Some suggestions for "Trap the Light Fantastic" 5 Sept 2007 I am a great lover orbit of trap colorings, especially Dennis Magar's "Thingamajigs" and "Doodads", which is why I created the extended "II" versions. Those two colorings especially are full of fantastic dimensional-appearing trap shapes, and are easy to use and friendly to boot. It has always been my hope to someday write an orbit trap coloring that creates such dimensional trap shapes, but goes even farther in terms of allowing the user space to explore and to experiment. I believe that to some extent I have succeeded with "Trap the Light Fantastic". This coloring is not without its flaws, but in my weeks of explorations with it I have (almost) always found unique and interesting shapes that retain that dimensionality and lighting that I so appreciate in orbit trap colorings. However at first glance I'm sure that it seems tremendously confusing with all its user-selectable parameters and functions. Nor is it as friendly as the colorings mentioned above in terms of consistently offering good results "right out of the box". The default set has limitations, and many of the trap shapes appear at first glance to be similar or even identical, and many others do not seem to offer much at all that is pleasing. This is, unfortunately, the trade-off for range and flexibility. I grappled with the idea of reducing options and trap shapes to give the coloring a neater appearance, but in the end I decided that flexibility is more important than presentation. But in that case I thought it necessary to write up this little dissertation to give users some pointers and ideas of what is offered here and how to use it to best advantage (at least insofar as I am able to do so). First a very quick and somewhat inaccurate description of orbit trap colorings, in my limited understanding. The point of any coloring is to assign every pixel an index value--the point on the gradient from which it will take its value. With orbit trap colorings, (as far as I know), we have a complex variable '#z', which is split into real and imaginary components (which translate into horizontal and vertical values). Once it has been divided into these two 'x' and 'y' components, they are processed in various ways and then recombined, and it is this processing that essentially creates the shapes of the traps. This coloring, henceforth referred to as TTLF, has a few more steps than that. #Z is shaken and stirred before being split, so to speak: being modified by various functions and parameters, then it is split and the trap shapes formed, where more functions and params are added. But afterwards, instead of leaving well enough alone and letting the combinations of x's and y's which form the trap shape be the final determinants of that shape, they are used only as another factor, being combined in various ways with even more permutations of our friend #z, which goes through several more cycles of various machinations before being allowed to be the arbiter of what appears on your screen. At each step, I have introduced more function and parameter choices, and these can be found on the user interface with prefixes like "Z style, Z flavor, Distance, Point, Trap, Trap Shape, X, Y and Z, Shape, etc. Many may seem to have similar effects as you use them, but because they all operate at different points in the process, each to some extent has a unique effect. TRAP SHAPES This brings me to the first important point: the effect of the "Trap Modifiers". Here you will see familiar-sounding names of trap shapes used in a number of colorings such as Plane Curve Traps, Thin Orbit Traps, Painter's Traps and others. But their effect is quite different here than in those colorings, in which they create well-defined trap shapes. In TTLF they are just another modifier, and while they introduce very interesting possibilites, they do not create those familiar shapes. In fact many look totally redundant; others seem to create only lines and blobs and noise. But this is not the whole story. While this parameter is an important one, it is only one, which is why I have called it "Trap Modifiers" and not "Trap Shapes". Basically in this area of the loop #z is split into a number of real and imaginary components (x's and y's). Many of these have only a small effect in some scenarios, but suddenly become much more prominent in others, such as when new function and parameter value choices are made. It is definitely worthwhile to occasionally scroll through trap choices as you work, as things that appeared similar to others or useless in themselves at the beginning might have taken on a different character down the road. Often I like to choose a trap shape at random and begin working from there: each has potential. But after finding something interesting I take a stroll through the trap modifiers and often find interesting variations on what I have created. In any case the choices are discrete, so it is not hard to get back to where you were. This brings me to an important point. It is easy to go far afield and not be able to find your way back to your starting point (at least this always happens to me). So I *strongly* suggest that if you have something you like, make a copy of the layer before you go cruising through new functions and parameters. That way you can always get back. WORKING WITH PARAMETERS I think that one of the keys to success with this coloring is the exploration of parameters, and for this the "explore tool" of UF4 is of great value, in fact it is critical for optimizing your results. What I have found is that as I change things using the explore tool, certain values are reached at which the trap shapes "peak". Before and after this value only lines or amorphous forms can be found, but as one approaches the critical point things arrange themselves into very definite dimensional-appearing trap shapes. I cannot tell you which parameters to explore, as all the parameters and functions are interactive. Some of the beta testers were asking me to indicate which were the "important" params. I have found that all are important at one time or another, and conversely are unimportant at other times. This is one of the "love it/hate it" aspects of TTLF. You can find nice stuff without ever touching the parameters, but you are missing huge opportunities if you work like that. Every time you change a trap shape or a function you are presented with manifold opportunities to optimize what is in front of you by exploring the various parameters. OVERVIEW: Basically speaking, this is an orbit trap coloring with two independent trap sections. Either a single trap may be used, in which case the entire second section is inactive, or the traps can be blended, in which case both sections contribute to the final result. In addition there is a "Modulated" setting, in which the two traps alternate by iteration. To make matters worse, or better as the case may be, each trap section allows the user to choose either a single version of the trap, or to double it and combine the two versions in various ways. These options, along with the wealth of parameters and functions, makes this coloring very flexible. I will try to go through things more or less from the beginning and explain what they do. Let's start at the top of the user tab. HEADING: BASIC TOOLS Here are the most elemental aspects of the coloring, which should mostly be familiar. TRAP MODE: This determines the relationship of the elements. "Closest" is smooth and dimensional. "First" puts sharp edges on the shapes--like cutouts--and puts the smaller iterations on top of the larger ones. "Last" is the same but puts the largest iterations over the smaller one. The cutoff of the edges can be varied using the parameter "Edge Threshold" when either of these modes are chosen. "Average" does what it says, and averages the traps, so that things happen where they meet. I've added a bunch of styles of averaging, controlled by fixed, hidden functions, which can be chosen using the param "Avg. Flavor". Each of these has two different modes, which can be selected using the bool param "Change Avg. Flavor". "Farthest" and "Sum" are the remaining choices, which are also controlled by the "Edge Threshold" value. COLORING MODE: Different ways of coloring the elements. You will notice that parameters appear with each different choice: these affect the way that the gradient is mapped onto the elements. SHADING: A very important parameter! This will change the opacity of the traps. If you find that you are getting banding in the area outside the figure, you should be able to turn this back into a solid color by choosing a value under 1. You will need to adjust the gradient when changing this parameter. HEADING: TRAP MIXING Here are the controls for choosing the trap shape which isn't really a trap shape (as explained above), plus those for choosing one trap section or the other or both. BLEND TRAPS: If this bool param is checked a number of new params will appear--- >>>>>>>>>> --BLEND MODE: Chooses the operator to blend the traps (multiplication or addition). You may have to adjust your gradient depending on the choice. If "+" is chosen another two params appear: >-- % TRAPs: Control the proportion of one trap to the other in the addition mode. You are not limited to 100%. You will have to adjust the gradient depending on your choices. --BLEND FNs: Change how the traps blend together--different functions give quite different effects. >>>>>>>>>> ***NOTE*** From here many parameters and headings are doubled, since there are two complete trap sections. The headings and parameters that deal with the first trap section always have the suffix "I", and those for the second have the suffix "II". They appear only when they are active. If the bool param "BLEND TRAPS" is left unchecked the parameters above are not active; instead one parameter appears: --FORMULA SCENARIO: Three choices here: "Trap I, Modulated, Trap II". The first and third choices allow you to work only with the first or second trap sections. If you choose "Modulated" a certain number of iterations of one trap are followed by a certain number of iterations of the other trap. With this option two more parameters appear: >--MODULATION REPEAT: This is not my code so I cannot vouch for it, but the hint reads: "At what iteration the modulation starts. If '0' all iters are of the modulation formula". >--# OF MODULATED ITERS: Hint says: "How many iterations of 2nd formula are present". It is important to remember that iterations proceed around the various arms of spirals, so this is not so predictable as it seems it should be, but it is still a very cool effect and you should definitely play with it! TRAP MODIFIER I and/or II: These show the trap shape(s) in play. As mentioned, these do not create the trap shapes indicated; rather that trap is used as a modifier that affects the final shape, which usually bears no resemblance to the shapes created by these equations in other orbit trap colorings. HEADING: GLOBAL PARAMS AND FUNCTIONS There is only one set of these, which affect both trap sections. ITERATIONS TO SKIP: Does what it says. MAX ITERATIONS: The total number of iterations allowed. The default is set high so as not to limit this in normal use. ROOT FN: This is the only global shaping function (apart from the Morph section coming up) so it goes here. It affects #z at the very top of the stream. FINAL INDEX FN: Determines how the gradient will be mapped in the final image. HEADING: MORPH PARAMETERS These Morph parameters also affect #z at the top of the stream. Anyone who has used my colorings should be basically familiar with them so I will not describe them in detail, but I will say that using the Morph II params will greatly widen the range of trap shapes available and I heartily recommend playing trying it, especially if you have shapes with horns that go out to infinity getting smaller and smaller. One note that I think is useful: As you scroll through the "MORPH" choices, more parameters and functions come into play. With Morph II, you will see that Morph Functions Z1 and Z2 are set to "zero" by default. Set these to any other function to make the Z1 and Z2 parameters active. HEADING: SHAPING STUFF (I/II) There are two headings and two full sets of params, which appear depending on your choices above with traps. I will only describe them generically: DOUBLE TRAP: If this box is unchecked a single instance of the trap modifier chosen in this section is in play. The next parameter is: TRAP STYLE: This is the most basic of all the shaping parameters, and describes what "modifier" #z is put through before being split and entering the trap shape section. >>>>>>>>>> If you check the DOUBLE TRAP box, the trap is doubled, and new parameters appear: --TRAP A & B STYLE(s): Since we have two separate instances of the trap running, we can choose their modifying parameters and functions independently before combining them. These two params allow us to choose the modifier for the traps separately as described above. --OPERATOR: This allows us to choose which arithmetic operator mediates the combination of the two instances of the trap. --COMBINATION FN: A separate function is applied to Trap B, apart from those which appear later in the Function heading. I've put it here for convenience. SHAPE and SHAPE VARIATION: Some fixed functions are applied that change the appearance of the traps SHADING/SHAPE: This parameter normally changes the shading on the elements, however in some cases the shape is changed as well. CHANGE SHADING/SHAPE: This bool param changes the way the preceding param is applied, changing its effect. HEADING: GENERAL PARAMETERS (I/II) Here are some general parameters, again under two discrete headings for the two trap sections: COMPLEXIFY DISTANCE: This bool param, when checked, adds another layer of processing to the traps, and new params appear just under the bool box. *In addition* a new heading appears below with DISTANCE PARAMETERS, to be discussed later. Basically all the parameters and functions in this section affect the appearance and shape of the traps, and I will not describe them separately, except to say that it is worthwhile to scroll through and explore them to see what effects they have HEADING: DISTANCE PARAMETERS This heading only appears when "COMPLEXIFY DISTANCE" is checked, as described above. When DISTANCE MODE in "General Parameters" above is checked, a second set of distance parameters appears. ***A GENERAL NOTE ABOUT PARAMETERS*** Essentially at every point where a variable is in play, there are three parameters to modify it. "Offset" adds or subtracts a value, "Strength" is a multiplier, and "Power" is exponential. Many will seem similar in some instances, but all affect different points in the process and do have different effects. Also, the effects depend to an extent on other parameter, function and trap choices. HEADING(s) Z and SHAPE, TRAP, POINT, X&Y and TRAP TYPE PARAMETERS I have divided the great number of params into collapsing sections for convenience, although there is no real reason to separate them. These sections are very similar in structure except for the SHAPE parameters, which I will describe here: The SHAPE parameter section looks like the other sections with one exception: When the bool box DOUBLE TRAPS (in the "Shaping Stuff" section) is checked, a bool box appears at the bottom of the shape params captioned "SPLIT SHAPE PARAMS". When this is checked a second set of "SHAPE B" parameters opens below it. Here is the reason: By default, both traps (when the traps are doubled) share a common set of parameters. This generally gives the most pleasing effects, but there are times when it is valuable to be able to set the params for the doubled traps independently. If you wish to be able to set the params separately for the two traps, check this box, and the "Shape" params control only the A trap, while the "Shape B" params control only the B trap. Now here is an *important note*: if you have set the Shape params in the default mode (both traps using the same set of params), and now wish to experiment with independent params, you will need to copy and paste the complex values (those you have changed from the defaults) from the "Shape" params to the "Shape B" params--if you wish to keep that appearance that you have. This can be accomplished by right clicking on the param fields and choosing "Copy Complex Value" and then "Paste Complex Value" from the context menu. HEADING: A FLOOD OF FUNCTIONS (I/II) Here are all the functions grouped together, like the parameters above. I heartily suggest you experiment with these, as many wonderful effects can be achieved. Often the effects of a function choice can be optimized by going back and playing with the parameters. ******************************************** This is as far as I will go in explaining this coloring, as the texture choices are rather straightforward, or at least not much different from those in my other colorings. In closing I wish you many happy hours (days, weeks) going through the voluminous choices that this coloring offers, and I hope you will get as much delight from finding unexpected, unusual and interesting shapes and shadings as I. Happy Fractalling! ********************************************************************************************************** Naru's Gnarly Potpourri Help and Tips OVERVIEW This coloring is based on Mark Townsend's "Gnarly Orbit Traps". Gilles Nadeau wrote an original adaptation including fBm texturing and adding a feature found in Mark's "Advanced Gnarl" ufm, which allows the user to choose between two different "scenarios"--sets of formulae--and combine them in various ways. Susan D. Chambless nicely elaborated Gilles' work, and then I was invited to "do my thing". This is the result. I have added my usual plethora of bells and whistles, including the same set of textures found in my other ucls, Morph parameters, etc. In addition I have added the plane curve trap shapes found in "Painter's Traps". It is a monster. I counted 1180 user-selectable parameters and functions. Luckily you will only see the ones usable at any given time. First the bad news: this ucl is agonizingly slow. Some of my beta testers gave up on it for that reason. I have done my best to optimize the code and eliminate unnecessary flops, but at the end of the day it is still very calculation-intensive. I tried making a stripped down version but the rendering time remains the same, so you're going to have to live with it. This is an explorer's coloring. It is designed for those who don't mind spending some time mining parameters and functions for the gems that can be uncovered. I have found it not-unfriendly, but the range of possibilities can be daunting. However the rewards, in terms of dynamic and interesting new element shapes and textures, can be great. WHAT IT DOES Those who know "Painter's Traps" will generally find this familiar, and in fact they are closely related. In both colorings there are two sets of interacting "shape determinants"--the formulae such as "Gnarl" and "Glyph", and a set of Plane Curve Traps, which can be used independent of each other or combined. The difference lies in the fact that in "Painter's Traps" the gnarl-type formulae are applied as pixel patterns: they are "spread" across the image without regard to the iterating loop, and therefore appear more as a wash or background than as a part of the fractal image, although they do somewhat affect and distort the fractal elements. In Naru, by contrast, the gnarl-type formulae actually form the fractal elements themselves: they become the trap shapes that iterate and repeat in spirals, for instance. If one then inserts the Plane Curve Trap shapes there is an interaction in which the resulting shapes are hybrids of both kinds of traps. So this is the first main point. Naru can be used purely in "Formula" mode or purely in "PCT" mode or with a varying combination of the two interacting. When used in PCT mode only the resulting shapes are identical in shape and size to those obtained with "Painter's Traps" (and, I believe, "Plane Curve Traps" in kcc3.ucl and my "Plane Curve Traps II"), albeit with some slightly different shading options, so these colorings can work very well together. CONTROLS Following are descriptions of the controls you will find on the tab from the top down (more or less). USER MODE Here you have two choices, SIMPLE and ADVANCED. Since this coloring has so many parameters--way too many for the tab--I chose to hide some of the less-used ones in the simple setting. Basically what get hidden are a bunch of numerical parameters for the individual pattern formulae and a few of the more esoteric PCT parameters. HEADING: GLOBAL PARAMETERS TRAPPING MODE This parameter appears only when "Plane Curve Traps" is chosen. "Closest" is the look you are probably used to in orbit trapping. "First" creates a discrete edge around the elements, with the earlier, smaller elements overlying later, larger ones. "Last" is the opposite, overlaying the larger, later elements over the smaller, earlier ones. "First Corrected" and "Last Corrected" are like their namesakes, except that there is some variance in the element shading. You will have to adjust the gradient if you use them. ELEMENT WIDTH The "masking" of the element edges--the effective element width is controlled by this parameter, which appears if either First or Last is chosen. COLORING MODE Here are all the usual suspects, plus some choices that reference the formula patterns specifically. DISTANCE: This is the standard mode which colors the pixels according to the distance they fall from the trap center. It gives the characteristic 3D or shaded look of orbit trapping. In Soft Gnarly, since there are no specific trap shapes, it tends to produce elements that appear spherical, although that can be changed to some extent depending on other functions/parameters. With pixel patterns present the patterns will change both the shading and to some extent the shape of the elements. ITERATION: This colors the pixels by what iteration they fall into. The elements look flat but are of different colors or tints. If pixel patterns are present they will sometimes be incorporated, changing the apparent shape of the elements according to how they lie. MODULATED ITERATION: This is similar to Iteration, but it repeats the color every given number of iterations. That number can be set with the parameter that appears directly below when Mod Iter is chosen: --COLOR RANGES: (Appears when "Modulated Iter" is chosen). This sets the number of color ranges that repeat in the elements. You can set a decimal for some interesting effects: setting a value of 4.1, for example, gives four repeating colors which shift down the iterations. This can be quite interesting with careful setting of the gradient. MAGNITUDE, REAL, IMAGINARY ANGLE and ANGLE TO TRAP: These are other standard ways of determining how the pixels are colored in a trap coloring which I won't go into here. PATTERN MAGNITUDE, PATTERN REAL, PATTERN IMAG and PATTERN ANGLE are various ways of coloring the pixel pattern only. ITERATIONS TO SKIP This parameter determines how many iterations are skipped. It affects the largest, outermost elements first. ITERATIONS TO SHOW This parameter determines how many iterations are shown in total. Any number over the maximum number of iterations in your particular fractal returns the maximum; the number is set high only as "insurance". Once the number set becomes smaller than the maximum number of iterations in your image, the smallest, innermost iterations (such as those in the center of a spiral) start to be skipped. *TIP* It is possible to show one iteration at a time, or any group of contiguous iterations by setting these two parameters in concert. Setting "Skip" to 12 and "Show" to 13 gives you only the 13th iteration, for instance. ELEMENT CONTRAST Varying this parameter changes the internal shading of the elements. Higher values tend to broaden the highlights and reduce the luminance difference between highlights and darker areas. High values tend to produce bands in background areas. This can be eliminated with distance masking. ELEMENT SHADING This parameter changes the final index value, with a corresponding variance in the tonal relationships of the elements. Generally "normal" should be used with coloring modes other than distance. NORMAL: This is the standard "look". With a standard "shaping" gradient it gives the look of highlighted elements on a black background. NORMAL + FUNCTION: This is essentially the "normal" choice above, but when it is chose a function block appears (see below) that allows for some choice in how the gradient is mapped to the image. WASH + FUNCTION: This setting varies the gradient mapping in the normally "dark" part of the image, with the same function block as described above. ELEMENT SHADING FN This function block appears with either the second or third choice above. Many of the function choices are not particularly useful, but some do create interesting effects. HEADING: GLOBAL FORMULA PARAMETERS ALL FORMULA PARAMETERS This is a simple Boolean parameter that, when unchecked, hides all the formula parameters. This is useful when you want to access parameters lower on the tab that are hidden by UF's unavoidable parameter overflow. AMOUNT This parameter determines the amount of formula pattern that will be applied. It is a complex parameter, so there are both real and imaginary components. Default is (100,100). Only if both are set to 0 does the effect of the chosen formula completely disappear. In that case all the formula parameters will also be hidden. Note that it is also possible to use negative numbers here. FORMULA SCENARIO For me this is the magic part of this coloring. As I mentioned, there is a double set of formula patterns contained in this coloring, two each of Gnarl, Popcorn, Glyph, Vine, Hopalong, Martin, Twirl, Driftwood, Dynamic and Tanglewood (a few are creations new to this coloring). Most simply a single formula from this set can be chosen, but there are two other modes where elements of two different formulae (one from each set) can be combined: SINGLE: In this mode one of the ten formula patterns can be chosen to form the elements. The parameters and functions unique to that formula will appear on the tab. MODULATED: In this mode the discrete elements of the first formula are replaced by the discrete elements of the second formula. A pattern of some number of formula 1 elements followed by some number of formula 2 elements is created. Below are two parameters related to this mode that appear when it is selected. --MODULATION REPEAT (Appears when "Modulated" is chosen.) This determines how many iterations are formed with the first pattern before the second pattern becomes active. --# OF MODULATED ITERS (Appears when "Modulated" is chosen.) This determines how many iterations are formed with the second pattern before the first pattern becomes active again (for the number of iterations specified in modulation repeat.) BLEND: In this mode the shapes created by formula 1 and formula 2 are blended together to create a new shape with elements of both. There are several parameters (directly below) related to this. --RANDOM SEED (Appears when "Blend" is chosen.) Altering this value changes how the elements are blended. --BLEND PROPORTION (Appears when "Blend" is chosen.) This determines the proportion of each of the two formula shapes that is melded into the final shape. The range is 0-1. "0" is formula 2 only, while "1" is exclusively formula one. --BLENDING FUNCTION (Appears when "Blend" is chosen.) Susan could give a precise mathematical explanation for this, but I will only say that different functions blend the elements in different ways. The default is "abs", which gives a 50% probability for each formula when the blend proportion is .5. This is not the case with the other functions, but I have adjusted values so that the result still seems to include both formulae when .5 is used above. Note that several of the choices have the qualifier "(fixed value)" appended. This means that changing the blend proportion value does not change the final appearance of the elements at all. # OF FORMULA ITERS This parameter determines how many times the chosen formula is iterated to form the elements. Lower values have a smoother look, while higher values give more complex shapes. You can set "0" iters, which gives a different look to images using PCT traps only, even when the formula amount is set to (0,0). EMPHASIS This parameter affects the sizes and shapes of the elements. DEFORM 1 & 2, X & Y INTENSITY (PRE & POST), OFFSET & OFFSET 2 (These parameters are visible only in "Advanced" mode.) They all affect the sizes, shapes and intensities of the elements. EDGE 1, 2 and 3 (These parameters are visible only in "Advanced" mode). They all create edges around (or at higher values truncate) the elements in different ways. HEADING: MORE FORMULA SHAPING PARAMETERS All the params and functions in this section are based on the principle that orbit-trapping depends on a complex variable (z) being split into two float variables (x and y) representing the real and imaginary values of the original complex variable, which are manipulated in various ways before being