Pendulum-ANV+SSS2a { ; The basic is a formula of pendulum oscillating time. ; Time=2*PI*(sqrt(length/planetary gravity)) ; Planetary gravity = sqr(meter/sec) - 9.8 earth. ; Andre Vandergoten - November 2002 ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, 11-10-02. init: T = 2*#pi*(sqrt(@length/(@gravity^2))) z = fn1(T^(1/#pixel)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn4(z^@squary)+fn3(T^Z))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Pendulum-ANV+SSS 2a" angle = 270 maxiter = 5 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param length caption = "Length" default = 3.0 hint = "Select a pendulum length value for the formula." endparam param gravity caption = "Gravity" default = 1.10 hint = "Select a pendulum gravity value for the formula." endparam param squary caption = "Squary" default = 1.10 hint = "Select a value to figure area for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = -1.0 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula iterates." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formuls." endfunc } Builder{ ; © 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn4((z+z^@start)*fn2(z^@step)/fn3(z^@scale)+1)) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Builder" method = multipass periodicity = 0 angle = 90 center = (-1,0) magn = 0.1 maxiter = 2 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param step caption = "Step size" default = (0.1,0) hint = "Select a step-size value for the formula." endparam param scale caption = "Scale" default = (0.5,0) hint = "Select a scale value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 2 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Pendulum-ANV+SSS1 { ; The basic is a formula of pendulum oscillating time. ; Time=2*PI*(sqrt(length/planetary gravity)) ; Planetary gravity = sqr(meter/sec) - 9.8 earth. ; Andre Vandergoten - November 2002 ;global: ; could be fill in.... ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, 11-10-02. init: T = 2*#pi*fn3(sqrt(@length/(@gravity^2))) z = fn1(T^(1/#pixel)) loop: z = fn2(z^@squary) bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Pendulum-ANV+SSS 1 " method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 5 angle = 270 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param length caption = "Length" default = 3.0 hint = "Select a length value for the formula." endparam param gravity caption = "Gravity" default = 1.10 hint = "Select a gravity value for the formula." endparam param squary caption = "Squary" default = 1.10 hint = "Select a squary value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "bailout" default = -1.0 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formuls." endfunc } Pendulum-ANV+SSS4a { ; The basic is a formula of pendulum oscillating time. ; Time=2*PI*(sqrt(length/planetary gravity)) ; Planetary gravity = sqr(meter/sec) - 9.8 earth. ; Andre Vandergoten - November 2002 ;global: ; could be fill in.... ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, 11-10-02. init: T = 2*#pixel*(sqrt(@length/(@gravity^2))) z = fn1(T^1/#pixel) loop: z = (fn2(fn3(fn4((z^@squary)+(T^Z)+1)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Pendulum-ANV+SSS 4a" angle = 270 maxiter = 5 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param length caption = "Length" default = -1.0 hint = "Select a length value for the formula." endparam param gravity caption = "Gravity" default = 1.10 hint = "Select a gravity value for the formula." endparam param squary caption = "Squary" default = 1.10 hint = "Select a squary value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "bailout" default = 1.0 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formuls." endfunc } Pendulum-ANV+SSS3 { ; The basic is a formula of pendulum oscillating time. ; Time=2*PI*(sqrt(length/planetary gravity)) ; Planetary gravity = sqr(meter/sec) - 9.8 earth. ; Andre Vandergoten - November 2002 ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, 11-10-02. ; Use inside UCL's for best results. init: T = 2*#pi*(sqrt(@length/(@gravity^2))) z = fn1(T^1/#pixel) loop: z = fn2(fn3(fn4((z^@squary*0.3334)+(flip(T^z*0.3334)+0.3334)))) z = z*@niter bailout: (z) < @bailout default: title = "Pendulum-ANV+SSS 3" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 1 angle = 270 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading float param length caption = "length" default = -5.0 hint = "Select a length value for the formula." endparam float param gravity caption = "gravity" default = 0.10 hint = "Select a gravity value for the formula." endparam float param squary caption = "squary" default = 1.10 hint = "Select a squary value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterate X times" default = 1 hint = "Sets the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to bring utter chaos to the formula." endfunc } pendulum-ANV+SSS { ; The basic is a formula of pendulum oscillating time. ; Time=2*PI*(sqrt(length/planetary gravity)) ; Planetary gravity = sqr(meter/sec) - 9.8 earth. ; Andre Vandergoten - November 2002 ;global: ; could be fill in.... ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, 11-10-02. ; Use inside UCL's for best results. init: T = 2*#pi*(sqrt(@length/(@gravity^2))) z = flip(T^1/#pixel) loop: z = fn2(z^@squary)+fn3(flip(T^z)+fn1(0.3334)) z = z*@niter bailout: (z) < @bailout default: title = "Pendulum-ANV+SSS 4" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 1 angle = 270 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "bailout" default = 4 hint = "Sets the value of the formula's bailout." endparam float param niter caption = "Iterate X times" default = 1 hint = "Sets the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam float param length caption = "length" default = 1.0 hint = "Sets the length of the pendulum." endparam float param gravity caption = "gravity" default = 0.10 hint = "Sets the exponent for the formula." endparam float param squary caption = "squary" default = 1.10 endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to bring utter chaos to the formula." endfunc } Pendulum-ANV+SSS2c { ; The basic is a formula of pendulum oscillating time. ; Time=2*PI*(sqrt(length/planetary gravity)) ; Planetary gravity = sqr(meter/sec) - 9.8 earth. ; Andre Vandergoten - November 2002 ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, 11-10-02. init: T = 2*#pi*(sqrt(@length/(@gravity^2))) z = fn1(T^(1/#pixel)) loop: z = fn2(z^@squary)+fn3(T^Z) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Pendulum-ANV+SSS 2c" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 5 angle = 270 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = -1.0 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param length caption = "Length" default = 3.0 hint = "Select a pendulum length value for the formula." endparam param gravity caption = "Gravity" default = 1.10 hint = "Select a pendulum gravity value for the formula." endparam param squary caption = "Squary" default = 1.10 hint = "Select a value to figure area for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula iterates." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formuls." endfunc } Pendulum-ANV+SSS2b { ; The basic is a formula of pendulum oscillating time. ; Time=2*PI*(sqrt(length/planetary gravity)) ; Planetary gravity = sqr(meter/sec) - 9.8 earth. ; Andre Vandergoten - November 2002 ; Functionality added by Sharon S. Schultz, 11-10-02. init: T = 2*#pi*(sqrt(@length/(@gravity^2))) z = fn1(T^(1/#pixel)) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z^@squary+1)/(T^Z)))) z = z*@niter+1 bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Pendulum-ANV+SSS 2b" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 5 angle = 270 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param length caption = "Length" default = 3.0 hint = "Select a pendulum length value for the formula." endparam param gravity caption = "Gravity" default = 1.10 hint = "Select a pendulum gravity value for the formula." endparam param squary caption = "Squary" default = 1.10 hint = "Select a value to figure area for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = -1.0 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula iterates." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formuls." endfunc } Dolphin2 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = p1+p2*p3 ;d = p2+p1 ;x = p3+p2+p3 loop: z = fn3(fn1(z^5*cotanh(c)-1)+(tan(c)^3*3+1)+(cos(z)+2.29354)/fn2((c*z*real(z))+1)) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Dolphin 2" angle = 0 maxiter = 2 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Start" default = (2,1) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p2 caption = "Scale" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value to scale the formula." endparam param p3 caption = "Position" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value to position the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula iterates." