class MMF_TwoColourings(common.ulb:GradientColoring) { public: import "Standard.ulb" func MMF_TwoColourings(Generic pparent) if @mode!=3 m_Colouring1 = new @f_colouring1(pparent) if @f_transfer1!=NullTransfer m_Transfer1 = new @f_transfer1(this) endif endif if @mode!=2 m_Colouring2 = new @f_colouring2(pparent) if @f_transfer2!=NullTransfer m_Transfer2 = new @f_transfer2(this) endif endif if @f_transform!=NullTransform && @mode<2 m_Transform = new @f_transform(this) endif if @mode=="Image Mapping" m_Image = new @f_image(this) if @adjustlayer m_Adjust = new @f_adjust(this) endif endif if @mode==4 || (@mode<2 && @usetexture) if @f_transferx!=NullTransform m_Transferx = new @f_transferx(this) endif if @f_transfery!=NullTransform m_Transfery = new @f_transfery(this) endif if @f_textransform!=NullTransform m_TexTransform = new @f_textransform(this) endif if @f_texturescale!=NullTransfer m_TextureScale = new @f_texturescale(this) endif m_Texture = new @f_texture(this) m_Merge = new @f_merge(this) endif endfunc func Init(complex pz, complex ppixel) if @mode!=3 m_Colouring1.Init(pz,ppixel) if @f_transfer1!=NullTransfer m_Transfer1.Init(0) endif endif if @mode!=2 m_Colouring2.Init(pz,ppixel) if @f_transfer2!=NullTransfer m_Transfer2.Init(0) endif endif if @f_transform!=NullTransform && @mode<2 m_Transform.Init(pz) endif if @mode==4 || (@mode<2 && @usetexture) if @f_transferx!=NullTransform m_Transferx.Init(0) endif if @f_transfery!=NullTransform m_Transfery.Init(0) endif if @f_textransform!=NullTransform m_TexTransform.Init(pz) endif if @f_texturescale!=NullTransfer m_TextureScale.Init(0) endif m_Texture.Init(pz) endif endfunc func Iterate(complex pz) if @mode!=3 m_Colouring1.Iterate(pz) endif if @mode!=2 m_Colouring2.Iterate(pz) endif endfunc float func ResultIndex(complex pz) float s = 0.0 float t = 0.0 float r = 0.0 complex v = (0,0) u = 0.0 if @mode!=3 r = s = m_Colouring1.ResultIndex(pz) if (@mode==4 || (@mode<2 && @usetexture)) && @f_transferx!=NullTransfer r = m_Transferx.Iterate(r) endif if @f_transfer1!=NullTransfer s = m_Transfer1.Iterate(s) endif if @mode==2 return s endif endif if @mode!=2 u = t = m_Colouring2.ResultIndex(pz) if (@mode==4 || (@mode<2 && @usetexture)) && @f_transfery!=NullTransfer u = m_Transfery.Iterate(u) endif if @f_transfer2!=NullTransfer t = m_Transfer2.Iterate(t) endif if @mode==3 return t endif endif if @f_transform!=NullTransform && @mode<4 v = m_Transform.Iterate(s + flip(t)) s = real(v) t = imag(v) endif if (@mode==4 || (@mode<2 && @usetexture)) && @f_textransform!=NullTransform v = m_TexTransform.Iterate(r + flip(u)) r = real(v) u = imag(v) endif if @mode==4 || (@mode<2 && @usetexture) if @polartex r = r*2.0*#pi if @mode>0 v = 0.5*u*(cos(r)+1.0 - flip(sin(r)-1.0)) else v = u*(cos(r) - flip(sin(r))) endif r = real(v) u = imag(v) endif u = m_Texture.Iterate(r+flip(u)) if @f_texturescale!=NullTransfer u = m_TextureScale.Iterate(u) endif endif if @polar s = s*2.0*#pi if @mode>0 v = 0.5*t*(cos(s)+1.0 - flip(sin(s)-1.0)) else v = t*(cos(s) - flip(sin(s))) endif s = real(v) t = imag(v) endif if @mode==4 return u elseif @mode==1 if @usetexture if @mix=="Sum" return s + t + u elseif @mix=="Product" return s*t + u elseif @mix=="Absolute Difference" return abs(s - t) + u elseif @mix=="Quotient 1" return s/(t + 1) + u else;if @mix=="Quotient 2" return t/(s + 1) + u endif elseif @mix=="Sum" return s + t elseif @mix=="Product" return s*t elseif @mix=="Absolute Difference" return abs(s - t) elseif @mix=="Quotient 1" return s/(t + 1) else;if @mix=="Quotient 2" return t/(s + 1) endif else if !@polar s = 2*s - 1.0 t = 2*t - 1.0 endif clr = m_Image.GetColor(s+flip(t)) if @usetexture if @mapmethod=="Image All" return 0.299*red(clr) + 0.587*green(clr) + 0.114*blue(clr) + u elseif @mapmethod=="Image Red" return red(clr) + u elseif @mapmethod=="Image Green" return green(clr) + u elseif @mapmethod=="Image Blue" return blue(clr) + u elseif @mapmethod=="Image Alpha" return alpha(clr) + u elseif @mapmethod=="Image Hue" return hue(clr)/6.0 + u elseif @mapmethod=="Image Saturation" return sat(clr) + u else;if @mapmethod=="Image Luminance" return lum(clr) + u endif elseif @mapmethod=="Image All" return 0.299*red(clr) + 0.587*green(clr) + 0.114*blue(clr) elseif @mapmethod=="Image Red" return red(clr) elseif @mapmethod=="Image Green" return green(clr) elseif @mapmethod=="Image Blue" return blue(clr) elseif @mapmethod=="Image Alpha" return alpha(clr) elseif @mapmethod=="Image Hue" return hue(clr)/6.0 elseif @mapmethod=="Image Saturation" return sat(clr) else;if @mapmethod=="Image Luminance" return lum(clr) endif endif endfunc color func Result(complex pz) float v = ResultIndex(pz) if @mode==0 && @mapmethod=="Image All" if @usetexture clr = m_Merge.GradientMerge(clr, u) endif if @adjustlayer color c = @f_adjustcolour if @adjusttype==0 c = RGB(@adjred, @adjgreen, @adjblue) endif c = compose(clr, m_Adjust.Merge(clr, c), @f_opacity) return RGBA(red(c), green(c), blue(c), alpha(clr)) endif return clr endif return gradient(v) endfunc private: GradientColoring m_Colouring1 GradientColoring m_Colouring2 Transfer m_Transfer1 Transfer m_Transfer2 Transfer m_Transferx Transfer m_Transfery Transfer m_TextureScale Transform m_Transform Transform m_TexTransform ImageWrapper m_Image ColorMerge m_Adjust TrapShape m_Texture GradientLayer m_Merge color clr float u default: title = "MMF Two Colourings" int param v_mmftwocolourings caption = "Version (MMF Two Colourings)" enum = "1.0" default = 0 hint = "This field is to absolutely ensure backward compatibility, \ the default will always be set to the latest version, but \ there may be some cases where an older effect that you like \ is lost in an update and you could still use it by selecting \ the older version number." visible = false endparam heading caption = "Main Control" endheading int param mode caption = "Colouring Mode" enum = "Image Mapping" "Mix" "Colouring 1" "Colouring 2" "Texture Only" default = 0 endparam bool param usetexture caption = "Add Texture" default = false hint = "Adds texturing when enabled. Normally this will be mixed in as \ a gradient index but if the colouring is in direct mode and \ you're using 'Image Mapping' then the texturing is applied as \ a colour merge layer." visible = @mode<2 endparam bool param polar caption = "Go Polar" default = false hint = "When enabled the angle values are used as angles and the \ distance values as a magnitude, when disabled the angle values \ and distance values are taken as being on perpendicular axes." visible = @mode<2 endparam int param mix caption = "Mix Method" enum = "Sum" "Product" "Absolute Difference" "Quotient 1" "Quotient 2" default = 0 visible = @mode==1 endparam Transform param f_transform caption = "Colouring Transform" default = NullTransform hint = "Use for rotation/scaling/positioning." visible = @mode<2 endparam heading caption = "Colouring 1 Settings" visible = @mode!=3 endheading GradientColoring param f_colouring1 caption = "Colouring 1" default = MMF_SmoothOrbitTraps visible = @mode!=3 endparam Transfer param f_transfer1 caption = "Colour Transfer 1" default = NullTransfer visible = @mode<3 endparam heading caption = "Colouring 2 Settings" visible = @mode!=2 endheading GradientColoring param f_colouring2 caption = "Colouring 2" default = Standard_Smooth visible = @mode!=2 endparam Transfer param f_transfer2 caption = "Colour Transfer 2" default = NullTransfer visible = @mode!=2 && @mode!=4 endparam heading caption = "Image Mapping Settings" visible = @mode==0 endheading int param mapmethod caption = "Image Method" enum = "Image All" "Image Red" "Image Green" "Image Blue" "Image Alpha" \ "Image Hue" "Image Saturation" "Image Luminance" hint = "'Image All' maps the image brightness (Yiq) to UF's gradient \ if the colouring is being used as a gradient colouring or uses \ the image colours if the colouring is being used as a direct \ colouring. 'Image Red' maps the image red to a gradient, \ 'Image Green' the green, 'Image Blue' the blue, 'Image Hue' \ the hue, 'Image Saturation' the saturation and 'Image Luminance' \ the luminance." visible = @mode==0 endparam bool param adjustlayer caption = "Add Adjust layer" default = false hint = "Allows you to add an adjustment layer in a given colour to merge \ on top of the image/texture. Only active if the main colouring \ is in direct mode." visible = @mode==0 && @mapmethod=="Image All" endparam int param adjusttype caption = "Colour or RGB" enum = "RGB values" "Colour Parameter" default = 1 hint = "This option is specifically added so that if you choose \ 'RGB values' you can 'explore' them and see changes to the image \ as you change the RGB. The option may become redundant in a \ future version of UF." visible = @mode==0 && @mapmethod=="Image All" && @adjustlayer endparam float param adjred caption = "Red Value" default = 1.0 hint = "The red part of the adjust colour (0 to 1)." visible = @mode==0 && @mapmethod=="Image All" && @adjustlayer \ && @adjusttype==0 