endparam param powtype caption = "Power Type" default = 0 enum = "Z squared" "Arbitrary Power" endparam complex param power caption = "Power" default = (2.0, 0.0) visible = @powtype==1 endparam param scaletype caption = "Scale type" default = 0 enum = "Linear" "Log" endparam heading caption = "Source Square" endheading complex param srcCenter caption = "Center" default = (-0.5, 0.0) endparam float param srcWidth caption = "Width" default = 4.0 endparam float param srcHeight caption = "Height" default = 4.0 endparam param detBinsBy caption = "Determine Bins by" enum = "Orignal" "Corrected" default = 1 endparam int param srcDensity caption = "Bin Size" default = 12 min = 1 max = 100000000 endparam param binFcn caption = "Binning Function" enum = "floor" "ceil" "round" "trunc" default = 0 endParam heading caption = "Advanced" endheading param itype caption = "Image Type" default = 0 enum = "Classic" "Hologram" endparam param pplane caption = "Projection Plane" default = 0 enum = "Z.r,Z.i" "Z.r,C.r" "Z.r,C.i" "Z.i,C.r" "Z.i,C.i" "C.r,C.i" visible = @itype==1 enabled = @itype==1 endparam param ptype caption = "Plot Type" default = 0 enum = "Outside(Buddhabrot)" "Inside" "Both" endparam } sdc-attractor { init: complex orbit=(0,0) complex diff=(0,0) complex iterz=(0,0) int iter=0 loop: orbit=(#z-@center)*@mag*exp(flip(@rot*#pi/180)) ; float x = real(orbit) ; float y = imag(orbit) iter=iter+1 diff=orbit-#z if (iter <= @iterate) iterz = diff endif final: #index=@randfactor*real(#rand-.5)+cabs(iterz) default: title = "Attractor" float param version default = 0.0 visible = false endparam param randfactor caption = "Random" default = 0.0 endparam param iterate caption = "Iteration # for attractor value" default = 10 hint = "Number of iterations to determine the attractor value." endparam param @center caption="Trap center" default=(0,0) endparam param @mag caption="Trap magnitude" default=3.0 endparam param @rot caption="Trap rotation" default=0.0 endparam } sdc-buddhabrot4 { ; Melinda Green's Buddhabrot coloring technique ; for the Mandelbrot set ; for more, see: ; ; ; ; 6 Jan 2003 -- added log scaling & power option. -- SDC ; 8 Jan 2003 -- added src square options -- SDC ; Nov, 2004 -- added mapping, optional binning & function global: int seed = @startSeed ; Seed for random numbers ;;;; Nov 2004 float incMult = 1.0 + (@percentInc*.01) int pix[trunc(#width*(1.0+(@percentInc*.01))),\ trunc(#height*(1.0+(@percentInc*.01)))] ; offscreen image int pwid = trunc(#width*incMult) int phgt = trunc(#height*incMult) complex locations[@maxiter] ; collect locations int i = 0 ; Loop counters int x = 0, int y = 0 ; Loop counters & integer coords float max = 0.0 ; maximum value for scaling float xc = real(#center) ; Scaling constants float yc = -imag(#center) float sina = sin(#angle) float cosa = cos(#angle) float transx = pwid * 0.5 float transy = phgt * 0.5 float srcMinX = real( @srcCenter ) - (@srcWidth * 0.5) float srcMinY = -imag( @srcCenter ) - (@srcHeight * 0.5) ; Adjust scaling for aspect ratio if 3 * #width < 4 * #height float scale = (#width * #magn) / 4 else scale = (#height * #magn) / 3 endif ; Initialize screen array while x < #width y = 0 while y < #height pix[x, y] = 0 y = y + 1 endwhile x = x + 1 endwhile ;;;;; Main iteration loop int nsamples = round(#width * #height * @sampleDensity) int tenth = round(nsamples / 10) i = 0 while i < nsamples ; generate random numbers (-#randomrange to #randomrange) int irandX1 = seed = random(seed) int irandY1 = seed = random(seed) int irandX2 = seed = random(seed) int irandY2 = seed = random(seed) ; convert to random numbers between 0-1 float frandX1 = abs(irandX1) / #randomrange float frandY1 = abs(irandY1) / #randomrange float frandX2 = abs(irandX2) / #randomrange float frandY2 = abs(irandY2) / #randomrange if @binning == true ; convert to random numbers (0-1), ; but only nBins number of values frandX1 = frandX1 * @nBinsX frandY1 = frandY1 * @nBinsY frandX2 = frandX2 * @nBinsX frandY2 = frandY2 * @nBinsY ; bin the numbers if @binFcn == 0 ;floor irandX1 = floor( frandX1 ) irandY1 = floor( frandY1 ) irandX2 = floor( frandX2 ) irandY2 = floor( frandY2 ) elseif @binFcn == 1 ;ceil irandX1 = ceil( frandX1 ) irandY1 = ceil( frandY1 ) irandX2 = ceil( frandX2 ) irandY2 = ceil( frandY2 ) elseif @binFcn == 2 ;round irandX1 = round( frandX1 ) irandY1 = round( frandY1 ) irandX2 = round( frandX2 ) irandY2 = round( frandY2 ) elseif @binFcn == 3 ;trunc irandX1 = trunc( frandX1 ) irandY1 = trunc( frandY1 ) irandX2 = trunc( frandX2 ) irandY2 = trunc( frandY2 ) endif ; convert back to (0-1) frandX1 = irandX1 / @nbinsX frandY1 = irandY1 / @nbinsY frandX2 = irandX2 / @nbinsX frandY2 = irandY2 / @nbinsY endif ; endif @binning == true float srcX1 = @srcWidth*(frandX1) + srcMinX float srcY1 = @srcHeight*(frandY1) + srcMinY ; Mandelbrot mode complex z = @z0 complex c = srcX1 + flip(srcY1) ; random constant if (@mode == "Julia") z = c ; make z0 the randomly generated value c = @juliaseed endif ; I am not sure whether the holographic mode makes sense ; with Julia. if @itype == 1 ; holograpic float srcX2 = @srcWidth*(frandX2) + srcMinX float srcY2 = @srcHeight*(frandY2) + srcMinY z = srcX2 + flip(srcY2) ; random constant endif ; count iterations int iter = 0 while (|z| < @bailout) && (iter < @maxIter) if @formulatype == 0 z = z * z + c elseif @orderfn==0 z = @fn0(z^@power) + c else z = @fn0(z)^@power + c endif if @itype==0 || @pplane == 0 ; Z.r, Z.i locations[iter] = z elseif @pplane == 1 ; Z.r, C.r locations[iter] = real(z) + flip(real(c)) elseif @pplane == 2 ; Z.r, C.i locations[iter] = real(z) + flip(imag(c)) elseif @pplane == 3 ; Z.i, C.r locations[iter] = imag(z) + flip(real(c)) elseif @pplane == 4 ; Z.i, C.i locations[iter] = imag(z) + flip(imag(c)) elseif @pplane == 5 ; C.r, C.i locations[iter] = c endif iter = iter + 1 endwhile bool plotit = false bool outside = (iter < @maxIter-1) if @ptype==2 ; both plotit = true elseif @ptype==0 && outside ; point is outside (Buddhabrot) plotit = true elseif @ptype==1 && !outside ; point is inside plotit = true endif if ( plotit ) int locindex = 1 ; skip first point while( locIndex < iter ) float dx = real( locations[locIndex] ) - xc float dy = imag( locations[locIndex] ) - yc ; Scale to image x = round((dx*cosa - dy*sina) * scale + transx) y = round((dx*sina + dy*cosa) * scale + transy) ; Plot the point only if inside image if x >= 0 && x < pwid && y >= 0 && y < phgt pix[x, y] = pix[x, y] + 1 if pix[x, y] > max max = pix[x, y] endif endif locIndex = locIndex + 1 if (@progress==true && i%tenth == 0) $define DEBUG print(round(i/nsamples*100), " percent") endif i = i+1 endwhile endif endwhile float fmax = max float lmax = log(fmax) final: int xcrd = #x int ycrd = #y bool inside = true if (@applyMapping == true) ; generate the x and y location in the image float dxx = (real(#pixel)-real(#center)) float dyy = (imag(#pixel)-imag(#center)) xcrd = floor(transx + (dxx*cosa + dyy*sina)*scale) ycrd = floor(transy + (dxx*sina - dyy*cosa)*scale) ; is this in our image? if (xcrd<0 || xcrd>=pwid || ycrd<0 || ycrd>=phgt) inside = false endif endif if inside if pix[xcrd, ycrd] == 0 if @solid==true #solid = true else #index = 0 endif elseif @scaletype == 0 ; linear #index = pix[xcrd, ycrd] / max else ; log float pv = pix[xcrd, ycrd] #index = pv / lmax endif else if @solid==true #solid = true else #index = 0 endif endif default: title = "Buddhabrot IV" render = false float param version default = 2.0 visible = false endparam param mode caption="ManJul mode" enum="Mandelbrot" "Julia" default = 0 endparam complex param z0 caption = "Initial Z value" default = (0.0, 0.0) visible=(@mode==0) endparam complex param juliaseed caption = "Julia Seed" default = (-0.8, 0.2) hint = "No Switch: Select seed from your favorite Julia.." visible=(@mode==1) endparam float param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 100 endparam int param maxiter caption = "Max Iterations" default = 300 hint = "Increase this for a cleaner image" endparam float param sampleDensity caption = "Sample Density" default = 50.0 endparam bool param solid caption = "Solid Background??" default = true endparam bool param progress caption = "Show Progress??" hint = "Use for a long render to see how it is progressing." default = false endparam heading caption = "Source Square" endheading complex param srcCenter caption = "Center" default = (-0.5, 0.0) endparam float param srcWidth caption = "Width" default = 4.0 endparam float param srcHeight caption = "Height" default = 4.0 endparam param scaletype caption = "Scale type" default = 0 enum = "Linear" "Log" endparam param formulatype caption = "Formula Type" default = 0 enum = "Classic" "Enhanced" endparam heading caption = "Advanced" visible = @formulatype==1 endheading int param startSeed caption = "Start Seed" default = 963487 hint = "This greatly affects binned image." visible = @formulatype==1 endparam bool param applyMapping caption = "Apply Mapping" default = true visible = false endparam float param percentInc caption = "Oversize by (%)" default = 0.0 visible = @formulatype==1 && @applyMapping == true endparam heading caption = "Enhancement Params" visible = @formulatype==1 endheading complex param power caption = "Power" default = (2.0, 0.0) visible = @formulatype==1 endparam func fn0 caption = "Function" default = ident() visible = @formulatype==1 endfunc param orderfn caption = "Order Applied" enum = "f(z^p)" "f(z)^p" default = 0 visible = @formulatype==1 endparam bool param binning caption = "Binning?" hint = "Binning combines orbits" default = false visible = @formulatype==1 endparam heading caption = "Binning Parameters" visible = @formulatype==1 && @binning==true endheading int param nBinsX caption = "Number of Bins in X" hint = "Controls number of orbits." default = 100 min = 1 max = 100000000 visible = @formulatype==1 && @binning==true endparam int param nBinsY caption = "Number of Bins in Y" hint = "Controls number of orbits." default = 100 min = 1 max = 100000000 visible = @formulatype==1 && @binning==true endparam param binFcn caption = "Binning Function" enum = "floor" "ceil" "round" "trunc" default = 0 visible = @formulatype==1 && @binning==true endParam heading caption = "Image Types" visible = @formulatype==1 endheading param itype caption = "Image Type" default = 0 enum = "Buddhabrot" "Hologram" visible = @formulatype==1 endparam param pplane caption = "Projection Plane" default = 0 enum = "Z.r,Z.i" "Z.r,C.r" "Z.r,C.i" "Z.i,C.r" "Z.i,C.i" "C.r,C.i" visible = @formulatype==1 && @itype==1 enabled = @itype==1 endparam param ptype caption = "Plot Type" default = 0 enum = "Outside(Buddhabrot)" "Inside" "Both" visible = @formulatype==1 endparam } sdc-KologyTrap { ; Inspired by work of Mark Townsend, Damien Jones, Ron Barnett, ; and Gilles Nadeau, and, doubtless, others. ; ; ; Susan Chambless ; 12/24/2004 ; init: pat_p = 0 trap_z = 0 trap_p = 0 int seed = random(@randomseed);; initialize random numbers float sum = 0.0 float dist = 0.0 float noise = 0.0 int trap_iter = 0 float texture = 0.0 bool masked = false float min_dist = 1e30 int iter = 0 loop: p = @fn1(#z / @scale) - @offset ; Iterate Kology formula if (@inititer == true) iter = 0 seed = random(@randomseed) endif int seed = random(@randomseed);; initialize random numbers int i = 0 float x = real(p) float y = imag(p) while i < @max_iterations float oldx = x float oldy = y bool formula1 = false ; Determine formula to be used: iter = iter + 1 if ( @seq == 1 ) ; First formula formula1 = true elseif ( @seq == 2 ) ; Second formula formula1 = false elseif ( @seq==3 ) seed = random(seed) if ( abs(seed)/#randomrange < @prob1 ) formula1 = true else formula1 = false endif elseif ( @seq == 0 ); Modulation if (iter % @modBy < @modCmp) formula1 = true else formula1 = false endif endif if( formula1 == true ) float x1 = @ampA1 * real(@fcnA1(@freqA1 * oldy + \ @ampB1 * real(@fcnB1(@freqB1 * oldy )))) float x2 = @ampC1 * real(@fcnC1(@freqC1 * oldy + \ @ampD1 * real(@fcnD1(@freqD1 * oldy )))) float y1 = @ampA1 * real(@fcnA1(@freqA1 * oldx + \ @ampB1 * real(@fcnB1(@freqB1 * oldx )))) float y2 = @ampC1 * real(@fcnC1(@freqC1 * oldx + \ @ampD1 * real(@fcnD1(@freqD1 * oldx )))) float xx float yy if ( @op11 == 0 ) ; + xx = x1 + x2 elseif ( @op11 == 1 ) ; - xx = x1 - x2 else ; * xx = x1 * x2 endif if ( @op12 == 0 ) ; + yy = y1 + y2 elseif ( @op12 == 1 ) ; - yy = y1 - y2 else ; * yy = y1 * y2 endif x = oldx + @multiplier * xx y = oldy - @multiplier * yy else ; formula 2 float x1 = @ampA2 * real(@fcnA2(@freqA2 * oldy + \ @ampB2 * real(@fcnB2(@freqB2 * oldy )))) float x2 = @ampC2 * real(@fcnC2(@freqC2 * oldy + \ @ampD2 * real(@fcnD2(@freqD2 * oldy )))) float y1 = @ampA2 * real(@fcnA2(@freqA2 * oldx + \ @ampB2 * real(@fcnB2(@freqB2 * oldx )))) float y2 = @ampC2 * real(@fcnC2(@freqC2 * oldx + \ @ampD2 * real(@fcnD2(@freqD2 * oldx )))) ;; float xx ;; float yy if ( @op21 == 0 ) ; + xx = x1 + x2 elseif ( @op21 == 1 ) ; - xx = x1 - x2 else ; * xx = x1 * x2 endif if ( @op22 == 0 ) ; + yy = y1 + y2 elseif ( @op22 == 1 ) ; - yy = y1 - y2 else ; * yy = y1 * y2 endif x = oldx + @multiplier * xx y = oldy - @multiplier * yy endif i = i + 1 ;;; increment iteration count endwhile ;; collect trap information p = @fn2(x + flip(y)) + @offset dist = cabs(#z - p) if (iter >= @skip) && dist < min_dist trap_z = #z trap_p = p min_dist = dist trap_iter = iter endif final: if @mask_type == 0 if @mask != 0 if min_dist > @mask masked = true endif endif elseif @mask_type == 1 if @mask != 0 float mask_val = trap_iter if @mask_mod != 0 mask_val = trap_iter % @mask_mod endif if mask_val < @mask masked = true endif endif elseif @mask_type == 2 if (trap_iter >= @mask) && (trap_iter <= @mask_mod) masked = true endif endif if @inverse masked = !masked endif if masked #solid = true else if (@texture_type == 0) ;Random texture = @rnd * real(#random) else ; fBm if (@rnd != 0) complex r = (0,1) ^ (@angle / 90.0) complex r2 = (0,1) ^ (@anglestep / 90.0) if @initial == 0 pat_p = #pixel * r + @fbmOffset complex p = #pixel * @fbmscale * r + @fbmoffset elseif @initial == 1 pat_p = trap_z * r + @fbmOffset complex p = trap_z * @fbmscale * r + @fbmoffset elseif @initial == 2 pat_p = trap_p * r + @fbmOffset complex p = trap_p * @fbmscale * r + @fbmoffset endif float freq = 1.0 int i = @octaves while (i > 0) ; determine integer coordinate for corners of square ; surrounding p float bx0 = floor(real(p)) % 256 float by0 = floor(imag(p)) % 256 if (bx0 < 0) bx0 = bx0 + 256 endif if (by0 < 0) by0 = by0 + 256 endif float bx1 = (bx0 + 1) % 256 float by1 = (by0 + 1) % 256 float rx0 = real(p) - floor(real(p)) float ry0 = imag(p) - floor(imag(p)) float rx1 = rx0 - 1 float ry1 = ry0 - 1 float b00 = (bx0^@power % 65536 + by0)^@power % 65536 float b10 = (bx1^@power % 65536 + by0)^@power % 65536 float b01 = (bx0^@power % 65536 + by1)^@power % 65536 float b11 = (bx1^@power % 65536 + by1)^@power % 65536 float g_b00_0 = (b00)^@power*0.25 % 512 - 256 float g_b10_0 = (b10)^@power*0.25 % 512 - 256 float g_b01_0 = (b01)^@power*0.25 % 512 - 256 float g_b11_0 = (b11)^@power*0.25 % 512 - 256 float g_b00_1 = (b00+1)^@power*0.25 % 512 - 256 float g_b10_1 = (b10+1)^@power*0.25 % 512 - 256 float g_b01_1 = (b01+1)^@power*0.25 % 512 - 256 float g_b11_1 = (b11+1)^@power*0.25 % 512 - 256 float d = 0.0; d = 1 / sqrt(sqr(g_b00_0) + sqr(g_b00_1)) g_b00_0 = g_b00_0 * d g_b00_1 = g_b00_1 * d d = 1 / sqrt(sqr(g_b10_0) + sqr(g_b10_1)) g_b10_0 = g_b10_0 * d g_b10_1 = g_b10_1 * d d = 1 / sqrt(sqr(g_b01_0) + sqr(g_b01_1)) g_b01_0 = g_b01_0 * d g_b01_1 = g_b01_1 * d d = 1 / sqrt(sqr(g_b11_0) + sqr(g_b11_1)) g_b11_0 = g_b11_0 * d g_b11_1 = g_b11_1 * d float u1 = rx0 * g_b00_0 + ry0 * g_b00_1 float v1 = rx1 * g_b10_0 + ry0 * g_b10_1 float u2 = rx0 * g_b01_0 + ry1 * g_b01_1 float v2 = rx1 * g_b11_0 + ry1 * g_b11_1 float sx = sqr(rx0) * (3 - rx0*2) float sy = sqr(ry0) * (3 - ry0*2) float a = u1 + sx*(v1 - u1) float b = u2 + sx*(v2 - u2) if @fbmfunc == 0 ; Ident sum = sum + (a + sy * (b - a)) * freq elseif @fbmfunc == 1 ; Abs sum = sum + sqrt(2) * abs(a + sy * (b - a)) * freq elseif @fbmfunc == 2 ; Sqr sum = sum + 4 * sqr(a + sy * (b - a)) * freq elseif @fbmfunc == 3 ; Sqrt float noise = a + sy * (b - a) if noise < 0 noise = imag(sqrt(noise)) else noise = real(sqrt(noise)) endif sum = sum + noise * freq elseif @fbmfunc == 4 ; Ceil sum = sum + ceil(a + sy * (b - a)) * freq endif freq = freq * @step p = p * r2 / @step i = i - 1 endwhile endif if @pattern == 0 noise = sum elseif @pattern == 1 ; Marble noise = real(sin(@pfreq * real(pat_p) + (@turb * sum))) elseif @pattern == 2 ; Wood noise = cabs(@pfreq * pat_p) + (@turb * sum) elseif @pattern == 3 ; Cells float x = sin(@pfreq * real(pat_p)) float y = cos(@pfreq * imag(pat_p)) noise = cabs(x + flip(y)) + (@turb * sum) elseif @pattern == 4 p = round(pat_p * @pfreq) / @pfreq noise = 2 * cabs(@pfreq * pat_p - @pfreq * p) + (@turb * sum) endif if @texture_type == 1 ; Original fBm texture = @rnd * noise elseif @texture_type == 2 ; Corrected fBm texture = @rnd * ((noise + 1) * 0.5) endif endif if @color_mode == 0 ; Distance #index = min_dist + texture elseif @color_mode == 1 ; Iteration #index = 0.01 * trap_iter + texture elseif @color_mode == 2 ; Magnitude #index = cabs(trap_z) + texture elseif @color_mode == 3 ; Real #index = abs(real(trap_z)) + texture elseif @color_mode == 4 ; Imag #index = abs(imag(trap_z)) + texture elseif @color_mode == 5 ; Angle float angle = atan2(trap_z) if angle < 0 angle = angle + 2 * #pi endif angle = 1 / (2 * #pi) * angle #index = angle + (@rnd * real(#random)) elseif @color_mode == 6 ; Modulated iteration #index = ((trap_iter) % 8) / 8 + texture elseif @color_mode == 7 ; Angle to Trap float angle = atan2(trap_z - trap_p) if angle < 0 angle = angle + 2 * #pi endif angle = 1 / (2 * #pi) * angle #index = angle + texture endif endif default: title = "Trap Kology" param version caption = "Version" default = 1.1 visible = false endparam heading caption = "Global Settings" endheading param color_mode caption = "Coloring Mode" enum = "Distance" "Iteration" "Magnitude" "Real" "Imag" \ "Angle" "Modulated Iter" "Angle to Trap" endparam param max_iterations caption = "Iterations" default = 10 min = 1 endparam param @scale caption = "Scale" default = 0.5 endparam param offset caption = "Offset" default = (0,0) endparam param skip caption = "Iterations to Skip" hint = "This is the number of iterations to skip before watching \ the orbit." default = 0 min = 0 endparam bool param inititer caption = "Init sequence in loop" default = true endparam heading caption = "Global functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Initial function" hint = "This function changes the overall shape of \ the trap." default = ident() endfunc func fn2 caption = "Final function" hint = "This function changes the overall shape of \ the trap." default = ident() endfunc heading caption = "Formula Selection" endheading int param seq enum = "Modulation" "First Scenario" "Second Scenario" "Random" default = 0 caption = "Scenario Sequence" endparam int param modBy default = 10 caption = "Mod By" hint = "Iteration Modulated by This" visible = @seq==0 endparam int param modCmp default = 5 caption = "Mod Compare" hint = "Modulated Iteration < this -> Scenario 1" visible = @seq==0 endparam int param randomseed caption = "Random Seed" default = 123456 visible = @seq==3 endparam float param prob1 caption = "Prob for Formula 1" default = 0.5 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 visible = @seq==3 endparam heading caption = "Kology specific" endheading float param multiplier default = .1 caption = "Multiplier" endparam bool param progressive caption = "Progressive Params?" default = false visible = false ;;; maybe later endparam bool param showfn1 caption = "Show Function 1" default = true visible= @seq != 2 endparam bool param showfn2 caption = "Show Function 2" default = true visible = @seq != 1 endparam heading caption = "Function 1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endheading param op11 caption = "Fcn 1, Op 1" default = 0 enum = "+" "-" "*" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endparam param op12 caption = "Fcn 1, Op 2" default = 0 enum = "+" "-" "*" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endparam func fcnA1 default = sinh() caption = "Function A1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endfunc float param ampA1 default = 1.0 caption = "Amplitude A1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endparam float param dAmpA1 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Amplitude A1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 && @progressive endparam float param freqA1 default = 1.0 caption = "Frequency A1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endparam float param dFreqA1 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Frequency A1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 && @progressive endparam func fcnB1 default = sin() caption = "Function B1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endfunc float param ampB1 default = 1.0 caption = "Amplitude B1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endparam float param dAmpB1 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Amplitude B1" visible = @progressive && @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endparam float param freqB1 default = 1.0 caption = "Frequency B1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endparam float param dFreqB1 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Frequency B1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 && @progressive endparam func fcnC1 default = sin() caption = "Function C1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endfunc float param ampC1 default = 1.0 caption = "Amplitude C1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endparam float param dAmpC1 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Amplitude C1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 && @progressive endparam float param freqC1 default = 1.0 caption = "Frequency C1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endparam float param dFreqC1 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Frequency C1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 && @progressive endparam func fcnD1 default = cos() caption = "Function D1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endfunc float param ampD1 default = 1.0 caption = "Amplitude D1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endparam float param dAmpD1 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Amplitude D1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 && @progressive endparam float param freqD1 default = 1.0 caption = "Frequency D1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 endparam float param dFreqD1 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Frequency D1" visible = @showfn1 && @seq != 2 && @progressive endparam heading caption = "Function2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endheading param op21 caption = "Formula 2, Op 1" default = 0 enum = "+" "-" "*" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endparam param op22 caption = "Formula 2, Op 2" default = 0 enum = "+" "-" "*" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endparam func fcnA2 default = sinh() caption = "Function A2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endfunc float param ampA2 default = 1.0 caption = "Amplitude A2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endparam float param dAmpA2 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Amplitude A2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 && @progressive endparam float param freqA2 default = 1.0 caption = "Frequency A2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endparam float param dFreqA2 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Frequency A2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 && @progressive endparam func fcnB2 default = cos() caption = "Function B2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endfunc float param ampB2 default = 1.0 caption = "Amplitude B2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endparam float param dAmpB2 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Amplitude B2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 && @progressive endparam float param freqB2 default = 1.0 caption = "Frequency B2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endparam float param dFreqB2 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Frequency B2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 && @progressive endparam func fcnC2 default = cos() caption = "Function C2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endfunc float param ampC2 default = 1.0 caption = "Amplitude C2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endparam float param dAmpC2 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Amplitude C2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 && @progressive endparam float param freqC2 default = 1.0 caption = "Frequency C2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endparam float param dFreqC2 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Frequency C2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 && @progressive endparam func fcnD2 default = sin() caption = "Function