recombined back into a complex variable. What I have done here is to add a bunch of parameters and functions that act on these x and y variables. I will not describe the params and functions individually; suffice it to say that playing with them can change the shape and appearance of the elements in quite wide-ranging ways. Towards the end you will find a param called EXTRA X/Y. This actually adds an extra set of x and y variables which are combined with the original x and y variables in different ways. If you change the default "none" it will open a set of parameters and functions which act specifically on the extra x/y set. HEADING: SINGLE FORMULA PARAMETERS This lengthy section contains all the parameters specific to the individual formula patterns. Only those that pertain to the chosen formula will be visible. There are many choices, which I will not list specifically. In addition to the traditional controls found in other formulae and colorings that use these patterns (such as "Step Size", "Alpha", "Flavor" etc.) I have added a number of others. Variable types can be changed, as well as arithmetic operators within the formulae themselves. Each instance of an X or Y variable has three parameters and a function attached, and in addition the "flavor" of each formula type can be changed. These controls are generally straightforward; please explore them yourselves. **NOTE** The numerical parameters attached to each variable appear only in "Advanced" mode. Since there are up to 16 variables in the formulae they take up an inordinate amount of space on the tab otherwise. **NOTE and TIP** Switching variable types will sometimes have a major effect on the shapes produced. It will also sometimes affect things so that changing other variables will have no effect. **NOTE** Some operator choices will appear redundant, but this will often change if the functions associated with the variables are set differently. HEADING: FORMULA 2 PARAMETERS This section is an exact duplicate of the preceding 'Single' Formula section, for use with the second formula when "Modulated" or "Blend" is chosen as the scenario. HEADING: GLOBAL FORMULA FUNCTIONS These are functions that apply globally to all the formula patterns. HEADING: PLANE CURVE TRAPS ACTIVATE TRAPS If this box is checked the final "z" value output by the formula section becomes the initial "z" of the plane curve trap section. If the formula amount (see above) is set to (0,0) the result will be clean plane curve trap shapes. As the formula amount is increased progressively there is more and more a mix of the two, until at (100,100)--generally--the formula shapes predominate over the trap shapes, though they are modified by them. TRAP TYPE There are 135 trap shapes to choose from here. At the top--the default--is a non-trap shape, labeled "None". This runs the formula "z" through the loop where it can be modified by global parameters and functions, but does not add a specific shape (though it does change the formula shapes somewhat when inserted.) HEADING: PCT GLOBAL PARAMETERS **NOTE** The descriptions of the effects of the parameters in this section applies when using PC Traps only, with no formula added. Adding formula makes their behavior unpredictable (but is often very interesting.) PCT GLOBAL PARAMETERS This checkbox collapses the parameter group if you need more space or want to navigate more easily on the tab. LIGHTING If only the PC Traps are used, this parameter varies the shading of the elements without changing their shapes; however if the formula percent is greater than (0,0) the choices here can have a large effect on the final appearance of the image, changing both the shape, size relationships and shading of the element components. Further exploration of these effects can be done by varying the LIGHTING FUNCTION 1 parameter immediately below this one. Going ever further, the final choice in this "Lighting" parameter is "Function". Choosing this adds another parameter described immediately below: INVERT LIGHTING This Boolean parameter gives the elements a completely different look. It also opens new parameters as described below: CHANGE INVERT LIGHT STYLE This Boolean parameter offers a different look by changing the way Invert Lighting is accomplished. LIGHTING FUNCTION 1 In earlier versions this function was called "Final Z Function" and was grouped with the functions below; however since it directly affects the lighting look I have renamed it and moved it here. Basically this function and #2 below change the shading of the elements without (generally) changing their shape, as do the other trap functions. FILL LIGHT FUNCTION 1 & 2 These functions appear when "Invert Lighting" is chosen and affect the way the elements render in that case. FILL LIGHT INTENSITY This parameters appears when "Invert Lighting" is chosen. It changes the highlights on the elements, and at higher values the shape and appearance of the elements themselves. --LIGHTING FUNCTION 2 (Appears when "Function" is chosen.) This parameter adds yet more choices to the look of the "Lighting". TRAP ROTATION This parameter rotates the trapped elements around their centers. The setting is in degrees. TRAP SIZE This setting changes the size of the elements but leaves their interrelationship unchanged. RATIO WIDTH/HEIGHT This setting changes the relative height and width of the elements. Values below 1 vary it one way and those above 1 vary it the other way. TRAP FLAVOR This applies functions to the initial definition of the trap z variable, resulting in different dimensions and relations of the elements, while retaining their basic shape. (Visible in Advanced mode only.) ELEMENT DIMENSION This changes the way the gradient is mapped onto the elements and what is outside the elements. Lower values tend to give sharper highlights to the elements. ELEMENT FOCUS Higher values with this parameter make the element shapes thinner and more focused, often defining features that are not present when values are low. ELEMENT FISSION Very low values with this parameter can give interesting shading effects inside the elements. Larger values tend to cut out the center completely, as well as change the size somewhat. (Visible in Advanced mode only.) MOVE/SPREAD Changing these values moves and spreads the elements in the X and Y planes. (Visible in Advanced mode only.) KALEIDO/SPLIT Changing the real value of this parameter by integers adds extra element shapes equidistant around the center of the element. For instance if you have a heart shape at the real value 1, changing it to 4 will create an element with four hearts spaced evenly around the center point of the former one heart. Decimal values create partially formed elements. Changing the imaginary value creates a fracture at some point in the element, which gets more pronounced as the value is increased. (Visible in Advanced mode only.) X EXPONENT, Y EXPONENT These parameters change the shapes of the elements. Try positive and negative numbers. (Visible in Advanced mode only and with a trap shape other than "None".) SUPER SHAPER 1-4 These parameters change the shapes of the elements. Try positive and negative numbers. (Visible in Advanced mode only and with a trap shape other than "None".) HEADING: GLOBAL TRAP FUNCTIONS All of these functions change the appearance of the elements, and apply to all trap shapes. HEADING: INDIVIDUAL TRAP PARAMETERS All of these parameters either change the value of variables in the different trap shapes or apply a function thereto. They offer yet more ways to change the shape of the traps. It is especially important when using these that "Mode Recipe" be set to "Straight" if you want the trapped elements in other coloring modes to match those of Distance. HEADING: MASKING MASK TYPE Masking can be performed in one of three ways, by DISTANCE (the usual), by ITERATION, or by RANGE. MASK THRESHOLD In "Distance" masking this determines how far from the center of the orbit the masking begins. In "Iteration" masking discrete iterations are masked based on the value entered. I'm really not sure how "Range" masking is determined, as this is one of Mark Townsend's creations. MASK MODULATION Another of Mark's creations. An interesting concept, though I haven't yet found a use for it. Here is Mark's description: "With the Modulation Mask Type the iteration that the orbit was caught by the trap is modulated by this value, and if the Mask Threshold is smaller the pixel is made solid." (Not visible with Distance masking.) HEADING: MORPH PARAMETERS MORPH PARAMETERS Another Boolean parameter that hides the whole group to make navigation on the tab easier and prevent parameter overflow. MORPH -> MORPH II Checking the box puts you into Morph II mode, which adds a number of options, which I will go into a bit later. MORPH There are 11 choices of how #z is treated in Morph mode. As you scroll through these more parameters and functions become visible reflecting the more complex definition of this root variable and allowing you to alter aspects of it. Each new #z can consist of up to three old #z's (depending on the "Morph" choice), and each has some user-settable parameters associated with it. BIAS and TWIST are complex parameters that vary the value of #z, and MORPH FUNCTION applies a function to the #z in question. As all Morph choices past one contain either two or three instances of #z, you will find up to three instances of these three settings. Morph choices with three variables include an OPERATOR parameter as well. "Morph II" is an elaboration of the original Morph code, which adds an extra instance of some variant of #z to each instance of #z already existing in whichever Morph choice you set. For example in Morph choice "1" there is a single #z with two associated parameters and a function. In Morph II choice "1" there are two #z's each with two parameters and a function. This adds to your choices. Here are the extra parameters that appear when "Morph II" is chosen: Z1 MODE: This determines the relationship between the two #z variables. In Morph "1" there was only one #z variable originally, so you will only see Z1 settings added. In later Morph choices Z2 and Z3 choices become active and visible. Each of these determines the kind of arithmetic operator used to define the relationship between the two variables. Z+Z1 adds them, Z-Z1 subtracts Z1 from the original #z and Z1-Z subtracts the original #z from Z1. Z2 and Z3 choices also include Z*Zn, Z/Zn and Zn/Z. Z1 (or Z2 or Z3) TYPE: This chooses the kind of #z variable which is paired with the original #z. Choices are |Z|, ATAN2(Z), REAL(Z) and IMAG(Z). In addition each Zn includes an appropriately labeled BIAS (such as BIAS Z1) parameter, TWIST "Zn" parameter and MORPH "Zn" FUNCTION. *NOTE* any given #z block" can be turned off by setting its function to "zero". In Morph II Z2 and Z3 are off by default (their functions are set to "zero"). To activate Z2 and Z3 set their associated functions to "Ident" or some other function choice. HEADING: TEXTURES This section contains a number of different textures that can be added to the image. Choices include RANDOM, FBM, DECIMAL, POPGNARL, GEOMETRIX and ADDITIONAL. Each has a group of (mostly similar) parameters and functions, headed by a Boolean parameter to allow you to hide the group in question. These textures are additive, and one or more can be applied to any given layer. OVERALL TX PERCENT This allows you to vary the percentage of all the textures at once. Each texture also has a parameter for varying only the amount of that texture as well. RANDOM TX AMOUNT This is the only control for the "Random" texture. As for the rest, I will let you play with them by yourself. There are a number of hints which should help you understand the meaning and use of the parameters. The behavior of the different types is fairly consistent, although you will find that different textures sometimes require different amounts to create a similar intensity of effect (depending on lost of circumstances). Only "Additional" texturing varies significantly, and will require a readjustment of the gradient when applied. Toby Marshall, 2005.01.28, rev 2005.10.19 ================================================================================ PAINTER'S TRAPS GUIDE (revised 05.10.20) INTRODUCTION The genesis of this coloring was a rather casual attempt to add some functionality to Mark Townsend’s "Soft Gnarly". Both Gilles Nadeau and Susan Chambless added to it originally, and then I also got into the act. Through many additions and betas "Painter’s Traps" took shape. The original "Soft Gnarly" is a unique coloring in which patterns such as "Gnarl", "Popcorn" and "Glyph" among others, are overlaid on elements created by rudimentary orbit trapping. These are actually "pixel patterns" which are not part of the loop that creates the elements; but unlike normal textures, these patterns actually influence the element shapes "beneath" them. It is a very clever setup for which Mark deserves a lot of credit. However Mark's original was missing many features that I feel a good coloring deserves: coloring modes, masking, and textures, as well as the ability to skip iterations, among other things. I managed to add those features, but it seemed to me a coloring as good as this would benefit from more orbit shapes. To my surprise I managed to add the plane curve trap shapes first introduced to UF by Samuel Monnier in "Thin Orbit Traps" and later adapted by Ken Childress for "Plane Curve Traps" I also added some shapes that were incorporated in "Plane Curve Traps II". All of the shapes together can be found in "Thin Orbit Traps II". In addition I added a number of textures, borrowed from various places, and my "Morph" parameters, which affect the trapping by altering the definition of #z. Finally I have added a number of parameters and functions not found in the original, as did Gilles, and Susan added her "Hopalong" pattern. As I worked and refined the characteristics of the coloring, I endeavored not to lose some of the interesting effects that my earlier, less polished efforts created. Therefore there are several parameters that change important characteristics of this coloring between "Straight" and "Funky" mode. All of these additions have made Painter’s Traps quite complex, so I have endeavored to write a guide for the beginner to help you try to get an overview of the coloring as a whole, and understand the significance and use of the various features of the coloring. GETTING STARTED I think the easiest way to get going is just to consider the controls you see on the Properties tab when you open this coloring one by one. Some of them are duplicated in the two