Object version of the MMF Formula Wars 2 formula
Extended to allow the combination of up to 6 formulae
Note that for historical reasons this formula uses its own
zold and bailout values instead of those defined in the base class
doing so should not be taken as a model for other formulas.
class MMF_SwitchFormulaWars2(MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula) { ; Object version of the MMF Formula Wars 2 formula<br> ; Extended to allow the combination of up to 6 formulae<p> ; Note that for historical reasons this formula uses its own ; zold and bailout values instead of those defined in the base class ; doing so should not be taken as a model for other formulas.<br> public: import "common.ulb" ; @param pparent the parent, generally "this" for the parent, or zero func MMF_SwitchFormulaWars2(Generic pparent) MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula.MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula(pparent) fFormula1=new @classFormula1(this) fFormula2=new @classFormula2(this) fFormula3=new @classFormula3(this) fFormula4=new @classFormula4(this) fFormula5=new @classFormula5(this) fFormula6=new @classFormula6(this) SetParams(fType,fConstant) endfunc complex func Init(complex pz) m_Iterations = 0 m_BailedOut = false fz[0] = fFormula1.Init(pz) fz[1] = fFormula2.Init(pz) if @p_NumFormulas=="3" || @p_NumFormulas=="4" || @p_NumFormulas=="5" \ || @p_NumFormulas=="6" fz[2] = fFormula3.Init(pz) if @p_NumFormulas=="4" || @p_NumFormulas=="5" || @p_NumFormulas=="6" fz[3] = fFormula4.Init(pz) if @p_NumFormulas=="5" || @p_NumFormulas=="6" fz[4] = fFormula5.Init(pz) if @p_NumFormulas=="6" fz[5] = fFormula6.Init(pz) endif endif endif endif if fType fConstant = pz return fValue else return pz endif endfunc func SetParams(bool f,complex v) if !@p_manual fType = f fValue = fConstant = v endif if @classFormula1==MMF_SwitchFormula MMF_SwitchFormula(fFormula1).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula1==MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula(fFormula1).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula1==MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula(fFormula1).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula1==MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula(fFormula1).SetParams(fType,fConstant) endif if @classFormula2==MMF_SwitchFormula MMF_SwitchFormula(fFormula2).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula2==MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula(fFormula2).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula2==MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula(fFormula2).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula2==MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula(fFormula2).SetParams(fType,fConstant) endif if @p_NumFormulas=="3" || @p_NumFormulas=="4" || @p_NumFormulas=="5" \ || @p_NumFormulas=="6" if @classFormula3==MMF_SwitchFormula MMF_SwitchFormula(fFormula3).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula3==MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula(fFormula3).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula3==MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula(fFormula3).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula3==MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula(fFormula3).SetParams(fType,fConstant) endif if @p_NumFormulas=="4" || @p_NumFormulas=="5" || @p_NumFormulas=="6" if @classFormula4==MMF_SwitchFormula MMF_SwitchFormula(fFormula4).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula4==MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula(fFormula4).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula4==MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula(fFormula4).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula4==MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula(fFormula4).SetParams(fType,fConstant) endif if @p_NumFormulas=="5" || @p_NumFormulas=="6" if @classFormula5==MMF_SwitchFormula MMF_SwitchFormula(fFormula5).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula5==MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula(fFormula5).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula5==MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula(fFormula5).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula5==MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula(fFormula5).SetParams(fType,fConstant) endif if @p_NumFormulas=="6" if @classFormula6==MMF_SwitchFormula MMF_SwitchFormula(fFormula6).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula6==MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula(fFormula6).