D2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endfunc float param ampD2 default = 1.0 caption = "Amplitude D2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endparam float param dAmpD2 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Amplitude D2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 && @progressive endparam float param freqD2 default = 1.0 caption = "Frequency D2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 endparam float param dFreqD2 default = 0.0 caption = "Delta Frequency D2" visible = @showfn2 && @seq != 1 && @progressive endparam heading caption = "Masking" endheading param mask_type caption = "Mask Type" enum = "Distance" "Iteration" "Range" endparam param mask caption = "Mask Threshold" default = 0.0 min = 0.0 hint = "With the Distance Mask Type orbits that don't come at least \ this close to the trap are made solid. A value of zero means \ that no pixels are made solid." endparam param mask_mod caption = "Mask Modulation" default = 0 hint = "With the Modulation Mask Type the iteration that the orbit \ was caught by the trap is modulated by this value, and if \ the Mask Threshold is smaller the pixel is made solid." endparam param inverse caption = "Mask Reversed" default = false endparam param texture_type caption = "Texture Type" enum = "Random" "fBm" "Corrected fBm" hint = "This is the type of texture to add to the coloring. The \ Texture Amount parameter must be non-zero for texture to be added." endparam param rnd caption = "Texture Amount" default = 0.0 hint = "This is the amount of texturing to add to the coloring." endparam heading caption = "fBm Parameters" endheading param initial caption = "fBm Initialisation" enum = "Pixel" "Orbit" "Trap" hint = "Different ways of starting the fBm formula. With \ Orbit and Trap the texture will follow the orbit trap \ elements in some way." endparam param fbmfunc caption = "fBm Function" enum = "Ident" "Abs" "Sqr" "Sqrt" "Ceil" hint = "This is a function that is added to the fBm to chnage \ the way that it looks." endparam param fbmscale caption = "fBm Scale" default = 1.0 hint = "This is the overall scale of the noise." endparam param fbmoffset caption = "fBm Offset" default = (0,0) hint = "This is the offset of the pattern. You can use this to shift \ the pattern around on the complex plane." endparam param angle caption = "fBm Rotation" default = 0.0 hint = "This is the angle, in degrees, of the noise." endparam param step caption = "fBm Scale Step" default = 0.5 hint = "This is the step in scale between noise iterations." endparam param anglestep caption = "fBm Rotation Step" default = 37.0 hint = "This is the angle, in degrees, to rotate between noise \ iterations." endparam param octaves caption = "fBm Octaves" default = 7 min = 1 hint = "This is the number of iterations of the noise formula." endparam param power caption = "fBm Exponent" default = 2.0 hint = "This is the exponent used to scramble numbers." endparam param pattern caption = "fBm Pattern" enum = "None" "Marble" "Wood" "Cells" "Squares" hint = "This creates a repeating pattern to be disturbed by the fBm." endparam param pfreq caption = "fBm Frequency" default = 1.0 hint = "This controls the frequency of the Pattern." endparam param turb caption = "fBm Turbulence" default = 1.0 hint = "With a Pattern other than None this effects how \ the pattern will be by the fBm." endparam } sdc+enr-flame-a { ; ; Modified to add Exponential, Power, Cosine and Sawtooth ; variations, January, 2005 ; ; Modified to use all apophysis transforms and ; to allow incorporation of mappings ; by Susan Chambless, October 2004 ; Special thanks to Bill Smith and Ron Barnett for ; beta testing. ; ; Modified for compatibility with Apophysis 2.0 ; by Mark Townsend, January 2004 ; ; Flame Fractal Coloring Method by Erik Reckase global: ; Initialization and parameter array initialization int seed = 1234567890 float incMult = 1.0 + (@percentInc*.01) int pwid = trunc(#width*incMult) int phgt = trunc(#height*incMult) int pix[(trunc(#width*(1.0+(@percentInc*.01)))*@oversample)+40,\ (trunc(#height*(1.0+(@percentInc*.01)))*@oversample)+40,4] int pwid = trunc(#width*incMult) int phgt = trunc(#height*incMult) ; rgb storage + extra for entire image - BIG float iterbuf[1,3] ; storage for an iterated point int fuse = 15 ; skip this many iterations when starting to iterate float prefilter_white = 2^10 ; parameterize? float xform_density[12] ; probability of using this xform's coefs when iterating float xform_color[12] ; if this xform is used, average this val into the color float xform_symmetry[12] ; skip color coord if this is 1 float xform_coefs[12,6] ; IFS coefficients float xform_vars[12,30] ; percentage of variance contribution ; int linear=0 ; int sinusoidal=1 ; int spherical=2 ; int swirl=3 ; int horseshoe=4 ; int polar=5 ; int handkerchief=6 ; int heart=7 ; int disc=8 ; int spiral=9 ; int hyperbolic=10 ; int diamond=11 ; int ex=12 ; int julia=13 ; int bent=14 ; int waves=15 ; int fisheye=16 ; int popcorn=17 ; int exponential=18 ; int power=19 ; int cosine=20 ; int sawtooth=21 ; int fan=22 float sf_gauss[20,20] ; contains gaussian spatial filter kernel color newcmap[256] ; modified colormap from gradient int scl_cmap[256,4] ; white-balanced colormap float eps = 1E-10 ; small number float xc = real(#center) ; Scaling constants float yc = -imag(#center) int gutter_width = 20 ; assume that a 20x20 gaussian is the max int num_xforms = @xforms ; make a variable for random param generation int x = 0, int y = 0, int z = 0 ; counter initialization ; read specifics from parameters ; we may not use them, but then again, we might xform_density[0] = @xf0_p xform_color[0] = @xf0_c xform_symmetry[0] = @xf0_sym xform_coefs[0,0] = @xf0_cfa xform_coefs[0,1] = @xf0_cfb xform_coefs[0,2] = @xf0_cfc xform_coefs[0,3] = @xf0_cfd xform_coefs[0,4] = @xf0_cfe xform_coefs[0,5] = @xf0_cff xform_vars[0,0] = @xf0_var0 xform_vars[0,1] = @xf0_var1 xform_vars[0,2] = @xf0_var2 xform_vars[0,3] = @xf0_var3 xform_vars[0,4] = @xf0_var4 xform_vars[0,5] = @xf0_var5 xform_vars[0,6] = @xf0_var6 xform_vars[0,7] = @xf0_var7 xform_vars[0,8] = @xf0_var8 xform_vars[0,9] = @xf0_var9 xform_vars[0,10] = @xf0_var10 xform_vars[0,11] = @xf0_var11 xform_vars[0,12] = @xf0_var12 xform_vars[0,13] = @xf0_var13 xform_vars[0,14] = @xf0_var14 xform_vars[0,15] = @xf0_var15 xform_vars[0,16] = @xf0_var16 xform_vars[0,17] = @xf0_var17 xform_vars[0,18] = @xf0_var18 xform_vars[0,19] = @xf0_var19 xform_vars[0,20] = @xf0_var20 xform_vars[0,21] = @xf0_var21 xform_vars[0,22] = @xf0_var22 xform_vars[0,23] = @xf0_var23 xform_vars[0,24] = @xf0_var24 xform_vars[0,25] = @xf0_var25 xform_vars[0,26] = @xf0_var26 xform_vars[0,27] = @xf0_var27 xform_density[1] = @xf1_p xform_color[1] = @xf1_c xform_symmetry[1] = @xf1_sym xform_coefs[1,0] = @xf1_cfa xform_coefs[1,1] = @xf1_cfb xform_coefs[1,2] = @xf1_cfc xform_coefs[1,3] = @xf1_cfd xform_coefs[1,4] = @xf1_cfe xform_coefs[1,5] = @xf1_cff xform_vars[1,0] = @xf1_var0 xform_vars[1,1] = @xf1_var1 xform_vars[1,2] = @xf1_var2 xform_vars[1,3] = @xf1_var3 xform_vars[1,4] = @xf1_var4 xform_vars[1,5] = @xf1_var5 xform_vars[1,6] = @xf1_var6 xform_vars[1,7] = @xf1_var7 xform_vars[1,8] = @xf1_var8 xform_vars[1,9] = @xf1_var9 xform_vars[1,10] = @xf1_var10 xform_vars[1,11] = @xf1_var11 xform_vars[1,12] = @xf1_var12 xform_vars[1,13] = @xf1_var13 xform_vars[1,14] = @xf1_var14 xform_vars[1,15] = @xf1_var15 xform_vars[1,16] = @xf1_var16 xform_vars[1,17] = @xf1_var17 xform_vars[1,18] = @xf1_var18 xform_vars[1,19] = @xf1_var19 xform_vars[1,20] = @xf1_var20 xform_vars[1,21] = @xf1_var21 xform_vars[1,22] = @xf1_var22 xform_vars[1,23] = @xf1_var23 xform_vars[1,24] = @xf1_var24 xform_vars[1,25] = @xf1_var25 xform_vars[1,26] = @xf1_var26 xform_vars[1,27] = @xf1_var27 xform_density[2] = @xf2_p xform_color[2] = @xf2_c xform_symmetry[2] = @xf2_sym xform_coefs[2,0] = @xf2_cfa xform_coefs[2,1] = @xf2_cfb xform_coefs[2,2] = @xf2_cfc xform_coefs[2,3] = @xf2_cfd xform_coefs[2,4] = @xf2_cfe xform_coefs[2,5] = @xf2_cff xform_vars[2,0] = @xf2_var0 xform_vars[2,1] = @xf2_var1 xform_vars[2,2] = @xf2_var2 xform_vars[2,3] = @xf2_var3 xform_vars[2,4] = @xf2_var4 xform_vars[2,5] = @xf2_var5 xform_vars[2,6] = @xf2_var6 xform_vars[2,7] = @xf2_var7 xform_vars[2,8] = @xf2_var8 xform_vars[2,9] = @xf2_var9 xform_vars[2,10] = @xf2_var10 xform_vars[2,11] = @xf2_var11 xform_vars[2,12] = @xf2_var12 xform_vars[2,13] = @xf2_var13 xform_vars[2,14] = @xf2_var14 xform_vars[2,15] = @xf2_var15 xform_vars[2,16] = @xf2_var16 xform_vars[2,17] = @xf2_var17 xform_vars[2,18] = @xf2_var18 xform_vars[2,19] = @xf2_var19 xform_vars[2,20] = @xf2_var20 xform_vars[2,21] = @xf2_var21 xform_vars[2,22] = @xf2_var22 xform_vars[2,23] = @xf2_var23 xform_vars[2,24] = @xf2_var24 xform_vars[2,25] = @xf2_var25 xform_vars[2,26] = @xf2_var26 xform_vars[2,27] = @xf2_var27 xform_density[3] = @xf3_p xform_color[3] = @xf3_c xform_symmetry[3] = @xf3_sym xform_coefs[3,0] = @xf3_cfa xform_coefs[3,1] = @xf3_cfb xform_coefs[3,2] = @xf3_cfc xform_coefs[3,3] = @xf3_cfd xform_coefs[3,4] = @xf3_cfe xform_coefs[3,5] = @xf3_cff xform_vars[3,0] = @xf3_var0 xform_vars[3,1] = @xf3_var1 xform_vars[3,2] = @xf3_var2 xform_vars[3,3] = @xf3_var3 xform_vars[3,4] = @xf3_var4 xform_vars[3,5] = @xf3_var5 xform_vars[3,6] = @xf3_var6 xform_vars[3,7] = @xf3_var7 xform_vars[3,8] = @xf3_var8 xform_vars[3,9] = @xf3_var9 xform_vars[3,10] = @xf3_var10 xform_vars[3,11] = @xf3_var11 xform_vars[3,12] = @xf3_var12 xform_vars[3,13] = @xf3_var13 xform_vars[3,14] = @xf3_var14 xform_vars[3,15] = @xf3_var15 xform_vars[3,16] = @xf3_var16 xform_vars[3,17] = @xf3_var17 xform_vars[3,18] = @xf3_var18 xform_vars[3,19] = @xf3_var19 xform_vars[3,20] = @xf3_var20 xform_vars[3,21] = @xf3_var21 xform_vars[3,22] = @xf3_var22 xform_vars[3,23] = @xf3_var23 xform_vars[3,24] = @xf3_var24 xform_vars[3,25] = @xf3_var25 xform_vars[3,26] = @xf3_var26 xform_vars[3,27] = @xf3_var27 xform_density[4] = @xf4_p xform_color[4] = @xf4_c xform_symmetry[4] = @xf4_sym xform_coefs[4,0] = @xf4_cfa xform_coefs[4,1] = @xf4_cfb xform_coefs[4,2] = @xf4_cfc xform_coefs[4,3] = @xf4_cfd xform_coefs[4,4] = @xf4_cfe xform_coefs[4,5] = @xf4_cff xform_vars[4,0] = @xf4_var0 xform_vars[4,1] = @xf4_var1 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xform_vars[9,24] = @xf9_var24 xform_vars[9,25] = @xf9_var25 xform_vars[9,26] = @xf9_var26 xform_vars[9,27] = @xf9_var27 xform_density[10] = @xf10_p xform_color[10] = @xf10_c xform_symmetry[10] = @xf10_sym xform_coefs[10,0] = @xf10_cfa xform_coefs[10,1] = @xf10_cfb xform_coefs[10,2] = @xf10_cfc xform_coefs[10,3] = @xf10_cfd xform_coefs[10,4] = @xf10_cfe xform_coefs[10,5] = @xf10_cff xform_vars[10,0] = @xf10_var0 xform_vars[10,1] = @xf10_var1 xform_vars[10,2] = @xf10_var2 xform_vars[10,3] = @xf10_var3 xform_vars[10,4] = @xf10_var4 xform_vars[10,5] = @xf10_var5 xform_vars[10,6] = @xf10_var6 xform_vars[10,7] = @xf10_var7 xform_vars[10,8] = @xf10_var8 xform_vars[10,9] = @xf10_var9 xform_vars[10,10] = @xf10_var10 xform_vars[10,11] = @xf10_var11 xform_vars[10,12] = @xf10_var12 xform_vars[10,13] = @xf10_var13 xform_vars[10,14] = @xf10_var14 xform_vars[10,15] = @xf10_var15 xform_vars[10,16] = @xf10_var16 xform_vars[10,17] = @xf10_var17 xform_vars[10,18] = @xf10_var18 xform_vars[10,19] = @xf10_var19 xform_vars[10,20] = @xf10_var20 xform_vars[10,21] = @xf10_var21 xform_vars[10,22] = @xf10_var22 xform_vars[10,23] = @xf10_var23 xform_vars[10,24] = @xf10_var24 xform_vars[10,25] = @xf10_var25 xform_vars[10,26] = @xf10_var26 xform_vars[10,27] = @xf10_var27 xform_density[11] = @xf11_p xform_color[11] = @xf11_c xform_symmetry[11] = @xf11_sym xform_coefs[11,0] = @xf11_cfa xform_coefs[11,1] = @xf11_cfb xform_coefs[11,2] = @xf11_cfc xform_coefs[11,3] = @xf11_cfd xform_coefs[11,4] = @xf11_cfe xform_coefs[11,5] = @xf11_cff xform_vars[11,0] = @xf11_var0 xform_vars[11,1] = @xf11_var1 xform_vars[11,2] = @xf11_var2 xform_vars[11,3] = @xf11_var3 xform_vars[11,4] = @xf11_var4 xform_vars[11,5] = @xf11_var5 xform_vars[11,6] = @xf11_var6 xform_vars[11,7] = @xf11_var7 xform_vars[11,8] = @xf11_var8 xform_vars[11,9] = @xf11_var9 xform_vars[11,10] = @xf11_var10 xform_vars[11,11] = @xf11_var11 xform_vars[11,12] = @xf11_var12 xform_vars[11,13] = @xf11_var13 xform_vars[11,14] = @xf11_var14 xform_vars[11,15] = @xf11_var15 xform_vars[11,16] = @xf11_var16 xform_vars[11,17] = @xf11_var17 xform_vars[11,18] = @xf11_var18 xform_vars[11,19] = @xf11_var19 xform_vars[11,20] = @xf11_var20 xform_vars[11,21] = @xf11_var21 xform_vars[11,22] = @xf11_var22 xform_vars[11,23] = @xf11_var23 xform_vars[11,24] = @xf11_var24 xform_vars[11,25] = @xf11_var25 xform_vars[11,26] = @xf11_var26 xform_vars[11,27] = @xf11_var27 ; generate the gaussian kernel for spatial filtration int filter_width = round(2*2.5*@oversample*@spat_filt_rad); ; maintain parity with oversample int chk = filter_width + @oversample if (chk % 2 == 1 && filter_width > 0) filter_width = filter_width + 1 endif ; limit to gutter width if (filter_width-@oversample)>(2*gutter_width) filter_width = filter_width - 2 endif print(filter_width) ; calculate gaussian float ii, float jj, float tot=0.0 x=0 while (x EPS) || (ty < -EPS) || (ty > EPS) ) a = atan2(ty + flip(tx)) endif float cosa = cos(a) float sina = sin(a) ;working variables float c1, float c2, float nx, float ny float dx, float dy ;collector iterbuf[0,0] = 0.0, iterbuf[0,1] = 0.0 ; add proportional amounts of each variation if (xform_vars[fn,0]!