modes, and if I treat them in the first mode (Soft Gnarly) I will not mention them again when discussing the Plane Curve Traps mode. MODE: Here there are two choices, Basic and Advanced. "Basic" simplifies the interface and shortens the list of possibilities considerably, for easier navigation. I've left out many parameters and functions, as well as a few textures that I have found less useful in general. Please note that while those certain parameters/functions are hidden in "Basic" mode they are still active. So if you have set them in "Advanced" mode they will still have the same effect when you switch to "Basic"—but you won't be able to see them to reset them. COLORING TYPE This determines the main mode of the coloring—there are two: "Soft Gnarly" is pretty much identical to Mark Townsend's original (although users of that coloring will notice some small differences in the controls.) There are a number of added features not included in the original, including different coloring modes, masking, textures, etc. First I will describe two parameters that appear directly below this one when "Plane Curve Traps" is chosen, then I will describe the controls you will find using the "Soft Gnarly" mode before moving on to talk about controls unique to "Plane Curve Traps. It needs to be understood that the pixel pattern—if it is present—will affect many of the things I am going to talk about here. I will try to include an explanation where applicable. TRAPPING MODE This parameter appears only when "Plane Curve Traps" is chosen. "Closest" is the look you are probably used to in orbit trapping. "First" creates a discrete edge around the elements, with the earlier, smaller elements overlying later, larger ones. "Last" is the opposite, overlaying the larger, later elements over the smaller, earlier ones. ELEMENT WIDTH The "masking" of the element edges--the effective element width is controlled by this parameter, which appears if either First or Last is chosen. **IMPORTANT NOTE** To use "Last" you must set the parameter "No. of Test Points" (described later) to 1 and uncheck "Include Root Trap". --SOFT GNARLY-- Here are the controls you will see when you switch to Soft Gnarly mode. Please note that some parameters appear only when certain choices are made in other parameters. I will "nest" those explanations with the parameter choice that activates them. COLORING MODE This section applies to both Soft Gnarly and Plane Curve Traps mode. There are a number of choices here. Note that pixel patterns, if present, actually become part of the elements, so that the pixel patterns will affect the look of all these modes in one way or another: DISTANCE: This is the standard mode which colors the pixels according to the distance they fall from the trap center. It gives the characteristic 3D or shaded look of orbit trapping. In Soft Gnarly, since there are no specific trap shapes, it tends to produce elements that appear spherical, although that can be changed to some extent depending on other functions/parameters. With pixel patterns present the patterns will change both the shading and to some extent the shape of the elements. ITERATION: This colors the pixels by what iteration they fall into. The elements look flat but are of different colors or tints. If pixel patterns are present they will sometimes be incorporated, changing the apparent shape of the elements according to how they lie. MODULATED ITERATION: This is similar to Iteration, but it repeats the color every given number of iterations. That number can be set with the parameter that appears directly below when Mod Iter is chosen: COLOR RANGES: (Appears when "Modulated Iter" is chosen). This sets the number of color ranges that repeat in the elements. You can set a decimal for some interesting effects—setting a value of 4.1, for example, gives four repeating colors which shift down the iterations. This can be quite interesting with careful setting of the gradient. MAGNITUDE, REAL, IMAGINARY and ANGLE: These are other standard ways of determining how the pixels are colored in a trap coloring which I won't go into here. MARTIN: This mode colors the pixel pattern only. This is adapted from another coloring, so I am not sure about how or why the parameters and function that appear with it work. Please experiment to get a feel for how it all works. Martin Iterations, Martin Param, Martin Color Scale and Martin Color Function all appear when "Martin" above is chosen, and affect the way it appears. PATTERN MAGNITUDE, PATTERN REAL, PATTERN IMAG and PATTERN ANGLE are various ways of coloring the pixel pattern only. HEADING: GLOBAL PARAMETERS SPREAD There are nine traps in this coloring, and "Spread" spreads the elements created by each in different directions. You will need to adjust the gradient when you change the value of this parameter. NO. OF TEST POINTS This determines how many traps are used, and again if you change the value here you will have to adjust the gradient. If you choose 1 only the first trap is used, choosing 5, for instance, uses traps 1-5. INCLUDE ROOT TRAP Checking this box activates the "center" trap—the basic trap created by #z. It has the effect of making the elements look more "filled out" If this is unchecked the root trap parameter disappears in the next parameter (Trap Config. = Separate). TRAP CONFIG. This is one of my additions, which allows the way the traps are determined to be chosen. There are three basic configurations: SEPARATE: This allows each trap type to be set independently, and you will see nine new fields appear when you choose this option: ROOT TRAP and TRAP 1 - TRAP 8, all with the same choices: NORMAL: This is the standard. MODULUS: This returns the modulus value of z. The shapes are the same but have more "contrast". REAL: This returns the real value of z only. It creates trap shapes that look like tentacles. IMAG: This returns the imag value of z only. It too creates line shapes but different from those made by "Real". ZERO: This "turns off" the trap in question. FUNCTION: This adds a function block for each trap individually. Changing this can lead to quite different looks while retaining the basic element shapes. Try varying "Final Z Function" as well for yet more possibilities. *TIP* Different traps with the same setting give different effects if "Spread" is not set to 0. At 0 "real" for instance, will look the same for each trap—they will add directly on top of one another. If "Spread" is not 0 "real" in each trap will be slightly different. *TIP* Try using only one trap for the most "solid" appearance. CHAINED This setting is basically the same as Separate, above, but allows the user to set all the values at the same time. This parameter opens the following one: CHAINED TYPE: The traps are all set to the same value at one time: NORMAL, MODULUS, REAL, IMAG or FUNCTION. Function acts on all traps at once. TONALITY This parameter changes the look of the elements. In NORMAL mode no hidden parameters appear. In either FLAVOR 1 or FLAVOR 2 mode a hidden parameter appears called: TONALITY FUNCTION: The default function is set to "recip” It is important to note that while this gives good results in "Plane Curve Traps" mode (which is why it is the default)—it creates a blank screen when in "Soft Gnarly" In fact many of the functions do not give good results in Soft Gnarly mode, but it is worth checking out a few. I especially like "sqr" which gives edges to the elements. The difference between Flavor 1 & 2 is only apparent when the following two parameters (Edge 1 and Edge 2) are not set to their default. EDGE 1 & EDGE 2 These two parameters are only visible when "Tonality" is not set to normal. They create "edge" effects around the elements, setting them apart from the background. *TIP* Try setting the Tonality Function to "ident" and playing with these two parameters: once their values are set differently than their default, the difference between Flavor 1 and Flavor 2 in the "Tonality" parameter become apparent. OFFSET This parameter changes the value of z and thus affects the pattern of the trapped elements. It does not affect the pixel patterns. ITERATIONS TO SKIP This parameter determines how many iterations (trapped elements) are skipped. It affects the largest, outermost elements first. *NOTE* Pattern iterations precede trap iterations, even when pattern percent is 0. So if you have 20 pattern iterations the first iteration that will be skipped in trap shapes is number 20. This does not affect the patterns ITERATIONS TO SHOW This parameter determines how many iterations are shown in total. Any number over the maximum number of iterations in your particular fractal returns the maximum; the number is set high only as "insurance" Once the number set becomes smaller than the maximum number of iterations in your image, the smallest, innermost iterations (such as those in the center of a spiral) start to be skipped. *TIP* It is possible to show one iteration at a time, or any group of contiguous iterations by setting these two parameters in concert. Setting "Skip" to 12 and "Show" to 13 gives you only the 13th iteration, for instance. HEADING: SOFT GNARLY FUNCTIONS OVERALL FUNCTION, REAL FUNCTION and IMAGINARY FUNCTION All three of these change the shape of the traps at some settings. They are interactive, and it is worth scrolling through and using them with some of the other parameters listed above such as "Offset" or the real or imaginary trap configuration settings if you are not satisfied with simple spherical trap shapes. CHANGE RE/IM FN FLAVOR Changes the effect of the functions when the Real and/or Imaginary Functions described above are not at "ident". HEADING: MASKING This is just standard distance masking. You can often do the same with a masking layer but this is sometimes easier to use or can be used in conjunction with a masking layer. INVERT MASK does just what it says. HEADING: PIXEL PATTERNS Here is the section that determines the pattern that overlays the elements in either "Soft Gnarly" or "Plane Curve Traps" mode. This pattern is not affected by the formula, being dependent only on #pixel for its genesis. There are a number of different patterns based on well known formulae, and many controls that determine the appearance, size and intensity of the pattern. PIXEL PATTERN TYPE Here you have the choices MARTIN, POPCORN, VINE, GLYPH, GNARL and HOPALONG. Each choice makes visible only the parameters and functions that apply to that particular formula. I am not going to get into the individual parameter choices for each pattern, as they can be explored through trial and error, and also they are not my creations. You will find, though, if you are familiar with these formulae, that I have expanded parameters and functions beyond what are in the originals. Please refer to the hints in these parameters and functions, when present, for more information. PATTERN PERCENT This controls the intensity of pixel pattern that appears. 0% means no pattern at all, and 100% means only the default as it existed in the original Soft Gnarly formula. You can set percentages higher than 100, and you can also set negative percentages. PATTERN PERCENT REAL & IMAGINARY These control the percentages (as above) of the X and Y variables which determine the patterns. Setting lower values in one will reduce some of the pattern shapes, while leaving others untouched. *NOTE* these function correctly only when using "Normal" or "Modulus" in the "Trap Config" parameter above. Set to "Real" only the "Pattern Percent Real" parameter has an effect, controlling the overall percentage like "Pattern Percent" above. Set to "Imag" only "Pattern Percent Imaginary" has any effect. HEADING: GLOBAL PATTERN PARAMETERS GLOBAL PATTERN PARAMETERS This Boolean parameter allows you to collapse the whole group of parameters under this heading. This can be very useful if you run out of parameter spaces at the bottom of the tab and find a last field called "More Parameters", which is a drop-down menu containing any further parameters that can't be displayed. Collapsing this or other parameter groups with a similar Boolean parameter allow more parameters to be displayed at the bottom of the tab. # OF PATTERN ITERS This parameter determines the number of times the pattern is iterated. Higher values draw the patterns more fully, but very high values give too much contrast or elements that are too busy. *NOTE* the number of iterations set here must be added to the number in "Iterations to Skip" before element iterations start to be skipped. See "Iterations to Skip" above. OFFSET This shifts the whole pattern to the right or left or up and down (if rotation is at 0), or anyway always in planes at right angles to each other. OVERALL SCALE, X SCALE, Y SCALE Overall Scale determines the scale of the pattern. A setting of .5 for example reduces the size of the pattern elements by half. X and Y Scale control the height and width of the elements. But the two types of scales are not exactly analogous. For example, setting overall scale to 2 and X and Y Scale each to .5 gives the same overall pattern of elements, but with different shading. ALPHA, BETA Parameters contained in the original coloring. Check them out for their effects. Beta appears only in a few patterns/flavors. DEFORM 1, DEFORM 2 Exponential functions that stretch and deform the elements. Use both positive and negative numbers. PATTERN SYMMETRY This parameter has three choices: NORMAL creates no symmetry in the pattern. SYMMETRY creates bilateral symmetry, and FLIP SYMMETRY creates another kind of bilateral symmetry. HEADING: PATTERN FUNCTIONS OVERALL PATTERN FN, PATTERN R & I FUNCTIONS These functions all alter the appearance and disposition of the patterns. Not all functions give pleasing results. HEADING: MORE FORMULA PARAMETERS This section is analogous to "More PCT Shaping Parameters" described in the PCT section, but modifies the pixel patterns (primarily) and not the traps. All the params and functions in this section are based on the principle that orbit-trapping depends on a complex variable (z) being split into two float variables (x and y) representing the real and imaginary values of the original complex variable, which are manipulated in various ways before being recombined back into a complex variable. What I have done here is to add a bunch of parameters and functions that act on these x and y variables. I will not describe the params and functions individually; suffice it to say that playing with them can change the shape and appearance of the elements in quite wide-ranging ways. Towards the end you will find a param called EXTRA X/Y. This actually adds an extra set of x and y variables