An Orbit Traps variant with the addition of trapped image import.
The formula provides for the import of images which are trapped according to
the trap shape, trap mode and trap coloring used. Internally the the regular
trap coloring and the image trap coloring are treated as separate layers which
can be merged by the usual merge options. The image import plugin is a ColorTrap
type, and any other ColorTrap type can be used in its slot.
class REB_ImageTrapsColoring(common.ulb:DirectColoring) { ; An Orbit Traps variant with the addition of trapped image import. ; <p> ; The formula provides for the import of images which are trapped according to ; the trap shape, trap mode and trap coloring used. Internally the the regular ; trap coloring and the image trap coloring are treated as separate layers which ; can be merged by the usual merge options. The image import plugin is a ColorTrap ; type, and any other ColorTrap type can be used in its slot. $define debug public: import "common.ulb" import "dmj5.ulb" ; constructor func REB_ImageTrapsColoring(Generic pparent) DirectColoring.DirectColoring(pparent) m_TrapSelect = new @f_trapselect(this) fTransform = new @transform(this) m_TrapShape = new @f_trapshape(this) m_ImageTrapMode = new @f_trapmode(this) fTransfer = new @transfer(this) fDTransfer = new @dtransfer(this) m_ImageTrapColoring = new @f_trapcoloring(this) m_TrapShape.SetThreshold(@p_threshold) m_ImageTrapMode.SetThreshold(@p_threshold) if @f_trapcolor != ColorTrapNoColor float athresh = @p_athreshold+0.001 m_ImageTrapMode.SetAThreshold(athresh) else m_ImageTrapMode.SetAThreshold(@p_athreshold) endif m_TrapTexture = new @f_traptexture(this) m_MergeColor = new @f_colormerge(this) m_TrapColor = new @f_trapcolor(this) m_img = new @f_image(0) m_empty = m_img.GetEmpty() endfunc ; Initialize the coloring formula func Init(complex pz, complex ppixel) DirectColoring.Init(pz,ppixel) m_TrapSelectSequence = m_TrapSelect.InitDefault() fTransform.init(pz) fTransfer.init(pz) m_ImageTrapMode.Init(pz) m_TrapShape.Init(pz) m_TrapTexture.Init(pz) m_TrapColor.Init(pz) endfunc ; call for each iterated point func Iterate(complex pz) DirectColoring.Iterate(pz) m_TrapSelectSequence = m_TrapSelect.Iterate(m_TrapSelectSequence) if ((@f_trapselect == DMJ_TrapSelect && m_TrapSelectSequence > 0.5) \ || m_TrapSelectSequence > @p_trapselectthreshold) complex m_zr = fTransform.Iterate(pz) float pdistance = m_TrapShape.iterate(m_zr) complex pdcomplex = 0 if @v_imagetraps >= 103 pdcomplex = m_TrapShape.GetTransformedPoint() if @dtype == "Manhattan" pdistance = abs(real(m_zr-pdcomplex))^real(@mp) + \ abs(imag(m_zr-pdcomplex))^imag(@mp) elseif @dtype == "Bray Curtis" pdistance = pdistance*(abs(real(m_zr-pdcomplex)) + abs(imag(m_zr-pdcomplex)))/ \ ((abs(real(m_zr+pdcomplex)) + abs(imag(m_zr+pdcomplex)))) elseif @dtype == "Canberra" pdistance = pdistance*abs(real(m_zr-pdcomplex))/(abs(real(m_zr)) + abs(real(pdcomplex))) + \ abs(imag(m_zr-pdcomplex))/(abs(imag(m_zr)) + abs(imag(pdcomplex))) elseif @dtype == "Minkovsky" pdistance = (abs(real(m_zr-pdcomplex))^@ex + \ abs(imag(m_zr-pdcomplex))^@ex)^(1/@ex) elseif @dtype == "Chebychev" pdistance = abs(real(m_zr-pdcomplex)) if pdistance < abs(imag(m_zr-pdcomplex)) pdistance = abs(imag(m_zr-pdcomplex)) endif endif endif complex tx = m_TrapShape.GetTransformedPoint() if @shapeflavor == 1 pdistance = pdistance + cabs(tx) endif fdTransfer.SetTransformed(tx) fdTransfer.SetUnTransformed(m_zr) pdistance = fTransfer.Iterate(pdistance) pdistance = fdTransfer.Iterate(pdistance) if @v_imagetraps < 101 m_img = new @f_image(0) m_empty = m_img.GetEmpty() endif color pcolor = @colorempty if @v_imagetraps >= 101 if @f_trapcolor == ColorTrapNoColor m_empty = true else pcolor = m_TrapColor.Iterate(m_zr) m_empty = false endif else if !m_empty complex m_zi = (0,1)^(@iangle/90.0) complex m_zs = (0,1)^(@sangle/90.0) complex pzrs = pz ; offset if !