=0.0); linear iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,0]*tx iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,0]*ty endif if (xform_vars[fn,1]!=0.0); sinusoidal iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,1]*sin(tx) iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,1]*sin(ty) endif if (xform_vars[fn,2]!=0.0); complex iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,2]*tx/(r2+EPS) iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,2]*ty/(r2+EPS) endif if (xform_vars[fn,3]!=0.0); swirl c1 = sin(r2), c2 = cos(r2) iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,3]*(c1*tx - c2*ty) iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,3]*(c2*tx + c1*ty) endif if (xform_vars[fn,4]!=0.0); horseshoe c1 = sin(a), c2 = cos(a) iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,4]*(sina*tx - cosa*ty) iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,4]*(cosa*tx + sina*ty) endif if (xform_vars[fn,5]!=0.0); polar iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,5]*a/#pi iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,5]*(r-1.0) endif if (xform_vars[fn,6]!=0.0); folded handkerchief iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,6]*sin(a+r)*r iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,6]*cos(a-r)*r endif if (xform_vars[fn,7]!=0.0) ; heart float a2 = a * r2 iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,7]*sin(a2)*r iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] - xform_vars[fn,7]*cos(a2)*r endif if (xform_vars[fn,8]!=0.0) ; disk float nx = tx * #pi float ny = ty * #pi float rr = sqrt(nx*nx + ny*ny); iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,8]*sin(rr)*a/PI iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,8]*cos(rr)*a/PI endif if (xform_vars[fn,9]!=0.0); spiral iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,9]*(cos(a) + sin(r))/(r+EPS) iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,9]*(sin(a) - cos(r))/(r+EPS) endif if (xform_vars[fn,10]!=0.0) ; hyperbolic iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,10]*sin(a)/(r+EPS) iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,10]*cos(a)*(r+EPS) endif if (xform_vars[fn,11]!=0.0) ; Diamond aka square iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,11]*sin(a) * cos(r) iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,11]*cos(a) * sin(r) endif if (xform_vars[fn,12]!=0.0) ; Ex float n0 = sin(a+r) float n1 = cos(a-r) float m0 = n0^3 * r float m1 = n1^3 * r iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,12]*(m0+m1) iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,12]*(m0-m1) endif if (xform_vars[fn,13]!=0.0) ; julia float aa = a / 2.0 seed = random(seed) ; seed seems to retain the same parity!...but jumps ; between positive and negative randomly if seed > 0 aa = aa + #pi endif float rr = r2^0.25; nx = rr * cos(aa) ny = rr * sin(aa) iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,13]*nx iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,13]*ny endif if (xform_vars[fn,14]!=0.0); bent c1 = tx c2 = ty if (c1 < 0.0) c1 = 2*c1 endif if (c2 < 0.0) c2 = c2 / 2.0 endif iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,14]*c1 iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,14]*c2 endif if (xform_vars[fn,15]!=0.0) ; Waves dx = xform_coefs[fn,4] dy = xform_coefs[fn,5] nx = tx + xform_coefs[fn,1] * sin(ty / ((dx*dx) + EPS)) ny = ty + xform_coefs[fn,3] * sin(tx / ((dy*dy) + EPS)) iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,15]*nx iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,15]*ny endif if (xform_vars[fn,16]!=0.0) ; Fisheye float rr = 2.0 * r / ( r + 1.0 ) nx = rr * cos(a) ny = rr * sin(a) iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,16]*nx iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,16]*ny endif if (xform_vars[fn,17]!=0.0) ; Popcorn dx = tan(3.0 * ty) dy = tan(3.0 * tx) nx = tx + xform_coefs[fn,4] * sin(dx) ny = ty + xform_coefs[fn,5] * sin(dy) iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,17]*nx iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,17]*ny endif if (xform_vars[fn,18]!=0.0) ; Exponential dx = exp(tx) / 2.718281828459045 dy = #pi * ty iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,18]*dx*cos(dy) iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,18]*dx*sin(dy) endif if (xform_vars[fn,19]!=0.0) ; Power float rr = r^sina nx = rr*cosa ny = rr*sina iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,19]*nx iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,19]*ny endif if (xform_vars[fn,20]!=0.0) ; Cosine nx = cos(tx*#pi) * cosh(ty) ny = -sin(tx*#pi) * sinh(ty) iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,20]*nx iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,20]*ny endif if (@version < 2.026) if (xform_vars[fn,21]!=0.0) ; Sawtooth float rr = r + 1.0 rr = rr - trunc(rr/2.0)*2.0 - 1.0 nx = cosa * rr ny = sina * rr iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,21]*nx iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,21]*ny endif else if (xform_vars[fn,21]!=0.0) ; Rings dx = xform_coefs[fn,4] dx = dx * dx + EPS rr = ((r + dx) % (2 * dx)) - dx + r * (1 - dx) nx = cosa * rr ny = sina * rr iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,21]*nx iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,21]*ny endif endif if (xform_vars[fn,22]!=0.0) ; fan dx = xform_coefs[fn,4] dy = xform_coefs[fn,5] dx = #pi * (dx * dx + EPS) float dx2 = dx / 2 r2 = sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty) a = atan2(ty + flip(tx)) if ((a + dy) % dx) > dx2 aa = a + -dx2 else aa = a + dx2 endif nx = cos(aa) * r ny = sin(aa) * r iterbuf[0,0] = iterbuf[0,0] + xform_vars[fn,22]*nx iterbuf[0,1] = iterbuf[0,1] + xform_vars[fn,22]*ny endif ; Bin the point if it's inside the image limits and past the fuse if (it>=0) ; generate the x and y location in the image xp = (iterbuf[0,0]-xc) yp = (iterbuf[0,1]-yc) x = floor((xp*cosan - yp*sinan)*nuscale + wd2) y = floor((xp*sinan + yp*cosan)*nuscale + ht2) ; is this in our image? if (x>=0 && x=0 && y255) clr_index = 255 endif ; add the *color* to the accumulator ; check for overflow later pix[x,y,0] = pix[x,y,0] + scl_cmap[clr_index,0] pix[x,y,1] = pix[x,y,1] + scl_cmap[clr_index,1] pix[x,y,2] = pix[x,y,2] + scl_cmap[clr_index,2] pix[x,y,3] = pix[x,y,3] + scl_cmap[clr_index,3] endif endif ; iterate some more it = it + 1 endwhile ; Now we do some log magic - calculate the ; "where did these come from" k1 and k2 values float k1 = @contrast * @brightness * prefilter_white * 268.0 / 256.0 float area = #height * #width / (scale * scale * @oversample * @oversample) float k2 = @oversample*@oversample / (@contrast * area * @white_level * @iter_density) ; loop through each pixel and perform log calculation x = 0 float ls = 0, float lc[4] while (x < wd) y = 0 while (y < ht) if (pix[x,y,3]>0) ; we can break up this calculation as follows: ; normalize each pixel's color by the number of iterations in the bucket * white_level ; this puts each component (R,G,B,Accum) in the range (0-1), ; and the last term is ALWAYS 1.0. ; Now, for each pixel, we have (R,G,B,1.0), and we want to scale the 'Y' ; component of this color by the log of the number of iterations. ; ; contr*bright* prefilter_white * 268 iters ; ----------------------------------- * log (1.0 + ----------------) ; 256 contrast * nsamp ; ; the log term will be bounded by (0-.6931) for contrast values >= 1.0. ; standard values for the first terms lead to ; ; 4288*(0-.6931) or 0-2972 values. The range doesn't really matter, since ; we re-normalize by prefilter white to give (0-2.902) range, then ; brightness is a multiplier for the color. ; scale by the log of the number of occurrences ls = k1 * log(1.0 + pix[x,y,3]*k2) / pix[x,y,3] lc[0] = pix[x,y,0] * ls lc[1] = pix[x,y,1] * ls lc[2] = pix[x,y,2] * ls lc[3] = pix[x,y,3] * ls pix[x,y,0] = round(lc[0] + 0.5) pix[x,y,1] = round(lc[1] + 0.5) pix[x,y,2] = round(lc[2] + 0.5) pix[x,y,3] = round(lc[3] + 0.5) endif y = y + 1 endwhile x = x + 1 endwhile ; precalculate a gamma term float g = 1/@gamma final: float fr, float fg, float fb, float fo float t[4], float lgs int xid, int yid t[0] = 0, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0 ; apply the spatial filter, if necessary int xadj, int yadj int sfadj = gutter_width - floor((filter_width-1)/2) int xcrd = #x*@oversample int ycrd = #y*@oversample bool inside = true if (@applyMapping == true) ; generate the x and y location in the image float dxx = (real(#pixel)-real(#center)) float dyy = (imag(#pixel)-imag(#center)) xcrd = floor((transx + (dxx*cosan + dyy*sinan)*scale)*@oversample) ycrd = floor((transy + (dxx*sinan - dyy*cosan)*scale)*@oversample) ; is this in our image? if (xcrd<0 || xcrd>=wd || ycrd<0 || ycrd>=ht) inside = false endif endif if (inside) if (filter_width>0) xid = 0 while (xid 0.0) lgs = ((alpha/prefilter_white)^(g-1))/prefilter_white alpha = (alpha/prefilter_white)^g if alpha<0.0 alpha = 0.0 elseif alpha>1.0 alpha = 1.0 endif else lgs = 0.0 endif float invalp = 1.0-alpha ; perhaps we should spatial filter / anti-alias here, in color space, ; instead of doing it in arbitrary space. fr = lgs * t[0] fg = lgs * t[1] fb = lgs * t[2] fo = lgs * t[3] #color = rgba(fr,fg,fb,fo) + @bk_color*invalp else #color = @bk_color endif default: title = "Flame Fractals +" ; Pretend this is a normal formula for Ultra Fractal 3, so you can ; attempt to render it -- it will probably not work well! ; May work OK for single flame layer, small image size. ; render = false $IFDEF VER40 ; Set the render setting to false for Ultra Fractal 4 so it knows that this ; is a flame fractal and has to be treated differently. render = false $ENDIF helpfile = "flame.chm" float param version default = 2.027 visible = false endparam int param randomseed caption = "Random Seed" default = 1234567890 endparam bool param applyMapping caption = "Apply Mapping" default = true visible = false endparam float param percentInc caption = "Oversize by (%)" default = 0.0 visible = @applyMapping == true endparam heading caption = "Render Settings" endheading int param iter_density caption = "Sample Density" default = 35 min = 1 hint = "By default, the number of iterations run by the program \ is this value times the total number of pixels in the image. \ If the image appears spotty, increase this value." endparam float param spat_filt_rad caption = "Filter Radius" default = 0.7 min = 0.0 hint = "This radius controls the amount of 'smearing' applied to the \ image. It specifically controls the size of the gaussian \ kernel that is convolved with the image. Setting to 0.0 \ turns the filter off. Try values around 0.3, with the \ spatial oversample set to 2 or 3 for nice results. " endparam int param oversample caption = "Oversample" default = 3 min = 1 hint = "Increasing this parameter increases the number of iterations \ as well as the number of histogram bins, effectively allowing \ anti-aliasing to be performed. A value of 2 increases the \ number of bins by 4x, 3 by 9x, etc." endparam heading caption = "Color Settings" endheading color param bk_color caption = "Background Color" default = rgba(0,0,0,1.0) endparam float param contrast caption = "Contrast" default = 1.0 min = 1.0 endparam float param brightness caption = "Brightness" default = 4.0 endparam float param gamma caption = "Gamma" default = 2.0 min = 1.0 endparam int param white_level caption = "White Level" default = 200 min = 0 max = 255 endparam heading caption = "" endheading int param xforms caption = "No. of Transforms" default = 2 max = 12 min = 2 endparam param visible_xform caption = "Visible Parameters" enum = "Transform 1" "Transform 2" "Transform 3" "Transform 4" "Transform 5" \ "Transform 6" "Transform 7" "Transform 8" "Transform 9" "Transform 10" \ "Transform 11" "Transform 12" default = 0 endparam heading caption = "Transform 1" visible = @visible_xform == 0 endheading float param xf0_p caption = "Probability" default = 1.0 max = 1.0 min = 0.