which are combined with the original x and y variables in different ways. If you change the default "none" it will open a set of parameters and functions which act specifically on the extra x/y set. **NOTE** Because some of these params and functions act on the PC Traps even if the pixel pattern amount is 0, I have left this section independent of the pattern section. ********************** --PLANE CURVE TRAPS-- Before considering other global settings let's turn explore the options available in the "Plane Curve Traps" mode. I will list parameters only if they are different from what you find in "Soft Gnarly" mode. HEADING: PLANE CURVE TRAPS TRAP TYPE With this parameter you can choose any of 135 trap shapes. Many were first included in Samuel Monnier’s "Thin Orbit Traps" and I threw together some others. You will find that there are substantial differences in the way the gradient works between them, and so you may have to adjust your gradient to get the same shading effects when you move from one to another. HEADING: PCT GLOBAL PARAMETERS PCT GLOBAL PARAMETERS This Boolean parameter allows you to collapse the whole group of parameters under this heading. You will find a similar parameter for many of the groups under headings. LIGHTING This changes functions associated with the trap z parameter, changing the appearance of the elements. This is easiest to see if there is no pixel pattern. SIDELIGHT makes the elements appear to be lit around the edge, whereas TOPLIGHT gives the elements the appearance of being lit from the top. WIDELIGHT is like Toplight but the element edges are less defined. INNERLIGHT is something like Sidelight but the interior of the traps appear more solid. OUTERLIGHT has the opposite effect, making the outside of the trap shapes appear dimensional. GLOW is similar to Sidelight but with wider borders. FUNCTION inserts a function block below, called "Lighting Function 2" with which you can achieve more permutations of the element appearance. Generally Sidelight (and to some extent Innerlight, Outerlight and Glow) are versatile than Toplight and Widelight, lending themselves to more variation. In fact later there is a group of parameters labeled "Advanced Trapping and Textures" that give unpredictable and often unpleasant results when used with Toplight and Widelight. The effect of Function depends on the function chosen. *TIP* Try varying "Lighting Function" 1 and 2 for more lighting effects (see below). *TIP* for another nice type of lighting try setting this parameter to either "Widelight" or "Sidelight" distance functions (either "Chained Function" or the individual trap functions) to "log" and Lighting Function 1 to "acos." Another interesting effect can be achieved with "Chained Function"(or individual trap functions using Separate) set to "Normal". Lighting set to Outerlight and Lighting Function 1 set to "flip" If you use an iteration layer you can match these traps by setting Mode Recipe to "Funky" Trapping Mode to "None" and Mode Flavor to either "Trap Z" or "Sum Z". INVERT LIGHTING This Boolean parameter gives the elements a completely different look. The elements take on a very solid, 3D appearance when using TOPLIGHT, EDGELIGHT or WIDELIGHT. A number of new params will appear if you make this choice, as described below. **IMPORTANT NOTE** If you choose "Invert Lighting" most of what I have written under the category "Advanced Trapping and Texture" later does not apply. You will want to keep both the "Trapping Recipe" and "Mode Recipe" there at "Straight" unless you are looking for weird effects when using coloring modes other than "Distance". LIGHTING FUNCTION 1 In earlier versions this function was called "Final Z Function" and was grouped with the functions below; however since it directly affects the lighting look I have renamed it and moved it here. Basically this function and #2 below change the shading of the elements without (generally) changing their shape, as do the other trap functions. FILL LIGHT INTENSITY, OFFSET, STRENGTH, POWER These parameters appear only when "Invert Lighting" is chosen. All change the highlights on the elements, and sometimes the shape and appearance of the elements themselves. LIGHTING FUNCTION 2 This function appears only when "Function" is chosen under "Lighting". Scroll through for more lighting possibilities. TRAP ROTATION This parameter rotates the trapped elements around their centers. The setting is in degrees. TRAP SIZE This setting changes the size of the elements but leaves their interrelationship unchanged. RATIO WIDTH/HEIGHT This setting changes the relative height and width of the elements. Values below 1 vary it one way and those above 1 vary it the other way. TRAP FLAVOR This applies functions to the initial definition of the trap z variable, resulting in different dimensions and relations of the elements, while retaining their basic shape. ELEMENT DIMENSION This changes the way the gradient is mapped onto the elements and what is outside the elements. Lower values tend to give sharper highlights to the elements. ELEMENT FOCUS Higher values with this parameter make the element shapes thinner and more focused, often defining features that are not present when values are low. ELEMENT FISSION Very low values with this parameter can give interesting shading effects inside the elements. Larger values tend to cut out the center completely, as well as change the size somewhat. MOVE/SPREAD Changing these values moves and spreads the elements in the X and Y planes . KALEIDO/SPLIT Changing the real value of this parameter by integers adds extra element shapes equidistant around the center of the element. For instance if you have a heart shape at the real value 1, changing it to 4 will create an element with four hearts spaced evenly around the center point of the former one heart. Decimal values create partially formed elements. Changing the imaginary value creates a fracture at some point in the element, which gets more pronounced as the value is increased. X EXPONENT, Y EXPONENT These parameters change the shapes of the elements. Try positive and negative numbers. SUPER SHAPER 1-4 These parameters change the shapes of the elements. Try positive and negative numbers. HEADING: MORE PCT SHAPING PARAMETERS This section is analogous to "More Formula Parameters" described in the earlier, but modifies the PC Traps and not the pixel patterns. Here is the description again: All the params and functions in this section are based on the principle that orbit-trapping depends on a complex variable (z) being split into two float variables (x and y) representing the real and imaginary values of the original complex variable, which are manipulated in various ways before being recombined back into a complex variable. What I have done here is to add a bunch of parameters and functions that act on these x and y variables. I will not describe the params and functions individually; suffice it to say that playing with them can change the shape and appearance of the elements in quite wide-ranging ways. Towards the end you will find a param called EXTRA X/Y. This actually adds an extra set of x and y variables which are combined with the original x and y variables in different ways. If you change the default "none" it will open a set of parameters and functions which act specifically on the extra x/y set. HEADING: ADVANCED TRAPPING AND TEXTURE The following parameters and functions generally work better with Sidelight than Toplight, though most have an effect with both. In addition most of them have an effect with textures whenever the initializing variable is trapped (such as "Trap Z"). They are very interactive with each other, so it is quite difficult to accurately describe their effects separately and in combination. Basically you will not want to play with the params in this section at all if you have checked "Invert Lighting". TRAPPING RECIPE This parameter offers two choices: STRAIGHT is the classic distance trapping which will overlay layers created with coloring modes other than Distance (such as Iteration, Angle, etc.) exactly over elements drawn with Distance. STRAIGHT can be used with both "Sidelight" and "Toplight". Use this setting if you have chosen "Invert Lighting". FUNKY, in conjunction with the next parameters ("Trapping Mode" and "Mode Flavor" uses different definitions of "Distance" to arrive at trap shapes with other coloring modes. Not all the combinations overlay the Distance shapes accurately. *TIP* Using Mode Flavor "Trap Z" or "Sum Z" gives an interesting result for Iteration or other coloring mode layers overlaying a Distance layer (in Mode Recipe "Funky"—see immediately below.) MODE RECIPE This is a very important parameter to know about when using layers composed in Distance mode with layers made with any other mode. For predictable results, with (for instance) an Iteration layer exactly overlapping a Distance layer, you should use the STRAIGHT mode, however very interesting results can be obtained using FUNKY mode, in combination with Trapping Shift, Strength and Power, Trapping Function and a few other parameters in this section. Use STRAIGHT if you have chosen "Invert Lighting". TRAPPING MODE This parameter determines which variable will be used to determine the distance for trapping the elements. The choices are NONE, SUM Z, TRAP Z, MODULUS Z, MORPH Z and #Z. They give different effects and it is worth checking them out in Distance and also the other coloring modes. *TIP* "Sum Z"(with "Sum Z" or "Trap Z" in "Mode Flavor" below) gives later iterations overlaying earlier ones. (Another way to achieve this, perhaps simpler, is to have the default of "None" here, "Trap Z" or "Sum Z" for "Mode Flavor" and set the parameter "Trapping Shift (re)" (described below) to a value of +1 or higher as necessary, using "Funky" for Mode Recipe (described below.) To match this with a layer other than Distance set Trapping Mode to "None". Mode Flavor to "Sum Z" and "Trapping Shift (re)" (see below) to 1 (or higher as needed), using "Straight" as the trapping recipe, and "Funky" as the mode recipe (see below.) This is also covered in the demo upr at the end of the help file. MODE FLAVOR The second part of the above parameter—which helps determine how the trapped elements are defined. Explore this parameter along with "Trapping Mode" for different effects—how the elements combine and overlie each other. ADD PATTERN (FIX SUM Z) This parameter becomes visible whenever "Sum Z" is chosen in either "Trapping Mode" or "Mode Flavor" Its effect varies somewhat depending on the combination of choices in "Trapping Recipe", "Trapping Mode" and "Mode Flavor" but basically when checked the pixel pattern is added in coloring modes other than Distance. In Distance mode--using "Sum Z" as outlined in the tip above--having this parameter checked gives cleaner elements. This parameter also controls whether Trapping Shift, Strength and Power (see below) do anything using the "Funky" trapping recipe. Using "Straight" these three parameters have an effect whether or not this parameter is checked. TRAPPING FUNCTION This function has an effect on all coloring modes, though you will find that many of the function choices have no effect at all. It also depends on the values chosen for the rest of the parameters in this group. TRAPPING SHIFT, TRAPPING STRENGTH, TRAPPING POWER These three parameters control the way the elements overlap when using a coloring mode other than Distance. They are in the form: ((trapping variable - shift) * strength) ^ power, so as you can see if either the real component of strength or power is zero the result is zero and no other value changes will have any effect. Since these variables are interdependent, and are affected by "Trapping Function"(and further are dependent on both "Trapping Mode" and "Mode Flavor" it is quite difficult to write a concise outline of their effects. Essentially they determine how the elements will be colored at places where they touch or overlap. I will leave you to explore further. *NOTE* these particular parameters are grouped here even though they have a decent effect when Toplight is used, but not in all cases (for example when using Sum Z in mode flavor with trapping recipe "Straight". When using Sidelight the "Add Pattern (Fix Sum Z)" parameter must be checked for them to have an effect, whereas with Toplight they have an effect either way (when they have an effect at all). THICKNESS/PATTERN This parameter changes the thickness of the trapped elements using the "Funky" trapping recipe—it works best with coloring modes other than Distance. If pixel pattern is present it affects the thickness and distribution of that pattern in those coloring modes. Both negative and positive values can be used. PATTERN DISTRIBUTION This parameter changes the distribution of the pattern on the trapped elements using the "Funky" trapping recipe—it works best with coloring modes other than Distance. Both negative and positive values can be used. COLOR MODE/TX FN This function appears only when "Mode Recipe" is set to "Funky" It changes the way the trapped elements appear when using coloring modes other than Distance. Might be useful for "artistic" effects. Also changes the way textures are drawn using any "Trap Z" init variable. Can be very useful when using textures. COLOR MODE/TX POWER This exponential parameter also appears only when "Mode Recipe" is set to "Funky" and is useful in conjunction with "Color Mode/Tx Fn" above. Use it under the same circumstances to vary the effects of that function. HEADING: GLOBAL TRAP FUNCTIONS All of these functions change the appearance of the elements. HEADING: INDIVIDUAL TRAP PARAMETERS All of these parameters either change the value of variables in the different trap shapes or apply a function thereto. They offer yet more ways to change the shape of the traps. It is especially important when using these that "Mode Recipe" be set to "Straight" if you want the trapped elements in other coloring modes to match those of Distance. HEADING: PROGRESSIVE PARAMETERS These are an innovation which take existing parameters and increment them progressively as the iterations increase. Usually they work best in small doses. Each is opened with a Boolean parameter. Checking and unchecking the Boolean activates and deactivates the parameter—so that you can check the effect. Try both positive and negative numbers. The Boolean parameter PROGRESSIVE PARAMETERS hides the whole group, but does not deactivate any active parameters. You have another option here, a parameter called PROGRESSION TYPE at the top of the group. LINEAR means that the amount you enter (in each progressive parameter