@itile pzrs = pzrs+@ioffset endif ; aspect ratio pzrs = real(pzrs) + flip(imag(pzrs)*@iaspect) ; rotation pzrs = pzrs*m_zi ; skew pzrs = real(pzrs)*m_zs + flip(imag(pzrs)) float width = m_img.getWidth() float height = m_img.getHeight() if @itile pzrs = (pzrs+#width/2+flip(#height/2))*@scale*#width complex c = @adjx-2*((real(pzrs) % (width-1))/width) + \ flip(@adjy-2*((imag(pzrs) % (height-1))/height)) pcolor = m_img.getColor(c) else pcolor = m_img.getColor(pzrs*@scale) endif else pcolor = @colorempty endif endif float ptexture = 0 if !@p_textureposttransform ; ptexture = m_TrapTexture.Iterate(m_zr) ptexture = m_TrapTexture.Iterate(pz) if @texflavor == 1 ptexture = cabs(m_trapTexture.GetTransformedPoint()) elseif @texflavor == 2 ptexture = ptexture + cabs(m_trapTexture.GetTransformedPoint()) endif ptexture = ptexture*@p_texturestrength else ptexture = m_TrapShape.GetTextureValue() ptexture = ptexture + m_TrapTexture.Iterate(tx) ptexture = (ptexture + m_TrapTexture.GetTextureValue()) * @p_texturestrength endif if @weighttodist && (@f_traptexture != DMJ_TrapShapeFlat) ptexture = ptexture/(@dweight + 1/(1e-10+pdistance^@dpower)) endif if @weighttothresh && (@f_traptexture != DMJ_TrapShapeFlat) ptexture = ptexture*((@p_Threshold-pdistance)/@p_Threshold)^@tpower if ptexture < 0 ptexture = 0 endif endif if !fTransform.IsSolid() m_ImageTrapMode.Iterate(m_zr, tx, pdistance,ptexture,pcolor) else m_ImageTrapMode.IterateSilent() endif else fTransform.IterateSilent() m_TrapShape.IterateSilent() fTransfer.IterateSilent() fdTransfer.IterateSilent() m_ImageTrapMode.IterateSilent() m_TrapTexture.IterateSilent() endif endfunc ; call in the final section of the ucl to get final coloring results. color func Result(complex pz) m_ImageTrapMode.Result() color final_color = m_ImageTrapColoring.CResult(m_ImageTrapMode) if @v_imagetraps >= 102 && @v_imageTraps < 105 if @ahue final_color = hsla(hue(final_color), sat(final_color), lum(final_color), \ hue(final_color)) elseif @alum final_color = hsla(hue(final_color), sat(final_color), lum(final_color), \ lum(final_color)) elseif @asat final_color = hsla(hue(final_color), sat(final_color), lum(final_color), \ sat(final_color)) endif endif if @v_imageTraps >= 105 if @ahue final_color = hsla(hue(final_color), sat(final_color), lum(final_color), \ hue(final_color)*alpha(final_color/6)) endif if @alum final_color = hsla(hue(final_color), sat(final_color), lum(final_color), \ lum(final_color)*alpha(final_color)) endif if @asat final_color = hsla(hue(final_color), sat(final_color), lum(final_color), \ sat(final_color)*alpha(final_color)) endif endif color merge_color = gradient(m_ImageTrapColoring.Result(m_ImageTrapMode)) m_Solid = @usesolid && m_ImageTrapMode.IsSolid() float opacity = 0 color temp = rgba(0,0,0,0) if @nmerge == 1 || m_empty temp = merge_color merge_color = final_color final_color = temp endif if !m_empty opacity = @opacity else opacity = 1 endif color rcolor = m_MergeColor.FullMerge(merge_color, final_color, opacity) if @v_imageTraps >= 105 float br = (0.5-@p_bright)*2 int sign = 0 if br < 0 sign = -1 else sign = 1 endif br = br^2*sign float cr = (@p_contrast-0.5)*2 if cr < 0 sign = -1 else sign = 1 endif cr = cr^2*sign+1 float st = (0.5-@p_sat)*2 if st < 0 sign = -1 else sign = 1 endif st = st^2*sign*2 float hu = @p_hue*6 float rd = red(rcolor)-br float gr = green(rcolor)-br float bl = blue(rcolor)-br if rd > 1 rd = 1 endif if gr > 1 gr = 1 endif if bl > 1 bl = 1 endif if rd < 0 rd = 0 endif if gr < 0 gr = 0 endif if bl < 0 bl = 0 endif rcolor = rgba(rd,gr,bl,alpha(rcolor)) rd = red(rcolor)^cr gr = green(rcolor)^cr bl = blue(rcolor)^cr rcolor = rgba(rd,gr,bl,alpha(rcolor)) float satval = sat(rcolor)-st if satval > 1 satval = 1 endif if satval < 0 satval = 0 endif rcolor = hsla(hue(rcolor), satval, lum(rcolor), alpha(rcolor)) float hueval = (hue(rcolor)+hu) % 6 rcolor = hsla(hueval, sat(rcolor), lum(rcolor), alpha(rcolor)) endif if @p_poster float rd = floor(red(rcolor)*@p_chan)/@p_chan + 0.5/@p_chan float gr = floor(green(rcolor)*@p_chan)/@p_chan + 0.5/@p_chan float bl = floor(blue(rcolor)*@p_chan)/@p_chan + 0.5/@p_chan rcolor = rgba(rd,gr,bl,alpha(rcolor)) endif if @p_gray float gry = 0.3 * red(rcolor)+ 0.59 * green(rcolor) + 0.11 * blue(rcolor) rcolor = rgba(gry,gry,gry,alpha(rcolor)) endif if @p_solar float rd = red(rcolor) float gr = green(rcolor) float bl = blue(rcolor) if rd > @p_thresh rd = 1-rd endif if gr > @p_thresh gr = 1-gr endif if bl > @p_thresh bl = 1-bl endif rcolor = rgba(rd,gr,bl,alpha(rcolor)) endif if @p_bw float gry = 0.3 * red(rcolor)+ 0.59 * green(rcolor) + 0.11 * blue(rcolor) if gry < @p_bwt rcolor = rgba(0,0,0,alpha(rcolor)) else rcolor = rgba(1,1,1,alpha(rcolor)) endif endif return rcolor endfunc ; Is the coloring solid? - used by the coloring ucl. bool func IsSolid() return m_Solid endfunc protected: Generator m_TrapSelect TrapShape m_TrapShape UserTransform fTransform Transfer fTransfer TransferDistanceVariants fDTransfer ImageTrapMode m_ImageTrapMode ImageTrapColoring m_ImageTrapColoring TrapShape m_TrapTexture ImageImport m_img ColorTrap m_TrapColor DefaultColorMerge m_MergeColor int m_image_width int m_image_height float m_ratio bool m_empty float m_TrapSelectSequence default: title = "Image Traps" int param v_imagetraps caption = "Version (Image Traps)" default = 105 hint = "This version parameter is used to detect when a change has been made to the formula that is incompatible with the previous version. When that happens, this field will reflect the old version number to alert you to the fact that an alternate rendering is being used." visible = @v_imagetraps < 105 endparam heading text = "This coloring formula combines classical orbit traps with color \ objects, including images." endheading float param version caption = "version parameter" default = 1.0 visible = false endparam heading caption = "Trap Parameters" endheading Generator param f_trapselect caption = "Trap Iteration" default = DMJ_TrapSelect expanded = false endparam float param p_trapselectthreshold caption = "Threshold" default = 0.5 hint = "When using a Generator other than a TrapSelect type, values could range anywhere from 0 to 1. This threshold sets which values will be interpreted as 'do not trap' and which will be interpreted as 'trap'." visible = (@f_trapselect != DMJ_TrapSelect) endparam UserTransform param transform caption = "Trap Position" default = TrapTransformMod expanded = false hint = "Transforms the orbit values from the fractal formula before they \ are passed to the trap shape." endparam TrapShape param f_trapshape caption = "Trap Shape" default = REB_TrapShapeBifolium endparam param shapeflavor caption = "Shape flavor" default = 0 enum = "flavor 1" "flavor 2" endparam param dtype caption = "Distance metric" default = 3 enum = "Bray Curtis" "Canberra" "Chebychev" "Euclidian" \ "Manhattan" "Minkovsky" visible = @v_imagetraps >= 103 endparam complex param mp caption = "Manhattan power" default = (1,1) visible = @v_imagetraps >= 103 && @dtype == "Manhattan" endparam float param ex caption = "Minkovsky param" default = 0.5 visible = @v_imagetraps >= 103 && @dtype == "Minkovsky" endparam Transfer param transfer caption = "Trap Transfer" expanded = false default = TrapTransfer hint = "Provides