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control the probability of \ this transform's coefficients being used in the \ iterative loop." visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_c caption = "Color" default = 1.0 max = 1.0 min = 0.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control how the fractal is colored.\ For best results, set one Xform's color to 1.0, and the rest 0.0." visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_sym caption = "Symmetry" default = 0 max = 1 min = 0 hint = "Determines whether the color coordinate is calculated \ for this transform" visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Coefficients" visible = @visible_xform == 0 endheading float param xf0_cfa caption = "a" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_cfb caption = "b" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_cfc caption = "c" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_cfd caption = "d" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_cfe caption = "e" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_cff caption = "f" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Variations" visible = @visible_xform == 0 endheading float param xf0_var0 caption = "Linear" default = 1.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var1 caption = "Sinusoidal" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var2 caption = "Spherical" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var3 caption = "Swirl" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var4 caption = "Horseshoe" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var5 caption = "Polar" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var6 caption = "Handkerchief" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var7 caption = "Heart" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var8 caption = "Disc" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var9 caption = "Spiral" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var10 caption = "Hyperbolic" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var11 caption = "Diamond" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var12 caption = "Ex" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var13 caption = "Julia" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var14 caption = "Bent" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var15 caption = "Waves" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var16 caption = "Fisheye" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var17 caption = "Popcorn" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var18 caption = "Exponential" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var19 caption = "Power" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var20 caption = "Cosine" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var21 caption = "Rings" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var22 caption = "Fan" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var23 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var24 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var25 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var26 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf0_var27 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Transform 2" visible = @visible_xform == 1 endheading float param xf1_p caption = "Probability" default = 1.0 max = 1.0 min = 0.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control the probability of \ this transform's coefficients being used in the \ iterative loop." visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_c caption = "Color" default = 0.0 max = 1.0 min = 0.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control how the fractal is colored.\ For best results, set one Xform's color to 1.0, and the rest 0.0." visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_sym caption = "Symmetry" default = 0 max = 1 min = 0 hint = "Determines whether the color coordinate is calculated \ for this transform" visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam heading caption = "Coefficients" visible = @visible_xform == 1 endheading float param xf1_cfa caption = "a" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_cfb caption = "b" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_cfc caption = "c" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_cfd caption = "d" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_cfe caption = "e" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_cff caption = "f" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam heading caption = "Variations" visible = @visible_xform == 1 endheading float param xf1_var0 caption = "Linear" default = 1.0 max = 1.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var1 caption = "Sinusoidal" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var2 caption = "Spherical" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var3 caption = "Swirl" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var4 caption = "Horseshoe" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var5 caption = "Polar" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var6 caption = "Handkerchief" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var7 caption = "Heart" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var8 caption = "Disc" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var9 caption = "Spiral" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var10 caption = "Hyperbolic" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var11 caption = "Diamond" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var12 caption = "Ex" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var13 caption = "Julia" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var14 caption = "Bent" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var15 caption = "Waves" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var16 caption = "Fisheye" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var17 caption = "Popcorn" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var18 caption = "Exponential" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var19 caption = "Power" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var20 caption = "Cosine" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var21 caption = "Rings" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var22 caption = "Fan" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 1 endparam float param xf1_var23 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf1_var24 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf1_var25 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf1_var26 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf1_var27 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Transform 3" visible = @visible_xform == 2 endheading float param xf2_p caption = "Probability" default = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control the probability of \ this transform's coefficients being used in the \ iterative loop." visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_c caption = "Color" default = 0.0 max = 1.0 min = 0.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control how the fractal is colored.\ For best results, set one Xform's color to 1.0, and the rest 0.0." visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_sym caption = "Symmetry" default = 0 max = 1 min = 0 hint = "Determines whether the color coordinate is calculated \ for this transform" visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam heading caption = "Coefficients" visible = @visible_xform == 2 endheading float param xf2_cfa caption = "a" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_cfb caption = "b" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_cfc caption = "c" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_cfd caption = "d" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_cfe caption = "e" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_cff caption = "f" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam heading caption = "Variations" visible = @visible_xform == 2 endheading float param xf2_var0 caption = "Linear" default = 1.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var1 caption = "Sinusoidal" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var2 caption = "Spherical" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var3 caption = "Swirl" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var4 caption = "Horseshoe" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var5 caption = "Polar" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var6 caption = "Handkerchief" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var7 caption = "Heart" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var8 caption = "Disc" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var9 caption = "Spiral" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var10 caption = "Hyperbolic" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var11 caption = "Diamond" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var12 caption = "Ex" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var13 caption = "Julia" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var14 caption = "Bent" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var15 caption = "Waves" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var16 caption = "Fisheye" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var17 caption = "Popcorn" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var18 caption = "Exponential" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var19 caption = "Power" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var20 caption = "Cosine" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var21 caption = "Rings" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var22 caption = "Fan" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 2 endparam float param xf2_var23 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf2_var24 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf2_var25 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf2_var26 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf2_var27 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Transform 4" visible = @visible_xform == 3 endheading float param xf3_p caption = "Probability" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control the probability of \ this transform's coefficients being used in the \ iterative loop." visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_c caption = "Color" default = 0.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control how the fractal is colored.\ For best results, set one Xform's color to 1.0, and the rest 0.0." visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_sym caption = "Symmetry" default = 0 max = 1 min = 0 hint = "Determines whether the color coordinate is calculated \ for this transform" visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam heading caption = "Coefficients" visible = @visible_xform == 3 endheading float param xf3_cfa caption = "a" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_cfb caption = "b" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_cfc caption = "c" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_cfd caption = "d" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_cfe caption = "e" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_cff caption = "f" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam heading caption = "Variations" visible = @visible_xform == 3 endheading float param xf3_var0 caption = "Linear" default = 1.