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = asinh() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Seaweed { ;©2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = @Start c = #pixel x = z*c+p1 y = x/p2 d = y+p3 loop: Z = fn4(Fn3(fn1(sin(c)+1.9182)*z^2+fn2(real(x)+D*y^3))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Seaweed" angle = 0 maxiter = 100 center = (0,0) magn = 0.20 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p2 caption = "Scale" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value to scale the formula." endparam param p3 caption = "Position" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value to position the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula iterates." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = acos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Jellyfish1 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = pixel c = p1 d = p2 x = p3 loop: z = fn3(fn2((z^5*cotanh(x)-1)+(tan(c)*3+1)*(cos(D)+2)/fn1((c*d*x)+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Jellyfish" angle = 0 maxiter = 2 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Start" default = (2,1) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p2 caption = "Scale" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value to scale the formula." endparam param p3 caption = "Position" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value to position the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula iterates." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select the bailout value of the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } JellyfishToo{ ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = pixel c = p1 d = p1+p2 x = p1+p2+p3 loop: z = fn3(fn2(fn1(((z^5*cotanh(x)-1)+(tan(c)*3+1)*(cos(D)+2)/fn1((c*d*x)+1))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Jellyfish Too" angle = 0 maxiter = 3 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Start" default = (2,1) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p2 caption = "Scale" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value to scale the formula." endparam param p3 caption = "Position" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value to position the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien1 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = @Start x = z^2+c loop: Z = fn1(fn4(Z^3*fn2((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn3(COS(Z)+C/Z^5*C))+X)) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(3*Z^3+C) default: title = "Alien 1" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param Start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien10 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = @Start C = #pixel x = z*|Z| loop: Z = fn2(z*(Z^2)+c)*fn1(2*(|Z|+C*(Z^3-C)))*fn3(X+(Z*(C^2))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(3*(Z^3)+C) default: title = "Alien 10" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) magn = 0.09 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien11 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = @Start C = #pixel x = z+cos(c) loop: Z = fn2((z*(Z^2)+c)*fn1(2*(|Z|+C*(Z^3-C)))*fn3(X+(Z*(C^2)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^3)+C*X) default: title = "Alien 11" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) magn = 0.09 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien13 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = @start x = z*|Z| loop: Z = fn2(z*(Z^2)+c)*fn1(2*(|Z|+C*(Z^3-C)))*fn3(X+(Z*(C^2))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(3*(Z^3)+C) default: title = "Alien 13" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) magn = 0.09 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien14 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = #pixel x = z*|Z| loop: Z = fn2(z*(Z^2)+c)+fn1(2*(|Z|+C*(Z^3-C)))/fn3(X+(Z*(C^2))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(3*(Z^3)+C) default: title = "Alien 14" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0.29,-0.17) magn = 0.05 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function ffto change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien15 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = @Start C = #pixel x = z^12+cos(c^3) loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(Z^3*(z^(imag(Z^3)+c)/(2*(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C)))/X^5+(Z*(C^2))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^3)+C*X) default: title = "Alien 15" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "BAilout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien16a { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = #pixel^@p2 x = z^@p1+real(c) loop: Z = fn3(fn2(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X)) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C/X) default: title = "Alien 16a" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint= "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien2 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = flip(z)*0.3334 loop: Z = fn1(Z^3)*fn2((|z|*Z^3*c)/2)*fn3(COS(Z)+C/Z^5*C) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < (3*(Z^3)+C) default: title = "Alien 2" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (8,8) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien2a { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3((Z^3)*(flip(z)^@start+1)+(COS(Z)/Z^5*@start)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout default: title = "Alien 2a" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (4,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce total chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien3 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = @Start C = #pixel x = z^5+real(c) loop: Z = Z^3*fn2((|z|*Z^3*c)/fn1(2*(imag(Z)+C/Z^3*C)))/+X z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^3)+C*X) default: title = "Alien 3" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (1.65,0) magn = 0.2 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien4b { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = flip(#pixel)*0.5 C = flip(z)^@start loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*(flip(Z)+C/Z^5*C))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout default: title = "Alien 4b" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3.0,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formua more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien4 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = flip(#pixel)*0.5 C = flip(z)^@start loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(Z^3*((z*Z^3*c)/2*(COS(Z)+C/Z^5*C))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout default: title = "Alien 4" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3.0,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formua more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien4a { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = @start loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*(COS(Z)+C/Z^5*C))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(3*(Z^3)+C) default: title = "Alien 4a" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3.0,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formua more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien5 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = #pixel x = z^5+real(c) loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*(imag(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^3)+C*X) default: title = "Alien 5" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien5a { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = #pixel x = z^5+real(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(imag(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^3)+C*X) default: title = "Alien 5a" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien5b { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = #pixel x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3/C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^3)+C*X) default: title = "Alien 5b" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien5c { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = #pixel x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^3)+C*X) default: title = "Alien 5c" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien5d { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = #pixel x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn3(fn2(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X)) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^2)+C*X) default: title = "Alien 5d" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien5e { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = #pixel x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn3(fn2(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X)) bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^4)+C*X) default: title = "Alien 5e" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien6 