under INCREMENT BY) is added to each successive iteration. NON-LINEAR (1-3) means that the amount added progressively increases by the amount you choose in the parameter that appears called NON-LINEAR AMOUNT. You should try different values in this field, both negative and positive. There are three different type of non-linearity, and they sometimes behave similarly and sometimes behave quite differently. Some values are unusable with the various choices, giving a blank screen. You should try different values in this field, both negative and positive. HEADING: OTHER OPTIONS Here is some code I cooked up which varies the effect of the coloring by changing the definition of #z. Since this happens at the "top of the stream" it does not affect the way other parameters and functions work. HEADING: MORPH PARAMETERS MORPH PARAMETERS Another Boolean parameter that hides the whole group to make navigation on the tab easier and prevent parameter overflow. MORPH -> MORPH II Checking the box puts you into Morph II mode, which adds a number of options, which I will go into a bit later. MORPH There are 11 choices of how #z is treated in Morph mode. As you scroll through these more parameters and functions become visible reflecting the more complex definition of this root variable and allowing you to alter aspects of it. Each new #z can consist of up to three old #z's (depending on the "Morph" choice), and each has some user-settable parameters associated with it. BIAS and TWIST are complex parameters that vary the value of #z, and MORPH FUNCTION applies a function to the #z in question. As all Morph choices past one contain either two or three instances of #z, you will find up to three instances of these three settings. Morph choices with three variables include an OPERATOR parameter as well. "Morph II" is an elaboration of the original Morph code, which adds an extra instance of some variant of #z to each instance of #z already existing in whichever Morph choice you set. For example in Morph choice "1" there is a single #z with two associated parameters and a function. In Morph II choice "1" there are two #z's each with two parameters and a function. This adds to your choices. Here are the extra parameters that appear when "Morph II" is chosen: Z1 MODE: This determines the relationship between the two #z variables. In Morph "1" there was only one #z variable originally, so you will only see Z1 settings added. In later Morph choices Z2 and Z3 choices become active and visible. Each of these determines the kind of arithmetic operator used to define the relationship between the two variables. Z+Z1 adds them, Z-Z1 subtracts Z1 from the original #z and Z1-Z subtracts the original #z from Z1. Z2 and Z3 choices also include Z*Zn, Z/Zn and Zn/Z. Z1 (or Z2 or Z3) TYPE: This chooses the kind of #z variable which is paired with the original #z. Choices are |Z|, ATAN2(Z), REAL(Z) and IMAG(Z). In addition each Zn includes an appropriately labeled BIAS (such as BIAS Z1) parameter, TWIST "Zn" parameter and MORPH "Zn" FUNCTION. *NOTE* any given #z block" can be turned off by setting its function to "zero". In Morph II Z2 and Z3 are off by default (their functions are set to "zero"). To activate Z2 and Z3 set their associated functions to "Ident" or some other function choice. HEADING: TEXTURES This section contains a number of different textures that can be added to the image. Choices include RANDOM, FBM, DECIMAL, POPGNARL, GEOMETRIX and ADDITIONAL. Each has a group of (mostly similar) parameters and functions, headed by a Boolean parameter to allow you to hide the group in question. These textures are additive, and one or more can be applied to any given layer. OVERALL TX PERCENT This allows you to vary the percentage of all the textures at once. Each texture also has a parameter for varying only the amount of that texture as well. RANDOM TX AMOUNT This is the only control for the "Random" Texture. As for the rest, I will let you play with them by yourself. There are a number of hints which should help you understand the meaning and use of the parameters. The behavior of the different types is fairly consistent, although you will find that different textures sometimes require different amounts to create a similar intensity of effect (depending on lots of circumstances). Only "Additional" texturing varies significantly, and will require a readjustment of the gradient when applied. Don't forget that some of the choices under "Advanced Trapping and Texture will have a global impact on the effect of all these textures in any "Trap Z" mode. Check there for more. HAVE FUN! :^}) DEMO TRAPPING UPR Here is a demo upr which hopefully will graphically illustrate some of the possibilities of combining various trap layers derived through manipulating some of the very confusing "Advanced Trapping and Texture" parameters described above. Bottom layer (normal): this demonstrates the default arrangement in trap mode. There is no "Spread", as this would create overlaps at the element edges. The goal here was to get nice clean, dimensional trap shapes. Try varying Element Dimension and especially Element Focus to see how this changes the appearance of the elements. 2nd from bottom layer (ol): this shows how later iterations can be made to overlay earlier ones. There are two ways to do this, as described in a tip above. Here I just used the defaults--with one notable exception: "Mode Recipe" must be set to "Funky." I then increased the "Trapping Shift (re)" until the elements inside other elements were gone. 3rd from bottom layer (ol+tex): this layer is like the preceding one except that some "Geometrix" texture has been added. "Mode Flavor" was changed from "Trap Z" to "Sum Z" for clean textures. 4th from bottom (ol+ghost tex); if you look closely you will see that even though earlier iterations are hidden, their texture can be seen on the overlying layer. This was achieved by changing "Trapping Mode" from "None" to "Sum Z" and "Mode Flavor" from "Sum Z" to "Trap Z". 5th from bottom (straight): Here is a color layer to combine with the monochrome layers below. This one is created in default mode and fits best with the bottom layer. Activate the bottom layer with this and notice how the colored iterations appear to merge where they touch. 6th from bottom (str/funky) activate this with the bottom layer and notice how the earlier colored iterations now appear to completely lay atop the later ones— at least the colors take precedence. This is achieved by using the defaults but setting the "Mode Recipe" to "Funky" instead of "Straight". 7th from bottom (str/funky+3) here is a layer to go with the overlay monochrome layer. It is exactly as the preceding layer except that "Trapping Shift (re)" has been increased to +3. Top layer (funky/funky) here the settings as in "straight" have been kept with one exception: "Mode Recipe" has been changed to "Funky". The outside edges of the elements are ringed with color. Play around with various combinations to see the effect :-) pt2.3Demo { ::/scU6gn2t3Z3POutRA83Pg7/BD/SfYR2zkUS2uB6hrXaAaRTxmc3Dt5lFclltVj+alo9KZk/ 47wvpk2EUU0DN4ycIIHHOcGRO8b+D7eH74ZCe5f8tvZ1KRhoMPddrgePb1h8qm1rep4g4cKj uZ158iTnFp0oNrK5j5d9p7k2k1lfoQ0nu+TNPNu674d9n5llfNZz7oy/bT8X/+DVF1F9iOuo p7rJk3R3LVEt+tvR5I1nuKXcu5Qa1lSRRLvvfVGvVU0Unu+4l6fa8dq//6VNt8sCxYKZzmVX L6LeCqv1NaH0dCqxHyTbum3BO+tvpi32WUfS5/s8aReX6m7ZRstxbg/Qif3m7jjXVxPVnSvP Ka3+t7Te7bO20B1CuuWxHKkmRj3s6YRZeNvCiPfUwrPw7Oc/ljVrXBOubMd9f9SZBft0o2H7 zzPI/U72K/GbYEaMkbbzLSX9uNQ6n4FlNXEpEKEELq7LOkr7B6419HhiV3Un/23AFZpqsLPl 310ICqRiK+9XyKVfeT9RUdXl4uT131fI7ra5Fym/fo/RwLt9rhaAEk6lxX690tyKU+p8h03f 4KvOL/guZ0mJSX/QJvOf1Hu0dNf1nsGL9iM0m+hym+8ehMrzd59nbKlN8ta7zaKb6eaM9vAf auszEyTGOfE6mSjAhKloSVPEKgc40U29kIS8etLq6z4QXc8qjPesuinCBjaohrd93Wbkhv+N S6GVkVcjmSe3Gt5ibMpgsLptLnD1NV/AEMgRvyaoeUxYePIcoj/S6HODhKbA4AMqN9vDjH4l qKQWTXn7TKVO2uZu+N6C4dwYLZeZIzcCdeBoLdCbeZYzcS08CEt0JxzLT8MnkMvAJLdy25lZ 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AEOLIA, DORIA, HYPOAEOLIA, HYPODORIA, IONIA, LOCRIA, LYDIA, MIXOLYDIA, PHRYGIA 1 APRIL 2004 Astute readers may notice that all have musically-related titles, with the last nine representing some of the classical Greek musical modes. In fact, though all are structurally related, they could be divided into two subgroups comprising the first four and the last nine. More on this later... All these offerings are godchildren of Andrea Spinozzi's "Barney-2" formula. In that one Andrea hit upon or borrowed the idea of creating a number of separate small loops that each produce a new variable, which are then combined at the bottom of the loop section. My main contribution has been in recognizing the value of his idea and systematizing it somewhat, as all these formulae are variations on the "Barney-2" structure. *Harmonia, Melodia, Polyphonia and Rondo* Basically what happens is that the first four formulae listed each contain three "Z sections" and the latter nine each contain four "Z sections". In its simplest incarnation a "Z section" is a mini-loop that creates a holding variable. For example, z1 = function(z^param)[select operator]function(c). This is an example of a simplified "Z1 section". If we set the param =2 and select "+" as the operator (with the functions left at "ident") we end up with the classic Mandy: z1 = z^2 + c. Now imagine that we have three of those sections, and at the end we combine them like this: x = z1 [select operator] z2 y = z3 [select operator] x z = y Here we finally arrive at the new z with which to reiterate the loop, which combines the products of the three "Z sections" in a number of user-selectable ways. That, in essence, is "Melodia". You can get everything from very straight single spirals and standard-looking Julia thingies through some pretty wild stuff to total chaos, depending on which functions are set to what in which section, and how the sections themselves are combined by operators. In reality the Z sections are more complex than this: There are a number of user-settable numerical params as well as enumerated params in which the "mode" of the variables can be selected. For example for "z" you can choose: (plain vanilla) complex(z), |z|, atan2(z), real(z) or imag(z)--the same goes for the "c". Also there is an "Initial" section in which the initial definition of z can be chosen, and functions and params applied to it before it starts its journey in the loop. Variations on this theme (in the latter three of this series of formulae) include one or two of those Z sections being such that the z variable is split into real and imaginary components and those sub-sections combinable in various ways applying functions and params. The result then becomes the initializing variable for the section in question. In all instances where it is applicable you can choose whether you want the Z section in question to be initialized just with complex(z) or with that real/imag(z) product. In addition in these three (Harmonia, Polyphonia and Rondo) a tweakable z is added to the final section. These three formulae differ mainly by the presence or absence of feedback loops: In "Harmonia" all three (Z1, Z2 and Z3) sections start with the chosen initial z value. In "Polyphonia" the "Z1 Section" product becomes the initializing variable for the Z3 section, and in "Rondo" Z1 becomes the initializing variable for both Z2 and Z3. ********Hmmmm....Did anybody make it this far-- I wouldn't have, I fear. I this all gets too confusing I recommend just playing around a bit and coming back to this for reference. In the comments section of each formula I include the disclaimer that I did not try to simplify these formulae, in fact I aimed for maximum flexibility. since there are an unconscionable number of numerical parameters I have included a check box to hide them all. I suggest you do this while exploring with the switch, then use the numericals for "fine tuning" in the Julia. *The "Suite" series:* As opposed to the first four formulae, the "Suites" all have four Z sections. They differ from each other by virtue of the fact that all have fixed Z sections with a real/imag(z) split, which is combined with a "c" variable in an "Accent" section with many choices. Some have one re/im(z) section, some have two, and the products of the sections are routed around to each other differently in the different formulae. There are also choices for the order of the Z sections. These differences are explained more fully in the comments at the head of each formula. IN GENERAL I can generalize and say that in my experience the "Suite" formulae, like Andrea's "Barney-2" tend to be at their best with more simple structures like single spirals (for which all the defaults are set, anyway). the effects of the real/imag(z) sections tends to give distorted and twisted elements when using a trap coloring, but these distortions also tend to introduce "noise" which can interfere with finer structures like Julia dragons, etc. This may well, however, reflect my personal bias and I certainly don't discourage you from trying out wild combos of functions, etc. The first four formulae tend to be the straight sisters, usually introducing less distortion than the Suites, but I have found that they are more amenable to variations. In any case it is necessary to realize that because of the varying positions and hierarchy of the variables in the loop, setting a certain combination in one section will usually result in quite a different result than setting it in another. Try setting the Z function of the various sections to "sqr" one at a time, for example (using different operators to take it a step further), and you will see what I mean. I have tried to include a number of hints for the params and functions, though not all. There are also a few tips in the comments sections of each. I personally have despaired of ever getting any kind of an "overview" of how these formulae behave. There is so much interactivity to the various user-settable functions and params, and so many choices, that a systematic exploration would be very difficult. If you are one of those folks who likes to feel in control these formulae are probably not going to be your cup of tea. Overall I've had a lot of fun personally exploring these, and my beta testers (who I would like to thank for all their work) also seemed to enjoy them. I hope you do too. DEEP, DARK, FAT, SAVORY, SMOOTH, SPICY, SWEET, THICK BREWS 29 Aug 2002 This is the dreaded collection of 78 formulae formerly contained in the "tma_pvt" folder. All these formulae are variations branching from one basic idea, so there is some (and sometimes quite a bit of) similarity in their behavior and resulting images. But there are also differences significant enough