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var1 caption = "Sinusoidal" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var2 caption = "Spherical" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var3 caption = "Swirl" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var4 caption = "Horseshoe" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var5 caption = "Polar" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var6 caption = "Handkerchief" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var7 caption = "Heart" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var8 caption = "Disc" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var9 caption = "Spiral" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var10 caption = "Hyperbolic" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var11 caption = "Diamond" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var12 caption = "Ex" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var13 caption = "Julia" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var14 caption = "Bent" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var15 caption = "Waves" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var16 caption = "Fisheye" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var17 caption = "Popcorn" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var18 caption = "Exponential" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var19 caption = "Power" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var20 caption = "Cosine" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var21 caption = "Rings" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var22 caption = "Fan" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 3 endparam float param xf3_var23 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf3_var24 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf3_var25 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf3_var26 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf3_var27 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Transform 5" visible = @visible_xform == 4 endheading float param xf4_p caption = "Probability" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control the probability of \ this transform's coefficients being used in the \ iterative loop." visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_c caption = "Color" default = 0.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control how the fractal is colored.\ For best results, set one Xform's color to 1.0, and the rest 0.0." visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_sym caption = "Symmetry" default = 0 max = 1 min = 0 hint = "Determines whether the color coordinate is calculated \ for this transform" visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam heading caption = "Coefficients" visible = @visible_xform == 4 endheading float param xf4_cfa caption = "a" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_cfb caption = "b" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_cfc caption = "c" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_cfd caption = "d" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_cfe caption = "e" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_cff caption = "f" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam heading caption = "Variations" visible = @visible_xform == 4 endheading float param xf4_var0 caption = "Linear" default = 1.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var1 caption = "Sinusoidal" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var2 caption = "Spherical" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var3 caption = "Swirl" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var4 caption = "Horseshoe" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var5 caption = "Polar" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var6 caption = "Handkerchief" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var7 caption = "Heart" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var8 caption = "Disc" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var9 caption = "Spiral" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var10 caption = "Hyperbolic" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var11 caption = "Diamond" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var12 caption = "Ex" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var13 caption = "Julia" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var14 caption = "Bent" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var15 caption = "Waves" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var16 caption = "Fisheye" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var17 caption = "Popcorn" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var18 caption = "Exponential" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var19 caption = "Power" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var20 caption = "Cosine" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var21 caption = "Rings" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var22 caption = "Fan" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf4_var23 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf4_var24 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf4_var25 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf4_var26 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf4_var27 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Transform 6" visible = @visible_xform == 5 endheading float param xf5_p caption = "Probability" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control the probability of \ this transform's coefficients being used in the \ iterative loop." visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_c caption = "Color" default = 0.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control how the fractal is colored.\ For best results, set one Xform's color to 1.0, and the rest 0.0." visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_sym caption = "Symmetry" default = 0 max = 1 min = 0 hint = "Determines whether the color coordinate is calculated \ for this transform" visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam heading caption = "Coefficients" visible = @visible_xform == 5 endheading float param xf5_cfa caption = "a" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_cfb caption = "b" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_cfc caption = "c" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_cfd caption = "d" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_cfe caption = "e" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_cff caption = "f" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam heading caption = "Variations" visible = @visible_xform == 5 endheading float param xf5_var0 caption = "Linear" default = 1.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var1 caption = "Sinusoidal" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var2 caption = "Spherical" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var3 caption = "Swirl" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var4 caption = "Horseshoe" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var5 caption = "Polar" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var6 caption = "Handkerchief" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var7 caption = "Heart" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var8 caption = "Disc" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var9 caption = "Spiral" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var10 caption = "Hyperbolic" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var11 caption = "Diamond" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var12 caption = "Ex" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var13 caption = "Julia" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var14 caption = "Bent" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var15 caption = "Waves" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var16 caption = "Fisheye" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var17 caption = "Popcorn" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var18 caption = "Exponential" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var19 caption = "Power" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var20 caption = "Cosine" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 5 endparam float param xf5_var21 caption = "Rings" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf5_var22 caption = "Fan" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 4 endparam float param xf5_var23 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf5_var24 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf5_var25 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf5_var26 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf5_var27 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Transform 7" visible = @visible_xform == 6 endheading float param xf6_p caption = "Probability" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control the probability of \ this transform's coefficients being used in the \ iterative loop." visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_c caption = "Color" default = 0.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control how the fractal is colored.\ For best results, set one Xform's color to 1.0, and the rest 0.0." visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_sym caption = "Symmetry" default = 0 max = 1 min = 0 hint = "Determines whether the color coordinate is calculated \ for this transform" visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam heading caption = "Coefficients" visible = @visible_xform == 6 endheading float param xf6_cfa caption = "a" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_cfb caption = "b" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_cfc caption = "c" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_cfd caption = "d" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_cfe caption = "e" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_cff caption = "f" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam heading caption = "Variations" visible = @visible_xform == 6 endheading float param xf6_var0 caption = "Linear" default = 1.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var1 caption = "Sinusoidal" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var2 caption = "Spherical" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var3 caption = "Swirl" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var4 caption = "Horseshoe" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var5 caption = "Polar" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var6 caption = "Handkerchief" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var7 caption = "Heart" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var8 caption = "Disc" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var9 caption = "Spiral" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var10 caption = "Hyperbolic" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var11 caption = "Diamond" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var12 caption = "Ex" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var13 caption = "Julia" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var14 caption = "Bent" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var15 caption = "Waves" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var16 caption = "Fisheye" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var17 caption = "Popcorn" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var18 caption = "Exponential" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var19 caption = "Power" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var20 caption = "Cosine" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var21 caption = "Rings" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var22 caption = "Fan" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 6 endparam float param xf6_var23 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf6_var24 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf6_var25 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf6_var26 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf6_var27 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Transform 8" visible = @visible_xform == 7 endheading float param xf7_p caption = "Probability" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control the probability of \ this transform's coefficients being used in the \ iterative loop." visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_c caption = "Color" default = 0.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control how the fractal is colored.\ For best results, set one Xform's color to 1.0, and the rest 0.0." visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_sym caption = "Symmetry" default = 0 max = 1 min = 0 hint = "Determines whether the color coordinate is calculated \ for this transform" visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam heading caption = "Coefficients" visible = @visible_xform == 7 endheading float param xf7_cfa caption = "a" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_cfb caption = "b" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_cfc caption = "c" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_cfd caption = "d" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_cfe caption = "e" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_cff caption = "f" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam heading caption = "Variations" visible = @visible_xform == 7 endheading float param xf7_var0 caption = "Linear" default = 1.