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = z^3+#pixel X = z^5+real(c) loop: Z = fn3(fn2(fn1(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*(imag(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^3)+C*X) default: title = "Alien 6" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien7 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = z^5-@Start C = #pixel loop: Z = @fn3(@fn2(@fn1((Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/(2*(COS(Z)+C/Z^5*C))))))) bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(3*(Z^3)+C) default: title = "Alien 7" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) magn = 0.04 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,4) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 2 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = asinh() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien8 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = @Start C = #pixel x = z^5+real(c) loop: Z = fn3(Z^3*fn2((|z|*(imag(Z^3)*c)/fn1(2*(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C)))/X^5+(Z*(C^2)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^3)+C*X) default: title = "Alien 8" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (1.65,0) magn = 0.2 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 2 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = asinh() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Alien9 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1 x = z^5+real(c) loop: Z = fn3(fn2(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(imag(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X)) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^3)+C*X) default: title = "Alien 9" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Start" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 2 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = tan() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Platelet3 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = #pixel loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((Z^3*c)/2*(COS(Z)+C/Z^5*C)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout default: title = "Platelet 3" angle = 30 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Platelet2 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = #pixel loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*fn1(Z^3*c)/fn2(2*(COS(Z)+C/Z^5*C)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < (5*(@p1*@p2*@p3)) default: title = "Platelet 2" angle = 30 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (2,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (0.47,1) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formua." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formua more." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } ComplexShape1 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = pixel c = p1 d = p1+p2 x = p1+p2+p3 loop: z = fn3(fn2(fn1(((z^5*cotanh(x)-1)+(tan(c)*3+1)*(cos(D)+2)/fn1((c*d*x)+1))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < 4 default: title = "Complex Shape 1" angle = 0 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) magn = 1.0 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (4,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 2 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = asinh() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } ComplexShape2 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = p1 d = p1+p2 x = p1+p2+p3 loop: z = @fn3(@fn2(@fn1(((z^4*cotanh(x)-1)+(tan(c)*3+1)*(cos(D)+2)/((c*d*x)+1))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout+1.97531 default: title = "Complex Shape 2" angle = 0 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) magn = 1.0 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (4,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = acos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } ComplexShape3 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = p1 d = p1+p2 x = p1+p2+p3 loop: z = fn3(fn2(fn1(z^4*cotanh(x)-1)+(tan(c)*3+1)*(cos(D)+2)/fn1((c*d*x)+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout+1.97531 default: title = "Complex Shape 3" angle = 0 center = (0,0) magn = 0.35 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (4,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 0 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = acos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } ComplexShape41 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = pixel c = p1+p2+p3 loop: z = fn3(fn2((z^5*cotanh(c)-1)+(tan(c)*3+1)*(cos(z)+2)/fn1((c^2)+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: z<4 default: title = "Complex Shape 4" angle = 0 maxiter = 1 center = (2.8,2.8) magn = 0.035 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,1) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "parameter 3" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } ComplexShape5 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = (p1+p2+p3)/5 loop: z = fn3(fn2(fn1(((z^2*cotanh(c)+1.21964)*(tan(c)*3+z)/((cos(z)+2)/fn1((c^2)+1)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z<@bailout default: title = "Complex Shape 5" angle = 0 maxiter = 1 center = (-1.17,0) magn = 0.075 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,1) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "parameter 3" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 6 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = round() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } ComplexShape5a { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = (p1+p2+p3)/5 loop: z = fn3(fn2(fn1((z^5*cotanh(c)-1)*(tan(c)*3+1)/(cos(z)+2)/fn1((c^2)+1)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z<@bailout default: title = "Complex Shape 5a" angle = 0 maxiter = 1 center = (0.5,0) magn = 0.06 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,1) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "parameter 3" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 6 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = round() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } ComplexShape6 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = (p1+p2+p3)/z^3 loop: z = fn3(fn2(fn1((z^5*cotanh(c)-1)*(tan(c)*3+1)/(cos(z)+2)/fn1((c^2)+1)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z<@bailout default: title = "Complex Shape 6" angle = 0 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) magn = 0.03 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,1) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "parameter 3" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 6 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = round() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } ComplexShape7 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = (p1*p2/p3)+1.12345 loop: z = fn3(fn2(fn1(((z^2*cotanh(c)+1.21964)*(tan(c)*3+z)/((cos(z)+2)/fn1((c^2)+1)))))) bailout: z<@bailout default: title = "Complex Shape 7" angle = 0 maxiter = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.06 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,1) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "parameter 3" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 6 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = log() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono1 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = p1 loop: z = fn2(fn1((z*z+c)/fn3((fn4(z^@p1)*@p2)^@p3)*c)) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < @bailout default: title = "Kimono 1" angle = 45 maxiter = 100 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (4,2) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (1,2) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,8) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = conj() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono10 { ;Copyright 2002 Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z^5*z loop: z = fn4(fn2(((z^7)+sin(c)/(z^3*(Z*|z|+C^4)+(fn3(fn1(@p1*@p2))))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < @bailout*(5 * |z|) default: title = "Kimono 10" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (.14,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (0.8,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono11 { ;Copyright 2002 Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z^5*@start loop: z = fn4(fn3((z^7)+sin(c)/(z^3*(Z*|z|+C^4)+(fn1(fn2(@p2^@p1*@p3^@p4)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < @Bailout default: title = "Kimono 11" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,2) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (.14,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (0.8,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param p4 caption = "parameter 4" default = (-1.7,3) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono11a { ;Copyright 2002 Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z^5*@start loop: z = fn4(fn3(fn2(fn1((z^7)+sin(c)/(z^3*(Z*|z|+C^4)+(@p2*@p3)+@p1*@p4))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < @Bailout default: title = "Kimono 11a" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,2) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (.14,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (0.8,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param p4 caption = "parameter 4" default = (-1.7,3) endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = asinh() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono12 { ;Copyright 2002 Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = #pixel loop: z = fn2(fn4((fn3(fn1((z^7)+sin(c)/(z^3*(Z*|z|+C^4)+(@p1*@p2))))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < @Bailout default: title = "Kimono 12" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (.14,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (0.8,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono13 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = (@p1*z^5) loop: z = fn1((z^2+c)/(fn3((fn4(#pixel^@p4)*@p1)^@p1)+fn2((fn1(#pixel^@p4)*@p3)^@p1))/@p2) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < @bailout*(c^6*c) default: title = "Kimono 13" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,2) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (.14,0) hint = "Selecet a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (0.8,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param p4 caption = "Parameter 4" default = (-1.7,3) hint = "Select a value for the fourth formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (8,8) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = acos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono14 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon s. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = p1*(z^3*@p3) loop: z = (z*z+c)*(fn3((fn4(z^@p4)*@p3)^@p1)+fn2((fn1(z^@p4)*@p3)^@p1))/@p3 z + z*@niter bailout: |z| < @bailout*|z|+c default: title = "Kimono 14" angle = 76 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula value." endparam param p4 caption = "Parameter 4" default = (-2,2) hint = "Select a value for the fourth formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sinh() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono2 { ;©2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel loop: z = (z*z)/(fn3((fn4(#pixel^@p3)*@p2)^@p1)+fn2((fn1(#pixel^@p3)*@p2)^@p1))/@p2 z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < @bailout default: title = "Kimono 2" angle = 60 maxiter = 5 center = (16,-6) magn = 0.02 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (3,6) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,3) hint = "Select a value for the second fromula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (-1,1) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (8,8) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = acos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono3 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz ;Zoom out for best shapes init: z = #pixel c = z^3 loop: z = (z*z+c)/fn4(fn3((fn2(#pixel^@p4)*@p3)^@p1)+fn2((fn1(#pixel^@p4)*@p3)^@p1))/@p2 z = z*@niter bailout: |z| > @bailout default: title = "Kimono 3" angle = 0 maxiter = 12 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,2) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (4,1) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param p4 caption = "Parameter 4" default = (1,2) hint = "Select a value for the fourth formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = asinh() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono4 { ;Copyright 2002 Sharon S. Schultz init: z = @start c = z^3 loop: z = (z*z+c)/(fn1((fn2(#pixel^@p1)*@p2)^@p3)+fn3((fn4(#pixel^@p1)*@p2)^@p3))/@p4 z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < @bailout default: title = "Kimono 4" angle = 90 maxiter = 12 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param p4 caption = "Parameter 4" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the fourth formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (16,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono5 { ;Copyright 2002 Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel X = z^7 C = z*X loop: z = (z*z+c)*(fn4((fn3(z^@p1)*@p2)^@p3)+fn3((fn4(c^@p4)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < @bailout*(1.5 * |z|) default: title = "Kimono 5" angle = 45 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param p4 caption = "Parameter 4" default = (-1,1) hint = "Select a value for the fourth formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (16,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono6 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel C = z^z loop: z = fn4(fn3(fn2(fn1((z*z+c)+(0.5*(z*(z-4)+2)+c)/(@p1*@p2*@p3*@p4))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < @bailout default: title = "Kimono 6" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,2) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param p4 caption = "Parameter 4" default = (1,2) hint = "Select a value for the fourth formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (8,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono7 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel C = z*@start loop: z = fn4(fn3(fn2(fn1((z*z+c)/(|z|*(@p2*@p4)+(z*(0.5*@p1(z*(z^4)+2*@p3)+c))))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < @bailout default: title = "Kimono 7" angle = 37 maxiter = 12 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (2,2) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,2) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (0.1,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (0.5,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param p4 caption = "Parameter 4" default = (1.5,2) hint = "Select a value for the fourth formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (8,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono8 { ; Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = @start c = z^3*@start loop: z = (z*z+c) / (fn3((fn4(#pixel^@p4)*@p2)^@p1)+fn2((fn1(#pixel^@p4)*@p3)^@p1))/@p2 bailout: |z| < (z^4*c) default: title = "Kimono 8" angle = 41 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,2) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (0.14,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (0.8,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param p4 caption = "Parameter 4" default = (-1.7,3) hint = "Select a value for the fourth formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (8,8) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = conj() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Kimono9 { ;Copyright 2002 Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel X = (z^7+3) C = #pixel*(Z^6*x) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z/fn1((z^9+real(c))*(p1*p2*p3*@p4)/(z^7+C))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < 5 default: title = "Kimono 9" angle = 45 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param p4 caption = "Parameter 4" default = (-1,1) hint = "Select a value for the fourth formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (16,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = conj() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Shapes1 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1*Z x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C/X) default: title = "Shapes 1" angle = 90 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Shapes10 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1*Z^6+p1^2 x = z^4+cos(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^4*((|z|/Z^3*c)*2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C*X) default: title = "Shapes 10" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Shapes2 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1/Z x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C/X) default: title = "Shapes 2" angle = 90 maxiter = 12 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Shapes3 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1+Z x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C/X) default: title = "Shapes 3" angle = 90 maxiter = 12 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Shapes4 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1*Z^3 x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C/X) default: title = "Shapes 4" angle = 90 maxiter = 12 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Shapes5 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1*Z^2 x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C/X) default: title = "Shapes 5" angle = 90 maxiter = 12 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Shapes6 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1*Z^4 x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C/X) default: title = "Shapes 6" angle = 90 maxiter = 12 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Shapes7 