endparam float param adjgreen caption = "Green Value" default = 1.0 hint = "The green part of the adjust colour (0 to 1)." visible = @mode==0 && @mapmethod=="Image All" && @adjustlayer \ && @adjusttype==0 endparam float param adjblue caption = "Blue Value" default = 1.0 hint = "The blue part of the adjust colour (0 to 1)." visible = @mode==0 && @mapmethod=="Image All" && @adjustlayer \ && @adjusttype==0 endparam color param f_adjustcolour caption = "Adjust Layer Colour" default = RGB(1,1,1) hint = "Allows you to apply overall adjustments to your colouring." visible = @mode==0 && @mapmethod=="Image All" && @adjustlayer \ && @adjusttype==1 endparam ColorMerge param f_adjust caption = "Adjustment Layer Merge" default = MMF_ExtendedColorMerge visible = @mode==0 && @mapmethod=="Image All" && @adjustlayer endparam float param f_opacity caption = "Adjustment Opacity" default = 1.0 hint = "Use to modify the adjustment opacity, the normal range is from \ 0 to 1." visible = @mode==0 && @mapmethod=="Image All" && @adjustlayer endparam ImageWrapper param f_image caption = "Image Object" default = MMF_ImageImport hint = "The image to use." visible = @mode==0 endparam heading caption = "Texture Settings" visible = @mode==4 || (@mode<2 && @usetexture) endheading bool param polartex caption = "Go Polar" default = false endparam Transfer param f_transferx caption = "Colouring 1 Transfer" default = NullTransfer visible = @mode==4 || (@mode<2 && @usetexture) endparam Transfer param f_transfery caption = "Colouring 2 Transfer" default = NullTransfer visible = @mode==4 || (@mode<2 && @usetexture) endparam Transform param f_textransform caption = "Texture Transform" default = NullTransform visible = @mode==4 || (@mode<2 && @usetexture) endparam TrapShape param f_texture caption = "Texture" default = MMF_TrapShapefBm visible = @mode==4 || (@mode<2 && @usetexture) endparam Transfer param f_texturescale caption = "Texture Amplitude" default = NullTransfer visible = @mode==4 || (@mode<2 && @usetexture) endparam GradientLayer param f_merge caption = "Texture Merge" default = MMF_GradientLayer hint = "Only used if the main colouring is being used in direct colouring \ mode and using 'Image Mapping'. Use to merge the texture value \ with the image. Note that the gradient you choose controls the \ colour of the texture/iteration layer which is normally treated \ as the top layer." visible = @mode<2 && @usetexture expanded = false endparam }
Constructor Summary | |
MMF_TwoColourings(Generic pparent)
Method Summary | |
void |
Init(complex pz,
complex ppixel)
Set up for a sequence of values |
void |
Iterate(complex pz)
Process the next value in the sequence |
color |
Result(complex pz)
Produce a resulting color index after a sequence is finished |
float |
ResultIndex(complex pz)
Produce a resulting color index after a sequence is finished |
Methods inherited from class common:GradientColoring |
IsGradient, IsSolid |
Methods inherited from class common:Coloring |
GetPixel |
Methods inherited from class common:Generic |
GetParent |
Methods inherited from class Object |
Constructor Detail |
public MMF_TwoColourings(Generic pparent)
public MMF_TwoColourings()
Method Detail |
public void Init(complex pz, complex ppixel)
This function will be called at the beginning of each sequence of values (e.g. at the beginning of each fractal orbit).
in class GradientColoring
- first value for the sequence; for a normal coloring formula, this will be #zppixel
- seed value for the sequence; for a normal coloring formula, this will be #pixelpublic void Iterate(complex pz)
As long as the sequence has not bailed out, this function will be continually called to produce sequence values. Note that such processing generally will not know in advance precisely how long the sequence is, and should be prepared to deal with sequences of arbitrary length.
Your coloring may determine at some point that a solid color should be used rather than an index value.
in class GradientColoring
- next value in the sequence; corresponds to #z in a coloring formulapublic float ResultIndex(complex pz)
This corresponds to the final: section in a coloring formula. Once it is called, no further calls to Iterate() should be made without calling Init() first.
in class GradientColoring
public color Result(complex pz)
This corresponds to the final: section in a coloring formula. Once it is called, no further calls to Iterate() should be made without calling Init() first.
in class GradientColoring