additional options to scale and transform the distance \ that the trap shape returns." endparam TransferDistanceVariants param dtransfer caption = "Custom Transfer" expanded = false default = TransferDistanceVariants hint = "Provides additional options to scale and transform the distance \ that the trap shape returns." endparam ImageTrapMode param f_trapmode caption = "Trap Mode" default = ImageTrapModeClosest endparam float param p_threshold caption = "Trap Threshold" default = 0.25 hint = "This is the overall size or thickness of the trap area. (Some trap modes may not use the threshold value.)" visible = (@f_trapmode == ImageTrapModeWithThreshold) endparam float param p_athreshold caption = "Alpha Threshold" default = 0.0 hint = "This is the overall size or thickness of the trap area. (Some trap modes may not use the threshold value.)" visible = (@f_trapmode == ImageTrapModeWithThreshold) endparam bool param usesolid caption = "Use Solid Color" default = false endparam TrapShape param f_traptexture caption = "Trap Texture" default = DMJ_TrapShapeFlat expanded = false hint = "A trap shape that is used as a texture. Textures do not change the shape of the trap but may change its coloring." endparam bool param p_textureposttransform caption = "Use Transformed Coordinate" default = false hint = "If checked, texturing will be based on the final transformed coordinate used in the trap shape (i.e. it will follow the trap shape, rather than being separate from it)." visible = (@f_traptexture != DMJ_TrapShapeFlat) endparam bool param weighttodist caption = "Weight by Distance" default = false visible = !@weighttothresh && (@f_traptexture != DMJ_TrapShapeFlat) endparam bool param weighttothresh caption = "Weight by Threshold" default = false visible = !@weighttodist && (@f_traptexture != DMJ_TrapShapeFlat) endparam float param p_texturestrength caption = "Texture Amount" default = 0.0 hint = "Sets the overall amount of texture to be used. Larger numbers will increase the effect of the texture. A value of 0 will remove the effects of the texture." visible = (@f_traptexture != DMJ_TrapShapeFlat) endparam float param dweight caption = "Distance weight" default = 1.0 visible = @weighttodist && (@f_traptexture != DMJ_TrapShapeFlat) endparam float param dpower caption = "Distance power" default = 1.0 visible = @weighttodist && (@f_traptexture != DMJ_TrapShapeFlat) endparam float param tpower caption = "Threshold power" default = 1.0 visible = @weighttothresh && (@f_traptexture != DMJ_TrapShapeFlat) endparam param texflavor caption = "Texture flavor" default = 0 enum = "flavor 1" "flavor 2" "flavor 3" visible = (@f_traptexture != DMJ_TrapShapeFlat)&& !@p_textureposttransform endparam ImageTrapColoring param f_trapcoloring caption = "Trap Color Mode" default = ImageTrapColoringDistance endparam heading caption = "Images and Colorings" endheading ColorTrap param f_trapcolor caption = "Colors" default = ColorTrapNoColor expanded = false hint = "A trap shape that is used as a color or pattern." visible = @v_imagetraps >= 101 endparam ImageImport param f_image caption = "Image" default = ImageImport visible = @v_imagetraps < 101 endparam float param scale caption = "Image scale" default = 1 min = 0 hint = "Changes the scale of the image." visible = @v_imagetraps < 101 endparam float param adjx caption = "Tile adj x" default = 0.99 min = 0.9 max = 1.1 visible = @v_imagetraps < 101 endparam float param adjy caption = "Tile adj y" default = 0.999 min = 0.9 max = 1.1 visible = @v_imagetraps < 101 endparam complex param ioffset caption = "Image offset" default = (0,0) visible = !