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula6==MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula(fFormula6).SetParams(fType,fConstant) elseif @classFormula6==MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula(fFormula6).SetParams(fType,fConstant) endif endif endif endif endif endfunc complex func Iterate(complex pz) fzt = pz if m_Iterations==0 fZold = fzt = fz[0] else fZold = pz endif if @p_Method=="Alternate" int i = m_Iterations%(@p_NumFormulas+2) m_Iterations = m_Iterations + 1 if i==0 fzz = fFormula1.Iterate(fzt) elseif i==1 fzz = fFormula2.Iterate(fzt) elseif i==2 fzz = fFormula3.Iterate(fzt) elseif i==3 fzz = fFormula4.Iterate(fzt) elseif i==4 fzz = fFormula5.Iterate(fzt) elseif i==5 fzz = fFormula6.Iterate(fzt) endif else; @p_Method!="Alternate" m_Iterations = m_Iterations + 1 fzz = fzt = fFormula1.Iterate(fzt) if @p_Method!="Mix All" if m_Iterations==1 fzt = fz[1] else fzt = pz endif endif fzt = fFormula2.Iterate(fzt) CheckVals(1) if @p_NumFormulas=="3" || @p_NumFormulas=="4" || @p_NumFormulas=="5" \ || @p_NumFormulas=="6" if @p_Method!="Mix All" if m_Iterations==1 fzt = fz[2] else fzt = pz endif endif fzt = fFormula3.Iterate(fzt) CheckVals(2) if @p_NumFormulas=="4" || @p_NumFormulas=="5" || @p_NumFormulas=="6" if @p_Method!="Mix All" if m_Iterations==1 fzt = fz[3] else fzt = pz endif endif fzt = fFormula4.Iterate(fzt) CheckVals(3) if @p_NumFormulas=="5" || @p_NumFormulas=="6" if @p_Method!="Mix All" if m_Iterations==1 fzt = fz[4] else fzt = pz endif endif fzt = fFormula5.Iterate(fzt) CheckVals(4) if @p_NumFormulas=="6" if @p_Method!="Mix All" if m_Iterations==1 fzt = fz[5] else fzt = pz endif endif fzt = fFormula6.Iterate(fzt) CheckVals(5) endif endif endif endif if @p_Method=="Mix All" fzz = fzt endif endif; @p_Method=="Alternate" return fzz endfunc bool func IsBailedOut(complex pz) if ((@p_BailType=="Divergent" || @p_BailType=="Both" \ || @p_BailType=="Div.+Abs.Conv.") \ && |pz|>=@p_Bailout) \ || ((@p_BailType=="Convergent" || @p_BailType=="Both") \ && |pz-fZold|<=@p_SmallBail) \ || ((@p_BailType=="Absolute Convergence" \ || @p_BailType=="Div.+Abs.Conv.") \ && |pz-@p_root|<=@p_SmallBail ) m_BailedOut = true endif return m_BailedOut endfunc float func GetUpperBailout() return @p_Bailout endfunc float func GetLowerBailout() return @p_SmallBail endfunc private: ; Updates the z value to use according to the selected condition<br> ; @param i the formula number func CheckVals(int i) if @p_Method=="Minimum Magnitude" if |fzt-@p_Coord|<|fzz-@p_Coord| fzz = fzt if m_Iterations==1 fZold = fz[i] endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Maximum Magnitude" if |fzt-@p_Coord|>|fzz-@p_Coord| fzz = fzt if m_Iterations==1 fZold = fz[i] endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Minimum Abs. Real" if abs(real(fzt)-real(@p_coord))<=abs(real(fzz)-real(@p_coord)) fzz = fzt if m_Iterations==1 fZold = fz[i] endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Maximum Abs. Real" if abs(real(fzt)-real(@p_coord))>abs(real(fzz)-real(@p_coord)) fzz = fzt if m_Iterations==1 fZold = fz[i] endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Minimum Abs. Imaginary" if abs(imag(fzt)-imag(@p_coord))<=abs(imag(fzz)-imag(@p_coord)) fzz = fzt if m_Iterations==1 fZold = fz[i] endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Maximum Abs. Imaginary" if abs(imag(fzt)-imag(@p_coord))>abs(imag(fzz)-imag(@p_coord)) fzz = fzt if m_Iterations==1 fZold = fz[i] endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Minimum Real" if real(fzt)-real(@p_coord)<=real(fzz)-real(@p_coord) fzz = fzt if m_Iterations==1 fZold = fz[i] endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Maximum Real" if real(fzt)-real(@p_coord)>real(fzz)-real(@p_coord) fzz = fzt if m_Iterations==1 fZold = fz[i] endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Minimum Imaginary" if imag(fzt)-imag(@p_coord)<=imag(fzz)-imag(@p_coord) fzz = fzt if m_Iterations==1 fZold = fz[i] endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Maximum Imaginary" if imag(fzt)-imag(@p_coord)>imag(fzz)-imag(@p_coord) fzz = fzt if m_Iterations==1 fZold = fz[i] endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Abs. Minima" if abs(real(fzt)-real(@p_coord))<=abs(real(fzz)-real(@p_coord)) fzz = real(fzt) + flip(imag(fzz)) if m_Iterations==1 fZold = real(fz[i]) + flip(imag(fZold)) endif endif if abs(imag(fzt)-imag(@p_coord))<=abs(imag(fzz)-imag(@p_coord)) fzz = real(fzz) + flip(imag(fzt)) if m_Iterations==1 fZold = real(fZold) + flip(imag(fz[i])) endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Abs. Maxima" if abs(real(fzt)-real(@p_coord))>abs(real(fzz)-real(@p_coord)) fzz = real(fzt) + flip(imag(fzz)) if m_Iterations==1 fZold = real(fz[i]) + flip(imag(fZold)) endif endif if abs(imag(fzt)-imag(@p_coord))>abs(imag(fzz)-imag(@p_coord)) fzz = real(fzz) + flip(imag(fzt)) if m_Iterations==1 fZold = real(fZold) + flip(imag(fz[i])) endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Minima" if real(fzt)-real(@p_coord)<=real(fzz)-real(@p_coord) fzz = real(fzt) + flip(imag(fzz)) if m_Iterations==1 fZold = real(fz[i]) + flip(imag(fZold)) endif endif if imag(fzt)-imag(@p_coord)<=imag(fzz)-imag(@p_coord) fzz = real(fzz) + flip(imag(fzt)) if m_Iterations==1 fZold = real(fZold) + flip(imag(fz[i])) endif endif elseif @p_Method=="Maxima" if real(fzt)-real(@p_coord)>real(fzz)-real(@p_coord) fzz = real(fzt) + flip(imag(fzz)) if m_Iterations==1 fZold = real(fz[i]) + flip(imag(fZold)) endif endif if imag(fzt)-imag(@p_coord)>imag(fzz)-imag(@p_coord) fzz = real(fzz) + flip(imag(fzt)) if m_Iterations==1 fZold = real(fZold) + flip(imag(fz[i])) endif endif endif endfunc Formula fFormula1 Formula fFormula2 Formula fFormula3 Formula fFormula4 Formula fFormula5 Formula fFormula6 complex fz[6] complex fZold complex fzt complex fzz default: title = "Switch Formula Wars #2" rating = recommended int param v_mmfswitchformulawars2 caption = "Version (Switch Formula Wars #2)" enum = "1.0" default = 0 hint = "This field is to absolutely ensure backward compatibility, \ the default will always be set to the latest version, but \ there may be some cases where an older effect that you like \ is lost in an update and you could still use it by selecting \ the older version number." visible = false endparam complex param p_power visible = false endparam float param p_upperbailout visible = false endparam float param p_lowerbailout visible = false endparam bool param p_addpixel visible = false endparam heading caption = "Bailout Options" text = "You should note that the bailout options and values you set \ here will override the bailout settings in the various formula \ parameters. This is because your chosen warring combination \ could produce either convergent or divergent results whereas \ some of your warring formulas may be convergent and others \ divergent." endheading int param p_BailType caption = "Bailout Type" enum = "Divergent" "Convergent" "Both" "Absolute Convergence" \ "Div.+Abs.Conv." default = 0 hint = "If you get an empty or nearly empty fractal try switching \ from 'Divergent' to 'Convergent' or vice-versa or choosing \ 'Both'. Note that in some cases if your fractal is a \ Mandelbrot you may need to ensure that the zstart value \ is non-zero." endparam complex param p_root caption = "Convergence Value" default = (1,0) hint = "This is the value for testing for convergence to. For the \ 'Magnet' formulas the value should be (1,0), if you don't \ know the value to use it's best to stick to the plain \ 'Convergent' 'Bailout Type'. It's always worth trying (0,0)." visible = @p_BailType>2 endparam float param p_Bailout caption = "Divergent Bailout" default = 128.0 hint = "In general larger values will require higher iterations." visible = @p_BailType==0 || @p_BailType==2 || @p_BailType==4 endparam float param p_SmallBail caption = "Convergent Bailout" default = 1e-5 hint = "In general smaller values will require higher iterations." visible = @p_BailType>0 endparam heading caption = "War Settings" endheading int param p_Method caption = "Method of choice" enum = "Minimum Magnitude" "Maximum Magnitude" "Minimum Abs. Real" \ "Maximum Abs. Real" "Minimum Abs. Imaginary" \ "Maximum Abs. Imaginary" "Minimum Real" "Maximum Real" \ "Minimum Imaginary" "Maximum Imaginary" "Abs. Minima" \ "Abs. Maxima" "Minima" "Maxima" "Mix All" "Alternate" default = 0 endparam complex param p_Coord caption = "Centre" default = (0,0) hint = "Used as the centre for the testing to decide which \ formula to use on each iteration." visible = @p_Method<6 endparam int param p_NumFormulas caption = "Number of Formulas" enum = "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" default = 0 endparam heading caption = "The Warring Formulas" endheading heading caption = "Warring Formula #1" endheading heading text = "'Fractal Formula #1' is not a switch formula and so will \ not switch using UFs built-in switch method." visible = @classFormula1!=MMF_SwitchFormula \ && @classFormula1!=MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula \ && @classFormula1!=MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula \ && @classFormula1!=MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula endheading Formula param classFormula1 caption = "Fractal Formula #1" default = MMF_SwitchStandard endparam heading caption = "Warring Formula #2" endheading heading text = "'Fractal Formula #2' is not a switch formula and so will \ not switch using UFs built-in switch method." visible = @classFormula2!=MMF_SwitchFormula \ && @classFormula2!=MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula \ && @classFormula2!=MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula \ && @classFormula2!=MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula endheading Formula param classFormula2 caption = "Fractal Formula #2" default = MMF_SwitchStandard endparam heading caption = "Warring Formula #3" visible = @p_NumFormulas>0 endheading heading text = "'Fractal Formula #3' is not a switch formula and so will \ not switch using UFs built-in switch method." visible = @p_NumFormulas>0 && @classFormula3!=MMF_SwitchFormula \ && @classFormula3!=MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula \ && @classFormula3!=MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula \ && @classFormula3!=MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula endheading Formula param classFormula3 caption = "Fractal Formula #3" default = MMF_SwitchStandard visible = @p_NumFormulas>0 endparam heading caption = "Warring Formula #4" visible = @p_NumFormulas>1 endheading heading text = "'Fractal Formula #4' is not a switch formula and so will \ not switch using UFs built-in switch method." visible = @p_NumFormulas>1 && @classFormula4!=MMF_SwitchFormula \ && @classFormula4!=MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula \ && @classFormula4!=MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula \ && @classFormula4!=MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula endheading Formula param classFormula4 caption = "Fractal Formula #4" default = MMF_SwitchStandard visible = @p_NumFormulas>1 endparam heading caption = "Warring Formula #5" visible = @p_NumFormulas>2 endheading heading text = "'Fractal Formula #5' is not a switch formula and so will \ not switch using UFs built-in switch method." visible = @p_NumFormulas>2 && @classFormula5!=MMF_SwitchFormula \ && @classFormula5!=MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula \ && @classFormula5!=MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula \ && @classFormula5!=MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula endheading Formula param classFormula5 caption = "Fractal Formula #5" default = MMF_SwitchStandard visible = @p_NumFormulas>2 endparam heading caption = "Warring Formula #6" visible = @p_NumFormulas>3 endheading heading text = "'Fractal Formula #6' is not a switch formula and so will \ not switch using UFs built-in switch method." visible = @p_NumFormulas>3 && @classFormula6!=MMF_SwitchFormula \ && @classFormula6!=MMF_SwitchDivergentFormula \ && @classFormula6!=MMF_SwitchConvergentFormula \ && @classFormula6!=MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula endheading Formula param classFormula6 caption = "Fractal Formula #6" default = MMF_SwitchStandard visible = @p_NumFormulas>3 endparam }
Constructor Summary | |
MMF_SwitchFormulaWars2(Generic pparent)
Method Summary | |
float |
Determine the lower bailout boundary. |
float |
Determine the upper bailout boundary. |
complex |
Init(complex pz)
Note that here zold is initialised to initial z |
boolean |
IsBailedOut(complex pz)
Test whether the formula has bailed out (i.e. |
complex |
Iterate(complex pz)
Produce the next value in the sequence |
void |
SetParams(boolean f,
complex v)
Methods inherited from class common:Formula |
GetPrimaryExponent |
Methods inherited from class common:Generic |
GetParent |
Methods inherited from class Object |
Constructor Detail |
public MMF_SwitchFormulaWars2(Generic pparent)
- the parent, generally "this" for the parent, or zeropublic MMF_SwitchFormulaWars2()
Method Detail |
public complex Init(complex pz)
What it's initialised to is normally irrelevant unless the derived
formula uses zold in its main calculations in which case the user
should be given the choice of initialising zold to either the location,
the initial z value or a fixed constant.
in class MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula
- the location (normally #pixel)
public void SetParams(boolean f, complex v)
in class MMF_SwitchConvergentDivergentFormula
- flag for Mandelbrot or Julia mode, is true for Mandelbrotsv
- the value to be used as the start value or constantpublic complex Iterate(complex pz)
As long as the sequence has not bailed out, this function will be continually called to produce sequence values.
in class ConvergentDivergentFormula
- previous value in the sequence; corresponds to #z in a fractal formula. Note that you should always use this value for computing the next iteration, rather than a saved value, as the calling code may modify the returned value before passing it back to the next Iterate() call.
public boolean IsBailedOut(complex pz)
Since this is a divergent fractal, the test is easy: if it's bigger than the bailout, the sequence is done.
in class ConvergentDivergentFormula
- last sequence value to test; this should be the value returned from the previous Iterate() call. Note that it is acceptable to ignore pz and use m_BailedOut, but any code calling IsBailedOut() should pass in the correct pz for Formula classes which do not use m_BailedOut.
public float GetUpperBailout()
in class ConvergentDivergentFormula
public float GetLowerBailout()
in class ConvergentDivergentFormula