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1*Z^6 x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C/X) default: title = "Shapes 7" angle = 90 maxiter = 12 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Shapes8 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1*Z^6+p1 x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C/X) default: title = "Shapes 8" angle = 90 maxiter = 12 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Shapes9 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1*Z^6+p1^2 x = z^4+real(c) loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((|z|*Z^3*c)/2*fn1(real(Z)+C/Z^3*C))+X))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C/X) default: title = "Shapes 9" angle = 90 maxiter = 12 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 10_Ten { ; Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn4(fn1(z^7+tan(c))*fn2(c^3-real(z)/fn3(imag(z)+imag(c))*fn3(z^4-real(c)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @Bailout*c^2 default: title = "10-Ten" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) magn = 0.45 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (2,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 8 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading Caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sqr() hint = "Select function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = atanh() hint = "Select function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 12_Twelve{ ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = @Start x = z^5+real(c) loop: Z = fn3(fn4(Z^3*fn3(imag(Z)+C/Z^3*C))*fn2((|z|*Z^3*c)/fn1(c^2*+X^2))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*((Z^3)+C*X) default: title = "12-Twelve" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 magn = 0.59 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sqr() hint = "Select function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = atanh() hint = "Select function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 14_FourteenA { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel a = p1 b = p2 C = a^b+b^a x = z^cos(c) y = @Start loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z^5/X)+((a^3)*1.732+c)/(y^3*b)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C*X) default: title = "14 Fourteen A" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (4,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 3 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 14_Fourteen { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1*Z^6+p1^2 x = z^4+cos(c) y = z+@Start loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z^5/cos(X))+((z^3)*1.732+C)/(y^3*(cos(Y)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout+1 default: title = "14-Fourteen" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (1,0) hint = "Select the first parameter for the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 15_Fifteen { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1*Z^6+p1^2 x = z^4+cos(c) y = z+@Start a = @p1 b = @p2 loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z^5/cos(X)*a^3)*((z^3)*1.732+c*b^3)/(y^3*(cos(Y)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout+0.5 default: title = "15-Fifteen" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Scale" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value to scale the formula." endparam param p2 caption = "Position" default = (9,0) hint = "Select a value to position the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 15_FifteenA { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = @start x = z^4 y = z^c a = @p1 b = @p2 loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z^c/X+y^3)+((z^3)*1.732)+c*b^3)/(a^b))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout+0.5 default: title = "15-Fifteen A" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Scale" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value to scale the formula." endparam param p2 caption = "Position" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value to position the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 1_OneA { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4((z^5)-flip(c))/((z)+real(c))/(z^6+1)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout*|z|^3 default: title = "1-One A" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (2.6,0) magn = 0.1 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = exp() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change more" default = atan() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 2_Two { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4((z^5)*atanh(c^2))/((z)+(real(z)*c)/(z^6+1))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < |z|*3 default: title = "2-Two" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change more" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 3_Three { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4((z*atanh(c^2)+1)+(z+cotanh(z^4)+c))/(z^c+1)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "3-Three" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (6,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (3,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 2 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 4_Four { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(cotan(c)+5.17*(imag(z))/((cotanh(z)*(real(z))))+(c^7))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout*(z^7+c) default: title = "4-Four" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 5_Five { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn3(fn1(fn4(((real(c)+3.12345)*(atan(z)*cosh(c))/fn2((z+(cotanh(z)*c))))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @Bailout default: title = "5-Five" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) magn = 0.0877112 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (5,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (16,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = flip() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sqr() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 6_Six { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = #pixel c = @start loop: z = fn3(fn1(fn4(((flip(c)*3.12345)/(atan(z)*cosh(c))*fn2((z+(cotanh(z)*c))))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @Bailout default: title = "6-Six" angle = 90 maxiter = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.348643 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (5,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cabs() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 6_SixNew { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn3(fn1(fn4(((flip(c)*3.12345)/(atan(z)*cosh(c))*fn2((z+(cotanh(z)*c))))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @Bailout default: title = "6-Six New" angle = 90 maxiter = 2 center = (0,0) magn = 0.348643 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (5,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cabs() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 7_Seven { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn3(fn1(fn4(((log(c)^5*@Bailout)/5.45)*(recip(z)*(c^6)*fn2((z+(cotanh(z)*c))))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @Bailout default: title = "7-Seven" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (5,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sqr() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sqr() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 8_Eight { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(((log(c)^5*@niter)*5.45)*fn3(recip(z)*fn2(c^6)/fn2((z+fn4(cotanh(z)*c))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @Bailout default: title = "8-Eight" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (2,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cabs() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change more" default = sqr() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 9_Nine { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(((real(c)^5*@Bailout)*fn3(cos(z)^3*fn2(imag(c)^6)/fn2((z-fn4(cotanh(z)*c)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @Bailout default: title = "9-Nine" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) magn = 0.5 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (2,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (8,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sqr() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sqr() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 11_Eleven { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(z^7+c)*fn4(c^3-real(z)*fn2(imag(z)+imag(c))/fn3(z^4-real(c))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @Bailout*c^2 default: title = "11-Eleven" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) magn = 0.45 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (2,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam Param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times for the formula to iterate." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (8,0) hint = "Select the bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sqr() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = atanh() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 11_Elevena { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z^7+c)*(c^3-real(z)*(imag(z)+imag(c))/(z^4-real(c)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @Bailout*c^2 default: title = "11-Eleven A" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) magn = 0.45 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (2,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam Param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times for the formula to iterate." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (8,0) hint = "Select the bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 13_Thirteen { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = p1*Z^6+p1^2 x = z^4+cos(c) y = z+@Start loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z^5/cos(X))*((z^3)*1.732+C)/y))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout*(Z+C*X) default: title = "13-Thirteen" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam Param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times for the formula to iterate." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "parameter 1" default = (0.25,0) hint = "Select a value for the first parameter of the formula." endparam Heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = zero() hint = "Select a functio to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 1_One_New { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z^@p1+0.5)))) z = z*@niter+1 bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "1-One New" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 magn = 0.32 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param p1 caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam Param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times for the formula to iterate." endparam param Bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sqrt() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 1_OneB { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4((z^5)-flip(c))*((z)+real(c))/(z^6+1)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < |z|*@bailout default: title = "1-One B" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 magn = 1 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam Param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 3 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam Param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times for the formula to iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 1_OneBC { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4((z^5)-flip(c))*((z)+real(c))/(z^6+1)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout*|z|*3 default: title = "1-One Bc" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam Param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam Param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times for the formula to iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 1_OneBb { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4((z^6)*flip(c))*((z)+real(c))/(z^5*c)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < |z|*@bailout default: title = "1-One Bb" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 magn = 1 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam Param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 3 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam Param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times for the formula to iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 1_OneBa { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4((z^5)-flip(c))/((z)+real(c))/(z^6+1)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < |z|*@bailout default: title = "1-One Ba" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 magn = 1 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam Param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 3 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam Param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times for the formula to iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New1 { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z=@Start c=#pixel loop: Z=fn4(fn3(fn2(fn1(cos(z)+c^3*@p1+atan(c)/Z^3)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z|<= @bailout default: title = "New 1" method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param Start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (-1,1) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam Param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times for the formula to iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New11 { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z=#pixel loop: z=Fn4(fn3(fn2(fn1((z)^2+0.3333+|z|/(@p1+z+3))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z|<= @bailout default: title = "New 11" maxiter = 5 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "BAilout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New12 { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z=#pixel loop: z = fn4(fn3(fn2(fn1(fn2(z^2+0.3333+|z|/(@p1+z^3)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z|<= @bailout default: title = "New 12" maxiter = 12 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New13{ ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z=#pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(@p1*real(z)^2+0.333+|z|*atan(z)^3)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z|<= @bailout default: title = "New 13" maxiter = 100 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New14{ ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z=#pixel loop: z = fn4(fn3(fn2(fn1(real(z)^2+0.333+|z|*@p1/atan(z)^3)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z|<= @bailout default: title = "New 14" maxiter = 100 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New15 { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = |z| x = c+1.5 loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(@Start((Z^2)*c+1)*fn1(x*(Real(Z)+C*(Z^3-C)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout default: title = "New 15" maxiter = 100 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout Caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New16 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z=@Start c=#pixel loop: Z=fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(@p1*cos(z)^c+1*+atan(c)/Z^3)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z|<= @bailout*1.66667 default: title = "New 16" maxiter = 2 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (-1,1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout Caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New17 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel c = @Start loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(((Z^2)*real(c)+1)*(c^@p1*z)/z^c)))) z = z*@niter bailout: Z <= @Bailout default: title = "New 17" center = (0,0) maxiter = 5 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New17A { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = @Start c = #pixel loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(((Z^2)*real(c)+1)*(c^@p1*z)/z^c)))) z = z*@niter bailout: Z <= @Bailout default: title = "New 17 A" center = (0,0) maxiter = 24 angle = 270 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0,0) hint = "Select a value for the fromula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New2 { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = @Start c = #pixel loop: Z = Fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(@p1*cos(z)^c+1*+atan(c)/Z^3)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z|<= @bailout*1.66667 default: title = "New 2" maxiter = 1 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (-1,1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New3 { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(cos(z)^2+0.3334+|z|/(@p1+atan(z)+3))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z|<= @bailout default: title = "New 3" maxiter = 100 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New4 { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(cos(z)^2+0.333*|z|/(@p1+atan(z)+3))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z|<= @bailout default: title = "New 4" maxiter = 5 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New5 { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(@p1*cos(z)^z+1*+atan(z)/Z^3)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z|<= @bailout default: title = "New 5" maxiter = 24 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(-1,1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New6 { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(cos(z)^2+1+|z|/(@p1+atan(z)+3))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z|< @bailout