This class defines the Cloud Nine 8 color map and allows the user to
customize any of the ranges as desired.
class KCC_CloudNine8Map( KCC_ColorMapBase ) {
; Class for defining the preset Cloud Nine 8 color map.
; <p>
; This class defines the Cloud Nine 8 color map and allows the user to
; customize any of the ranges as desired.
; <p>
; For an example of what this map looks like,
; <a href="../additional/kcc5/images/Cloud Nine 8 Map.jpg">click here</a>.
import "common.ulb"
; Constructor
func KCC_CloudNine8Map( Generic pparent )
KCC_ColorMapBase( pparent )
; Created by Toby Marshall.
colorMap[0,0] = @cloudNineMax1, colorMap[0,1] = @cloudNineMin1
colorMap[1,0] = @cloudNineMax2, colorMap[1,1] = @cloudNineMin2
colorMap[2,0] = @cloudNineMax3, colorMap[2,1] = @cloudNineMin3
colorMap[3,0] = @cloudNineMax4, colorMap[3,1] = @cloudNineMin4
colorMap[4,0] = @cloudNineMax5, colorMap[4,1] = @cloudNineMin5
colorMap[5,0] = @cloudNineMax6, colorMap[5,1] = @cloudNineMin6
colorMap[6,0] = @cloudNineMax7, colorMap[6,1] = @cloudNineMin7
colorMap[7,0] = @cloudNineMax8, colorMap[7,1] = @cloudNineMin8
colorRanges = @colorRanges
title = "Cloud Nine 8 Map"
int param v_KCC_CloudNine8Map
caption = "Version (KCC_CloudNine8Map)"
default = 100
hint = "This version parameter is used to detect when a change has been \
made to the formula that is incompatible with the previous version. \
When that happens, this field will reflect the old version number to \
alert you to the fact that an alternate rendering is being used."
visible = @v_KCC_CloudNine8Map < 100
; Color Defaults for Cloud Nine 8
caption = " Cloud Nine 8 Map Settings"
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMax1
caption = "Color Range 1 High"
default = rgb(255/255,255/255,173/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the high end of Range #1."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMin1
caption = "Color Range 1 Low"
default = rgb(143/255,60/255,0/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the low end of Range #1."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMax2
caption = "Color Range 2 High"
default = rgb(247/255,214/255,255/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the high end of Range #2."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMin2
caption = "Color Range 2 Low"
default = rgb(139/255,0/255,0/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the low end of Range #2."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMax3
caption = "Color Range 3 High"
default = rgb(212/255,255/255,249/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the high end of Range #3."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMin3
caption = "Color Range 3 Low"
default = rgb(0/255,53/255,20/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the low end of Range #3."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMax4
caption = "Color Range 4 High"
default = rgb(255/255,221/255,217/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the high end of Range #4."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMin4
caption = "Color Range 4 Low"
default = rgb(115/255,21/255,0/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the low end of Range #4."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMax5
caption = "Color Range 5 High"
default = rgb(255/255,255/255,173/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the high end of Range #5."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMin5
caption = "Color Range 5 Low"
default = rgb(140/255,63/255,0/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the low end of Range #5."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMax6
caption = "Color Range 6 High"
default = rgb(247/255,214/255,255/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the high end of Range #6."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMin6
caption = "Color Range 6 Low"
default = rgb(139/255,0/255,0/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the low end of Range #6."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMax7
caption = "Color Range 7 High"
default = rgb(212/255,255/255,249/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the high end of Range #7."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMin7
caption = "Color Range 7 Low"
default = rgb(0/255,53/255,20/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the low end of Range #7."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMax8
caption = "Color Range 8 High"
default = rgb(255/255,221/255,217/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the high end of Range #8."
visible = (@customize)
color param cloudNineMin8
caption = "Color Range 8 Low"
default = rgb(115/255,21/255,0/255)
hint = "Specifies the color at the low end of Range #8."
visible = (@customize)