that I and most of the beta testers thought them worth uploading as a package. Much depends on the colorings used. Spirals that appear identical using a general coloring like "Smoothed Iterations" will reveal interesting differences when rendered with something like "Thingamajigs", but even then the differences might not appear using certain combinations of functions. Anyway they are all pretty user-friendly and there is lots to play with in there. The formulae all use Dave Makin's "extended switch" function, so there are no commensurate Julia formulae. Please see the explanation in the section below. The formulae are named and numbered, i.e. Dark Brew 1, Dark Brew 2, etc. Similarly named formulae bear close familial resemblances to each other, and the 1, 2, 3 etc. sets also have elements in common. Not all the named formulae in any given set worked well, so there are gaps--some names do not exist in some numbers. Basically they work like my other "Brew" formulae--see below for more. ================================================================================ GOBLIN'S, OGRE'S, WIZARD'S, WARLOCK'S, DEMON'S BREWS 29 Aug 2002 These are all developments of "Witch's Brew", and while the results obtained from them share some of the characteristics of that formula there appears to be more flexibility in these new ones and a significant number of differences which (I hope) makes their inclusion worthwhile. Here are a few tips, notes, observations... ***NEW SWITCH FUNCTION*** With the kind help of Ken Childress and Joe Maddry, formula wizards par excellence, I have incorporated Dave Makin's ingenious and elegant "extended switch" function, which obviates the need for a second Julia formula to activate the Julia switch. In fact you will note that there are no Julias for these formula, but the switch function works normally. "Velly crever" as the Japanese would say...The switch also functions from the Julia back to the Mandy, carrying over all functions and parameters. FUNCTIONS and PARAMETERS: As with all my formulae, these contain a humongous number of functions and parameters. You can changes these either in the Mandy (which will change what you see in the switch window as you explore), or after you have chosen a Julia set. They work pretty much as they do in all my formulae. BAILOUT: I have set a bailout of 10, but it really does behoove you to try different bailouts. In general the higher the bailout the more completely drawn are the elements in the image. A low bailout tends to produce truncated elements with sharp edges, higher bailouts allow the elements to be drawn more completely, but depending on what you have chosen (in the Julia) a high bailout can also obliterate the image entirely. Much depends on the Julia seed values and what functions obtain. IF YOU GET A LOT OF BLACK SPOTS: Sometimes when you increase the bailout, or use certain functions in certain colorings, you will notice that the images tend to get riddled with smaller or larger black spots or patches. One possible fix is to try to decrease (or sometimes increase) the bailout. If that doesn't work another remedy that sometimes works is to set the "inside" coloring exactly the same as the "outside coloring" (including the gradient). This will often patch up the black areas perfectly, and in fact even has some limited use in texturing if you change the gradient. Credit to Rui Paraccho for turning me on to this. Gracias. OPERATORS: One of the joys (for me) of these particular formulae is changing the operators. It works like this: since these formulae include equations with a number of complex-variable expressions I have made it possible to changing the arithmetic operators to vary the equations themselves. Varying the operators can produce quite different Msets which give very different results in the Julia sets, but not all combinations of operators work well together. As a rule of thumb I have found that addition and subtraction operators tend to give more simple spirals, whereas multiplication, division and exponential (when it exists) operators make the spirals more complex. BLACK M SETS: When setting operators you will sometimes run across black M sets. It is worthwhile to try changing the "Start/Seed" parameter to 1 or 2 and this might solve the problem. Or it might not. GROUPING PARAMETER: These formulae contain a wide variety of different "groupings" which simply refer to differing parenthization of the formulae. "None" means no parentheses. "First2" means that the first and second variables in the formula are enclosed in parentheses. "Second3" means that the second, third and fourth variables are enclosed in parentheses, etc. Depending on the operators chosen these will often be redundant, e.g. (a*b)*c is equivalent to a*b*c, but (a-b)*c is not equivalent to a-b*c. So as you scroll through the different groupings many will seem to be the same, but which are the same will depend on the operator settings. Hope you have fun with these. ================================================================================ SECRET BREW 22 Jun 2002 Here we take the Brews a step farther. This is by far the longest of my formulae, with 12000 text lines, so please be a bit patient when loading and using the switch. I call this one "Secret" because certain colorings and parameters within the colorings seem to reveal complex elements created by all the variables in this formula. With other colorings (and other parameter settings within colorings) these elements remain hidden and the formula produces simple spirals. Secret Brew introduces a parameter called "Operator 4". It is worth changing this in the Mandel formula before choosing a Julia with the switch. This operator set at "^" produces some unusual spirals with discontinuous elements. This is the default set in the Julia formula. One thing worth noting is that several of the functions can be changed in the Julia formula and will alter the spirals in interesting ways. Function 8 is definitely worth scrolling through as it changes the spirals in fairly subtle ways with almost all the function choices. Other functions in which at least some of the choices change but do not destroy the spirals include Function 1 and Function 3. As with all my formulae, you can switch back to the Mandel formula from the Julia without losing the parameter and function values of the latter. This is very useful if you want to go back in from a Julia and explore further with the switch, or reload a specific constellation of parameters from a .upr file. ================================================================================ BIG BREW 18 Jun 2002 So 102 wasn't the last brew... This one seems like a very flexible formula. I had big trouble deciding on a default parameter set because of the wealth of possibilities. In the end I chose one which is user-friendly but not necessarily the most interesting. Following is a listing of interesting sets out of the 625 different possibilities. Each change of grouping and/or operators creates a new formula. I went through them all quickly and wrote down the ones in which I found spirals or nice symmetric elements. For each grouping I have listed sets of three arithmetic operators. In each set the first operator corresponds to "Operator 1", the second to "Operator 2" and the third to "Operator 3". Set these values in the respective parameter fields in the "Formula" tab of "Big Brew", then explore the resulting set with the switch. Grouping 1: *+* *+- *-* -*- -*+ --/ --* --- --+ -+* -+- +/- +*- +-* +-- +-+ ++- +++ ++* +^+ +^- Grouping 2: -// -/- -/+ -*/ -*- --* --- --+ -+* -+- -++ +/- +*/ +*- +-* +-- +-^ ++* ++- +++ Grouping 3: *-- *+/ *+- -*- -*+ -** -+1 -+* -+- -++ -+^ +/- +*- +-* +-- +-^ ++* ++- +++ ^*- Grouping 4: -*+ --+ --* --^ --- -+* -+- -++ -^+ +-* ++^ Grouping 5: *-- *-+ *-- *+- *++ -/- -*/ -*- -*+ -+/ -++ -^/ +// +/- +/+ +*/ +*- +*+ +-/ +-- +-+ ++/ ++- +++ Whew! but that's a lot less than 625...Other sets may also afford interesting stuff sometimes, but these seemed the most friendly. BEAR IN MIND however, that I only went through using the default functions. There are eight changeable function fields with 29 functions so that gives 29^8 possible full sets of 625 equations. Changing the functions definitely changes the character of the forms, and sometimes gives good results in sets not listed above. So there is plenty to play with, and that's before you begin to increment the parameters... Please read the other "brew" hints and tips below for more info. ================================================================================ BREW 102 13 Jun 2002 Here is the last (I think) of the "Brew" family, named in honor of the late, great beer that was once brewed in LA (well maybe not great, but definitely late). Something from my childhood--I still remember the brewery downtown-- passing it on the Golden State Freeway, all factory-looking, with the yellow, white and black sign proclaiming "Home of Brew 102". Here's to you... It took me a while to road test this formula--many of the options are not particularly fruitful--but I did find a very cool default set, and I must say that this appears to be the most "plastic" of this genre in the way it pulls, squeezes, stretches and deforms the elements of Dennis Magar's "Thingamajigs", which is my default test coloring. I think that this may end up being the "ne plus ultra" of the Brew family if you like weird spirals. I strongly suggest that you explore changing functions 1-6 while exploring the original formula with the switch. The functions change the areas where interesting stuff can be found, but at the same time they also quite radically change the nature of the spirals. Function 7 changes things rather too drastically, but I'm leaving it in case someone wants to play with abstracts or textures. It kills the spirals, but does do some interesting stuff. Please read the other Brew tips below for hints and suggestions too. ================================================================================ WITCH'S BREW 05 June 2002 Here is another, more complex formula of the "Strange Brew" family. I have set the defaults to produce rather tame, relatively symmetrical single spirals. However if you are interested or masochistic you can find some really strange stuff in here--bent and distorted spirals and all manner or weirdnesses. Try setting grouping to "1", operator 1 to "*", operator 2 to "+", operator 3 to "^" and all functions to "ident" and go from there. This was the original\default setting and can be fun for asymmetry aficionados. As the defaults stand the formula is very amenable to changes of function. If you find a nice Julia set try scrolling through the various possibilities in functions 1-8. Many will produce interesting variants of what you already have. Other than this I suggest reading the section on "Strange Brew". The switch is set to retain all parameters and functions when you switch back to "Witch's Brew" from "Witch's Brew Julia". This is handy if you want to explore other areas without having to reset all the parameters and functions. As with the other brews, I've set the default drawing method to "Guessing" to speed the rendering. I suggest setting this to "Multi-pass Linear" for the final render, especially if you are using masking in your coloring. ================================================================================ NEW BREW 10 May 2002 As the name indicates another cousin of "Strange Brew". Nothing new here--read "Cool Brew" below to get an idea. I've set the default drawing method to "Guessing" to speed render times. It is a good idea to set this to "Multi-pass Linear" for the final render. ================================================================================ COOL BREW 08 May 2002 This formula is a close relative of "Strange Brew" and behaves rather similarly. It is not as user-friendly as many of my other formulae--the areas where spirals appear using the Julia switch are limited and when the spirals do appear they are quite small. Don't let that fool you. Of all of mine this is the one I would choose if I were stranded on a desert island and could choose only one (along with "Thingamajigs" of course). It produces a multitude of complex spiral forms (in my searches at least) and often a multitude of similar spirals of various sizes with varying degrees of distortion and stretching. I know that all the functions and parameters are daunting but it is well worth changing functions and operator and grouping parameters while exploring with the switch. The switch is written so that you can switch back from the Julia to the Mandel formula and retain all functions and parameters. This is helpful if you want to re-explore a certain set. You will find that some combinations of operators yield a black M set(especially operator 1 set to "divide", and some combinations with operator 2 set to "multiply", "divide" or "exponent"). This also depends somewhat on the "grouping" function chosen (which changes the exponentiation within the formula). If you encounter this try setting the "init z" value higher. This can help. Even a black M set, however, can yield interesting results using the switch. Bailout values are especially critical with this formula--I've seen an interesting spiral at bailout 4 disappear completely at bailout 5--but this depends on large part on the colorings and functions chosen. By all means experiment, both in the Mandel and Julia formulae. Any value between 2 and 200 might give good results. This formula is not easy, but it seems veeery interesting. Good luck and happy hunting. ================================================================================ SOMETHING ELSE 04 May 2002 Some info and helpful hints "Something Else" is a tweak of a formula by Jos Leys called "Something New 4" I was playing with it and exponentiated one expression and some interesting things happened. I added a parameter and a couple of functions but otherwise it is unchanged. I thank Jos for his kind permission allowing me to publish it. Spirals (actually helices) seem to be the forte of this formula. In its default state using the Julia switch it produces a continuum of lovely, self-contained spiral forms, somewhat in the manner of the "Mighty Atom" formula. Spiral aficionados should enjoy it. An interesting characteristic is the grid of spirals produced in the Mset. You need to set function 1 to default and zoom in but you should find them fairly easily. Those points also produce spirals when used as Julia seeds. As with my other formulae you can set the plethora of functions in the Mset and then use the switch to find something you like in the Julia formula. Function 1 