@itile && @v_imagetraps < 101 endparam float param iaspect caption = "Image aspect" default = 1.0 visible = @v_imagetraps < 101 endparam float param iangle caption = "Image rotation" default = 0 hint = "Rotates the image" visible = @v_imagetraps < 101 endparam float param sangle caption = "Image skew" default = 0 hint = "Skews the image" visible = @v_imagetraps < 101 endparam bool param itile caption = "Tile the image" default = false visible = @v_imagetraps < 101 endparam color param colorempty caption = "No Image Color" default = rgba(1,1,1,0) visible = @f_trapcolor == ColorTrapNoColor endparam heading caption = "Color Merging" endheading DefaultColorMerge param f_colormerge caption = "Color Merge" default = DefaultColorMerge endparam param nmerge caption = "Merge order" default = 0 enum = "Image on Top" "Image on Bottom" endparam float param opacity caption = "Merge Opacity" default = 1.0 endparam heading text = "Make image transparent by: " visible = @v_imagetraps >= 102 && @f_trapcolor != ColorTrapNoColor endheading bool param ahue caption = "Hue value" default = false visible = ((@v_imagetraps >= 102 && @v_imagetraps < 105 && !@alum && !@asat) || \ @v_imagetraps >= 105) && @f_trapcolor != ColorTrapNoColor endparam bool param alum caption = "Luminance value" default = false visible = ((@v_imagetraps >= 102 && @v_imagetraps < 105 && !@ahue && !@asat) || \ @v_imagetraps >= 105) && @f_trapcolor != ColorTrapNoColor endparam bool param asat caption = "Saturation value" default = false visible = ((@v_imagetraps >= 102 && @v_imagetraps < 105 && !@alum && !@ahue) || \ @v_imagetraps >= 105) && @f_trapcolor != ColorTrapNoColor endparam heading caption = "Special Effects" endheading float param p_bright caption = "Brightness" default = 0.5 min = 0 max = 1 visible = @v_imagetraps >= 105 endparam float param p_contrast caption = "Contrast" default = 0.5 min = 0 max = 1 visible = @v_imagetraps >= 105 endparam float param p_sat caption = "Saturation" default = 0.5 min = 0 max = 1 visible = @v_imagetraps >= 105 endparam float param p_hue caption = "Hue" default = 0.0 min = 0 max = 1 visible = @v_imagetraps >= 105 endparam bool param p_gray caption = "Grayscale" default = false endparam bool param p_solar caption = "Solarize" default = false endparam float param p_thresh caption = "Threshold" default = 0.5 visible = @p_solar endparam bool param p_poster caption = "Posterize" default = false endparam int param p_chan caption = "Colors per channel" default = 4 min = 2 visible = @p_poster endparam bool param p_bw caption = "Black and White" default = false endparam float param p_bwt caption = "Threshold" default = 0.5 min = 0 max = 1 visible = @p_bw endparam }
Constructor Summary | |
REB_ImageTrapsColoring(Generic pparent)
constructor |
Method Summary | |
void |
Init(complex pz,
complex ppixel)
Initialize the coloring formula |
boolean |
Is the coloring solid? - used by the coloring ucl. |
void |
Iterate(complex pz)
call for each iterated point |
color |
Result(complex pz)
call in the final section of the ucl to get final coloring results. |
Methods inherited from class common:Coloring |
GetPixel, IsGradient |
Methods inherited from class common:Generic |
GetParent |
Methods inherited from class Object |
Constructor Detail |
public REB_ImageTrapsColoring(Generic pparent)
public REB_ImageTrapsColoring()
Method Detail |
public void Init(complex pz, complex ppixel)
in class DirectColoring
- first value for the sequence; for a normal coloring formula, this will be #zppixel
- seed value for the sequence; for a normal coloring formula, this will be #pixelpublic void Iterate(complex pz)
in class DirectColoring
- next value in the sequence; corresponds to #z in a coloring formulapublic color Result(complex pz)
in class DirectColoring
public boolean IsSolid()
in class DirectColoring