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var1 caption = "Sinusoidal" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var2 caption = "Spherical" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var3 caption = "Swirl" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var4 caption = "Horseshoe" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var5 caption = "Polar" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var6 caption = "Handkerchief" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var7 caption = "Heart" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var8 caption = "Disc" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var9 caption = "Spiral" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var10 caption = "Hyperbolic" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var11 caption = "Diamond" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var12 caption = "Ex" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var13 caption = "Julia" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var14 caption = "Bent" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var15 caption = "Waves" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var16 caption = "Fisheye" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var17 caption = "Popcorn" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var18 caption = "Exponential" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var19 caption = "Power" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var20 caption = "Cosine" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var21 caption = "Rings" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var22 caption = "Fan" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 7 endparam float param xf7_var23 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf7_var24 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf7_var25 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf7_var26 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf7_var27 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Transform 9" visible = @visible_xform == 8 endheading float param xf8_p caption = "Probability" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control the probability of \ this transform's coefficients being used in the \ iterative loop." visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_c caption = "Color" default = 0.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control how the fractal is colored.\ For best results, set one Xform's color to 1.0, and the rest 0.0." visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_sym caption = "Symmetry" default = 0 max = 1 min = 0 hint = "Determines whether the color coordinate is calculated \ for this transform" visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam heading caption = "Coefficients" visible = @visible_xform == 8 endheading float param xf8_cfa caption = "a" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_cfb caption = "b" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_cfc caption = "c" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_cfd caption = "d" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_cfe caption = "e" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_cff caption = "f" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam heading caption = "Variations" visible = @visible_xform == 8 endheading float param xf8_var0 caption = "Linear" default = 1.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var1 caption = "Sinusoidal" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var2 caption = "Spherical" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var3 caption = "Swirl" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var4 caption = "Horseshoe" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var5 caption = "Polar" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var6 caption = "Handkerchief" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var7 caption = "Heart" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var8 caption = "Disc" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var9 caption = "Spiral" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var10 caption = "Hyperbolic" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var11 caption = "Diamond" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var12 caption = "Ex" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var13 caption = "Julia" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var14 caption = "Bent" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var15 caption = "Waves" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var16 caption = "Fisheye" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var17 caption = "Popcorn" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var18 caption = "Exponential" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var19 caption = "Power" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var20 caption = "Cosine" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var21 caption = "Rings" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var22 caption = "Fan" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 8 endparam float param xf8_var23 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf8_var24 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf8_var25 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf8_var26 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf8_var27 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Transform 10" visible = @visible_xform == 9 endheading float param xf9_p caption = "Probability" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control the probability of \ this transform's coefficients being used in the \ iterative loop." visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_c caption = "Color" default = 0.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control how the fractal is colored.\ For best results, set one Xform's color to 1.0, and the rest 0.0." visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_sym caption = "Symmetry" default = 0 max = 1 min = 0 hint = "Determines whether the color coordinate is calculated \ for this transform" visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam heading caption = "Coefficients" visible = @visible_xform == 9 endheading float param xf9_cfa caption = "a" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_cfb caption = "b" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_cfc caption = "c" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_cfd caption = "d" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_cfe caption = "e" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_cff caption = "f" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam heading caption = "Variations" visible = @visible_xform == 9 endheading float param xf9_var0 caption = "Linear" default = 1.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var1 caption = "Sinusoidal" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var2 caption = "Spherical" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var3 caption = "Swirl" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var4 caption = "Horseshoe" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var5 caption = "Polar" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var6 caption = "Handkerchief" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var7 caption = "Heart" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var8 caption = "Disc" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var9 caption = "Spiral" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var10 caption = "Hyperbolic" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var11 caption = "Diamond" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var12 caption = "Ex" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var13 caption = "Julia" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var14 caption = "Bent" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var15 caption = "Waves" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var16 caption = "Fisheye" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var17 caption = "Popcorn" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var18 caption = "Exponential" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var19 caption = "Power" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var20 caption = "Cosine" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var21 caption = "Rings" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var22 caption = "Fan" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 9 endparam float param xf9_var23 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf9_var24 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf9_var25 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf9_var26 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf9_var27 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Transform 11" visible = @visible_xform == 10 endheading float param xf10_p caption = "Probability" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control the probability of \ this transform's coefficients being used in the \ iterative loop." visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_c caption = "Color" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control how the fractal is colored.\ For best results, set one Xform's color to 1.0, and the rest 0.0." visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_sym caption = "Symmetry" default = 0 max = 1 min = 0 hint = "Determines whether the color coordinate is calculated \ for this transform" visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam heading caption = "Coefficients" visible = @visible_xform == 10 endheading float param xf10_cfa caption = "a" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_cfb caption = "b" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_cfc caption = "c" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_cfd caption = "d" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_cfe caption = "e" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_cff caption = "f" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam heading caption = "Variations" visible = @visible_xform == 10 endheading float param xf10_var0 caption = "Linear" default = 1.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var1 caption = "Sinusoidal" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var2 caption = "Spherical" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var3 caption = "Swirl" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var4 caption = "Horseshoe" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var5 caption = "Polar" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var6 caption = "Handkerchief" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var7 caption = "Heart" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var8 caption = "Disc" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var9 caption = "Spiral" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var10 caption = "Hyperbolic" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var11 caption = "Diamond" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var12 caption = "Ex" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var13 caption = "Julia" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var14 caption = "Bent" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var15 caption = "Waves" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var16 caption = "Fisheye" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var17 caption = "Popcorn" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var18 caption = "Exponential" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var19 caption = "Power" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var20 caption = "Cosine" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var21 caption = "Rings" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var22 caption = "Fan" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 10 endparam float param xf10_var23 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf10_var24 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf10_var25 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf10_var26 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf10_var27 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam heading caption = "Transform 12" visible = @visible_xform == 11 endheading float param xf11_p caption = "Probability" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control the probability of \ this transform's coefficients being used in the \ iterative loop." visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_c caption = "Color" default = 1.0 min = 0.0 max = 1.0 hint = "Use this parameter to control how the fractal is colored.