default: title = "New 6" maxiter = 1 magn = 0.8 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sinh() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New6a { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(cos(z)^2+1+|z|/(@p1+atan(z)+3))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z<= @bailout default: title = "New 6a" maxiter = 2 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New7 { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(real(z)^2+1+(@p1*imag(z)/z^3))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "New 7" maxiter = 1 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(-1,1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New8 { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(cos(z)^2+0.333+|z|/(@p1+atan(z)+3))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| >= @bailout default: title = "New 8" maxiter = 100 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(4,-4) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New9 { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z)^2+0.3333+|z|/(@p1+atan(z)+3)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| <= @bailout default: title = "New 9" maxiter = 100 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } One_&_One_Half { ; Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @Start c = #pixel loop: c = C*0.333 z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z^5)-flip(c))/((z)+real(c))/(z^6+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < |z|*@bailout default: title = "One & One Half" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (3.29,-1.75) magn = 0.2 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Sets the bailout value for the formula." endparam param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Sets the starting value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Sets the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = conj() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sqr() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } One_&_One_Half2 { ; Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz ; Use outside colorings for best results. Init: z = @Start c = #pixel loop: c = C*0.333 z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z^5)-flip(c))/((z)+real(c))/(z^6+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: z > |z|*@bailout default: title = "One & One Half 2" angle = 90 maxiter = 5 center = (3.29,-1.75) magn = 0.2 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Sets the bailout value for the formula.Small values are better." endparam param start caption = "Start" default = 1 hint = "Sets the starting value for the formula.Set between -2 & 2. closer \ to zero is best." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Sets the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = conj() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sqr() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SimpleOneHoriz { ;Copyright March 18, 2002 Sharon S. Schultz init: z = @Start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4((real(z)^|c|)+(imag(z)^|c|*real(c))/imag(c)^|z|)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Simple One Horiz" center = (0,0) maxiter = 25 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (8,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SimpleOneVert { ;Copyright March 18, 2002 Sharon S. Schultz init: z = @Start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4((real(z)^|c|)+(imag(z)^|z|*real(c))/real(c)^|z|)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Simple One Vert" center = (0,0) maxiter = 25 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (3,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (8,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 1_OneC { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(((z^5)-atan(c))*((z)+cos(c))/(z^6+1))))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout*|z|*3 default: title = "1-One C" angle = 90 maxiter = 2 center = (-3.125,0) magn = 0.9 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sqr() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 1_One { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @Start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4((z^5)-flip(c)+1)+(real(z)+real(c))/(z^6)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "1-One" angle = 90 maxiter = 1 center = (-1.23,-1.23) magn = 0.023 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (1,1) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam Param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = asinh() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Platelet1 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = #pixel loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((Z^3*c)/2*(COS(Z)+C/Z^5*C)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout default: title = "Platelet" angle = 30 maxiter = 100 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } PlateletA { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = @start loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((Z^3*c)/2*(COS(Z)+C/Z^5*C)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout default: title = "Platelet A" angle = 30 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Platelet4 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = @Start C = #pixel loop: Z = fn1(fn4((Z^3*(Z^3*c))+fn2/fn3(2*(COS(Z)+C/Z^5*C)))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout default: title = "Platelet 4" angle = 30 maxiter = 5 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Platelet5 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = @Start C = #pixel loop: Z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4((Z^3*(Z^3*c))+(2*(COS(Z)+C/Z^5*C)))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @bailout default: title = "Platelet 5" angle = 30 maxiter = 100 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Platelet6 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: Z = #pixel C = @Start loop: Z = fn2(fn3(fn4(Z^3*((Z^3*c)/2*fn1(COS(Z)+C/Z^5*C))))) z = z*@niter bailout: |Z| < @Bailout default: title = "Platelet 6" angle = 30 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,4) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New6b { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel loop: z = fn1(cos(z)^2+1+|z|/(@p1^atan(z)+3)) bailout: z <= @Bailout default: title = "New 6b" maxiter = 5 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } New6c { ;Copyright March 1, 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = @Start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(cos(z)^2+1+|z|/(@p1^atan(z)+3))/c^z))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @Bailout default: title = "New 6c" maxiter = 5 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param start caption = "Start" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default=(1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } 1_OneE { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz Init: z = @Start c = #pixel loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4((z^5)*flip(c))/((z)+real(c))/(z^6+1)))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < |z|*3 default: title = "1-One E" angle = 90 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading Param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam Param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SeaLife { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = p1+p2*p3 loop: z = fn1(fn3(fn4(z^5*cotanh(c)-1)+(tan(c)^3*3+1)+(cos(z)+2.29354)/fn2((c*z*real(z))+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Sea Life" angle = 0 maxiter = 24 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,1) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "Parameter 3" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 16 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = asinh() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc func fn4 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Dolphin1 { ;Copyright 2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = p1+p2*p3 loop: z = fn3(fn1(z^5*cotanh(c)-1)+(tan(c)^3*3+1)+(cos(z)+2.29354)/fn2((c*z*real(z))+1)) z = z*@niter bailout: z<@bailout default: title = "Dolphin" angle = 0 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (2,1) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param p2 caption = "Parameter 2" default = (1,-1) hint = "Select a value for the second formula parameter." endparam param p3 caption = "parameter 3" default = (-2,0) hint = "Select a value for the third formula parameter." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = log() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SSS_Pixel1 { ;was SSS_Pixel3 ;© Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z^2 z = z+c loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z*z+c+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: z > @inside default: title = "Pixel 1" method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param inside caption = "Inside - Yes or No" default = false hint = "Check here to place all pixels inside." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SSS_Pixel2 { ;was SSS_Pixel4_1 ;© Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z^2 loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z+c+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| > @inside default: title = "Pixel 2" method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param inside caption = "Inside - Yes or No" default = false hint = "Check here to place all pixels inside." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Function" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SSS_Pixel3 { ;was SSS_Pixel5_1 ; © Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z^3 loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z+c+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| > 0 default: title = "Pixel 3" method = guessing periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param inside caption = "Inside - Yes or No" default = false hint = "Check here to place all pixels inside." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading Caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SSS_Pixel4 { ;© Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z^2 loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z^c*z+c+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: z > @inside default: title = "Pixel 4" method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param inside caption = "Inside - Yes or No" default = false hint = "Check here to place all pixels inside." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Function" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SSS_Pixel5 { ;© Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z^3 loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z+c+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: z > @inside default: title = "Pixel 5" method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param inside caption = "Inside - Yes or No" default = false hint = "Check here to place all pixels inside." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Function" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SSS_Pixel6 { ;was SSS_Pixel6a ;© Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z^2 loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z+c+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: z > @inside default: title = "Pixel 6" method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param inside caption = "Inside - Yes or No" default = false hint = "Check here to place all pixels inside." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading Caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SSS_Pixel7 { ;© Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z^2 loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3((z+c)/3))) z = z*@niter bailout: z > @inside default: title = "Pixel 7" center = (0,0) magn = 0.6 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param inside caption = "Inside - Yes or No" default = false hint = "Check here to place all pixels inside." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times to iterate the formula." endparam heading Caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = cos() hint = "Select function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SSS_Pixel8 { ;was SSS_Pixel7a ;© Sharon S. Schultz ;For best results, use bailout < 0 init: z = #pixel c = z^2*@scale loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z+c)/3)) z = z*@niter bailout: z > @bailout default: title = "Pixel 8" method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value to scale the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = -4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Pixel_Again { ;©2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z+(@p1*@p2) loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z+c+1))) z = z+1 bailout: |z| < @bailout*2 default: title = "Pixel Again" center = (-1.6,0) method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula PArameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Position" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value to position the formula." endparam param p2 caption = "Scale" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value to scale the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Pixell_Deriv_1 { ;©2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z+1.3333333 loop: z = fn1(fn2(z+c+1)) bailout: |z| < @Bailout default: title = "Pixel Deriv 1" method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula PArameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } pixeldust1 { ;©2002 Sharon Schultz init: z = #pixel c = @start loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z^c + 1))) c = c * 0.3334 z = z * @niter bailout: z > @bailout default: title = "Pixel dust 1" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 5 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 4 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param start caption = "Scale" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value to scale the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SSS_PixelStill { ;© Sharon S. Schultz ;Use small bailout <2. init: z = #pixel*0.5 c = z^@niter loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z^c+1))) bailout: z < @bailout default: title = "Pixel Still" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) magn = 0.24 angle = 90 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = 1 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SSS_PixelToo { ;© Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z^2 z = z+c loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z+c+1/@bailout))) z = z*@niter bailout: z > @bailout default: title = "Pixel Too" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 1 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (0.125,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = tan() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } PixellTooToo { ;©2002, Sharon S. Schultz init: z = #pixel c = z+1.3333333 loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z+c+1))) z = z*@niter bailout: |z| < @bailout default: title = "Pixel Too Too" maxiter = 100 method = multipass periodicity = 0 param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (4,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SSS_pixel2 { ;was SSS_pixel2+++++ ;© 2002, Sharon S. Schultz ;Use inside coloring for best results. init: z = #pixel/3 c = z loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z^@p1+c))) z = z*@niter c = c*@start bailout: z > @Bailout default: title = "SSS Pixel 2" angle = 180 maxiter = 12 center = (-1.5,0) magn = 0.16 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula PArameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = 2 hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = -2 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = asinh() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } SSS_pixel3 { ;was SSS_pixel2++++++ ;© 2002, Sharon S. Schultz ;Use inside coloring for best results. init: z = #pixel/3 c = z*@p1 loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z^c+c+1))) z = z*@niter c = c*@start bailout: z > @Bailout default: title = "SSS Pixel 3" angle = 270 maxiter = 5 center = (-4.44,-0.73) magn = 0.044 method = multipass periodicity = 0 heading caption = "Formula PArameters" endheading param p1 caption = "Parameter 1" default = (0.5,0) hint = "Select a value for the first formula parameter." endparam param start caption = "Start" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a starting value for the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = (-1,0) hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = asin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Utter Chaos" default = ident() hint = "Select a function to introduce utter chaos into the formula." endfunc } Pretzel1 { ; © 2002, Sharon S. Schultz ;Use inside coloring for best results. init: z = #pixel/3 c = z*@scale loop: z = fn1(fn2(fn3(z+c))) z = z*@niter bailout: z > @Bailout default: title = "Pretzel 1" method = multipass periodicity = 0 maxiter = 1 center = (0,0) magn = 0.65 heading caption = "Formula Parameters" endheading param scale caption = "Scale" default = (1,0) hint = "Select a value to scale the formula." endparam param bailout caption = "Bailout" default = -2 hint = "Select a bailout value for the formula." endparam param niter caption = "Iterations" default = 1 hint = "Select the number of times the formula will iterate." endparam heading caption = "Formula Functions" endheading func fn1 caption = "Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula." endfunc func fn2 caption = "Change More" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to change the formula more." endfunc func fn3 caption = "Total Change" default = sin() hint = "Select a function to totally change the formula." endfunc }