Class Standard_3DMapping

  extended by common:Generic
      extended by common:Transform
          extended by common:UserTransform
              extended by Standard:Standard_3DMapping


Object version of 3d-mapping in Standard.uxf. General 3D perspective mapping. This transformations wraps a fractal on a 3D shape. The 3D transformations/formulas use the left-handed coordinate system, where X points to the right, Y points up, and Z points into the screen. To determine the direction of a rotation, hold your left hand such that your thumb points into the direction of the axis around which the rotation takes place, and then your curled fingers point into the direction of positive rotation. Rotation is performed first around the X axis, then around the Y axis, and finally around the Z axis. Scaling must be done using UF's zooming feature. Translation is performed after the rotation. Any shape is supported via the MappingShape class.

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 class Standard_3DMapping(common.ulb:UserTransform) {
 ; Object version of 3d-mapping in Standard.uxf.
 ; General 3D perspective mapping. This transformations wraps a fractal on a 3D
 ; shape.
 ; The 3D transformations/formulas use the left-handed coordinate system, where
 ; X points to the right, Y points up, and Z points into the screen. To
 ; determine the direction of a rotation, hold your left hand such that your
 ; thumb points into the direction of the axis around which the rotation takes
 ; place, and then your curled fingers point into the direction of positive
 ; rotation.
 ; Rotation is performed first around the X axis, then around the Y axis, and
 ; finally around the Z axis. Scaling must be done using UF's zooming feature.
 ; Translation is performed after the rotation.
 ; Any shape is supported via the MappingShape class.
   func Standard_3DMapping(Generic pparent)
     fShape = new @shapeClass(this)
   complex func Iterate(complex pz)
     ; Construct a line from the current pixel on the screen through 3D space.
     ; The line is defined by (sx, sy, sz) + lambda * (dx, dy, dz) where
     ; lambda can be any real value > 0. So the line does not extend behind
     ; the screen.
     float sx = -@transx
     float sy = -@transy
     float sz = -@transz
     float dx = real(pz)
     float dy = imag(pz)
     float dz = 4
     ; Convert angles from degrees to radians.
     float angx = (@rotx * #pi) / 180
     float angy = (@roty * #pi) / 180
     float angz = (@rotz * #pi) / 180
     ; Rotate the line according to the (rotx, roty, rotz) angle.
     ; Apply rotation around Z axis
     float tt = cos(angz) * sy - sin(angz) * sx
     sx = cos(angz) * sx + sin(angz) * sy
     sy = tt
     tt = cos(angz) * dy - sin(angz) * dx
     dx = cos(angz) * dx + sin(angz) * dy
     dy = tt
     ; Apply rotation around Y axis
     tt = cos(angy) * sx - sin(angy) * sz
     sz = cos(angy) * sz + sin(angy) * sx
     sx = tt
     tt = cos(angy) * dx - sin(angy) * dz
     dz = cos(angy) * dz + sin(angy) * dx
     dx = tt
     ; Apply rotation around X axis
     tt = cos(angx) * sz - sin(angx) * sy
     sy = cos(angx) * sy + sin(angx) * sz
     sz = tt
     tt = cos(angx) * dz - sin(angx) * dy
     dy = cos(angx) * dy + sin(angx) * dz
     dz = tt
     ; Now compute the intersection of the line with the shape, and return
     ; the intersection point (texture coordinates).
     complex result
     if fShape.GetTextureCoordinates(sx, sy, sz, dx, dy, dz, result)
       return @fraccenter + \
         result * exp(flip((@fracangle * #pi) / 180)) / @fracmagn
       m_Solid = true
       return pz
   MappingShape fShape
   title = "3D Mapping"
   helpfile = "Uf*.chm"
   helptopic = "Html/transformations/standard/3dmapping.html"
   MappingShape param shapeClass
     caption = "Shape"
     default = Standard_MappingShapePlane
     hint = "The fractal is mapped onto this shape."
   param rotx
     caption = "X Rotation"
     default = 0.0
     hint = "Rotation around the x-axis, in degrees. The x-axis points to \
             the right. To determine the direction in which the rotation will \
             take place, hold up your left hand with your thumb pointing to \
             the right. Your (curled) fingers now indicate the direction of \
             positive X rotation."
   param roty
     caption = "Y Rotation"
     default = 0.0
     hint = "Rotation around the y-axis, in degrees. The y-axis points \
             upwards. To determine the direction in which the rotation will \
             take place, hold up your left hand with your thumb pointing \
             upwards. Your (curled) fingers now indicate the direction of \
             positive Y rotation."
   param rotz
     caption = "Z Rotation"
     default = 0.0
     hint = "Rotation around the z-axis, in degrees. The z-axis points into \
             the screen. To determine the direction in which the rotation will \
             take place, hold up your left hand with your thumb pointing into \
             the screen. Your (curled) fingers now indicate the direction of \
             positive Z rotation."
   param transx
     caption = "X Translation"
     default = 0.0
     hint = "Translation along the x-axis. The x-axis points to the right, \
             so increasing this value will move the fractal to the right, too."
   param transy
     caption = "Y Translation"
     default = -0.5
     hint = "Translation along the y-axis. The y-axis points upwards, \
             so increasing this value will move the fractal upwards, too."
   param transz
     caption = "Z Translation"
     default = 2.0
     hint = "Translation along the z-axis. The z-axis points into the screen, \
             so increasing this value will move the fractal away."
   complex param fraccenter
     caption = "Fractal Center"
     default = #center
     hint = "Center of the fractal image. Use here what you would \
             normally enter in the Location tab."
   float param fracmagn
     caption = "Fractal Magnification"
     default = #magn
     exponential = true
     hint = "Magnification of the fractal image. Use here what you would \
             normally enter in the Location tab."
   float param fracangle
     caption = "Fractal Rotation"
     default = #angle
     hint = "Rotation angle (in degrees) of the fractal image. Use here \
             what you would normally enter in the Location tab."

Constructor Summary
Standard_3DMapping(Generic pparent)
Method Summary
 complex Iterate(complex pz)
          Transform a single point within a sequence
Methods inherited from class common:Transform
Init, IsSolid, IterateSilent
Methods inherited from class common:Generic
Methods inherited from class Object

Constructor Detail


public Standard_3DMapping(Generic pparent)


public Standard_3DMapping()
Method Detail


public complex Iterate(complex pz)
Description copied from class: Transform
Transform a single point within a sequence

After a sequence has been set up with Init(), this function will be called once for each value in the sequence. Note that all values in the sequence must be processed in order (they cannot be processed out of order). If the sequence contains only one value, Init() will still be called and then Iterate() will be called just once.

Iterate in class Transform
pz - the complex value to be transformed
the transformed value