I would call the "main" function since it changes the behavior and characteristics of the Mset and switch most radically. Functions 2 and 3 behave similarly, and I would have left one off except that the effects are cumulative. Functions 4,5 and 6 are also similar (if not identical—I’m not sure) in effect. They seem to generally change the Mset the least, and can be scrolled through after you have found something nice in the Julia formula to alter the spirals/helices in interesting ways. The parameters 1-4 are as Jos wrote them, and all seem to produce significant effects in the ways the spirals render. They can effectively be altered after you have chosen a Julia set with the switch. It is definitely worthwhile to alter the bailout—there is a wide variance in effective values depending on the functions and colorings chosen. Hope you have fun with this one. ================================================================================ MANDALA SERIES 07 Feb 2002 Here is a series of formulae similar in structure but with small changes I believe affect their individual behavior enough to warrant including all. In any case they are not monsters with a lot of enumerated parameters so they do not suffer from the inertia of my other formulae. I have given them Greek names because it looks cool'n stuff...or something... Basically each has a number of functions and parameters which affect the final form of the fractal. I suggest you start with the various non-Julia formulae and use the Julia switch to see what you can find. Change the various functions before or during use of the switch. You can also try switching functions in the Julia formulae, although many times you will lose your figure because the change is too radical. But not always. Parameters can be incremented at any stage, but are especially useful for fine-tuning in the Julia formula after you have chosen something to work on. The single most important parameter is "exponent1". Changing the real component of this parameter determines the number of times the Julia figure is repeated in a circular fashion. You can also enter non-integers and you will get partial "arms". I have purposely left the number of iterations low on most of the formulae to keep rendering times low. If you get black holes in the centers of spirals increase this number to fill them. Often when you find small black holes spread throughout the figure a higher number of iterations will get rid of them. It is also worthwhile to try different bailouts, which will increase the complexity of the figures. You might have to commensurately increase the maximum iterations if the figure starts to break up. Have fun and happy fractaling. ================================================================================ STRANGE BREW 14 Jan 2002 This formula is similar in structure to the Atom series below, although the equation is different and yields quite different results. Please read the Atom "suggestions and hints" for general guidelines. Bailout note: You will find that different bailouts yield quite different "flavors". Low bailouts (in the neighborhood of 4) give very clean-looking results but depending on the coloring chosen can result in very truncated elements in the spirals and Julia figures. As the bailouts increase the elements are drawn more completely, often at the expense of the inclusion of lots of "dust" and debris. Different functions affect this dramatically, so I suggest that you check different bailouts to find what looks best to you. If you find that your images tend to "break up" and get riddled with black holes as you increase the bailout then setting the max. iterations higher might solve the problem. This goes for the Atom formulae as well. The parameters "eye of newt", "frog's breath", "bat wings" and "henbane" are similar to "budge", "nudge" and "kludge" in the Atom series, affecting the form, iterations and relationships of elements of the spirals (if spirals they be). Many thanks to Jos Leys and Rui Parracho whose knowledge and patience helped get this formula in shape. ================================================================================ THE ATOM SERIES: SUGGESTIONS AND HINTS Revised: 23 Dec 2001 (rev.1) There have been some changes with the latest upload (24 Dec 2001) of Atom formulae. They are as follows: 1--All present formula with the exception of the original "Mighty Atom" have been given extra parameters--exponents 1, 2, 3 and sometimes 4. They operate similarly to the "power" parameter but offer somewhat different effects and finer control of how the spirals (or whatever forms) are affected. These changes in the formulae are backwards compatible and SHOULD NOT affect the rendering of your present uprs. 2--"Mighty Atom Mk II" has a new enumeration in the "grouping" parameter: "middle". 3--A new set of formulae have been added, identical in name to the first series but with a "z" tag at the end of the name (i.e. Grand Atom 01z, Mighty Atom MkIIz). The equations are the same as for the original formulae with the exception that the "z" term is exponentiated to the power of itself which changes their behavior quite dramatically. It adds quite a bit of complexity to the Julia sets produced--something like the present "Dragon" formulae. I have done some playing with them and think the results justify their addition to the folder. You will probably not find them generally as friendly as the non-z formulae, but there is still plenty in there. Functionally they are identical to their non-z counterparts with the exception of an additional function which modifies the extra term. This becomes fn 6 or fn 7 depending on the formula. All these changes bring good news and bad news. The bad news is that because if the sheer size of the tma folder (it now runs to some 37000 text lines) it takes some time to load, especially if you are running an old box like I am. The good news is that there is no effect on the rendering time of the fractals themselves, and now you have lots of new toys to play with ;~) I hope you enjoy them. ================================================================================ DISCLAIMER: Mathematicians and fractalists are doubtless going to cringe at my meager understanding of the subjects at hand. The following explanations may well be inaccurate and will certainly display the gaps in my knowledge about fractals and how they are created. People should extract whatever information from the following will help them in the practical application of the concerned formulae and ignore the rest. I am always happy for any enlightenment that anyone might care to offer and welcome comments or correspondence to: Thanks, Toby INTRO: This is intended to help people find their way through the various functions and parameters of the series of formulae that I have called the "Atom" series. The name derives from the form of the first fractals I made with the core formula in another fractal generator, which resembled the classic image of electrons spinning around a nucleus. The formulae I have written for UF are widely expanded in functionality and flexibility from that first one, but the images derived from them tend to retain a characteristic look, so I have kept the name. Spirals seem to be the forte of these formulae, and variations thereon. My main testing has been done with Dennis Magar's "Thingamajigs", but in brief exploration the Atoms seem quite friendly with many different colorings. They are also quite amenable to formula tweaks, and I have ended up incorporating numerous parameters and functions in each formula to fully take advantage of this. There are three (more or less) arbitrarily named classes of this formula. "Mighty" is the simplest. "Grand" contains one or more extra terms and seem to generally produce more complex spirals. "Dragon" contains an added "z" term, which generally changes the form from single spirals to more complex arrangements. Some of these resemble the "dragon" from the classic Julia set, hence the name, but the variations are manifold. Also a new set of formulae with a "z" tag at the end of the names have been added. They all behave somewhat like the "Dragon" class because of the presence of an added "z" exponentiation in the equations. The added parameters and the various functions included in each formula create many variations within each "class" of formula. Sometimes the Dragons produce simple images, for instance, and depending on the coloring chosen the spirals of one class sometimes closely resemble those of another class. My suggestion is just to play and see what you come up with. **The original "Mighty Atom" formula has been retained for backwards compatibility. It has been fixed so that the Julia switch works properly. This should not affect existing uprs! If you do have a problem please contact me at the above address and I will send you the old formula. "Mighty Atom Mk II" is an improved version with a fix in the power parameter and a few added parameters and a new function. I suggest you use this from now on instead of the original formula. HOW TO USE: These formulae are all designed to be used with the Mandel-to-Julia switch function. Opening any Atom (non-Julia form) will give you an M-set that can be explored with the switch to find interesting forms (usually spirals). Changing parameters and/or functions will change the corresponding M set to a lesser or greater extent, and change the location and characteristics of the Julia forms that you will find with the switch. After a bit you will learn to recognize where the Julia "forms" generally occur in the M sets. Sometimes you will need to zoom out to explore more territory, and then zoom in to the "rich" areas for finer control of the switch. FUNCTIONS AND PARAMETERS: Functions and parameters tend to be interactive, so you can spend many pleasant hours trying out various combinations both in the M set or after you have chosen a Julia set ;~) Following is a list of parameters and functions that will affect the images and a rough explanation of what they do. Functions 1-7: These change the functions (tan, sin, sqr, etc.) modifying various terms of the formulae. Changing them often radically affects the M set and the resulting Julia sets. Because they involve major changes they are best tried in the M set before you have found a Julia you like. But it is worthwhile experimenting with them when you have found a nice Julia as well. (I have found this especially true in the Julia sets with the last two functions in any given equation (either f4 and f5 or f5 and f6--fn7 exists only in the "z" formulas)). Many of them will give you blank results but occasionally you will run across something very nice. And since there are a discrete number of possibilities it is easy to return to your starting point.(One useful technique is to highlight the function and run through them quickly using the keyboard arrow keys or mouse wheel). Bailout: As with any formula this determines at what point the program stops drawing the image. Too low a value results in truncated forms. Too high a value can result in a lot of "clutter" or black spots or holes in the figures. Often (but not always) inputting a lower bailout will get rid of those. Changing the functions often changes the ideal bailout, so it is worth experimenting. (n.b. Only the "real" value of the bailout has an effect). Seed: Determines the point on the two axes of the M set from which the Julia set is derived. Changing it changes the characteristics of the resulting Julia figure (i.e. tighter or looser spirals, different shapes, etc.) or if you go too far obliterates it altogether. I have set defaults for the Julia formulae that already form some sort of spirals. Operators: These affect the mathematical relationships between various terms (a-b, a*b, a^b, etc.) in the formulae. Often they have a major effect on the map and are most effectively used in choosing an M set map to explore with the switch. A few combinations of operators give a blank M set, and some are more "fruitful" than others. It is generally quite easy to see what effect any particular combination has by using the switch. I have chosen defaults more or less at random, and it behooves you to change them and play with different M sets. Grouping: Affects the parenthezation (is that a word--) of the formula. These Atom formulae have either no groupings or one or two different groupings, which again work interactively. These usually have a major effect on the map, though depending on combinations it is sometimes minor. Occasionally you will see no change when changing between grouping options (depending on the operators chosen). This is not as difficult as it sounds: just change whatever you wish and use the switch to see what you find. You can try changing operators again after you have found a nice Julia. If it disappears just switch back... Power, Exponents 1-4, Budge, Nudge, Kludge: These are values that affect various terms in the equation. Changing them modifies the spirals in various interesting ways: changing the number of iterations, the form of the spiral, the relation of the spiral elements to each other, etc. While these can also be changed in your initial exploration of the M set, the fact that they can be incremented in small amounts make them very useful (along with the seed parameter) in tweaking and tailoring a basic Julia form. Try them and see. Each does something slightly different, and the effect varies from formula to formula and even within formulae depending on the options chosen. A FEW MORE HINTS: Since the default is set at 100 iterations, more tightly coiled spirals often have a black hole at the center. Set the number of iterations higher to cure this (at the expense of somewhat slower rendering). Sometimes I have noticed that masked figures are not drawn symmetrically, or seem to lack small parts. If you notice this, change the "Drawing Method" from "Guessing" to "Multipass Linear". This sometimes slows the rendering time noticeably, so you might consider only doing this when rendering the final image. Interesting figures are often bordered by areas past the escape value (at least that's what I think they are) which appear as discrete holes. A higher bailout, if not otherwise detrimental, will sometimes serve to shrink (but never eliminate) these. While it is not possible to fill them, they can effectively be masked out by certain colorings with a masking function. Good luck and happy fractaling. I wish you as much fun with these as I am having. My deep thanks to Ken Childress, Erik Nathan Reckase, Mark Townsend, Frederik Slijkerman, Jos Leys and the hardy beta testers for their time, help and suggestions.