\ For best results, set one Xform's color to 1.0, and the rest 0.0." visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_sym caption = "Symmetry" default = 0 max = 1 min = 0 hint = "Determines whether the color coordinate is calculated \ for this transform" visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam heading caption = "Coefficients" visible = @visible_xform == 11 endheading float param xf11_cfa caption = "a" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_cfb caption = "b" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_cfc caption = "c" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_cfd caption = "d" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_cfe caption = "e" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_cff caption = "f" default = 0.5 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam heading caption = "Variations" visible = @visible_xform == 11 endheading float param xf11_var0 caption = "Linear" default = 1.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var1 caption = "Sinusoidal" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var2 caption = "Spherical" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var3 caption = "Swirl" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var4 caption = "Horseshoe" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var5 caption = "Polar" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var6 caption = "Handkerchief" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var7 caption = "Heart" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var8 caption = "Disc" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var9 caption = "Spiral" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var10 caption = "Hyperbolic" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var11 caption = "Diamond" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var12 caption = "Ex" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var13 caption = "Julia" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var14 caption = "Bent" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var15 caption = "Waves" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var16 caption = "Fisheye" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var17 caption = "Popcorn" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var18 caption = "Exponential" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var19 caption = "Power" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var20 caption = "Cosine" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var21 caption = "Rings" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var22 caption = "Fan" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 11 endparam float param xf11_var23 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf11_var24 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf11_var25 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf11_var26 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam float param xf11_var27 caption = "Future Use" default = 0.0 visible = @visible_xform == 0 endparam } sdc-disk-plasma { ; Slope and rotation options suggested by Gilles Nadeau, April, 2008 ; ; revised Susan Chambless 2 March 2003 ; ; Mark Townsend, 1 June 2000 ; ; Based on an idea from Earl Hinrich ; init: complex w = (0,0) complex z = (0,0) complex r1 = (0,1) ^ (@angle / 90.0) complex r2 = (0,1) ^ (@anglestep / 90.0) float e1 = 0.0 float e2 = 0.0 float e3 = 0.0 float vx = 0.0 float vy = 0.0 float vz = 0.0 float vd = 0.0 float dr = 0.0 float fx = 0.0 float fy = 0.0 float fz = 0.0 float h = 0.0 float d = 0.0 int i = 0 int j = 0 int iter = 0 int max_iter = 0 bool mask = false loop: iter = iter + 1 if cabs(#z - @doffset) < @r d = (@r - cabs(#z - @doffset)) / @r w = w + d * #z max_iter = iter endif final: if @solid if w == 0 mask = true endif endif if mask #solid = true else if @coloring == 0 ; Magnitude #index = 0.1 * cabs(w) elseif @coloring == 1 ; Real #index = 0.1 * abs(real(w)) elseif @coloring == 2 ; Imaginary #index = 0.1 * abs(imag(w)) elseif @coloring == 3 ; Angle float b = atan2(w) + atan2(@aoffset) if b < 0 b = b + 2 * #pi endif if b > 2 * #pi b = b - 2 * #pi endif b = 1 / (2 * #pi) * b #index = b elseif @coloring == 4 ; Iteration #index = 0.1 * max_iter elseif @coloring == 5 ; Plasma if (@slope == false) int i = 0 float sum = 0 float amplitude = 1.0 complex p = w * @scale * r1 + @offset while i < @octaves float bx0 = floor(real(p)) float bx1 = bx0 + 1 float rx0 = real(p) - floor(real(p)) float rx1 = rx0 - 1 float by0 = floor(imag(p)) float by1 = by0 + 1 float ry0 = imag(p) - floor(imag(p)) float ry1 = ry0 - 1 ; Positive offset to stop reflection if bx0 < 0 bx0 = bx0 + 8192 endif if bx1 < 0 bx1 = bx1 + 8192 endif if by0 < 0 by0 = by0 + 8192 endif if by1 < 0 by1 = by1 + 8192 endif float sx = rx0 * rx0 * (3 - 2 * rx0) float sy = ry0 * ry0 * (3 - 2 * ry0) float b00 = (bx0^2 * 2473 % 65536 + by0)^2 % 65536 float b01 = (bx0^2 * 2473 % 65536 + by1)^2 % 65536 float b10 = (bx1^2 * 2473 % 65536 + by0)^2 % 65536 float b11 = (bx1^2 * 2473 % 65536 + by1)^2 % 65536 float g_b00_0 = b00^2 * 5381 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b01_0 = b01^2 * 5381 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b10_0 = b10^2 * 5381 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b11_0 = b11^2 * 5381 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b00_1 = (b00 + 1)^2 * 79997 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b01_1 = (b01 + 1)^2 * 79997 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b10_1 = (b10 + 1)^2 * 79997 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b11_1 = (b11 + 1)^2 * 79997 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float s = sqrt(g_b00_0^2 + g_b00_1^2) g_b00_0 = g_b00_0 / s g_b00_1 = g_b00_1 / s s = sqrt(g_b01_0^2 + g_b01_1^2) g_b01_0 = g_b01_0 / s g_b01_1 = g_b01_1 / s s = sqrt(g_b10_0^2 + g_b10_1^2) g_b10_0 = g_b10_0 / s g_b10_1 = g_b10_1 / s s = sqrt(g_b11_0^2 + g_b11_1^2) g_b11_0 = g_b11_0 / s g_b11_1 = g_b11_1 / s float u1 = rx0 * g_b00_0 + ry0 * g_b00_1 float v1 = rx1 * g_b10_0 + ry0 * g_b10_1 float a = u1 + sx * (v1 - u1) float u2 = rx0 * g_b01_0 + ry1 * g_b01_1 float v2 = rx1 * g_b11_0 + ry1 * g_b11_1 float b = u2 + sx * (v2 - u2) sum = sum + real(@fn1(a + sy * (b - a))) * amplitude amplitude = amplitude * @persistence p = p * r2 / 0.5 i = i + 1 endwhile #index = (sum + 1) * 0.5 else while j < 3 if j == 0 z = w * @scale elseif j == 1 z = w * @scale + @dist elseif j == 2 z = w * @scale + flip(@dist) endif float sum = 0 float amplitude = 1.0 complex p = z * r1 + @offset while i < @octaves float bx0 = floor(real(p)) float bx1 = bx0 + 1 float rx0 = real(p) - floor(real(p)) float rx1 = rx0 - 1 float by0 = floor(imag(p)) float by1 = by0 + 1 float ry0 = imag(p) - floor(imag(p)) float ry1 = ry0 - 1 ; Positive offset to stop reflection if bx0 < 0 bx0 = bx0 + 8192 endif if bx1 < 0 bx1 = bx1 + 8192 endif if by0 < 0 by0 = by0 + 8192 endif if by1 < 0 by1 = by1 + 8192 endif float sx = rx0 * rx0 * (3 - 2 * rx0) float sy = ry0 * ry0 * (3 - 2 * ry0) float b00 = (bx0^2 * 2473 % 65536 + by0)^2 % 65536 float b01 = (bx0^2 * 2473 % 65536 + by1)^2 % 65536 float b10 = (bx1^2 * 2473 % 65536 + by0)^2 % 65536 float b11 = (bx1^2 * 2473 % 65536 + by1)^2 % 65536 float g_b00_0 = b00^2 * 5381 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b01_0 = b01^2 * 5381 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b10_0 = b10^2 * 5381 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b11_0 = b11^2 * 5381 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b00_1 = (b00 + 1)^2 * 79997 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b01_1 = (b01 + 1)^2 * 79997 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b10_1 = (b10 + 1)^2 * 79997 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float g_b11_1 = (b11 + 1)^2 * 79997 % 65536 / 4 % 16384 - 8192 float s = sqrt(g_b00_0^2 + g_b00_1^2) g_b00_0 = g_b00_0 / s g_b00_1 = g_b00_1 / s s = sqrt(g_b01_0^2 + g_b01_1^2) g_b01_0 = g_b01_0 / s g_b01_1 = g_b01_1 / s s = sqrt(g_b10_0^2 + g_b10_1^2) g_b10_0 = g_b10_0 / s g_b10_1 = g_b10_1 / s s = sqrt(g_b11_0^2 + g_b11_1^2) g_b11_0 = g_b11_0 / s g_b11_1 = g_b11_1 / s float u1 = rx0 * g_b00_0 + ry0 * g_b00_1 float v1 = rx1 * g_b10_0 + ry0 * g_b10_1 float a = u1 + sx * (v1 - u1) float u2 = rx0 * g_b01_0 + ry1 * g_b01_1 float v2 = rx1 * g_b11_0 + ry1 * g_b11_1 float b = u2 + sx * (v2 - u2) sum = sum + real(@fn1(a + sy * (b - a))) * amplitude amplitude = amplitude * @persistence p = p * r2 / 0.5 i = i + 1 endwhile h = (sum + 1) * 0.5 if j == 0 e1 = h elseif j == 1 e2 = h elseif j == 2 e3 = h endif i = 0 j = j + 1 endwhile e1 = e1 * @zscale e2 = e2 * @zscale e3 = e3 * @zscale if (@xfer == 1); log e1 = log(e1) e2 = log(e2) e3 = log(e3) elseif (@xfer == 2); sqrt e1 = sqrt(e1) e2 = sqrt(e2) e3 = sqrt(e3) elseif (@xfer == 3); cuberoot e1 = (e1)^(1/3) e2 = (e2)^(1/3) e3 = (e3)^(1/3) elseif (@xfer == 4); exp e1 = exp(e1) e2 = exp(e2) e3 = exp(e3) elseif (@xfer == 5); sqr e1 = sqr(e1) e2 = sqr(e2) e3 = sqr(e3) elseif (@xfer == 6); cube e1 = (e1)^3 e2 = (e2)^3 e3 = (e3)^3 elseif (@xfer == 7); sin e1 = sin(e1) e2 = sin(e2) e3 = sin(e3) elseif (@xfer == 8); cos e1 = cos(e1) e2 = cos(e2) e3 = cos(e3) elseif (@xfer == 9); tan e1 = tan(e1) e2 = tan(e2) e3 = tan(e3) endif e1 = e1 * @zscale2 e2 = e2 * @zscale2 e3 = e3 * @zscale2 vx = e2 - e1 vy = e3 - e1 vz = -@dist vd = recip(sqrt(sqr(vx) + sqr(vy) + sqr(vz))) vx = vx * vd vy = vy * vd vz = vz * vd dr = #pi / 180 fx = cos(@langle*dr)*cos(@elevation*dr) fy = sin(@langle*dr)*cos(@elevation*dr) fz = -sin(@elevation*dr) #index = fx*vx + fy*vy + fz*vz + 2.5 endif endif endif default: title = "Disk Plasma" param version caption = "Version" default = 1.0 visible = false endparam param coloring caption = "Coloring Mode" enum = "Magnitude" "Real" "Imaginary" "Angle" "Iteration" "Plasma" default = 5 endparam param solid caption = "Solid Background" default = false endparam param r caption = "Disk Radius" default = 2.0 min = 0 endparam param doffset caption = "Disk Offset" default = (0,0) endparam param aoffset caption = "Angle Offset" default = (0,0) visible = @coloring == 3 enabled = @coloring == 3 endparam param octaves caption = "Octaves" default = 7 min = 1 visible = @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam param persistence caption = "Persistence" default = 0.5 visible = @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam param scale caption = "Noise Scale" default = 1.0 visible = @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam param offset caption = "Noise Offset" default = (0,0) visible = @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam param angle caption = "Rotation" default = 0 visible = @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam param anglestep caption = "Rotation Step" default = 0 visible = @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam func fn1 caption = "Noise Function" default = ident() visible = @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endfunc bool param slope caption = "Slope" default = false visible = @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam heading caption = "Slope Parameters" visible = @coloring==5 && @slope==true enabled = @coloring==5 && @slope==true endheading param xfer caption = "Height Transfer" default = 0 enum = "linear" "log" "sqrt" "cuberoot" "exp" "sqr" "cube" \ "sin" "cos" "tan" visible = @slope == true && @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam param zscale caption = "Height Pre-Scale" default = 1.0 visible = @slope == true && @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam param zscale2 caption = "Height Post-Scale" default = 0.2 visible = @slope == true && @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam param langle caption = "Light Rotation" default = 90 visible = @slope == true && @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam param elevation caption = "Light Elevation" default = 0 visible = @slope == true && @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam param dist caption = "Orbit Separation" default = 0.0001 visible = @slope == true && @coloring == 5 enabled = @coloring == 5 endparam }